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Where would the Trump Presidency where would the Mueller Investigation be today . Would there be a Mueller Investigation today . You know, and it is remarkable given we now with a couple yearss distance we now know more about the interactions between president obama and president elect trump at the time. And it wasnt like obama was giving him a piece of his mind and telling him how he should govern and what he should do in terms of policy and everything. He seemed to have basically come with two things, the north korea thing is bigger than you think it is, and b, dont hire mike flynn. We can debate how he dealt with a, but b has turned out to be something that may end up being the dominant story of his presidency. And possibly the single worst decision he made as president elect choosing Michael Flynn as his National Security advisor. We will find out. Today in the National Cathedral in washington, d. C. At the state funeral of george h. W. Bush five president s sat in the front row. And from the alter one of them was told that he is corroding, rotting away inside. He never hated anyone. He knew what his mother and my mother always knew, hatred corrodes the container its carried in. The most decent and honorable person i ever met was my friend george bush. One of natures noble men. Hatred corrodes the container its carried in. And there sitting in front of former republican senator Allen Simpson in the front row is a man who is nothing but hatred, filled with hatred. In Allen Simpsons view a corroding container of a man. When Donald Trumps time comes and he is being remembered by people gathered in a cathedral, no one, not one person will step up to a microphone and say he never hated anyone. No one will step up and say he was the most decent and honorable person i ever met. No one will say he was one of natures nobleman. No one will say that. I know Allen Simpson. I worked with him when ofsthen democratic staff on the United States senate, and he was one of the most Reasonable Republicans with whom we mostly disagreed on policy but worked with every day. Allen simpson knew that by saying george bush never hated anyone and by saying hatred corrodes the container its carried in, his words would be interpreted as a direct reference to donald trump. Allen simpson knew that his words would be taken as praise for george bush and at the same time as condemnation for the president who has publicly spewed more hatred than any president in history. Donald trump had to take his seat in the front pew of the National Cathedral today, the day after special prosecutor Robert Mueller revealed some of the reasons why he is recommending no prison time for Donald Trumps first National Security advisor Michael Flynn, who has pleaded guilty to one count of lying to the fbi. The trumps had to sit beside the obamas today. The only time donald trump and barack obama sat as close together in a private conversation is when president obama invited president elect trump into the oval office. And when the door was closed president obama warned donald trump not to hire Michael Flynn as his National Security advisor. Donald trump had to sit in that front row today with the other president s, with donald trump drowning in the countless humiliations he has brought upon himself as president including recurring proofs that he is the most ignorant president in history. Donald trump had to sit there in the front row of the National Cathedral covered in the humiliation he has earned thanks to Stormy Daniels description of his pursuit of her and the federal criminal case in which donald trump is named as an unindicted coconspirator for arranging illegal payments to Stormy Daniels. Its hard to know which of Donald Trumps many humiliations weighs on him the most. But today sitting in that front row with president obama on a day when Michael Flynn is once again dominating the headlines, it must have been extra painful for donald trump that barack obama was sitting in the i told you so position on Michael Flynn. Where would the Trump Presidency be today if donald trump was smart enough to have followed Barack Obamas advice and not hire Michael Flynn as his National Security advisor . Leading off our discussion tonight joyce vance, former federal prosecutor. Jill winebanks, and Jason Johnson, the politics editor at the root. Com. All three are msnbc contributors. And i want to begin with this political point, jason, so i want to go to too much had and that is Alan Simpsons words today were surely chosen carefully knowing there was a double intandra there, but to say things with donald trump sitting right in front of him saying how he never hated anyone, how it corrodes a person, is something i know alan simpson deliberately intended to apply to donald trump. And im sure americans watching that today had to think about that comparison about Donald Trumps relationship to hatred and hating people versus president bushs. Yeah, at this point between, you know, Aretha Franklin and john mccain and president bush, i dont think were going to have a large funeral in america that does not include criticism of President Trump at some point or another. But i hope to the degree that he goes to these events as a pouting surly 70yearold, which is usually how he seems to behave when hes in the room, that he takes some of the advice thats being given in the intention its being given. Which is look, we all want you to do a better job. But, lawrence, i think the key thing is this. If theres one thing we understand about this president is its his desperate need for attention and praise and some attempt of creating a legacy where hell be looked at as a great man. And perhaps in sitting down and listening how people talked about george bush, for all the many criticisms i have for him and his policy, maybe donald trump may pick up a Little Something of how he should behave as president so when he passes away there may be possibly a room full of former officials who may speak some words about him. Although right now i dont think its going to happen. I want to go back to that oval Office Discussion that president obama had with president elect trump and imagine if donald trump took the advice seriously and followed that advice and did not hire Michael Flynn, it is possible we would not have a Mueller Investigation tonight because james comey was fired only after donald trump asked him to go easy on Michael Flynn. If there was no Michael Flynn case to go easy on, where would we be now . I think thats an interesting speculation and it is of course possible because anything is possible. But given the type of people that donald trump has hired and surrounded himself with throughout the campaign, the transition and in the administration, its quite likely that someone else would have been the cause. If it wasnt donald trump asking comey not to go after flynn, maybe it would have been dont go after papadopoulos, dont go after gates, dont go after who knows who it would have been. There were so many that were under investigation, rightly so, because of criminal acts that they have committed. You could not have had the number of indictments and the number of defendants, the number of guilty pleas, the number of convictions, if it wasnt for the fact that so many people are guilty. So i think it would have happened anyway. It just would have been delayed, and it would have been wonderful. He had two opportunities to act. Of course, first was president obama, but then remember the acting attorney general sally yates came and warned him right away, and he didnt fire him. He waited 18 days and let him stay in office as his National Security advisor knowing that he was compromised by the russian government, which only indicates to me that there is more to Donald Trumps being compromised by the russian government, that he didnt care and he kept him on anyway. His problems began during the transition and these phone calls he was having with the russians during the transition. And so presumably at some point some fbi was going to get interested in those phone calls during the transition, so even if donald trump in the end did not appoint him as National Security advisor, there probably at some point would have been an investigative process that involved Michael Flynn and might just have us where we are tonight. I think thats absolutely right. The idea that you can have as an american citizen phone calls with the Russian Ambassador and not expect those phone calls to be subject to some kind of surveillance in washington is a little bit iffy. We know that those are the sorts of calls that at least theres intelligence about the content of. So that forces us to consider the question of what did flynn know or what did flynn think he knew that would protect him from likely discovery of what he was up to at some point . That i think is a very interesting unanswered question. Lets listen to what the president said about why he fired Michael Flynn, and were going back to february 2017 because reconsidering these words tonight given all that we know since then makes this the president s answers to these questions all the more interesting. Lets watch this. Did you direct mike flynn to discuss sanctions with the Russian Ambassador. No, i didnt. Prior to your inauguration and would you have fired him no, i fired him because of what he said to mike pence, very simple. Mike was doing his job. He was calling countries and his counter parts. So it certainly would have been okay with me if he did it. I would have directed him because thats his job. No, i didnt direct him, but i would have directed him if he didnt do it, okay . Jill, you want to try and make sense of what we just heard . Well, making sense of much of what donald trump or his legal team, particularly rudy giuliani, says is very difficult. But its his typical defense. I didnt do it, but if i did do it, its perfectly legal. If he did it, its legal. But he didnt do it, and it would have been okay if he did it. Its really nonsense. He shouldnt have been doing it. All of these things that he says are okay hes convincing a certain portion of america that it is okay. And i just hope anyone listening to this show knows that it isnt okay. You cant have private citizens, and remember during the transition they were just private citizens. They were not representing the government of america. The Obama Administration was still the government of america. And you dont transition until noon on the day of inauguration. And its wrong to have any private citizen interfering with the conduct of foreign affairs. And anyone who is about to become president and or the National Security advisor should know that and should not engage in that kind of conduct. So it makes no sense. And joyce vance, the questions roca asked are certainly questions wed want the response to. He said among other things the defendants assistance to the gump was substantial, the defendant has assisted with several ongoing investigations. So thats certainly more than one investigation and probably at least three or more than three. And one of the questions that they need to get from Michael Flynn is did the president tell you to discuss sanctions with the russians, especially since we now know through the Michael Cohen case that the president was interested in doing business in moskow and creating a trump tower in moskow and was presumably still interested in doing that while he was president of the United States. That question would probably have been close to if not at the top of muellers list of questions that he wanted to ask after flynn started to cooperate. And we have to stop for a minute and think about what flynn has been charged with. Hes been charged with making false statements to the government. So muellers not taking any of his words at face value. And we see from the sentencing memoranda that flynn was able to provide documents and also communications. And so at this point it seems logical to assume that however mueller has answered that question, hes not just relying on what flynn tells him, hes relying on documentary evidence that flynn can provide as well to back up the story hes told. We have to squeeze in a break here. Thank you for starting us off tonight. And when we come back, did Michael Flynn talk to the special prosecutor about the trump family, and what could he have told them about Donald Trumps children . Thats next. And some republican senators are finally breaking with donald trump, and it is over saudi arabias murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. vo for a nasty cold, take new dayquil severe with vicks vapocool. acapella whoa vo and vaporize it with an intense rush of vicks vapors. acapella ahhhhhhhhhhh vo new dayquil severe with vicks vapocool. The daytime coughing, stuffy head, vaporize your cold, medicine. Hey yeah . I switched to geico and got more more savings on Car Insurance . They helped with homeowners, too ok plus motorcycle, boat and rv insurance geicos got you covered like a blanket houston . You seeing this . Geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. After bills back needed a vacation from his vacation. So he stepped on the dr. Scholls kiosk. It recommends our best custom fit orthotic to relieve foot, knee, or lower back pain so you can move more. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Unstopand its strengthenedting place, the by xfi pods,gateway. Which plug in to extend the wifi even farther, past anything that stands in its way. Well almost anything. Leave no room behind with xfi pods. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Click or visit a retail store today. With each new court filing by special prosecutor Robert Mueller the legal danger for those closest to President Trump seems to ratchet up. Today the senior legal analyst for fox news predicted the indictment of a member of the trump family. So do you think that any of trumps inner circles now going to get indicted . Yes. I dont know who, but i do know donald, jr. Has told friends he expects to be indicted. Do you expect to be indicted . Yes. He has very solid sources on that side of the world. Last nights filing in the Michael Flynn case might have other members of the trump family worried. According to the filing, Michael Flynn, has, quote, provided Financial Assistance in a criminal investigation separate to a the special prosecutors investigation. That section is entirely redacted. The filing also says Michael Flynn, quote, provided first information about the content and context of interactions between the Transition Team and russian government officials. Those include Michael Flynns phone call with the Russian Ambassador in december 2016 asking russia to help defeat a u. N. Resolution on israel. Flynn admitted he lied to the fbi about that conversation. He also told the fbi he contacted the Russian Ambassador at the direction of, quote, a very Senior Member of the president ial Transition Team. We know based on nbc news reporting that that very Senior Member of the trump Transition Team was Jared Kushner, Donald Trumps soninlaw. Joining our discussion now, peter zeidenberg, a former federal prosecutor and former deputy counsel for Scooter Libby in the george w. Bush administration. And also joining us is nika oyang, a former staff member of the House Armed Services committee. Peter, the Jared Kushner liability seems to be the one that first comes to mind when considering what trump family members might be in jeopardy now. Oh, i would think so. And i think as frustrating as it is for those of us who are watching all of this to get that redacted filing, can you imagine how frustrating it is for the people who are really in jeopardy from this, who are dying to find out and read the tea leaves . And they dont even have any to read, so, yeah, id be very nervous because theyve all been interviewed. And we know that mueller thinks that flynn has been completely forthcoming and honest. And hes had opportunity to share with them everything that happened leading up to the election and then that entire postelection right to up the inauguration. So we know from the reporting that you were referencing there were a lot of conversations that flynn had with the russians. And it seems very unlikely he was doing that on his own and without the knowledge, support, direction from others inside that circle. And all of that is in muellers hands now. Jared kushner has spoken about this exactly publicly. Exactly once was in july of the first year of the Trump Presidency 2017. Lets listen to that. Let me be very clear, i did nautica lewd with russia nor do i know of anyone else in the campaign who did so. I had no improper contacts. I have not relied on russian funds for my businesses. And i have been fully transparent in providing all requested information. Case closed, very convincing. Any followup questions . Yeah, i think that there are some real followup questions for Jared Kushner because he made these representations, but i dont know that he knew at the time that Michael Cohen would go out there and say that the trump business was continuing to try and do business and build this moskow tower all the way through into the point where trump got the nomination. And he hasnt explained why it was he was trying to setup a secret back channel with the russians at their on their property that couldnt be intercepted by american intelligence agencies. And peter, when you put that together with your reading of the filing yesterday by mueller, there are a few different spots in those redactions where it could be starring Jared Kushner. Could be starring Jared Kushner as well as a lot of other people. You know, kushner has been interviewed by the house, i believe, either the house or the senate committee. So there is a transcript of his that is taken under oath. And if it contradicts what flynn has been saying, and i think theres likely to be serious contradictions, we know whos who mueller will feel as being credible. Hes always credited flynn, and, you know, he does not take flynns representations without verifying them and corroborating them. So hes going to be confident that hes getting the straight scoop from flynn. So with their contradictions, the verdicts going to go in favor of what flynn is telling the mueller team. Donald trump, jr. s testimony in the senate when he was asked about the involvement of the a potential deal in moskow, he said like i said was peripherally aware of it, but most of my knowledge has been gained since as it relates to hearing about it over the last few weeks. Now, that could sharply contradict with Michael Cohen. What we know from Michael Cohens guilty plea last week of having lied about this is that cohen briefed family members. The documents indicate that Michael Cohen briefed family members of individual one one the company about the project. Individual one, of course, is donald trump. And so that Michael Cohen could be the sharpest contradicter of donald trump, jr. Thats right. And remember donald trump, jr. Is now the one responsible for the trump organization. So all the real estate deals that they are doing around the world where other foreign governments are trying to put money in, don junior is the one who was aware of all of that and supposed to be keeping the business afloat. So his representations hes only peripherally involved seems at odds with the role of head of the trump organizations business operations. And when we come back, some republican senators are finally joining democrats to challenge President Trump, and it is about saudi arabia and the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. 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The resolution blames the crown prince for, quote, contributing to the humanitarian crisis in yemen preventing a resolution to the blockade of qatar, and jailing and torture of dissidents and activists inside kingdom of saudi arabia and the use of frs to intimidate rivals. This resolution was introduced in the Senate Just One day after a select group of bipartisan senators had a closed door briefing with cia director gina haspel and declared they are confident that the crown prince ordered the murder. I have zero question in my mind that the crown prince, mbs, ordered the killing, monitored the killing, knew exactly what was happening, planned it in advance. If he was in front of a jury he would be convicted in 30 minutes, guilty. Republican senators called on the Trump Administration to strongly condemn saudi arabia for the murder and accused secretary of state mike pompeo and james mattis of towing the white house line to deliberately Mislead Congress and distort the truth of the killing. Tonight the Washington Post is reporting that shortly after President Trumps election lobbyists for the saudi government paid for 500 rooms at the trump hotel in washington, d. C. As part of an unorthodox campaign that offered u. S. Military veterans a free trip to washington and then sent them to capitol hill to lobby against a law the saudis opposed. In all the lobbyists spent more than 270,000 to house six groups of visiting veterans at the trump hotel, which donald trump still owns. Joining our discussion now, the former cia operative and a former independent president ial candidate, and mieke eoyang is back with us. And evan, your reaction to republicans finally breaking with the republicans in the senate over the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi . I think its appropriate and im encouraged by it. I think there are a couple of things going on here. In the political category of course democrats have just taken the house. Theyre going to be as of january conducting hopefully, you know, and i would expect appropriate oversight of the president. That has the potential to sort of overshadow what the senate has been doing, and theyve been taking the sort of the lead between the two chambers here before. But they run the risk of being shown up by the house. And thats an issue because coming up in 2020 you have over 20 republican senators up for reelection. Only about half as Many Democrats at the same time. And so republicans as trump or as the russia investigation seems to get closer and closer to trump and his inner circle, his family and the democrats in the house are conducting appropriate oversight of this administration, these senators and republicans in general run the risk of creating more challenges for themselves in 2020. Thats the political side. On the policy side, look, our relationship with saudi arabia, our partnership with them is important. Theyre an important country, but the reality is under Mohammed Bin Salmans leadership theyve become a destabilizing force in the region, not a stabilizing force. And so we have been relying on them in part to sort of stand up to iranian efforts to destabilize the region, and in the end now saudi arabia under the leadership of this young aggressive reckless crown prince theyre doing far more harm than good. And i think the senators, republican senators and of course Democratic Senators are seeing that and understanding the need to respond. And thats what theyre doing here. Lets listen to what democratic senator chris murphy had to say about the cia director gina haspels briefing. My understanding is that the cias briefing this morning was very different from the cia department and state department briefing. Secretary mattis and secretary pompeo didnt Want Congress to know what the cia knew. Mieke eoyang, how will this change how will these dynamics change in january when the democrats take over the house of representatives. The committee you worked on, the house intelligence committee, when its controlled by democrats, how will they handle a situation like this . Yeah, when it democrats have the gavel they can compel Agency Officials to come before them and tell them what they know. Therell be no more of this hide the ball, at least as far as the house is concerned. And because they can move legislation through the chamber at the speed they want and the kind of legislation they want, the senate and the Trump Administration will be forced to vote on or make decisions on pieces of legislation that will hold them accountable and they will have to either stand in the way of those things or agree to hold the president accountable. Evan mcmullin, i have to say im surprised the defense secretary and secretary of state, not so much in pompeos case because hes such a politician, but they would deliver a briefing that is at such apparently dramatic variance from the cia directors briefing today. Knowing when they were doing that briefing that at some point these senators were going to hear from the cia director. Yeah, you know, lawrence, im disappointed by that, too. And just like you im not surprised by that in pompeos case, at this point. I think hes very ambitious politically and has sort of prioritized the audience of one, the audience of donald trump over Everything Else it seems. You know, maybe thats not fair, but it certainly seems that way. Mattis has been a different case. In this case im unkofrtable with his approach here. Hes perhaps one of the only Senior Members of this administration who i genuinely trust. Maybe hes trying to play to an audience of one here solely because he knows how important it is for him to stay in that role and for the whole country. For him to stay in that role i shudder to think what would happen if trump became unhappy with mattis he replaced him with someone like whitaker over at doj. It could be a disaster, a real, real disaster for the country. So maybe thats whats running through mattis head. I hope its Something Like that. But mattis and pompeo are playing with intelligence, playing on the reality that the American People because they dont theyre not consumers of intelligence themselves, they wont exactly understand who to believe in this case. But pompeo and mattis are basically saying that because theres not a smoking gun we cant make a judgment about what actually happened in the case of khashoggis murder at the hand of the saudi government. Thats ridiculous. Its like saying you come home from work at the end of it day and you find your dog sleeping on your couch and your couch has been eaten up, and you cant somehow draw a conclusion. And its sort of the same idea here. There are all kinds of very solid pieces of evidence that mbs was very involved as corker was saying in planning and following up and monitoring this operation, which involved his very own security detail. And yes, we dont have a smoking gun according to reporting, but if you know anything about the facts that have been reported thus far and anything about saudi arabia you understand that this simply could not have happened without Mohammed Bin Salmans approval and support. If i could just say one more thing, lawrence, ill just mention it very briefly because it hasnt gotten any coverage as far as ive seen. Jamal khashoggi was banned from speaking publicly and writing publicly in saudi arabia in december 2016 after he spoke critically about donald trump here at a think tank in washington. So its just interesting and important to point out in addition to trumps conflicts of interest with saudi arabia, which you pointed out in the beginning and which are significant, but khashoggi was a critic of President Trump and of mbs. He was a critic of these aspiring authoritarians, and in the case of Mohammed Bin Salman, an actually thoritarian living out his authoritarian dreams. But its significant that khashoggi was a critic of President Trump as well, and i dont think we should ignore that. In youre experience working on the house intelligence committee, this whole issue of smoking gun, this whole issue of standard of proof, how often would the cia come in and present to you what people would call a socalled smoking gun . You know, when secretary mattis said that hes actually using the completely wrong standard. This is not about beyond a reasonable doubt and a court of law. You dont need a smoking gun. The question is is the state of saudi arabia responsible for these actions . Whether its mbs or someone else, did they do this . Did they as a nation do this, are they condoning this, and the answer is very clearly yes, which is why were talking about punishing the nation, not the individual. So this standard of proof theyre talking about is inappropriate to a Foreign Policy conversation, and thats exactly what we would have heard on the intelligence committee. Thank you both for joining us tonight. And when we come back, we will go to North Carolina to that stunning case of Election Fraud that is now being investigated there by federal and state authorities. Jason johnson is in North Carolina and he will join us once again with the report from there. Opportunity is everywhere. Like here. Where you can explore the world knowing you can always find your way home. It would do more than haul. If i built a van, it would carry my entire business. Id make it available in dozens, make that thousands of configurations. It would keep an eye on my fleet. [ beeping ] and an eye out for danger. With active brake assist. If i built a van, id make it available in diesel and gas. And id build it right here, in South Carolina. Introducing the all new sprinter starting at 33,790. 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Com and get the hilton price match guarantee. If you think you saw the United States capitol behind Jason Johnson when i just said he was in North Carolina you are right. He is in washington, d. C. Tonight, but he has been in North Carolina. And state and federal authorities are now investigating that case of voter fraud in that North Carolina Congressional Election that no republicans now seem to care about. President trump and other republicans who have incited fears repeatedly about possible voter fraud without ever actually finding any voter fraud have all remained silent now that a Republican Congressional Campaign is being investigated for stealing absentee ballots from democrats and destroying those ballots or filling out the ballots with votes for the republican candidate. Mccray dallas was hired by the local Republican Party and by the Republican Congressional Campaign of mark harris who came out 900 votes ahead of democrat dan mccreedy. His specialty is absentee ballots. But republicans lead in the vote count could be based on the stolen ballots. People who mccray dallas has paid to collect absentee ballots illegally have told reporters that they have been doing this for years in North Carolina. One of the people who had their ballot stolen described what happened to nbc. A young lady came to the door, she knocked on the door asked if she could get the absentee ballot. I told her sure, i broke the seal in front of her to show it was never open. I broke it in front of her, i filled out two boxes. She said shed fill the rest of it out, i sign td, she told me she would come back to me to show it was filled. I never got a show back from her. Reporter and so you found out your absentee ballot was never filled in. Yes, the investigators came. He told me my name was on the list and my absentee ballot did not come up in the system. More on this case of republican voter fraud after a break. Jason johnson will join us. 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Did all the people who voted, did their votes count . Like i said i dont know what happened after ioff. Joaning us now Jason Johnson, the politics editor at the root. Com and msnbc contributor. Jason, the details here that joe brunos uncovering have just been extraordinary. Hes done interview after interview with voters, with people who were paid to illegally collect these ballots, collecting blank ballots which they then presumably filled out for the republican. This was all paid for by the local Republican Party and by the republican candidate. There are so many levels to this. But lawrence i want to say the same thing you were saying. To start out this is what the local press is about. The work being done in North Carolina right now is famous. This is not a story that National News would be able to dig out this level of details. Unfortunately the kind of fraud theyre talking about actually happens all the time. Especially in rural parts of the south. There was a case of this in 2004 with a democratic primary where the democrats actually asked then governor mark sanford of South Carolina to completely eliminate a primary because absent cree ballots had been stolen. So what you have happening right now is basically republicans whove been complaining about voter fraud all throughout 2018 basically have a candidate mark harris who has used shady connections to take absent cree ballots from people. And just so everybody understands how is this possible, if you apply for an absentee ballot your name becomes public information. So if you have a shifty business person or political operative who wants to go downtown to the state election board and find out where you are, they can go to your home. They can give you some sort of story. And they could potentially steal your ballot. All paid for by the local Republican Party in North Carolina. The Charlotte Observer editorial is saying unless new evidence somehow clears the clouds hanging over this election. The board of elections should toss out the 9th district results. And jason, the board of elections is empowered to order a new election. Yeah. And thank goodness, lawrence. Because this has to do with another issue weve been talking about lately in michigan and wisconsin. In North Carolina since 2016 republican legislators have been trying to weaken and basically absolutely destroy the state board of elections ability to step in when you have cases like this. Fortunately, because of democratic Governor Cooper hes won several court cases so now the board of elections can get involved. I think this race can be thrown out. In fact, i think that pettinger, who was the republican who lost in the primary to mark harris, he might have a case here that maybe he was robbed as well. Its amazing that not only do we have a Republican Party that claims theyre concerned about voter fraud and voter integrity who is knee deep in this situation financially but its being done by a candidate who is also a pastor, supposedly a man of god and integrity, might possibly be responsible for stealing not one but two elections from the people of North Carolina. Yeah. The statistics, when you hire mccray dallas on your campaign you win the absentee ballot count by extraordinary numbers. 43717 in the primary that youre talking about this time. It is just an extraordinary set of numbers. They make no sense other than the product of this criminal enterprise that joe bruno and other reporters are uncovering there. Jason johnson, thank you so much for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Tonights last word is next. Time for tonights last this is your wakeup call. 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Eliquis, the number one cardiologistprescribed blood thinner. Ask your doctor if eliquis is whats next for you. Time for tonights last word. Ive got a big thank you on twitter today from the brilliant actress dana delaney. But i did nothing to deserve a thank you from dana. So when i read the rest of her tweet i could see she was adding me to her thanks tore her friend screenwriter and producer John Mcnamara, who tweeted this. I gave my friend dana delaney a gift we both love. Thank you lawrence and the last word. Please join me and contribute. Happy holidays. Save childrens lives. Be kind to a student in malawi. Donate a desk or a scholarship. John mcnamara made a gift to the kind fund in dana delanys name. Kids in need of desks is a partnership that i started with msnbc and unicef to build desks in factories in malawi and deliver them to schools there, where kids have never seen desks. We have been doing this for eight years now on this program, and your generosity has delivered desks to over 830,000 kids in malawi schools. There are still over 2 Million Students in malawi classrooms who do not have desks. And so we have a long way to go. But since our last update to you on your recordbreaking giving on giving tuesday of last week, since that you have contributed another 329,916, which means that this week the kind fund crossed the 18 million threshold. And you have now contributed a total of 18,228,953 in the eight years that we have been supplying desks to schools in malawi. Marla johnson contributed two desks on giving tuesday and said thanks for providing me with this opportunity to help these children. As a retired third grade teacher this gives me more joy than you can know. We have had extraordinary support over the years from teachers, who recognize the value of this project as soon as they hear about it. The kind fund also provides scholarships for girls to attend high school in malawi, where like many african countries Public High School is not free. We have provided scholarships to over 5,000 girls to attend high school in malawi. But there are many thousands more who we hope to support with your future contributions. You can go to lastworddesks. Msnbc. Com to contribute any amount. You can specify that it is for desks or girls scholarships. And you can give a contribution in the name of anyone on your holiday gift list and unicef will notify them of the gift in their name just like John Mcnamara did today for dana delany. Diana perez tweeted i am making a donation to the kind funds scholarship for girls. I was a poor single i came from a poor single parent home and attended the university of Southern California because a scholarship made it possible. I am paying it forward today. Thank you, diana. And thank you to all of you for being so kind to kids in need of desks. Here is one classroom of kids sitting at their brand new desks just two weeks ago in malawi saying thank you. Tonights last word is zakomo. Thank you. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts now. Tonight the lengthening shadow of the russia investigation and the question, how concerned should the Trump White House be about their former National Security adviser mike flynn and how much he shared with the mueller team based on how much he knew

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