Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20191122

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Floating around. Now its time for the last word with lawrence odonnell. Sorry i went late. Rachel, at least you dont have another seven hours of hearing to watch tomorrow. I know. On top of everything else. Are you going to have hearing withdrawal symptoms tomorrow, do you think . No. You know what im going to do tomorrow . Laundry. Yeah. I feel like i havent done any of the basic keep your life together things because every moment that im awake im either reading a transcript or watching a hearing. And so im really looking forward to, like, walking the dog. You will have like almost half a morning to yourself tomorrow. Oh. The way this is going. Am i dead, are those angels singing . Rachel, in our viewer mail section tonight, we got an email from an oscarwinning director and screen writer about the question that was not asked in any of the hearings. And i got permission to read that question, which ill do later in this hour. And its a really good question. He says it would be in the movie version, but it would actually add a lot to our view of this. Ooh. Including republicans reaction to evidence, so thats coming up a little bit later. Thats an excellent tease. Im totally hooked. Thats my job. Thank you, rachel. Thanks, lauren lawrence. So what happens next . Has the Intelligence Community collected enough evidence for impeachment . Lawrence will join us with our opinion of where the impeachment needs to go from here. Todays hearing is about something that is going to happen to you. There is going to come a time in your life, if it hasnt come already, when you will have a very important choice to make. This could happen in your workplace. It could happen in your family. Can happen among friends. It will be about something that is very important to you and very important to everyone involved. Its a simple choice. But many of you will find that choice very difficult because you will have to choose to tell the truth or say nothing. And saying nothing is always going to be the easier choice. Saying nothing wont put you in a more difficult situation. Saying nothing will let you avoid conflict. And when you have to make this choice, you will know for sure that telling the truth will get you attacked. Thats a guarantee if you choose the truth. So what will you choose . When you come to that spot in your life where you have the choice of telling a very important truth or saying nothing, what will you choose . For some people that actually doesnt feel like a choice at all. For those people it feels like an obligation, a moral obligation. Since you determined that i may have something of value to these proceedings and issued a subpoena, it is my obligation to appear and to tell you what i know. I believe that those who have information that the congress deems relevant have a legal and a moral obligation to provide it. John bolton doesnt believe that. John bolton should have been in that hearing room today, but he does not believe that those who have information that the congress deems relevant have a legal and a moral obligation to provide it. John bolton has provided that information for money to a new york book publisher that is paying him 2 million for a book that will include the information that he is refusing to tell congress. John bolton is in exactly the same position as fiona hill who used to work for john bolton in the white house. John bolton and fiona hill are both exwhite house employees, now private citizens, who were asked to testify to the impeachment inquiry. President trump, who has absolutely no power over them as private citizens now, told them both not to testify. So they had a choice to make. Fiona hill chose to tell the truth and john bolton chose silence. David holmes is a Career Foreign Service officer stationed at our embassy in ukraine and his boss, secretary of state mike pompeo, told him ton testify. Told him that he could defy the committees subpoena as other state Department Employees have done. At mike pompeos urging. But david holmes did something that no one working in the state department thinks they will ever have to do. He refused to obey the secretary of state because david holmes felt an obligation to respond to the congress, a constitutional obligation. They all took an oath of office. David holmes, fiona hill, john bolton took an oath of office. Every member hearing their testimony took an oath of ofls. It is essentially the same oath the president takes. It is an oath to dee fend the constitution of the United States. Its not an oath to a person, not an oath to a party. Its an oath to the constitution. An oath to defend the constitution. I took that same oath when i served on the staff of the United States senate. And if you took that oath and you understood that oath and you truly believe in that oath, to defend the constitution, you had to be filled with pride today to watch two People Living up to that oath under intense pressure at the witness table in todays impeachment inquiry hearing. What you saw at that witness table was true faith and allegiance. Thats another line in the oath. True faith and allegiance to the constitution. Our first guest tonight, congressman val demmings, took that oath, and she had this to say to david holmes and fiona hill. Policies change, but u. S. Interests dont. At least not for those true Public Servants who are committed and dedicated to protecting our nation. Thank you both for being two of them. John bolton wasnt there today, but he came to life in fiona hills testimony. She said that in his role as National Security advisor, john bolton was frustrated that Rudy Giuliani and trump ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland and white house chief of staff Mick Mulvaney were going outside of normal diplomatic channels to try to force ukraine to conduct an investigation of joe biden and his son. Then in the course of that discussion said that Rudy Giuliani was a hand grenade that was going to blow everyone up. I had to go to the lawyers, to john eisen berg, i was senior counsel for the National Security council, to basically say, you tell eisen berg ambassador bolton told me i am not part of this whatever drug deal that mulvaney and sondland are cooking up. What did you understand him to say by the drug deal mulvaney and sondland are cooking up . I took it to mean investigations for a meeting. Did you go speak to the lawyers . I certainly did. I did say to him, ambassador sondland gordon, i think this is all going to blow up. And here we are. Here we are. David holmes testified, among other things, to sitting in a restaurant in ukraine when Gordon Sondland whipped out his personal unsecured cell phone and called the president of the United States. That is a phone call that the russians surely have a recording of right now since they have very strong telephone surveillance capabilities in ukraine. And they know who to target, like rich incompetent american ambassadors who use their personal cell phones to call the president of the United States. Heres what david holmes heard. And what did you hear President Trump say to im sorry, not president zelensky, to ambassador sondland . What i hear the president say to ambassador sondland. Yeah, he clarified whether he was in ukraine or not and he said yes, im here in ukraine. Ambassador sondland said said, he loves your ass, hell do anything you want in the investigation. You heard President Trump ask ambassador sondland, is he going to do the investigation . Yes, sir. What was ambassador sondlands response . He said, oh, yeah, hes going to do it. Hell do anything you ask. And was that the end of the ukraine portion of the conversation . Yes. Afterwards you described a followon conversation that you had with ambassador sondland where you asked him, i think, generally what did President Trump think of ukraine. Is that right . Correct. What did ambassador sondland say to you . He said he doesnt really care about ukraine. Did he use slightly more colorful language than that . He did. What did he say that he does care about . He said he cares about big stuff. Did he explain what he meant by big stuff . I asked him, well, what kind of big stuff . We have big stuff going on here or with russia. He said, no, big stuff like the biden investigation that mr. Giuliani is pushing. Heres what donald trump said yesterday about the man who knows him so well that he can call him on his unsecured cell phone from a restaurant in ukraine. I dont know him very well. I have not spoken to him much. This is not a man i know well. Seems like a nice guy, though. But i dont know him well. But Gordon Sondland knows donald trump very well. He knows donald trump so well that he proved it in the way his cell phone conversation with the president ended. How did the conversation end . I only heard the ambassadors side of the conversation, sir. At the end of the conversation, he said he said, this he was giving the president advice on how to deal with the aspc rocky situation. They should have released him on your word and you can tell the kardashians you tried. You can tell the kardashians you tried. Gordon sondland knows that the kardashians are very big stuff to donald trump. Leading off our discussion tonight, congresswoman val demmings, florida, House Intelligence Committee and Judiciary Committee. She has taken part in all the impeachment hearings. Joyce vance from the Northern District of alabama, legal analyst. Ron, senior aide to vicepresident biden, and president obama and the Senate Judiciary committee. He is an advisor to joe bidens 2020 president ial campaign. Congresswoman demmings, thank you for joining us after this busy week. What do you believe are the next steps for the Intelligence Committee . Will there be more witness interviews and depositions or public testimony . Well, lawrence, its good to be with you. And let me just say today we heard from two very powerful witnesses, as youve already talked about. What a way to finish the week. Today was really the last day of scheduled witnesses. You know, well regroup next week and talk about the steps moving forward. But i believe what we have heard from these very courageous, very dedicated Foreign Service officers who, as youve indicated, felt a moral obligation or a duty to do the right thing has been their testimony, the evidence against the president is overwhelming and pretty clear and convincing. Now, you are one of those people who is on both committees. What has the judiciary, the House Judiciary Committee been doing while the House Intelligence Committee has been ku conducting these hearings . Well, i believe the Judiciary Committee, under chairman nadlers leadership, have been, of course, watching these hearings by the Intelligence Committee very, very closely, because they would be responsible for reviewing every piece of testimony, every piece of documentation, including text messages, emails and other pieces of documentation. So they can begin the critical work or we can begin the critical work of articles, writing articles of impeachment. And so i am sure chairman nadler has been meeting with his lawyers and Staff Members and members of the committee having those discussions. Joyce vance, what did you see in the evidence established today that could add to an article of impeachment . You know, i think the articles have been pretty well defined as we headed into this week, lawrence. And what happened today was evidence that made it very clear that democrats have headed the right direction. So when dr. Hill testifies that she realized after some interaction with Gordon Sondland that he was running a domestic political errand, which i think was her very polite way of saying a bribery scam, it really brought home that the democrats have developed sufficient evidence to charge some form of bribery or extortion along with contempt of congress, and perhaps other articles of impeachment. Ron klein, i want to come back to the oath of office that these witnesses took that we saw really on vivid display today. Those of us, every one of us on this panel have taken the oath of office. Most of us never get tested on it the way they got tested on it today. Most of us never have that moment where we literally have to step up to the battle line to defend the constitution the way they did today. What was it like for you to watch them raise their hand, step up and defend the constitution . You saw today dr. Hill told the truth when john bolton sold the truth. Thats a difference how you view your constitutional obligations. Everyone, staffers, as you alluded to earlier, lauren, weve all taken the oath. The day will come when you have to dot hard thing. What we saw fod was some people who did the hard thing, substantial risk to their careers, substantial risk for their place, continued employment, future employment in republican administration. Standing up to the president of the United States. We saw Lieutenant Colonel vindman testify about the threats he feels and the pressure his family feels. So these witnesses are going on the line to do a very simple thing, which is to be fact witnesses, to explain what they heard, what they saw. And i think the thing that todays hearing added, it was even more direct connection between President Trump himself and the scandal and the corruption here. I think be thats going to be a powerful factual element of the case that will go to the Judiciary Committee. Congresswoman demmings, what was it like on the committee when you discovered that there was a witness who actually heard the president s voice on the phone in a phone call that at that time you had no idea happened . There was no evidence delivered Gordon Sondland had not told any of you about that phone call, and here you have a witness to the Gordon Sondland phone call who can tell you what was actually said. That was one of the big discoveries of this investigation. What was it like when you landed on that . You know, thats absolutely right, lawrence. But i have said all along that i believe the biggest witness in this entire investigation has really been the president himself. When you read the readout from the call he had on july 25th. But as you know, my colleagues on the other side of the aisle day after day have talked about there was no firsthand knowledge, no direct knowledge, it was second and thirdhand information. And then along comes mr. Holmes. That information was quite powerful. But also quite baffling that a u. S. Ambassador would use his, as youve already indicated, unsecured cell phone to call the president of the United States and have that conversation in front of mr. Holmes and other staffers. But it was the additional evidence and the information and testimony that we needed. And, joyce vance, Gordon Sondland has gone back to his job as ambassador to the European Union. Some people are surprised at that, that he hasnt resigned now that hes in what appears to be open conflict with the president or even that the president hasnt fired him. But another way of looking at that is Gordon Sondland, as condemning as his testimony was, at many points in his testimony seems to be shading it. Seemed to be leaning it as much to favor the president as possible. There could be a lot more things that Gordon Sondland knows that he didnt say and donald trump might know that he didnt say those things. That seems really likely to me. Something that surprised me about Gordon Sondlands testimony was that there was very little contrition. He seemed almost proud of what they had done and what they had accomplished. And it was hard to get an assessment of whether that was just a businessman, not a career diplomat, who simply didnt understand the contours of the work that he was involved in, or if Something Else was going on there. But you hit on the key point, which is the president who has been looped into this entire sort of effort abroad this week, with testimony ranging from mr. Holmes to others who have given him a personal link in, hes the one who knows what these people know that theyre not telling us. And so he may have a favorable view of sondland. Sondland may have to have a 3. 0 version of his testimony at some point to get the full truth out if hes inclined to go there. But one thing we can be certain of, if any of these absent witnesses, if ambassador bolton or secretary pompeo had things to say that were helpful to the president , that established the president wasnt guilty of whats being bandied about this week, those witnesses would have probably been driven straight up to capitol hill by President Trump himself so that they can testify. The fact that those witnesses are absent is the best guarantee that we have at this point that trump is right in the thick of this. And, ron klein, what do you see as a possible time estimate of how long it would take for this case to get to the senate as an impeachment trial in the senate . Well, i think the excellent work that congresswoman demmings and the other Intelligence Committee has done lays the factual predicate for articles of impeachment in the house judiciary. Now she has to put on her other hat. They have to take all the facts that have been laid out and put it in a legal context. You started hearing republicans today make the argument, well, trumps defenses are all gone. Yeah, he did it, but its not illegal, its not really impeachable. And i know you have professor tribe on later to talk about this. I think this is the next phase, lawrence. Hopefully that will get done between thanksgiving and the end of the year so we can take this powerful factual evidence about the crimes our president committed and frame it up into the legal consequence for having committed those crimes. Congresswoman val demmings, were going to be watching as the action shifts to your other committee, the Judiciary Committee. We, of course, will always want you to join us whenever you can. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. Joyce vance. Thank you. Ron klein, thank you for starting us off. Thank you. Yesterday Gordon Sondland testified that everyone was in the loop. Those were his words. Everyone was in the loop. Does the House Intelligence Committee now have enough evidence for an article of impeachment . Professor lawrence tribe answers that question next. It is nice. His haircut is nice. This is the mostawarded minivan three years in a row. The van just talked. Sales guy, give em the employee price, then gimme your foot. Handsfree sliding doors, stow n go seats. Can your car do this . Man, yall getting a hook up and yall dont even work here. Dont act like im not doing yall a favor. Yall should be singing my praises. 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I followed the directions of the president. The suggestion that we were engaged in some irregular or rogue diplomacy is absolutely false. These emails show that the leadership of the state department, the National Security council and the white house were all informed about the ukraine efforts. So should the Intelligence Committee pursue the testimony of secretary of state mike pompeo, white house chief of is that of Mick Mulvaney and former National Security advisor john bolton . Multiple members of the Intelligence Committee from both parties say they dont anticipate any additional depositions or hearings. So has the committee collected enough evidence for an article or articles of impeachment . For that question we turn to lawrence tribe, harvard law professor. Hes a professor of constitutional law and coauthor of to end a presidency the power of impeachment. Professor tribe, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Glad to be here. Has the Intelligence Committee made a case, have they established evidence for an article of impeachment . I think the answer is clearly yes, they have made it very clear in the evidence that we have heard from firsthand witnesses like mr. Holmes who actually heard the president s voice, and in the president s words himself from the read out from the call, that the president was engaged in bribery, extortion, the usurpation of congresss power of the purse, and abuse of his office, a violation of his oath. These are all Impeachable Offenses. And then on top of that, its very clear that the president s unprecedented erection of a stone wall in which he directs everybody connected to the white house and connected to the state department not to testify, not to comply with subpoenas, not to do what mr. Holmes and dr. Hill did today, and that is not to tell the truth, not to come forward. That amounts to contempt of congress. Its a far more sweeping and serious violation of the separation of powers than even Richard Nixon was guilty of in article 3 of his articles of impeachment. So the evidence is all there, and there is nothing left to do but collate it as the Judiciary Committee surely will into articles of impeachment. What about especially with this concept of everybody was in the loop, what about the valuable evidence that could be obtained from the testimony of mike pompeo, Mick Mulvaney, john bolton should the committee pursue that testimony . Hard to get because they would fight, apparently, any kind of subpoenas. Well, the committee is certainly open to it and quite welcome to hear it. But as joyce vance points out, if anything that they had to say was favorable to the president , theyd be rushing to the hill to offer that testimony. So i think chairman schiff is right to say that we can draw negative inferences from their refusal to show up. And the fact that bolton would much rather earn 2 million bucks and tell his story in a book that hes going to be selling than to the congress and the American People says it all. The fact is that they can testify, but theres no good reason for the Intelligence Committee to hold things back while they fight subpoenas in the courts new york ci. No matter how quickly the courts rule, it will take time. Theres no reason to hold it up. In fact, holding it up risks giving the president more opportunity to manipulate the 2020 election. We cant wait for that election. And so on the assumption that the Intelligence Committee using the evidence theyve gathered so far will write a report, send it to the Judiciary Committee, Judiciary Committee staff and members will work on that and see if they can produce an article of impeachment or two or three from that work for the Intelligence Committee. Should the Judiciary Committee also consider possible articles of impeachment that are outside of that evidence . For example, possibly obstruction of justice evidence developed in the mueller report. I think will certainly consider that. But whether that will lead to a newly protracted and prolixed impeachment articles is a question of strategy and tactics that i think its a little too early to decide about. But i think the Judiciary Committee is not going to forget about those things. And even if they dont form separate articles of impeachment, they can be folded into the context by forming part of the pattern of behavior that involves claiming to be above the law, not complying with legal obligation and legal requirements. And that pattern establishes that we are not just dealing with a oneoff event. Its not just a phone call. Its not just a plot that lasted several months in this one case. It is a completely lawless presidency. Ive called it an antipresidency, and i think that its important for that entire picture to be painted in however many or few articles of impeachment are presented by the Judiciary Committee for a vote on the house floor. Professor lawrence tribe, always an honor to have you join us. We really appreciate it. Thank you very much, professor. My pleasure. And when we come back, donald trump is so worried about his trial in the senate that hes having lunch with mitt romney. The holidays are easier. When you can do this. Post this. And be there like this. So we give you that. And right now, buy a Samsung Galaxy s10 or note 10. And get one free. New crest gum and sensitivity. Ahh brain freeze no, its my teeth. Your teeth hurt . Just sensitivity. I should see my dentist. My teeth have been feeling really sensitive lately. Well 80 of sensitivity starts at the gum line, so treat sensitivity at the source. 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Saved my life. What we do here at danafaber, changes lives everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. President trump is working the jury, especially the jurors who could turn against him in the United States senate. Republican senators mitt romney and Susan Collins were among at least eight senators invited to lunch at the white house today. Here is what senator romney and senator collins had to say after lunch. He had made some initial comments that related to the impeachment process, but its nothing that i havent heard on tv from him. Was the president looking for any kind of loyalty from you or senator collins when it came to impeachment . Did he say, you guys will be with me . He said nothing of that nature. There is a sense hes trying to butter up the people who will be his jury. For the morning on fox and friends, the president will see this ad run by republicans for the rule of law. Was there a quid pro quo . The answer is yes. President trump held up military aid to ukraine in exchange for a investigation into the bidens. Withholding Security Assistance in exchange for help with a domestic Political Campaign in the United States would be crazy. Republicans know that a quid pro quo is wrong. If you can show me that, you know, trump actually was engaging in a quid pro quo outside the phone call, that would be very disturbing. Was there a quid pro quo . The answer is yes. Republicans must stand up to trumps abuse of power. Joining our discussion now, paul rosenzweig, senior counsel for special prosecutor Kenneth Starr in the investigation of president clinton. He served as secretary of policy for Homeland Security during george w. Bushs administration. And also joining us republican strategist and contributor to the daily beast, rick wilson. He is the author of the book on Gordon Sondlands night table, everything trump touches dies. Rick, thank you very much for joining us tonight and bringing life to your book once again this week. Paul, let me start with you and your evaluation of the evidence you have seen developed in the Intelligence Committee. Well, i think its a very powerful case for establishing the fact that the president sought to personally benefit himself through the investigation of his political opponent by abusing his political his president ial authority, and tying an investigation of his political opponent to the withholding of aid that congress had passed and demanded that he deliver it to the ukraine. Its almost exactly what the founders thought of when they thought of a president beholden to or engaged in affairs with a Foreign Government to his own personal benefit over the interests of the United States. Lets listen to what senator blumenthal said today about the president meeting with his republican jurors. In no way should they be having intimate lunches or private conversations with the president when all of us know why hes invited them. His agenda is pretty clear. Hes trying to taint the jury pool, and they should be above it. Rick wilson, whats your reaction to the republican senators lunching with the president today . Well, its like the jurors in the middle of a mob trial going to rayos with john gotti. They know theyre going to have to face him in the senate. I find it astounding. If they were going down there to do a howard baker, that would be one thing. But they werent. They were going down there to rub elbows with this guy and let him lobby them. I find it astoundingly bad judgment, frankly. And lets take a look at what congresswoman will herd said today because hes the only republican Intelligence Committee who doesnt go on the attack. He tries to present himself as someone who is carefully evaluating the evidence. Lets listen to what he said. An Impeachable Offense should be compelling, overwhelmingly clear, and unambiguous, and its not something to be rushed or taken lightly. I have not heard evidence proving the president committe s bribery or extortion. I also reject the notion holding this view means supporting all the Foreign Policy choices we have been hearing about over these last few weeks. Paul, your reaction to that. Very disappointing. I think that if the congressman had been listening closely, he would have, in fact, heard evidence that was compelling and overwhelming as to the president s abuse of his authority with respect to the ukraine. It seems to me that hes looking through the looking at the evidence through rosecolored glasses. I understand that its a difficult thing to stand up, but that was not a profile in courage. Rick, the president went out into the driveway and recited from notes, because he needed notes for this, the no quid pro quo, i want no quid pro quo, on the day that Gordon Sondland says, oh, yeah, there was a quid pro quo. Lawrence, every Single Person in that committee and every Single Person in america, maybe except for devin nunes who has the i. Q. Roughly of a warm cup of yogurt. Everyone understands. Even the republicans. They know there was a quid pro quo. They know there was extortion. They know the president committed Impeachable Offenses in the course of seeking political gain by using the power of his office to try to manipulate and extort ukraine into supporting this ludicrous scheme to investigate the bidens. The president can recite a million times there was no quid pro quo, but every single other witness, whether an eyewitness or secondary witness, every single piece of evidence we have so far, except for the stuff the white house is withholding from us, indicates theres a quid pro quo. Donald trump has a great reality bubble on the fox side of the equation. But it doesnt mean that its real. He can think that hes committed no crimes and theres no quid pro quo, but every other piece of tangible evidence in the world points to the fact that he has. Rick wilson, paul rosenzweig, thank you very much for joining us. Appreciate it. Thanks, lawrence. Thanks. And when we come back, tonights viewer mail from an oscarwinning director and screen writer about the question that was not asked in the impeachment hearings. You want to hear this question. I will read that next. Everybody needs somebody to love someone to love someone to love i got a little message for you. 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In tonights viewer mail we have an email from oscar winning director Barry Levinson who writes, if this hearing was a fictional piece of material, one of the democratic players would ask this question how is it possible President Trump was looking into corruption in ukraine . Suddenly he is is a crimefighter. Has the president ever tried to end corruption anywhere at any time in his life over the years hes been found guilty of stealing from his own charity. Also the president has been found guilty of running a Fake University and stealing money from people who believed in him. The president has paid off women because of his sexual aggressive behavior. Now out of the blue he wants to cleanup corruption in ukraine not russia where putin has killed off opposition players, poisoned them in far off countries. President trump has no real problem with the suddy prince mbs having them chop up a the Washington Post reporter, not a real problem. Are turkeys aggression against kurds not a big problem . But ukraine is corrupt . That needs to change . Are we supposed to believe this . Donald trump wants to cleanup corruption starting with bidens son in ukraine . The democrats have not yet emphasized this absurdity at the center of the republican defense of donald trump. Might that moment come in the House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearings or in the impeachment trial in the United States senate . We are joined now by one of the jurors in the possible impeachment trial of donald j. Trump if he is impeached by the house of representatives, senator amy klobuchar, a democrat from minnesota and also a candidate for candidate for president of the United States. And senator, its because youre candidate for president of the United States that i believe you already had the strength but have builtup the strength to deal with the kind of frustration that Barry Levinson is feeling and people all over the country are feeling ability this. As a movie person he knows that truth has become stranger than fiction. So that is one thing. He makes that point. The second thing he has to remember is that long of a question would take up all your time. The third thing is i think adam schiff was trying to focus and did a very good job of this on what was in front of him. And i think these arguments will be made later. But remember this phase of this was gathering the evidence from career diplomats, career military. I just will never forget seeing fiona hill today. I saw snippets of it, of course, and just her stoic nature and the thought of her, my favorite story that i read today about her was when she was a little girl in school and some boy behind her set her pigtail on fire and she doused it out with her own hands. You know, there she was, and she was focused on what was before her. And that was what russia did, what ukraine didnt do, and as i learned from going to ukraine twice now and once with senator mccain and graham, i mean russia tried to influence as we know in a big way ukrainian elections. They put up a puppet. And not only that they invaded their country and annexed crimea. So that this thought that it was ukraine that was the bad actor is absurd. And i was really glad you pointed it out. Its not to say they dont have problems in their country with corruption, but i loved how she explained today for the president corruption was code word for getting dirt on biden. I had a different introduction for this segment tonight until i got this email just minutes before the show. What i thought it captured was the kind of viewer frustration there is out there in watching this. Just to clarify, we know in a courtroom that wouldnt be admissible. If donald trump was on trial for x you couldnt bring up all these things you know about his life. But this is different arena. Would we hear Something Like that said, for example, in the Judiciary Committee when theyre considering impeachment . Or could that be said, that kind of thing be said in the Senate Impeachment trial . This is an example of evidence because of the fact that in this case he was allegedly the corruption crimefighter. And when you have other countries and other things that happen including the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi, he showed no care really. I think, again, a lot of this is going to depend on what our republican colleagues do. This is their moment. Are they going to put their Country First or not . Whats your reaction to others having lunch with the president today . It disappoints me. Its not illegal or anything like that. I could see if they were going over there on a major issue. That, of course, would be fine, but instead, this is whats happening. And i just hope they listen to the evidence and that they remember what this is really about. Its putting private interests, partisan interests in front of your countrys. Ive heard youre running for president. Really, and we had a debate. We had a debate last night. Well talk about it after this break. It is nice. Nice . This is the mostawarded minivan three years in a row. The van just talked. Sales guy, give em the employee price, then gimme your foot. Handsfree sliding doors, stow n go seats, man, yall getting a hook up and yall dont even work here. Pacificaaaaa theyre americas biopharmaceutical researchers. 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This is the mostawarded minivan three years in a row. The van just talked. Sales guy, give em the employee price, then gimme your foot. Handsfree sliding doors, stow n go seats, man, yall getting a hook up and yall dont even work here. Pacificaaaaa is your business still settling for slow internet . Well time is money. Switch to comcast business now and get a great deal when you get fast, reliable internet. With a 30day moneyback guarantee, installation when it works for you, and 24 7 customer support. So what are you waiting for . Get this great deal when you sign up for fast, reliable internet. Call 18005016000 today. Comcast business. Beyond fast. I think youve got to win, and i am the win, mr. Vice president , that has been able to win every red and purple Congressional District as the lead on a ticket every time. I govern both with my head and my heart, and if you think a woman cant beat donald trump, nancy pelosi does it every single day. Thats president ial candidate amy klobuchar. My rule is i dont usually show video of the person im going to cut to here. Understand. But the pelosi line was so good. And i hadnt it had not occurred to me that one of the or you are among the possible beneficiaries of the way the country is watching nancy pelosi work. Because there is a woman clearly, you know, running circles around donald trump every day. Has him tied up in knots. With dignity. And showing effectively, i didnt need this lesson, but for anyone who does need this lesson, of course a woman nominee can run very strongly, very effectively against donald trump. Exactly. And its interesting that i made that point, but i because ive run two races now where for my county attorney job and my senate job where i was the first woman in the job, and was it an issue did you have to talk people asked about it all the time. Can a woman win . A woman never won, and i would say im running on my merits. Im proud to be a woman candidate. Im running on my merits. But as you get to this level, the president ial, and you start hearing people say things like you dont look president ial, i keep being reminded of barbara mikulski. Someone said well, i dont know if you look like a senator, and she said this is what a senator looks like. And so i wanted to barbara was about this high. Yeah. I wanted to make this point give than we have had 45 president s and theyre all men, maybe we have a higher standard. I believe i can meet it, but we need to dispel thoughts. You dont have to be the tallest or louder or skinniest person. You just have to do your job and do it well and have the back of the American People, and finally, yes, nancy pelosi is the ultimate representation of that. Because shes been doing this a long time, and shes shown that one, experience matters and shes shown her caucus. Shes someone that has bridged a left to right in her own caucus. Shes someone that brings people with her. And she has literally made her point to him with one, my favorite one was when she left the white house meeting and one flick of her sunglasses, she showed him what power was. Not to mention literally standing up in the cabinet room that we can never forget. That was a demonstration, so symbolic and powerful. In last nights debate there was kind of a forgotten kind of ghost outside the building called the United States congress. But this is true of all president ial debates. The candidates always talk about what theyre going to do as if there is no congress. As if theres no house of representatives. None of that. What do you think is a realistic set of proposals that you could handle if the democrats lets grant the democrats a possible majority in the senate . It couldnt be an overwhelming majority. Theres no math that gets you to that. What becomes reasonable at that point . So first of all, i think you cant divorce yourselves from congress, and i have been the one making that point. That we cant just eke out a victory for a new president at 4 00 in the morning when one state comes in. We have to win big. If you truly want to get big things done on Immigration Reform and Climate Change and health care, we cant just eke by a win. And thats one of my major arguments that i bring in those states and i will bring in suburban districts and rural. Once weve done that, youve got to do some things immediately. Thats why i put out a 100day plan. Fdr did it in an economic crisis. Were in a trust crisis. When you look at what just happened in kentucky and virginia where we brought in voters, independents, moderate republicans, thats how you build that coalition. You immediately make change with Climate Change, Immigration Reform, health care, and Economic Issues and get it done. Were out of time. That seat is always there for you wherever youre in town. Senator amy klobuchar, candidate for president of the United States. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts now. Tonight, dr. Hill and the hand grenade as today who two public experts speak truth to congress at one point asking members of congress to stop doing the work of the russians. They both paint a devastating picture of a coordinated scheme as they shatter conspiracy theories that have been spread by some of the members of the committee. With the end of these public hearings, the white house is looking ahead in a way. Today hosting some republican senators to talk about what the trial of the president might look like in the senate and how long it might last. Vladimir putin sounds satisfied his talks points in working in our country. All of it has the 11th hour gets underway on a thursday night. All of it as the 11th hour gets underway on a thursday night. Well with, good evening once again from our nbc news headquarters

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