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Absolute center and heart of it. Rachel, i know you have commented on the president hiring new lawyers to represent him in what is now the Michael Cohen case in the Southern District of new york. Ive got a little scoop about them that im going to be talking about in my first segment. And dont tell donald trump, because he i dont think he knows this about the lawyers that he hired in new york. And it could really push him over whatever edge is left for him to go over. Well, we know anything said on cable news is a secret to him. How will he find out . How will he find out . I wont tell him. Thank you, rachel. Multiple courts indicate President Trump and the trump family members and trump team members are more worried what is happening in judge kimba woods courtroom in the courthouse in manhattan than anything that is happening in Robert Muellers grand jury investigation in washington, d. C. Judge kimba woods courtroom is where the president is fighting to suppress evidence obtained in fbi raids of his former lawyer Michael Cohens home and office and hotel room and safety deposit box. According to the associated press, trump and his allies have hit a new level of anxiety after the raid on his personal Attorneys Office, fearful of deeper exposure for trump, his inner circle, and his adult children, and more than concerned that they dont know exactly what is in those records and Electronic Devices seized last week. A former Trump Campaign official told axios the guys that know trump best are most worried. People are very, very worried because its michael fing cohen. Who knows what he has done. The clearest indication of just how worried donald trump is about this federal criminal case in the Southern District of new york appears on the second page of the transcript of yesterdays hearing. It lists the lawyers present. And there you see spears and imes llp, attorneys for donald trump, president. The lead counsel for spears and imes on this case is joanna hend don. She spoke for the president in court. Blow that you see for the Trump Organization and an attorney representing the New York Times and other news organizations who successfully argued for the release of Sean Hannitys name in court yesterday. And at the bottom of the page is Michael Avenatti, attorney for interested parties, Stephanie Clifford also known as Stormy Daniels. So the president of the United States once again has the honor of being the very first president in history to have his name appear in legal filings with a porn star. And youll remember that Michael Avenatti went from the courtroom yesterday to right here at the last word last night where he described for us the drama and legal incompetence of Michael Cohens lawyers that led to Sean Hannitys name being revealed in court as one of Michael Cohens three and only three law clients. But Michael Avenatti had no criticism last night for President Trumps lawyers, the law firm of spears imes. The spears imes team is the best legal hire that donald trump has made in his life. Donald trump is in trouble in federal court in the Southern District of new york largely because he has been unwilling to pay top dollar for top lawyers throughout his life. Donald trump is cheap. Thats why Michael Cohen is in his life. And thats why Michael Cohen may have ruined Donald Trumps life. Donald trump has been represented by a varying cast of lawyers in the Robert Mueller investigation. None of them top tier lawyers. But donald trump is not fooling around in the Southern District of new york, oh. No donald trump hired the best criminal defense lawyers he could find. Spears imes is a law firm fournded by two former assistant attorneys in the Southern District of new york. You cannot get better criminal defense lawyers than this spears imes team. Thats the good news for donald trump. The other good news is he wont pay for it. Donald trump will continue to use Campaign Contributions to pay for his lawyers. He has spent almost 100,000 already for his lawyer in the Stormy Daniels civil lawsuit brought by Michael Avenatti in a california court. So donald trump is getting the best criminal lawyers he can get in new york city, and he is making his Campaign Contributors pay for it. But here is the news about his new criminal Defense Law Firm that donald trump does not know and it is going to drive him crazier than he has already been driven by whats happening in judge woods courtroom. The president has been ranting repeatedly about what he believes are the political leanings of Robert Muellers team of prosecutors. Here is a recent example. The fake and corrupt russia investigation headed up by all democrat loyalists. The president s lead defense lawyer in court yesterday from the firm of spears imes was joanna hend don. She was an assistant u. S. Attorney in the Southern District of new york, hired by the first woman u. S. Attorney in the Southern District of new york, mary jo white, who was selected for the job by liberal democratic senator Daniel Patrick moynihan and officially nominated by president bill clinton. If Joanna Hendon were on Robert Muellers team, donald trump would be calling her a democrat loyalist. Instead of paying her to defend him tonight, which is what he is doing. But thats not the best part. The most maddening thing for donald trump about the law firm he has hired, spears imes, the founders of that law firm, spears imes, david spears and linda imes were assistant u. S. Attorneys serving with assistant u. S. Attorney james b. Comey. Spears and imes and comey all worked in the Criminal Division of the United States Attorneys Office for Southern District of new york, the same unit that donald trump is now fighting in court. Spears and imes are friends of james comeys. And this is the part that no one, really no one should tell donald trump. This is the part that will produce one of the leaks from inside the white house about the president raging at his team and at james comey who continues to drive the president crazy with his book tour. Three days after President Trump fired james comey, spears and imes, david spears and linda imes wrote a letter with the salutation dear mr. Deputy attorney general. It was to rod j. Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney general of the United States. The first line was we the undersign ready former United States attorneys and assistant United States attorneys for the Southern District of new york. The letter referred to the firing of james comey and mentioned the authors personal relationship with james comey. Many of us know him personally. All of us respect him as a highly professional and ethical person who has devoted more than 20 years of his life to public service. The letter addressed the publicly stated reason that President Trump fired james comey. While we do not all necessarily agree with the manner in which he dealt with the conclusion of the Hillary Clinton email investigation, we sincerely believe that his abrupt and belated termination for this conduct occurring months later and on the heels of his public testimony about his oversight of the investigation of russian interference with the 2016 president ial election has the appearance, if not the reality of interfering with that investigation. We are republicans, democrats, and independents. The letter was signed by 180 former assistant United States attorneys and United States attorneys in the Southern District of new york. The final sentence says as former prosecutors, we believe the only solution in the present circumstances would be to appoint a special counsel, and we urge you to take that course. Respectfully submitted and there on the first page of signatories is linda imes. And on the second page is david w. Spears, the leaders of the law firm that donald trump has hired and is paying to defend him in federal court in manhattan right now. Donald trumps own lawyers called for a special prosecutor because donald trump fired james comey. And donald trump does not know that. And will not know that unless some brave soul working in the white house watching msnbc right now dares to tell donald trump. Spears and imes are consummate professionals. They will fairly and fully and responsibly defend their client, Donald Trumps interests without any regard to their own political leanings or the fact that they previously worked with james comey. Just like special prosecutor Robert Mueller has conducted himself with the utmost in professionalism, without any apparent bias being shown in favor of james comey, simply because they once worked together. Thats the way the best, most professional lawyers always operate. And for once donald trump has the best and most professional lawyers in the Southern District of new york. And he has them because he is absolutely terrified of whats happening in that courtroom. Michael cohen, on the other hand, is represented by a lawyer who has been lied to or or even worse, did not tell the truth himself in court to federal judge kimba wood. Before Sean Hannitys name was revealed in court yesterday, one of Michael Cohens lawyer, steven ryan stood up in court and told the judge this. The client was contacted over the weekend and asked that we not disclose their name and further that we take an appeal if the court was going to make that name is public. In the next few minutes, we learned that that name was sean hannity. And then last night, sean hannity said that Michael Cohens lawyer did not tell the truth in court. Here is the truth. Michael cohen never represented me in any legal matter. I never retained his services. I never received an invoice. I never paid Michael Cohen for legal fees. I did have occasional brief conversations with Michael Cohen. He is a great attorney about legal questions i had or i was looking for input and perspective. And here is the part that could get Michael Cohens lawyer in very, very serious trouble for representing something to the court that is not true. Now remember, Michael Cohens lawyers stood up to the judge and said the client was contacted over the weekend and asked that we not disclose their name, and further that we take an appeal if the court was going to make that name public. Sean hannity says that that is absolutely not true. I never asked Michael Cohen to bring this proceeding on my behalf. I have no personal interest in this legal matter. Thats all there is. Nothing more. Thats not all there is for donald trump and Michael Cohen. And now Michael Cohens lawyer. Who was either lied to or lied to the court. Joining our discussion now, harry litman, former federal prosecutor and Deputy Assistant attorney general under president clinton. Also with us ruth marcus, deputy Editorial Page Editor and columnist at the Washington Post. And Jonathan Capehart, opinion writer for the Washington Post and an msnbc contributor. And harry, i want to go to the last point first, which is you have a lawyer standing up in court representing to a federal judge that theyve had communication with sean hannity over the weekend. And sean hannity said to them that he does not want his name revealed, and said to them that he will appeal a judges ruling to reveal his name. And sean hannity last night goes on television and says everything that lawyer said about him in court was a lie. What happens next in judge kimba woods courtroom with that lawyer who told her that about sean hannity . Yeah, you do not want to play poker and bluff with any judge, but especially judge wood. And notice, lawrence, it doesnt even matter exactly what hannity told him. He stood up in front of the court and made a representation. The representation was if she revealed it, he would immediately appeal, which you can do. You can right away stop the music and try to bring it up to the second circuit. And it turned out he just folded. And of course it ruins his credibility with her. But much more given the stakes of this case and whats overall going on. It is something she could if she doesnt sanction him for, nevertheless, she will be very, very out of sorts with having received a misrepresentation like that. Ruth marcus, lets discuss the president s new team of criminal lawyers from the firm of spears imes. These are people who donald trump would attack as democratic partisan hacks if they were working for the special prosecutor. And tonight theyre working for him. Yes. And you know what . He is lucky that theyre working for him because he has gotten at least while it lasts what he has long needed, which is serious criminal representation from lawyers who have experience in the criminal defense field, not just some folks who wandered in who have a Supreme Court practice like jay sekulow or spend a lot of time on fox news or something else. You need he is i dont know if he is in serious criminal trouble, but he is in the middle of a serious criminal investigation, and you dont want to be hiring lawyers from tv to that. You want to be hiring these kind of lawyers. So Jonathan Capehart, when donald trump recognizes that he is in very serious legal trouble, and he has a very serious legal matter on his hands, he seems to behave the same way Robert Mueller does with a serious legal matter on his hand and reach out to hire the same kinds of people. Yeah, the best, most qualified people who will as ruth said, give him the best representation that he needs and he could possibly have and hasnt had since weve been talking about the special counsel mueller and this investigation. And harry, the president of course im sure does not know that the leaders of the law firm he hired wrote that letter to Rod Rosenstein calling for a special prosecutor. What do you imagine his reaction will be to that . And what should his reaction be to that . His reaction should be exactly what ruth said. That it doesnt matter that he and what you said at the top, lawrence. It doesnt matter. He has solid professional counsel. They will represent him absolutely vigorously without regard. What will his response be . I think possibly his head will turn around 360 degrees. One can just imagine what hes thinking given his world view and way of approaching these things. And ruth marcus, fox news has said theyve discussed this situation with sean hannity about Michael Cohen, and that they see no problem going forward. They didnt know anything about it before. They learned about it when everyone else learned about it in court. Of course they dont see a problem. What problem could there possibly be . I am being sarcastic here. Of course there is a problem. Its unbelievable. When you get on television and you rail about this raid of a Lawyers Office and you dont mention your own continuing relationship with him. This is a problem. It will be a problem in my office, and it would be a problem i think at msnbc in your office. Its simply not a problem for fox news, but there is Something Different about fox news. I want to go back and say one thing if i might about the president s potential response to this letter calling for the appointment of special counsel. This is we know from Donald Trumps tweets and Everything Else the way he thinks. He is just a tribalist. You are on his team or youre on the other team. You are a friend or you are an an enemy. So he doesnt understand that lawyers can compartmentalize. That first of all, just because your law partners have signed this letter, the heads of your law firm have signed this letter, he doesnt understand that you might not necessarily agree with that. He doesnt understand that you might be a democrat, somebody who has given to Democratic Candidates and also be a lawyer who could go after democrats as well as republicans because thats what prosecutors do. They want scalps. They dont want to go for their team. This is just completely inconsistent with the way donald trump thinks. And that is why harry said his head might spin around 360 degrees. I think it might just explode. John capehart either one would be fun. Jonathan, there is a report tonight saying the president is will use the division of lane theyre is set up for this to make sure that the prosecutors handling the cohen case do not see any of the privileged communication that might exist in some of the harvest of the raid. The president does not believe that those lawyers will ethically will carry that out. He is employing tonight as his defense counsel lawyers who have been involved in the Southern District of new york in that very same unit doing that very same thing. Yeah, lawrence. Whats the big deal . Sorry. Its inconsistent, i guess. This is what is so ridiculous about this. Look, there are a couple of things about donald trump. And i want to make a bet with you right now, lawrence. How much you want to bet that even if he so when brave soul goes up to the residence or maralago and tells him what you just reported, i bet you he doesnt say anything. For two reasons. One, donald trump is all about donald trump. He will defend himself. The presidency doesnt matter. His own livelihood and wellbeing is what matters. One. Two, as you reported in your opening monologue there, the rnc, and correct me if i am wrong, the rnc are Campaign Donations are paying for these lawyers. So when the president finds himself and feels personally in trouble and can finally get excellent legal representation that is paid for by someone else, not by him, that this is why we see spears and imes at the table here, and why he is probably not going to say word boo about those two people signing that letter of former prosecutors who called for special counsel. Thats my bet to you, lawrence. All right. I will bet you one cup of coffee on that. Harry litman, Jonathan Capehart, ruth marcus, thanks for joining our first round of discussion tonight. We have breaking news. The Trump Administration has met facetoface with north korean dictator kim jongun. Cia director mike pompeo met with him. Former cia director John Mclaughlin will join our discussion. And lawyers are now getting a very, very big cut of Campaign Contributions because donald trump and his friends are in so much deep legal trouble. Over. Hey, want to try it . Ok here you go. Over. Under. Hey whoa, pop, pop. 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We have had direct talks at very high levels, extremely high levels with north korea. Joining our discussion now John Mclaughlin, former acting director of the cia and an Msnbc National Security analyst. John, what is the precedent here for american high level government contact with north korea . We havent had this kind of highlevel contact, lawrence, i think director pompeo is the first senior american to meet with this particular north korean leader. President s have always used the intelligence channel and frequently used cia directors to carry messages privately, secretly to individuals where theyre trying to work out a problem. So its not unusual in that sense. The intelligence channel is quite frequently used. In this case, you know, it makes a certain sense that this has happened. You think about it. There really is no state department to function to do this right now there is no secretary of state. There is no ambassador in south korea. Senior levels people working on korea are gone from the state department. And it was announced some time ago that the cia would have a larger role than usual in these negotiations. And its no secret to the world that pompeo has a close relationship with the president. So it makes a certain amount of sense in that respect that kim jongun can assume that when he sits down with mike pompeo, he is talking to someone who talks to the president and reflects the president s view. What do you think should be the next step . Well, obviously, mike pompeo may have set in motion a whole series of steps as a result of this meeting. But clearly, the next step is for him to sit down with the president. And hopefully hes had some insight here into the thing we know least about, and that would be kim jonguns actual intentions. He is not a career intelligence officer, mike pompeo, but he is a politician, presumably pretty good at reading people. So i would think that would be the next step here for him to formulate that. And the next step in terms of actually going ahead if we really intend to work for denuclearization. At some point an early stage of these talks will have to be to get from the north koreans something they play not have thought of yet, and that is a declaration of what theyve got. Thats usually the first step to compare that with what you think based on intelligence, they actually have. And intelligence is going to be right at the heart of this negotiation because it has been such a secretive, closed society. How do you evaluate a discussion with someone like kim who know november one has had a discussion with . How do we know if what he says in a meeting with mike pompeo is real or he means it or there will be any followup . Well, you dont is the honest answer. Were starting from ground zero with this guy. With any other world leader, even someone like putin we know a lot. Books have been written about him. He has been interviewed. He is out front. Many americans have talked to him. With this guy were starting at ground zero. So i think one step at a time. Im sure that pompeo had an opportunity here to sort of engage the individual. I worked with Madeleine Albright at the time she went to see kims father. And when she came back, we hadnt met with kim jongil, his father either. But secretary albright was able to say a couple of things. First, he is informed about the world. Hes not cut off. He knows whats going on. Two, he is rational in terms of the world he lives in. And three, words to the effect that if were careful and go step by step, we can probably do business with this person. So we dont know that about the son. But those are the kinds of questions if i were mike pompeo that i would be looking for in meeting with him. Probably first is he informed about the world . Does he understand his situation . Does he understand . Because he has made a few missteps and a few misjudgments as well. John mclaughlin, thank you for joining us on this important night. I really appreciate it. Thank you, lawrence. Coming up, how much Trump Campaign money is going to pay legal fees . And not just for donald trump. It is a big, big drain of money on that campaign. Hands go here. Feet go here. You know what goes here. And your approval rating. Goes here. Test drive the ztrak z540r at your john deere dealer and learn why its not how fast you mow, its how well you mow fast. Nothing runs like a deere. Save 250 dollars when you test drive and buy a john deere residential z540r ztrak mower. The kayak explore tool shows you the places you can fly on your budget. So you can be confident youre getting the most bang for your buck. Aloha. Kayak. Search one and done. This is what getting your car serviced at lincoln looks like. Complementary pickup and delivery servicing now comes with every new lincoln. I won. 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But if you know anyone, if you love anyone who is contributing to the Trump Campaign, you should tell them that there is a big, big lawyer tax on their contributions. 20 cents of every dollar they give to advance the political future of donald trump is spent on lawyers. Nbc news reports that some of the spending on legal fee mace have itself been illegal. In one instance, Donald Trumps Campaign Paid more than 66,000 to the law firm that represents Keith Schiller, his former long time bodyguard. That payment may violate federal election law because it appears to be related to testimony Keith Schiller gave to congress in the russia investigation where he was questioned about events that happened in 2013, long before the Trump Campaign existed. In that testimony, schiller reportedly told congress in november, quote, that someone made an offer to send five women to trumps hotel room in moscow in the leadup to the 2013 Miss Universe pageant, saying he turned down the offer on trumps behalf. Schiller also testify head could not be certain that no one actually visited trumps hotel room. That wasnt the only unusual spending revealed in the new federal election file the big Trump Campaign. Joining me now christina wilke. She has study it all. The schiller Legal Expenses are fascinating, but we also have new expenses on a lawyer named charles harder who attacked the author michael wolff, the author of fire and fury and steve bannon earlier this year. And we have a payment, a new payment to president Donald Trumps former personal assistant in the white house john mcatee. So those are just three that jumped out. And charles harder, he is the lawyer who has handled what was really just a letter they wrote to the publisher of Michael Wolffs book saying this crazy letter that didnt go anywhere. It was a complete and utter and total waste of lawyer money. But charles harder is also the lawyer on the civil side of the Stormy Daniels suit. So he conceivably will be seeing more payments to him in the future in these reports. Right. And what we understand from the Trump Campaign is that so far the 93,000 that has been paid to harder was entirely for the fire and fury michael wolffbannon situation and does not reflect the spending theyve done on Stormy Daniels or anything. Well probably see that in a future fec report in the next quarter. Well, the Stormy Daniels bill is going to be much higher than the one day or day and a half that he spent on the fire and fury book and accomplished nothing for 93,000. What about the what is what are some of the payments that are being legally questioned like the Keith Schiller payments . Are other payments being questioned as legitimate Campaign Expenses . Well, this fire and fury payment to harder to fight what is a book about President Trump, a book that takes place not during the campaign, that was not written by a campaign employee, that does not thats not connected in any way to the way the campaign was run, the fact that harder could charge 100,000 to attack a piece of journalistic work to try to prevent, to kill a story, which is what he tried and failed to do. Definitely raises questions about whether this spending was personal or political. What from what we understand, the Trump Campaign is ready to push the envelope here. Christina wilkie, thank you very much for your reporting. We really appreciate it. Thanks, lawrence. Coming up, President Trump wants james comey in jail now. And james comey has something to say about that. 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So he has no problems with chants of lock her up. And he has no problem saying in tweets now that james comey should go to jail. Hillary clinton and james comey have committed no crimes and Hillary Clinton and james comey have never been accused of crimes. But if donald trump said that about someone who is formally accused of a crime, that person can use trumps comment as legal leverage on an appeal of a conviction or possibly to get a change of venue, or even to get charges dismissed. And so president s do not comment on legal cases or potential legal cases, not just because they have all been much more dignified than donald trump can ever dream of being. But because they were observing the law. And they did not want their comments to interfere with the prosecution. Today james comey reacted to the president s new habit of tweeting that james comey should go to jail. That is not normal that is not okay. First of all, he is just making stuff up. But most importantly, the president of the United States is calling for the imprisonment of a private citizen as he has done for a whole lot of people who criticize him. This is not acceptable in this country. In our next discussion, imagine the trump world reaction if a democrat said today lock him up about donald trump, who unlike james comey actually is a subject of a criminal investigation. Its easy to think that all Money Managers are pretty much the same. But while some push High Commission investment products, Fisher Investments avoids them. Some advisers have hidden and layered fees. Fisher investments never does. And while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, Fisher Investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other Money Managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. It only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. 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We wake up in the morning and see the president of the United States is accusing people of crimes without evidence and pronouning them guilty and saying they should be in jail that should wake all of us up with a start. But there has been so much of it that were a little bit numb, and thats dangerous. Back with us ruth marcus and Jonathan Capehart. Ruth, the numb factor is endless and constant. And he has been doing this, lock her up and now jail james comey for literally years now. And we do every once in a while have to be reminded about how, to put it mildly, abnormal it is. I think thats absolutely right. Ive been talking for some time about how were suffering outrage overload. There are so many things to be concerned about. And you really do lose that numberness is exactly the right word. You cannot respond to it with the same ferocity every time. But when we stop being outraged about this, when we stop being alarmed by the president of the United States calling for jailing individuals, somehow those concerns that he expressed about due process when it came to rob porter, we dont hear about that very much anymore. We should all really stop and remind ourselves as you have, as comey just did, all stop and remind ourselves, this is not right. This is not normal. Id say this has to stop. We cant make it stop. But that doesnt mean we have to accept it. Jonathan capehart, the last time i can think of a president saying anything about someone who was not yet convicted of a crime was Richard Nixon talking about Charles Manson, and he let it slip that he thought manson was guilty, and he had to immediately issue a written corrective statement retracting any notion that he was prejudging the Charles Manson case. And that was Richard Nixon, who was a well schooled lawyer, who knew right away that that was a mistake, and he had to clean that up. And there was another well schooled lawyer, constitutional law professor who became president of the United States, barack obama, in the early years of his administration who was asked during a press conference for just his reaction to what happened to professor gates up at harvard when he was arrested in his own home. And he said that he thought, you know, the police acted stupidly in the way they handled the situation with professor gates. Remember, he caught hell for months if not years over what he said, just those two words, acted stupidly. And now fast forward to a president a president of the United States who, as a candidate, as the president elect, and now as president of the United States, is constantly harping that his former opponent should be locked up. You know, look, congressman Maxine Waters has been given a lot of grief by republicans and some democrats for her consistent calls for President Trump to be impeached. You know, quite frankly, she needs to keep saying it, and i actually would love it if democrats were to start hurling the lock him up chant back at President Trump, not be afraid to stand up for what they believe in, and that is the rule of law and a president who actually represents them and the goodness of the American People instead of, you know, the sort of crime family nature that were dealing with now coming out of the oval office. And, ruth, james comey is also fighting back against Donald Trumps characterization of the fbi breaking into Michael Cohens home or breaking into his office. James comey explaining a search warrant, a legal process. And there are countries where there is no search warrant and there is no legal process. In Vladimir Putins moscow the other day, one of the associates of pussy riot was arrested for throwing a participate plane. This is not that country. This is not that country certainly. The fbi, rogue fbi agents have conducted blackbag breakin jobs in the past in the 1970s, that president that you were talking about. But this is a warrant that was conducted pursuant not just to approval at the highest levels of the Justice Department but pursuant to the approval of a federal magistrate who im absolutely certain did not casually toss off approval of this because you dont do that with a Lawyers Office in general. Thats a very serious search, or a lawyers residence. And you certainly dont do it with a lawyer whos representing the president of the United States. So once again, the president just he likes to talk about the department of justice and put it in scare quotes. He just is constantly reviling our own legal system, which really is a beacon to the world. He should stop. 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The first time i met barbara bush, i was wearing her bathing suit, and its a story about how she was summoned up to kennebunkport to help then former president bush write speeches, and he announced they were all going to take a dip, as bush would say, in the chilly ocean in june in kennebunkport. She said, well, mr. President , i dont have a bathing suit. And he said, no problem. He pulled out swim trunks of his own for the guys and Barbara Bushs bathing suit. She came out to the pool, saw barbara bush with some friends. You might think that barbara bush might be none too pleased to see this 20something in her one piece skirted bathing suit, and mrs. Bush just said, im so glad we found something for you, and that was the beginning of a nice relationship for them. Jonathan capehart, after three terms of president s bush, the name bush has become a politically controversial name in our culture except when it is preceded by the name barbara. Yeah. I mean she was the backbone and the spine and the foundation of that family. And really the greatness of that family comes into high relief given whos in the white house now. And, you know, lawrence, when i heard that she had passed, my first thought was a picture thats actually been going around the internet, and it was from the early days of president h. W. Bushs term. It was in 1989, and barbara bush went to an aids hospice where there were children who were born with aids. And shes sitting in a rocking chair, holding a black infant at this aids hospice. In that one picture, she sent an incredible message to the country about compassion and about knowledge because the Previous Administration did so much to ignore the aids epidemic and the aids crisis, and that woman, barbara bush, then the first lady of the United States, took it upon herself to send a signal to the country that there is a new day in the white house, a new compassion in the white house, a new sensitivity and new knowledge in the white house. And, ruth, it would be hard to explain to younger people who didnt experience that just how controversial that was in its day in 1989, what jonathan was just describing. Absolutely. The Reagan Administration had been very reluctant to deal with aids. People were convinced, despite even the facts available at the time, that it was a disease that could be contagious by that kind of minimal contact. So that was a very, very fine thing that she did, and she also worked not just on that issue but on issues of childrens literacy, on issues of partly spurred by her own childs difficulty learning to read, on issues of Childrens Health partly spurred by her daughters tragic death at the age of 3 from leukemia. So the word i started with was formidable, and i think thats probably the most apt word for her. And so formidable is tonights last word. Jonathan capehart, ruth marcus, thank you both for joining us. Thats tonights last word. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts now. Tonight, sean hannity and donald trump, the fox news host outed as a client of Michael Cohen, operating as a shadow chief of staff, according to a new story out tonight. One of the roars who broke it is standing by. Also alongside the japanese prime minister, donald trump admits to highest level talks with north korea. The Washington Post breaks the story tonight, cia director mike pompeo has apparently met with kim jongun. Plus larry kudlow crosses nikki haley and probably wont do that again. The bigger question is what happened to those new russia sanctions she announced . And remembering the wife of one president and the mother of another. The formidable former First Lady Barbara Bush has died at the age of 92. The 11th hour on a tuesday night begins now. Good evening once again from our nbc news headquarters here in new york. Former First Lady Barbara Bush, wife of the 41st president , mother to the 43rd, died this evening the at the age of 92. Well have a remembrance of her a bit later on in this broadcast

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