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Then four years after that, 1972, mississippi went for the republican, richard nixon. Then four years after that, in 1976, mississippi went for the democrat, for jimmy carter. So four years after that, in 1980, it was, admittedly, hard to predict how mississippi was going to go that year. You couldnt really see mississippi in 1980 as a solidly predictable anything for that president ial election. And in the president ial election of 1980, youll remember that Ronald Reagan won the republican nomination in a walk. Right after he collected that nomination, the Republican Party nomination, that year in detroit, which is where they held their convention, right after that convention, he and his campaign decided that straight away, what they were going to do, they were going to send their candidate to mississippi, to philadelphia, mississippi, specifically. And philadelphia, mississippi, is not a big place. Its a little bit out of the way. Its not the easiest place in the world to get to. But philadelphia, mississippi, then and now, still had a national profile. It was nationally known. It was a household name in some parts of the country. Because of one very dark episode in his recent past, which is that in 1964, philadelphia, mississippi, is where the civil rights workers got abducted in the middle of the night and murdered and buried. And the local authorities in philadelphia, mississippi, not only helped cover up the murder of those three civil rights workers, the local authorities participated in the murders. That is how philadelphia, mississippi became, as i say, in some places, a household name. Thats how philadelphia, mississippi, became this terrifying, nationally known touchstone from the civil rights era. And philadelphia, mississippi, is where Ronald Reagan chose to kick off his general Election Campaign for the presidency in 1980. Thats where he went right after the Republican Convention that year. He went to philadelphia, mississippi, and he spoke at the Neshoba County fair. And it wasnt a coincidence. It wasnt subtle. There was no subtlety as to what Ronald Reagan was doing, he spoke to a wildly enthusiastic all white crowd of about 30,000 people in central mississippi, and he told them, quote, i believe in states rights, and in 1980, in that president ial election, there was no segregationist George Wallace on the president ial ballot that year. George wallace had run in 64, 68, 72, 76, but in 1980, first time in 20 years, the segregationist, George Wallace was not on the president ial ballot. So Ronald Reagan took that trip there, basically to mop up any remaining George Wallace vote that might still be hanging around in the deep south, in a place like philadelphia, mississippi. That was famous for exactly what philadelphia, mississippi, is famous for. And come november that year, Ronald Reagan did win mississippi. He won mississippi over jimmy carter that year by one point. So maybe that trip was worth it for Ronald Reagan, for swingstate mississippi in 1980. Well, this year, 2016, mississippi is no longer a swing state, to say the least. But this week, as the Democratic Party held its nominating convention for Hillary Clinton in philadelphia, pennsylvania, Donald Trump Jr turned up in the other philadelphia. He turned up this week in philadelphia, mississippi, at the Neshoba County fair. Crowning National Convention may be under way, but that doesnt stopping donald trump from trying to steal the spotlight. Thank you for joining us. The republican president ial nominee is sending one of his sons to north mississippi to help campaign for him. Theres no better place in the magnolia state to do just that, than at the Neshoba County fair. Wcbi was there for trump jrs big speech and has the details. I would ask you who youre voting for, but it seems pretty apparent. Donald trump jr spend the day speaking in front of an enormous crowd at the Neshoba County fair. He mingled with state leaders and supporters, as well as campaigning for his republican president ial candidate dad, donald trump. Whats he doing there . When Ronald Reagan went there in 1980, whatever else he was trying to accomplish for his campaign, whatever he was trying to signal by going to the site of the Mississippi Burning murders and saying, i believe in states rights. I mean, at least in 1980, Ronald Reagan had the excuse that he was actually trying to win mississippi, and that mississippi was in play. It was a battleground state. But now, 2016, whats the Trump Campaign doing there . As part of his visit to the Neshoba County fair this week, Donald Trump Jr, he did speak out in favor of keeping the confederate emblem on the Mississippi State flag. He told reporters who asked him about it, quote, im for tradition. So were in kind of a weird place, with the official start of the general Election Campaign, to see who will be the next president of the United States. It starts today. Both candidates have formally won and accepted their parties nominations, as have their running mates. Its on, day one. But for the Democratic Party, we with can see pretty plainly what their campaign is doing, and we know why theyre doing it. Almost exactly like bill clinton and al gore did in 1992. Hillary clinton and her running mate tim kaine, they started a bus tour together. Theyll have multiple stops over the course of today and the next day and the next day in the battleground states of pennsylvania and ohio. Thats whats happening on the democratic side. On the republican side, though, this is also day one of the general election, and we really dont know whats going on. I mean, while Hillary Clinton and tim kaine were in philadelphia, pennsylvania, today, there was Donald Trump Jr this week campaigning in philadelphia, mississippi. How does that make sense . The chair of the Republican Party, Reince Priebus said just ahead of the Republican Convention that what donald trump would be doing right after the convention, right after he got the nomination this year, was that he would be starting a nationwide, hispanic Engagement Tour. And that makes sense, and it seems very necessary for the Trump Campaign, right . If you memorize no other numbers in order to understand what the Trump Campaign needs to do, in order to win this fall, memorize the numbers on the latino vote. George w. Bush had nationwide support from latinos that was over 40 . Thats how he won his election. In contrast, mitt romney and john mccain, their latino support was in the 20s and 30s. And that wasnt enough. They both lost their elections. Right now, donald trump is polling nationwide with latinos at 14 . Which means, if you know nothing else, unless this election happens on mars, donald trump will lose the election, because of that number with latinos. And so, right, it made sense, the chair of the Republican Party announced right before the convention, that what donald trump would be doing right after the convention, would be his nationwide, hispanic Engagement Tour got it. And in fact, the Trump Campaign did schedule a hispanic roundtable for donald trump to attend this week, on tuesday, in miami, florida. And then they canceled it. This is the headline in the miami herald. Interesting diction here. Trumps miami roundtable for hispanics isnt happening. That was apparently the only public event that had been planned and announced for Donald Trumps supposed nationwide hispanic Engagement Tour. But the miami event got canceled. They said theyre going to reschedule it, but they havent said anything about when theyre going to reschedule it for. And instead on that day that they were supposed to be doing their hispanic Engagement Tour roundtable in miami, when they decided not to do that, instead, on that same day, the donald Trump Campaign sent the candidates eldest son to philadelphia, mississippi to speak at the site of the lynchings and to speak about how the confederate emblem should stay on the Mississippi State flag. The campaign is making decisions that are not what the party said they were going to do. Theyre not what strategically you would expect. The campaigning structure and schedule is a little weird. Its a little weird. Donald trump did make two Campaign Appearances today in colorado. One this afternoon and another rally thats going on tonight. Strategically thats interesting, because Hillary Clintons campaign has announced as of this week that theyre so confident theyre going to win colorado that theyve pulled all their advertising out of the state. So donald trump is campaigning today and tonight in colorado. But one of the things well be talking about later on in the show tonight is how strange this upcoming weekend is going to be, at least on the republican side. On the democratic side, this is normal. Hillary clinton and tim kaine, doing what you expect them to do, taking a bus tour through swing states, multiple events per day, in pennsylvania and ohio. Thats how they spend one, two, and three. Friday, saturday, and sunday, we know what theyre going to be doing through the weekend. But after today, donald trump has no events on his schedule. And so maybe, this is genius. Maybe this is, you know, him playing three dimensional chess while everybody else is playing bean bag, or whatever that stupid saying is. But as of day one, thats weird that thats what the Campaign Looks like. Because this is what the forecasters say as of day one. This is ahead of any polling bounce that Hillary Clinton may or may not get out of her convention this week. But forecasting from the state by state polls as they exist right now, looking at the various forecasters out there, not an exhaustive list, but rothenberg political report, they say right now, their forecast is Hillary Clinton winning the presidency with 332 electoral votes. You only need 270 to win. The Cook Political Report has her winning with 304 votes. Larry sabato, he has her winning with 347 elect roll votes. The princeton election consortium, they have her winning the presidency with 320 electoral votes. Theres also a whole group of forecasters that give each candidate a percentage chance of winning. Theyre not forecasting this as the percent of the vote that each candidate will get, this is the percentage chance of each candidate winning. And all of them picked clinton, the New York Times has her with a 69 chance of winning, 538. Both in their polls only forecast and polls plus forecast. Have Hillary Clinton winning. Ahead of any Democratic Convention bump that Hillary Clinton may or may not get. Theyve got her with a 69 chance of winning. All of the forecasters now say Hillary Clinton will win the presidency in november. All of them say that donald trump is losing, that hes not going to win in november. So what do you expect a losing campaign to do on day one of a election that looks like that from day one . Whatever you might expect a losing campaign to do in circumstances like this, what the campaign, what the Trump Campaign is actually doing is cancelling their hispanic Engagement Tour, taking their candidate off the campaign trail for the first weekend of the general election, and focusing the Campaign Resources they are expending on the deep red George Wallace territory of North Central mississippi. It is easy to see what kind of game Ronald Reagan was playing after his convention when he did that in 1980. Its creepy, but we know what he was doing and why. Its not clear what kind of game the Trump Campaign is playing the Trump Campaign is playing right now at all. Using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the fruit. Veggies. And herbs needed to create a popup pickyourown juice bar in the middle of the city, so now everyone knows. We have some of the freshest juice in town. See what the power of points can do for your business. Learn more at chase. Com ink see what the power of points can do for your business. Esuthey offer a claimfreece a smarter discount. H saves money. Because safe drivers cost less to insure, which saves money. They let you pay your bill electronically, which saves postage, which saves money. They settle claims quickly, which saves time, which saves money. And they offer home and auto insurance, so you can bundle your policies, which saves money. 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Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. But you may experience common discomforts. Introducing trunatal from one a day. Trunatal is a new line of products designed to address discomforts with nausea relief and regularity support. Add trunatal from one a day for relief and support you can trust. Americans are buying more and more of everything online. And so many businesses rely on the United States Postal Service to get it there. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. The United States Postal Service. Priority you in december in minnesota, Hillary Clinton spoke at a Campaign Event about army captain humayun khan, who was killed in iraq in 2004. She talked about him at that event. And last night at the Democratic Convention, the democrats ran a short clip of clinton making those remarks back in december, in which she explained who captain khan was and how he died. After they showed that clip, when the lights came up in the room and captain khans parents were there in person and they came up to the podium, the room erupted in a long standing ovation for them, it lasts over a minute. It was almost hard to control. It washed over them in waves and that was before khizr khan even started speaking. And then he started speaking and he and his wife held it together, and he spoke with incredible sobriety and dignity. But, i think its fair to say, the rest of the country, everybody watching, basically fell apart as mr. Khan spoke. It was a truly, truly extraordinary moment. Tonight we are honored to stand here as parents of captain humayun khan. And as patriotic american muslims. [ cheers and applause ] [ crowd chanting usa ] as patriotic american muslims with undivided loyalty to our country. Like many immigrants, we came to this country emptyhanded. We believed in american democracy, that with hard work and goodness of this country, we could share in and contribute to its blessings. We are blessed to raise our three sons in a nation where they were free to be themselves, and follow their dreams. Our son, humayun, had dreams too, of being a military lawyer. But he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed his life to save the lives of his fellow soldiers. [ cheers and applause ] Hillary Clinton was right when she called my son the best of america. If it was up to donald trump, he never would have been in america. Donald trump consistently smears the character of muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country. Donald trump, youre asking americans to trust you with their future. Let me ask you, have you even read the United States constitution . I will gladly lend you my copy. [ cheers and applause ] in this document, look for the words look for the words liberty and equal protection of law. Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery . Go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending United States of america. You will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing, and no one quote, for all the artifice surrounding politics, for all the selfconscious messaging from politicians, its sometimes too easy to forget that this is the manner in which we as a people govern ourselves. But every so often, all of the stage craft falls away and we are left with a pure and singular american moment. Thats how the great dan rather saw that moment last night. Personally, it was one of the most stunning moments ive ever seen at any convention. But dan rather has seen a lot more of them than i have. Joining us now is dan rather, who has covered more than 30 conventions in his career, including this one, this dnc in philly. Great to see you, thanks for being here. Thanks for having me, rachel. I was struck by what you wrote about that, but also, what you wrote about it, given your perspective, and how many of these youve seen. A singular moment. I was so moved by that moment. Im still moved by it now, watching it for about the sixth time. I was so moved by it in the moment that i couldnt talk for the rest of the segment that we were on tv at that point. I was absolutely gripped by that. I would be very surprised if that were not the case with a lot of people, including a lot of republicans. Theres a long way to go in the campaign. It is true that ive been going to these president ial nominating conventions since 1956. And ive seen a lot of standout moments. But unique moments such as this, that are chilling and historic, are really rare. You can make an argument that Ronald Reagans speech on behalf of Barry Goldwater in 1964 was one of those moments for some people. Im not equating them. Im just saying there are certain times at a convention where you say, theyre going to be looking at that film 50 or a hundred years from now. And this was one of those moments. Whether youre a democrat or republican, you had to be moved by it. He touched something. And its so difficult at these conventions. Theyre mostly media messaging pageant spectaculars. Ask its very hard to craft moments like that. And every time the politicians try to craft one, it usually fails. People see through it. But this was so genuine. I will say, what a night it was. Look, theres a long way to go in this race, and its a dangerous time for Hillary Clinton, because the polls, as you showed earlier, show her leading the polls, widening out in the polls. Thats not when she runs at her best. This is a perilous moment for her because they can exhale. They think they can. You need to exploit success. And the test for Hillary Clinton and her forces now are whether they can exploit the success. But last night, i was struck. I like to think im a softie in some ways, but i try to be, you know, a toughminded reporter. But heres a night where you had this moment, which came out of nowhere, this wonderful man pulling the constitution out of his pocket and saying to donald trump, you have sacrificed nothing, you have lost no one. But then later in the evening, this same evening, if you will, ive seen all these moments at previous conventions, but there was never a woman standing at the end as the nominee. And so, again, how are you going to vote in the end . Mark the moment. Because here we had this man and his wife standing, talking about their son, who gave his life in iraq, and then followed by the very first time in history by a woman standing at the end as the nominee. I was moved also after i got off the air last night and i was looking at some of the online reaction of the number of conservatives and republicans, particularly men, who were talking about how much it meant to them to have their daughters or other female relatives see that. People who let their young kids, their young daughters and young sons stay up late to see this moment. Whether they were there in the room or watching at home. Do you feel like, and this is somewhere in between your soft heart and your hardedge reporting, do you feel like her being a woman is more of an advantage or disadvantage . It could be an advantage because its galvanizing, historic, and people want to be part of it. It could be a disadvantage because sexism could hold her back, imagining her as commander in chief, or they wont want to have a woman president for the next eight years. What do you think . On balance, i think shes the first woman nominee of any party. Its an advantage, but its not enough. I think her address was good. I didnt think it soared. Exuded strength. My question is whether she exuded warmth. And to ask the question is not to suggest that i know the answer. Ive never seen a warm male acceptance speech either. You didnt watch donald trump in cleveland, apparently. Did you feel cuddly about that . Did you want to give him a hug . You know, i think the key for hillary, i dont like to talk in terms of race, but we have to. The key for white women, mitt romney got about 56, 57 of white women in the last election. If donald trump its been said for months now, if donald trump can increase that to above 60 , flirt with 60, 65 , he will win. Now, in answer to your question, there will be plenty of women, and not all of them are democrats who say, its high time we had a woman. Good to give her a chance. Good for her. But i think most women will be looking for more than that, saying, thats good, but do i think shes competent . And also, she didnt touch too much on her record in support of president obama last night. Thats true. In politics, as in so many things in life, you are what your record is. And shes going to be attacked unceasingly on her record. Shes going to defend that record. So bottom line, look, she had a great night, the Democratic Party had a great night. Its not enough, its not nearly enough. And if they are thinking to themselves, okay, now the polls are up, and we can sort of coast between now and november, thats a very dangerous moment. And however that calculus works out in the end, khizr khan created a moment last night that we will remember as a country for years to come, even completely separate from this election. Let me close with this. There was last night, there was before, and there will be in the rest of the campaign. Theres more spinning cups than tea cups at disneyland. And there will be the rest of the way. But cutting through that spin and getting to such moments, as we saw with mr. Khan and that moment when Hillary Clinton walks out, and you could see it in her face. After all these years, after half a century, finally, finally here. Dan rather is the host of the big interview. Always an honor to have you here. Thanks for having me. An important programming note. Khizr khan and his wife are going to be on tv tonight. They are Lawrence Odonnells exclusive guests tonight on the last word, which is right after the show at 10 00 p. M. Eastern right here on msnbc. Boy, that is exciting. Well be right back. Theres a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. Try phillips fiber good gummies plus energy support. Its a fiber supplement that helps support regularity, and includes b vitamins to help convert food to energy. Mmm, these are good nice work phillips. The tasty side of fiber, from phillips. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. 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We wanted to help more people get out there and see the world. Once you take that leap, thats where the magic happens. Ready . This is jeff bridges. This is jeff daniels. This is jerry lewis. This is jerry lee lewis. This is dillon mcdermott. This is dermot mulroney. This is pope francis. And this is jeffrey tambor. You know, mistakes happen. Mixups happen. We mix people up sometimes. Were human. Sometimes it really matters. Sometimes it makes for a huge political mishegoss. And thats next. My business was built with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on all of my purchasing. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Which adds fuel to my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Those hot dogs look good. Oh yeah, hebrew national. Their allbeef like yours but theyre also kosher. 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They settle claims quickly, which saves time, which saves money. And they offer home and auto insurance, so you can bundle your policies, which saves money. Esurance was born online and built to save. And when they save, you save. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance, an allstate company. Click or call. But you may experience common discomforts. Introducing trunatal from one a day. Trunatal is a new line of products designed to address discomforts with nausea relief and regularity support. Add trunatal from one a day for relief and support you can trust. Something called the United States football league. It only existed for a hot minute. It was founded in 1983. It was dead by 1986. But for that brief shining moment, with when there was an american football league, not called the nfl, donald trump owned one of the teams. He owned the new jersey generals. They played at the meadowlands in new jersey. They were terrible. But they were technically a professional sports team in new jersey. And so donald trump could be found at the time, in the mid 80s, occasionally hanging out with new jersey officials like the governor of new jersey at the time, a man named tom kean. Its pronounced cane like candy cane. And tom kean was a twoterm republican governor of new jersey. He went on later to chair the 9 11 commission. His son, tom kean jr. Is the top ranking republican in the new jersey state senate. So thats tom kean, new jersey governor, famous family, distinguished career, and from the mid 1980s one time political acquaintance of football owner donald trump. And now, you know what the craziest thing is about tom kean of new jersey . Now hes Hillary Clintons running mate. What . Her running mate, tim kaine, who by the way, did a terrible job in new jersey. First act he did in new jersey, was ask for a 4 billion tax increase and he was not very popular in new jersey and he still isnt. For the record, this is tim kean. No. This is tim kaine. There we go. See, the mistakes, they can happen. This is tim kaine, Hillary Clintons running mate. His name is tim, his name is kaine, and hes from virginia. This guy is tom kean. Now, hes not tim kaine, hes a republican, hes 81 years old. Donald trump might remember him from his new jersey generals failed Football Team years, but tom kean is not tim kaine. Hes not Hillary Clintons running mate. Different guy entirely. Tom kean from new jersey, tim kaine from virginia. He was not very popular in new jersey. This was this week that donald trump said that tim kaine was not very popular during his time in new jersey. Donald trump said that this week during the Democratic Convention. He said it five days after Hillary Clinton named tim kaine of virginia to be her running mate. Presumably its somebodys job at the Trump Campaign to brief their candidate on stuff like who hes running against. Who Hillary Clinton has picked as her running mate. I know theyre busy, maybe he didnt get an indepth briefing on tim kaine, but in five days, you might expect them to be able to cov some basic details, like, what is the mans first name, what is the mans last name, what state is the man from, and is the man the same 81yearold republican guy who donald trump knew in new jersey 30 years ago . But apparently the trump briefing on tim kaine didnt get to that level of detail over the course of him being on the ticket for five days. And so, were here to help. If you go online right now, to, isthistimkaine. Com . You can do a photo flash card thing, test yourself as to which of these people is tim kaine and which of these people isnt tim kaine. Its helpful for the other partys president ial candidate, helpful for anyone. You have a hundred days to get this right. Isthistimkaine. Com. We live to serve. We live to serve. Using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework. 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Afternoon, the New York Times has had this on its front page, Computer Systems used by Clinton Campaign are said to be hacked, apparently by russians. This follows initial reuters reporting that as a part of what the u. S. Government believes are recent russian Cyber Attacks to steal data from the Democratic Party. The Clinton Campaign may also have been targeted by the russians, which of course, is creepy. But its even creepier than you might think, trust me. That storys next. You show up. You stay up. You listen. You laugh. You worry. You do whatever it takes to take care of your family. And when its time to plan for your familys future, were here for you. Were legalzoom, and for over 10 years weve helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts. So when youre ready, start with us. Doing the right thing has never been easier. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. I want to thank Bernie Sanders. Bernie, your campaign inspired millions of americans, particularly the young people who threw their hearts and souls into our primary. Our country needs your ideas, energy, and passion. Thats the only way we can turn our progressive platform into real change for america we wrote it together, now lets go out and make it happen together Hillary Clinton, in her acceptance speech last night, with not just a shoutout to Bernie Sanders and his supporters, but an argument. The democratic platform this year was written by sanders and clinton folks together. Its got a lot in it that the sanders folks really like. And so sanders and clinton folks should now Work Together to get that program implemented by electing democrats, like, for example, Hillary Clinton, who is the democratic candidate for president. The platform of a Political Party feels like it is mostly just for show these days. Its not a binding document. But it does occasionally have real political use. Like this year for the democrats, they used it to try to keep bernie supporters invested in the party and winning the election thiyear. On the republican side, there were no references to the platform at all, particularly from the candidate himself at his convention. Nobody in trump land tried to use the Republican Party platform as a way to bridge differences in that party or anything. They basically ignored it. And its interesting, because there are some ways in which donald trump has diverged from republican orthodoxy, gay rights, abortion issues, but when it came time at their convention to negotiate on that platform, about whether republicans would take a super hardline stance on gay rights and abortion, the trump folks didnt fight that at all. And the Republican Party platform this year, therefore, ended up being super, super hardline on those kinds of issues. They want conversion therapy to cure people from being gay, and theyre as hardline against abortion as theyre ever been. Trump himself is supposedly moderate on transgender issues and rights, but its campaign didnt fight at all when the republican platform went with super hard core, antitrans language in the platform. The Trump Campaign didnt fight on anything in that platform. Trump is the nominee. But on issue after issue, the platform doesnt endorse his policy views. And thats because his campaign didnt fight for them. His campaign basically just didnt flex its muscles to fight for anything or against anything in that platform. Except for one thing. There was one thing, they let all that other stuff fly. But there was one thing that the Trump Campaign jumped on with both feet. They let Everything Else slide, even stuff that was diametrically opposed to their candidates personal views. There was one plank in the platform to which they said, absolutely no, thats gotta go, the Trump Campaign will not stand for this. Ukraine threw out its leader. They claimed it for russia. They took over part of ukraine and claimed it for russia. They started an undeclared war on ukraine. Putin has been making noises that russia should control ukraine from moscow the way they did into the soviet union. And in the west, and in the u. S. In particular, this seem as bad thing so the republican platform, sort of unsurprisingly, said the u. S. Should provide lethal weapons to ukraine so they can resist putin, they can resist russia. That, it turns out, is the one thing that the Trump Campaign insisted had to be taken out of the republican platform. Thats kind of weird, right . Mr. Trumps Campaign Chair lived in ukraine for a while. He lived in kiev. He was working for the proputin dictator there, the one who got overthrown, and now the campaign hes running for trump for president is taking the putin side in that fight even as they dont care about anything else in that platform and in addition to that, the part of ukraine that putin invaded and took over and claimed for himself, donald trump himself said this week that, hey, maybe we should just call that done and consider that to be putin, consider that to be russian territory. I would like to know if you were president would you recognize russian territory and also if the u. S. Were going to well be looking at that, yeah. Well be looking at that. Well be looking at that. Its a little uncanny, right . I mean, crimea, which used to be part of ukraine, and now russia says its theirs, crimea has formally invited trump to come visit. And this is the proputin government of crimea. Theyve invited trump for an International Visit since he wants to recognize them as russian territory. And this is all separate and apart from trump calling on russia to mount a cyberattack on the United States to help him beat Hillary Clinton in the election. Russia, if youre listening, i hope youre able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. He later said that was sarcastic. But the russia and trump thing is getting a little weird when you consider all of the different components of it. And that weirdness about russia and some other rattling things about trump and National Security generally, those are now a big part of how democrats and the Clinton Campaign are making the case against trump. Specifically, how they are targeting republicans to cross over and vote for clinton. National security, the russia thing in particular, is now a big part of how the democrats are targeting not just their own base in making the case for Hillary Clinton, they are targeting independents and republicans who are freaked out by donald trump as an international figure. As the democrats and the clinton folks attack so much of their message to the center with arguments like this, does it lessen the case they are making for clinton to true blue democrats in the Democratic Base . Can you to the independents and Democratic Party all at the same time . Joining us now is connie schultz, pulitzer winning columnist. I saw you in our cutaway cams all week long at the convention. I was so being looking forward to talking to you. Did you have a good time . Define good. It was fascinating, wasnt it . It was a little overwhelming but i learned a lot and met a lot of great people. You are a true blue democrat, you are married to sherrod brown. I dont think youre ever going to peal off the right wingers. Thats not who we need at this point. I do think that theres a deliberate attempt, a good effort, but i want to see what language is going to be perceived from this convention. I wrote a column last week about sitting in on a focus group in ohio in 2006 and listening to mothers fearing really believing that terrorists could show up on their playgrounds and thats when i first started to understand that was the message of the Republican Party and its easy to make people afraid. For a lot of people, its easy to give up control because you want to believe somebody can help you with something you feel is out of control in your life. So i think the National Security argument is going to benefit the Democratic Party because Donald Trumps dangerous. I mean, i was listening to i hadnt heard that about the platform. Listen to that and think about this man getting National Security briefings. But i also one of the things i loved, when you asked if i had a good time at the convention, rachel, after the nomination went in for hillary, when Bernie Sanders that was a wonderful moment and for the rest of the week i kept asking almost any woman i had a chance to talk to, they want to talk about what happened and id ask them to tell them about themselves and why it matters and for the First Time Since ive been a journalist will, ive been a journalist for 30 years, one woman dared to use the word i when i was 12 and started to talking about what had happened in their lives that made this moment, this milestone moment in our country and so important to them. This is a way to reach out to those that are not necessarily supporting democrats, typically women care about everything. They certainly care more about National Security and they listen to donald trump and how he talks about women, they listen to him lie, they listen to him just dismiss any questions and they look at him and so many women at least of my generation are thinking, oh, i know you. I remember you. Youre the guy who stood in the way when i got the job. Youre the i think thats where were headed with that. I think theres a lot to be done there. Pulitzer prize winning writer connie schultz, thanks for being here tonight. Thanks. All right. Well be right back. Stay with us. And feel it all. All summer long. Jeep renegade its how we live 4 by 4 summer. Im not a customer, but im calling about that credit scorecard. to dog give it. Sure its free for everyone. Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh to dog im so proud of you. Well thank you. Get your free credit scorecard at discover. Com. Even if youre not a customer. 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The strange thing is that donald trump and his running mate mike pence have zero Campaign Events, zero Public Events scheduled for this whole weekend, which is an unexpected way to start the election. So thats the strange thing to look ahead to. The awesome thing to look ahead to is the interview that Lawrence Odonnell has scored tonight. Good morning, everyone. Im alex witt here in new york at msnbc world headquarters. Heres whats happening. 100 days and counting. The race for the white house could come down to just a few key states. Details on where both candidates are headed this weekend. New reports of hacking. This time the Clinton Campaign finds itself the target of possible attacks. So a question this morning who did it and why. A Court Strikes down one states voter i. D. Law. It could have big implications in one of the big november battle grounds. The zika virus has spread to florida. Details on how far it has gone and w

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