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About james comey and the remarks that he made publically about the clinton investigation during the campaign, which were so consequential and potentially changed the course of history is he did it on his own as the fbi director without the attorney general or going through the Justice Department the way it does. And part of the way he justified it was saying he had concerns about whether attorney general Loretta Lynch should be associated with that campaign, whether that campaign issue, that investigation should be separated from her in some way. One of the things he said he was worried about was a classified document, he had describes it in his book, that created a misperception essentially that Loretta Lynch had done something wrong with regard to that investigation. And he says that, in fact, she didnt do anything wrong with that investigation and he never knew her to behave inappropriately with regard to that investigation at all. But there was this document out there and it was maybe going to circulate and maybe affect peoples perception of her, even if it wasnt true and he described that document when he described his Decision Making process for why he acted the way he did around the clinton investigation. And in his book he says we shouldnt take account of what lying people will do if they misperceive things. And i felt like thats what he did there. I tried to pin it down. He said thats not exactly right. Its not exactly all the details. There were subtleties there. You saw the interview, i dont think i pinned him at all. But i do think thats a real thats a real issue. A lot of issues have been raised, factual issues about what that document was, whether it was russian disinformation or some other thing and if it constrained or controlled the fbi directors actions in a way that was so consequential, thats a National Security thing. Its fascinating. I dont know if it was a thing, but it feels like you pinned it by implication. Thank you. Thank you, i was fascinated to watch. I hope you have a great weekend, rachel. Here on the last word, im ari melber in for Lawrence Odonnell tonight. We begin with breaking news, a blueprint of what a saturday night massacre would look like in the trump era. Jeff sessions warning the white house he will do something if donald trump tries to take control of the Mueller Probe by firing muellers boss, Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein, and the news is sessions says he might quit over that, which is exactly the kind of move that can change a single personnel decision into, yes, a massacre. The Washington Post reporting tonight sessions went through the official channels, called the white House Counsel, breaking tonight, as trumps fury at rosenstein peaked after approving the fbi raid on the president s personal attorney, Michael Cohen. Theres a lot packed into that sentence. First the idea of corrupt intent. People in this administration, people loyal to trump, are worried trump would fire muellers boss over a lawful raid of the president s lawyer. Remember, the president does have the power to fire doj officials for almost any reason, except an illegal reason, except an obstructive reason. The Washington Post goes on saying sessions wanted to convey the untenable position that Rod Rosensteins firing would put him in, sessions in. Untenable is a careful word, maybe a euphemism, because it may be more than untenable for sessions. If he has reason to know that a firing is taking place for an illegal reason, and he stands by as that happens at the doj that he is still in charge of, that could lead to his own problems. His own criminal liability. What everyone thinks of Jeff Sessions who served as a criminal prosecutor, he knows by the time watergate was over, nixons attorney general served 19 months in prison. As for reporting tonight, sessions does not like the way rosenstein has been treated by the president and had expressed such concern for months. This report notes, hes been on the verge of firing the Deputy Attorney general. And then look at this. Vox also reporting trump has been questioning sessions and fbi director chris wray. On january 22nd about why two senior officials from the fbi were still in their page. Strzok and page, the fbi agents who exchanged private emails criticizing trump. Theyre working to uncover information in the files. To turn over to concongressing republicans working to discredit strzok and page. That just makes trump look bad. But its not just reporting at vox. Because this ties back to what i was just discussing with rachel and what james comey has been discussing, the newly leaked memos he wrote, which reveal at the time how trump was consumed with targeting fbi officials he saw as a threat, which included comeys deputy, andy mccabe, and it turns out, the official lisa page, because she was the same chief counsel that comey cited in his testimony while recounting trumps efforts to lift the cloud and short circuit the probe into his white house. Who did you talk with about that lifting the cloud, stopping the investigation back at the fbi, and what was their response . I discussed the lifting the cloud and the request with the Senior Leadership team, who in typically, i think in all these circumstances was the deputy director, my chief of staff, the general counsel, the deputy directors chief counsel, and i think in a number of circumstances the number three in the fbi. That deputy directors chief counsel is lisa page. Reading again from vox, trumps efforts to discredit strzok and page came after trump was advised by john dowd page was a likely witness against him in special counsel muellers investigation into whether trump obstructed justice. So trump knew page might be a potential witness against him, and that hasnt been previously reported or known. So donald trump trying to discredit and remove lisa page before she could become a witness, which is the same playbook against mccabe, much of which is now freshly corroborated by these newly released comey memos. Joining me by phone is one of those journalists who broke this big Jeff Sessions story tonight. Rosslyn helderman. A political reporter for the Washington Post. Why do you think this is coming out now . This is quite fresh and i think what happened was you might remember this time last week there was great feeling like President Trump could make a move against Rod Rosenstein at any minute. People were kind of expecting it. And theres then this week a kind of dimming of that expectation and some question as to why. We dont know for certain this conversation from the attorney general played a role but it does seem as though the president came to understand that firing Rod Rosenstein would create an enormous political firestorm that in my ways that was not substantively easier than firing bob mueller, something he has obviously given some thought to as well. Does your reporting suggest that this could be an improper firing . You know, thats an interesting idea that perhaps the attorney general is concerned about that, that does go somewhat beyond what our reporting shows as of now. Let me put it another way. I want to give you the benefit of expounding on it. I was exploring in our lead, based on your reporting, this word of art that you have in the article, that Jeff Sessions reportedly, from your sources would find this position untenable. So i wonder whats the basis for untenable. Weve discussed, you know from reporting the stories, like i do, president s can fire their top people for almost any reason. I wouldnt think that an appropriate and lawful firing would be untenable. Right. Our understanding was he was concerned it was a bad idea politically, a bad idea that would create enormous public pressure on the department of justice and an enorming uproar that would interfere with his ability to serve. After all, Rod Rosenstein is his deputy. He played a role sdae he had hand in helping to select him. Thats our best understanding. The notion that it would be perceived as yet another attempt to potentially interfere in the investigation, certainly i think everyone who works in the white house and the department of justice are very aware of those questions. What is the significance of the Michael Cohen raid in the mind of the president if that, for him, is so scary that it would trigger him doing the very thing that everyone, including some of his loyalist allies on television, have been pleading with him not to do. Alan dershowitz was on the beat earlier this week. Hes a loyal defender of trump on collusion among other things, other issues, and hes pleading with him not to fire rosenstein. All the reporting shows the president was deeply rattled by that development, deeply concerned, deeply angry, believed it crossed some kind of red line. You know, on the other hand, its now been, you know, what, nearly two weeks since it occurred. And this is a president who has a history of venting loudly, vocally about various people, developments that anger him and his venting does not always result in action, until it does. Until it does. Rosalind with a big story tonight. Thanks for calling in to the last word. I turn to joyce vance as well as neera tanden. Joyce, what do you think is happening here and who is leaking this . Well, its interesting and one of the most interesting things thats going on is we dont know what the source of the leaks are. We know that the president has been vehement in demanding that all leaks be run down. Hes taken some real stern stances there. Perhaps the only leak he hasnt insisted be run down is this leak that apparently came out of the new york fbi in the days ahead of the election. But trump is starting to look concerned around the edges and frayed around the edges as pinsers move in on him from the cohen investigation and the ongoing aspects of the mueller investigation. The next week i think well see whether he makes a decision about moving in on rosenstein and trying to fire him, or whether he will follow what we understand i didnt take it, ari, to be a firm warning but a somewhat weaker warning where attorney general sessions said he might have to consider his position were rosenstein fired. I think you make an important subtle observation there which ill throw to neera. We hadnt hit that point yet. This is something designed, it appears, to make sessions and don mcgahn look good, look like the adults in the room. Weve seen a lot of leaks around don mcgahns office. Yet it wasnt saying heres the line, watch out for a massacre. It was much more saying there may or may not be a massacre. You know, i know that we get a lot of news on russia and the russiarelated issues, and theres almost a saturation point with the book tour of james comey. But i think we should really just hold up here and say that someone felt the need to leak that the attorney general basically threatened to quit if his deputy was fired by President Trump to basically limit this investigation. And, you know, i think we get a lot of, you know, reporting that says, the president s just venting. He a lot of people leak out what hes going to do, and he doesnt actually do it. Maybe thats just a threat he doesnt follow up on. Here we have a threat thats so concerning that the attorney general of the united states, whos appointed by President Trump himself, and is definitely not some kind of moderate person, has to call the white House Counsel, go through official channels, to basically say, i would have to quit if you did these things. Or, you know, intimate he may have to quit if rosenstein was fired. I think thats the kind you know, its like watergate kind of getting the heads up that the saturday night massacre might occur. Here were seeing, basically, people planning, trying to forewarn and forestall not an idol threat but something the attorney general took so seriously that he communicated it to the white House Counsel he was he may quit. I think you put it very well. And explained the way this works. Joyce, on the scale of, you know, no obstruction to blatant public evidence of obstruction, it would seem that trying to fire the only person more important than mueller in the Mueller Probe, which is his boss, Rod Rosenstein, the person who can literally decide what the jurisdictional targets can be expanded to, which we know because when manaforts lawyers attacked mueller for potentially exceeding his jurisdiction it backfired and we got a redacted Court Document that showed rosenstein had previously explicitly expanded the jurisdiction to deal with some of manaforts allegations prior to 2016. The redacted parts we dont know what they are, but it wouldnt be unreasonable to see if they might pursue Michael Cohen. When all of that comes to the fore, if that were the reason that he was looking to fire rosenstein, would that be all the way up here like obstruction sandwich . It becomes very, very difficult for attorney general sessions at that point in time, depending on what he knows so that if hes had conversations with President Trump where trump or where someone in the white house has conveyed to sessions that its time for rosenstein to go because hes been giving mueller too free of a hand and that needs to come to an end. Then it does become difficult for sessions to stay on, and it wouldnt be surprising that he conveyed this to the white house. The only thing that surprises me is that he wouldnt say, if you fire rosenstein, im gone. I wont sit here and let this happen on my watch. One would have expected that when he was talking as he thought privately to the white house, the statement would have been a little bit stronger. James comey is meeting with President Trump and President Trump is talking about assassinating journalists or jailing, not assassinating. Sorry. Jailing journalists. And crazy things like that. And james comey doesnt say by the way, thats illegal, this is america. He silently takes it in. From my perspective, i think the fact that attorney general sessions called up the white house like sort of on his own and said, by the way, if you fire my deputy, thats kind of a big deal and i may quit. In this white house, given the sycophantic nature of most of the cabinet weve seen so far, that seems a strong statement from my perspective. And its trying to forestall something hes worried will happen. Let me ask you this. Youre pointing out, neera, the comey memos, which appear to be quite accurate, paint a bad picture of trump, but they also i think this speaks to their accuracy, paint a mediocre picture of their author, james comey. How do you think he fares now that we have seen the contemporaneous documentation . I dont think there are a lot of heroes here. Im glad he took those notes. Im glad he shared the notes with a wide variety of people. I think its fascinating that President Trump seems to be targeting the corroborating witnesses of james comey. But i dont think his behavior here in the leadup or actually the days the weeks and months before his firing gives him any profiles in courage, but i think its important that we have this documentation. My only last point i would make about attorney general Jeff Sessions is that again this is an extraordinary moment and the fact that we are all relying on attorney general sessions to hold the line on the rule of law is an indication of how seriously he took President Trumps threats to rosenstein. And frankly, what would be the other reason to fire rosenstein . There would be no other reason. Nothing that hes done, other than been the person whos sanctioning the mueller investigation. Theres nothing you can make up about him. So i think this is an obvious case of the attorney general feeling the president was on the verge of obstructing justice. Joyce, finally, Donald Trumps efforts have led to the public feuding between james comey and his former Deputy Mccabe this week. The supposition or suggestion that maybe there are possible charges against mccabe. The sustained public attacks on these individuals strocz and page. Who are potential witnesses. Do you think President Trump has been more effective than people realize explicitly and in a focused way targeting every single potential highlevel witness mueller would ever have . One of the strengths of doj as an institution is its reliance on policy to guide its practice in individual cases. So jim comey ran into some trouble ahead of the election when he departed from the Standard Practice talking about the clinton investigation publicly. The reason i think the president you know, it looks this week like hes been taking some jabs at folks. Ultimately, i think that will falter. Were not really seeing comey getting into any sort of spat with mccabe. Instead, were talking about an institutional process involving the inspector general. That will be resolved consistently with the traditional practices of the Justice Department. The same way with strzok and page, the former fbi agents who trump in a stunning departure from anything any president would do, is apparently targeting not two of his political appointees but two career employees of the fbi who cant be fired absent some sort of institutional procedure. So the institutions will emerge stronger. I appreciate your optimism, although i think blanket optimism itself can be dangerous in its own way. Joyce, im going to come back to you. Coming up Stormy Daniels lawyer making a prediction. Well explain the evidence behind it. And breaking news about Stormy Daniels former attorney, whos he cooperating with . Also, republicans push to leak these james comey memos, but it is backfiring . Im your phone, stuck down here between your seat and your console, playing a little hidenseek. Cold. Warmer. Warmer. Ah boiling. Jackpot. And if youve got cutrate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. So get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem. Like me. Mayhem is everywhere. Are you in good hands . Ftheres flonase sensimist. Tchy and watery near pollen. It relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. Gives skin the moisture it needs and keeps it there longer with lockin Moisture Technology skin is petal smooth after all, a cleansers just a cleanser unless its olay. They had every opportunity to walk away from this agreement at any given time earlier in this case. We made a settlement offer very early on where we said my client would return the 130,000 if everyone walked away from the nda, they refused that offer and i think ultimately thats going to go down in history as one of the dumbest decisions made in any piece of litigation in the history of the united states. Stormy daniels attorney, Michael Avenatti talking about efforts by trump and his lawyer cohen to delay the court battle. The judge setting a deadline of next week where cohen has to formally state his right against self incrimination would be in peril if the case goes forward now. So, the translation is this. Cohen is saying if he tells the truth in this civil case, might incriminate him in the criminal case. Which probably means one of two things. One, it could just be a ploy where cohen is using the criminal investigation to buy time. Even if hes not worried about incriminating himself. Or two, this could be true. Meaning cohen is saying the things theyre debating in the stormy case could implicate him in a crime. Door number two is an extraordinary thing for the president s lawyer to say in public but its also bad for the president. Because whatever cohen did in the stormy matter, he did it while serving as trumps lawyer and fixer. Theres also other public evidence that points to door number two, the judge approved the aggressive raid on cohens office, and the only other raid in this entire case against Paul Manafort was followed by an indictment of him. And then you consider this, raiding a president s Lawyers Office is a serious legal move. The feds dont do that unless their case is developed. We also have stormys lawyer predicting cohen will be indicted. Lets be clear, theyre adversaries out to beat each other, so you take these kinds of comments with a grain of salt. Do you think mr. Cohen is going to be indicted soon . Absolutely i do. I dont know the scope. My own personal belief as someone with 18 years of experience who has some knowledge of whats going on, yes, i believe the indictment will be issued in the next 90 days. If its not, that doesnt mean its not going to be issued. An indictment could flip cohen, according to the New York Times, Michael Cohen has said he would take a bullet for trump, maybe not anymore. That story breaking tonight. It says trump long felt he had leverage over cohen, but sources say the raid has changed that. Ironically, michael now holds the leverage over trump, said none other than sam nunberg, adding cohen should maximize that leverage. Joined by the author of the upcoming book on trump russian. A chapter of his book focuses on what Michael Cohen is up to. It was published in Rolling Stone last week. Joyce vance back with us. When you look at all this, seth, what do you think is real, separated from the hype of the sparring in the civil case . Well, ari, i think cohens team is bracing for an indictment. Thats pretty clear. I just had an email exchange with Michael Avenatti before i came in here. He told me from the courtroom thats what cohens legal team expressed. He also separately has knowledge that theres an indictment coming, although he wouldnt tell me how he lets break that into two. Number one, cohens team didnt say theres an indictment coming immediately. What they said was the exposure of a potential indictment should give him a cop out of the civil case. Number two, what sounds more significant is youre saying that Michael Avenatti is attesting to you that he has knowledge of a federal indictment coming against cohen . Yes, he does. Thats what he told me. He cant tell me how he knows that. How would he know that . As rachel noted earlier, keith davidson, the other attorney in this case is cooperating. So i dont know i dont know all the details, but, you know, the investigation may be moving in that direction. Theres some kind of collusion, as rachel put it, between some of these lawyers. Joyce, lets go to that. The president s lawyer needs his oin lawyer, like with a bodyguard needs his own bodyguard, thats not usually a good sign, and on top of that, theres this lawyer keith davidson, the former attorney for two bimmen paid to keep quiet about their alleged affairs, and is now cooperating, providing electronic information to the now famed Southern District of new york. What does that mean to you . Theres every indication this is a serious investigation. I would tend to discount anyone who says that they know that theres a federal indictment coming, simply because grand jury proceedings are secret and its a crime to disclose those grand jury proceedings. So no one really knows but we strongly suspect that this investigation will move forward towards an indictment simply because the bar would have been so high inside of the Justice Department to approve a search warrant of the president s lawyers residence and business. That i think gives us some barometer for determining there was a significant amount of evidence in the possession of prosecutors before they let loose with the search warrant. Of course, they havent yet had the opportunity to comb through the items they seized the day they executed the warrant and that presumably will bring them even closer to indictment. Seth, the personal relationship between trump and cohen is unusual to say the least. Reading from the New York Times story, it says for years mr. Trump treated mr. Cohen poorly with insults, dismissive statements and threats of being fired. Donald goes out of his way to treat him like garbage, said roger stone, mr. Trumps longest serving political adviser. What light can you shed on that . You know, i come at this in kind of an interesting way. My book is about trumps relationship with russia going back many years. And i was investigating the russian mafia in new york. There were some criminal figures purchasing apartments in trump tower in manhattan in the 1980s. It was while speaking to former federal investigators in new york that i came across information about cohen. That cohens connection to trump, according to my reporting, comes through not because of his legal skills but because of his family connections which connect him to russian you know, to his father he married into a ukrainian family and his fatherinlaw, according to my sources, was putting large amounts of money into trumps businesses in the 1990s. Thats what opened the door, according to my sources, to cohen joining the trump organization. What are you saying . What im saying is what im saying is that cohen was introduced to donald trump through the intercession of his fatherinlaw. What are you really saying . What am i really saying . You know, im saying that cohen is you know, cohen has connections that are useful to trump. That hes got it sounds like youre saying and tell me if im getting this wrong because im interviewing you, it sounds like Michael Cohen was not hired for his ability as an attorney or fixer but there were other sources of money that linked him in a way that might be of interest to federal investigators. Is that what youre saying . Sources of money that opened the door. His role was as a fixer. Now, i cant go much beyond that. Well pause it there. Maybe well come back and get into it more. Its interesting stuff. Seth and joyce, thank you both. Coming up how leaking james comey memo could be playing into the republican plan to further undermine the Mueller Probe. And later, donald trump praising an announcement from north korea, pretty important, but some of the professionals in the white house less optimistic. Our special guest tonight, ambassador Wendy Sherman. Well, like most of you, i just bought a house. Oh very nice. Now im turning into my dad. I text in full sentences. 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As i was discussing with rachel tonight, were one day out from congress leaking james comeys memos which republicans demanded from the doj, which is a lot like the leak that trump allies typically complain about it. How is it playing . Some accounts, the leak is blowing up in trumps face. At fox news its not what the memos are about, investigative findings on collusion, more so than what they were about. This is a big, big beginning to the end of what has been a witch hunt from pretty much day one. Theres not a piece of information from james comey that suggests there was any russian collusion. There is absolutely no evidence here of any obstruction of justice. He told the president i dont leak. What did he tell George Stephanopolous . Good question. He leaked. The memos do have at least four takeaways. One, whatever you think of comeys judgment, hes got a good memory. The memos match his testimony, which match his book. Two, whatever you think of trumps politics hes inconsistent and not reliable, according to comey because the memos show internal contradiction and misleading statements by trump. Three, what everyone thinks of the dossier, trump was obsessed with certain parts of it. And four, and finally, what everyone thinks of the collusion question, we do see in the memos that trump wanted to keep putin happy. Comey writing when trump discovered that blank redacted had called four days ago, flynn said the return call was scheduled for saturday. That prompted a heated reply from the president that six days wasnt ant appropriate time to call redacted. If he called redablthed and didnt get a call for six dadeses, he would be upset. Reportedly all references to russia and putin. Hey, sir losealot thou hast the patchy beard of a prepubescent squire thy armor was forged by a feeblefingered peasant woman. Your mom as long as hecklers love to heckle, you can count on geico saving folks money. 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Well, i think one thing i want to comment on comey, even his demeanor in that interview with rachel and a lot of his interviews, i think he still has trouble processing the president. He said when you were speaking hyperbolically, i know he literally knows what it means, but he has trouble processing a creature like the president. In the memos, he talks about not being able to follow the president s conversations, like how its a jigsaw puzzle tossed up in the air. To get to putin, one of the things most interesting to me in the memos is the anecdote about the phone call is told by trump in service of saying how he doesnt think that Michael Flynn has good judgment. Which is odd, because what hes saying is Michael Flynn doesnt have good judgment because he wasnt behaving obsequiously enough about putin. Ive seen right wing outlets say this doubt trump has about flynn was proof he was on to flynn early on and thinking flynn was somehow engaging in collusion for trump was misguided because trump had doubts about him. But his doubts seemed to be along the lines of servicing some kind of relationship with russia. So. David . I think the bigger story here is the hill gop and the fact that the fix really is in among the hill gop insulating this president should he move to dismiss or have rosenstein dismiss mueller or dismiss rosenstein himself. Consider you have Freedom Caucus members talking about impeachment of rosenstein. Consider that mcconnell has suggested they dont need to protect mueller. This is the hill gop playing jv. Consider the intrigue they tried to build around the devin nunes memo and it fell flat and the comey memos that fell flat. But mueller is playing varsity ball and racking up indictments, racking up guilty pleas, and frankly, thats the only investigation that matters. This is a side show created by the hill gop, these comey memos. Its both, a side show theyre trying to politicize them, which seems inconsistent with their supposed concern about leaks and yet is very unusual for a legal or journalistic sense to ever see this kind of material. Usually, you have to wait decades in the archives to see it. Some does present factual problems for donald trump. For example, james comey memorializing the real time, long before he knew he would be fired that trump told him he spoke with people on the Miss Universe trip with him, and they reminded him he didnt stay overnight in russia for that. Thats a claim he made to the thenfbi director. Sure. President brought up the golden showers thing, quote unquote, and said it bothered him if his wife had any doubt, and explained, twice now, he didnt stay overnight in russia. But there are flight records, social media posts that he at least overnighted there once, david. As somebody who believes james comey and finds him to be credible, youre right, ari. The facts that have emerged are important to the greater case, but put yourself in the minds of hill republicans and the rightwing media, this is about impugning the integrity of comey. Im asking you about the substance of the memo, what do you take as a former member of congress yourself about the fact james comey was memorializing it then for whatever reason and it suggests that donald trump was twice misstating a material fact . I believe james comey. I understand both parties have indigestion about james comey. I believe him. We can question the judgment of his decisions, but i think he is truthful, and those facts matter. Youre the one with the law background. When someone makes a spontaneous defense of themselves, their innocence, and later it turns out to be a lie, what does that tell you . Its suspicion. Thats whats happening with trump. I would agree with the congressman that the larger story here is like the corruption of the administration, its not what its not comeys personality, not his book tour, even to a certain extent whats in the memos. Its that this administration is behaving in this a corrupt fashion and we need congress to act as a check on that. And the hill gop is refusing to do so. I think its the refusal to hold him accountable thats the larger message thats effective to voters. Im not sure its the details that are going to be what matters. But the absolute rolling over. That thesis about the hill gop itself is verified in some of the memos because they describe donald trump in real time talking very specifically about nunes and grassley and other republicans and delaying the rosenstein nomination itself. Theres a lot in there. David and anna marie, thank you very much. Coming up north korea now saying its achieve its goals of creating a Nuclear Weapon so they wont need to test them, and the president welcomes it as good news. Ambassador Wendy Sherman is here next. Whove tried an fdaapproved targeted therapy, who wouldnt want a chance for another. . Whod say no to a. . Who wouldnt want a chance to live longer. Opdivo nivolumab . Over 40,000 patients have been prescribed opdivo immunotherapy. Opdivo can cause your immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your body and affect how they work. This may happen during or after treatment has ended, and may become serious and lead to death. 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Lease the e300 for 569 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Some Important News from north korean state tv. Tonight they are saying the country has now suspended their nuclear and longrange missile tests. Kim jongun saying, quote, every process involved with Nuclear Development has been carried out scientifically and in sequence and the means of delivery has also been conducted scientifically, resulting in the completion of Nuclear Weaponization. Im reading of course from that statement. The idea apparently is that if youve completed your bomb, you dont need to test it in public anymore. And trump quick with a response. North korea has agreed to suspend all Nuclear Tests and close up a major test site. This is very good news for north korea and the world. Big progress. Look forward to our, capitalized, summit. Wall street journal reporting tonight that a Senior Administration official urged summit. Wall street journal reporting tonight that a Senior Administration official urged caution, though, adding, it may be less than meets the eye. Whatever it is, Donald Trumps immediate Twitter Response is a far cry from the old reagan approach, trust but verify. Im joined now by ambassador Wendy Sherman, a former u. S. Undersecretary and msnbc Global Affairs contributor. If trump moves forward in this way and then would go on to cancel the iran deal, what would you make of where were headed and is this, tonight, based on what we know, in your view, good news . Well, i think, mostly, this is old news, ari, in the sense that they havent been testing and i think kim jongun is playing his hand extremely well. Hes starting out this negotiation by saying, ive made a concession. Ive done an incredible thing. I have stopped testing of my weapons, because i dont need to anymore, by the way. And im not going to use this test site anymore. A test site that we think during the last test began to collapse and probably might not have been functional in the future, anyway. Certainly, unsafe. And china didnt much like it, because it was up near its border and it was worried about the radiation coming over its border. So i think kim jongun is plague this extremely well. Hes going to look like he has the high road. He wants the president to come to a summit. He got the response he wanted. Great news, im looking forward. No comments from the president , maybe ill go but maybe it wont be worth it. Im going forward. And as far as the iran deal is concerned, if the president pulls out of the iran deal, he will say the u. S. Isnt a reliable partner, he will a break the transatlantic relationship and europe will be trying to keep the deal alive with russia and china and coming back to north korea itself, indeed, as you pointed out, the verification and monitoring is crucial. There is nothing more extensive than what exists in the iran deal. Thats the template for what you need in north korea and i dont believe at the end of the day that north korea thinks denuclearization means destroying its stockpile of Nuclear Weapons and longrange missiles. All very interesting. Is it possible that donald trump in his tweet is aware of the history here, of the testing issue and that their claim of nuclear progress, and that hes sort of playing a threedimensional chess and outsmarting the North Koreans, just kidding, i dont think thats possible. What will happen now that hes tweeted this . I think what will happen is that we will head towards the end of this week to the north south summit, which is really a getting ready for the trump, kim jongun summit. But the south is likely to put on the table, as weve heard, a peace treaty, going from the armistice to peace. Well, peace doesnt need troops that are doing exercises. And if youll recall, the chinese and russian play all along has been freeze for freeze. That north korea would freeze its testing and we would freeze our military exercises. We have to, for our troops to be ready and our troops to be ready with south korea under the unified u. N. Command, weve got to exercise. We might change the scope of those exercises, where we do those exercises, but we have to be ready, because weve been down this road. I guess my final question to you, then, is is there anything in the fundamentals here, i mean, in whats actually real, separate from all of the talk about talks, that gives the u. S. More confidence. We could get meaningful concessions from the North Koreans this time, given all the past aborted attempts . I dont know, to tell you the truth. I think it is a good thing that dialogue is taking place. I want diplomacy to work. I dont want to go to war. Even a bloody nose strike, such as it is, would be catastrophic. So weve got to try diplomacy. We have to put everything into it. But this is going to be a very along process. This isnt going to get over in one photo op or even two or three or four. The Iran Nuclear Deal took years. This will take more. Ambassador Wendy Sherman, every time i get to talk to you, i feel like it is a speed tutorial and it is very useful. I appreciate your time tonight. Thank you, ari. Tonights last word is next. Mom . Dad . Hi i had a very minor fender bender tonight in an unreasonably narrow fast food drive thru lane. But what a powerful life lesson. And dont worry i have everything handled. I already spoke to our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. Which is so smart on your guys part. Like fact that theyll just. Forgive you. Four weeks without the car. Okay, yup. Good night. With accident forgiveness your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Switching to allstate is worth it. Has been a problem for me. Mouth im also on a lot of medications that dry my mouth. 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Talk with your advisor about shield annuities from Brighthouse Financial established by metlife. Its time for tonights last word. Everyone is talking about Donald Trumps potentially epic summit with kim jongun. Its the dispute of the illfitting suits. Its the men with the nukes putting up their dukes. In this corner, weighing in at 239 pounds, haha, with a terrible haircut, a man child who had everything handed to him by his father and in the other corner, the exact same thing. Lets get ready to bumble thats tonights last word. Thanks for joining us. I am ari melber. You can find us weekdays at 6 00 p. M. Eastern on my nightly show the beat with ari melber. Coming up, mueller may have his own limits when it comes to donald trump trying to interfere with the Mueller Probe. Our breaking news on a friday night, as the Washington Post reports, Jeff Sessions has informed the white house he might quit if Rod Rosenstein gets fired by donald trump. Plus, breaking from north korea, kim jongun announces hes suspending Nuclear Testing and shutting down a test site. Tonight, a foremost expert and author will tell us if this can be believed. And as another week comes to an end, threats converge on this president. Threats by the name of mueller, comey, cohen and stormy, all as the 11th hour gets underway on a friday night. Well, good evening once again from our nbc news headquarters here in new york. Day four, five, six of the trump administration. And we have new reporting out

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