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Tapes without them ever actually having to do so. Weve talked about this on the show before. It was called the stennis compromise to avoid releasing the tapes, nixon offered the special prosecutor a deal. The white house would not hand over the tapes but they would listen to the tapes themselves, type up written summaries of what they said was on the tapes and then they would cross your heart, pinky swear they were accurate and there was nothing else damming on the tapes at all and in case you were a coldhearted scenical jerk and wouldnt take president nixons word for it, well, for you cynics there would be a verification process, a pronixon senator named senator john stennis would personally, individual listen to the tapes. He would compare the tapes with the written summaries that have been drawn up by the Nixon White House and senator stennis would personally sign off attributing, right . He would listen to them. You could use his own integrity to tell whether those written summaries were accurate. He would attest to their accuracy. And that was an absolutely ridiculous offer from the Nixon White House. Not only was it a rude goldberg contraption of the tapes being made and played and transcribed and summarized and listened to again and verified and signed off on by this other dude but in addition to all of that, senator john stennis, the key value di n for this process was deaf. He wouldnt be able to validate the auditory accuracy of any of those tapes. The stennis compromise was offered, special prosecutor said yeah, no and nixon responded by firing the special prosecutor and that was the saturday night massacre. He couldnt fire him directly so he ordered the attorney general to. He gave the same order to the Deputy Attorney general who said no and fired the Deputy Attorney general. Ultimately, it was the say lige. Nixon believed his own sales pitch and the compromise was a reasonable, generous offer from him that the country would absolutely be on his side in this stand off. Look what ive offered. How can they say no to that . That is not how the country received it. The saturday night massacre got the country up in arms. The whole thing blew up, both sides of the isle. Ultimately a new special prosecutor was elected. New special prosecutor maintained the insistence on getting the actual tapes. The courts agreed. Nixon had to hand them over and that was the end. In the Washington Post tonight. Carol has the scoop. President trumps lawyers sent over to special counsel Robert Muellers Office Written summaries of their own. Quote, president trumps attorneys have provided the special counsels office with written descriptions that chronicle key moments by the special counsel. The written materials include summaries of internal white house memos and contemporaneous correspondents about events mueller is investigating including the oysters of mike flynn and james kcomey. It does not include the personal version of events but a narrative of the white house view. Trumps lawyers hope this evidence eliminates the need to ask the president about some of these episodes. Raise your hand if this will make this problem go away. Not just be delighted, they will be absolutely satisfied to receive written narratives from the white house russia lawyers providing their perspective under investigation. I mean, give him credit how many other options do they have . The reason the president s lawyers are trying to do this is obvious to the point of beiinin emphatic. Trumps legal team shared the documents to e limit any section and part of an effort by trumps lawyers to minimize the exposure to the special counsel. This gambit is quote in hopes of curtailing the scoop of a president ial interview. I bet. The president s lawyers are clearly paddling as fast as they can here but they will only be able to steer this for so long. You will recall the president s lawyers assured him the investigation would be wrapped up by thanksgiving, as in thanksgiving last year. When we rolled straight through thanksgiving and that wasnt true, he said it would definitely be done by christmas and said we would be done by the new year, when that didnt happen, january 8th is when the president s lawyers first floated the idea that instead of the president answering questions from special counsel mueller, instead the president would just sign an affidavit affirming that he is innocent of all charges. See, the legal part of that is he would sign it. He would put his name on it. Thats all you need. Thats an assurance of innocence. The president s lawyer suggested the sworn affidavit from the president asserting innocence should be enough to satisfy the special counsel. If that wouldnt be satisfying enough, they suggested well how about the special counsel could submit questions in writing and then the president s lawyers could write up some answers and send those back . That unsurprisingly also did not make the special counsel go away. Just a week and a half ago, they came up with another gambit to have the president do a very limited interview with muellers team where he wouldnt have to answer any detailed questions at all, he could just speak to any general questions they might have. Okay. And in exchange for that generous offer, the special counsel would agree for his part that he would give up the whole thing in 60 days, end the whole investigation within 60 days. So that gambit week and a half ago didnt go anywhere, either. So now tonight the president s lawyers have apparently tried this written gambit. Well see how that goes. They seem like they are running out of options to offer. One house advisor concedes to carol they believe they are running into crunch time. The New York Times reported that the trump organization, president trumps business has received a subpoena from the mueller investigation. The president himself already betrayed to reporters that he would well, that this is a sensitive subject for him. He previously said to the times any investigation into his business and his Business Finances is something he would see as a violation by the special counsel. We also now know that muellers investigators sent to the president s russia lawyers the first round of topics and questions they intend to discuss with the president in his interview. And you know maybe the president s lawyers are right and muellers prosecutors will be fully satisfied with just getting written descriptions of events from the perspective of white house lawyers in response to those but that would be a surprise if they were okay with that. Last week, the New York Times was also first to report a new lawyer would be joining the president s roster in the russia scandal at this late date. The times reported that veteran washington lawyer emmett. Flood was in discussions to join the president s team and the president denied that report saying not only he wasnt hiring emmett. Flood but anybody. The failing New York Times wrote a false story stating im unhappy with my legal team and ill add another lawyer to help out. Wrong. I am very happy with my daughters john dowd, ty cobb and jay sekulow. The white house confirmed the president is adding a new lawyer to the russia team. Well actually have a little more on him coming up in the show tonight. This does feel like crunch time. At least it feels like cages are being rattled all at once. The president fired Rex Tillerson and coincidentally or not, that firing came Tuesday Morning just hours after tillerson made his first ever sharply critical comments about russia. The white house has pushed a false timeline of tillersons firing to make it appear that he was fired sometime before his russia comments going so far as to also fire the number four official at the state department who put out an accurate statement about when in fact tillerson was fired, which was hours after his russia remarks. Cnn also reports that embassies around the world and other state Department Officials were ordered explicitly to not retweet or acknowledge the true statement about when exactly tillerson was fired. So something rattled them there. Then late on friday night, just after i got off the air like 30 seconds after i got off the air, the Deputy Director of the fbi was fired Andrew Mccabe. If there is any doubt whether that firing was related to the russia scandal, the president os lawyer john dowd released a statement to the daily beast saying rod rosen stein should follow the example and bring an end to the alleged russia investigation. Mcelderccabes statement about firing friday night contended this is related to russia. He contends in the lengthy statement his ouster is an effort to discredit him as a witness to the firing of fbi director james comey which all sides agree is a key area of focus and investigation by the muellers team. So i mean, it does sort of feel like were in crunch time. It feels like the white house is rattled and it feels like they are taking increasingly erratic action. And now in the midst of that, the president s lawyers and muellers lawyers going headtohead and firing in at least one of the cases, a false cover story about the firing, this hard turn by the president and his lead russia lawyer this weekend to start attacking Robert Mueller and the special counsels office directly in the crunch time, now today there is a new thing that is going crunch. What is the expertise of the deep digging you can do to make sure that the people know the true identity and secrets of these people . We do a lot more than that. I mean, deep digging is interesting. To be effective can be just to go and speak to the incoupumben and to offer them a deal thats too good to be true and make sure its video recorded. These sorts of tactics are effective instantly having Video Evidence of corruption on the internet. And the operative you would use for this is who . Somebody new to us. Well have a wealthy development come in, someone posing as a wealthy developer. A monster in disguise. They will offer a large amount of money to the candidate to finance his campaign in which change for land, for instance. Well have the whole thing recorded on cameras. So on facebook or youtube or Something Like this . Girls around to the candidates house. We have lots of history. For example, many are using the girls to introduce to the media and using the girls for this seduction . Not local girls . I wouldnt have thought so. Just an idea. Bring them in for the holiday with us. There are very beautiful ukrainian girls. They are beautiful. It works very well. They are very beautiful. I find the ukrainian girls trick works very, very well. The english gentleman on the right side of your screen for most of the tape explaining that tactic is the ceo of cambridge. Its the data firm for the Trump Campaign. They are a british firm that opened a u. S. Shell company with money from republican mega donor robert muercer. One of the easiest things to forget is who was affiliated with who before trump started winning. Robert mercer and his web of companies and donations, they didnt initially support trump. He initially supported ted cruz in the primary. Thats why there are funny clips you can get on youtube of Kellyanne Conway criticizing trump because Kellyanne Conway was associated with the Mercer Family and their web of entities and donations and they were initially not for trump. When it became clear ted cruz would lose to donald trump, the whole mercer operation switched. This happened around the time when it came time for Paul Manafort to fade book into the background because of his shady relationships with prorussian oligarchs and political factions. At that time, ted cruz took his fight to the convention but then trump was triumph and manafort gets ousted and mergers stepped in and installed Kellyanne Conway and steve bannon at the top and brought on cambridge analyitca. Its interesting, though. Just a few months before that happened in december 2015, the Guardian Newspaper in britain reported that Cambridge Analyticas work had something rotten at the center of it. They were supporting ted cruz and appeared to be using millions of facebook profiles that had effectively been stolen off facebook without the users consent. It was a Minor Campaign controversy at the time. Facebook wasnt too bothered by the reporting. They took quite a few months until late 2016 before they even bothered anybody about it. A new whistle blower who is the former Research Director has come forward to the New York Times to the guardian and britains channel 4 saying he was contacted in august 2016, right before the 2016 election, contacted august 2016 by facebook when they sent him a notification telling him that he and Cambridge Analytica needed to delete the data. He said they didnt delete the data and it didnt matter because facebook never checked to see if they did. What cambridge does is works on creating a web of this Information Online so that people start going down the rabbit hole of clicking on blogs, websites, et cetera that make them think certain things are happening that might not be. They were meeting with corey n lieu we. Cambridge analytica was found on data of at least 15 million facebook users and i want to bring attention to that so people understand their data has been used improperly by this company that has also been, you know, in talks with Russian Oil Companies that was using a psychologist who is going back and forth between london and russia who is also working on projects that were funded by russian funds in russia on profiling people and their personalities so i think its really important for americans to know what this company is doing with their data and its really important to find out was this data used to help elect donald trump. Thats the former Research Director at Cambridge Analytica. He made reference to a Russian Oil Company. Thats about this company, lukoil that turned up in the past in russian influence operations overseas. One famous example is the Czech Republic with a prorussian president in the Czech Republic found himself in financial trouble and this random Russian Oil Company stepped into rescue him and pay legal fees. Lukoil is sanctioned by u. S. Law because of it. One of the things that the former Research Director Christopher Wiley is saying is in 2014 and 2015 they met with executives from lukoil specifically to give them detailed briefings on how data was used to target American Voters. Quote, Christopher Wiley who helped develop the companys voter profiling technology said lukoil showed interest how they used data. I remember being super confused. I kept asking Alexander Nicks what do they want . Were sending them stuff about political targeting. They come and ask more about political targeting. As to the way cambridge got access to the 50 million facebook users which is what this whistle blower says the operation was based on. According to the guardian and observer, they obtained that information by partnering with a professor at Cambridge University in england. He was able to obtain that data from facebook for academic purposes but made a business deal with cambridge where he handed it on to them for them to use it in their businessme. According to the guardian he was an associate professor at st. Petersburg in russia taken russian government grants. Online posts showed professor lex to lecturing. Cambridge analytica is known to do pot llitical work for the kremlin and target and influence American Voters and how that works. Why do they need that information . We learned that Cambridge Analytica obtains it from a russian researcher who is working at cambridge. But its also simultaneously doing work for the russian government. We know from separate reporting that during the campaign whaile the Trump Campaign was paying 6 million for the data, they were in touch with wikileaks by russian government hackers to inflict maximum political harm and cambridge contacted them to see if they could help without with that. Now, a whistle blower is deeply involved in the data operations of that company has come forward and handed over to britains crime agency cybercrime unit a dossier of email, invoices, contracts and Bank Transfers from his time at the company. He says hes basically driven by guilt. The british Prime Minister says she supports an investigation into the company. The information commissioner, the prosecutor and privacy issue is seeking a warrant to get their databases and servers, the European Union says they are interested in starting an investigation here. At least one state attorney general in massachusetts says she is, too, potentially looking at this as a criminal matter here in the United States. The president and his legal team have thus far come up with one legal argument to prove there was no conspiracy or collaboration between the russia effort to help elect donald trump and Donald Trumps Campaign Effort trying to do the same thing. So far their legal argument is them saying in all capital letters with exclamation points at the end, no collusion, no collusion and i know it feels like everything is happening all at once but were about to find out if that complex legal argument from them met its match. Crunch time indeed. At t gives you more for your thing. Your metime thing. That sunday night date night with hbo allllllll night thing. bickering. mom that island without men or children would be nice to visit thing. Buy at t unlimited and get hbo included. 40 per line for four lines. More for your thing. Thats our thing. We know that when youre spending time with the grandkids every minute counts. And you dont have time for a cracked windshield. 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It has to happen without anyone thinking thats propaganda because the moment you think thats propaganda, the next question is put that out. We started today with the reports about the Trump Campaigns data firm. The campaign while donald trump was running for president. In 2014, Cambridge Analytica harvested complicated extensive personal data from tens of millions of americans who didnt know they were handing that kind of information over. According ochoto a new whistle blower was basically the core of the data business and democrat Amy Klobuchar say they want tech ceos on capitol hill answering questions directly. The republican chair of the committee wrote back to senators klobuchar and kennedy saying he would take their request undered a under advicement. Joining us is amy cleklobuchar. Thank you for your time tonight. Thanks, rachel. What concerns you most in the revelatio revelations . Of course, its the elections and democracy. We have an election less than 300 days away. We have to make sure our election infrastructure is safe. Well get money for the states in this budget. Ive been working really hard on that to get back to paper ballots, things like that and the second is what youve been talking about so well the first few minutes of this show and that is this propaganda and things that are coming into peoples facebook pages and their data where in fact weve learned now things that they thought were safe werent safe. 50 Million People in america have now had their data basically breached and i me they dont like that were breached but the last time i checked if someone broke into my apartment with a crowbar, it would be same as if the apartment manager give them a key and let them in and take stuff. In this case they have taken their facebook friends, they have taken their addresses, things like that and then we find out that they gave it basically, we believe, to a campaign and there are all kinds of potential legal violations here. The first and foremost is cambridge anaylitca itself and how that works with the Trump Campaign and is that truly the value, a couple Million Dollars compared to what i think someone said maybe 100 million in value. Thats a potential major election violation. Then you have facebook itself in 2011 signed a consent degree with the ftc because of privacy issues and said they paid 40,000 for each individual violation. So this is just the beginning of what i consider a focus on what we need to focus on and that is the privacy of the data and new rules of the road because it can operate like the wald weild wes how we protect elections and make sure the people that did this are held responsible. Do you feel like the Tech Companies here are more the scene of the crime or more the get away driver . I feel like they want to show themselves as innocent bystanders but comported themselves with according to the rules they set fourth for users and according with the law and if people use their platforms, thats too bad but it doesnt have anything to do with them. You know, these are some of the most Brilliant Companies in america run by brilliant people with really smart things they have done. We love putting up the clips from your shows, recipes you name it. They have basically built a product with no alarm system and no locks on the windows and big surprise the bad guys got in. When you have a company thats worth like 500 billion, i think you have to take some of that money they are going to have to put it big time into protecting the security of the data and i think some rules have to be set in place by congress. We have to stop pretending that this is just about cat videos. This got to the core of our democracy with a foreign country actually buying ads in rubles and sending out propaganda and targeting americans that didnt know their pro vifiles and datas been stolen. Senator Amy Klobuchar, i live in hope with him saying taking this under adviceadvicement. What the senator said and gets peoples attention. The ceos of facebook and dwskan and twitter to come forward and answer this stuff in the stock market today. The hit to facebook in light of the scandal was massive. Facebook lost tens of billions of dollars in valuation today with the hit their stock took on this scandal. Stay with us. Hi, im bob harper, and i recently had a heart attack. It changed my life. But im a survivor. After my heart attack, my doctor prescribed brilinta. Its for people who have been hospitalized for a heart attack. Brilinta is taken with a lowdose aspirin. No more than 100 milligrams as it affects how well brilinta works. 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After he was fired he wrote down what happened between him and the president in detail and crucially he also told other Senior Leadership at the fbi what had happened. He listed several senior officials he told at the time about what was happening. Those are therefore people who can provide corroborating evidence of what the president did in his conversations with james comey. Ever since james comey listed those officials, weve been watching one by one as the corroborating witnesses have been attacked and sidelined by the president and allies. There was jim rybicki under comey and chris ray this year he announced he was out. That followed republicans in Congress Taking shots at rybicki and the general counsel of the fbi james baker that remains at the fbi but reassigned to a job and responsibilities nobody can name. The president is taking shots at jim baker and of course, there is Andrew Mccabe, the president denounced for months and getting retired out of the fbi at the ripe old age of 49 until Jeff Sessions pyfired him late frida night. It looks like a coordinated attempt to discredit not just james kcomey but the witnesses o corroborate his account and interactions with president trump. All the time weve been reporting this, nonof the witnesses have spoken publicly about this and confirmed what this looks like from the outside is what it feels like and looks like from the inside until now. There is this blistering statement that was just released by Andrew Mccabe after he was fired on friday night. It says in part quote here is the reality. Im being singled out and treated because of the role i played, the actions i took and events i witnessed in the aftermath of the firing of james comey. The release of this report was accelerated after my testimony to the House Intelligence Committee revealed i would corroborate former director comeys account of his discussions with the president. President trump unleashed an avalanche of tweets attacking mccabe and comey and miller and his russia lawyer john dowed called for the special counsel investigation to be shut down and lit knee of vents that followed the firing of the fbi director story was sobering and is that a potential obstruction of justice. We have somebody very smart to talk with us about it. That is next. Stay with us. For all the noses that stuff up around pets. Theres flonase sensimist. It relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. Gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea can start in the colon and may be signs of an imbalance of good bacteria. Only Phillips Colon Health has this unique combination of probiotics. It helps replenish good bacteria. Get fourinone symptom defense. We the people. Are defined by the things we share. And the ones we love. Who never stop wondering what well do or where well go next. We the people who are Better Together than we are alone. Are unstoppable. Welcome to the entirely new expedition. Joining us now is neal. I want to talk about the Andrew Mccabe firing. There was drama to the timing, testi 26 hours later mr. Mccabe would have qualified for his pension. What is your top line reaction to the firing and how important do you think it is . A horrible decision by the president of the United States. President s are always tempted to weigh in on criminal investigations or Disciplinary Procedures but they dont. There is a red line they dont want to cross for a simple reason, there is a process in place to discipline and that requires extensive review, thoroughness, investigation and secrecy. The president has none of the facts but months ago called for mccabes firing and no surprise someone like sessions who is not someone with a spine, you know, is going to listen to that and then say im going to fire mccabe. On the involvement of sessions here, this was the attorney generals decision but colored by the fact the president not only called for mccabe to be fired but singled out the fact he would qualify for a pension. The attorney general is recused from all matters related to any investigations stemming from the 2016 campaign or related to Hillary Clintons emails or the clinton foundation. The basis of this action against mccabe was reportedly related to investigations that related to hillary clinton. How could the attorney general have taken this action . Its a bogus recuse. The fundamental all is you have some conflict of interest. Something that says you cant investigate. If you can discipline the folks who are investigating, that isfectively doing the same thing. Remember who mccabe is, hes the director of the fbi running part of the investigation and a witness in the investigation on trump. If you ask yourself in my fair city of washington d. C. Who had the most to gain from the firing of Andrew Mccabe, there is one person that comes to mind and that is donald trump. You mention him as a witness to the firing. Thats the original drama here on not the issue of collusion but obstruction of justice. If the president tried to pressure james comey into getting rid of the investigation and laying off mike flynn. If he fired james comey because he wanted relief of the pressure of the investigation, there is evidence for, there is this matter of how comey documented those interactions with the president. Andrew mccabe is one of the people privy to those contemporaneous remarks by james comey showing him the memo and talk about what happened. Other season your fbi officials appear to have fallen off cliffs in terms of their career. Is there reason to worry that systematically the corroborating witnesses are being taken out . Totally. Were talking about not joust collaborating witnesses but an investigation into the president of the United States and what hes doing is systematically trying to pick them off, you know you think he is. I dont think there is any doubt thats what is going on when you have a president who months ahead of time calls for mccabes firing. This isnt like he waited for the report, read it thoroughly and investigated and asked questions the way any normal president would. This is someone that rushed to judgment and you have to ask yourself is there selfinterest going on or Something Else . This is a legal matter there is an obvious answer to, i just dont know it because im not a lawyer. That is about interviewing with an investigation, intimidating or tampering with witnesses. If these fbi officials including Andrew Mccabe are important witnesses for the question of obstruction of justice that may potentially be pursued as a criminal matter by the special counsel. When the president picks public fights with those witnesses, he doesnt just potentially maneuver to have them fired by insults them, berates them, makes sure they are publicly huh mi humiliated. It is a mean thing to do but doesnt that establish there ought to be reasonably some personal animosity between the witnesses and president under cutting their ability in a court of law to testify against the president. Thats exactly right which is why in general as a criminal defense lawyer you would tell one of your clients please dont talk to any witness under any circumstance, dont fire them, dont talk to them, move out of their orbit to avoid the accusations. Donald trump has done it openly. Comey, mccabe, baker, all of them. Doing it in secret or public doesnt matter. Obstruction of justice is obstruction of justice and what we have is a scary record of the president engaging in what looks like obstruction of justice. How does that get policed . Is that effort to clear the testimony of a witness to under cut a witnesss credibility. Is that itself obstruction of justice . Is that itself a criminal act . Under cutting a criminal witnesss credibility is not. You testify against me and i have reason to show that you had some credibility problem, no problem but if youre manufacturing that credibility gap on your own by firing someone, creating a conflict where one didnt exist before, thats starting to look really dubious and again, were talking about not an ordinary individual but the president of the quiuni states charged with taking care that constitution and laws be taken and looks like is nothing like that. Former u. S. Acting solicitor general. Thank you for coming in. Appreciate it. Much more ahead tonight. Stay with us. 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And Robert Mueller was investigating the possible elicit flow of money from the united air ofemirates. It was also present at a couple meetings that a couple of campaign folks tried to keep secret one in the seychelles islands. So he was introduced as a new character in this soap opera we all live in. A couple days after that initial report in the New York Times, we learned from the atlantic magazine in 1985, this same george nader was indicted on obscene material featuring underage boys engaged in sexual acts. A 1985 indictment of child porn. A week later. The Associated Press reported that he also served time in prison in the Czech Republic for sexually abusing young boys. The next week it was reported that in 1991, so in between the 85 indictments and the 2003 jail, 1991 nader was convicted in virginia for transporting child porn into this country. Now the documents related to this 1991 conviction had been under seal for years. But then suddenly, on thursday, those records were unsealed and thats how all those reporters were able to write stories about them. Its not unusual for prosecutors to have cooperating witnesses with a criminal history. If there was a rule against that prosecutors would have very few people to rely on to build their cases. But one of George Naders lawyers keeps saying theres something going on here something about trying to stop his client from continuing to cooperate with the special counsel, with Robert Mueller, naders lawyer is calling it, quote, an orchestrated, disgusting scheme by those who are trying to indtimidate mr. Nader into silence. That is interesting. But why is all the press coming out now . We cant know for sure where its all coming from, including previously sealed court documents. Theres one interesting thing here thats worth pointing out. It involves the 1985 indictment against george nader, these were charges later dropped. A court ruled that a search warrant was not properly attained. The prosecutor who tried and failed, who brought those charges and couldnt get a conviction his name was joseph di genova, he was the u. S. Attorney for the District Of Columbia at the time. Guess who just got hired as trumps new russia lawyer in the russia probe, joseph di genova the same guy. The guy who tried but ultimately failed to convict gorge nader on the charges. Hes coming back into the eyes of the white house just as the public is learning all these details about George Naders criminal past. George nader, Robert Muellers cooperating witness. I dont know if its coincidence both of these things are coming to light at the same time. While the president and his lawyers make a hard turn against Robert Mueller and the special counsels office, it is a little bit weird these two things are happening that joseph di genovas life is coming into his life is coming to light in these two different ways at the same time. But Pay Attention if George Naders criminal history starts to become less of a weird side store of the cooperating witness instead fuel it is white houses new offense against the special counsel investigation youll see these two data points as part of the explanation of why. Stay with us. My time is thin, but so is my lawn. Its been worn down to ugly thin grass now theres new scotts thick r lawn, the revolutionary 3in1 solution for weak lawns. With a soil improver to strengthen roots seed to fill in gaps and fertilizer to feed the result, up to a 50 thicker lawn after just one application. Now yard time is our time. This is a scotts yard. Now yard time is our time. vo you can pass down a Subaru Forester. But you get to keep the memories. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. avo get 0 apr financing on all new 2018 Subaru Forester models. Now through april 2nd. Stay with me, mr. Parker. When a critical patient is far from the hospital, the hospital must come to the patient. Stay with me, mr. Parker. The at t network is helping First Responders connect with medical teams in near real time. Stay with me, mr. Parker. Saving time when it matters most. Stay with me, mrs. Parker. Thats the power of and. In washington d. C. Cherry blossoms are a huge deal when they bloom in the spring millions of tourists pour into the capital to see them. Theres endless events to see them. So for organizers to change any part of the festivities is a major effort. This year thats whats happening. The official opening was scheduled for this saturday, saturday the 24th. Saturday is also the march for our lives, the antigun violence rally organized by the survivors of the School Shooting last month in parkland florida. This one is turning out to be a big one. Organizers are expecting hundreds of thousands of people to show up for that and with the Cherry Blossom festival, that would make too many people in the same place at the same time. So that was moved to sunday. The Opening Ceremony of the national Cherry Blossom festival was changed not to accommodate the march for our lives but rather because of concern that guests would have difficulty reaching the venue on pennsylvania avenue. Half a Million People massing will happen saturday and Cherry Blossoms sunday. Now its time for the last word with lawrence odonnell. As soon as i heard about the scheduling of this march, i said to our producers, lets do a friday night show in washington the night before the march. Since then, as you know, the network has planned full day of coverage and ill be doing a saturday night show in washington covering the march. This one i

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