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The va facilities being used for nonveteran patients, thats supposed to be the emergency brake in terms of American Health care, and they have had to pull that. And tras fehr the patients. It is remarkable. Rachel, thank you. Have a great weekend. Well see you monday. Russia is doing it again. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said it best with donald trump all roads lead to putin. It is the one consistent thread of the donald trump candidacy and presidency. At no point is he able to stand up to putin. Robert muellers report found that russia attacked the 2016 election in order to help donald trump win the presidency and that the Trump Campaign welcomed that help. Today the office of the director of National Intelligence, the odni, confirmed that russia is once again interfering in our election to help donald trump win in 2020. Quote, we assess that russia is using a range of measures to primarily denigrate former Vice President biden, prorussia ukraine ran parliamentary is spreading claims about corruption, including through publicizing leaked phone calls to undermine former Vice President bidens candidacy and the Democratic Party. Some kremlinlinked actors are also seeking to boost President Trumps candidacy on social media and russian television. The assessments also warned of threats by china and iran, but in less specific terms, indicating that china preferring that President Trump does not win the reelection and that iran seeks to undermine u. S. Democratic institutions. President trump and to divide the country in advance of the 2020 elections. Now, this announcement comes after lawmakers like nancy pelosi and adam schiff who is going to join me in just a moment sounded alarms about the threat of foreign interference in the 2020 foreign election and pressured the Intel Community to release more information to the public. Today in a joint statement, they made sure to note that russia is the only foreign actor taking active measures to harm our democracy, saying, quote, unfortunately todays statement still treats three actors of differing intent and capability as equal threats to our democratic elections. We have been clear with the Intelligence Community that the American People must be provided with specific information that would allow voters to appraise for themselves the respective threats posed by these foreign actors and distinguish these actors different and unequal aims, current actions and capabilities, end quote. Different and unequal aims. Nbc news just reported on a new and extensive social Media Disinformation Campaign based in a former eastern block country. Facebook removed hundreds of accounts on thursday from a foreign troll farm posting as africanamericans in support of donald trump and qanon supporters. The foreign protrump troll farm was based in romania and pushed content on instagram under names like blackpeoplevotefortrump and on facebook under weloveourpresident. Its similar to the russian intelligence to help donald trump in 2016. In u. S. Intelligence, officials have spent the last few weeks Briefing Members of congress about foreign attacks on our elections. Republican allies of the president have been using russian disinformation to lead a bogus investigation into joe biden, literally taking material from this guy i just talked about in the ukraine who was named in the odni statement. Heres House Intelligence Committee Eric Swalwell earlier today. You have in public reporting acknowledgments by this prorussia individual that he is sending information and materials to the senate, hacked and leaked documents to the senate to denigrate, to tear down joe biden. And ron johnson and Lindsey Graham are all too willing to use it in their naked ambition to keep donald trump in power. The concern here is u. S. Persons are being used to facilitate this russia influence operation. The confirmation from the Intelligence Community today that russia is actively working to get donald trump elected is one possible explanation as to why donald trump refuses to confront Vladimir Putin about whether russia paid bounties to the taliban for killing of u. S. Troops in afghanistan. Donald trump has repeatedly called the russia bounty story a hoax and claims it was not credible, which is strange, because it was credible enough for mike pompeo to bring it up with russia. The New York Times reports that secretary of state mike pom may went against donald trump and warned about the Bounty Program during a call on july 13th. Mr. Mike pompeo and the state department have been careful not to reveal any details of actions he might have taken based on the intelligence over the bounties. Thats perhaps because the classified material and to avoid potential fury from mr. Trump who strongly dismissed reports and tried to cultivate a friendship of Vladimir Putin of russia, end quote. Now, donald trump being helped by foreign elections to win the presidency and to stay in the presidency is no surprise to anyone. It was the focus of the mueller investigation. It was the basis for donald trump being impeached. There have been efforts to check the president. House democrats subpoenaed the white house counsel, don mcgahn, to get his testimony, detailed in volume two of the mueller report. That was last spring. Only today did the full d. C. Circuit court rule that the house can sue to force former White House Counsel Don Mcgahn to comply with the congressional subpoena issued to him last year. It is not clear when that would come to pass. It is unlikely that it would happen before election day, which is 88 days from today. Now, tonight donald trump had a press conference where he was asked about foreign interference in our election. What do you plan to do about that interference, sir . Well, were going to look at it very closely. Youre telling me that this came out a little while ago and i heard it came out. It came out just a little while ago and were going to look at that very closely. But you started off with russia. Why dont you start off with china . Do you think china is maybe a bigger threat . I mean maybe it is. You will have to figure it out. But were going to watch all of them. We have to be careful. The biggest risk we have is mailin ballots because with the mailin ballots, it is a much easier thing for a foreign power. Thats another lie, just to be clear. The biggest risk we face is not mailin ballots. Joining us now is adam schiff from california, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and an impeachment manager during Donald Trumps impeachment trial in the senate. Thank you for being with us. This reminds me a bit of donald trump talking about the 400pound guy in the basement who may have been involved in hacking elections. The misdirection or the redirection to china and iran. In your evaluation, theyre not nonevents but theyre nowhere close to the efforts that the russians are engaging in. This is a point we have been making with the Intelligence Community which is they need to distinguish for the American People who is doing what. These three actors are not the same in terms of their intentions, in terms of their actions, in terms of their capabilities. But, you know, clearly the administration is trying to push out this line that china is the only concern, but if you look carefully at the statement that the odni issued today, it says china has a preference, but russia is engaged in actions. And i think that the Intelligence Community needs to be more explicit about this and it could do so with our compromising sources and methods. But clearly the president wishes to, you know, blind himself and blind the country to what russia is doing and indeed at that same press Conference Today when he was confronted with the Intelligence Community saying russia is interfering to denigrate his opponent, he expressed disbelief and said he doesnt care what anybody says. Yeah. Well, he hasnt cared the whole time. A couple nights ago i spoke with senator blumenthal of connecticut who had had one of those briefings, one of those in camera briefings to which you are entitled, and he came out and again was not able to share that classified information but feels that that information should be declassified and shared with americans in the interest of National Security in the interest of our elections. Whats your view on the fact that you have been getting this information for a few weeks. It is apparently very alarming information. Well, it is. And, you know, when the president says, you know, this is new information. The information is not new. All thats new is that the office of the director made it public. But unless the president is not being briefed on this and not reading his briefing materials and its certainly possible that his briefers are unwilling to confront him with russian interference, with russian bounties, theyre just not willing to tell them because he doesnt care what anybody says, he is not going to think or believe ill of his friend Vladimir Putin. The effect is that our elections go unprotected, that our troops may go less protected than they should be because the commander in chief doesnt cake it seriously. There is no reason why the Intelligence Community cant be more forthcoming, except it would displease donald trump. And thats simply not a good enough answer. Has the office of the director of National Intelligence been politicized under this president . That was obviously the biggest fear about this, that that office needs to be run by experts and needs to not be political, and it is not today actually run by an expert and it sounds political. Well, look, the low end for the Intelligence Community i think in recent memory was the appointment of rick renel who had none of the experience necessary for that job and who essentially was a political hack for the president and turned that top Intelligence Office into an office to carry water for the president. Happily, hes gone. Whether radcliff will continue that or have the independence from the president to fill that role, it is too early to tell, but it is concerning we have had to pull teeth to get the Intelligence Community to issue the statement it did today, and we still want them to share more with the American People. Both because the American People have a right to know. These agencies are gathering this intelligence for policymakers and to protect the country and the public but also, ali, because it is a deterrent for the russians. If you dont call them out, if you equate with what china may be doing or iran or north korea and you fail to distinguish, then you are basically giving the russians a green light because they know they wont be held accountable. Whats going on with your colleagues in the senate, senator ron johnson of wisconsin, senator Chuck Grassley of iowa, who seem to be going down this weird rabbit hole of this ukrainian legislator who is releasing audio and phone calls and trying to change the focus on to joe biden again. I mean, these two gentlemen are smarter than to fall for this stuff, but they seem to be falling for this stuff. Its been the case with devin nunes and many of the republican members that they were more than willing to push a kremlin narrative about ukraine interfering in the u. S. Election in 2016 instead of russia. That was the whole bogus crowd strike theory that the president was also pushing. But, you know, theyre at it still and in the senate as well pushing out information, false information, to try to denigrate joe biden. This is very much in line with what the kremlin is trying to do. Its very much in line with what the Intelligence Community acknowledged dercotch is trying to do. I think this statement puts them all on notice that if they continue to pursue this, theyre effectively pursuing a narrative that may have its origins in the kremlin. And i just want to underscore this. The office of the director of National Intelligence, which you and i discussed, may be more political than its ever been before actually named him as a source of this information and these two senators are using his information to conduct hearings into joe bidens activities in ukraine. So theyre being told, they have been put on notice you are using Bad Information and Government Resources to investigate this. Well, you know, look, i think at least some of the senators have denied getting information from him. But he said he sent them information. And in the House Intelligence Committee, we have a receipt at the committee of materials that were sent by these same players for mr. Nunes. I dont think there is any question these actors are pushing out this information. I also think that its now clear from the directors Statement Today that dercotch is part of what theyre describing and that members are now on society, and i would hope that all the members, democrats and republicans, would be very careful about being part of anything that may be tied to a kremlin disinformation campaign. Chairman schiff, i want to ask you about the other comment. He pivoted to the most dangerous thing we face in this country is mailin voting. Thats simply not true, but he is again using this specific allegation about russian interference to somehow tie it to if you are worried about interference by people, what you should be worrying about a mailin ballots. You are the chairman of the intelligence committee. You dont have to tell me anything thats going to make you have to kill me because its secret, but do you have anything on evidence that is true, mailin voting being subject to foreign interference . No. I mean, the president has been trying to delegitimize the votes of many people. What i am concerned about is we saw in 2016 is russians are more than happy to amplify disinformation, particularly when it helps donald trump. And so what we have to be on the lookout for is are the russians going to amplify the president s false claims about absentee voting and should he challenge the results after the election, are the russians going to then also intervene to sew additional chaos in the United States . That would be very consistent with their trade and the president is doing nothing but inviting that interference by discrediting any belief hes been told and also discrediting the legitimate votes of millions of americans. Congressman adam schiff, thank you for joining us, sir. It is good to see you. Thank you. Coming up, 10. 2 , still the highest since the great depression. The National Unemployment rate in july. And only donald trump could see todays numbers and say thats great. Thats next. More than 150,000 americans more than 150,000 americans weve always put safety first. And we always will. For people. For the future. And there has never been a summer when its mattered more. Wherever you go, summer safely. Get 0 apr financing for up to five years on select models and exclusive lease offers. Can it help keep me asleep . Smart bed is on sale now. Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. Its our weekend special. Save up to 500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Plus 0 interest for 48 months on all smart beds. Ends monday. Puts its customers a wiin charge . Rier well, the good news gets shared. And it gets rated 1 for customer satisfaction. But dont just take our word for it. Take theirs. Its your wireless. Your rules. Only with xfinity mobile. Call, click or visit a store today. Is more than 150,000 americans dead from coronavirus. Donald trump said it is what it is. With more than 30 million unemployed, donald trump says great. With so much pain and suffering and more now that republicans have failed to make a deal on an extra 600 insurance benefit, donald trump tweeted great jobs numbers. Donald trump said about the jobs report this. Thats big stuff. Thats big news and great news. Were getting them even in a pandemic, which is disappearing. It is going to disappear. The pandemic is not disappearing. Today the United States got closer to reporting five million cases of the coronavirus. The United States has suffered 161,657 deaths from the coronavirus. That 1,333 deaths reported just today. Its not disappearing. Here is the reality about todays jobs numbers. The Unemployment Rate dropped to 10. 2 . The Unemployment Rate for hispanic workers 2. 7 , higher for black workers. Its 4. 4 higher. 1. 8 million jobs were added in july. But the cumulative number of those employed is still the lowest since the great recession. Stock markets are actually near record highs right now. The s p 500 is within striking distance of its alltime high. When i started my career as a financial reporter, the marketing were a better barometer of the economy. Theyre not now, theyre indicators of the wealthy. Let me lay out for you how this works. Stocks are high for two reasons right now. First, investing in stocks became the only game in town when the Federal Reserve made it easier to borrow money by slashing Interest Rates. Lower Interest Rates made buying property the biggest deal in decades. So money begets money. The rich get richer. Meanwhile, negotiations for a Coronavirus Relief bill chanced today. The 600 in enhanced Unemployment Benefits expired friday. The federal moratorium expired two weeks ago. More local evictions set to expire in the coming days. At least 5. 4 Million People lost their Health Insurance because of the pandemic. But donald trump is now currently, as we speak, trying again to gut the Affordable Care act. Im a capitalist, but it doesnt have to be this way. Americans have been made to fear policies that redistribute wealth. But the american system has redistributed wealth from the poor to the rich for a long time. The poor work for low wages. The rich profit from it. If the rich cant benefit from those low enough to make products, those jobs move elsewhere where people who can work for less will do them. The poor people will lose their jobs in america, then lose their health care and their homes. The rich people buy those homes using money they borrow at near zero Interest Rates. The rich keep getting richer. It is the american way for redistributing wealth. It doesnt have to be that way. Joining me now is the former adviser for obama. Currently a professor of economics at the booth school of business at the university of chicago and knows a lot about these things because he was an adviser to the president during the last election. Austin, it is kind of remarkable. Im staring here. I have charts of the s p 500 next to me all the time. It is kind of amazing. Were almost at record highs in the stock market. House prices are up because wealthy people are getting 30year mortgages at 3 and paying cash for distressed properties. People are on the streets and losing their unemployment. I mean, its crazy. You have been a financial journalist 25 years. I feel like we have been talking about this for 19 of those 25 years. Yeah. And we always said when we have talked that the stock market is not the economy. It is a barometer of some things, but it is not the economy. No more has that been made more plain than in the last six months in the United States. When we had a monthly job number where we lost 22 million jobs in a single month and the stock market went up, you know, you got to wonder either the market believes that this is going to be a short run phenomenon, that covid would be a shortrun shot, that they could get back to regular business soon. And i hope theyre right or else theyre kind of in la la land. Right now were hoping its the first and not the second. I want to talk to you about something kevin hasset said. He talks about something that we have been hearing in republican circles a lot. The 600 that has been added to the state unemployment roles, the federal unemployment stuff thats run out, he says it encouraging people to stay home. And we have heard that from some business owners, particularly Restaurant Owners who say they cant get their staff back because they make more on unemployment than works. At one level, thats a problem with wages. But how do we address that issue . How do you address that allegation by republicans . How i address that allegation right now, were not talking about in normal times. Were not even talking about during normal recessions. When things like whats the replacement rate on unemployment versus going to work make a difference, were talking about a pandemic and what i would say is there are now five significant Economic Research studies of this exact question. How much has enhanced unemployment reduced the willingness of people to work. And all five of those studies show quite convincingly that the answer is nothing, thats not true in the data. And if you look at last month or the month before or the month before that, the three months that we have had strong job creation, it has been concentrated exactly among the people that this theory says should not be going to work. Its just not true. And, so, i said it that its kind of offensive and i do think that it is offensive for the white house at a time when the data show that there are literally five out of work people searching for jobs for every job vacancy there is, the highest ratio that we have ever had in the data at a time like that to say you people are unemployed because youre choosing to is outrageous. Is that not true at all . If only for the fact that five Million People lost their Health Insurance when they lost their jobs and oh, by the way, there is a pandemic raging out of control. So theyre desperately trying to get a job back so that they will not lose their Health Insurance. Yeah. I think most People Choose work. They like the work. They certainly in this country like the benefits from work. Let me ask you about this other issue. Mitch mcconnell says hes got about 20 people in his caucus who say enough is enough. This is hurting us from a debt perspective, all this money is adding up to debt and, you know, theyre not really prepared to spend a good deal more on Unemployed People. We have endless money available for corporations as we have just proved. And i think the Federal Reserve did the right thing so we dont end up in a credit freeze like we were in 2008. But the bottom line is were cool with money for corporations, which has made the stock market as frothy as it is right now. We cant seem to do that for regular people. When it comes to regular people, the concern is about debt. When it comes to tax cuts for wealthy and the corporations, the concern doesnt seem to be about debt. When it comes to wars, the concern doesnt seem to be about debt. But when it comes to poor people getting extra 600 a week, then there is an issue. Tens of millions of people lost their jobs from the middle class, lower middle class, low income people, anybody who cant do their job from home has suffered the greatest during this crisis. And the juxtaposition that you raised, i think, is the right one that before covid we had two trillion in a windfall tax give away to corporations in the trump tax plan and now we have a 5 trillion fed Lending Facility a for big business. Weve got hundreds of billions of dollars for Small Businesses. The president says hes going to buy executive order, change the tax policy to cut the payroll tax to employers and when you say what about the people who are actually suffering, theyre saying, well, we want to make sure that we dont give them the wrong incentive and we dont have the money to do that. Im puzzled by that. Right. Because if you just look at the raw political calculus, it seems insane to me. I mean, im an economist, so dont ask my messaging advice. But it does seem kind of odd when there are perhaps more Unemployed People out of work people than at any in any year in American History that you would be saying, no, you are not deserving and that somehow the people that are deserving are the people that already got 2 trillion of tax cuts and 5 trillion of Lending Facility, thats who we need to give more tax breaks to. I just dont get it. I dont see how thats a winning argument. Austin, good to see you my friend. Heres to another 19 years of conversations like this. The former chairman of the council of economic advisers. The pain that so Many Americans are feeling is not reflected, as we said, in the stock market. America is an unequal country, health wise and jobs wise. Coming up next, i will talk with ritchie torres, a new York City Council member about whats happening in his neighborhood. neighbor whatcha working on. burke oh, just puttering, tinkering. Commemorating bizarre mishaps that farmers has seen and covered. Had a little extra time on my hands lately. neighbor and that . burke oh, this . Just an app ive been working on. Its called signal from farmers, and it could save you up to fifteen percent on your auto insurance. Simply sign up, drive and save. But im sure whatever youve been working on is equally impressive. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum you should switch it to Tracfone Wireless to get more control over your wireless plan. They give you unlimited carryover data you pay for your data, you keep really . Yeah, you just swap your sim card you can also keep your phone, keep your number, keep your network, 20 a month, no contract. Oh, but that case temporary its my daughters old case well, ok, you know. You do you. Available 24 7 at tracfone. Com Tracfone Wireless. Now youre in control. We now have a better visual understanding of the Economic Impact of the pandemic at a neighborhood level. A stunning divide between wealthy neighborhoods and lowincome neighborhoods even if they are just a few blocks apart. Like the bronx and Upper East Side in new york. Look at these two maps of new york. The darker colors are the higher unemployment level. On the left is unemployment in new york city in february. Thats manhattan, queens, the bronx, brooklyn. On the right its unemployment in june. You could see that the Upper East Side of manhattan, if you can recognize that, unemployment doesnt go passed 10 . But in parts of the bronx, unemployment tripled to 30 or higher. Same subway line, by the way. While the Upper East Side is facing only modern drops, the bronx is experiencing levels of unemployment that have not been seen since the great depression. The population in the bronx is 44 black and 56 hispanic or latino. This is a compelling reminder that black and hispanic workers and their Small Businesses are suffering the most. These are the essential workers who are dying at a disproportionate rate from coronavirus. Joining me now is council man richey torres. You have just won the Democratic Party primary. You will be on the ballot for that in november. So you are likely headed to congress. And this picture of economic disparity, which, by the way, has always been the case between the Upper East Side and the bronx is now exacerbated. It is now very, very clear that living in the bronx is like living in a developed country a developing country, i mean. When new york city gets a cold, the bronx gets the flu. The bronx has an Unemployment Rate close to 30 , which is comparable to the great depression. And the bronx are 355,000 Unemployed People. A population larger than most large cities in the United States. And the bronx is heavily represented in low wage sectors, food, restaurants, hospitality, all of which have been hit hardest by the pandemic and unlike white collar work, none of them lend themselves to telecommuning. Lets talk about Small Businesses. When one drives into the bronx, one thing you recognize, it is a Small Business place. Most of the main streets are lined, you know, increasingly you see a lot of these national chains, but they are Small Businesses. New york times has a story talking about how black businesses are hit the hardest in the new york area. I just want to put this map up on the screen. In the bronx, there are most Small Businesses have less than two weeks of cash. Thats kind of remarkable. They dont have options. Theyre going to be out of business. They are the businesses that pay your taxes. They are the businesses that employ people. Look, not only has the bronx seen the most economic struggle, it has gotten the least economic support. As that times piece noted, new york city had a 20 million Small Business assistance program. Manhattan received 57 of the assistance, whereas only 2 went to the bronx. We have seen comparable disparities when it comes to the federal governments ppp program. Let me ask you about school. The governor of new york has now said that School Districts are free to make their own decisions about how they operate come september. On one hand, you have got people who are suffering disproportionately high rates of infection and death in places like the bronx. On the other hand, you have students who, because of family income, are less likely to be able to successfully study online from home in some places because they dont have adequate wifi. Its a common complaint in my district, whether its Public Housing or shelters, just the lack of Internet Access triples the ability of children to learn from home. So the shutdown of our schools has had a disproportionately destabilizing impact on lowincome communities of color especially in places like the bronx. It is comparable to the loss of learning in the summer. I worry it will have long term consequences for the future of our children. What do you need the most in the bronx right now and if you get to congress at the end of the year, what are you most going to want to address that is going to help the people of your district but really the people of your district are just a microcosm of the wealth inequality we see in america. The bronx is remarkable because you can get on a subway in the Upper East Side and you have gone from probably one of the nations richest zip codes to some of the nations lowest in terms of income. Look, we need jobs first and foremost. But in the absence of jobs, we need an extension of supplemental Unemployment Insurance by allowing the supplemental Unemployment Insurance to expire, donald trump and Mitch Mcconnell are essentially telling the people of the bronx to drop dead, and thats a disgrace, the socalled Public Servants are doing a public disservice to the poorest people in america. One of the points that you have made is that people in your district dont have the privilege that a lot of people have of telecommuting, working from home. We have been talking to people in the Rio Grande Valley and hidalgo, places like that, same situation. There are a number of People Living in one household under one roof and they dont have jobs that allow them the privilege of telecommuting. They tend to be service workers. Thats exactly right. Without a reopening, full reopening of the economy, lowincome communities of color are going to continue to be without a livelihood. And without jobs, without Unemployment Insurance, we are condemning people in the bronx to starvation and destitution. You know, as an elected official, much of my time is spent inducting Food Distribution for people in need who through no fault of their own have seen their livelihoods decimated. By the pandemic. There is a desperate need for an infusion of support for the businesses and the residents of the bronx from washington, d. C. Representative, good to see you. Thank you for being with us again on this show. You are the democratic nominee for new yorks 15th congressional district, which is the central bronx. We look forward to talking to you again. Who are the republicans who voted for trump in 2016 but are voting for biden this time . We will introduce you to some of them next. At tmobile, we have a plan built just for customers 55 and up. Saving 50 vs. Other carriers with 2 unlimited lines for less than 30 each. Call 1800tmobile or go to tmobile. Com 55. Crankypated a bad mood related to a sluggish gut. Miralax is different. It works naturally with the water in your body to unblock your gut. Free your gut, and your mood will follow. 88 days away from election day. And. Announcer nbc news first map shows joe biden with 334 electoral votes to President Trumps 125. Some Republican Voters are questioning Donald Trumps ability to lead given his response to the coronavirus pandemic. Republican voters against trump, a group created by bill crystal and other never trump republicans, has collected over 500 videos of republicans, many of whom voted for trump in 2016, all of whom plan to vote against him in november. Here they are explaining why this fall theyre voting for joe biden. I admit it. I voted for trump in 2016. After three and a half years, i decided to start watching the covid19 press conferences. My son has diabetes, and its very important that we get good information and we just didnt get information at all. We got lies, hate. I didnt realize he was a con artist and im so ashamed that i voted for him. And im sorry. I will be voting for joe biden and any democrat on any ticket. I find myself every day almost in tears with my fear of what this man has already done to our country and what hes going to do if he gets four more years. A clear majority of the country is fed up with Donald Trumps lies and mishandling of the coronavirus response. A recent Morning Consult poll shows 59 of voters disapproved of Donald Trumps handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Donald trump lost the confidence of the American People, who have been living with this pandemic for nearly six months now because he constantly underestimated the virus and undermined the advice of experts who were trying to help contain it. When you have 15 people and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, thats a pretty good job we have done. It is going to disappear. One day it is like a miracle. It will disappear. You have to be calm. It will go away. With the masks, it is going to be really a voluntary thing. You can do it. You dont have to do it. Im choosing not to do it. We show cases, 99 of which are totally harmless. Well have a vaccine very soon, i hope long before the end of the year. Oklahoma public schoolteacher and lifelong republican Nancy Shivley is one of the americans who does not approve of trumps handling of the coronavirus. She is now a former trump voter who will be voting for joe biden for president. In an oped for usa today she writes, i am a special Education Teacher and a lifelong republican who voted for donald trump in 2016 as the less bad of two bad choices. When the pandemic hit, the incompetence of the man for whom i voted forced me to admit i could no longer maintain any kind of selfrespect as a republican. So even though i had voted republican in every president ial election since 1976, i changed my Voter Registration to independent and i will be voting for joe biden in november. Nevertheless, i am still haunted because deep down i fear with this 2016 vote i may have signed by own death warrant, end quote. Nancy shivel is over 60 years old, suffers from two auto immune diseases and woshs pry playerly with second and third graders and has been terrified at the prospect of donald trump pushing to reopen schools. She made the decision to resign from her school district. She wrote, teaching is a calling, and oklahoma teachers are as tough as they come. Some have sheltered their students as a tornado ripped the school roof over their heads. Now the man i gambled on to be president is asking us to risk our health and our very lives. The odds are most definitely not in our favor. When we come back, Nancy Shively gets tonights last word. Dont just think about where youre headed this summer. 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Lifelong republican voter Nancy Shively, a special Education Teacher in oklahoma, has had enough of Donald Trumps lack of leadership during this crisis. In an oped for usa today, nancy writes, i was a reluctant trump voter. Coronavirus is the end of my republican identity. Joining us now is Nancy Shively. Very voted for donald trump in 2016. She now supports joe biden. Nancy, thank you for being with us. Was it the schools thing that was the last straw for you . It was the pandemic that was the last straw for me. Like i said, i reluctantly voted for him in 2016, and worst mistake of my life. And i just i wasnt paying attention as closely as i should have. I should you know, i should not have ever cast a vote for him, but i did, so now im just trying to take responsibility for that and hopefully encourage other people to change their minds also. Do you think people will you know, i run into a lot of people, and its not just trump supporters, and its a lot of people who make a political decision, cast a ballot, talk about it, and then have a hard time coming around to the idea that their decision wasnt correct. And one of the problems in this country is youve got all sorts of media that can reinforce the bubble in which people exist. Do you think there are a lot of people out there like you who realize that he was a mistake . Oh, yeah. There are a lot of people like me, and its very embarrassing to admit to anybody that you made a huge mistake like that. It took me months before i could tell my daughters that i had voted for him, and they were very properly horrified when i told them. So, you know, the only thing you can do with a mistake like that is try to redeem it, so, yeah, theres lots well, weve got 88 days to do that. We have a much shorter period of time to deal with the school issue. You mentioned your daughters. Youve got six grandchildren in the oklahoma area, and theyre going to be doing school differently. Tell me what its looking like for them. Well, two of my grandsons are going to do online school, and then ive got four more grandchildren. Two of them are not yet school age, so theyll be in day care. But i also have two that are going to be, i think, second and first grade. So theyre still really young, and their mom is a teacher too. So, yeah, theyll be in public school. So talk to me about teachers. Talk to me about people like you, special ed teachers. Youve resigned your job because youre very worried about it, but there are a whole bunch of people who are not going to have control over their immediate environment because schools are in different shape across the country. Some of them dont have adequate ventilation. Some of them dont have adequate water. Some of them dont have adequate space. How do you how are people youre talking to, teachers youre talking to, thinking about this mandate in some places to go back and teach in person . Well, theres a lot of teachers that have underlying medical conditions that they cant leave the profession. They have to stay in the profession. And so what prompted me to write the oped was a comment made by one of my colleagues, and shes a younger woman. She has Underlying Health conditions, and she said, well, i guess ill just up my Life Insurance and hope for the best. And i thought, thats thats wrong. Wow. Thats just so wrong. And it made me angry. And so, yeah, so thats what got me started writing the oped. And shes not the only one. Theres lots of teachers that are the same way, and our district is going back to school in person next week. And the younger kids are not going to be required to wear masks in their classrooms. Theyll have to wear them when theyre out of the classrooms, but theyre going to be having lunch in the cafeteria like they always have. And i just it just doesnt feel safe to me. So, you know, weve had this the virus is very predictable, you know. Weve had yep. The states well, weve had this cascading failure of leadership starting with the president , and then it flows down to our governor, who wants to do everything the president does, so he wont issue any kind of a mask mandate or anything like that. So it gets kicked down then to the state school board, and then they kicked it down to the local school boards. And the one place it has to stop is with teachers and children in the schools. And im just not willing to take the consequences of all that failed leadership with my life. Thats right. Nancy, thank you for writing the oped and sharing your views, and thank you for your decades of service to our nations children. We all count on people like you to make them the next generation, who possibly will make better decisions, likely will make better decisions than we have. Nancy shively gets tonights last word. Ill see you tomorrow and every weekend morning starting at 8 00 a. M. Eastern right here on msnbc. And of course well be covering the tough questions around reopening schools in the next month. In order to provide you with the best information possible, id like to know how youre preparing for your kids return to school. Send me your stories, your photos, your videos to my email at mystory velshi. Com. I hope youll join us. The 11th hour with Brian Williams begins right now. Well, good evening once again as we bring another week day 1,296 of the trump administration. 88 days until the president ial election. Tonight donald trump is at his golf club in bedminster, new jersey. We know that because the press was summoned for a press conference that turned out to be a Campaign Rally of sorts in front of a crowd of assembled members of his golf club, some of them just off the golf course. Many of them had a wineglass in hand. Some of them brought their kids. Many were not wearing masks. The president was played into the room to a recording of hail to the chief. Again, it was less a News Conference than it was a list of grievances, a dizzying slew of demonstrably false claims,

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