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Guess its 48 hours. It hasnt gone away. It was one of the top two or three stories of the national broadcast. This is something that could be a real concern and is a really concern for donald trump as Hillary Clinton tries to use it to capitalize on his polling problems with women. We have been talking about this for months. Donald trump needing to win over women voters, particularly republican women, in places like the suburbs of milwaukee, where we are, where he is headed to today, out in crucial waukasha county as they say. I think what youre seeing is donald trump not digging himself out of this hole. Hes going back, youre talking about years of comments hes made about Alicia Machado. Now the Clinton Campaign has seized on this. You saw the interview she did on the today show. At least for the next couple of days, its not going to go away. The question, will this resonate with voters and with other republicans the way, for example, trumps attacks on judge did or his attacks on caw khan after the Democratic National convention. Thank you so much. Kristen welker following the Clinton Campaign. In durham, New Hampshire. It was obvious this was a line Hillary Clinton had rehearsed, had wanted to bring up this Miss Universe story line of the debate. But whats next . Now that trump seems to have taken the bait, how do they advance this . Well, they are trying to advance it, craig youre absolutely right. They were out with an ad featuring match chaddo after that debate wrapped so they were ready with the follow up. Yesterday, machado held a press call, talking more about her painful experience. Then of course she did grant that interview to Natalie Morales among other journalists. An opening here, a way to gain ground with women. She already has a significant lead among women. She sees this as a way to really solidify and build on that lead. The other group shes focused on today, those all important millennial voters. Shes going to be hereby at the university of New Hampshire with senator Bernie Sanders, their second joint stop together. And they will be trying to rally those Younger Voters. Of course they overwhelmingly went for senator sanders during the primary. Secretary clinton, not where president obama was in 2012 with the group. So she know shes got some work to do. First Lady Michelle obama out with a new ad today aimed courting Younger Voters. She will be on College Campuses in philadelphia and pittsburgh. Chelsea clinton will also be courting Younger Voters on College Campuses. Fullcourt press for colleges. Hillary clinton has gotten some noticeable endorsements. The arizona public newspaper this morning, former gop virginia senator john warner as well. How do they turn those endorsements into support from voters . Well, i think youre going to hear the campaign tout those endorsements in the coming days and to argue that it proves that you have more republican defections. The Arizona Republican hasnt backed a democrat since it started in 1890. That is significant. Its obviously in a republican leaning state. And then you have that endorsement by former virginia senator john warner. Hes going to make it official today at a stop with tim kaine. And thats significant because hes a former world war ii veteran. Hes the former chair of the Senate Armed Services committee. So he has a lot at stake with the military community and of course that makes up a big part of the electorate in the allimportant swing state of virginia. I think youre going to hear the Clinton Campaign and her top surrogates really tout the endorsement today. Kristen welker in New Hampshire for us, thank you. For our listen earns and viewers at home, here now is a bit more of that conversation between the former Miss Universe and Natalie Morales. Well, you know, with 18 years old when you are growing up when you are the most beautiful woman in the world, that was hard work for me. I was my selfesteem on the floor. After that, i was a bit damaged in my mind. I was in the doctors. You went to doctors . Yes. You had eating dition ord ii . Yes. How many years did you suffer with eating disorders . After that episode, maybe five years. I was in the middle of that storm. You know, i had a lot of jobs. With me now, attorney general of arkansas, donald trump supporter, republican lesley rutled rutledge. Thank you for your time this morning. Good morning, thank you for having me on. Good morning to you. You heard miss machado there. I do want to remind folks precisely how we got here. This is what donald trump said yesterday morning on fox, take a listen. She was the winner, you know, she gained a massive amount of weight and it was a real problem. We had a real problem. Not only that, her attitude and we had a real problem with her. So hillary went back into the years. And found the girl and talked about her like she was mother teresa. What did you think when you heard donald trump talking about another woman gaining a, quote, massive amount of weight . Well, i think that we have someone who is disgruntled, former Miss Universe. It is sad we are discussing this when theres so many important issues that women care about including jobs, the economy and national security. If we want to dig back through the 90s on comments made about women, we can certainly look to secretary clinton referring to Monica Lewinsky as a neurotic loony tune miss rutledge who was bill Clintons Campaign strategist, talking about dragging a 100 bill through a trailer park. Women are not single issue voters. I think this is a sad discourse that we are talking because the women i talk to, they want jobs. The man at the top of the gop ticket, instead of letting it go yesterday morning, he decides again to double down and to talk about a womans massive weight gain. Youre a politician. Youve run campaigns. In what world would you criticize a rival, one of your supporters . Not just for their appearance on a political level, just in life in general, why do that in youre running for president of the United States . Why do it . Well, why as the wife of a president would you miss rutledge, no ignore your husbands indiscretionsrutledge, were goo talk about that in a moment. Ill be happy to talk about it i know you will, but i do want you to answer the question i just asked. As someone running for president , why talk about a womans massive weight gain . Why call into a cable news show to do it . Well, because i believe mr. Trump was asked about it and he was going back through the facts of what happened during that time period. Why not take the high road . I mean, because you know you talk about it, were going to spend the next 24 hours talking about it. And we have so many more important issues to discuss. I couldnt agree more that we need to talking about getting this country back on track, getting people to work, the overregulations. Thats what people care about when im out talking to them. They do not care about this issue. It is a sad discourse. We are going to talk about how women have been treated by these individuals and we certainly need to look to Hillary Clintons treatment of women and stating that she wanted to destroy a woman thats according to George Stephanopoulos memoirs as was written in the New York Times article in january of i dont know what youre talking about. Its a New York Times article written in january of this year quoting from George Stephanopoulos, his memoir, stating that Hillary Clinton said we need to destroy this womans story which one are you talking about . Well, it was i believe it started with an h. There were so many unfortunately we cant recall all of president clintons indiscretions but with regard to gennifer flowers, i believe that this an issue Hillary Clinton to according to diane blairs miss rutledge, miss rutledge, miss rut let me, i just want to ask a question. I know you want to keep going. You asked for specifics. I asked you about one woman and you started talking about a trailer park. Thats a clinton adviser. Its been brought up by others. Rudy giuliani as well. Who we should remind folks announce head was lead he was i wife to be with his mistress. Donald trump on his third wife. Do you really want to talk about the clinton indndiskregss its Hillary Clintons treatment of women, how she treated the women that were with her husband or talked about being with her husband. She personally attacked them and called them names that were absolutely unacceptable under any circumstances and she is not a good role model for women so donald trump would be a better role model for women, is that the contention now . That is not what im saying. Im saying that she is not a good role model for women so would donald trump [ both speaking ] im looking for a leader who will get jobs for american businesses and American Families and im not interested in he said she said and neither is the American Public. The American Public does not care about this. Now, miss rutledge, that is patently false and i think you know this. I think you know there have been a number of polls where women have said, minorities have said that the things donald trump has said and in some cases done, that they find those things to be offensive sure, and i think cares about them, its not true number of polls said how Hillary Clinton has treated women over the years with respect to disgracing them one poll, name one poll where thats the case well, i dont have that in front of me any more than you have a poll in front of you right now but ill b hape happy provide the information. I know women dont want they also dont want to be called miss piggy one of her best friends and confidents well or a stalker is another term she used. Miss rutledge, i do appreciate you coming on, i do appreciate you spending so much time with me this morning. You bet. Thank you. Kareem john pierre, National Spokesperson for move on. Org. If you havent been swayed by what trump said about the khan family or disabled New York Times reporter or the pope or rosie odonnell, what makes you think this back and forth with a Alicia Machado is going to change anyones mind . The comments he has made and doubled down on as you stated on fox and friends yesterday was just deplorable, was disgusting and it just shows who the real donald trump is. When hes on a teleprompter, hes on message. When hes off the telteleprompt what do we see, we see the real donald trump. This does indeed matter. And what the Clinton Campaign has done is really smart. Theyve put out this ad yesterday with Miss Universe talking about her experience personally i just, i mean, maybe it should matter. Perhaps it should matter. But if you look at the polling, you got to wonder whether it actually does. We talk about it here. People tweet about it. People post on facebook about it. People who hate Hillary Clinton at this point, is there anything that can be done or said to change those hearts and minds . I got to say, it does matter because if you look at the philly suburbs of pennsylvania, right, where where the suburb moms that we always be talking about, the educated white voters, this is a message that is going to resonate. When you look at nevada, states like ohio, the suburbs of ohio, this is the type of messaging that will resonate because as a mom, im a mom, i have a young daughter, this matters, right, the way that he is body shaming women matters, right. How many am i supposed to tell my daughter explain the comments that hes made, right, and thats how other women feel. Like how is this man who is the republican nominee for president , how are we supposed to like really put that together and explain that to our kids. So this is why it matters. People are looking at someone who can be fit and prepared and right now hes not showing any of those things. Kareem john pierre, thank you, moveon. Org, always appreciate your insight. Michelle obama hitting the campaign trail. The Clinton Campaign hoping for a two fer here. Plus howard dean doubling down on that debate night tweet about Donald Trumps case of the sniffles. Do i think at 70 years old he had a cocaine habit . New reaction from the trump cap pain and my colleague kate snow will share more of that interview with governor dean. Also World Leaders today remembering former israeli president shimon peres. Help died early today at the age of 93. Peres had been a critical pillar of israel since its founding. He was Prime Minister three times. Held every major cabinet post over his lifetime. He wallace a Nobel Prize Winning leader whose reputation was built on statesmanship and peace. He suffered a serious stroke on september 13 and remained hospitalized until his death. In a statement, president obama praised peres saying, quote, shimon was the essence of israel itself. 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We thought, lets ask him, you know, hes coming on lets ask him about this tweet he sent out on monday night. It was notice trump sniffing all the time, coke user question mark was the tweet. And my first question was why did you go there. I sort of honestly expected that he might walk it back. Or apologize. Or say it was a joke. No, you just heard him. He said this is a signature of people who use cocaine. Then i asked hip this followup. So as a physician, as a medical person yourself, youre suggesting we ought to look at whether the republican candidate for president has a cocaine habit . I dont think he has a cocaine habit. I dont make any diagnose over the television. Doctors have done it in the past and they shouldnt do it. I just was struck by the sniffing and then by his behavior. Which all sort of came together, these four symptoms. You know, do i think he has a cocaine habit . I think its unlikely that you mount a president ial campaign at 70 years old with a cocaine habit but it was pretty striking. He said that about three different times. That to me doesnt read as someone whos despondent about a tweet he wrote which is what the trump supporter said. I asked if he sees any parallel between what hes saying and rudy jjulianys comments, when giuliani was telling everyone to to the internet and check her health. Disproved any rumors giuliani might have been pushing. The Trump Campaign responded late last night saying governor deans comment was beyond the pale and has no place in our important political discussion on a night where millions americans were able to compare and contrast the policies of both candidates. Governor dean went straight to the gutter and was nothing more than a sad distraction in a desperate attempt to stay relevant. All that said, howard dean is not apologizing. I asked him if he would remove the tweet or take it down. No. Not to lend any additional credence to the argument, but i do think it should be noted that howard dean is a doctor. He is a doctor. He say medical doctor. He doesnt want to diagnose anyone through the television. Right but i dont get the sense this is something he is going to be walking back at any point today, do you . I checked in with his office this morning and they said his comments from yesterday still stand. He stands by them. All right. So it goes. Kate snow. Good to see you. Well see you this afternoon here on msnbc. How are trumps controversial comments about former Miss Universe playing out with real voters. Not us but actual voters in florida and ohio. Battleground states. Brandnew reaction on the other side of this break. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. 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This is a man who has called women pigs, slobs and dogs. One of the worst things he said was about a woman in a beauty contest. He called this women miss piggy. Then he called her miss housekeeping because she was latina. Donald, she has a name where did you find this . Her name is Alicia Machado and she has become a u. S. Citizen and you can bet shes going to vote this november. Okay, good. An msnbc political analyst, also host of the hugh hewitt radio show on the salem radio network. Good to see you. Thanks for carving out some time for us this morning. As you know, mr. Trump doubled down on that thing. He said she, quote, gained a massive amount of weight and it was a real problem. Why continue to go there, hugh . I dont know. Its not terrain on which i would want to fight. I use a pneumonic, craig, every liberal really seems so so sad. E is for egypt. L is for liberal. The ss are syria, the status of forces agreement, the server and the supreme court. I would stay in that range. I would not be drawn into controversies about past employees. I would not be drawn into this terrain at all. But im not doing the debate prep. I hope he avoids this. Theres stories developed. It ought not to be on the issue range in my opinion when youre 45 days out from an election about the leader of the free world and a Foreign Policy and the supreme court. So no, i would not double down on it. I would allow the media to run as far and as fast as they want with it. But if im the candidate, i stick with every liberal releasing so so sad. 40 days out, hugh, as you indicated, youre not in these debate preparation sessions. But at this point, if he continues to take the bait like this and continues to get on twitter and calls into radio shows, what makes you think this is just not who he is . And if this is who he is, how can you, then, argue that he does possess the temperament and judgment to lead the free world . If a guys going to call in a cable news show and say, i called her piggy. I mean, thats bizarre on, like, 18 different levels. I dont know if he was asked about it or if he volen teerned it, do you, craig . I dont know if he was asked about it or volunteered it. If youre asked about it, i think you ought to answer quote then pivot. He actually volunteered yesterday morning on fox. Okay, i thats bad policy. I stick with egypt, libya, the russian reset button, syria, the Status Force Agreement and the supreme court. Thats my advice. I dont advise the Trump Campaign. They dont listen ton me. Because thats what i would do. It would be almost routine to say egypt, libya, russian reset, syria, supreme court, status of forces agreement. I would stay, you know, theres a genocide under way. I do think one Interesting Development i sense from my radio show and twitter feed and social media is theres a great deal of unrest. I think lester holt did a fine job, a marvelous job, ive been on that stage before, its very hard to go the distance in those things and stay focused. I think lester did. I also think Going Forward that the next two installments in the series with this massive audien audience, 84 million people, ought not to revisit ground already covered. A lot of people are getting all of their information about this president ial debate election, this binary choice, from these forums. I think anderson cooper, Martha Raddatz and Chris Wallace ought not to return to birtherism. They ought to look at syria. They ought to focus on the supreme court. On the server. The new email deletion that was discovered. The comey testimony yesterday. Theres lots left to cover. If im donald trump, i do not give the media any opportunity to revisit that which has been asked and answered. Hoough hewitt, i always enjo your perspective. Im offended ive never been invited to be be a gevt. Craa guest. Craig, we will fix that this week. Take care, my friend. Thank you. The former chief of staff to senator joe manchin. Its been too long, thanks for coming by. Thanks, craig. I want to talk about the group of undecided voters on monday. You were there. Your firm registered their reactions in real time to the debate. This is what happened when Hillary Clinton brought up former Miss Universe Alicia Machado. He called this woman miss piggy, then miss housekeeping because she was latina. Where did you find her name is Alicia Machado and she has become a u. S. Citizen and you can bet oh, really . Shes going to vote this november. Okay, good. Let me just tell you i should have given folks a heads up there in terms of what we were going to show but you see the line there on the graph, one representing male, one female. The reactions to undecided voters in real time. That really didnt seem to cause a spike in reaction at all. Weve been talking about it ad nauseam. We know its a hot topic on social media. Do people really not care as much as the Clinton Campaign might like to think they do . I think it depends on how you what group of voters youre talking about. In terms of the base and those folks who are leaning towards secretary clinton, especially i would say women, this issue is very strong. Strongly resonates. But, you know, that group was of undeep sided voters. To be honest, the attacks on both sides kind of alienated them both. They felt there was just too much back and forth and not enough talking about them. Where that group in particular turn though against trump who started off actually pretty well. And for the first 20 or 30 minutes. And then just imploded. You know, his offensive rhetoric. You know, the defending birtherism. Thats where he really started losing people and people then when then Start Talking about Foreign Policy, secretary clintons strengths really stood out. His answers were literally nonsensical. And i think, you know, when youre talking about undecided voters that have questions or concerns about both of these candidates, its not going to be the negative attacks that move them. Theyve already been told why they shouldnt vote for the other candidate. What they need to hear is why they should vote for you. Donald trump didnt do that. Hillary clinton did a farp better job of that. But both of them have a challenge to kind of seal the deal with a very difficult bloc of voters. I want to ask you while i have you about governor deen who suggested not once but twice, at least twice, that donald trump may have been using cocaine the night of the debate. Is that going too far . Well, you know, ill answer this two ways. As a democrat who sat there and listenped to trump sit there and question the citizenship and ignore the obvious racial undertones of that. I find it amazing theyre sittinging there outraged that someone would question something like, you know, governor dean is about his potential drug use. As a strategist, you know, its not the thing i would recommend. I mean, listen, this race has become increasingly negative. I think, you know, to the point about Michelle Obama said about going high. The American People, the ones that are going to help decide this election because there are a lunch p bunch of committed voters who arent going to move but those who are going to move, they want to see someone in the oval office who has a vision to better their lives. That plays into secretary clintons strengths. Help is incapable, as we saw in that debate. Of articulating policy vision for the country. Why he degenerates into these personal attacks. If if i was governor dean, i wouldnt have gone there. Personally, i think were better than that. Chris, thank you, sir, come back soon. Thanks, craig. You mentioned Michelle Obama. She hit a home run for Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National convention. Can she reignite that kind of enthusiasm on the campaign trail . The first lady back in philly today. Well go there live next. Before taking his team to state for the first time. Gilman go get it, marcus. Go get it. Coach gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1 cash back everywhere, every time. At places like the batting cages. [ crowd cheers ] 2 back at Grocery Stores and now at wholesale clubs. And 3 back on gas. Which helped him give his players something extra. The cash rewards credit card from bank of america. More cash back for the things you buy most. The cash rewards credit card from bank of america. For over 100 years like kraft has,natural cheese you learn a lot about how people cook. I wish i had like four different mexican cheeses but in one super melty cheese. It does exist you still have two cheese wishes left. Glad forceflex. Extra strong to avoid rips and tears. Be happy, its glad. My insurance rates are but dad, youve got. Allstate. With accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Smart kid. Indeed. Its good to be in, good hands. A president that kids can look up to. A president who believes in our kids and will fight for them every day. Thats why i believe in her. First Lady Michelle obama there in her first tv ad in the president ial campaign for Hillary Clinton. In a little more than an hour, the first lady will stump for the former first lady in philadelphia at a rally in Lasalle University. Thats where we find msnbcs kacie hunt this morning. Lets talk about the campaign. Michelle obama is in the view the Clinton Campaign an advocate that doesnt have a peer. Shes a didfferent kind of persn who can come out and make the sell for clinton. Shes really not seen as a political figure. Shes incredibly popular. Thats why up seen them cutting that a you just played a little piece of. Thats why shes been hitting the campaign trail. Shes going to be here in philadelphia as well. Across the state in pittsburgh later today. Theres an incredibly long line of students here at Lasalle University waiting to get in to see her. And i spent some time talking to the students in that line. The reality is not of them are much more excited about Michelle Obama than they seem to be about Hillary Clinton. Take a look. I was originally a Bernie Sanders supporter. But given the recent i guess statements made by donald trump, given the debate two nights ago, given all of the different policies hes put forth, its more than obvious the only president ial candidate truly remaining right now is Hillary Clinton. Excited at all about Hillary Clinton . About voting for her . No, not really. Not a huge hillary fan. Will you go out and vote for Hillary Clinton or not . No. Why not . Shes a liar. So those are some students who obviously have spent a lot of time waiting in line to get in to see Michelle Obama. Well see if the pitch that Michelle Obama makes is something that can change some of those students minds. I should also say i talked to a group of three africanamerican women, students here who said they were very excited to see Hillary Clinton in the white house because especially what donald trump has said. I did talk to many students who are frankly offended by some of the things that donald trump said, particularly in that debate on mooned night, craig. Kacie hunt, back in college for the day, casey, thank you. No, no, im not going back to college. No, neither would i. Its fun to be here for a day. Damaging testimony from a key witness in the new jersey bridgegate trial. What governor Chris Christie knew and when he knew it. Next. At safelite, we know how busy life can be. These kids were headed to their first dance recital. When their windshield got cracked. But they couldnt miss the show. So dad went to the new safelitedotcom. And in just a few clicks, he scheduled a replacement. Before the girls even took the stage. Safelitedotcom is the fast, easy way to Schedule Service anywhere in america so you dont have to miss a thing. Yall did wonderful thats another safelite advantage. girls sing safelite repair, safelite replace. Chris christie back in an unwanted spotlight over the 2013 socalled bridgegate scandal. Christie has denied any knowledge of the scheme to create traffic jams. Over a number of days at the bridge as a former political payback. But a key witness in a trial on the issue has now testified christie did in fact know about the plan at the time. Matt cats is a reporter for wnyc radio. He has been following Chris Christie for years. He has been following this trial very closely. We have a star witness cooperating, his name is david whilestein, in order to avoid prison time. He says at ground zero on the 10th anniversary of the attacks while this traffic jam is going on, wilestein sees governor christie and tells governor christie theres major traffic in fort lee today, him and other alleged coconspirators were bragging about this traffic jam. And not only that, he be said he bragged that they were ignoring calls from the mayor of fort lee where this traffic jam was happening. The mayor was calling everybody he knew to try to figure out why this traffic was happening. He said it was endangering public safety. These guys were ignoring their calls. And this one conspirator, one witness, says he bragged to christie he was ignoring this guys calls and christie, wilestein says, knew why he was ignoring the calls. Because they were trying to punish the mayor for not endorsing christies reelection. The democratic mayor. Right. Governor christie has not been charged, hasnt been indicted. Theres been no formal no formal charges brought just yet. Do we think that changing at any point based on the testimony thats happened in court . No, this testimony seems to be the imaginer piece of evidence if you want to call it that, against krichtie on this. Theres no document other than that. We do know there was a coordinated effort to get this guys endorsement, this mayors endorsement. Krichtie appears to have been aware they were trying to get this endorsement for over a matter of years. Yes. And he knows and we do know they were very upset with this mayor because he refused to endorse christies reelection. Whats the governor saying about what happened in court . Hes saying it doesnt change the fact hes been telling the truth from the getgo on this and if any conversation happened about traffic, he would have paid it no mind because theres traffic all the time at the George Washington bridge. Matt katz, thank you so much for giving us the debrief on what happened. Good to see you. Up next, both candidates courting young voters, but will millennials turn out for either candidate . Chris jansen is in florida talking about what students want to hear before election day. And trump versus the facts. Stephen colbert taking a shot at trumps truthfulness or lack thereof on the tonight p late sh show. Found trump averaged one falsehood every three minutes. Which is damning. Though on the plus side, you can use trumps lies to tell if youre microwave popcorn is done. Trump compadid not take this squatting down. I won every poll easily. I won cbs. Yeah, he won the cbs poll. Thats impressive. Except for the fact that cbs did not conduct a postdebate poll. Oh. I just saved thousands on my loan at lendingtree. Com. In less than a minute, i found out how much home i can afford. I like how you shop for loans the same way you shop for flights online. I didnt realize that lendingtree you can save money on almost any sort of loan. 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Yeah, i think its consistent with what weve seen as we look around the campus here and its starting to wake up, craig. Theres honesty and trustworthy. That goes through all demographics. Theres a couple things about millennials. One is theyre less likely to be ideological. We know from the numbers theyre less likely to register as a republican or a democrat. More of them are independents. If they are registered to a party, they dont feel that affinity because they havent been in it as long. But also its just a sort of different mindset. Ive got mike and mark here. Two republicans. Both undecided. A lot of people are saying what after all this time you still havent figured it out, whats the conundrum for you . Well, to me, i heard you say theres a lot of people who are ideological voters, who are not ideological voters. I am not i am an ideological voter. I am a strict conservative. I dont see either candidate defending the constitution. I look to can i see them doing the nonpartisan part of the job. Do i see them honest, trustworthy, the temperament to negotiate with World Leaders, d i see them as not a liar, and i dont. To me, im trying to find the best candidate on the ballot and i dont see any of them fill in that void for me. What is it for you . Why im undecided . Yeah. So, i mean, its really comes down to the choice between the lesser of two evils which is awful. I think the American People deserve better. I dont like knowing i have to choose between crude on one hand and corrupt on the other in my opinion. So like you said, millennium voters are less partisan. If youre a partisan voter, you vote for party lines. We vote more on character i find. And the character of both of the candidates doesnt appeal to a lot of people. Would either of you vote for either johnson or stein . Would you go for a third party . I would not vote for stein. Johnson . Johnson, ive thought about, but i have decided real quickly . I would vote for johnson if he was more competitive. This is a nightmare for Hillary Clinton who is losing these voters in huge numbers. Its those third parties. Let me just say one more thing, craig. Think about it. This is the first generation who has had all the information in their pocket, which means you and i, when we were growing up, right, craig, if we wanted to figure out what was going on in politic, we watched the 6 30 news, we waited for the newspaper to come out. Maybe we started to get on the internet. Thats not the case anymore. They have everything they need. Not just from the more traditional media. Makings this whole mel lennial vote for lack of a better word squishy. Theyre killing us. That is true. Thats a separate show. On the campus of the university of florida. Big thanks to you. Developing this morning, a Deadly Police involved shooting involving another black man, san diego county. Well have details on that next. 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Police say they were called because the man was behaving eraltically. They say they tased then shot him when he would not follow their instructions. It is police chief says a item from his pocket, classping it with both hands, in a shooting stance. However, no weapon found at the scene. The man who has not been identified yet appeared to be behaving strangely, walking in traffic. A woman presumed to be the sister called the police. The woman told our affiliate knsd the suspect is mentally challenged, was having a seizure and did not understand police commands. Neither of the officers involved was wearing a body camera. Cell phone video has been turned over to police as evidence. Both officers have been placed on administrate ive leave pendi a full investigation. Major fallout for wells fargo. Weeks after the bank disclosed it created fraudulent accounts without permission from customer, the companys board of directors is now revoking 41 million from that companys ceos compensation package. The head of the Retail Banking division that created the fake accounts has been foerpsed out months ahead of the scheduled retirement. That person will be forfeiting 19 million in stock awards. The board says it could take more action. The yankees fan almost struck out with a proposal gone wrong. Check this out. Red sox yankee game last night. Man kneels down for a big moment with his girlfriend. And he drops the ring. Some helpful fans pitched in though. Fortunately. The run away band was recovered. After all that, the woman said no. She said im not going to marry the loser who cant hold a ring. Thats not what happened. She said yes. All is right with the world. Thats going to do it for this hour of msnbc live. Another fiery day on the campaign trail, given you have it at 60 degrees in the studio. Maybe ill be heated up by some of the headlines coming. Were going to start lowering its going to be warmer tomorrow for you. I apologize. 60 degrees in here. Lets see if donald trump will apologize to Miss Universe. The battle between donald trump and Alicia Machado heating up. Shedding more light on what trump said about her weight and how she feels about being part of the president ial debate. And now president obama in a new interview with steve harvey discusses trumps comments about women. You have somebody who basically insulted women and then doubled down. As trump deals with that fallout, two bigname surrogates join Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail today, Bernie Sanders, who is now promising a radical proposal about college affordability. He will be with Hillary Clinton when that announcement is made today. And also ahea

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