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So theres a lot of drama around that. That was actually at some point, an expectation that he might cancel the event, so he wouldnt be seen as pouring gasoline on the flames in that city. On the other hand, some people saw that might be a real opportunity for him to demonstrate his president ialness, his ability to calm people in times of crisis, to try to bring the country together. President s often have to do that in difficult times. So what donald trump was gonna do around that situation, there was a little drama leading up to the night of that speech. What he did in the end, he didnt cancel, but he made a somewhat unusual choice. He went to not milwaukee proper. He decided to go to an event about 40 minutes outside milwaukee, to a basically 100 allwhite milwaukee suburb. And he gave a speech there on race. He gave a speech there specifically, as if he was talking to a black audience. It was like his first ever outreach address to African Americans, but he was speaking to an allwhite room. So that was the sort of surreal decision by the Trump Campaign. It then became a laughoutloud moment from the Trump Campaign, when they put out their press release about that speech, bragging about all the praise they say they got from reporters and observers about this brave speech on the needs of the African American community, that donald trump gave to a room entirely full of white people. And one of the things that the Trump Campaign distributed in their selfcongratulatory press release about that speech was this tweet from an Associated Press reporter named jill colvin. Trump sounds like hes talking directly to African Americans, thats their quote. What was funny about that, what jill colvin actually said, the tweet they were quoting from her there, it did not end after trump sounds like hes talking directly to African Americans. What she wrote was, trump sounds like he was talking directly to African Americans, comma, but i dont see a single nonwhite person in the crowd. So when you only take the first half of that, it sounds like admiration. But if you take it, including the comma, and the rest of the sentence, admiration is not what she was trying to convey. The Trump Campaign did that in mid august. It was very funny at the time. They have just done it again in a way that made people in newsrooms all laugh and squirt coffee out our noses at the same time. Today trump was in washington, speaking at the values voter summit, a conservative event, meant to reinforce antigay and antiabortion orthodoxy in the republican party. One of the reporters who was there to cover the speech, a young reporter from the toronto star in canada, whose name is daniel dale. So Donald Trumps there at the values voters summit, finishing up his speech. Trump campaign sends out one of their patented selfcongratulating press releases, listing the praise and admiration donald trump is getting for their speech. Quote, trump was in fine form stylistically, good spirits. Heres where they quoted that from. Daniel dale did quote from the trump speech in washington. What he tweeted was this. Quote, trump was in fine form stylistically, good spirits. He also made stuff up and called for regime change while denouncing regime change. That was the whole quote. But they only quoted the first part which was the ironic setup for the joke. Daniel dale responded minutes later, haha haha haha. The Trump Campaign just quoted my tweet as praise. This is the equivalent of somebody telling you theyre quoting the lords prayer, but they say, into temptation, evil like that conveys the gist of the prayer. Theres more to it. That comes at a really important point in the plot of that prayer. So haha, the Trump Campaign is occasionally funny, laugh out loud, despite itself. But its weird that that happened on a day when such serious stuff is happening. The big serious news, the headline story in every major news website across the country right now is that a nationwide ceasefire has been negotiated for syria. The u. S. And russia have been slogging it out for weeks now. Secretary of state john kerry and the Russian Foreign minister jointly announced that a nationwide ceasefire has been called in syria to begin at sunset on monday. Nobody knows if its really going to go into effect. Nobody knows if it will work, if it will hold, even if it does initially go into effect. After five years of increasingly apocalyptic civil war in syria, a prospect for interruption or end to the fighting is a source of desperate, desperate global hope for those poor people. Right . We expect to learn more about the details of the agreement and its likelihood for success over the course of this weekend, possibly into late tonight with the time difference between here and europe and here and the middle east. With prayers for syria, you will want to keep an eye on the news out of there and out of geneva into the late night tonight. Well be live here at msnbc through the night and through the weekend heading toward what is scheduled to be a sunset monday ceasefire across the entire nation of syria. Well see. Even before that late night announcement tonight about that ceasefire agreement, we knew from the other side of the world, that today was going to be a very serious day in the news. And we in part knew that because of this lady. She is 73 years old. Shes known for wearing this particular traditional korean pink dress. And in north korea, they call her the cannon mouth. Thats because what she is prized for, as a newsreader on north korean tv is her outrageously shrill voice. Shes the person the north korean government trots out not just for everyday news. They only bring her out for the big stuff. So in 2011 when kim jong il died, she announced it. In 1994, when his dad died, it was her again. Shes now long retired from her role on north korean television, but shes still around and they reel her out for really big stuff. And so this morning, everybody knew to brace for big news out of north korea when they wheeled her out for another impossibly enthusiastic north Korean State Television pronouncement. Translator the Nuclear Weapons institute, the scientists and technicians of the Nuclear Weapons institute tested a Nuclear Explosion at the northern part nuclear test ground for the assessment of power of Nuclear Warhead. At the end of this show last night, just before we got off the air at 10 00 p. M. Eastern, we reported the initial news that let us know that was coming. There are not a lot of natural earthquakes on the Korean Peninsula in north korea or uth korea. Last night, there was a 5 point something magnitude seismic event on the Korean Peninsula and that was not likely to be an earthquake. That likely meant a nuclear test by north korea. Another one. North korea has been setting off Nuclear Explosions since the george w. Bush administration. The first one was in 2006. Since then, theyve been averaging about one every three years. Whats worrying now, this one they just set off last night, thats the second one theyve set off in eight months and it was a big one, the biggest one theyve ever set off, almost twice as big as the last one they set off. Like all the other Nuclear Explosions north korea has set off, its underground. Its worrying enough to be able to set off an underground explosion, to liquefy the inside of a mountain. Its quite another to deliver that explosion beyond your national borders, to weaponize it, to put it on a missile. While china was hosting the g20 summit, north korea shot three new missiles toward japan. They were big missiles, they shot them all off within the space of one minute. When youre talking about increasingly advanced and powerful Nuclear Technology and increasingly reliable and powerful Missile Technology that combination is a very bad thing. The idea of north korea being able to put a Nuclear Warhead on a medium to longrange missile, thats a whole new world. And honestly, north korea does fake a lot of stuff. They faked a Missile Launch from a submarine back in may. They just photo shopped it from somebody elses picture. In march of this year, they showed kim jongun handling basically a disco ball and they tried to pass it off as a miniature Nuclear Weapon. In january of this year, north korea says they set off a hydrogen bomb. They did not set off a hydrogen bomb. They lie about a lot of this stuff. But what they just did with the three missiles they shot toward japan during the g20 and with this largest ever Nuclear Blast they set off in the last 24 hours, those werent fake. So this is serious stuff. This is global balance of power stuff. This is the threat of nuclear war. This is the craziest regime on earth with operable Nuclear Weapons. So to the extent that their nuclear test is a political test for us, right now that means its a political test for the competitors to be our next commander in chief. And its worth noting that these two candidates have handled this moment very, very differently. Hillary clinton convened a bipartisan and Nonpartisan Group of National Security and counterterrorism advisers. They didnt allow the press to cover the meeting itself, but they did allow this shaky camera in at the top to show secretary clinton arting those discussions. Immediately to her right on the left side of your screen, thats michael chertoff, secretary of Homeland Security under george w. Bush. Hes now talking National Security matters with secretary clinton. Shes gone out of her way multiple times in the last 48 hours, to talk about how National Security and Foreign Affairs ought to be bipartisan and nonpartisan and thats how she would approach it. To make her more available to the press, shes done four press availabilities in four days. She gave remarks after her meeting with those counterterrorism and National Security officials. She talked about isis, and targeting the head of isis, al baghdadi. She laid out her assessment of the north korean threat, and the leverage the u. S. And our allies have, in terms of pressuring them on their nuclear program, everything from sanctions to Missile Defense to embargo, to the kinds of leverage we might have with china. Which is key. China is seen as the only country that could rope in north korea on those matters. She made those extensive remarks in her prepared statements. She took questions and answered those issues at length. In terms of the other campaign, donald trump is in a little bit of a weird position on this specific issue, because of the previous stance hes taken on north korea. The previous stance hes taken on north korea is honestly just a very unusual stance from a Foreign Policy standpoint. No matter which party youre coming from, or if you have no party at all. This was donald trump, president ial candidate, on july 15th. And then one of the papers called the other day. And they said, would you speak to the leader of north korea . I said, absolutely. Why not . Why not . And they come out, trump would speak to him. Who the hell cares . Ill speak to anybody. Who cares . That is Donald Trumps on the record stance toward north korea. Ahead of todays new Nuclear Explosion that north korea set off. And because thats how he has talked about north korea, it raises interesting questions as to how he would deal with this if he were president right now. How would a donald Trump Presidency deal with this strange, nuclear armed, hermit kingdom. In his speech in washington, he said two sentences about north korea and the blast. His take on the north korean Nuclear Blast is that it is Hillary Clintons fault. This was the sum total of his remarks. Just today it was announced that north korea performed its fifth nuclear test, its fourth since Hillary Clinton became secretary of state. Its just one more massive failure from a failed secretary of state. You know, honestly it is outrageous that Hillary Clinton set off that Nuclear Blast, very irresponsible of her. Especially as secretary of state. Setting off Nuclear Bombs is untoward in any case. That was Donald Trumps remarks. I heard north korea set off a Nuclear Blast, isnt Hillary Clinton terrible . That left it to his Campaign Manager to explain what his plan would be for dealing with north korea. North korea, what would donald trump do if north korea has Ballistic Missiles that can carry Nuclear Weapons to the continental United States . Well, he wouldnt do whats being done now, with the president in asia talking about donald trump instead of north korea. You always refer to what the democrats are doing. What would he do . He wants to be president. What would he do in north korea had the capacity to deliver a Nuclear Weapon to the United States . Donald trump, his entire America First doctrine is he would always look out for the interest of this country. And north korea and the rest of the world would know that President Trump and Vice President pence arent messing around with anybody whos trying to threaten our lives. The generals that i hear and the National Security experts that i hear, talk about Nuclear Capability being nothing short of devastating. What would donald trump do if he would make sure they would never use it. How . Hes not going to reveal all of his plans. Hes made that very clear. See, donald trump would not be messing around. He definitely has a plan for dealing with north korea. It is, of course, a secret plan. In the midst of on a day like today, in the midst of all this Serious International news, and in the midst of this very welcome focus on National Security issues and Foreign Policy issues and the president ial campaign, especially as we come up on the 15th anniversary of 9 11 this weekend. In the midst of all this, theres one other really strange thing that is happening in this current news cycle, and it is that donald trump himself has ended up in the middle of an international controversy. And what is bizarre about it, he appears to have not understood that he was in it at all until he was right in the middle of it. He has no idea how he got there, didnt know it was happening to him until it was over, and now he says he wishes he hadnt done it. Really . Thats next. Remember he at ally, nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. Whos with me . Im in. Im in. Im in. Im in. One, two, wait, wait. Wait wheres tina . Doing the hand thing . Yep we are all in for our customers. Ally. It right. Have you ever had that dream that everybodys had, where you, like, think that youre going to bed and you take off your clothes and put on your jammies to go to bed, but youre dreaming and you dream float through your bedroom door and you find youre on a stage in front of a whole bunch of people and youre wearing pajama tops and not bottoms and youre supposed to give a speech in a language youve never spoken . How many times have you had that dream . Is it just me . One of the president ial candidates had a dream like that, thankfully everybody was wearing pants. And that story is next. Is it a professor who never stops being a student . Is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own . Or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions . Your personal success takes a Financial Partner who values it as much as you do. Learn re at tiaa. Org they engine revs things about rain. Like how h hd its gonna fall. engine revs the things it does to your parade. Weve got a saying about rain, too when it rains. It roars. The allwheeldrive lineup from dodge. Domestic. Not domesticated. Okay, take a look at this. This is a tweet from r. T. R. T. , russia today. Its russian state sponsored tv. Its basically a good humored russian propaganda outfit. R. T. Is paid for by the russian government. And what youre looking at here, this tweet from them, this is not a russia today surrealic language, russian headline about something thats just going on with donald trump in the world. Its not donald trump coverage in the russian language. This is a russia today surrealic russian language teaser for the interview that donald trump just did on russian state television. Remember larry king . Larry kings a very niceuy. He worked in cable news for a dogs age. He used to be in this time slot on cnn. He was a very nice guy. When he finished up at cnn, everybody thought he would retire and stop doing broadcast stuff. Where he landed was russia today. Kind of weird, interesting thing about larry kings career afterlife. Thats where hes landed. Russia today. And Donald Trumps whole case for why he would be a great commander in chief, why he would be a good president , why he would be so much better than terrible Hillary Clinton and terrible barack obama and all of these professional politicians is because he has a businessmans shrewdness, right . Thats kind of the argument. Hes a great negotiator. Hes a man of the world. Hes a businessman. Hes canny. He will not get played like our terrible, terrible leaders get played all the time by these devious foreign leaders, who will just not be able to get one over on top guy donald trump. Thats basically the case he has made for why somebody with no political expertise, no political experience whatsoever, why someone like him should be given the job of president and commander in chief. He knows better than all those dumb politicians. Well, in the middle of making that case, this week, of all time, a sensitive week for Foreign Policy, donald trump appears to have accidentally done an interview on russian statesponsored television. Without having any idea that thats where he was, or what he was doing. Why would donald trump do an interview with russian tv that is sponsored by the kremlin . He did an interview with larry king, a personal friend of his, a friend of im sure everyone around the table. And he said he was doing it for his podcast, didnt know wouldnt be on russian tv. How does the campaign not know his words are going to be played on kremlin state tv . Larry king was doing the interview for kremlin state tv. He goes on russian tv with larry king, and he talks about the United States in an unflattering way to a russian audience. What is the virtue of criticizing the United States to a russian audience . Well, first of all, as you know, as former cnn superstar larry king has a podcast and mr. Trump went on his podcast. Nobody said it was going to be on russian tv. Nobody said it was going to be on russian tv. The Trump Campaign had no idea that larry king now works for russian tv, and when he said they had no idea thats where this was going to air. Do you want to see again the surrealic teaser they put out for the interview again . A trump spokesperson clarified to cnn that what Kellyanne Conway meant was that trump wouldnt have agreed to do the interview had he known it would be aired on r. T. See, i think the problem here, r is such a common letter. Could be rabbit tv, could be a cute misspelling of wrinkles tv, could be ruby tuesday. He could have thought he was having a meeting with larry king at a ruby tuesday. He didnt know it was russia the Trump Campaign is a very unusual president ial campaign, to the point where it sometimes does stuff that makes you laugh out loud. My friend chuck whos here is laughing out loud. But when you find yourself laughing at them, on days when apocalyptic civil wars are getting their ceasefires negotiated, and literally, Nuclear Explosions are happening underground in north korea, their actions are still funny, but its something other than hilarious to remember that this particular episode of hee haw is also our nations president ial election and this is the guy who republicans picked to contest it for them. In einstein since he started eating the new beneful recipe. 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The Liberty Mutual app with coverage compass™ makes it easy to know what youre covered for and what youre not. Liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. Fmale teacher and then name thelargest planet . T . Male teacher someone we havent heard from. Female teacher anyone else . Through internet essentials, comcast is on track to connect 3 Million People in need to low cost, high Speed Internet at home, helping to make sure that every hand in the classroom goes up. Male teacher okay, veronica. Amphibian. Male teacher excellent. Welcome to a brighter future. Welcome to it all. Comcast. One of the most remarkable news stories of this year has been a slow burning story that started small and has now gotten very big in cannonball, north dakota, of all places. Indian land, and it has become a National Locust of protest over a planned oil pipeline that a Company Called Energy Transfer partners wants to build across four states, across more than 200 water crossings. Locally there in north dakota, it would cross the missouri river. It would also disturb what the Standing Rock sioux say are their sacred burial sites. The protest there has been the site of some violent clashes with private security guards, including incidents with pepper spray and attack dogs. Theres been injuries on both sides. But its also just become a very large protest site. Native americans have been flooding there from all over the country. A leader with the native Organizers Alliance said today in living memory, there has never been a coming together of tribes like this one that is happening right now in north dakota. According to organizers, it being be the biggest such gathering in a century. And this has been a slow burning story through the summer and now into the fall, its only been getting bigger. But today it changed and kind of exploded in a very surprising way. I dont know if anybody saw this coming. Today was the day that a federal judge in Washington State was due to rule on whether the pipeline project would be stopped. The tribe had asked for an injunction. The judge did rule today and he denied the tribes request for an injunction. You would think that would mean full speed ahead for constructing the pipeline. But then something very unexpected happened. 15 minutes after the judges ruling was published, we got this. A joint statement from the department of the army, the justice department, and the department of the interior. Quote, the army will not authorize constructing the Dakota Access pipeline on army corps of engineers land until it can determine whether it will need to reconsider any of its previous decisions. Construction of the pipeline on army corps land will not go forward at this time. We request that the Pipeline Company voluntarily pause all construction activity. This case has highlighted the need for a serious discussion on whether there should be nationwide reform with respect to considering tribes views on these types of infrastructure projects. This was a shock, right . The judge today this afternoon said, yes, go ahead. Within 15 minutes, the federal government, including the army comes out and said no. We respect the judges decision, but we think the tribes have a point and we are not doing this. This was a very big turn in what was already an incredible story. Joining me now, jack healey, who has been on the ground in north dakota covering this story. Thank you very much for joining us. Appreciate your time tonight. Of course. Thank you so much. First of all, let me just ask, if i got that right, at least as far as you see it. Is it true this was a real surprise from these federal agencies today . It was completely stunning. I mean, the lawyers for the tribe, tribal members themselves sort of were not expecting this kind of lastminute, blue sky intervention from the federal government. When Big Decisions that youre always waiting for start to come in, theres this natural flood that fills up your inbox, the reactions from either camp. And that started to happen today. The proponents of the pipeline were very happy with it, because it looked like it was full speed ahead. And the opponents of the pipeline were sending out distressed, disappointed messages. Then this move from the federal government happened and it rescrambled everything. Is construction in fact stopping . We have the army corps who is a key player in this, in terms of permitting and in terms of the land here. Theyre saying nothing will go forward on their own land. Theyre calling for a voluntary pause from the Company Involved here. Do you know how effective this move by the federal government will be . Is this a full stop and theres no way around it . Well, i mean, yes and no. The pipeline is incredibly long, right . Its more than a thousand miles long. Its almost about half constructed, as it runs through three or four states, like you said. And i think construction is probably going to continue in other states where, for example, in iowa, theyre putting it in farmers fields. But here in north dakota, at the site of the river crossing, this crucial juncture, the federal government has the authority to stop it to review the permitting and approvals, things like that. The other area that were talking about, this voluntary stoppage, we dont know. I emailed the firm representing the pipeline, havent heard back from them. But construction has been effectively halted for at least this week. So there was no work going on today, when i was out at the site of the camp and at the construction. And i would not anticipate that there would be much happening for the foreseeable future, because they cant go under the river. Right. And so can you imagine the rerouting and the change thats going to have to happen in order for them to accommodate this. This is dramatic. Its like a straw. If you cut a straw in two, you cant suck up water through that aperture. Not even in the movies. Jack healey, New York Times correspondent, thank you. Thanks so much for talking about it. I appreciate it. I will say that we tried to find some sort of statement from the Pipeline Company as well. Jack was saying there he hasnt been able to hear anything from their pr representatives. Thats been an eerie silence from the private company side of this, since this dramatic move by the army and the federal government today. One programming note on this, the last word has a special live show tonight, following this hour, and among Lawrence Odonnells guests is going to be the chairman of the Standing Rock sioux, the tribe leading the protest against this pipeline. So the chairman of that tribe is going to be on lawrence live coming up after this show. Well be right back. [monster noises] take on any road with intuitive allwheel drive. The nissan rogue, murano and pathfinder now get 0 apr for 72 months, plus 500 bonus cash. To cook healthy meals. Yet up to 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day mens 50 . Complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus it helps support healthy Blood Pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. Everything kids touch at school sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecti products. H at school sticks with them. Because no one kills germs better than clorox. 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Would invade iraq was top of the news. Yeah, i guess so. I wish the first time it was done correctly. The question was, are you for invading iraq. The answer, yeah, i guess so. I wish the first time it was done correctly. That was donald trump before the iraq invasion. It was in the fall of 2002. Its because thats on tape and on the record that it is weird that donald trump continues to say he was against going to war in iraq. That is not true, but he keeps insisting that it was. I was totally against the war in iraq. You can look at esquire magazine from 04. Stop right there. Donald trump says i was totally against the war in iraq. You can look at esquire magazine from 04. Heres the article donald trump is citing from. Theres a new editors note at the top of the article. We talked to the folks at esquire to make sure its legit. They said they added the editors note yesterday because they are tired of what donald trump keeps saying about this article. Quote, the following story was published in the august 2004 issue of esquire. During the 2016 president ial election donald trump has repeatedly claimed to have been against the iraq war and has cited this story has proof. The iraq war began more than a year before this story. The iraq war began in march 2013, more than one year before this story ran, thus nullifying trumps timeline. In other words, esquire mazine would please like donald trump to stop using their article as proof that he warned against the invasion of iraq, when he actually said before that invasion, yeah, we should probably go ahead and do it. Are you for invading iraq . Yeah, i guess so. I guess so. This morning cbs news played that tape for mr. Trumps Campaign Manager, Kellyanne Conway, and that is when we got the Trump Campaigns brand spanking new answer. This was kind of amazing. So was donald trump for the iraq war or against it . Hes a private citizen who was against the iraq war. You heard him with howard stern, say i guess so. If he had been in the United States senate, he would have cast a vote against the war. How do we know that . Because he said so. The same thing senator obama did in 2008 and everybody took him at his word. Had he been in the senate he would have voted no, the same thing president obama did in 2008 and everybody just took him at his word. Slow your roll. I do not think this new answer from the Trump Campaign is going to hold up any better than the one they tried on about esquire magazine. Barack obama was not just asked about his iraq war vote in 2008. After the war was under way. He was asked about it in 2002, back he was a little state senator, before the war started. He was asked about it in 2002 before the war, just like donald trump was asked about it on howard stern. I think theres a division. Would you have voted yay or nay . If it came to me in an up or down vote, as it came, i think i would have agreed with dick durbin and voted nay. Barack obama before the war. I would have voted no on invading iraq. Donald trump before the war, yeah, im for it, i guess. Are you for invading iraq . Yeah, i guess so. One of these things is not like the other. The Trump Campaign still has not figured out how to tell the very basic truth about that. And now it is getting worse. Stand by for that. [cheering] the highly advanced audi a4. 80 of recurrent ischemic, strokes could be prevented. And im doing all i can to help prevent another one. A bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. You only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline. Wait. Is this where you typically shop . You should be getting double miles on every purchase switch. To the capital one venture card. With venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. Not just. dismissively airline purchases. Seriously. Double miles. Everywhere. Whats in your wallet . Everything kids touch at school sticks with them. Make sure the germs they ing home dt stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. Because no one kills germs better than clorox. Six months exactly after the 9 11 attacks, they turned on whats called the tribute in lights in lower manhattan. The 9 11 lights. Its these two endless blue beams of light that go straight up into the sky, to represent the twin towers. And a lot of people at the time thought the lights should become permanent. That did not happen. The city and the artist who designed the lights believed, i think, wisely, that that wasnt something that we needed to see every day for the rest of our lives. That in some way wed need to combine our grief and anxiety and the gutpunch of 9 11 into our lives, fold it into our lives in a way that wasnt part of our permanent night sky in new york city. So they turned the lights off after a month. But now they turn them on every year again for the anniversary. This year its this weekend. Sunday will be the 15th anniversary. The part of our National Story where 9 11 was ever present, where it was something we saw every moment, that has ended for most of us, but there are ways in which what started for us on 9 11 really hasnt ended. And among the most important of those things are americas longest wars. And you can tell from the debate over it in this years president ial politics, that we can look at iraq now and widely agree, not uniformly agree, but widely agree as a country, that we probably shouldnt have done that. Both candidates this year, for example, will agree that we were basically lied into that war and we can make apologies for supporting it at the time, as Hillary Clinton does, or as donald trump tries to say now, you can try to say that you were against it at the time, even though we know from the record thats not true. Theres a reason theyre both trying to come out on the right side of the iraq war conflict now, because theres a Broad National consensus that it was a bad thing to do. Its good politics now to oppose invading iraq in 2003. Our National Feelings about the war in afghanistan are much more mixed. The kind of rethinking on the issue of iraq, it doesnt happen so much on the issue of afghanistan, aside from a general frustration that the whole thing has taken so long, and that it doesnt have an end in sight. There was a flurry of attention to the war in afghanistan, as president obama surged and then drew down the number of troops there. But since then, its once again become almost a forgotten conflict, which it has been for most of the years that American Forces have been fighting it, even with 10,000 u. S. Troops still there and staying there for the foreseeable future. Weve decided that invading iraq look obviously foolish and tragic 13 years after that invasion. This weekend is 15 years since 9 11. What do we say about afghanistan as that war approaches 15 years now . Joining us now is peter kiernan, decorated marine, Vice President of the u. S. Military veterans at Columbia University. Great to have you here. Thanks. I know youve not been on tv before. So i appreciate you killing the butterflies in your stomach. Thanks. I appreciate it. Can i ask how old you were on 9 11 . I was 11. Were those attacks was the whole idea of the war on terror, was that part of why you enlisted in the marine corps . Definitely, to some extent. 9 11 was a formidable event in my youth. I grew up on long island. So for my town, there were 40 people who were killed that day. And my uncle survived because he was outside on a smoke break. Worked in the north tower, when the planes hit. So i think i had a pretty intimate experience with the events that happened that day. Seeing the casket at funerals that followed september 11th, i think, you know, it definitely kind of underscored the notion of the ultimate sacrifice and you know, kind of galvanized that commitment to serve. When you went you went to afghanistan in 2012 . I did. I deployed in 2012, got back in 2013, i was there for nine months. So by the time you went, the war in afghanistan was a decade old. Yep. One of the things that ive always thought about, as a civilian, ive thought a lot about the fact of our civilian responsibility for the fact that afghanistan was largely forgotten. We didnt pay much attention to either war in this country because 99 of us civilians had nothing to do with it, in terms of the burden borne by military families. But is it a source of frustration when youre there that people back home arent paying attention to the conflict . I have to say, while i was there, the focus was still very much on afghanistan. I think it was still a topic that was often discussed. So i didnt feel like i was forgotten while i was there. I definitely feel like thats the case today. You know, youve seen a resurgence of the taliban. Same thing in iraq, youve seen isis come. One of the most tragic things, one of my responsibilities in afghanistan was an interpreter manager. And i was responsible for the lives of these men and implementing them, the entire use military used these men and women to communicate with our partners in afghanistan. Today theres 35,000 men and women who are trapped in these countries who had helped us, and now given the resurgence in these terrorist organizations, theyre in fear of their lives. We actually have a program in the United States to bring these men and women back. We promised them sanctuary implicitly and explicitly. Turns outhat Program Expires september 30th. And congress has seen fit not to renew the program. So theres, you know an Organization Called no one left behind thats dedicated to bringing these people back. The thing is it would cost the u. S. Government 30 million to resettle all 35,000 people. These are men and women who did just as much as i did if not more. We did nine month deployments, some people did year. Some people did year straight. They were in the villages doing the same missions making the same sacrifices. And i think its sad our government is going to leave these people out there to dry. I know you went to the forum this week, is that the kind of thing you wish you would hear the candidates talk about. I think everyone is under whelmed at the questions they were asked and the manner they were presented. I think the two questions that i thought could have been answered better were, one, the Mental Health question with donald trump. You know, 20 americans, 20 veterans every day committing suicide. This is a serious issue because for me personally, i study at Columbia University here. We just had a student veteran commit suicide this week. His name is yuni flores. He was a close friend. I sat next to him in class. Its heartbreaking and frustrating to watch your friends commit suicide. To see the answer that donald trump gave basically saying that these people are suffering from pain and that the answer is to give them prescription drugs. You know, really aggravates you because he obviously doesnt understand the issue. Its something that you solve through therapy and talking about itnd meeting with people. Theres a Great Organization here in the city started by zach iskal thats called headstrong. You can walk in, you can get Mental Health treatment, talk to therapist, fantastic organization. Models like this arent being emulated around the country. And its problematic. Peter kiernan, decorated former marine, thank you for coming to talk with us about it. You should talk on the tv machine more youre very good at it. All right. Well be right back. Stay with us. Lawrence odonnel is going to be live right after me tonight. Sometimes we go to previous recorded shows, sometimes we go to prison. After night lawrence is going to have the chairman of the Standing Rock sioux tribe thats going to be here on this day where thats been the Incredible Development sort of mustsee television. Its the return of Donald Trumps amazing doctor, ill tell you why, next. 80 of women say a Healthy Lifestyle is a priority. 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It takes a lot of work. But i really love it. S. Im on the move all day long. And sometimes, i just dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost® to get the nutrition that im missing. Boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a great taste. I dont plan on slowing down any time soon. Stay strong. Stay active with boost®. This felt like an awkward story all yearlong. Because of Persons Health records are something sort of hard wired to believe. Theyre a private matter. Donald trumps medical records have become an unusually politically salient thing for two reasons, number one, theyve tried to make hillarys health some sort of scandal. Theyve alleged she has secret Health Problems they can diagnose based on edited vids theyve found. They have made the health of the candidates of the political issue by pushing the conspiracy issues. The other it an issue for donald trump is because of the hyperbolic information he let out early in the campaign. This was the halfpage letter from his gastroenterologist that insisted that he would be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency. Mr. Trumps doctor later confirmed the only reason he would be the healthiest individual ever elected in this doctors view, all the other president s are either sick or dead. That was a direct quote from the doctor. Sick or dead. A little bit lost in the sauce this week in Everything Else thats been going on, this busy week, short week because of the labor day weekend. Donald trump telling abc news that in addition to the half page misspelled laugh out loud ridiculous doctors note that he released earlier. He said hell release his full medical history. He told abc that on tuesday. We can now report that hes been scheduled for an hour long sit down discussion about his health and other topics on a syndicated daytime talk show called dr. Oz. This is going to happen on thursday. We dont yet know if the dr. Oz appearance is going to be where donald trump actually hands over the documentation of his full medical history. We reached out to both the Trump Campaign and to our friend Donald Trumps doctor to ask what we can expect, what are we going to get. Is it going to be the same doctor. So far we have not heard back from his doctor. The Trump Campaign did get back to us. They told us tonight hell be releasing Additional Information soon. Soon. You can youre about to learn Donald Trumps body mass index and what happened to the heel spurs that kept him out of vietnam. That does it for us tonight. Msnbc live is next. Good morning, everyone. Im dara brown at new york msnbc headquarters. Heres whats happening. 59 days and counting. Hillary clinton and donald trump ratcheting up the attacks. I never thought i would see the day where this is happening to our country. Meanwhile, trumps running mate did something yesterday that the gop president ial nominee may never end up doing. It is not a serious president ial campaign. Hillary clinton railing against Donald Trumps entire campaign and striking at some of his supporters

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