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Republicans understand that donald is a disaster, that donald is a gift to Hillary Clinton, that hes the only candidate maybe in the country that Hillary Clinton could beat in the general. So, he did this attack to try to change the subject. It what donald does. But at the end of the day, i think the people are interested in serious topics, not the silliness of his bullying and personal attacks, but rather you know look one of the thin thin d wanted to change the subject from, america withdraw from nato. That was an absurd suggestion. A suggestion borne of weakness and isolationism and hand putin and isis a massive victory. For donald to have suggested that one day before this tragic terrorist attack in brussels where of course nato is headquarters, demonstrated how unprepared and how unsuitable he is to be commander in chief. He wanted to change the subject on Foreign Policy. Donald doesnt have a whole lot of knowledge, understanding of our enemy. He wanted to change it to a topic that he does understand, which is personal attacks and sullying and attacking others. Well, the American People recognize this is a Dangerous Team and we need a serious leader. President obama responded to your remarks earlier and he said while you were speaking your plans were not realistic. What do you say to that when it comes to dealing with terrorism . Im never surprised when president obama lashes out and attacks me. Im never surprised when mayor de blasio lashes out and attacks me, the way he did yesterday, because their policies are failures. Their policies arent working. What weve seen for seven years under barack obama is weve seen this administration abandoning our friends and allies. This is most antiisrael Administration Americas ever seen. We have seen president obamas weakness and appeasement give rise to radical islamic terrorism, isis, which president obama wrongfully dismissed as the junior varsity, is the face of evil. They have declared jihad on america. And president obama refuses to acknowledge that. He is so captured by political correctness, hes unwilling to confront it. Indeed he wont say the words rad kald islamic terrorism. And the American People are fed up with a president who responses to terror attacks in paris, responds to terror attack San Bernardino not by fighting terrorist but was lecturing people on islama phobia. What will prevent donald trump from getting the necessary delegates with john kasich still in the race or should kasich leave . El and, we have a straightforward path to winning the nomination, winning 1,237 delegates and beating donald trump. And i would note we are the only candidate in the race who has a path to beating donald trump and winning the nomination. Thats what we are focused on doing, winning state by state fighting on the ground. New york is a battleground. We are competing vigorously here in the state of new york. One of two things will happen either get 1237 delegates before the convention, thats option a, thats our preferred option. The second option is its possible that nobody gets 1,237 delegates both donald trump and i go into the convention with a ton of delegates and then the convention will decide. Now there are some folks in washington that are having fevered dreams of a brokered convention, of the convention deadlocked and march in with a white horse and have this washington deal maker, who didnt run, wasnt elected by the people but who saves the washington establishment. That aint going to happen if they tried that you would see the voters revolt quite rightly after having all 50 states vote. If nobody gets 1,237 the delegates will decide between me and donald trump. Under the rnc rules we are the only two candidates whose name will be on the ballot. John kasich has no path, its mathematic impossible to win the nomination and hes ineligible to be on the ballot. The only two people who will meet that test are donald trump and me. If no one has gotten 1,237 by then, delegates elected by the people will vote, and we will win that vote, one way or the other i believe we are going to win the nomination. And the reason is, 65 to 70 of republicans recognize that donald trump would be a disaster. It was striking last week, a general election poll was done in the state of utah, and if donald trump is the republican nominee he loses utah to Hillary Clinton. Now you utah is bright, bright red, about as conservative as you can get. If a republican cannot carry the state of utah, as donald trump cant, that means you are looking at a mondalelevel bloodbath of a defeat across this country, nominating donald trump would not only elect Hillary Clinton but lose the senate it might well lose the house of representatives, it would lose races up and down the ballot. What we have seen, we are seeing this continue every day, is republicans uniting. In the last ten days, our campaign has been endorsed by jeb bush, by mitt romney, by mike lee, and mark leaven. That is broad a spectrum of the Republican Party across ideological spectrum. Represents the full breadth of the Republican Party because republicans are uniting behind our campaign and wshging that unity with open arms. Its now we win the nomination. Its how we win the general. Last question. Melania trump, is that gutter politics here that ad was inappropriate. We have nothing to do with it. Its not our campaign. Its not a super pac affiliated with us. I dont know the person who did it. Ive never spoken with them. We have no involvement whatsoever. Donald knows that. He just used it as an excuse to tray to attack my wife heidi. And that is that speaks volumes about his willingness to go to the gutter at the drop of a hat. Part of the reason is, donalds not comfortable talking about policy. Hes not comfortable addressing Foreign Policy and the wake of a terror attack, donald doesnt know what to do to deal with isis. He goes back to his comfort zone and his comfort zone is insults and personal attacks and bullying, and this United Statess a serious time when serious threats to our safety and security. We need a commander in chief who understands the enemy and is prepared to do whatever is needed to defeat radical islamic terror. And defeat isis. Last question. Are you worried about [ inaudible ] come back to bite you and some people may subscribe to your values. Im not worried because the people of new york under stand firsthand the liberal left wing values of new york politicians. The people of new york have suffered under the liberal left wing values of new york politicians. And they experience it firsthand whether it is men and women in upstate new york and western new york who would like to work and have highpaying jobs but liberal politicians prohibit fracking so they dont get the high paying jobs that people in pennsylvania get or whether its africanamerican and hispanic schoolchildren in new york who mayor de blasio tried to throw the of their Charter Schools because hes bought and paid for by the Teacher Union bosses, and values their monetary support more than the futures of Young Children who are seeking hope and an opportunity for the american dream. I would note, one of the reasons why i think we are poised to do very, very well here is the people of new york know donald trump. They know that for 40 years donald trump has bankrolled the same liberal democratic politicians that have inflicted so much damage on the state of new york, on the people of new york, that donald trump has bank rolled andrew cuomo, Donald Trump Bank rolled Hillary Clinton and Charlie Rangel and Eliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner and it is a list of faileded and corrupt democratic politicians who have inflicted damage on the people of new york. And ill say, it was striking this past week, donald sent another tweet when he wasnt engaging in personal and nasty attacks he sent another tweet saying Hillary Clinton has been corrupt her entire professional career. Now thats more than a little ironic give than donald trump has been funding her professional career, both as a u. S. Senator but also as a president ial candidate. And indeed, you want to look as a locus of corruption the Hillary Clinton and bill Clinton Foundation that accepted millions of dollars of checks from foreign governments, from foreign companies, foreign actors when she was secretary of state. A level of corruption that even under the standards of washington takes your breath away and among those donors is donald j. Trump who gave at least 100,000, maybe a quarter Million Dollar to the Clinton Foundation. He acknowledges shes been corrupt her entire career it raises the natural question, why is donald funding corrupt, liberal politicians open border politicians who have been damaging the people of new york and the people of this country for a long, long time. Senator ted cruz taking a few questions from reporters as he campaigns in norew york. Tim miller, Senior Adviser to the antitrump our principles pac and jeb bushs communication director. First, talk about what is an extraordinary war of words now between donald trump and ted cruz involving their wives. I dont know what we can even compare this to, anything that weve seen in the past. You now even have heidi cruz coming out within the last hour responding to Donald Trumps threats via twitter to spill the beans about her after he alleged that ted cruz was behind an ad in utah showing his wife on the cover of gq undressed. This is the ad. Ted cruz says he has nothing to do with it from a pac make america awesome. What is your take . I wouldnt call it a war of words. Ted cruz didnt do anything except for run a campaign for president based on the issues. What donald trump likes to do is insult and degrade and lower our discourse as much as possible and in this case, what he did was take a completely unprovoked attack at ted cruzs wife to try to get this to happen. Cable news to speculate on what might be. Look, i think that we know what it is, thats ted cruz and heidi cruz are good lead a good family life and donald trump is a low person who likes to i need to go to heidi cruz. Shes speaking again. Hang on. Lets listen in. This campaign is about a positive optimistic agenda for this country. As you may know about now, there are a lot of things that donald trump and his campaign say that have no basis in reality. Were going to keep focusing on our positive, optimistic message. Because i know what ted stands for and what we stand for as a couple, what our family stands for and what voters care about, they care about what we will do for them, and i am so excited today to have had an incredible win last night in the utah with almost 70 of the vote, to have had the endorsement of so many people coming on board that even more in the race that have gotten behind ted. Were excited about the jeb bush endorsement. Were excited. People are seeing ted went to the senate and has been and will continue to be an agent for change. This is no the about republicans fighting about each other. Its not democrats fighting republicans. It washington versus the American People and making sure the government is working for us, not the other way around. Thank you. Lets go back to tim, that was heidi cruz in wisconsin. Within the last hour, two times heidi cruz coming out answering questions on her own, not with the assistance of her husband, directly responding to what donald trump has tweeted about her. Yeah, look, she doesnt need any assistance. Heidi cruz would be a great first lady. Looking i think what donald trump has done is in line with his character throughout his entire life. We put out an ad in our principles pack that was women reading quotes of donald trump talking about women, including things like women, you have to treat them like a word we cant say on msnbc, you know, calling people pigs, you know, insulting women in a myriad of ways you cant imagine. This is a sign of what kind of person he is. But also looking at it politically it demonstrates donald trump can never win an election in this country and rightly so. I did not want to imply that heidi cruz needed assistance of senator cruz but hes the person running for office. Weve often of course talked to potential first ladies about what they would see as an agenda, what they would like to have as a focus if their husband or maybe in this case wife is president of the United States. So here she is, though, and again a position that i dont think ive ever seen where the wife of a candidate has to face off and defend herself directly from the frontrunner of the party. Yeah. Well, we never had as low and degrading as a candidate of donald trump before. Thats why its the first time this has ever happened. It unprecedented. If you look at the general election among women, Donald Trumps popularity among women is so bad it would be completely unprecedented for the nominee of a party. Its something in the neighborhood of 60plus percent of women have a negative view, twothirds of the women in the country have a negative view of donald trump already. And they havent heard all of the Disgusting Things he said about women. The fact they attacked heidi cruz is only going to continue to drive up negative numbers and im glad shes out there defending herself. Last night wasnt a particularly great night for donald. He got crushed in utah as we look to wisconsin in two weeks its another place he could use have a month where he wins one state of arizona. I think that shows the fact hes negative momentum right now. Let me quickly ask you again, you have your own pac, our principles pac, you mentioned the yathd, quoting thing is that donald trump said about women in the past. You had nothing to do with the ad involving Melania Trump but from your assessment, is a low blow . No, we didnt have anything to do with the ad. It wouldnt have been the way we would have gone. Look, if you look at kintd of message that we want to send where donald trump is about women, you can go to trump questions. Com and watch that quotes ad. It is jarring when you hear women just speaking the words that donald trump has said. And it goes to his whole mindset, one of division, of dissparjing people, tearing people down, whether women, hispanics, disabled, people within our own party. Donald trump i ins likes to insult people to make himself feel big. Thats absolutely a terrible quality in a president. I think that that is the kind of message that were putting forth to voters in the upcoming states. Tim miller, thank you for joining. Lets go to Hallie Jackson covering the developing story from new york city. So you have senator cruz saying now that donald trump tweeting about this ad, and you made the great point earlier, a lot of people never even seen or heard of this ad. Right. Focused on Melania Trump until Donald Trump Tweets it out to his millions of followers catapulting it into the headline. Exactly. So cruzs point, the point that senator cruz is trying to make here in new york city, where we just heard from him and you carried it live a portion of it, is that donald trump is trying to essentially change the subject from his defeat in utah. Of course anything that gives ted cruz an opportunity to pivot to talk about his victory in utah is a good thing. But cruz spoke about what this tweet sort of meant to him. He called it, in response to our questions, gutter politics, essentially. He made the point that his wife has been in these banking world for a while, shes used to being in rough and tumble discussions so she can handle it. You heard heidi cruz talk about it as well. For cruz, youre seeing him to paint trump as somebody who has character issues now. The fact hes continuing to go after his wife, cruz is trying to say thats a real problem, that should give voters pause when they look to casting a ballot for donald trump. I have learned from a Campaign Aide and this illustrates how annoyed, irritated ted cruz was, that tweet that he originally sent with classless, saying donald trump may be more of a coward, norsenator cruz wrote t out himself. That was something that cruz himself typed which is a sign of how upset he was about the fact that donald trump is bringing his wife into it. Remember, though, heidi cruz does get on the campaign frequently on her own, more so than any other republican candidates spouse. But cruz is making the point that going after her in this way is essentially offlimits. Hallie jackson, thank you. When we believe weve seen everything on the campaign trail, now this. Meanwhile, up next, Ayman Mohyeldin picks up coverage on the latest on the investigation into the terror attacks in belgium. Plus, president obama facing backlash over his visit in cuba and trips to argentina in the wake of the brussels attacks. Well have ayman up next. Well ask congressman adam schiff when the criticism is fair. At mfs investment management, we believe in the power of active management. By debating our research to find the best investments. By looking at global and local insights to benefit from different points of view. And by consistently breaking apart risk to focus on longterm value. We actively manage with expertise and conviction. So you can invest with more certainty. Mfs. Thats the power of active management. This is lloyd. 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Searchin to destroy. And honey im the worlds forgotten boy. Back live from brussels, belgium. A country on ejd fdge following yesterdays attacks. Man hundred is under way. Police are searching for, seen in that image on the far right in a light colored jacket. The other two apparent suicide bombers. Only one in the picture has been detained, the man in the middle, ibrahim el bakraoui, the brother of khalid bakraoui, suicide bomber who targeted the subway. Nbc news learned that u. S. Intelligence community is becoming convinced that the attacks were carried out by the same network of isis operatives that conducted last falls attacks in paris, france. Last hour, while in argentina, president obama took on senator ted cruz who suggested Law Enforcement should, quote, patrol and secure muslim neighborhoods. As far as the notion of having surveillance of neighborhoods where muslims are present i just left a country that engages in that kind of neighborhood surveillance, which by the way, the father of senator cruz escaped for america, the land of the free. The notion that we would start down that slippery slope makes absolutely no sense. Cruz responded in a News Conference moments ago and weve learned that secretary of state john ker will visit bellium on friday to offer condolences. Death toll in brussels 31, 270 wounded including a dozen americans. One survivor spoke to matt lauer and described how difficult it will be to return to the airport to fly home to the states. I mean i am lucky enough to go home and see my family and a lot of people arent lucky. Im trying to keep telling myself that. Dont think of it as youre going back to a terrible place. Its your catalyst to get home. A memorial growing for the victims by the hour, hundreds have come here over the course of the day to pay their respects. Lets start to with nbcs Chris Jansing on what more we know about this development in the investigation with u. S. Officials now saying that they believe at least in a cable that has been released that belgiumhood a sense of confidence they were stemming flow of extremism. This is an extraordinary cable. Its going to add fuel to fire, questions raised whether or not belgium was prepared and underestimated the throat posed by isis. This cable said in a meeting the belgian official thought they were getting a handle, they were able to track people going to syria to train and bringing them back, not only rehabilitating them but able to reintegrate them to society. In fact, they said that they had cut by half the number of fighters going there. Now, the real part of this is they seem to have convinced u. S. Officials because they wrote, belgium theyd like the belgians to share their unique and successful grassroot approaches with other countries so they could have similar success. Nine days later the attacks happened in paris as you know 130 People Killed there. That was a cell that was here in belgium. Now four months later another series of attacks and 31 people. U. S. Intelligence community believes to a certain grow of confidence that the same cell that planned the paris attacks had some connections to what we saw in brussels. Thats right. Well have more with you next hour. Thank you. Lets bring in the director of the Homeland Security policy institute at George Washington university and a former special assistant to the president , george w. Bush, for Homeland Security. Good to have you with us. Lets talk a little bit what weve learned. That is the nbc news is learning u. S. Intelligence community is convinced that the attacks yesterday were carried out by the same network of isis operatives that conducted last falls paris attack. Is this an example of an attack carried out due to Salah Abdeslams arrest that occurred on friday . I think that very well may in fact be the case. Four days after his capture, four days after some discussion of interrogation, either the rest of the cell saw that their game was up, needed to act quickly because authorities were on to them because abdeslam will start singing or plan in the advance to demonstrate they have that capability. It does raise a number of significant and serious questions as to whether or not belgium was fully prepared and whether or not they have the political will capability and capacity to deal with these sorts of cases. Abdeslam was fugitive number one in the world. The fact he was able to hide in plain sight over three months, i think, we have a lot of questions to be asking ourselves or the belgians do. Is there any what to assess how big this cell could have been, the cell that helped abdeslam evade capture four months while at same time preparing for the attacks that we saw in brussels . Thats a great question and thats precisely why having someone in custody, the ability to interrogate, ask questions, to get a sense of the modus operandi, a sense of their trade craft, how broad that network is. Keep in mind you have a small country, belgium, 600 foreign fighters who fought alongside isis, isil and other islamist organizes in iraq and syria. Those are big numbers for a small country. You want to get a sense of we used to think of terrorist planning overseas and execution and plotting overseas. Increasingly with the foreign fighter dilemmdilemma, not onlyu have returning foreign fighters but a hybrid threat, the attack can be planned over seas, executed and implemented domestically and it could include people on no ones radar screen. Thats a bit of a dilemma. We want to get behind how they operate, how big are networks and how can we utilize that intelligence and information to prevent and hopefully preempt future incidents down the road. All right. Pleasure talking to you. Always good to have your insight. As we mentioned, president obama is in bain nose aries, argentina, 7,000 miles and 2 continents away from belgium, a country in mourning. Despite public criticism about a decision to keep his travel schedule the president met with argenti argentinapresident macri. He addressed the belgium attacks saying u. S. Will not stop fighting isis until the Terror Network is defeated. This is my number one priority. Ive got a lot of things on my plate. But my top priority is to defeat isil and top eliminate the scourge of this barbaric terrorism thats been taking place around the world. Meantime, back in the u. S. , security remains tighter at transportation hubs and tourist sites in the wake of the belgium deadly string of attacks we saw yesterday. Congressman adam schiff, a democrat from california, joins me now from capitol hill. Hes also the Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on intelligence. Good to have you with us. The president is catching some flak for his decision to attend a baseball game in cuba yesterday. He was seen doing the wave in the crowd, enjoying time with raul castro, not long after the news of the attacks broke. Moments ago the president was asked about that decision. Take a listen to what he said. It is very important for us to not respond with fear. We defeat them in part by saying you are not strong, you are weak we send a message to those who might be inspired by them to say you are not going to change our values. Congressman, what do you think of the president s decision to keep his travel plans this week unchanged . I respect the decision that the president made and i think the words that he expressed in cuba and argentina were resolute, were strong, were thoughtful, and compassionate and frankly ill hold them up as a contrast to the bomb bast were seeing from trump and cruz and their supporters any day of the week. So i understand the president s wanting to keep to his itinerary and manage both of these important challenges at the same time that comes with the office of the presidency. But i think a lot of the people that have criticized the president are people who didnt agree with his cuba policy, his change with respect to relations with cuba and havent agreed with the president more generally in terms of the fight against terrorism. I dont find any of the critiques surprising. We know u. S. Officials have been saying that theres no krid ibl or new specific threat to the United States but here in belgium, obviously folks are saying there were missed signs of an imminent attack. How certain are you that u. S. Intelligence is prepared to stop any coordinated isis attack in the news. Were certainly doing all that we can. I was in brussels and maalbeek a few weeks ago to confer with folks there to find out what more can be done, better integrate intelligence efforts here at home the concern is homegrown radicals like farouk, the male shooter in San Bernardino, people inspired by isis to act and may choose now to act out. That remains the most pressing and most immediate threat in the homeland. Over the longer term, there is the capability that isis could send people no the United States, intill trait team, execute an attack like in paris and brussels. Thats not something that we can afford to be complacent about at all but i think the immediate challenge has to be this homegrown radicalism problem. Im curious to get your thoughts, obviously folks in the u. S. Now vigilant. There was some moments of panic in the u. S. Today when there whether reports of a suspicious package at atlantas airport. Do you think americans are little bit more vigilant than perhaps people in other countries, like belgium, where the paris attack suspect was walking the streets in plain sight and capable of evading capture for nearly four months . I dont know that i can say were more vigilant here. We have more community cooperation. Americans are more likely to see something and say something. I think particularly in our muslim communities, many have a great relationship with Law Enforcement and work hand in hand as partners. That is typically not the relationship between the muslim communities in many European Countries and their Law Enforcement or intelligence services. Its a very different situation here. One of the things that im concerned about is comments that youre seeing by some of the president ial candidates threat tonight place entire religious communities under suspicious. Thats a gray wait to alienate people, a great to import europes problems into the United States. That is not something we ought to emulate here. All right. Thank you, congressman adam schiff. Always a pleasure talking to you. Thanks, ayman. When we return, a look at stepped up security measures happening not just here in brussels across the country back home in the states. Well hear from more eyewitnesses telling their stories of survival. 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Tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two lars of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We give you your day back. What you do with it is up to you. Tylenol®. Welcome back. Continuing breaking News Coverage of the attacks in brussels. Heres the latest at this hour. Secretary of state john kerry will travel to belgium friday to offer condolences on behalf of the United States. Meanwhile a government document obtained by nbc news shows that just four months before yesterdays attacks, belgian officials believed they were making progress in diffusing the progress here. One of the attackers was caught there indown and then deported to belgium but didnt name the attacker. Massive manhunt under way for the man pictured on far right wearing the light colored jacket on your screen. The man in the center has been identified as ibrahim el bakraoui. Hes the brother of khalid bakraoui, the suicide bomber who targeted the subway. President obama maintained his commitment to defeat isis. This is difficult work. Its not because we dont have the best and the brightest working on. Its not because we are not taking the threat seriously. It is because its challenging to find, identify, very small groups of people who are willing to die themselves and can walk into a crowd and detonate a bomb. So we drove into brussels this morning and one day after the bloody attacks here, people are returning to work and to their activities, even if theyre doing it with heavy hearts and certainly a little bit of concern. Cal perry with me. You know, after the paris attacks that we saw last year, immediately afterwards we saw a heavy security presence deployed not just across paris but across france. There was a large manhunt under way. A similar scene in brussels but whats your reading of the streets today there a different feel. This is no the a city on lockdown. Talking about a few hundred extra soldiers, police here in brussels. I drove in from paris. No checkpoints to brussels. Nothing at border. But there was going the other way. Stopping the big trucks headed into france which is indicative of the security situation in both countries. Weve heard lay manwmakers sayie Security Forces here why inept. Maybe overwhelmed. They simply doesnt have numbers. We know theres a manhunt now under way, a few searches, raids overnight, police and the government have put out a picture of a man theyre looking for, they want the publics help. What can we expect next . As we saw in days that followed the paris attacks and raids around brussels, interesting in the digital age, the police dont want to give up a lot about what theyre doing and where they are going to carry out raids. I saw a heavy alt of security at the main train station. They just had everyone going through one entrance. Well see an uptick in that. Theyve got to sort out who made the bomb, how it was made, how big the cell is now that we think we know it was connected to the attacks in paris. Cal perry, always good to talk to you. Back in the United States, increased vinl lens not just by Law Enforcement today but by citizens. In atlanta a big scare, one of the busiest in country. Reports of a suspicious package. Explosive is team called on site before Law Enforcement gave the allclear. Across the country, no credible threat reported but security steppeded up at major airports and tourist sites in the wake of the terror here in belgium. Authorities are focusing a large part of the investigation into the district of maalbeek where paris attacker Salah Abdeslam was captured last week and other members of the cell came from maalbeek. Several people detained in a series of raids in the brussels suburb since those paris attacks last november. Joining me now is a former Senior Adviser to the state department. As i understand it, you have some connection at least in the community here. I wanted to get your input on that. Salah abdeslam was caught where he grew up, essentially hiding in plain sight of many of the investigators looking for him. You have experience with muslims in that district. Can you describe how Something Like this could have happened . Well you see the muslim Youth Community in maalbeek, theyre in multiple worlds, finding it hard to become belgian and feeling offcourse, the global pressure give than maalbeek is a hotbed for activity. Imagine if we asked People Living in gangridden neighborhoods to find out which neighbors are involved in Gang Activity and turn them in. Thats what ware asking these kids and its much given we havent empowered them to feel like theyre in charge of their destiny. The state Department Deputy spokesperson mark toner talked about the issue of homegrown radicalization. He said its extremely hard to fight. Take a listen. This threat from whoever carried out the attack, isil, other terrorist groups, it knows no borders. Were defeating isil on the battlefields in syria, in iraq. Theyve lost over 40 of territory. But this kind of foreign fighter flow and selfradicalization remains a big challenge. This is a Million Dollar question. I know a lot of conferences, people have tried to answer this question, but how do officials reach young people before they become vulnerable to extremists . Well see heres the hard thing, it doesnt take a lot of people to present a threat. Theres a group called sharia for belgium, which would bring 30, 40 people to rallies where you had several thousand come out in maalbeek after the paris attacks. We have the numbers on our side. But the other group, small, nimble, go into the cracks and its a loose area of maalbeek. Its not very kind of well governed. It the social structures are fractured. Its very easy to hide in there. So, yes, the metric is high. We have to prevent that one person from activating a terror threat. But we can do much bet ter job f we make a situation where instead how do we create that scenario . It takes more than just communities and governments. Back in the United States, the attacks here have triggered a debate among president ial candidates in particular, ted cruz and donald trump, both who have come under fire for their plan to prevent terror attacks. Trump calling for a ban on most muslims, ted cruz saying there should be stepped up patrols of muslim areas. Whats your response to those proposals. We have to look at integration of muslims in america as a success story. We have remarkably few people that activate and run off to join terror activities. Things that have worked in america, proper integration of folks making people feel empowered, building bridges between communities this is what our european members need to do to make their citizens feel more part of the society. Thank you very much, appreciate your insights on that. Of the at break, ill take you to the scene of one of the raids that took place moments after yesterdays deadly attack. Stay with us. Weve created a new company. One totally focused on whats next for your business. Accelerating innovation. Accelerating next. Hewlett packard enterprise. Burning, pinsandneedles of beforediabetic nerve pain, these feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. 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After a raid late last night in schaerbeek, a neighborhood of brussels. Police arent identifying that person yet but say they are questioning him. State prosecutors say investigators found a nailfilled bomb Chemical Products and isis flag in a house as well. Earlier, i went to that neighborhood and spoke to some of the people there about what happened and what they saw. Can you tell us what you saw yesterday . What did you see . Yesterday all the street is closed from the police and many action inside the building. Did you hear any explosions or gunfire or anything. No. Nothing . Nothing. But you didnt see any of the new tenants any of these men . Nothing . Nothing. Z you didnt see any of these tenants, these men . Never. Did you see pictures of the attackers . Yesterday in the news. Did you recognize any of them, did you see any of them on the streets . Theyre not from here. Theyre not from this neighborhood . No. What type of neighborhood is this . Is this a safe neighborhood or dangerous neighborhood . Safe neighborhood. Reporter when we come back, we remember the survivors of this terrible terrorist attack. And next hour here on msnbc, Hillary Clinton will deliver a counterterrorism address in stanford, california. Were going to cover that live here as well on msnbc. Doctor hears you too i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. If you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, dont suffer in silence step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. Tell em cedric sent you. Yourewhen a majestic beastwoods runs into view. Then you run into a tree. But your totaled new car isnt totally replaced. With new car replacement, well replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. Liberty mutu insurance. Advisor and team who understand where you come from. We didnt really have anything, you know. But, we made do. 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He said he was so blessed he wasnt injured more. He couldnt believe it, because he said, mom, i was right by it. Peace, love and harmony can overcome all, and theyre out there giving that message when this happened, and theyre not going to stop. Reporter though the state department is not aware of any u. S. Citizen deaths, it is possible americans are among the fataliti fatalities. A spokesman reveals this morning that brussels had yet to reveal the nationalities of those killed. As we stand here in brussels with the sun setting on the tragedy today, theyre focusing on trying to identify one of the suicide bombers and at the same time launching a manhunt to capture a man seen in that image on surveillance at the airport wearing a white jacket. People here in brussels picking up the pieces, trying to go back with their life. Security is tight but people are beginning to return to a sense of normalcy here. That wraps up this hour of coverage live from belgium. My colleague Chris Jansing picks up our coverage of the brussels terrorist attacks when we return. You focus on making great burgers, or building the best houses in town. Or becoming the next highlyunlikely dotcom superstar. And us, well be right there with you, helping with the questions you need answered to get your brand new business started. Were legalzoom and weve already partnered with over a million new Business Owners do just that. Check us out today to see how you can become one of them. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Her long day as anne. Hair stylist starts with shoulder pain when. Hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol . Give up my 2 aleve for 6 tylenol . No thanks. For me. Its aleve. We believe in the power of active management. Agement, we actively manage with expertise and conviction. So you can invest with more certainty. Mfs. Thats the power of active management. Arent moving in the right direction,bers it can be a burden. 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Officials assure residents here this closure is not due to any new threats, that it was planned. Meantime, Police Continue to search for a suspect connected to yesterdays attacks. Its the man seen in this surveillance picture on the far right of your screen. The man in the middle has been identified as ibrahim bakraoui. Hes the brother of khalid bakraoui, the suicide bomber who targeted the subway. One of the attackers was deported in june and then went to the netherlands. At a News Conference earlier today, president obama addressed these attacks and talked about efforts to defeat isis. This is my number one priority. Ive got a lot of things on my plate, but my top priority is to defeat isil and to eliminate the scourge of this barbaric terrorism thats been taking place around the world. Reporter im joined here live by nbc chief news correspondent richard engel. Richard, the last time we stood together was in paris, now were here. Lets start with this massive manhunt going on. What do we know . Reporter it goes back to paris. We spoke with experts. Theres been a press conference from the prosecutions office, and the working theory right now is this was part of the same cell. The same cell of the people that escaped

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