Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20200723

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Night. Now it is time for the last word the lawrence odonnell. Kneel cat yall will join us to talk about whats happening in portland what might be happening in chicago if federal agents are sent to chicago. And kneel cat yall has not said anything about this publically yesterday and he actually explained in a tweet today which i will now read to you. He said, i have stayed away from comments on portland, now chicago, until i have studied the law in some detail. Its outrageous and against everything our nations founders stood for. Ill detail my views tonight on this show. I love that he had to study the law before coming on here and talking about it because thats who he is. Hes going to do his homework. Hes going to thoroughly go through this. Hes going to study this. Hes not just going to use his lifetime of legal experience and knowledge. Hes going to go and do the homework specifically for this, so we will hear that from him tonight. That is the difference between a pundit and an expert right there. Exactly. Someone willing to do the work before they speak. Exactly. Pundit thinks homework is cheating. Thats exactly right. Thanks, lawrence. Thank you. Well, joe biden and donald trump are both old enough to remember when texas used to elect democrats to the United States senate. You dont really have to be that old to remember the last time a democrat was elected to the United States senate in texas because it was 32 years ago when Texas Democratic senator lloyd benson won his reelection to the United States senator from texas on the very same night that he lost the election for Vice President of the United States. Senator lloyd benson is one of those footnotes in history, who was able to run to hold on to his senate seat at the same time that he was running as michael due caucus Vice President ial running mate. Texas has had two republican senators this year. John kor than is up for reelection. And last week m. J. Hagar won the election for that senate seat, which was one held by Lyndon Baines johnson. A combat veteran who won a purple heart for her service in afghanistan, and she will join us tonight for her First National Television Interview since she became the democratic nominee for senate in texas. M. J. Hagar will join us at the end of this hour. And tonight donald trump is trying to run the kind of republican president ial campaign that one riwon Richard Nixon th presidency in 1968 by less than 1 of the vote. It is the law and order campaign. In 1968 Richard Nixon became the first president ial candidate to successfully ride that slogan, law and order, to victory. And that is why under the guidance of convicted felon roger stone who idolized Richard Nixon, donald trump sporadically tweets law and order, exclamation point. Thats it. And that is why donald trump is playing with fire in portland, oregon tonight. Donald trump is clearly hoping for fire in portland tonight. Portland officials accuse the federal officers who donald trump has sent into portland os sten sievely to protect federal property of provoking and in some circumstances initiating the kind of chaos and riotous looking behavior Television Cameras have been capturing in portland after dark. Donald trump believes those images will scare americans into voting for the tough law and order republican candidate for president. Donald trump wants to use those images in his campaign ads, but his campaign is not yet impressed enough with the images coming out of portland. And, so, in the ad that they did this week about what they call liberal cities in chaos, the Trump Campaign actually used images of protests in ukraine six years ago, pretending that thats an american city. Six years ago when the protesters in ukraine were out there protesting in favor of democracy. Those are the protesters who are actually being demonized in Donald Trumps Campaign Advertising now. You might eventually see portland protesters in Trump Campaign advertising as soon as the campaign has been able to record the kind of video they are hoping to get from portland. Thats why those federal officers are in portland, the trump reelection campaign. Every single thing donald trump and his administration do between now and election day is about reelecting donald trump. Oregon officials insist that the federal presence in portland is just prolonging the protests and aggravating those protests. Oregons attorney general was in federal court today suing the Trump Administration to remove the unwelcome federal officers in portland. She said she was asking the court to declare it not acceptable for federal officers to use Unconstitutional Police state type acts to detain citizens of oregon without cause. On the senate floor yesterday, oregon senior senator ron widen said this. Donald trump did not send that paramilitary force. This expe dish nar force to keep people safe. Donald trump is doing this to create an image of chaos, to air them on far right television, scare the country, turn them into campaign ads. This is the nixon play book. This is the president ial Campaign First run by Richard Nixon, the most corrupt president in American History until he was replaced in that status by donald trump. When Richard Nixon and the country watched on Live Television as rioting broke out in chicago during the Democratic National convention in 1968, Richard Nixon was thrilled. Richard nixon believed he could convince just enough voters to elect him to stop that kind of rioting. And that strategy worked for Richard Nixon, even though when a special commission studied the rioting at the Chicago Convention in 1968, they unanimously concluded that what happened in chicago was what the commission called a police riot. The rioting was done by Police Officers who were out of control and viciously aggressive against protesters who they treated as dangerous enemies with no rights. The Chicago Police did not stop with the protesters in the streets. They beat people who were bystanders on the sidewalks watching and doing nothing. They were just watching what was happening, and that got them beaten by the Chicago Police. The Chicago Police broke windows in restaurants. They went into a restaurant to actually beat people sitting down at tables inside restaurants. Thats how out of control the Chicago Police were in 1968. So law breaking by police who then blamed protesters for starting a riot is something we have seen before. The difference between Richard Nixon and donald trump is that Richard Nixon did not start the rioting in chicago. That could be what donald trump is trying to do. And the announcement that he made today about chicago. Well, the attorney general william barr standing beside him, donald trump announced that he is going to send federal officers, mostly from the department of Homeland Security to chicago. And donald trump and william barr are not even pretending that theyre sending them there to protect federal buildings as they claim theyre doing in portland tonight. The acting secretary of Homeland Security was at that announcement today. He is a former lobbyist who has never been confirmed by the senate and has absolutely no experience whatsoever in Law Enforcement of any kind. At todays announcement standing beside the president and that attorney general, that former lobbyist said the department of Homeland Security mission in portland is to protect federal property and our Law Enforcement officers. In chicago, the mission is to protect the public from Violent Crime on the streets. 12,000 people, 12,000 people already have that job. They are called the Chicago Police department. So how many people, how many people is donald trump sending to chicago to do the job that 12,000 people are already doing . Is donald trump going to double the Police Presence in chicago, put another 12,000 Law Enforcement personnel on the streets of chicago . No. Donald trump is sending 200 people, 200. That means there will probably be no more than 100 of them on the street at any one time, and thats not enough Law Enforcement personnel to stop anything in chicago, but it is enough to start something. It is enough to draw a crowd of protesters against the trump troops in chicago. And we have seen that the trump troops do not require the slightest bit of provocation. No provocation at all to start rioting themselves exactly the way the Chicago Police did in 1968. Here is a video of what is now the trump police riot that has gone viral of a navy veteran in portland who literally stood there, stood there doing absolutely nothing as the trump troops did, exactly what donald trump wants them to do. Donald trump is playing with fire tonight. He is hoping for fire in portland tonight, and he is hoping for more fire in chicago. The viewers of this program know my book about the 1968 president ial campaign is entitled playing with fire. It refers to many aspects of the 1968 campaign, including the fire of the vietnam war that was raging a world away from the police riot in chicago. We saw something we have never seen before in that campaign, an incumbent president running for reelection who simply dropped out of the race. President lyndon johnson, favored to win the race, decided he could not run for reelection in 1968 with the protest fires that were burning in this country that year. This time, the incumbent president seems to have decided that he cannot run for reelection without protest fires burning. Leading off our discussion is an msnbc legal contributor. Thank you very much for joining us tonight and thank you very much for, as you would, of course, doing your homework on these legal issues that are involved that we have all been wondering about. Take us through what were seeing in portland and the lawsuit that the Oregon Attorney general has brought to try to stop this. What are the legal grounds for what were seeing in portland . So, lawrence, when i first started reading about this over the weekend, my first reaction was that i wished that donald trump would show oneone thousand the energy fighting covid that he is fighting the American People. But i didnt want to just react that way and just react out of anger and sadness about his failures on coronavirus. I think here there are issues about the policy and the law. Let me just start with the policy because these are really dark days, lawrence. And i think you just did a wonderful job setting up the issue, that secret, unmarked agents beating and tear gassing the American People. That is the behavior of thugs and dictators across the globe. That is the behavior that lost in the american revolution, that lost in india, that lost in the American South during the civil rights revolution and what john lewis death reminds us of. It lost with nixon, as you just said. It will lose here and it will lose big. Because i think the lesson we learn from this is that actions like trumps only reveal two things. They show cowardice and a lack of principle because leaders like this cant lead. They cant actually persuade people, so they resort to beating people up. And the disrespect for trump is only gong to grow because actions like this show he disrespects himself and americans see it and he cant trust himself to win on the up and up. Thats the policy problems. Now you want me to get into the legal stuff or do you want me to stop . Please do, neil. Okay. So this isnt just a legal problem. Its more than that. This is a rebellion against our deepest constitutional principals. So i dont want you and your viewers to think about this as some technical rule in the rule book or Something Like this. This is a betrayal of what america is about. So the first thing is that our constitution doesnt generally permit a Domestic Police force. As chief Justice William rehnquist who was nominated to the court by Richard Nixon himself said the essence of the police power is a steep function. It is those 12,000 Chicago Policemen you were referring to a moment ago, not federal. Even if trump could get over that hurdle, that the constitution doesnt permit federal policing in general, congress has got to authorize it by law, and there is no law authorizing them to do so. And even if you could get over that somehow, the idea that this function would be reposed in a highly politicized department of Homeland Security with no Senate Confirmed head at its helm raises even further problems. And then even if you get over all that, lawrence, their rational for this is constantly shifting. It started with protection of federal property. Now its to crime. I dont know whats next that they wanted to play federal agents to, maybe to combat voter fraud or whatever. You know, look, if trump wants to stop crime, hes got lots of tools for it, including using his Justice Department to actually go and prosecute criminals instead of pardoning people like roger stone and joe arpio and things like that. This isnt the way to do it. Yeah. In fact, remember kwis very specifically in a 2000 case very specifically mentioned police power was reserved for the states. It is not something that and he celebrated that, celebrated that as a very, very important founding principal. It has all americans have, lawrence. That is the essence of what our constitution is about. It wasnt inventing this in 2000. It is what justice brandice said as well. And, indeed, he didnt even have a federal department of justice until 1870 because policing was truly a state question. Now, sometimes you have certain federal crimes, things that transcend state boundaries or Something Like that. But the idea that you have some undifferentiated federal police force thats subject to the department of Homeland Security and these people dont have to identify themselves and they can tear gas and beat people up, there is no law that permits anything, anything like this. Thank you for taking the time to study this and for sharing your thoughts about it on this program. We really appreciate that. Thank you. And when we come back, donald trump gave what the white house called a briefing on coronavirus. He read remarks written for him, took a few questions. And then ran out of the room as he was being yelled questions about gis lain max well. Youll hear what should have been said in todays White House Briefing on the coronavirus next with dr. Vin gupta. R. Vin gupta. To visit all the places we didnt know meant so much. But were all going at our own speed. At enterprise, peaceofmind starts with our complete clean pledge, curbside rentals and lowtouch transactions. With so many vehicles of so many kinds, you can count on us to help you get everywhere you want to go. Again. Whenever youre ready, were ready for you. Enterprise. Find your getupandgo. Find pants that arent sweats. Find your friends. Find your sense of wander. Find the world is new, again. At chevy wed like to take you there. Now during the chevy open road sales event, get up to 15 of msrp cash back on select 2020 models. Thats over fiftyseven hundred dollars cash back on this equinox. Its time to find new roads, again. burke at farmers, we know a thing or weve seen a thing or two. Like how nice it is to save on your auto policy. But its even nicer knowing that if this happens. Or this happens. Or this. Or this. Or even this. Weve seen and covered it. So, switch to farmers and you could save an average of three hundred ninetyfive dollars. Get a quote today. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum vo verizon knows how to build unlimited right. Start with americas most awarded network. Give people more plans to mix and match at a price built for everyone. With 700 off our best phones when you switch. Because everyone deserves the best. This is unlimited built right. Donald trump went to the White House Briefing room on a white courthouse cover briefing virus. They must not know much about the coronavirus. Donald trump read a speech written for him by the white house staff which included no guidance to any person in america about how to decide if it is safe for a child or a teacher to go back to school this year. Speech had no guidance for universities or College Students or Incoming College freshmen about how to deal with the new school year. Donald trump did lie about his own personal use of masks. He pulled one out of his pocket and said he uses it sometimes when hes indoors and not social distancing. And he said that after photographs already emerged of him last night in washington, d. C. , not wearing a mask and not social distancing in a hotel that requires people to wear masks. Most of the reporters, as usual, followed the white house lead and made the mistake of asking the president questions about something he knows nothing about, the coronavirus, instead of asking him what he meant yesterday when he repeatedly said, i wish her well about the woman in federal custody accused of sex trafficking called Jeffrey Epsteins recruiter. Let me repeat. Yesterday the president of the United States actually said, i wish her well twice about Ghislaine Maxwell, and no reporter asked a followup question about that today. Donald trump ran off the stage after only a few questions because he probably knew someone was going to ask about that if he hung around a minute longer. In fact, at least one reporter was yelling a question about Ghislaine Maxwell as donald trump was leaving that room. And, so, with the coronavirus surging in the United States, the White House Coronavirus briefing has become donald trump political theater, and there is no president ial leadership on how to deal with the coronavirus, which today one former fda commissioner predicted could kill upwards of 300,000 americans by the end of this year. California, by far the largest state in the union with the largest population by far, now has the largest number of coronavirus cases, passing the state of new york today with a total of 421,885 reported cases of coronavirus. And as of tonight, there are 3,971,04 4 confirmed cases of coronavirus that have been reported in this country. And as of tonight, the United States has suffered at least 143,869 deaths from the coronavirus. And joining us now is dr. Vin gupta, pulmonologist and affiliate assistant professor at the university of Washington Medical Center and an msnbc medical contrib. You boar. I want to begin with the state of california. And from the start, i have always marvelled that california, which has the most of everything, has the most people, has the most money, it has the most agriculture. It is number one in every single measure in the United States. I expected it quickly to become number one in coronavirus cases. It didnt. It had locked down early. Why are we seeing california where they have tried to do everything right at the governing level, why is california now finally making that rise with that largest number . Good evening, lawrence. There is two reasons. Number one is we know from gps data, from cell phone data that people are moving a lot more in california ever since there has been a phased reopening. Now i know Governor Newsom is walking that back, appropriately so, but that mobility is a key piece of why were seeing these spikes. Number two is we saw Public Health officials in Southern California get threatened because they were advocating for a mandatory mask policy. So masking had actually not been adopted by the public in spite of recommendations. We can talk about whether we need recommendations or enforcement, but thats the key piece here. Public cooperation and mobility. Were seeing spikes in california. Yeah. And the mask rebellion in california is in orange county, which is republican territory. They arent seeing that in a lot of the other areas. And San Francisco has actually remained very stable. They kind of closed down. Thats the first big city in california to have closed down. Thats right. Thats right. San francisco and parts of the country like the northeast theyre behaving like europe. Were seeing that there is even in the absence of guidance in shelter in place, people are only engaging in essential travel, going to grocery stores, for example, or other needing required tasks. Theyre masking. There is no issues on when should you or should you not mask. So there is a proactive approach to Public Health in these enclaves in addition to great messaging from Public Health leaders and elected officials in those areas. Donald trump continues to talk about the coronavirus eventually disappearing. Lets listen to what dr. Anthony fauci said today about that. I dont see this disappearing the way sars1 did. The reason i say that is that it is so efficient in its ability to transmit from human to human that i think we ultimately will get control of it. I dont really see us eradicating it. Dr. Gupta, what are you seeing as we approach the reopening of schools and the likelihood of being able to do that safely . Do you see a place in the country where that could be done safely . How do you make that judgment . Im astonished that the governors of florida, texas, georgia, ohio, just to name a few, florida are moving ahead with School Reopenings. The message is were going to move ahead. Heres the thing, lawrence. We dont have enough ppe stores for health care workers. I was just in the icu this past week for t greater than 21 days, much mess teachers. Teachers approach me and say do we need a face shield . How are we thinking about ppe, adequate ventilation . What about point of care testing . If the president wants to open the economy, we need point of care scaled for universities and school districts. That needs to come on the dime of the federal government. He needs to stop talking about 15,000 point of care devices only to nursing home fa till cits. We need 50 million of these. That requires federal government focus and resources. Right now we dont have that. There is no School Reopening strategy. Its 13,000 different approaches based on 13,000 Different School districts because theyre not getting the needed resources and guidance from the Trump Administration. Thank you very much for joining us again tonight. We always appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. And when we come back, the barack and joe show is back on the campaign trail. President obama and joe biden did a Campaign Appearance today on video. There will be more of that from them tomorrow. They each talked about how weird it is for them to hear a president of the United States say, i dont take responsibility. Well see that video next when were joined by ja meesh all cinder and general her all mary. Did you know prilosec otc can stop frequent heartburn before it begins . Heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus. Prilosec otc uses a unique delayedrelease formula that helps it pass through the tough stomach acid. It then works to turn down acid production, blocking heartburn at the source. With just one pill a day, you get 24hour heartburn protection. Prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. Wow. Jim could you ipop the hood for us . . There she is. Turbocharged, right . Yes it is. Jim, could you uh kick the tires . Oh yes. 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Well, and one of the things that i have always known about you, joe, it is the reason why i wanted you to be my Vice President and the reason why you were so effective. It all starts with being able to relate. Joining our discussion now is yeah meesh a yeah meesh alisy. Jennifer new book is she proclaims our declaration of independence from a mans world. To see those two together campaign anything this new way that they have to, it really is an echo for people of the two previous campaigns, democratic campaigns for president that those two guys ran successfully. Thats right. And this video is really an an this sis of what we have seen President Trump do. They come out of their vehicles wearing as maisk. They are not embarrassed to wear it in the same way President Trump took weeks and weeks and weeks to wear a facial covering. And then they really start at the beginning of President Trump and they talk about his character and say, look, this idea that President Trump said that i take no responsibility at all for his handling of the coronavirus, its something that is clouded President Trump for a long time as he continues to struggle with his response. And it is now something that joe biden is focussed on using against him. What you see in these two men, i think, is two people who understand each other, who also know that to get at President Trump and to really get under his skin, its also using his own words again him. Some people have said this is about trolling President Trump, but i see this is also focussing on the American People saying, look, were going to give you not only people who agree with you on policy but also people that care about you and take responsibility for our actions. I want to take a look at another factor in the campaign, and this is republicans working against the reelection of donald trump. And this is the latest from the lincoln project. Lets take a look at the lincoln projects latest ad. Covid19 deaths now toll 140,000. 1,000 new deaths reported overnight. It is what it is. 40 Million People have lost their jobs in ten weeks. It is what it is. Masks and camouflage. Federal agents detaining peaceful protesters. It is what it is. The british socialite is accused of sexually abusing minors. I just wish her well. I wish her well, whatever it is, frankly. Jennifer, from Donald Trumps mouth yesterday to the ad tonight, something obviously unimaginable for him. The president of the United States saying i wish her well twice about a woman accused of sex trafficking minor children for jeffrey epstein. Yeah. And this is a case of the messenger being effective for getting getting under trumps skin. They know what irks republicans. You can see, i think, keep coming back to that comment about wishing her well is going to its going to upset him and thats like what thats what their ads are designed to do. Theyre designed to provoke. And, you know, with the video with the former Vice President and president obama, you know, its another case of the messenger being just the right one. And we all talk about how trump doesnt take responsibility and it irks us. But to have the former president of the United States who bore so much responsibility, former president of the United States speaking in a casual conversation like this, i think it really hassen impact on people. It is not a speech. It is not a set interview. It is a conversation. And this also as a practitioner, i really admire how well the Biden Campaign has played this out. A clip today, we are all talking about it. I got a ton of calls from reporters today who wanted to talk about the bidenobama relationship. There is more that well see tomorrow. But this is what the campaign has got to figure out, like how do you do this in the time of a pandemic when the vp doesnt have the opportunity to do a lot of events. And i think well have to see stage. But in this case, they managed to make it informal and warm events like this. As the president was leaving the Briefing Room today, we could all hear someone or more than one reporter yelling that name Ghislaine Maxwell to the president. That was the question he didnt want to deal with today about why did he wish her well yesterday. Thats right. And what we saw yesterday was a president who was at least on message when he was reading out from notes. But then when he was off of his notes, he was again spreading misleading information. So while hes reading hes saying, yes, its going to get worse before its better. But minutes later, what hes saying is actually its going to disappear. What we see in President Trump is someone who is easily thrown off. And in this case, when hes answering a question, hes being fully himself. So he answered that question really in the way that he really believed he wanted to answer it. And i think now, of course, its causing problems for him and maybe now hes going to adjust his answer to find some way that will make this maybe smooth over a bit. But we already know what President Trump thinks because we have to go with the first answer, which is the answer he gave when he was really thinking about it in a way that was very much leaning on his instincts, which was, of course, to wish her well. I want to squeeze in a break here. When we come back, jennifer, i want to talk about something related to your book. It is something you have written about in vanity fair. That is this attack on representative alexandria cortez. Just a horrific moment for which he has not apologized. Well be right back. Well be right back. Dont just think about where youre headed this summer. Think about how youll get there. 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Absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable save up to 900 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Plus, 0 interest for 24 months on all smart beds. Only for a limited time. And were back. And jennifer, i wanted to ask you about something you have written about, which is this horribly, ugly and counter attack actually by congressman ted yoho on the steps attacking alexandria ocasiocortez yelling horrible things at her. He then goes to the house floor, does not apologize, comes close to tears when he was remembering the days when he himself was on food stamps. Doesnt mention that since then he had voted to cut food stamps for other people that come into that program long after he did. But it was a very weird speech where he did not apologize. This is very much an element of your book. Tell us your view of this. So this is what happens to women that challenge power structures and norms, right, particularly for women of color. They come in to these kinds of attacks. Alexandria ocasiocortez had a rather conventional view that high unemployment and high poverty can lead to an increase in crime. A lot of white men in congress had that same view. They dont come under these kinds of attacks, but she represents a particular kind of change. And ted yoho couldnt handle it. And as you see, you know, what i my big takeaway from moments like this is women are used to getting these kinds of attacks. And what alexandria ocasiocortez did that was so effective is she does not react the way yoho does, emotionally, if you will. She harnesses that anger and she channels it into something thats going to benefit her. She channels it into something thats going to be good. I think as women that have to operate in a world where men that they dominate these professions and they dominate the power structures, but we take the best of what the experience gives us and try to channel it to good and not let the frustration that these men are exhibiting get to us. You know, it reminded me, when i saw what yoho did, it reminded me of Brett Kavanaugh and how angry he was at his Supreme Court nomination hearing where he believed, falsely, that he was not going to get confirmed because of the accusations Christine Blassy Ford had waged against him of sexual assault. He thought he was going to be robbed of something due to him and he was so frustrated. It new experience for him. It is not a new emotion for women. It is not a new emotion. And being intimidated is not a new experience for alexandria ocasiocortez, but she channels it. He bested him. Men like this can continue to come to prominence. They will continue to try to threaten bwomen, but we can bes them. The polling news of the day was from texas, a new quinnipiac poll showing joe biden ahead, one point ahead of donald trump, 4544. Thats not what roll polls are supposed to look like for republicans in texas. Hes going to have to spend money there. Hes going to have to spend Campaign Time there. This is the story of 2020. It doesnt mean that President Trump is going to lose. But what it means is he might have to battle in a way he had not expected before. I think the Biden Campaign would say this really goes back to how he was impeached in the first place, which is that he initially really was worried about joe biden, thought he was possibly one of the stronger candidates of all the democrats running and as a result got himself impeached in trying to get foreign help from ukraine to look into joe biden. What you see here is President Trump really struggling in some key states, texas being the latest one. But there is other polls in pennsylvania and other places. These are really key places that the president needs to win in order to keep his in order to stay in office. When you think about the way he won in 2016, it was by a thin margin, and the president with all that is going on with the virus, hes trying to talk up his responsibilities and his response because hes seeing in the polls that people are having an emotional connection to whats going on. Thank you both for joining our discussion tonight. Really appreciate it. Thank you. Coming up, the democratic nominee for senate in texas will join us for her First National Television Interview since winning that nomination. You will hear her story of how mj hegar won a purple heart in afghanistan, and well show you the polls that show she has a very solid chance of winning that seat. Thats next. Your auto policy. But its even nicer knowing that if this happens. Or this happens. Or this. Or this. Or even this. Weve seen and covered it. 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After taking even more fire, we crashed a few miles away. She won the purple heart that day. She returned fire while hanging on to a moving aircraft. And now shes the democratic nominee for senate in texas, facing john cornyn. Who now has two big problems. One is m. J. , and the other is the poll showing him at 47 , with hegar only nine points behind. And the majority of people polled saying they dont know enough about m. J. Hegar. Which means if she can finance a campaign that gets the word out in the vast state of texas, she could become the first democrat elected in the senate in texas since benson in 1988. Joining us now, m. J. Hegar in her First National interview since becoming the democratic nominee for senate in texas. Thank you for joining us. I know senators who decided not to run for reelection when their number dropped below 50 . So its a big deal to see john cornyn at 47 . Whats the number one issue running against him, that you want texans to know about . We had a Health Care Crisis in texas before the pandemic. Nearly 1 out of 5 didnt have access to health care insurance. But john cornyn is the Affordable Care act repeals top salesman. And now we have 1 out of every 3 people who are under 65 dont have access to insurance. So we have an economic crisis and a Health Care Crisis in texas that was here before the pandemic, that will be here after the pandemic if we still have leadership insistent on ripping out Health Care Coverage away from texans to help their buddies in the insurance industry. And theres another number that is a problem for donald trump. It says do you approve or disapprove of the way donald trump is handling the reopening of schools . In texas, 52 disapprove of the way donald trump is talking about the reopening of schools. How big a factor do you expect donald trump to be in the Senate Campaign . I think it will be a factor, but texans are not lemmings. We dont want to follow people blindly. Thats what you see with somebody like john cornyn. Even people that may agree with some of Donald Trumps policies, they dont like how cornyn has become a lap dog for him. Hes largely been a spineless boot licker for him, and doesnt stand up for us, the economy, health care, unemployment insurance, we need more leaders in d. C. With texas values like strength and independence and grit, instead of the d. C. Values that john cornyn seems so intent on sharing with us. Beto orourke ran an Impressive Campaign against ted cruz. Against ted cruz, who us outsiders think would be easier to beat in texas than john cornyn. Its the same thing i was talking about. Cruz and cornyn vote almost the same way, but theres a perception that ted cruz stands up for what he believes in at least. And cornyn knows the Affordable Care act helps texans. Why does he insist on supporting the lawsuit that texas has filed that is climbing up to the Supreme Court that would Rip Health Care from millions of texans in the middle of a pandemic, when we already have millions of texans without insurance . I think texans have a very sensitive b. S. Meter. We know when a politician is just saying whatever is good for them at the time. As soon as it stops being good for john cornyn to follow along with the talking points he gets handed every day, hell start to change his tune. It will be too late, because texans know who he is. Cruz had a 52 approval rating, and cornyn has 32 to 36 . We have an opportunity. Theyre not going to just vote for me because im not him. I need to earn the votes and show texans my policies are more in line with our values and they have an opportunity to vote for a regular working texan like they are. But we raised 1 million in seven days after winning the runoff. So im confident well be able to raise the resources and get rid of a guy like john cornyn who says things like, were not even sure that kids can get covid. And we havent seen him come out against the russian bounties, as a combat veteran, thats highly offensive to me. I would love for cornyn to make it hard for me to run against him. So well take kicking his ass in november. I knew lloyd benson, and i could tell you that texas would be at least as well represented by you as they were by benson in the United States senate. M. J. Hegar, really appreciate it. Thanks for having me, lawrence. Thanks. Thank you. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts now. Good evening once again. Day 1,280 of the Trump Administration, 104 days until our next president ial election. On this day when the president assured the nation its all going to work out. It is working out. There is news with another case of coronavirus within the white house

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