And think of who can i gets to runup an attack ad on me saying im just like rachel maddow. Who will do that for me . Any democratic politician running in 2020, just like obama. You know when you start advertising that to democratic primary voters we can kind of see you you might mean thisba backwards. They ended up with that ad. I dont know, i mean remember when Claire Mccaskill now an nbc contributor did that jujitsu thing in the Republican Senate primary when the republicans were trying to pick a candidate to run against her, she base any facilitated ads that described that the guy who she most wanted to run against as too conservative, too strong, too hard line. And she ran those ads in the republican primary so Republican Voters could pick that guy. She wanted them to do that so she could run against him. Im worrying thats whats happening in iowa a little bit. I dont think itll work. The more comparisons he can get to barack obama, the better. Yes, thats exactly it. Thanks, lawrence. Taunhank you, rachel. Well, were going to end the hour tonight with a very special video treat from a place that hasnt really dazzled us much before, but this year continues to do things weve never seen. Im talking of course of another brilliant performance by a freshman member of the house. Youve seen congresswoman katie porter do this on this program before, and she has done it again. And youre going to want to see what shes done this time. Because this time what she should do is shes going to give you something that you can use whenever someone tells you that their vote doesnt matter. Katie porter is once again going to show you why we vote, why your vote matters. Thats at the end of this hour. You really want to stick around for that. And this weekend the New York Times said that the president ial Campaign Looks like its going to be fought over socialism. So we will be joined later in this hour by historian bregman who has changed the public discussion of socialism since hes stunned the super wealthy conference at davos this winter by bringing up the forbidden subject of taxing the super rich. After that he taped an interview with Tucker Carlson on fox which was never shown on fox. Professor bregman will tell us tonight what he told Tucker Carlson in that hidden video of that interview. And the trump scandals continue to pileup including a stunning new one involving someone named cindy yang, the founder and owner of a massage parlor in florida who reportedly has been selling access to President Trump and the Trump Administration. And with House Committees conducting investigations that look like impeachment investigations, the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, decided to try and take control of exactly what the house investigations of the president are all about. Tonight House Speaker pelosi has finally gone public with what she has been telling democratic members of the house and major democratic donors for months now. Im not for impeachment. In an interview with the Washington Post published online this afternoon Speaker Pelosi said this when asked about impeaching the president. Im not for impeachment. This is news. Im going to give you some news right now because i havent said this to any press person before, but since youve asked and ive been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless theres something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, i dont think we should go down that path because it divides the country and hes just not worth it. After that interview was published Speaker Pelosi said this to nbc news tonight. They wanted to impeach president bush for the iraq war. I didnt believe in it then and dont believe it in now. It divides the country. Unless theres some conclusive evidence that takes us to that place. In response Elizabeth Drew who covered the resignation of president nixon tweeted this, with all due respect, madam speaker, nixons in effect impeachment didnt start out with impeachment. That developed by evidence. Speaker pelosi and no one else in washington knows what special prosecutor Robert Muellers investigation will ultimately reveal. But there will be some important public developments in the mull Mueller Investigation this week. Two important sentencing status reports are due to be filed in court this week for two of Robert Muellers most important cooperators. The first Trump National security advisor Michael Flynn and Paul Manaforts former deputy rick gates who joined the Trump Campaign with Paul Manafort. If Robert Mueller indicates that he is ready to proceed with sentencing in those cases that could mean he has obtained all the information he believes he can obtain from Michael Flynn and rick gates. The most important event of the week that is publicly scheduled is in the Mueller Investigation the sentencing of Paul Manafort in federal court in washington, d. C. Where he pleaded guilty to conspiracy and witness tampering in the Mueller Investigation. Judge amy jackson could choose to add as much as ten years to the four years he received last week for tax evasion and bank fraud. Today the white house secretary said that the president has not yet made a decision on pardoning Paul Manafort. Why hasnt the president ruled out a pardon for Paul Manafort . The president has made his position on that clear. Hell make a decision when hes ready. Last week one of the jurors who voted to convict Paul Manafort on all counts after his trial in judge ellis virginia courtroom said it would be a mistake for the president to pardon Paul Manafort. Paula duncan liked the jurors and the rest of jurors in that case voted to convict Paul Manafort, and this is what she told us. What would be your reaction if the president pardoned Paul Manafort . I support President Trump. Hes our president. He was elected, and i think hes doing a good job. But i will be very disappointed in him if he does pardon Paul Manafort for Paul Manaforts crimes. What would you say to the president about this, if the president you know, if you had a chance a minute with him and he said im thinking about pardoning him. You were in the case, you heard all the evidence, what do you think . I would say, President Trump, thats a big mistake our a huge mistake as he would say. That would send a bad message to other people, and it would make President Trump look bad, too. Paul manafort needs to pay the price for what he did. In what would be the biggest policy reversal for any president not named trump, today the Trump Administration released President Trumps new budget for the coming fiscal year. It is a budget that would increase funding for the trump border wall and take the money for the wall from medicare. The only republican president who ever promised to never cut medicare completely reversed himself today. The Washington Post reports that in the president s Budget Proposal total spending on medicare would be reduced by roughly 845 billion over ten years. Some of those savings would be redirected to other health programs, but most would be completely cut from the budget. In the 2016 president ial Campaign Donald trump was the only republican who promised to absolutely never, ever cut medicare. Save medicare, medicaid and Social Security without cuts. Have to do it. Im not going to cut Social Security like every other republican, and im not going to cut medicare or medicaid. Joining us now two congressmen who are developing the evidence against the president in multiple House Committee investigations. He is a member of the house over Sight Committee and also a member of the budget committee. And democratic congressman of illinois, a member of the house overSight Committee and the house intelligence committee. And as a member of both of these investigative committees, they are both conducting separate investigations that are basically targeting the conduct of President Trump. As youre in the middle of those investigations, did it surprise you that nancy pelosi went public with what i know shes been telling you for a very long time, what she personally at least does not want impeachment . It doesnt necessarily surprise me. I think that in my particular case as a former prosecutor from illinois youve got to investigate before you prosecute, so we just have to see where the evidence goes. I think what shes trying to say is the evidence needs to go to a certain place before shes willing to take action. It may be different for different members, but i think the sentiment of the majority of the American People is probably going to be lets uncover the evidence and then lets decide. Also when she spoke to nbc, she compared this to people wanting the impeachment of george w. Bush. There was no serious impeachment talk among democrats in the house of representatives about impeaching president george w. Bush. Why would she make a comparison to something that didnt really happen in the house of representatives to something now happening . I agree with you there was never talk about impeachment other than the far left activist base, and i think trumps alleged crimes and abuse of power are far more serious than anything george w. Bush did. She said if theres compelling or overwhelming evidence then she would consider it. And i agree with raja. Lets see the report, lets see what the Southern District of new york says where trump may be more vulnerable for financial crimes. And lets collin more experts and have a conversation. It would be wrong to prejudge the issue either way. Is it possible i know that the speaker and i have heard this from members, democratic donors for many, many months now, that Speaker Pelosi absolutely doesnt want to move to impeachment. She wants to run against what she considers the most wounded president in history. Is it possible this isnt something shell be able to control . Im not sure. Again, it really demands on how the evidence unfolds. We have so many investigations under way. As you know, special counsel mueller. We have two or three committees of the house, and we have to see where that goes as well as what the Southern District of new york and other places do. At the end of the day i think theres also, you know, an interesting question ability how much energy and time you put into that process to either have him potentially not convicted in the senate and he proclaims his innocence or you end up with president mike pence. This is an interesting set of choices, and i think each member is going to have to make his or her own decision on this. But we have a president who whos an unindicted coconspirator in a federal case in manhattan. Weve never had that before in the history of the presidency other than the nixon administration. President nixon ended up resigning under the threat of impeachment process which was already under way. As a precedent would you be comfortable being in a majority in a house of representatives that sets the precedent that it is perfectly okay for a president to be a participant in federal crimes for which theres a guilty plea like in the Southern District of new york. Did the prosecutors say it was committed at the direction of the president of the United States and have the house of representatives take absolutely no action against the president under those circumstances . Lawrence, its worse than that. Michael cohen testified there were checks the president was writing from the oval office. So i have no doubt that he was part of a conspiracy, a criminal conspiracy. The question is does this rise to the level of impeachment, and lets wait for the Southern District of new york. And lets get in people like lawrence tribe, akilo mar, bruce acerman, see what the definition of high crimes is. Also i dont know that pelosi is doing this for political reasons. But she said she is. She basically said she is. She said she wont do it without bipartisan support. Thats a political calculation. Its not a moral calculation, its not a legal calculation. Let me say this. I dont agree with her there needs to be bipartisan support. But theres a difference in saying well give the democrats advantage in 2020, i think were going to win. And theres concern with not having this country fall apart and not having armed protests. Thats something he wrote a whole book about, where he wrote impeachment may be justified but there are other debates. Can i jump in for a second . I absolutely disagree with anybody who says theres not evidence of collusion or conspiracy in this particular case. We were just talking about Paul Manafort. Paul manafort met with constantine cil constantine kilimnik, and in return he asked for sanctions relief for russia. And you dont have a be a brilliant political strategist to know that private polling data is given to people in part to help them to target folks when theyre running an influence campaign. That is textbook evidence of collusion. So these are the types of pieces of evidence that we need to kind of explore, investigate and present the full story to the American People. Cant let either of you go without discussing what we saw in this president ial reversal on medicare today. Donald trump has basically designed the Democratic Party ads against him, just showing him saying absolutely well never cut medicare, and then he proposes the biggest medicare cut in history today. Donald trump told a falsehood . I cant believe it. I i think youre line in which you started was the most effective against the president , broken promises. Heres what he promised to do. Promised to help invest in infrastructure. Hes not doing that. He promised to make your health care better. Hes not doing that. Hes giving tax cuts to new york and silicon based companies. I actually think that argument is what people care about. Specifically the medicare cuts is to me, this is him touching what used to be call the third rail of american politics. Hes touched the third rail. I think we should present this to the American People in 2020. He has made a choice. You know, someone said that your budget reflects your values. Mr. Trump has shown his values. You know, not only does he tell falsehoods on a regular basis, but hes basically cutting 2 trillion from health care, 5 pillion of which comes from medicare to in part pay for a wall. 9 billion for a wall in which people said they dont want. Its the same thing in the sequel. It shrnt surprise us because trump of course believes fdr was a socialist and truman was a socialist so all their programs he rejects. But he ran in support of medicare. This kind of flipflop is deadly. We have to held him accountable in 2020. Were going to have to both of you back to talk about the governing issues youre dealing with every day. Thank you both for joining us. And when we come back a stunning report from mother jones about a woman selling access to donald trump to Chinese Business leaders. She also happens to be the person who founded the massage parlor where Donald Trumps pal, robert kraft, is accused of soliciting prostitution. This could only happen in trump world. And we will be joined later by luther bregman. He has changed the public discussion of socialism by actually talking to the super wealthy at davos about how much more taxes they should be paying. And at the end of this hour tonight the amazing ms. Porter is back. We introduced you to freshman congresswoman katey porter a few weeks ago. Shes done it again. You will not want to miss the lesson that katie porter actually teaches to yet another incompetent Trump Administration official, and the moment when katie porter reads to the trump official from a textbook that katie porter herself wrote. Itll have a permanent place on my congressional hearing greatest hits reel, and youre really going to want to stay with us to see every word of that. Want to stay with us to see every word of that do your asthma symptoms ever hold you back . About 50 of people with severe asthma have too many cells called eosinophils in their lungs. Eosinophils are a key cause of severe asthma. Fasenra is designed to target and remove these cells. Fasenra is an addon injection for people 12 and up with asthma driven by eosinophils. Fasenra is not a rescue medicine or for other eosinophilic conditions. Fasenra is proven to help prevent severe asthma attacks, improve breathing, and can lower oral steroid use. Fasenra may cause allergic reactions. Get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. Dont stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. Headache and sore throat may occur. Havent you missed enough . Ask an asthma specialist about fasenra. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. 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There was donald trump sitting there in a picture with the woman who was the founding owner of the massage parlor where a new England Patriots owner robert kraft was accused of soliciting prostitutes. And what was the president doing while that photograph was taken . Watching Robert Krafts team win the super bowl. Again. And then more pictures of lee yang who also goes by the name sydney, emerged with more trumps like donald trump, jr. , and more trump teammates like florida trump fanatic congressman matt gates and former Alaska Governor sarah palin and Florida Governor ron desantis. Then came official reporting by david cornyn and mother jones indicating that sydney yang was selling access to President Trump and Trump Administration officials at maralago where she is a member. David cornyn and his team at mother jones copied the website sydney yang used to advertise her access to the president before that website was taken down. And another lawyer has decided to go public in the Stormy Daniels case. Stormy daniels original lawyer who negotiated the payment with Michael Cohen told abc this morning that the deal for Stormy Daniels silence was rushed. After the access Hollywood Video of donald trump came out. The access Hollywood Tape was the motivating factor in this case actually resolving. It defeats the argument that this was done for purely personal reason, and that this was in fact done for political reasons. Joining our discussion now conservative writer jennifer ruben, an oped writer at the Washington Post and jason johnson, professor of politics and media at morgan state university. Hes also an msnbc political analyst. And jennifer, we always say in any other presidency. In any other presidency the pictures with the woman who runs the massage parlor or robert kraft you know, people get lost because theres so many women, theres so many checks. Which lawyer is this, which wf otwo was this, is this the guy with the National Enquirer or the other one . And this is the problem with the president is that they are so corrupt in every possible way, morally, socially, politically, ethicil ethicly, and to your earlier segment i think the things that matter to them is when he turns on them. When he turns on ordinary americans and does something to them. I think there are a segment of americans who live inside that fox bubble who do not care about this. The rest of us uthere in the real world Walking Around have pretty much made up our mind this guy is bad news in every possible way, and so these things just dont change the needle. And maybe nancy pelosi is right, were just going to have to resolve all of this in 2020 because its never going to end. Theres a seemingly criminal enterprise called maralago, a place where the president can charge you money that goes into his pocket for talking to him. Theres a lot of politicians who have wanted to be able to charge you money legally for talking to them. It turns out you cant. It turns out the constitution anticipated this. Is part of the emoluments challenge that professor tribe and others have brought against this president that may take a while to be adjudicated. But here are people at maralago paying money to get access to the president. This is just one story, one of the stories of whats plaepg. Oh, and lawrence its not just people paying to get access to the president. Were all paying for it, too. Because the increased National Security comes out of my pocket, your pocket, everybodys pocket. So we are paying for his corruption. Its clear miss yang doesnt own the particular location that robert kraft shes essentially following the same Family Business of selling access to him. Its the same thing jared is doing, its the same thing that ivanka might be doing. Thats what concerns me that the president and everyone around him is so up for sale that we dont know what kind of information might be given back to these people in access. Shes essentially a mouthpiece for cheena and has been on this sort of Propaganda Campaign against taiwan. One of the things thats also bothersome is that there is a quid pro quo. He put a bunch of those people in positions at the va. That is the quintessential, quid pro quo. You pay me 100,000 for membership, come chat with me and ill give you a position in government. I dont think theres anything more blatant than that. Maybe theres someone else whos looking into that one. But Southern District of new york guys are looking into that stuff and muellers busy with his stuff. But theres so much in florida, i think if you can get whichever District Court involved there, the prosecutors in florida going. On Nancy Pelosis quote in which shes not for impeachment, it just got published tonight and it shows you the risks of commenting on this in a way that isnt in realtime. Because even the ground underneath that court has changed. By the time you get to monday and you have Stormy Daniels original lawyer saying, oh, yeah, this was very specifically timed to interfere and effect and control the outcome of the election. So theres a couple things with this, lawrence. Number one i think Speaker Pelosi maz very clear plan. Shes going to say i dont want to do impeachment so she can act totally prized of whatever comes out of the mueller report. Thats the only way shes going to be able to sell this to the public. As far as Stormy Daniels goes, the more we find out about this case, the more we foipd out if the president had been smart, he could have just hired eher as a consultant. He could have gotten away with this. The fact he does this out of his personal money and doesnt admit he used this for Campaign Purposes not only shows we have a corrupt president but a dumb one. And signs the checks in the white house. Have to leave it there. Thank you both for joining us tonight. I appreciate it. And when we come back on the weekend when the New York Times said that the president ial campaign would be fought over socialism alexandria cortez takes that on. Taxing the super rich in davos in front of an audience of the super rich. Audience of the super rich moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Like how humira has been prescribed to over 300,000 patients. And how many patients saw clear or almost clear skin in just 4 months the kind of clearance that can last. Humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. Numbers are great. And seeing clearer skin is pretty awesome, too. Thats what i call a body of proof. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. 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Download the audible app and start listening today. Roger cohen is a the New York Times columnist who for many years was based in france. His weekend column began this way. Two of my children were born in socialist france. They survived. Roger cohen is watching americas new political discussion of socialism with amazement. He wrote, the 21st century American Election is about to be fought over socialism. Amazing, exclamation point. It could only happen here of course because europe has come to peaceful terms with its mix, and so europe is not afraid of socialism. The biggest audience for any speaker at the south by southwest conference this weekend was not for any of the president ial candidates. It was for the most famous freshman member of the house of representatives since john quincy adams, alexandria ocoso cortez talked about republican fear mongering. We should be scared right now because corporations have taken over our government. And thats why the emphasis in democratic socialism is on democracy. Its just as much a transformation about bringing democracy to the workplace so that we have a say and that we dont check all of our rights at the door every time we cross the threshold into our workplace. Because at the end of the day as workers and as people of society, were the ones creating wealth, not a corporate ceo. Its not a ceo thats actually creating 4 billion a year. It is the millions of workers in this country thats creating billions of dollars of economic productivity a year. And our system should reflect that. Alexandria ocasiocortez might not be invited to the annual gathering of the super rich at the World Economic forum in davos, but they made the mistake of inviting dutch historian bregman earlier this year, and what he had to say at davos went viral. And i hear people talking the language of participation and justice and equality and transparency, but then i mean almost no one raises the real issue of tax avoidance, right, and of the rich just not paying their fair share. It feels like im at a firefighters conference and no ones speaking about water. Weve got to talk about taxes, taxes. All the rest is bull [ bleep ] in my opinion. [ bleep ] in my opinion. I cant believe it. That we just hit the motherlode of softserve ice cream . I got cones, anybody wants one oh, yeah get ya some no, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Ed ed we struck sprinkles [cheers] believe it. Geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Always a catch. Like somehow you wind up getting less. But now that i book at hilton. Com, and i get all these great perks. I got to select my room from the floor plan. Very nice. I know, im good at picking stuff. Free wifi. 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Of having an economy that not only welcomes immigrants but needs immigrants because we are being so productive. We are capable of all of these things. Joining us now someone ive wanted to talk to since he went viral at davos, professor rutger bregman, a dutch historian and author of the book utopia for realists. I wanted to get your reaction of the socialist debate which has taken over the president ial campaign. The republicans intend to run against socialism every day of this campaign. To me it seems a bit of a bewildering discussion and activity, this whole discussion about capitalism versus socialism in america. Because what were actually talking about are policies that are hugely popular, you know, among the vast majority of americans. 67 want guaranteed maternity leave, 18 enthusiastic about the new green bill. These are huge policies that work really well in the countries that tried them. So it has nothing to do with socialism or communism or whatever. And one of the things that European Countries have come to terms with is the kind of calm notion that these things get mixed, that you can have some pretty grand demonstrations of capitalism and innovative capitalism in europe, right beside a grand socialist project like highspeed rail going all over europe. Exactly. Well, actually capitalism and the wealth they need each other. So Something Like a guaranteed basic income like ive been arguing for would actually be venter capital for the people, so that everyone could start a new company and move to a different job and move to a different city which will make the economy much more dimynamic. Every sliver of fundamental technology in the iphone was invenlt inveni invented by the researchers on the government payroll. So all these break through technologies are financed by the government. Capitalism and the government, they need each other. How would you suggest Democratic Candidates handle this when they are asked questions like are you a capitalist, are you a socialist . Youre just beal a realest, right . I think thats what this is really about. We need a massive transformation of the economy when we talk about issues like Climate Change or the economy. Its really the socalled moderates, the centrists, thats the real radical fringe. Its really a crazy radical idea of sticking to the status quo right now. I get your point on why its radical to be moderate. The challenges are huge right now. We have to go to emissions on a global scale by 250. So we need that huge transformation of the economy. So then if you say im a moderate, we should tinker around the edges, thats a pretty crazy proposition if you ask me. Professor bregman, thank you very much for joining us tonight. And when we come back, youre going to see the return of katie porter, the freshman congresswoman who has emerged as one of the very best cross examiners inHouse Committee hearings. She has done it again. We have the video at the end of this hour. This is the way youre going to want to finish the hour before you go off to sleep. Youve to see katie porters return. Youve to see katie porters return ahhh, ha. Oh yeah, baby. Like a fool i went and stayed too long. Now im wondering if your loves still strong. Ooo baby, here i am, signed, sealed, delivered, im yours applebees 3 course meal starting at 11. 99. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Jay inslee a governor into a cleanenergy leader with a bold vision for our future. We are the first generation to feel the sting of Climate Change, and we are the last generation that can do something about it. We need to break the stranglehold of the oil and Gas Industries and develop cleanenergy jobs in this country. Jay inslee for president. 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The airport is a cross roads of the world with flights coming in as dawn breaks every morning from london, from europe, from the middle east, from the far east, from the United States. This is the way it looked the last morning i was there in november. Thats the way it looks most mornings. Bright sun, beautiful blue limitless sky i limitless possibility. For everyone who takes off from addis abibi airport, you stair at the abstract art of had coffee fields below, and if you have the presence of mind you snap a picture like this one from my last take off which was on exactly the same kind of boeing 737 max 8 that could not stay in the air after take off yesterday morning and crashed six minutes later. Everyone onboard was killed. 157 people. We dont have most of the names yet, and so tonight id like to focus on just one of the people on that plane because in my experience he is exactly the kind of person you are very likely to meet in addis abiba airport. Hes being mourned by people who loved and knew him in washington, d. C. , just a few miles from where im sitting right now. Cedric was in his final year at Georgetown University here in washington, d. C. The dean of the law school said today he was a dedicated champion for social justice across east africa and the world. His commitment to issues of social justice especially serving refugees and other ma marginalized groups cedric boarded that plane to take him home to nairobi, kenya, yesterday because of the death of his fiancees mother and now his fiancee has another death to bare. The dean wrote several friends and faculty remember him as a compassionate and kind soul known for his beautifully warm and infocus smile. This is loss for georgetown and for the broader social Justice Community that benefitted every day from his passion, compassion and dedication. We hope you will keep his many loved ones here and abroad in your thoughts and prayers as we grieve his passing. Cedric was 32 years old. Ic was. Ic was. I can do more to lower my a1c. Because my body can still make its own insulin. And i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release it, like its supposed to. Trulicity is not insulin. It starts acting in my body from the first dose and continues to work when i need it, 24 7. Trulicity is an injection to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. Dont use it as the first medicine to treat diabetes, or if you have type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, youre allergic to trulicity, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your low blood sugar risk. 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The federal government has a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau thanks to senator Elizabeth Warren who is now a president ial candidate back when Elizabeth Warren was a Harvard Law School professor she decided consumers needed federal protection from predatory practices from banks and Lending Companies who target the most financially vulnerable among us, the companies that try to take advantage of newly enlisted members of the military or companies that specialize in so called pay day loans, that charge exorbitant rates from people who just need some money to make it to their next pay day. Those kinds of lenders do everything they can to hide the annual Percentage Rate of their loans usually referred to as the apr, the amount of money it costs you per year to borrow. Thats the apr and thats what many lenders do not want you to know. It was professor Elizabeth Warrens design that was included in the 2010 package of legislation passed by congress with bipartisan support and signed by president obama, the doddfrank wall street reform and protection act it was called. The Trump Administration hates Consumer Protection. Donald trump, after all, spent a lifetime exploiting consumers in various ways including defrauding consumers who made the mistake thinking Trump University could change their lives. Donald trump was forced to pay students 25 million after they sued him for fraud. Creators of fraudulent businesses hate the Protection Bureau. The Trump Administrations director of the cfpb has no experience in Consumer Protection and no experience in oversight of the Financial Services industry and has dramatically reduced the number of consumer complaints that the cfpb investigates. She ran into more than she can handle last week when it was freshman congresswoman katie porters turn in a house Financial Services committee hearing. Hello, director. Could you please explain to this committee the difference between an Interest Rate and apr . Apr is extrapolation if it were a one year term. Thats the calculation laid out. So if i take the stated Interest Rate and do the math to deal with the fact that it is annualized, the apr, it would be correct . Yes. Okay. The annual Percentage Rate and i will be happy to send you a copy of the textbook that i wrote, explains that the apr is derived from the finance charge, the amount financed and the payment schedule. Its a mathematical transformation of those numbers into the cost of credit expressed on a yearly rate. A simplification i understand that you know well. My concern is whether you know well because you are the one responsible for making sure that American Consumers know well when they take on loans. Lets do an example. Im a single mom. Im by the side of the road. My car is broken down. I need money right now. I pick up my cell phone. I go to speedy cash, an online lender. Im in california. I have to get to work. I have to have the cash to fix my car to get to work. I can barely read the little disclosure on my phone. The cost at speedy cash is you may want to write this down, 10 per 100 borrowed. I need 200 to fix my car. The origination fee is 20. The term of the loan is two weeks typical for when i get paid. What is the apr . I understand where you are getting. At the end of the day the issue is certainly when you actually are able to repay that loan and whether or not you take an additional loan going through this. Im asking you what the apr is. Katie porter had to reclaim her time repeatedly because she could not get an answer on the simple question on what is the annual Percentage Rate of the predatory pay day loan described. So congresswoman porter ended the line of questioning this way. Im reclaiming my time. Reclaiming my time. I take that as to a no that you cannot do the calculation. I am particularly concerned about this given that you could not even correctly define the apr. Congresswoman porter then tweeted the answer to her own question to students at home. The answer is the 20 origination fee is included in the definition of finance charge so the Tropical Storm of 20 plus the fee of 20 makes the 40 cost to borrow 200 for 14 days the answer, 520 would be the apr. Truth in lending law requires apr to include fees which cfpd director did not know. Like Elizabeth Warren before her, katie porter was a Law School Professor before she became a member of congress and it shows every time its katie porters time in the hearing room. The honorable katie porter once again gets tonights last word and katie porter will join us here in the studio tomorrow night. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts now. Tonight in the First White House briefing in six weeks time Sarah Sanders wont rule out the president pardoning Paul Manafort and wont say if the president believes democrats hates jews. Nancy pelosi says she is not in favor of impeachment because it is so divisive. Then adds hes just not worth it. And why this week promises to tell us so much about the status of the Mueller Investigation starting with the document that came out tonight as the 11th hour gets underway on a monday evening. Good evening from our nbc news headquarters here in new york. Day 781 of the Trump Administration and we are launching into what could be an important week in terms of what we learn about the status of this Mueller Investigation. And at the same time the speaker of the house is making waves about her comments about the potential for impeachment. Late today nancy pelosi told the Washington Post magazine what she sees as the

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