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This man provided america with the information that allowed us to arrest the network of cuban agents that included the men transferred to cuba today, as well as other spies in the United States. This man is now safely on our shores. The president did not say this mans name. But there just arent that many people in the world who would fit the description. The miami he recalled newspaper was the first to guess the man who president obama was talking about and praising in his speech, was flown out of cue bar after 20 years in jail. Seems like the spanish version was first to report that that man was this man, rolandao sarraff trujillo. Ultimately, u. S. Officials confirmed that this is the guy. This is the superspy who millionth obama traded for the man who if u. S. Credits with wrapping up not one, not two, but three major cuban spying plots inside the United States. Mr. Sar also frksz f worked on the kriptology section of cuban nationalists. He worked in the cuban intelligence director. He was an expert on the codes that cuban spies in the United States used to communicate back home to havana. For example, one of the things that we know about this woman, anna montez, whos described as one of the most damaging spies in american 4is ri, one of the things we know about her case is she specifically used a toshiba laptop computer to compose the encoded messages that she sent back to her handlers in havana. She sent them using this specific laptop. Part of the way the f. B. I. , and then ultimately, the way the pentagon caught her, is that they had been tipped off, somehow, to that specific fact about her. To the fact that she was specifically using a toshiba laptop computer to make those communications. When investigators realized they had a mole in the pentagon, they did all fashioned detective work looking at who had access to the kind of information that was being sent to cuba. They tried to narrow down the list of suspects. When it came time to pinpoint the actual individual, they were able to do it, in part, because they got financial records that show showed that senior sbel jenls official anna montez had taken out a line of credit at a comusa store and they were specifically ability to figure out that the reason she took out a line of credit was to buy a toshiba laptop computer. They got a warntd, they snuck into her house, they got through it, bingo, she turns out to be a spy. Now we know that that initial kernel of data that led to her, well, we dont know, but we can connect the dots. Somebody working in cuba who was an expert in the coded messages that cuba smiles used to send the american secrets home, that would be the kind of person who might notice a detail like what kind of computer that suspect suspected excuse me, that suspect was used to send home those messages. And that information is credited with wrapping up ana montes at the pent gone. This spy is credited with leads of Kendall Myers at the state department. This spy led to a huge kneltwork of spies in south florida. So he worked in the cuban director rat of sbel jenls. Cuba caught him, convicted him of espionage. Aparentally, he was committing espionage for the United States. They sentenced him to 25 years. President obama got him out as of yesterday. His family in cuba spoke to reporters today saying they have no idea where he is. We are told hes somewhere in the United States. But now we know a lot more about the spies and the sub material fujs that led to big change in cuban policy yesterday. We also know a lot more about how the deal came together. Apparently, very shortly after he was reelected and started his second term, in early 2013, president obama perjly authorized a new, fresh oval rature to the cuban government. She aparentally had written a memo to the white house suggesting a new effort to try to normalize relations with cuba and to try to get rid of the embargo. President obama did start that effort secretly at the start of his second term. But its interesting. He chose not to go through the state department. He chose not to go through the proper diplomatic channels in order to make this oval rature. Instead, he decided to go outside the state department, outside normal, o vert diplomatic channels. And, in e instead, this happened basically, dwrektly, from one president s office to another. Basically from president obamas office to raul castros office. Presidency to presidency. President obama tapped these two guys, ben roads and ricard ricardo zudiga from the National Security council. And, in secret, they were the two who made this oval rature to the cuban government and started these talks. Cuban officials would then fly up to canada to engage in these meetings. The canadian government hosted seven of these meets. The canadians were hosting all of these talks. The canadian government itself did not participate. So it was in canada, but it was just the u. S. And cuba. A very small number of very highranking president ial advisors on each side. The only other entity was the pope. The president went to the vatican to meet pope francis. The New York Times describes it today as president obama briefing pope francis in a oneonone meeting over a spare desk adorned with a gold crucifix at the vatican. So the pope aparentally followed up with personal letters asking both men to keep pushing to get their governments to come to some kind of agreement. Meanwhile, the two sides, the two negotiators, kept secretly meeting in canada over this year and a half long effort. Finally, the deal about swapping the spies and freeing allen gross, the final deal on the spy swap and the prisoner releeszs happens at the vat can just two months ago. It happened in october. They apparently had one more logistics meeting there after in canada and how they would coral you graph the handoff of the spies. But once the deal was settled on, it was two days after the midterms when president obama convened a National Security meeting at the white house so the National Security council could get briefed on the deal and sign off on it. That was november sixth when the National Security council got briefed on what was about to happen with cuban. Honestly, given washington, one of the most amazing parts of all of this, is that the National Security council knew of all of this as of november 6th. Here it is, december whatever, and none of it leaked. It didnt leak and it worked. So here are the three cuban spies. And, meanwhile, while all of that has been happening, all of that secrecy and drama and stuff you wouldnt believe if it was in a book, meanwhile, at the same time, we are told now that president obamas participating in daily meetings with intelligence, diplomatic, Law Enforcement and military officials on another supersecret issue of National Security intrigue. This one concerns north korea. The government had concluded that north korea was behind the attacks on Sony Pictures recently. And the attacks, the hacking attacks, have basically been a cross between a celebrity gossip story and a particularly dramatic business story. Sony had their Computer Networks hacked. They had all of their proprietary information posted on line, including really lurid, damaging personal emails, things like medical histories and their most valuable intellectual property including the scripts for forthcoming movies. It was basically a dramatic business story until threats on movie theaters that showed Sony Pictures new comedy that depikts the assassination of north koreas leader, king e kim jong un. Lots of people have expressed anger at Sony Pictures and at the nations major movie chains for essentially caving to that threat and saying okay, they wont show the movie. But, beyond what those businesses chose to do and how they chose to assess the risk and how they made the birz decision they had to make as companies, beyond that, as a private business matter, the United States government has some really woolly decisions to make here now. Otherier this year, you might remember the u. S. Government indicted five Chinese Military officers for their alleged role in hacking into American Companies in order to steal trade secrets. Is this the same kind of criminal matter . And if so, does an diemt make sense . Does it make more sense e sense gens e against north korea than china . Nobody is going to end up in an american courtroom facing those charges. That pros pekt seems even more remote nor anonymous north korean hackers. Beyond the attack on sony, theres also the threat to kill americans on u. S. Soil. This threat of physical violence. Bhoet president obama and security secretary have now said very clearly that americans shouldnt be afraid of that threat in a material way. Americans should feel very free and very safe in going to the movies. Jason son told Andrea Mitchell that the government has no plan to attack movie theaters or any plan like that that might be in the works. But the question for the u. S. Government is how to respond to the fact that the threat has been made, whether or not the threat is credible. I mean, clearly, if this is north korea, this is them taking action as a state. Theyre trying to provoke some kind of response. Theyre constantly telling their own people that theyre already at war with the United States. That were obsessed with them. That we are hostile to them, that the United States is constantly threatening to invade them and theyre only defending themselves from the United States and our terrible aggression. Thats their whole line. In august 12 thd, we did military exercises with south korea. Kim jong un announced it was our war rehearsal. Last year, north korea said their no long range rock ets should be seen as a new phase in their on going war. Last february, they did another nuclear test. Their said they had to do that in order to defend themselves in the face of the ferocious, hostile act of the United States. Last march, north korea said they would not limit themselves to limited warfare with the United States. But, rather, they would engage in allautowar and nuclear war. North korean state media reported this subtle little hint of a threat. L 6 h. And United States militarybased in south korea. That same month, they then released this rather amazing propaganda video showing north korean missiles blowing up the white e white house and the u. S. Capitol. And you get the point. So they already tell their own people that the if United States is waging a war on them. Thats how they justified to their people. Whatever response they are trying to provoke from the United States government right now. Should not help them make that case. They really do want war or at least something that looks like war with us. They want to see important enough that we would have a war with them. And so the white house today went to great pains to say that what theyre considering, what the president is having all of these meetings about on a daily basis now is what would be the appropriate, proportional response to what north korea seems to be doing. We need a proportional response. Sophisticated actors, when they carry out abss like this, are often times seeming to provoke a response from the United States of america. They may believe that a response from us, in one fashion or another, would be advantageous to them. So what are the rules here . And what are the options. With any normal country, youd, like, yank 2 ambassador. But, because its north korea, we already dont have an ambassador. We dont have diplomatic relations with them already. And theyre already under incredible sanctions. Theyre isolated because of every other crazy thing about them, including their nuclear program. North korea is already a pariah state among the nations. So the normal things that you would do as punishment, those arent available. President obama is said to be meeting with Law Enforcement, diplomats and the military in terms of how to come up with a response to what north korea may or may not have done, but the u. S. Government is leaning towards saying they did it. One part of the military now is the u. S. Cyber command, which is based at ft. Ms. Speaker e action d along with the nsa. We tend to think of Cyber Command as playing defense. But are they an option for a case like this in terms of playing offense rk as well. Is that part of who the United States is considering in terms of a range of options. And if the United States does decide definitive that this is north korea and that we are going to respond somehow, what are the odds that we wont actually know what our government response is . Because it will be done in secret as some sort of covert action. Hold that thought. Sheila you see this ball control . You see this right . Its 80 confidence and 64 knee brace. Thats more. Shh. I know thats more than 100 . But thats what winners give. Now bicycle kick your old 401 k into an ira. I know, i know. Listen, just get td ameritrades rollover consultants on the horn. Theyll guide you through the whole process. Its simple. Even she could do it. Whatever, janet. For all the confidence you need. Td ameritrade. You got this. We need a proportional response. Sophisticated actors, when they carry out actions like this, are often times, not always, but often, seeking to provoke a response from the United States of america. Theyve made believe that a response from us in one fashion or another would be advantageous to them. So the watch word has been proportional response. In the context of a big hacking attack and then a threat of physical violence, do we have any state crafty sense of what proportional means . And especially what does proportional mean when youre deelting with crazies like north korea. So when the North Koreans sank a south korean navy vessel, their response to that was cranking sanctions back up to 11. Im sure well do that. Im sure well consider talking to the allies and maybe even going to the security council. But normally, when we talk about proportional attack, we mean an attack that kills people. This was an attack on free speech. In terms of how the United States has decided or how the United States is in the process of deciding that north korea did this, in terms of, i mean, all forms of warfare and all forms of, you know, Foreign Policy and international disputes, attribution is always key. Can you ever have sort of fingerprint fingerprinted con fir mags . It certainly can be very confusing chlts the most disruptive attacks and i dont count sony as pa of that, tend to have existing geopolitical rivals. Like russia versus estonia in 2007. You never see the United States go up against botswana. Youre seeing it during an existing national crises. For ones like this, like some of the other ones weve been seeing lately theyre so confusing because its been a bad attack on a company, but not that bad of an attack on a country. In terms of americas capableties when it comes to Cyber Security and, indeed, cyber warfare. The Cyber Command within the military, is that, in a sense, a defensive organization thats about hardening governmental targets or even America Commercial tar gets . Or is that part of our military that is doing defensive work. No, they are not just defensive. Our cyber leaders are quite proud about their offensive capableties. One of the previous chairman wanted to get out there and brag so it might deter futures. I dont think many countries will dwout our prowess. But theyre the North Koreans. What is there to shoot at . If the attack were still going, we could at least counter attack and try to make it stop. But what can you do now . I dont think theres much to be done on cyber . Jason healy, director of the at lantic council. Its sliegly mindbending stuff for those of us who dont e dont spend a lot of time thinking about it. Appreciate that. So a little stumbling out of the gate never hurt a really good president ial candidate. What does it do to a bad president ial candidate. Heres a question for you as nations develop over the next 25 years, the world will have almost twice as many cars. How much fuel will be needed to power them . About the same as today . 50 more . 100 more . The answer is. About the same as today. By 2040, advances in fuels and vehicles could enable about 75 better fuel economy than today. Take the energy quiz round 2. Energy lives here. Soninlaw people said we ought to close gaun ton moe. My view is we august to double guantanamo. Double it. I see your support for guantanamo and i raise you one whole other guantanamo. Double it. This is a strategy to try to stand out from the pack when you dont. You go big. Seven years after double guantanamo, now, its jeb bush. A couple of weeks a go, jeb bush had an event in the state he used to govern in florida. He gaf a speech to the anticastro cuban american pac. In fact, i would argue, instead of lefting the embargo, we should asker strengthening it again. Double it. Five decades of embargo is just not quite enough. Go longer. We need a bigger, stronger one. Jeb bush has been out of office for eight years. As a candidate, jeb bushs sea legs may be a little rusty, even though its a mixed met for. He will actively be exploring the possibility of running for president. He announced that on tuesday chlts and then the very next day, huge political windfall for jeb bush. He got the chance to do some very active exploring on his candidacy when president obama announced he will be normalizing his relations with cuba. I mean, he made his Florida Political career by Building Support among the cuban american anticastro community. So jeb bush juched right in, as soon as president obama made his announcement. But he jumped in with a mealymouthed comment to a reporter. He said i dont think we should be negotiating with a repressive regime to make changes in our relationship with them. Didnt exactly sail out of the park with that one. He said the Obama Administration to restore ties with cuba is a misstep by this president and another dramatic overreach of his executive authority. So no letting up on the sanctions, double the embargo against cue babble. Baa. The embargo is what we need. Jeb bush has been getting paid for years for a bank that has been nailed for vie lating the sanctions against cuba and illegally doing business there. Since 230089, jeb bush had been a very wellpaid advisor to barclays. Its been there since 2008. In 2010, barclays was fined nearly 300 million because the bank was found to have been dlib ratly hiding its Financial Transactions with cuba and several other sanctioned regimes over more than a decade. So president obama normalizes relagszs with cuba. Jeb bush hammers president obama for easing up on sanctions against cuba. Jeb bush has been working for a bank that was vie lating those sapgtszs for years. And then this morning, in a totally unrelated development, it was announced that jeb bush will be leaving barclays in two weeks. Trksz ada. Jeb bush had to know this was coming. He was working there when they had to pay a 300 million fine. His signature issue is the embargo in cuba. But right out of the gaet, his first day of actively exploring of running for president , he runs right smack into that wall. People say that jeb bush is the new mitt romney. People who hate the idea say that, too. So far, at least he is proving it. When i crave a smoke thats all i crave. Thats where this comes in. Only nicorette gum has patented dualcoated technology for great taste. Plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. And that helps put my craving in its place. Thats why i only choose nicorette. Dave, im sorry to interrupt. I gotta take a sick day tomorrow. Dads dont take sick days, dads take nyquil. 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He decides what he wants to do and he does it in half a day. He makes a dgsz and he excutes it quickly. And everybody reacts that. s what you call a leader. The right wing is in love. They have been all year. And its been awkward and embarrassing to watch all year. But, now, it has become a love that dare not speak its name. They have had to put their love back in the cloz et. Its very sad. But that very sad story is coming up next. Stay with us. Ah, push it. Push it. P. Push it real good ow oooh baby baby. Baby baby. If youre saltnpepa, you tell people to push it. Push it real good. Its what you do. Ah. Push it. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Ah. Push it. Im pushing. Im pushing it real good dave, im sorry to interrupt. I gotta take a sick day tomorrow. Dads dont take sick days, dads take nyquil. The nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. 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Cascade platinum powers through your toughest messes better than the competition the first time. Cascade. Now thats clean. Tomorrow afternoon at 130 p. M. Eastern, president obama will hold his endoftheyear press conference. Its always a little weird. Theres always at least some news made and, frankly, everybody is ushlly a little punchy. You know what they say. Its the most wonderful press conference of the year. It is. It usually is. Its 130 p. M. Eastern time tourm. The most influential press conference of the year. But, today, on the other side of the world, putin held his press conference, too. They usually go on for three hours or four hours or more. Today, his marathon session with the press also included questions about his love life. President putin assured the russian people today that he and his exwife are on good terms and he also announced today that he has found someone new. He told the Russian Press today, i have love in my life. I loef and am loved. Putins current status is loving and loved. The loved part, we actually already knew about in this country. At least anyone who watches fox news already knew. Russia is a player here, and its a big player. Not the United States. I think frankly, in the last week, putin is a statesman. Hes a product of peace and is in a position where he can lecture the United States of america. I think, you know, just for a tennis match, it would be the shouting advantage, putin, i think. I think putin has outperformed our president time and time again. He decides what he wants to do and does it in half a day. He makes a decision and executes it. Quickly. And then everybody reacts that. s what you call a leader. Putin is playing chess and i think were playing marbles. And i dont think its close. I think he was right yesterday when he said the president is playing marbles while putin is playing chess. A con receivabletive line is that he puts our own american president to shame in smarts and leadership and decisiveness and pex. Putin is playing chess and obama is playing something else. American conservatives have kept up this strange love song for putin as russia invaded ukraine this year and took over crimea as russia was basically getting kicked out of the ranks in the global community. Thats not that the collapsing price of oil has been a sledge hammer to the alreadyshaky russian economy. Theyre sliding into a recession. Their currency fell off of a cliff this week. To you and me, this just looks like a chart or maybe somebody going cliff diving. This is a portrait of fear in his hourslong press conference today. Mr. Putin blamed external factors for the economic nose dive in russia. He assured that the country would bounce back. But in the streets, they have been racing to buy anything that they can buy to hold value. Racing to buy whatever they need because theres no telling what their money is going to be worth from hourtohour. It got so bad this week that apple, the Apple Corporation stopped selling stuff in russia. Apple couldnt figure out what tell charge you. And so mr. Get it done, mr. Now thats a real leader, mr. Therell dimensional chess, putin, appears to really, truly, finally have driven his nations economy to rune. Thats what you call a leader. I, of all people, resist the temptation to say neaner, neaner. Every once in a while, the conservatives this was an inappropriate crush. Actually, hes not a genius in the Obama Administration strategy to isolate and punish him by getting the world on our side against him. That strategy appears to v worked and to be working. But were not going to get an acknowledgment like that on foxz news. And in a reaction to that, since its not going to happen, should we worry a little bit that russia is tanking as hard as it is. Russians are people, theyre not all putin. Theyre going to suffer as this goes on. Hes going to be fine. And in the interconnected Global Economy, its not a zeal sum game where somebody else is losing, everybody else wins. If putin sucks too badly, if russia is going off the cliff, how much should we worry about that. Joining us now is michael mcfall. The u. S. Ambassador to russia, professor, nice to see you. Thanks for being with us. Yeah, thavngs for having me. Does the rest of the world face trouble if the russian economy continues on the paet that its in . Are they icelated enough from the Global Economy that their problems can be their own . Or could they drag other people down with them . Well, first of all, ive just got to say, id just agree entirely with what you gist said before coming to me about this putin, the great leader and i think maybe he looked great in the spring. But if were now at the end of the year, decisions he made then are coming back to haunt him. And the people of russia are suffering from it. To your question, i do think we dont want the russian economy to tank. It would have negative consequences. So, you know, putin is always a big bravado guy. But i was struck by how cautious he was and maybe we just might be able to do a deal after the new year. Do you see some path by which he could make the change and somehow call it a win for himself . Of course, thats the hard part. But i could see it. The socalled Freedom Fighters in eastern ukraine. And if porshenko said we have a deal, putin could endorse that and then the west can endorse that. The key here, though, is the ukraine yans. When the price of oil was high, that gave president putin padding. He could afford to do things like, you know, take over crimea and host the olympics and whatever else he wanted to do. Now that he really doesnt have any money to spebd and they are feeling this crunch and particularly whats happening with their currency, what does that do to his leeway and for booing himself politically at home. I think he has a problem. I think that number is soft. And people are beginning to wonder about his course. You see it in polls and i feel it an neck doe tally in talking to my friends in russia. When he said today, he said in two years, were going to turn it around. Thats what he claimed in his press conference. But he didnt outline a strategy for doing that. And that didnt sit well. Hes always had a way to you let me do what you want and i will recover the economy. Michael mcfall, now an nbc news analyst, great to have you here. Thanks very much for your time. Yeah, thanks for having me. As bad as things are for vladimir, he is loved. Well be right back. Go away. And cialis for daily useor you. Helps you be Ready Anytime the moment is right. 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But she also has a bos her boss as superintendent is the school board. And this summer she got a new superintendent job. She was hired by the school board to be the new superintendent in gilbert, arizona. Its an extension sort of the sprawl of phoenix. Its a very, very conservative part of the country. When the local elected school board decided to hire her, the Tea Party Majority on that school board was also at the same time already working on a new idea. They wanted to tear pages out of the honors biology textbooks in gilbert, arizona. They wanted to redact parts of the biology textbooks that made them uncomfortable. That was the ongoing discussion that this new superintendent walked into on her first day on the job. In october, dr. Kishimotos new boss, the conservative school board, they deseed sidcided tha redacting should happen. She ordered her to determine how to do that. Sharpie, or rip the pages out, find a way to get it done, get that material out of there. And dr. K, report back on your chosen method. That happened in october. And christina kishimoto, the new superintendent basically said no. I mean, she shouldnt tell them no exactly because the school board is her bos, she serves at their pleasure, but she told them their big idea would not would recollect outs a expected. She says giving students textbooks with blank spots or missing pages will just send students to the internet machine to find the information on their own. Instead she suggested they should turn the matter over to her, they should let her come up with a plan for maybe not cutting stuff out, but instead adding Additional Information that might make the board more comfortable. As this drama was playing out, the town of gilbert held an election for school board. And in that election, the town dpe sided on a new majority that opposes removing true facts from the textbooks. Theyre still conservative, but they dont want the pages torn out. So theres been an interesting lame duck period. In the meantime, the old Tea Party Majority is still around. They had one last meeting this week at which they could order the superintendent to tear out the pages if they wanted to. They held that final meeting this week, the superintendent told the Tea Party Majority she disagreed with their big idea and the board caved. They changed their minds. Look at the headline. Bi gilbert board on biology textbook redaction never mind. They decided to go with the superintendents plan to add information alongside whats already in the books rather than tearing stuff out. Dr. Kishimoto told us yesterday shes already begun building a team of actual biology teachers in gilbert who will write the two or three extra pages that will make the school board more comfortable. They will attach these in an envelope to the inside cover of the biology books. She told us she did not find it scary facing down her new bosses on an order she disagrees with. She just kept saying what she thought was the right thing to do. I knew i had to walk a careful line here. I added my perspective and i put nit there as a perspective. She did that over and over again until she won. And so now we happily have a web address to give away. Wr we have been keeping the pages that were to be redacted online for gilbert students. We posted them at arizonahonorsbiology. Com. We posted them there for safekeeping, in case they were torn out of the books. But now we dont need that address anymore. Arizona honors biology. Com has served its purpose. But is there an arizona honors biology teacher out who can put arizona honors biology. Com to an unforeseen good use, please holler out, maddowblog. Com. Please let us know. Celebrate whats new, the bigger, better menu at red lobster with more of what you love try our newest woodgrilled combination maine lobster, extra jumbo shrimp, and salmon so hurry in and sea food differently. 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For aggies, if for students and alums of the texas a m university, this is called the academic building. But today, it almost got a new and way less generic name. Today, the board of regents at texas a m was set to rename that Central Building on the texas a m campus, so instead of being called the academic building, it was going to be called the governor rick perry building. James richard perry, aka rick perry, class of 72, seen here in his texas a m cadet uniform. The plan for the name change tame kaim as a surprise to Current Texas a m students. They were only told about the name change a couple of days ago. Students reportedly were not psyched about a guy who had a 2. 2 gpa. Earlier this week, the governor said he was excited by the honor of having the building named after him. But now after the students protested its not going to happen. Governor perry is trying to say it was his decision. He didnt want that building named after him afterall. But honestly, he said just a couple of days ago how psyched he was. If the students hadnt protested, it was going to happen. Now because they protested, it will not happen. And if thats happening in texas at rick perrys alma mater, who here thinks its likely that rick perry is going fob elected piston United States . That does it for us tonight. See you tomorrow and now its time for the last word with lawrence odonnell. The potential republican president ial candidates are now reacting to president obamas cuba policy, and one of them actually agrees with the president. And tonight, we are learning more about the north korean group that u. S. Government officials believe attacked sony and threatened american moviegoers. This is a president w

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