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Tomorrow the president elect will kick off what is apparently going to be a multistate series of Campaign Rallies except theres no more campaign. So maybe its more like a concert tour but without a band . When they first announced plans to do this, people thought maybe that it would be their victory tour . Now they tell us they no longer want us to call it a victory tour. They want us to call it a thank you tour. Okay. Honestly, i dont know what to call it because who knows what this is . In other countries, you have sometimes seen stuff like this. That comparison is not a heartening one. In other countries in other eras of history, strongmen type leaders have liked to hold mass rallies to demonstrate their support among the people and often to intimidate their opposition. Theres no reason to think that that is what president elect trump is starting tomorrow, right . But we honestly do not know what this is for, what it is. Its not apparently about selling a particular idea, trying to get the country on board with any particular proposal. Its not apparently selling a thing at all. Its definitely not a press conference which he hasnt done in four months. This isnt even billed as a peach. Its a trump rally for trump. Because he likes rallies maybe. Were told this one tomorrow in cincinnati will be the first of a whole bunch of these. We checked with president ial historians. Nobody has been able to point us to any previous president select embarking on a series of mass rallies after an election. People have done Public Events on the way to their inauguration and stuff, but just rallies to celebrate their victory . This is new. This is new. President s go out in public. They go tour around the country to sell a thing. To get the country behind an idea. To launch a plan. But just going out to say, Come Celebrate me . This is new. This is a new thing. This is a new thing. And we have to get used to new things. We are learning this year in politics, theres a first time for every ridiculous thing. Meanwhile, though, the new administration is taking shape, and here is part of how you can tell that. This is a stock price that we can see chugging along over the course of this year. This is the stock price for the calendar year starting with First Business day of the year. You see there are ups and downs, chugs along over the course of 2016, but in the end ends up roughly about where it started, roughly about at the beginning of the year. But actually, look at the right side there. Thats actually not the whole calendar year. Look at the end date there. That end date is not today. That actually what was shown there was only ten months of the calendar year. That graph of that stock price ends on november 4th. Lets extend it. Look whats happened. Ooh, look what happens after the first week in november. Look what happens just after election day. Nice for that stock, right . But hold on a second. The end date there still is not all the way there. It doesnt go through to today. Lets extend this one more day. Look what happened to that stock price today. See right at the very end there. Boin boink, see how that goes straight up there at the end . Thats how you know the president elect has gotten the band together and touring around the country again because the president elects administration is really taking shape. The way you can tell that is because that stock graph were looking at there, that is Goldman Sachs. Thats Goldman Sachs stock right now. Why it is doing that . The president elect, of course, picked a Senior Adviser and chief strategist who is from Goldman Sachs. Today he picked a new treasury secretary who is from Goldman Sachs and whose dad was a Goldman Sachs partner, a Second Generation Goldman Sachs guy. News was floated that the deputy to the billionaire banker who was just named commerce secretary, that deputy commerce secretary will also be from Goldman Sachs and for good measure the president elect today personally met with the current president of Goldman Sachs. So yeah. Yeah, Goldman Sachs. In is Goldman Sachs stock now. They hit an eightyear high today. They havent flown this close to the sun since the financial catastrophe of 2 thousand 2008. Good times. My contract with the american sloater beg e voter begins with a plan to end government corruption and to take back our country and to take it back swiftly from the special interests who i know so well. One other interesting announcement today, president elect today also named one of the billionaires from the Ricketts Family to be the deputy to the new billionaire commerce secretary. The Ricketts Family, funny story this, not that long ago they almost single sourced financing behind the president ial campaign of scott walker for president. When Governor Scott walkers president ial Campaign Died a fast and expensive death, the Ricketts Family briefly flirted with going nevertrump. But a very interesting moment in the campaign, donald trump responded by publicly threatening the Ricketts Family against spending money against them. He miss spled their name in the tweet. I hear the rickets family are secretly spending money against me. They better be careful. They have a lot to hide. After trump publicly threatened the Ricketts Family over what they have to hide and spending money against him, after that the Ricketts Family decided that they would spend money to support trump after all. And now one of the billionaire ricketts sons will be deputy secretary of the treasury. And so things are shaping up. The administration is starting to staff up with it top names. Its turning into quite an Employment Program for the nations billionaires. Goldman sachs has taken all of the seats around the table as Goldman Sachs intend ed pleb ed. Plenty of time to take off on a concert tour without a band. We dont know what the donald trump mass rally will be like tomorrow, but the fact that hes doing it is already an unprecedented thing. We really dont know how this goes from here. Watch this space. For lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads. Here or here. Today, theres a new option. Introducing drugfree aleve direct therapy. A tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors offices. Its wireless remote lets you control the intensity, and helps you get back to things like this or this. And back to being yourself. Introducing new aleve direct therapy. Find yours in the pain relief aisle. Give the gift of lower back pain relief. We think we have figured something out tonight that was previously a mystery in our current american politics. Basically about a week after the election there was a decision made by one very important american political figure that really made no sense at the time. Nobody has ever offered an explanation for why he made this unexpected decision, nobody has ever offered any sort of connection to anything else going on in the news, but now we know why he did it. At lease i think i know why he did it. Mystery maybe solved. Thats next. Be solved. Thats next. Aha, i think we have figured out a thing. A previously unexplained and strange thing that nobody had offered up any sort of explanation before now. I think we figured it out. You might remember during the president ial campaign, while the campaign was still happening before the election, the Trump Campaign put new Jersey Governor Chris Christie in charge of what would be the trump transition effort if trump won, then trump won the election and all of a sudden Chris Christie was fired, out. They pushed him out of that job once the transition thing wasnt some theoretical make work busy work job that was never going to come to fruition. Once it became a real thing and a really important thing, christie was out, got rid of him. Who did they put in charge instead . They put in charge of the transition the Vice President elect, mike pence, which im sure was very exciting for mike pence. Also a huge amount of responsibility. Its tons of work. And he was starting late, right . Because they had to undo everything Chris Christie had done and start over. On top of that pence has to get ready for being Vice President as well. Him being put in charge of running the transition, thats a huge, huge, huge deal. Thats why it was weird when we saw this. Mike pence decided to keep his day job as indiana governor. He got named chief of the transition on friday. On monday he said he was staying on as governor. Whats that about . Well, it sounds like the sort of thing you wouldnt do if you were really worried about the amount of work you had to do. It would seem that the sort of thing you really wouldnt have time to do especially because your successor is lined up and ready to go in indiana. Now i think we might know what was going on there. Now i think we might know why mike pence decided to hold on to his job as indiana governor right after he got named chief of the transition. Tomorrow the president elect is going to go to indiana to announce that a Company Called carrier is keeping a thousand jobs in this country that they were going to otherwise ship to mexico. You were seeing tons of headlines about it today. Youll see more tomorrow. During the Campaign Candidate trump, he talked about what an amazing negotiator he was going to be in situations like this with Companies Like carrier. He said it was going to be supereasy once he was president to convince Companies Like that that they should stay in the country because of this one trick he would do once elected. It would be so easy. Were going to lower taxes, keep our companies and if our Companies Want to leave, theyre going to pay a nice big beautiful tax to get their product back in. Okay . Thats whats going to happen. Ive watched as politicians talked about stopping countries from leaving. Trump went on to say that when politicians talked about stopping companies from leaving, theyd say heres a zero interest loan you dont have to pay, heres a tax abatement. Well help you. They have money, they want to move to another country because our politicians are so dumb. They want to sell their products to us and have no consequences and no retribution, thats over. I would love telling some guy, youre not moving. Well, mr. President , sir, wed like to move to mexico. Youre not moving and if you do, youll pay a 35 tax. That Business Owner will say in that case im not moving, im not moving, in that case im not moving, it will be so easy. Thats how trump portrayed dealing with problems like this on the campaign trail. Thats how he would Keep Companies from going to mexico. U wouldnt do all this nonsense about t abatements and offering them loans and incentives and stuff in the tax code. They dont want that. You tell them, you move to mexico, youll pay a 35 tax bringing these products that you make in mexico back into the country. Thats what he specifically said he would do to keep this Company Carrier from taking jobs to mexico. He would tax their products 35 to bring their products back in. Thats what he said he would do. Thats not at all what he has done. And now i think we know why mike pence didnt quit his day job as governor of indiana. Because the way they persuaded this Company Carrier to keep a thousand jobs in indiana was not by doing what trump said he was going to do, was not by threatening carrier with some 35 tax when they wanted to bring those products back into the United States and sell them there. They didnt do that at all. Instead they just gave the company 700,000 in taxpayer money. They just paid them. And thats something you dont have the power to do as president elect. You cant just hand over federal taxpayer money. This wasnt federal taxpayer money that they gave to the company. It was taxpayer money from the state of indiana. And thats why mike pence had to still be governor. Mike pence gave them indiana state taxpayer money. 700,000 in tax incentives. They just paid the company to not move those jobs yet. So trump and pence can get their photo op tomorrow. The money theyre paying them is controlled by a state board in indiana. Its taxpayer money. That state board doesnt have to approve anything through the legislature. Governor pence made himself chair of that board. So its taxpayer money but he gets to spend it as long as hes governor. So as governor and the chair of that board, on december 13th, the next day that board meets, governor pence will get to approve that flatout payment to this company with his states taxpayer money. And thats why he had to not give up his day job so he could make sure he was still governor to make sure that it looked like trump did something that he did do and said he would never do. Trump is like these weak politicians weve got that hand over tax abatements, doesnt even work. Companies dont even want that. Theyre handing over a tax abatement. And because trump doesnt have the power to do that, he had mike pence do it to screw his state. 700,000 in tax incentives free to that company. Thats how they did it. And i think thats why mike pence stayed governor. Tahd tahdah. Thats not going to work for four years. Gaviscon is a proven heartburn remedy that gives you fastacting, longlasting relief. It immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. For fastacting, longlasting relief, try doctorrecommended gaviscon. Bill assumed his mayo was the best choice. Assume nothing. Unlike hellmanns, kraft real mayo spreads on smoother and still has no artificial flavors. No wonder the holidays taste so good. Which is good for me a 200degree range of sight. Hey . And bad for the barkley twins. Take care of all your most important parts with centrum. With our most vitamin d three ever. I love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. People rely on that first cup and i wouldnt want to mess with that. But when my back pain got bad, i couldnt sleep. I had trouble getting there on time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. For pain relief that can last into the morning. Look up at a new day. Hey guys now im back. Aleve pm for a better am. Behold Bahrain National day. Every december the nation of bahrain celebrates the day on which it achieved its independence from britain in 1971. There are fireworks over the desert, there are picnics and music. And because every country gets to celebrate its independence however it wants, in bahrain every year there are people running around in masks writing on cars in shaving cream to celebrate that day. Tahdah. As a country bahrain is best known right now for its terrible human rights record, for its brutal crackdown on an attempted arab spring uprising. But once a year bahrainis who are not being unlawfully imprisoned or shot or tortured, they do get to celebrate Bahrain National day. Its right around the corner. For the Bahrain Embassy in washington every year for Bahrain National day they host a celebration, diplomats and military attaches and washingtons friends of bahrain, they come by invitation only to hobnob with bahraini officials in d. C. And for most o the last few years the reception for bahrain day in d. C. Was held at the ritz carlton hotel. Very nice hotel in washington, d. C. Mostly theyve held these things at the ritz. One year they held it at the four seasons. This year theyve decided on a new venue. This year, a week from today, according to an invitation obtained by politico. Com. This year the Bahrain National Day Celebration in washington, d. C. , is going to be held in a new spot. Its going to be held at Donald Trumps d. C. Hotel because, of course, because why not . I mean, of course, you book your big annual party at the hotel owned by the president elect, wouldnt you . Right . You have to have it somewhere. You like having it at hotels anyway. You go meet with the president elect in the new administration and say, we really enjoyed meeting you at the Bahrain National Day Celebration we held at the ritz. I mean, why not put a little cash in the new president s pockets. Youd be crazy not to if you had the option, right . So Bahrain National day, december 16th, celebrate at the trump hotel. The day before that theres also going to be some interesting news. President elect tweeted this morning that hell hold a major News Conference on december 15th. At that News Conference, hell discuss leaving his business, quote, in total. It is, quote, visually important as president to in no way have a conflict of interest with my various businesses. He says legal documents, quote, are being crafted which take me completely out of business operations. The presidency is a far more important task. Business operations . President elect has already said the way he plans to deal with his business interests and his Real Estate Holdings and all the rest of his assets is hes just going to allow his kids to run his business once he takes office. This announcement, these tweets today didnt seem all that different from what he has said before. Theres an office called the office of government ethics that sets rules about conflicts of interest in the executive branch. They responded to mr. Trumps Early Morning announcements today with great excitement and great sarcasm. They started a bit of a tweet storm in response. Quote, real donald trump, office of government ethics is delighted that you decided to divest your businesses. Good decision. Another one. Bravo, the only way to resolve these conflicts of interest is to divest. Good call. Theres another one. This divestiture does what handing over control could never have done. And another one. We cant repeat enough how good this total divestiture will be. And they kept going on and on like this. What this is about, of course, is that donald trump is not saying hes going to divest his business interests. Hes not saying anything about rescinding his ownership in his businesses. All hes talking about is handing over control to his kids still. Thats still all these planning on doing. If he was announcing div vesty tur, yes, that would be a huge deal in terms of neutralizing his conflicts of interest. Anything short of that, all those conflicts of interest still exist. Trumps big announcement today doesnt zeev yat from anything he said all along. He doesnt plan to divest, he doesnt plan to insulate himself in any way from his own financial interests which will be affected by his presidency except for the fact that hell have his kids running things for him on a daytoday basis. But you know what . If you own if you still own the hotel where, say, bahrain decides to hold its annual National Day Celebration because they want to spend money on your business as a way of getting in good with you, which lots of countries and lots of countries will do, then unless the president is divested from that company, hes still in essence kind of taking a bribe. I mean, youre still benefiting from this business, this private business that your Family Business is getting specifically because youre president. That is the definition of a conflict of interest. Right . In the case of a Foreign Government doing the spending, its a conflict of interest thats explicitly prohibited by the constitution even if you are the president. And so, i mean, maybe the president elect was just inartful in his tweeting. Hard to believe. Maybe he does intend to sell everything and put it in a real blind trust. Maybe so. But that is what he would need to do to get right with the law here. To get right with these conflicts of interest. If it is what he needs to do, neither he nor his Transition Team are saying anything like that. Joining us is eric lipton for the new york times. Mr. Lipton, thanks very much for being here. Thank you. Do we know with any specicity how trump intends to differentiate himself, create at least the appearance of distance between his own bottom line and his presidency . The Statement Today doesnt make it any clearer. All he has said so far and what we can only rely upon is that hes going to turn over control to his children. What he said today was he was going to completely remove himself from involvement in the business, but as you indicate, he did not say hes going to sell his assets and then put those assets into a blind trust. So across the board from the left to the right, what were hearing is that is really the only step he can take to eliminate the appearances of conflicts of interest. Although i have to say i disagree with you, by having the government of bahrain take a room in his hotel because they want to impress him, to me that doesnt represent any kind of a bribe. Thats just them showing a signal to him that he want to impress him. To that point and im glad you mention that. What ive been trying to spin out in my mind is the trump organization, even if you set aside the hotel in d. C. And weve already seen a lot of people talking about how they want to spend money at that hotel as way to try to get in good with the president and the Incoming Administration. If you imagine trump businesses around the world, if trump towers, trump Real Estate Interests start getting green lit all over the world, if Foreign Governments start approve iing building permits, foreign nks start lending on favorable terms to greenlight all of those projects and so the trump organization, the trump Business Empire grows but in a noticeable way specifically because hes president , is there any sort of consequence for that in american law . How much is he could he stop that if he wanted to so that he wouldnt benefit from it . I think thats the single biggest problem that he faces, even if he acts completely ethically and his family acts ethically and all the executives at his Companies Never make any request from the federal government or the Foreign Governmentses to do anything to benefit them or accelerate permits, if other parties simply trying to impress him offer them things, give them land, accelerate permits, then hes receiving benefits he shouldnt be other than for the fact that hes president. Unless he divests his assets, thats going to be a problem. But is there any federal law that prohibits that from happening . Not in terms of his domestic operations, but in terms of his Foreign Governments, if Foreign Governments are in fact giving him things of value even, you know, financially or even an act of a Government Agency that benefits him, that could in fact be a violation of the constitution. Its a provision that hasnt been tested fully and well see whether or not someone is able to bring a case in court to allege that, but there is this provision in the constitution which says you shall receive no gift or payment from a Foreign Government and it applies to the president as well as any other federal employee. Eric lipton, pulitzer price winning correspond for the new york times. Appreciate your time tonight. Thank you. Much more to come. vo your love is purely thoughtful, purely natural, purely fancy feast. Delicious entrees, crafted to the last detail. Flaked tuna, whitemeat chicken, never any byproducts or fillers. Purely natural tastes purely fancy feast. I have a special spring in my step today because this opportunity is a special one to lead the House Democrats, bring everyone together as we go forward. Say what you want about nancy pelosi, one thing she knows how to do better than anyone on this planet, perhaps better than anyone in the history of congress at least, one thing shes really good at is counting votes. Ahead of todays vote in the House Democratic conference shed been saying he had the support of twothirds of the Democratic Caucus, twothirds, thats 67. 7 . Thats what she said shed get. She got 68 . She did face a surprisingly strong challenge from congressman tim ryan of ohio. He got the other third of the vote. But Nancy Pelosis allies say that now is not the time to switch somebody like her out ahead of what promises to be a cage fight with donald trump and the incoming Republican Congress. This is a time when we need, i think, someone who has been battle tested. Weve got president elect trump who has on his agenda trying to destroy many of the things that democrats have stood for over the years. And i think we need our a team. At this point in history, i think that she, without any doubt, is the leader that we need right now. Will she be weakened at all by whats happened today . No, no. As a matter of fact, i think shell be strengthened. Nancy pelosi will be strengthened as a result of this challenge says congressman cummings. That may be so. The other way to look at this vote is a third of the Democratic Caucus didnt vote for nancy pelosi today. They had a secret ballot today. Under cover of that secret ballot, there are 63 democrats who voted against nancy pelosi. Thats interesting. 63 voted that way in secret. Only a dozen or so of them were willing to come out publicly ahead of the vote and say they were going to cast their votes that way. One of the ones who is willing to go public is the young democrat seth walton of massachusetts. A relative newcomer to the congress. An iraq war veteran. He beat a nineterm democratic incumbent to win his seat. He was just reelected to a second term. He was among the dozen or so democrats who were willing not just to vote against nancy pelosi but to openly explain that they were voting against her. Even if that constituted what mollton called a risk even if he could lose his seat on the House Armed Services committee. He said it was that risk. The American People sent us a message loud and clear. We need to listen to ta and respond. What is the message that they sent you . Look, we dont have the house, we dont have the white house, we dont have the senate. We hardly have any governorships. State legislatures were in the minority. We have lot of work to do as a caucus and a party. Upcoming congressman seth moulton, that was him speaking ahead of todays vote. What does the reelection of nancy pelosi mean in how the Democratic Party will work in opposition against what appears to be a remarkable new administration coming in . Will there be some innovation . Did todays vote with a third of the caucus voting against pelosi, did that challenge fundamentally shift the debate as to what happens next and how democrats comport themself in this strange new era . Congressman seth moulton joins us next. I tried hard to quit smoking. But when we brought our daughter home that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Can you say thanks nicoderm cq . Every great why needs a great how. A farmers market. Ve whats in this kiester. A fire truck. Even a marching band. And if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. For any sort of discomfort in yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. This holiday, the real gift isnt whats inside the box. Its whats inside the person who opens it. 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And its not just talking about the minimum wage. Its talking about middle class incomes that havent gone up in 30 years. And we got off that message. Congressman tim ryan talking today about the way forward after he lost a vote against nancy pelosi to become House Democratic leader standing alongside tim ryan today, i see him on the left side of your screen there in front of all the flags. Thats democratic congressman seth moulton of massachusetts. Hes a marine veteran, member of the Armed Services committee. Thanks very much for being with us. Good to be back, rachel, thanks. Overall, whats your reaction to todays vote . Leader pelosi gets reelected but minus a third of the votes of House Democrats including yours. Why is that . The strongest standing against her ever. And it sends an important message. If you think about it, shes been in office for 13 years as leader for 13 years where shes been able to gather the support of the members of the caucus. And tim ryan ran for two weeks. And in two weeks over thanksgiving break he was able to gather the votes of a third of the caucus. What that says is that the status quo isnt working, that were not going to bin back the house in 2018 by continuing to do what weve done in the last several elections which have been disastrous. And that said, were not in an election cycle right now right at this second except to the extend that its always an election cycle. It seems to me that the challenge for democrats now is not the same as it was before november 8th. Now theres this very interesting political situation in this country where weve got an Incoming Administration with complete control of the levers of power in washington and its going to be a very unusual administration, its going to be unprecedented in some ways. Seems to me now the question is how the democrats are going to distinguish themselves as the minority in the era of trump. And i dont know if thats a different imperative as far as you see it compared to what you want to see during the election. I think its totally different. I think the world has changed. I think the American People know that. And thats why theyre looking for new leadership. Clearly our message didnt resonate during this during th. Democrats lost across the country. We only gained six seats in the house which was below even the lowest estimates for how we would do. About half of those are due to redistricting everywhere. Our performance was terrible. We got a clear message from the American People. And now we have a mandate in the house of representatives to win it back. Because donald trump is going to be out there to destroy so much of the progress that we have made. And so the most important thing we can do as democrats in the house of representatives is win back seats in the next election. It may not feel like an election cycle, but it should. Our work has got to start on that today. Thats why ive been pushing to have this conversation about changing our message, talking about the economy, and perhaps having new leadership. If things get really radical on policy. If the Trump Administration in the Republican Congress do what they say theyre going to do. If they pry to privatize medicare by this summer, if they try to abolish privatize the v. A. , if they try to pursue issues like on gay rights, on reproductive rights in some of the ways that real radicals in the Administration Like tom price have said they want to do that. What will House Democrats do in response . In the minority, there is not much you can do in procedural terms. Thats the big problem. And thats why its so important that we win back the majority in 2018. But what we will do is well stand up every single day for the values that are important to our constituents, that are enshrined in our constitution that fundamentally make us americans. But it is a lot harder to do that when were not showing a new way forward. Were not talking about how democrats can be the party of the future at a time when donald trump really wants to take us backwards. And thats why i think that todays vote showed us that weve got to make some changes in our caucus. And there is more going on than just this leadership vote there are discussions now happening because we had this leadership challenge that i think will make some important changes. And look, were going to unite behind nancy pelosi because she is our leader for the next two years. But that doesnt mean were going to keep doing things the way theyve always been done. And thats the important result today when you saw an entire third of the caucus vote for change. Congressman celt moulton of massachusetts. I enjoy talking to you no matter what youre in the middle of because you never say exactly what i think youre going say. And you bring a lot of clarity to every discussion. Thanks for being here tonight. Thanks, rachel. Good to have you here. Well be right back. Stay with us. Being a member of congress may not seem linebacker its a lot of fun. Here is why you want to be a member of congress. This is how they work. This is next year. The days that are highlighted in blue on this calendar are as of today the days they are officially planning to work next year. Anything not in blue is a day off. So it looks like thats not a lot of days at work. Thats not a lot of days at work. Theyre only planning on working 145 days next year out of the 365 days on the calendar. In fairness to them, thats actually them really getting after it the first three months. Thats almost like a normal americans work schedule. Its no time by the time april rolls around, theyll be so exhausted they will only be able to muster up the appetite for eight whole work days in that month. In fairness, over the course of the entire year five weeks in 2017 where theyre planning to work five whole days in a row. Five days in one week. And that is a big deal for a member of congress. Last year they only did that twice in the full year. And its no wonder why theyre planning to work so much more next year they are planning on privatizing medicare by the summer and privatizing the v. A. And taking away Health Insurance from tens of millions of people. And maybe making it legal to fire somebody because theyre taking birth control. And there is the work of undoing all the wall street reforms, and there is building the border wall, which they say they will start doing the first day they are sworn in. So thats a lot to do. And they suddenly decide theyd are willing to work an occasional monday in order to try to get it all done. Sweating right now just thinking about it. I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. 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Late tonight the republicancontrolled state elections board ordered a recount in one heavily democratic county in North Carolina, durham county. Now the local elections board in that county, which is also republicancontrolled, they said there is no problem with the vote there that would justify a recount. But the state board says whatever. We still want a recount. In half a dozen precincts in that county. Now the republican incumbent pat mccrory, he had been leading on Election Night until the votes came in from this one democratic county. That county will now be the one that is recounted. The state board tells us they dont have an estimate for how long this is going to take. We also dont know how the candidates will react to whatever this recount finds. The only thing we do know is the incumbent republican governor pat mccrory, he does now trail by more than 10,000 votes. But he is still not giving up. Because he is still not giving up, North Carolina still has no next governor. Which is now basically right at the Inflection Point between alarming and exciting. In electoral politics. That does it for us tonight. We will see you again tomorrow. Now its time for the last word with lawrence odonnell. Good evening. Talking about a less suspenseful outcome. Jill stein is going to join us tonight with her update on the recount. I dont know about the suspse there. Im on the edge of my seat. Anything is possible. Thank you, rachel. Well also ask jill stein if she still think theres is no difference between bill clinton and donald trump. And barney frank

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