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Rulings from the judge oh, and by the way, i want the recordings of the intimidating phone call from the president s lawyer when he called you in the middle of the night and told you not to cooperate and the phone call of you talking to the russians and im ordering the Justice Department tote publicly release an unredacted Mueller Report. The thing about wanting to hear the recording makes perfect sense to me because when you read the transcript of the reporting in the Mueller Report as im about to do on tv, there are what appear to be edits in it. Theres these little ellipses throughout. They seem to be taking words out for whatever reason and so it makes perfect sense that the judges want to know okay, i need everything thats in that, especially since that call is taken to be in the Mueller Report a piece of the obstruction of justice case. Thats right. And you know, the ellipses when you have a block quote like that and its got ellipses and its about what one person in a conversation was saying its often because theyre taking a recording of a conversation between two people or whatever. But that was i an recording of a voice mail. Right. So the ellipses in the edited pieces or whatever you really want to know whats in there. Apparently we the public will get the transcript. The judge is it going to get the recording. I wouldnt be surprised if we ultimately get the recording, too. Before you go, one little note that struck me that was part of what was undakotaredact too. It says Michael Flynn was subject to potential interference in his testimony by people connected with the administration and then congress. And congress. Does that mean members of congress . Does that mean Congressional Staff in does that mean devin nunes best friend . What is that . That congress word jumped out at me like the most enormous possibility in there. Exactly. Who connected to congress, with congressional reference is contacting Michael Flynn about his cooperation . I mean, you know, theres been some intriguing stuff about members of congress in the manafort prosecution, there was redacted stuff that seemed to indicate beside with congressional connections may have done bad stuff, theres this reference in terms of somebody related to congress having taken part in what appears to be an obstructive effort in getting flynn not to cooperate. I dont know, theres 14 redacted cases that or 12 of the 14 cases that derive from muellers prosecution that were referred to other prosecutors are ones we havent seen. The possibility that zoom of that has something to do with people in congress is mind bending. Ive got a suspects list in my head right now. Were going to save that for later. Thank you, raich. Thanks, lawrence. The Trump Trade Wars are really hurting the American Farmer. The American Farmer is the biggest loser in the Trump Trade War and so donald trump is just taking taxpayer money and handing it to American Farmers and many of them really need it because theyve lost so many billions of dollars in trade with china and other countries. And the biggest winner, two of the biggest winners in the trump handouts of money to American Farmers turn out to be two brazilian criminals who are not allowed to leave the country of brazil by their own government. They also happen to be brothers and they are collecting 62 million in that cash to compensate farmers. Theyre collecting 62 million of it. Well have that story for you later in this hour. And the congresswoman who is fighting exactly that and has introduced legislation to fight exactly that. Rosa da lore role will ask join us. But first the situation that has happened today in federal court because of these new unredacted elements in the mueller investigation, attorney general william barr is refusing to provide congress with an unredacted version of the Mueller Report but Robert Mueller has apparently decided to unredact some Court Filings today that reveal more about the obstruction of justice case against the president and how that obstruction of justice case includes the president s personal lawyer. Robert mueller also revealed more today about Trump Campaign officials interest in wiki likes delivery of stolen e mails from Hillary Clintons campaign chairman, todays revelations are part of the sentencing process for President Trumps First National security adviser Michael Flynn who has not yet been sentenced. Apparently now that the Mueller Report has been releases the special counsels office has decided they can remove some of the redactions in a sentencing memo about Michael Flynn that they filed last december. In december, half of a sentence in the middle of page 3 was redacted. That sentence reads now the defendant assisted the special counsels Office Investigation on a range of issues including interactions between individuals in the president ial Transition Team and russia and, and today the redaction of the rest of that sentence was lifted and we see it says, the defendant assisted the special counsels Office Investigation on a range of issues including interactions between individuals in the president ial Transition Team and russia, discussions within the campaign about wikileaks release of e mails and potential efforts to interfere with the special counsels Office Investigation. More details were unredacted on page 4 of that document today. There is the redacted version of page 4. Here is the unredacted version of page 4. The unredacted materials include this line, the defendant rawles conversations with senior Campaign Officials after the release of the podesta e mails during which the prospect of reaching out to wikileaks was discussed. On page 52 volume one of the Mueller Report details with the Trump Campaign about wikileaks it includes several redactions because of what the Mueller Report calls an ongoing matter meaning an ongoing case or investigation that probably in this case refers to the roger stone case in which roger stone is accused of lying about wikileaks. What rick gates told the special counsels office is redacted except for the final sentence saying gates recalled candidate trump being generally frustrated at the clinton e mails that had not been found. On page 54 of volume 1 of the Mueller Report, there is more from rick gates about wikileaks including a partially redacted conversation he had with candidate trump. According to gates, bhi the late summer of 2016, the Trump Campaign was planning a press strategy, a communications campaign, a messaging based on the possible release of clinton e mails by which can wikileaks and then you see there is a redaction and the next words are while trump and gates were drive doing Laguardia Airport. Another redaction then shortly after the call, candidate trump told gates that more releases of damaging information would be coming. Those redactions about what was said to candidate trump about wikileaks and what candidate trump said to rick gates about wikileaks are crucial to any investigation of the presidency by congress. That is why the democrats in the House Judiciary Committee are demanding the unredacted Mueller Report. Another newly unredacted portion of the court filing today shows another element of the obstruction of justice investigation of the president and this one includes the president s lawyer. The newly unredacted sentences in the court filing today about obstruction of justice say the defendant assisted the special counsels Office Investigation into potential efforts to interfere with or otherwise obstruct its investigation, the defendant informed the government of multiple instances both before and after his guilty plea where he either he or his attorneys received communications from persons connected to the administration or congress that is could have affected both his willingness to cooperate and the completeness of that cooperation. The defendant even provided a voice mail recording of one, such communication income some of those instances, the special counsels office was unaware of the outreach until being alerted to it by the defendant. That new little unredacted material links up with page 128, 121 of volume 2 of the Mueller Report which includes what appears to be a partial transcript of a voice mail that one of Michael Flynns lawyers received after Michael Flynn began cooperating with the prosecutors. In late november, 2017, flynn began to cooperate with this office. On november 22 it, 2017, flynn with drew from a joint Defense Agreement he had with the president. Flynns counsel told the president s personal counsel and counsel for the white house that is flynn could no longer have Confidential Communications with the white house or the president. Later that night, the president s personal counsel left a voice mail for flynns counsel that said, i understand your situation but let me see if i kante state it in starker terms. It wouldnt surprise fee if youve gone on to make a deal with the government, if theres information that implicates the president , then weve got a National Security issue, so you know, we need some kind of headsup. Um, just for the sake of protecting all our interests if we can, remember what weve always said about the president and his feelings toward flynn, and that still remains. On november 23, 201, flynns attorneys returned the call from the president s personal counsel to acknowledge repeat of the voice mail. Flynns attorneys reiterated that they were no longer in a position to share information under any sort of privilege. According to flynns attorneys, the president s personal counsel was indignant and vocal in his disagreement. The president s personal counsel said that he interpreted what they said to him as a reflection of flynns hostility towards the president and that he planned to inform his client of that interpretation. Flynns attorneys understood that statement to be an attempt to make them reconsider their position because the president s personal counsel believed that flynn would be disturbed to know that such a message would be conveyed to the president. A footnote to that passage in the Mueller Report says, because of Attorney Client privilege issues we did not seek to interview the president s personal counsel about the extent to which he discussed his statements to flynns attorneys with the president. That section of the Mueller Report does not identify the president s personal counsel by name but at that time, Washington Attorney john dowd was acting as the president s personal counsel before he will quit because as john dowd told bob woodward in Bob Woodwards best selling book fear, downdowd believed his client the president of the United States was an fing liar. Leading off our discussion tonight are mimi rocah, can legal contributor and wall dellinger, a former assistant attorney general and the heads of the office of Legal Counsel under president clinton. Hes also acting solicitor general in the clinton administration. And walter, id like to start with you tonight. You wrote an oped piece in the Washington Post saying that congress doesnt need the unredacted Mueller Report at this stage. They have enough to proceed to impeachment if thats what theyre going to do. What does tonights information add to that. What tonights information showed is were learning more and more about the massive efforts to obstruct justice on the part of the president. Its not that the unredacted materials wouldnt be useful. Its not that the congress isnt fully entitled to them. They are. Its just the emphasis on seeking out the redacted materials obscures the fact we have massive bases for finding that the president obstructed justice in the worst of high crimes and misdemeanors in multiple ways and what attorney general barr did has obscured that, the facts that led more than 900 former federal prosecutors to say that these are indictable offenses. Mimi rocha, i want to get your reaction to this voice mail from john dowd. It doesnt identify him in particular but john dowd was the president s personal attorney at the time and when attorneys are communicating, its very clear who they would be communicating with this had situation. When Michael Flynn weighs lawyers tell john dowd we can no locker participate in a joint Defense Agreement, they say that john dowd was indignant and vocal in his disagreement. Hes disagreeing with Michael Flynns lawyers saying, yes you can, you can till tell me everything. Right. I mean, hes wrong as a matter of law when he says that because once there is no longer a joint Defense Agreement, which happens automatically when someone is cooperating which by this point they well knew that flynn was cooperating, once the joint Defense Agreement goes away, theres no basis for him to be sharing for flynns lawyer to be sharing information anymore with trumps lawyer. I mean, its not only that he cant. He shouldnt be, right . Because now we have Attorney Client privilege basically in effect again. Thats how it sort of comes back to cloak the communications. So i mean, this was sounds to me like he didnt like the answer he was getting because he didnt like the fact that flynn was cooperating. Thats what he was thats what dowd or whoever it was who was communicating was getting angry at. Right . It was the fact that flynn was actually cooperating. And to get angry at a witness for cooperating is trying to dissuade them from cooperating. That is an obstructive act in my mind. Now, its very interesting as you pointed out. I mean you immediately think why is this not yet another obstructive act that trump should be responsible for. Lets put the lawyers awful conduct aside for a second. It seems that mueller wasnt able to get to the bottom of was this is something that was directed by trump, did he have discussions with trump about doing this when he communicated it to flynns counsel. I think that we can all assume that it was something that trump understood was happening even if it wasnt explicit but he wasnt able to get the facts that you see mueller have elsewhere so detailed in the report. Walter dellinger, this conversation, the voice mail and the conversation from john dowd from the president s personal lawyer strike me as a disbarable material for an attorney. It appears to be the special counsel reported it in the context of the obstruction of justice mosaic that he assembled involving the president and now the president s lawyer. But what do you make of Robert Muellers decision not to attempt to interview the president s personal lawyer on the grounds of Attorney Client privilege which, of course, does not extend to violations of law by the attorney . Right i think thats an instance one of many in which mueller has leaned over backwards to be fair to the president and his team. But the other large reason i think he did not, lawrence, is that look at what we already flu that the president himself had done. We have multiple senior officials who testified under pain of false statement that the president ordered the firing of mueller, that he ordered the white House Counsel to leave a false memorandum to the file denying that. That he tried to get the attorney general to unrecuse and to preclude the investigation from going into the 2016 campaign. All of that the president was personally involved in and should have spawned a reaction as soon as the Mueller Report was released that this is a high crimes and misdemeanors of the highest order. Mimi, the Mueller Report weve been concentrating so much on volume 2 because thats where all the obstruction of justice framing is, but this filing in court today sent us back to volume one and whack to which can which leaks. There you see these redacted paragraphs with rick gates who is in a car going to Laguardia Airport with candidate donald trump and they are talking about wikileaks and that is almost entirely redacted. Yeah. Theres no questions that what this highlights i think these unredacted redactions tonight that redont know know the full extent even sitting here of trump and the trump personally and his campaign but him personally, the extent of his involvement in you know, the contacts with russia and trying to get information about Hillary Clintons e mails. Whether or not they constitute a crime that they are behavior that we would all be quite that would be relevant to impeachment hearings. We dont know the full extent of it yet. Thats part of why we need this to be a full unredacted report. But it reminds us that were so caught up in the legal battles that are going on every day because theyre compelling and theyre important. But the substance of this report and what we still dont even know yet is just, its mind blowing how corrupt his behavior was both in with respect to russia and with respect to obstruction. We need to get the focus back on that conduct. Were going to have to take a break here. Walter and mimi, thank you both very much for starting us off tonight on this new legal material. Very much appreciate it. Thank you. Youre welcome, lawrence. When we come back, what will congress do about the president . Congressman rajaish that more think and later, the president releases his annual Financial Disclosure forms which tell us absolutely nothing about his real financial condition, but we did discover some very interesting things about the third mrs. S donald trump in the Financial Disclosure forms. Thats coming up. P in the Financial Disclosure forms thats coming up donald trump i Financial Disclosure forms. Thats coming up. Donald trump i Financial Disclosure forms. Thats coming up. Nancial disclos thats coming up if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, every day can begin with flakes. Its a reminder of your struggles with psoriasis. But what if your psoriasis symptoms didnt follow you around . Thats why theres ilumya. 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Former attorney general eric holder told nbc Congress Already has the information it needs for impeachment. There are grounds for impeachment. I said if you look at the second part of the Mueller Report, theres no question that obstruction of justice does exist in the findings that bob Mueller Reported. And in painstaking detail and that in and of itself would be the basis for impeachment. I think the house needs to gather evidence, need to hear from bob mueller. They need to get the entirety of the report and then make a reasoned decision whether or not theyre going to go forward with the impeachment process. Joining us now two democratic members of congress who represent the big three. The big three investigative committees in the house of representatives. Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi of illinois is a house of the Oversight Committee and jamie raskin of maryland is a member of the House Oversight committee and the House Judiciary Committee. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. You i have to assume are you feeling increasing pressure about the issue of impeachment. You possibly heard in our first segment tonight, walter dellinger, his oped piece today in the Washington Post saying the Judiciary Committee already has more than enough for impeachment. Yeah, its like water behind a dam. The pressure is just building every day for impeachment. And you know, we got more evidence today leaked out from the redacted portions of the report which confirm everybodys sense there was president ial obstruction of justice. We knew of 10 or 11 episodes of it that were invoked in the unredacted portions by special counsel mueller. Now we know about you know, more evidence of it coming from Michael Flynn. It just seems overwhelming. I think there were more than 800 federal prosecutors, that his former colleagues of the attorney general, who came out and said add when they read the redacted version of the report, they are convinced that this would be brought as an obstruction of justice prosecution and an indictment in federal court against anybody other than the president and the special counsel says out of deference to the rule that the doj doesnt indict is the president , well kick it over to the house of representatives. So what is an impeachment, an impeachment is an indict by the house of representatives that goes over to the senate and then theres a trial over there. So i think the pressure is building. You know, we understand that its not an up or down vote. A lot of people say are you for or against impeachment. The question is are you for an impeachment inquiry. Do you think theres enough evidence to suggest there were high krips and misdemeanors against the United States. There were three articles in the nixon articles of impeachment. Okay . So one of them was the first was obstruction of justice. The second was abuse of power and the third was contempt of congress. Sound familiar . Congressman krishna moore think, we see in the new unredacted elements of the Court Filings today the potential for whats actually in the Mueller Report in what is still redacted. We seed references to rick gates, donald trump in a car on the way to Laguardia Airport talking about wikileaks. We know that from the beginning of the paragraph and from the little hints at the end of the paragraph but we dont know whats in the middle. And that its what your chairman of the Intelligence Committee congressman schiff is trying to obtain. That speaks directly to the interests of the Intelligence Committee. Absolutely. In a bipartisan request with chairman schiff and Ranking Member devin nunes, they asked for the Counter Intelligence findings that were statutorily obligated to receive from the special counsels office and the department of justice. We havent seen them yet. I want to stop you there for a second to underline this for the audience. Your committee the Intelligence Committee operates under different rules from the rest of the committee and there are actually provisions made specifically for your committee to receive some of the material that are senior specifically redacted in the Mueller Report. Correct. Currently. Correct. Just for your viewers background, there was actually members of the fbi who were embedded in the special counsels office who were collecting Counter Intelligence information, and that was collected in presumably some kind of repository. We are obligated to receive that by statute. And so thats what were in bibi partisan way trying to attempt to receive right now. The reason is very plain. Even if the 140 plus contacts between trump and russian officials did not possibly amount to criminal conspiracy, they may have involved incredibly embarrassing information, information that the russians could use to manipulate Current Trump officials to endanger National Security. Just one other observation you mentioned that perhaps someone connected toing congress nay h obstructed the probe, i can tell you tonight it wasnt me. I dont think it was jamie either. That was for me one of the stunning things we learned today by unredacting some of these lines in the filing is that the special counsel is saying that people close to the president , people close to the administration, and people close to congress including possibly members of congress, congressman raskin, what was your reaction to that . Well, first of all, i appreciate being absolved of that particular offense by my colleague. No, its alarming but to me its not surprising because in fact, we know that there are key members of the Republican Caucus who have been acting in very close coordination with the white house from the beginning. The whole phony deep state Conspiracy Theory where they decided to go after peter strzok and lisa page is something that was closely coordinated between the white house and the republicans in congress. Theyre trying to resib it now and say lets get back to the real business of Congress Going after peter strzok and lisa page, avoid all of the corruption, avoid all of the obstruction, avoid the emoluments claus, lets talk about the deep state Conspiracy Theory and theyre the ones advancing this is extreme interpretation of the constitution which is the president can do whatever he wants with respect to the xwb branch. I can fire people, he can end criminal investigations. I mean, ultimately thats where their argument is going even if all of this is true, it could not be obstruction of justice. Thats why attorney general barr was hired because he wrote this 18page single spaced memo which said the president cannot be found guilty of obstructing justice because he sits atop the Law Enforcement machinery like a king. Now our colleagues in congress unfortunately are going along with that on the republican side. Theyre forcing a very zraumt dramatic constitutional confrontation about the powers of congress, the law making branch which has the political sovereignty of the people versus the power of the president and we say hes got one core job which is to take care of the laws that theyre faithfully executed not violated. If you trample the rule of law, weve got the power to impeach you, you dont have the power to impeach us. Congressman, is your Committee Going to get testimony from Michael Flynn to find out who were those people close to congress or in congress who tried to influence him . Good question. I dont know that our committee has taken up this matter yet. Obviously chairman schiff is probably reviewing his options right now and will then take appropriate measures. But i think this all the more supports the conclusioning that a lot of us have had for several days if not weeks at this point which is we need the full unredacted report, we need all the underlying documents and we need mr. Mueller to testify on capitol hill. No filters, no more filters. We need to hear directly from mr. Mueller. Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, thank you both for joining us tonight. When we come back, President Trumps new Financial Disclosure form doesnt tell us very much about his income but it tells us everything about melanias trumps income. And a very interesting Real Estate Asset that is Melania Trump has. 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Donald trump could are have debs greater than his assets or his income or taking moem much more money as president of the United States than he was as a private siz. He could have debts to foreign countries. We dont know. The Financial Disclosure forms only show approximations of how much total cash, total revenue Donald Trumps businesses took in. They do not show how much those businesses had to then pay out in expenses and whether those businesses had any profits at all. That donald trump was able to take home for himself. Only Donald Trumps tax returns would tell the truth. Unless of course, donald trump is filing false tax returns. The only thing that is starkly clear in the trump Financial Disclosure form is that Donald Trumps third wife melania is completely financially dependent on him. The form shows that she has an income of zero. But that she does own her own apartment in new york city. For more of the gems in the trump Financial Disclosure form were lucky tonight to have two experts in trump finances. They have both written books about trump finances. David kay johnston won a Pulitzer Prize for his tax reporting at the New York Times and exactly who we want to hear from tonight on the disclosure form and tim obriens book about Donald Trumps finances got him sued by donald trump, a lawsuit donald trump lost but not before tim obrien through the subpoena of that lawsuit was allowed to see Donald Trumps tax returns, the only reporter who has ever held one of those big things in his hands. After this break, David Cay Johnston and tim obrien will join us. Vid cay johnston and tim obrien will join us. Were finally back out in our yard, but so are they. Scotts turf builder triple action. It kills weeds, prevents crabgrass and feeds so grass can thrive, guaranteed. Our backyard is back. This is a scotts yard. 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We are now joined by two of the best educated guessers about Donald Trumps finances. David kay johnston is founder of dc report. Org and the author of its even worse than you think, what the Trump Administration is doing to america, and tim oh bine the executive eder to of Bloomberg Opinion and msnbc contributor and was sued by donald trump and won. Tim, before that case was over, you got to look at several years of trump tax returns. The judge then limited swore you all to no comment. No Public Comment about whats in there. Having seen trumpstach returns, having seen this Financial Disclosure form, whats the difference . Well, the difference is hundreds of millions of dollars. That Financial Disclosure form is what his businesses are making. Hes quite happy to go along with the charade thats his income. We dont know even know profit though. It shows he took in that much money. We know from good recent reporting, for example, the Washington Post that the doral which is his golf course in miami and one of his Biggest Holdings has been sucking wind for a couple years. We from a recent report in Bloomberg News that trump tower is down on its heels. The common bond between broeth both properties is they center the trump brand on them and people are starting to get turned off by that. The larger thing to think about, if trump is hurting financially and went into the presidency thinking it was going to help him financially, it only makes him more vulnerable to outside financial influences. And i think this comes back to the whole confrontation between the congress and the white house right now. When Lindsey Graham and Mitch Mcconnell are saying the Mueller Report is over, lets move on, we dont need to examine it again, the congress is looking at the kind ofnings buried in that financial report. What sources is he using to financial his operations. Thats still a fresh level of inquiry and gets back to the thing thats haunt this had white house since trump first became president which is financial conflicts of interest. David kay johnston, you got your hands on one page as i recall. Two pages. The first page of one year of trump tax returns that shows the basic summary data. It doesnt show all the sourcing and all of that. Very, very useful to see. Much more useful to see from my experience than what i was able to find in the Financial Disclosure forms. What did you find in the Financial Disclosure form . We should keep in mind almost four years ago, donald put out a statement saying that the Financial Disclosure form required a president was not designed for a man of mr. Trumps great wealth. Yes. Absolutely right. Absolutely right. One of the things we dont know is of the more than 300 million of debts, what are the terms of those debts . Are there covenants he has to keep up or he could have balloon paints put put upon him in of . Who owns those debts and can call them in . If hes paying on average 5 on the debts he has and hes making 5 of the total revenue, that means hes got about 58 million to 7 million a year to play with. Given his lifestyle, that may not be enough. He may be under serious financial pressure. We need to have a much better understanding of who has leverage over him, what he is dependent on and take a good hard look at the revenues at the Trump Washington Hotel right down the street from the white house. Tim, david mentioned lifestyle. Im glad he did because the fact of the matter is Donald Trumps lifestyle has never been cheaper to maintain. Hes no longer paying for the jet fuel. Its air force one. Free rent. Right. And hes getting actually big infusions of revenue because the secret service has to rent space in trump tower in manhattan space na no one else wants to rent, by the way and a variety of other things. The secret service spends a lot of money on golf cart rentals at his places. So his personal cost of living has probably dropped dramatically in the white house. It has. And you know, hes actually been an expert at living off the till even before he got to the white house. His father kept him afloat during years when he was on the verge of personal bankruptcy. When is he ran a Public Company, the Public Company paid for his jet and gave him other perks he was able to take advantage of. Hes brought that into the white house. I think again, regardless of how low his cost of living is which is right now probably the lowest its ever been, he remains this obscure piggy bank no one has a handle on. David talked about the hotel in washington. That remains one of the biggest sources of financial conflicts for him. And david, going forward, the house ways and Means Committee, theyve got their response to their subpoena tomorrow. We know that Trump Administration is not going to hand over those tax returns. Theyre going to continue to violate that law. What do you see as the final legal route on getting those tax rushes for the house ways and means complete. Well, for starters the new york state law that i think governor quo mole will sign shortly will be very important to getting at this. Because that law says that new york state will provide to basically its a mirror of the federal law, theyll provide to the chairman of the house ways and Means Committee the state tax returns and they basically reveal the basic data thats in a federal tax return. Thats right. Its important than cuomo sign that bill when it reaches his desk and doesnt come up with some excuse not to do so. If were going to learn what we need to know about who has leverage over trump, who is he obligated to. The governor says hes going to sign that. Thank you both for joining us tonight. When we come back, the trump bailout for American Farmers isnt all going to American Farmers. Two criminals in brazil have taken 62 million of the money that donald trump has been handing out to the farmers who have been losing in his trade war. Have been losing in his trade war. Discover card. Hi, do you have a travel card . We do the discover it® miles card. Earn unlimited 1. 5 miles on every purchase, plus well match your miles at the end of your first year. Youll match my miles . Yeah mile for mile and no blackout dates or annual fee. Nice i was thinking about taking a scuba diving trip i love that. Or maybe go surfing. Or not. Ok. Maybe somewhere else. Maybe a petting zoo. Cant go wrong. Cant get eaten. Earn miles. Well match em at the end of your first year. Plus no annual fee or blackouts. 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The United States is the Worlds Largest exporter of agricultural products, but china and other countries that the president has gone to war with have cut their purchases of american agricultural exports and American Farmers are now in such a financial depression that President Trump has now promised to simply hand American Farmers 15 billion of your taxpayer money instead of the money that those farmers could be earning and would be earning in the export market that donald trump has now ruined. The very biggest winners in the federal governments handouts to farmers that the Trump Administration has already delivered at taxpayer expense are not all americans. Two of them are brazilian. They are criminals living in brazil who own massive Agricultural Companies in the United States. The New York Daily News is reporting the Trump Administration has forked over more than 62 million in taxpayer cash that was supposed to be earmarked for struggling American Farmers to a massive Meat Packing Company owned by a couple of corrupt brazilian brothers. That brazilian company, jbssa, is currently the largest meat packer in the world. Its owned by two brothers who have both spent time in brazilian jail for bribing elected officials and are currently not allowed to leave the country of brazil. Last year, reuters reported that the Company Owned by the two brothers is being investigated by the Justice Department for violations of the foreign corrupt practices act, and even though the company employs americans through its coloradobased subsidiary, it does not appear to be struggling as a result of the trade war. In fact, it may be benefitting greatly from the trade war. According to the daily news, the companys exports to china ballooned to more than 24 in 2018, compared to less than 21 the previous year. Democratic connecticut congresswoman has introduced a bill to keep foreignowned companies from receiving any of the Trump Trade War bailout money. She told the daily news, it is clear the president is not the least bit knowledgeable about trade policy or aware of the chaos his failed approach has caused. Congresswoman rosa delauro will join us next. Lets see, aleve is proven better on pain than tylenol extra strength. And last longer with fewer pills. So why am i still thinking about this . Ill take aleve. Aleve. Proven better on pain. Why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. Were the tenneys and were usaa members for life. Call usaa to start saving on insurance today. If you have moderate to severee. 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Congresswoman, you saw this coming before the daily news ever wrote a story about two brazilian criminals getting 62 million from american taxpayers for bailout money for American Farmers. You introduced a bill to prevent exactly this. Thats right. You know, it really is outrageous. We believed that the president said that this was a trade aid package that was going to help american businesses, American Farmers and lo and behold, were looking at 62 millionplus that is going to two very corrupt brothers who have admitted manipulating the markets, who have admitted they have bribed federal food inspectors and government officials. They have served jail time. As you pointed out. They are subjected of concern at the department of justice for foreign corrupt practices act, and, by the way, i might add that in their First Quarter they made 273 million. They do not need to be bailed out. It is american businesses, American Farmers who are getting the short end of this stick. They are hurting not jbs and the bautista brothers. There is not a farmer out there who wants to be getting this bailout money, they want to be selling their soybeans and other goods on the world market. Thats right. They are indeed the tremendous pride they have in selling the product. And what we have here is a failed trade policy. And we all know that we have to have a different approach on a bipartisan basis. We believe we need a different approach to china. But the president is really almost willfully ignorant about trade policy and understanding the nuances of it, and whats happened because of his his trade policy and the failed policy that the Collateral Damage are American Farmers and american businesses. What we need to do is to be working with our allies. If you you can be tough on china and look at industrial espionage and the subsidies that they provide, the prison camps that theyre engaged in, but we also need to be working with our allies in in taking on china. Taking a look at workers rights and human rights and some of these other efforts, which are off the table. But this this view that you can create policy through a tweet and that because of some petulance that you are annoyed will not benefit american businesses and American Farmers and that is outrageous. We need to provide what we do in the legislation to say no to Foreign Companies and buy from American Companies and American Farmers. Congresswoman rosa delauro, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Thank you. Congresswoman rosa delauro gets tonights last word. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts now. Tonight, there are new revelations about Michael Flynn, a legal filing from the mueller team just this evening reveals he was approached by individuals allied with trump who wanted to influence his dealings with mueller and perhaps buy his silence. Plus, trump says he hopes were not going to get into a war with iran, but some of the members of his own administration sure seem to be gunning for it. And the growing anger in florida where the fbi says the russians hacked into two local election systems but they wont tell the people of florida which

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