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Fisher cat. Im just changing my first question. I had never heard that scream. I never heard of that particular creature. But, of course, of course bill weld would choose something a fisher cat. Something obscure like that. Seriously. I mean, points to him on this. The fisher cat lives in trees. Its really big. It drops down on to its prey. It kills more than it can eat. Its a ferocious thing. If you had to pick something to be like your spirit thing for the i props to him. So, rachel, you know how in pros writing in books we get to use footnotes and thats kind of, like, wicked difficult to do in this form . Im going to do my footnote with you. Okay. Then i can go on and do the story. The footnote is pete m mcclausk he challenged richard nixon, but he dropped out right after New Hampshire. He was challenging him from the left as an antiwar candidate when the democrats had the antiwar candidate coming through their primaries, george mcgovern. So im not going to include it in my in my its youre setting me up to do, like, 45 minutes without a commercial some time in the next few weeks. No, no, im just leaving mcclossky out of my importance of the damage that primary challenges do to incumbent president s in their Reelection Campaigns, and that damage is absolutely devastating. We dont have in my lifetime a reelected president who had to survive a primary challenge. Other than that pete mcclosski thing with nixon. The primary challengers like bill weld are the first crack in the wall that destroy a presidency on its way to reelection. You can ask Lyndon Johnson. You can ask jimmy carter. You can ask george h. W. Bush. Were going to ask bill weld about it tonight. He may be as a figure in president ial history the one who did the initial damage that stopped the Trump Presidency in the Reelection Campaign. That is that is spot on analysis. All the and its more powerful by the fact that bill weld is so able. Theyre already trying to dismiss him in the president s Reelection Campaign, in the white house as being this sort of figure of fun and nobody needs to be taken seriously. Bill weld knows what hes doing and hes capable, especially in terms when it comes to articulating stuff that is wrong with the other guy. I think youre right. Go, lawrence, go. Oh, by the way, he is currently polling higher than donald trump was polling at this point four years ago at the beginning of the president ial campaign. So bill weld is a factor. Thats why were going to start off with him tonight. Well done. And every time i say what youre going to hear, youll know where to put in except pete mcclosski in little tiny parenthesis that im not going to mention. It will be an a black here sometime soon. Thank you, rachel. Well, at the end of the hour tonight i want to tell you about this now. At the end of the hour, i as seriously bothered by todays New York Times headline and summary, an exhaustive summary of all the political lies donald trump has told about 9 11 in attacking political opponents of his with 9 11. And the problem with todays list is its extensive. It has every single one of them that we all remember, the greatest hits, theyre all in there except the one that i think is the most important one. It is on the verge of becoming trumps lost lie. And we cannot let this lie be lost to history because it is the worst lie, and i mean the worst lie that donald trump has ever told about 9 11. He told it twice. And then he stopped telling that lie. That lie lived for about 24 hours in the Trump Campaign, and both times he used it i immediately said it was a lie. Then he stopped. When donald trump stops, that means he knows how bad that lie is. Were going to revisit that lie at the end of this hour. But we begin tonight with some very bad news for President Trumps Reelection Campaign. The president of the United States is now facing something we have seen very rarely in american political history and virtually every time it happened it was the beginning of the road to defeat for the incumbents president ial Reelection Campaign. Donald trump has a challenger in the republican president ial primaries. A republican is finally running against donald trump and trumpism. A republican has finally had enough. And history shows that is the single worst thing that can happen to an incumbent president to be challenged for the nomination. Within his owner par party. The usual scenario is that the challenger inflicts enough damage that the incumbent president cannot win the nomination. When Eugene Mccarthy did the unthinkable and announced his candidacy to run in just four president ial primaries against incumbent democratic president Lyndon Johnson. Gene mccarthy did not believe that he could defeat Lyndon Johnson for the nomination, but he was running against Lyndon Johnsons war in vietnam and he believed his candidacy was the only way for americans to get a chance to vote against Lyndon Johnsons war in vietnam. He wanted to put vietnam on the ballot. Gene mccarthy scored what was considered a resounding victory in the New Hampshire primary by coming in such a strong second to the president of the United States, and by the end of that week there was a second challenger to president Lyndon Johnson from within his own party, new yorks democratic senator Robert Kennedy jumped into the race against Lyndon Johnson. We had never seen anything like this, two power challengers against an allpower incumbent democratic president who had won a landslide in the last election, and the pressure from these two challenges against the incumbent president forced something no one saw coming, something that shocked the country, the president of the United States giving up, withdrawing from his own Reelection Campaign. I shall not seek and i will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president. No one who saw that can forget that moment. And then all hell broke loose in the democratic campaign. Bobby kennedy was assassinated. Gene mccarthy lost the nomination fight to Vice President hubert humphrey, Lyndon Johnsons chosen successor and the democrats went on to lose the white house. Eight years later it was the republicans turn. Californias former governor Ronald Reagan challenged republican president gerald ford for the republican nomination. President ford held on to win the nomination and then go down to defeat to president jimmy carter. Four years later, the democrats did it again. Another kennedy. Senator ted kennedy challenged incumbent democratic president jimmy carter in the democratic primaries and once again the president held on to win the nomination of his party, but president carter was so weakened by the primary challenge that he lost his Reelection Campaign to Ronald Reagan. Ronald reagan was not challenged in republican primaries and was reelected easily, winning 49 states. When his republican successor george h. W. Bush ran for reelection in 1992, he was challenged in the republican primaries by pat buchanan. Pat buchanan scored a Gene Mccarthylike upset in the New Hampshire primary by coming in a shockingly strong second to the incumbent president of the United States. But even though pat buchanan did not win a single primary, he weakened president bushs Reelection Campaign and his grip on Republican Voters to the point where president bush lost the white house to democratic challenger bill clinton. Democratic president bill clinton was not challenged by a democrat in his Reelection Campaign, and his reelection victory over republican bob dole was never really in doubt. The next president , george w. Bush, was not challenged in his Reelection Campaign by a republican in his party, and so was able to hang on for a narrow win over Democrat John kerry. And president bushs Reelection Campaign. Then came the Obama Presidency with president obama facing no challengers in his own party during his Reelection Campaign. So president obama went into the general election at full strength and won a solid reelection victory. And here we are again tonight with a challenge to an incumbent president from within his own party. These challengers have always been historymakers. They have always turned the tide of history against the incumbent president. So far, they have never been there at the end of the road when the electoral votes are being counted on that tuesday night in november, but the president in their own party who they challenged in the primaries always ends up on the losing side of the electoral college. Donald trumps challenger is a lot more credible than the last one we saw, pat buchanan. He is the former republican governor of massachusetts, william weld, who served two terms as governor. Prior to that, he served as the u. S. Attorney in boston, the top federal prosecutor in boston. Like barack obama, he is a graduate of Harvard Law School and like president kennedy and a few other president s, he is a graduate of harvard college. Bill weld is not well known nationally, but he is already polling at 8 among republicans. And i know that sound low to you now, but it is higher than what donald trump was polling at this point on the campaign calender four years ago. At this point in the campaign calender four years ago, Bernie Sanders was polling at only 8 in in the democratic primaries. Current polls show donald trump with 54 of the republican primary vote, with 8 definitely voting for bill weld and another 20 currently leaning toward trump, but they could vote for bill weld. Bill weld is in a position to knock off donald trump. Maybe not stop him from getting the nomination, but history shows challengers like bill weld have done damage to president ial nominees that cannot be repaired by election day. Bill weld officially launched his president ial campaign yesterday and released this video yesterday. Today we need bill weld more than ever. Because america deserves better. Hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people that werent captured, okay . Uh, i dont know what i said. Uh, i dont remember. And mexico will pay for the wall. I moved on her like a [ bleep ]. You also had people that were very fine people on both sides. I love wikileaks. I know nothing about wikileaks. America has a choice. New hampshire 2019. A better america starts here. Joining us now, the newest entry into the president ial campaign, former Massachusetts Governor william weld. Governor weld, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Thank you, lawrence. Its a great pleasure to be with you, as always. One point of order. I actually didnt compare myself to a fisher cat. I compared donald trump to a fisher cat via sort of a bleak compliment. I said he has a lot of animal cunning, but then i added so does a fisher cat or a wolverine, the two meanest animals in the northeast woods. You wouldnt exactly invite a fisher cat or wolverine home to dinner with the kids. Thats how the animal came up. Rachels right about the animal. Its the animal that Rachel Carson brought in to eat all the porcupines on the islands in her novel. All right. Well, now its making a lot more sense. So you dont have an official mascot animal for your campaign yet . No, no, i dont, but im very serious about this campaign, lawrence. I think a lot of permanent damage is being done to our country if nothing changes. The arc of the last two years. If we have six more years of spending ourselves into bankruptcy without a thought about it and insulting our allies and eroding our military alliances abroad, and cozying up to dictators and insulting everyone who is part of our lattice work of defense, there is no limit to the damage that can be done. Now, youre coming to us from New Hampshire tonight. That is obviously where youre going to concentrate, being from the neighboring state of massachusetts. Youve spent all of your life in the region. You know New Hampshire well. You know it better than donald trump. Is it your strategy to try to land one of those Gene Mccarthy or pat buchanan blows in the New Hampshire primary and then see how far you can get after that . Well, my strategy is to win several of the New England States outright, one of them, of course, being New Hampshire, and then to go on to the midatlantic, new york, pennsylvania, maryland, delaware, then probably before then, california, oregon and washington. The west is fertile ground. The president s barely welcome in california. And then parts of the inner Mountain West and the southwest are also good ground for me. After my run three years ago. Take it from there. The last the last call will be the rust belt states. Youre talking about how to get to a majority. And states like wisconsin, which the president won, and giving him the victory. I dont know, thats my kind of republican and i think i could play well up there as well. So well see at the end of the day. But right now were on day one of my campaign, and im already in second place. How many of those 12, 15 democrats would give their i. T. S to be in second place right now . Thats right. I ask you. Governor, what is your number one issue policy issue that youre running against donald trump with . I think it probably is the spending. He hasnt vetoed a dollar in spending. As you probably know, lawrence, i was ranked the number one most fiscally conservative governor in the United States when i was in office. And i think most republicans think that we deserve an economic conservative in the white house. When i took over the state of massachusetts, the Outgoing Administration said that the state was technically bankrupt. Well, let me tell you something. If we keep running trilliondollar deficits, and now with the president s new budget another 7. 9 trillion, admittedly a tenyear budget, but that would get us up to 30 trillion of accumulated deficit. If the chninese stop buying our bonds, wed be just as insolvent as the state would be if it couldnt borrow to meet its deficit. The federal government has to do what households do, which is balance their checkbook. I see no sign thats ever going to happen with donald trump as president. Is it fair to say you will be running as the kind of republican that you always ran as in massachusetts . Well, yeah, i mean, its no secret that im more open and tolerant very much so on social issues than the president is. I made room for everybody. I reached across the aisle. My cabinet was eight women and three men. It always included minorities. I reached out not only to the other party, but to hispanics, south asian, east asian, africanamericans, caribbean americans, everybody felt included and thats why we got 71 of the vote on my reelect, having gotten only 50. 1 coming in. And, you know, i remember you something of a showman as governor. I retain in my visual memory only one image of your entire time as governor, and were going to roll the video of it as we speak. Youll remember it. You were signing a bill that was about water cleanup and you dove into the Charles River to show your commitment to cleaning polluted water in the area. We all saw that brown water splash up around your dive. So youre someone who is as willing as donald trump to embrace the showmanship of campaigning. Oh, i am a showman, and the other man in that picture when i dove in was bob durant, who was secretary of environmental affairs. He came up to an event i had at the airport diner on brown avenue in manchester today just to show his solidarity with the campaign. He and i have been hunting and fishing buddies in New Hampshire, among other places, for a long time, but thats the kind of friend youd like to have. Governor weld, were just Getting Started on this conversation. When you come back, i want you to el us if you think canada is a National Security threat. And we have to have tariffs against canada imposed by the president of the United States. And all sorts of other issues i know you want to talk about. But as your campaign was launched, i just wanted to note its historical significance in our recent history of challenges within a party of an incumbent president. So we wanted to get you on as quickly as we could. Weve got other business we have to get to in this hour. Governor bill weld, thank you for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Thanks so much, lawrence. And when we come back, two members of congress will join us on the news of House Committee subpoenas of bank records. Probably involving possibly involving President Trump. And trump staffers are reportedly very worried about what the redacted Mueller Report will tell their boss about them. And at the end of this hour, trumps lost lie. The lie that the New York Times once again forgot to include in its list of lies today that President Trump has told about 9 11. We cannot let this become trumps lost lie. It is his worst, ugliest lie about 9 11 and possibly the ugliest lie he has ever told. Thats at the end of this hour. For people 50 and older colat average risk. Ing honey have you seen my glasses . Ive always had a knack for finding things. Colon cancer, to be exact. And i find it noninvasively. No need for time off or special prep. It all starts here. You collect your sample, and cologuard uses the dna in your stool to find 92 of colon cancers. You can always count on me to know where to look. Oh, i found them i can do this test now ask your doctor if cologuard is right for you. Covered by medicare and most major insurers. What if i wielded the power of i could bend reality to my will, with a snap of my fingers i just saved money with geico. I saved hundreds of dollars nice that is a lot of money. The power is exhilarating hahahahahaha hah. Ha. Just got something in my throat. Yea. Marvel studios avengers endgame. In theaters april 26. You know reliable support when you have it, and that dependability is what we want to give our customers. At comcast, its my job to constantly monitor our network. Prevent problems, and to help provide the most Reliable Service possible. My name is tanya, i work in the Network Operations center for comcast. We are working to make things simple, easy and awesome. In a moment well be joined by two members of the house of representatives to discuss subpoenas that two House Committees have been issuing to Financial Institutions. The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, chairman adam schiff, released this Statement Today about that subpoenas. As part of our Oversight Authority and authorized investigation into allegations of potential foreign influence in the u. S. Political process, the House Intelligence Committee today issued subpoenas to multiple Financial Institutions in coordination with the House Financial Services committee, including a friendly subpoena to Deutsche Bank, which has been cooperative with the committees. We look forward to their continued cooperation and compliance. To try to translate that, joining us now is a member of the Foreign Affairs committee. Democratic congressman tom malinowski. And were joined by the House Oversight committee, democratic congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi from illinois. Congressman krishnamoorthi, what do you know about these subpoenas and what can we know about them that doesnt violate your pledge of confidentiality of sharing anything classified . Sure. Lawrence, thanks for having me on. I cant comment on the specifics of the subpoenas, but i can mention three facts which are publicly known. One is that Deutsche Bank has lent donald trump 2 billion over the last couple of decades, despite the fact that, of course, donald trump has suffered numerous bankruptcies. Point number two is that Deutsche Bank is a bad actor in the Money Laundering space. They were fined 500 million by both uk and american regulators for laundering money from russia to other entities. And then the third and final point is that even today the Trump Organization owes 340 million to Deutsche Bank. So, you know, its a logical next step to try to figure out what is actually going on between the president and his affiliates and russian or Eastern European entities that might be trying to launder money. And what is tdoes the phrase friendly subpoena mean in this case . As chairman schiff pointed out, they are Deutsche Bank is cooperating with the committee right now, but they would not be able to produce this type of information absent a subpoena. In other words, absent some kind of compulsory process. Congressman malinowski, youre a veteran of the obama state department. Here you are a freshman democrat now. Who has always had a Foreign Policy focus. Even before these trump scandals, international banking, international Money Laundering issues were always a matter of concern for the american government. What makes what do you see in it here that is unique . So, this is this is not just about trump, its about the fact that for years russian oligarchs have been looting that country, billions and billions of dollars stolen and then laundered through Western Banks like Deutsche Bank, laundered through real estate in europe and the United States, shell companies. This is about protecting our Financial System, protecting our democracy against that money. 52 of all the wealth of russia is outside of russia. And what we learned in 2016 is that its not just sitting around, theyre doing something with it. Theyre influencing our politics. Now, where the administration comes in is like this. I think its really interesting that when somebody is trying to go after russian Money Laundering the president s kids and lawyers seem to think its about them automatically, and thats a little bit bizarre. Eric trump came out and immediately objected to this. And your response to that . Any normal administration would be working with us to protect our Financial System against foreign Money Laundering and dirty money. This is not a been a partisan issue. Republicans and democrats feel equally strongly about it. So i was kind of stunned that their first reaction was to, well, act as if its all about them, when actually its about something much bigger, protecting this country against that kind of influence. Yeah, congressman krishnamoorthi, to congressman malinowskis point, there is nothing really in the announcement of these subpoenas that specifically says its going after anything trump, and so it is odd for eric trump and others to immediately jump out and say they object to this. Its odd but not surprising. I think right now i think chairman schiff is doing the right thing and following the rubles, quite frankly. We need to know why is it that all this money ended up going to donald trump from Deutsche Bank, 2 billion, and whether any of it was illicit money from russia or eastern europe. Ultimately, lawrence, this is about counterintelligence. Regardless of whether the ties between President Trump and his affiliates and russians or others amount to criminal conspiracy, they might still be the type of information that the russians could use as a source of leverage or manipulation of the president or his affiliates, and that would endanger National Security, so that goes to our Counterintelligence Mission as a committee. Now, this might be the first time ive ever read a tweet from eric trump, and could easily be the last. But it is so strange that, as congressman mentions is it all caps . It says, this subpoena is an unprecedented abuse of power and simply the latest attempt by House Democrats to attack the president and our family for political gain. And congressman malinowski, he doesnt even know whats in these subpoenas. Well, maybe he knows something that we dont know. Right. But the point is, trump or no trump, this is about protecting the country. And were legislating on this. Were looking at legislation to make it harder to set up these anonymous shell companies, through which anybody can open up a company, you know. Its easier to open up a company in delaware than it is to get a library card in many states. You need less identification. We need to deal with real estate. The fact that the patriot act requires banks to do Due Diligence when suspicious cash transactions come through, but it exempted real estate, and so dictators, criminals, drug lords move money through our system by buying real estate. Thats a gigantic hole. Its huge. So weve got to legislate. To legislate, weve got to know the source of the problem. Under normal circumstances, the white house would be working with us to protect the country. So why is their first reaction, oh, my gosh, this is directed us . Congressman krishnamoorthi and tom malinowski, thank you both for joining us. Nbc news is reporting that some white house staffers are very worried about what the president will discover in the Mueller Report about them, meaning what they said about him. Some things are out of your control. Like bedhead. Hmmmm. Rubadub ducky. And then. Theres national car rental. At national, im in total control. I can just skip the counter and choose any car in the aisle i like. So i can rent fast without getting a hair out of place. Heeeeey. Hey ah, control. vo go national. Go like a pro. I swibecause they let metual, customize my insurance. And as a fitness junkie, i customize everything, like my bike, and my calves. 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A redacted version of the report is expected to released on thursday, and according to nbc news, trump staff who speak with muellers team now fear retribution from the president. Some of the more than one dozen current and former white house officials who cooperated with the special Counsel Robert Mueller are worried that the version of his report expected to be made public on thursday will expose them as the source of damaging information about president donald trump, according to multiple sources within the investigation. Some officials and their lawyers have apparently sought clarity from the Justice Department about redactions and whether Robert Muellers team will redact the names of those who cooperated with the investigation. These officials tell nbc news that the Justice Department has refused to elaborate. They got asked questions and told the truth, and now theyre worried the wrath will follow, one former white house official said. Nbc news reports that the officials who are worried are those who said negative things about donald trump. The same former white house official told nbc news, even if names are redacted or names arent in the report to begin with, it could be situations people were asked about and they answered truthfully that at least for some people, specifically the president , would be identifiable because the situation applies to just one person. Attorney general william barr stated in his fourpage memo last month that the special Prosecutors Team interviewed approximately 500 witnesses throughout the investigation. Nbc news is reporting that President Trumps legal team met again today to prepare for the reports release, and the white house staff will do the same over the next two days, which is peculiar because they dont have the Mueller Report yet. Right . Trump personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani told politico that the president s counterreport, as hes calling it, has been edited already and now at, 34 or 35 pages. Rudy giuliani did not explain how the trump team was able to write a counterreport to a report they supposedly have not read. Or have they . After this break, well be joined by a portfolresidential historian who says the Founding Fathers would have impeached donald trump already without needing to see a single word of the Mueller Report. Well also be joined by Pulitzer Prize winning columnist eugene robinson. Hell join us. Hell tell us what hell be looking for on thursday when he finally gets to read the william barr redacted version of the Mueller Report. Everyones got to listen to mom. When it comes to reducing the sugar in your familys diet, coke, dr pepper and pepsi hear you. Were working together to do just that. Bringing you more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all. 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President ial historian Jeffrey Ingle writes in the Washington Post, the constitutions authors wouldnt have needed any summary of the special counsels report to know it was time to impeach the president. Joining our nugs now are Jeffrey Ingle, director of Southern Methodist universitys center for American History and coauthor of impeachment an American History and gene robinson, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and msnbc analyst. Jeffrey ingle, let me start with you and your piece in the Washington Post was so striking because you made the point about what the Founding Fathers had in mind by writing the impeachment clause in the first place, and they would have been, in your view, eager or certainly ready to use it against donald trump or anyone who behaved like donald trump. Yes. And to be clear, i think they would have been very disappointed to have to use it. Yes. But, we have to remember how they developed the office of the presidency as a Constitutional Convention in 1787 was really with George Washington in mind. It was expected he was going to be the first president. We have to remember why that was. It wasnt really he was the best politician or the smartest or to be honest a particularly amazing general, it was because everybody could trust him. They trusted that he was willing to sacrifice his own needs, sacrifice whatever was needed for the good of the country. And any president , they argued, who was unable to put the country first, to put America First and instead sought their own interests was a president who they thought was dangerous. This actually underlies how they understood high crimes and misdemeanors. A high crime doesnt have to be a crime at all, what it really is an assault or against the constitution itself and the american people. You quote some of the framers talking about it should be used against anyone who has practiced corruption to win an election, for example. And here you have a president of the United States who stands accused by federal prosecutors as an unindecented coconspirator in a scheme to pay off women to keep their silence in the last weeks of the campaign so that he could be elected president. That strikes me as something that the Founding Fathers would have found worthy of impeachment, according to your research. Yeah, its actually quite amazing. You know, the idea of impeachment came up relatively early in the Constitutional Convention. For the most part delegates agreed that is something that would be necessary. Then the tricky question was, well, how do you know a president should be impeached . When do you know a high crime has occurred . The delegates went through a whole litany of possible reasons a president might want to be removed. For example, someone who had lied in order to gain office. Someone who perhaps was willing to use his pardon powers in order to release people who had broken the law under his instructions from any kind of criminal activity. And essentially any president who was doing something that was not clearly what was in the best interest of the people. And to be clear, they understood that some president s would be quite terrible. They had a term for it. They called it maladministration. Any president who was just an awful president was not one they thought should be impeached. It had to be somebody who went a step further and actively hurt the nation out of their own selfinterest. Gene robinson, the democrats, especially as framed by speaker pelosi, have always said impeachment or consideration of impeachment has to wait until after the Mueller Report. After the Mueller Report is probably going to be some time around noon time on thursday. Yes. So we could be in a very different impeachment discussion next week. We dont know. Whats coming. But on thursday were all going to be hunkered down, im sure you are, devouring the Mueller Report. What will you go to first . What is the what is the william barr letter left you wanting to know about first . Well, the first thing ill do is is look through to see what is the context of that one quote that the barr report lifts from the Mueller Report about, you know, from did not find evidence of a conspiracy between the russians and the and the Trump Campaign campaign essentially. And its just that one little sentence. So the first thing ill do is try is try to find that sentence and find what is the context. Is it is that the sentence that the at the end of a long recounting of reasons to believe that shenanigans might have gone on but we cant quite prove it . Or is it just a flatout exoneration, as the at the president claims, which i kind of doubt. But thats the first thing ill do. The second thing ill do is read deeply into what i expect to be a long section on obstruction of justice. Robert mueller didnt attempt to rule whether the president whether or not the president obstructed justice. William barr made that decision for him. For the country, i guess. And ultimately for donald trump. So i want to know what the balance of the preponderance of the evidence says about that question, and im pretty sure its going to say he obstructed justice since he did it in plain sight and we followed just about every step of it or a whole lot of steps of it. Yeah, gene, i think were going to find a lot of evidence for everything that the special prosecutor was investigating. The barr letter used the word established, and the quotes from mueller used the word established instead of the word proved. I think if they had used the word proved, it would have been a lot clearer to people. When they said that the investigation did not establish that there was collusion, what they mean there legally is they didnt get it to a level where they could prove a criminal conspiracy in court about collusion. Same thing with obstruction of justice. So it may well be that there is a large menu of evidence for us all to stare at about all of these things. Yeah, thats true. And on obstruction in particular, remember, mueller didnt even try to make that decision, as we understand it from the barr report. He said he apparently did not consider it his role to to make that call, so so barr made it and now we get to make it, one hopes, if the report is not entirely redacted. Gene robinson and jeffrey engel, thank you both for joining us tonight. Appreciate it. And when we come back, Donald Trumps worst lie about 9 11 is the one that keeps getting lost in reports about his lies about 9 11, like todays report in the New York Times. Its not just his worst lie about 9 11, it is the most perverse lie donald trump has ever told. Did you eat all of your treats . Help i need somebody help not just anybody help you know i need someone when your flight gets in late, its never too early for coffee. Oh no no no. Your new boss seems cool, but she might not be sweatpants cool. Who is that ready this early . Its only 7 am. Somebody help me. Close call. Not quite ready to face the day . Thats why were here with free hot breakfast and a warm welcome. Book at hampton. Com for our price match guarantee. Hampton by hilton. Book at hampton. Com for our price match guarantee. Itso chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. Chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. 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It contained all of the greatest hits of trump lies about 9 11 that everyone remembers. But as usual it left out the most egregious lie that donald trump has told about 9 11, and he told it twice, both times on tv. But the tor want of trump lies was coming so fast and furiously at the time just about everyone missed it and the New York Times missed it today in what was supposed to be a exhaustive survey about Donald Trumps lies about 9 11 and his use of 9 11 for political attack. And so the newspaper of record, the newspaper historians relies on continues to have a big hole in the record of trump lies. Its trumps lost lie. Readers of the New York Times knownothing about it but regular viewers of this program do. We will show you trumps lost lie once again after this break. Straight from the worlds best plant scientists, comes miraclegro performance organics. Organic plant food and soil that finally work. For twice the bounty. Guaranteed. Miraclegro performance organics. 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Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum as usual today the New York Times left out the big one from its exhaustive multiyear survey of trumps history of using 9 11 for political attacks. And i say as usual because the New York Times has never mentioned the lie he told while attacking jeb bush and every other republican on that stage with him that night. The big lie the New York Times left out of its story today is one i have shown you and talked about on this program four times in the last three years since the day donald trump said it in february of 2016 in South Carolina. That means millions and millions of people have heard me talk about it, have seen it on this program but it still hasnt found its way into the the New York Times official record of trumps worst lies about 9 11. And that means the lost trump lie is not just lost to the New York Times, it might end up being lost to history because historians rely on the New York Times so much. The fact that almost the entire American News media never noticed this lie during the president ial campaign is one of the proofs of the American News medias failure in the coverage of the last president ial campaign. Prior to donald trump and its inconceivable a politician could tell a lie like this and not have it end the candidates campaign. And even donald trump knows how bad a lie this is because he stopped telling it. He told it twice. Once at the debate and the next morning on tv, and i called him on it both times as soon as he said it, and he never said it again. Because even donald trump knows just how sacrilegious this lie is. Heres the way he said it the first time. How did he keep us safe when the World Trade Center the World Trade Center excuse me, i lost hundreds of friends. The World Trade Center came down during the raid. Thats not safe. I lost hundreds of friends. The next morning he didnt lose hundreds of friends on 9 11. He had time to read my tweet overnight saying, of course donald trump lie said about how many friends he lost on 9 11, hundreds of friends. Proving theres nothing he wont lie about. Donald trump was actively responding to my tweets in those days and attacking me and threatening me on twitter and threatening to see me on twitter and so its very likely he saw that tweet. And so the next morning hundreds of friends became many friends. How did he keep us safe when the World Trade Center during his time in office came down . I was there. I lost, many, many friends in that tragedy. Many, many friends. I immediately tweeted donald trump was lying again and donald trump never said that again. He never said he lost a friend on 9 11 again, not one. Now, full disclosure, i didnt not fact check how many friends donald trump lost on 9 11 before tweeting he was lying about that. I just knew he was lying because id been watching donald trump long enough to know how he operates. The guy who tells you everything who was his ung and professor at m. I. T. Is not going to leave out a friend of his. I knew hed never mentioned losing friends on 9 11 before. You just had to think like donald trump to know he was lying about that. Michael daily did the homework and Fact Checking for the daily beast. He did not find any proof donald trump attended a single 9 11 funeral, not one. Donald trump did not lose a single friend on 9 11. Donald trump didnt go to a single 9 11 funeral, and he told that lie to gain political vaem on a debate stage in South Carolina where he was the only one from new york city, and no one there was smart enough to know he was lying. And because this instantly became trumps lost lie, he got away with it. And what he got away with was stealing the grief of the 9 11 families, stealing the grief of the thousands of people who lost fathers and brothers and sisters and grandmothers and dear friends on 9 11. Donald trump stole their grief and wrapped himself in it on a debate stage. He used it as a weapon on a debate stage to score points against ignorant republican president ial candidates who didnt know he was lying. He stole other peoples grief, 9 11 grief. And the Campaign News media let him get away with it as they let him get away with so much. And he got away with it again today when the New York Times once again failed in its coverage of donald trump by leaving out the sickest most perverse lie that donald trump has ever told. The man who doesnt have hundreds of friends, who might not even have any real friends at all, lied about losing hundreds of friends on 9 11 and got away with it. The news media isnt up to this job keeping up with the lies of donald trump, so youre going to have to hold onto this one yourself if you dont want it to be trumps lost lie. When your children and grandchildren ask you what is the worst lie that donald trump told, you can send them to the New York Times archives, but you might also want to have your personal list, the list that includes the time the man who apparently has no idea what human suffering is stole all of the suffering of 9 11 for himself. He became a thief of grief. We owe it to history to not let that remain trumps lost lie. Thats tonights last word. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts now. Tonight the mood inside the west wing, a little under 36 hours away from the release of the redacted Mueller Report. Tonight we have new reporting on what trump insiders who are also mueller witnesses fear the most. Plus, is he

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