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Guest . Sure. Everywhere i went this weekend people knew that i had Michael Wolff as a first guest on the show tonight. His book, of course, Fire And Fury disappearing from book stands bookstores, unprecedented sales and the word got out he would be here and i was on two flights, one on friday, one this morning, to, from, los wills people trying to grab the book out of hi hands. Really . Do not, do not get caught walking the streets carrying this book anywhere. People are just going to try to grab it. Im a subway reader. Dont, dont. I took the dust jacket off because i didnt want to be like right. You know . Muggings are real. That can happen. I didnt want to make it too juicy a target. It is right now the most valuable book in america so who knows what people might do to grab one. Thank you. Thank you very much. Well, the Trump White House is reeling tonight from the impact of something that has never caused a fullscale crisis in a white house still in its first year. A book. A book that portrays the president as someone incapable of reading a book. Incapable of reading anything of significance. The book represents the president as semiliteral, could not begin to come pretend the significance of a chemical weapons attack in syria and did not want to discuss it until he was shown large pictures of syrian children literally foaming at the mouth. The book has many new and important insights like that about how policy, important policy, is shaped in the Trump White House. But the news created by the book is not about dmoomestic policy how the most right wing president in history could sit in the white house and ask republicans and republican staff determined to repeal obamacare and determined to then cut medicare, why they couldnt just expand medicare for everyone. Single payer. The single most liberal Health Care Proposal in American History. The idea supported by ted kennedy before he died and the idea supported by Bernie Sanders now. That would be the most shocking policy gem in any other book like this. About any other presidency. Including all of the books written like this written by bob woodward using that same inside the white house methodology and reporting. On foreign policy, The Book Reports that the president believed by making a quick trip to saudi arabia he could achieve, quote, and these are the president s words, the biggest breakthrough in israelpalestine negotiations ever. That alone is the single most delusional statement ever attributed to a president about the middle east peace process. Duties and responsibilities of the office . This is the first, the first book in the history of white house literature thats provoked that question and that is why its already the most sought after book in the history of white house literature. Its sold out. Its completely sold out in america. Sold out in bookstores and online. A million copies have been sold. Already. That is the highest selling possibly highest selling Nonfiction Book in American History and to judge by that response this then is the most important book in the history of white house literature. Thats what book buyers are in effect saying by the stampede to buy this book. Thats what voters are saying by their stampede to buy this book. No such book has ever had such an instantaneous pull on american readers and raised a more important question about the american presidency is the president a danger to sensible governance and the country . Is the president that casually tweets threats of nuclear war a danger to the world . Joining us know, the author of Fire And Fury inside the Trump White House, Michael Wolff. Michael, thank you very much for being here. Its been a long day, a long weekend. Thank you, sir. A weekend unlike any in your life. You knew that this pressure was coming. You knew what you were writing. You knew how this white house operates and this president operates. You might not have specifically known a Cease And Desist letter of lawyers but the attacks that you have faced from the white house, from the trump machine, since this book came out, is that what you expected . No. I expected some response. Did i expect the president to basically drop everything . I had heard from a source who still speaks to me that he wanted my media schedule for today. Hes probably watched pent the whole day just watching me on television. This is the man is an among things, the man is an obsessive. Thats how he responds to things. So, he responded to this. I mean, this is its literally crazy to write a Cease And Desist, a president has never done that. A prior restraint of a book to say the privacy is invaded, he is defamed. This has never happened before. Also, lets remember the effect is just to sell more books so he shoots himself in the foot in this instance as in many other instances. And then to go on days of tweeting and then obviously to culminate in this in going for the in front of the American People and saying im sane. Im actually a very stable guy. Very stable genius. A very stable genius. Im a genius and im stable. Nobody could have predicted this. Even of donald trump. One of the things he said since the book came out is he doesnt know you. How long have you known him . Since the 1990s. So i was at new York Magazine and he used to i was one of the people he used to call up to complain about what was said. Actually usually about what was what articles he was not in he wanted to be in. I used to see him on you know, cocktail parties. I have literally known i mean, were hardly friends but i have known him for a good long time. When i interviewed him in june 2016, just before the convention, it was like old homecoming week. Michael wolff, oh my god, i cannot believe welcomed you into his home in los angeles during the campaign. Sat there eating Vanilla Ice Cream with you . I actually it was sort of set up and then i met him at the kimmel show. And went in and then he said to an aide, how long do we have . And they said, 45 minutes. I can see the look that came over his face. He said, you dont give Michael Wolff 45 minutes. And hen the said, why dont after the show come back to the house and well hang out. That was interesting because nobody knew he had a house in the middle of beverly hills. I learned it through your article. Amazing. Lets go to something that tony blair said because this goes to the Contesting Elements of the book and this is the most significant one ive seen. Some of the others are literally about how many Ls In Hillary and Hillary Rosen and learned through the correction of your book theres quun. I have known hillary for decades. I didnt know that. Tony blair in the book, this passage, page 157 in february blair visited kushner in the white house on this trip the now freelance diplomat seeking to prove his usefulness to this new white house imparted a juicy nugget of information. There was, he suggested, the possibility that the british had had the Trump Campaign staff under the vur vail lance, monitoring the Telephone Calls and other communications and possibly even trump himself. Tony blair said about this, its a complete fabrication from beginning to end. I never had such a conversation in the white house, outside the white house, with Jared Kushner, with anyone else. What i know about this is that this was this was reported to me by by two different sources. And then i do know that shortly after this this conversation Jared Kushner and steve bannon jumped into a car, they went out to langley. Had a meeting with the director of the cia and the Deputy Director who reported that this was a miscommunication. And then you fully recount that in the book. The followup. Out to the cia and the cia says, theres nothing there. Right. So so if youre in the position of the reporter you think, that sounds pretty much like something happened there. And im very careful and i dont know how tony blair reported this. I hear maybe a suggestion. Have you thought of et cetera, et cetera. But i would be overwhelmingly certain that something related to tony blairs suggestion that the brits might have wiretapped happened. By the way, were not able to get to the detail and refer to it. One of the reasons the book is fa fascinating and necessary reading is how does tony blair know Jared Kushner . Thats something to save for another time or buy the book. As a little i was when that happened, so much happened, im sit ogen the couch in the west wing and there is Jared Kushner and tony blair coming out. You see them snogt. Totally. I actually overheard, im overhearing the discussion of which i obviously immediately take a note on and talking about the difficulties of the middle east situation and jared says to tony blair, damn it, we can solve this problem. And thats in the lobby of the west wing . Yep. That is kind of like for people that dont know, a hotel lobby and people pass through and that kind of moment can occur. I remember working in the senate going up there for a tax meeting and the cia director over there in the next chair and you have these encounters that can only happen in that lobby. You go over there. You get the appointment. Say, they pass you in, you go there and then, of course, the appointment, you know, it drifts. Yes. It drifts. Wait. Sometimes. Wait and wait. For hours. You think, this is really annoying and how can they do this to me . Then you realize, you just see it all. Right. And the less organized the white house the more valuable it is to hang out in the lobby. I want do go to an important and possibly shakesperianstyle quote from steve bannon. He said, the daughter will take down the father. What did he mean . He meant in his as he puts it, every piece of advice they have given has been bad advice. Ivanka trump and her husband Jared Kushner. Yes. And in the end, he believed that they would protect themselves over the president. That the advice that they gave him was advice fundamentally to protect them that would ultimately damage him, comey obviously, the prime example. Comey firing was their idea, rched by then . Certainly pushed, pushed by them. Opposed by steve bannon in this account . Steve bannon said, you know, i spent a lot of time. You come to actually live bannon. I dont know. Im not sure you pulled off that magic trick. The insights so anyway, so in this regard, he said, when donald trump is worked up, it means somebody has been working him up. Yeah. And you detail exactly how they work that and you you are expressing Jared Kushners concerns to be quite a range of concerns, everything from possible investigations of trump Family Business but also to kushner Family Business including his father Charlie Kushner whos already been convicted of federal crimes. And gone to jail. Gone to jail. Yeah. One of the issues here is, is Charlie Kushner, bannon obviously believes, is he imperilled . If he is imperilled who would Jared Kushner choose between . His father or fatherinlaw . The in the book steve bannon calls don junior freido. The weak son in the god father. We have seen steve bannon come out with a statement in which he says that his comments in the book, now famous comments about The Don Junior Meeting at trump tower in the campaign of russians treasonous, that was not aimed at don junior. He said that was aimed at Paul Manafort but acknowledge in that statement he does not dispute. He has an opportunity to, he does not dispute a single word in this book attributed to steve bannon. No. I think he tries to try angulate the least the least revision he can and thats to say its about manafort. But trust me. It was about it was about don junior. It was about freido. It was about as he says don junior will be cracked like an egg on national television. And don juniors not the only one. He says that Donald Trumps longtime lawyer Michael Cohen to be cracked like an egg and has these complicated relationships. But a lot of the bannon stuff sounds people speculate about why would he say these things to you. Is he as uncontrollable conversationist, self control i mean, as donald trump . You know, its within of two things. Either either steve has the most remarkable big mouth in history or he has a strategy. And i tend to think that its a strategy. And i tend to think that his strategy was roy moore would win. That would mean steve bannon would win. Donald trump would lose. That means steve bannon would hold the leverage. Going into 2018. And steve bannon in part using this book would break with donald trump. How much of your interviewing with steve bannon occurred after he was fired from the white house . Very little. So most of this is while hes in the white house and what we read is a Roller Coaster Road for bannon. Days he feels up and like hes the one in control of all the factions in the white house. Theres other days where he feels like this could be my last day. I dont know. Totally. How did that affect what you were getting out of him as a source . I mean, the guess of the reader sometimes is this must be a really bad day for bannon. He thinks he will be fired and telling Michael Wolff all the worst stuff. Absolutely. When he was riding high, it was those were the days that i would sit in the white house waiting for him and the whole day would pass and then somebody come out and say we got to put it off until thursday. When he was in the nadire then hours and hours and hours of conversation. What is there to say about policy making in the Trump White House . I have tried to figure out at the end of the book, a way of describing it, and what and whatever way you would describe it, the president is kind of like the hub cap that gets put on the automobile at the end of the assembly line, the last component to policy. Just the person okay is needed at some point but never generating anything in the story. He wants to have, as little to do with this as possible. He wants someone else to do it. He wants Mitch Mcconnell to do it. Or he wanted steve bannon to do it. Or sometimes he wanted jared. Anyone else to do it but donald trump. And steve bannon was the one who came up with what he believed was the right defense for the white house as a Special Prosecutor started to surround the white house and that was to wall it off and create what he considered to be this wall, leave any comment about the investigation to the Trump Legal Team outside of the white house to the spokesperson for the Trump Legal Team outside of the white house. What went wrong with that strategy . Donald trump went wrong with that strategy. I mean, this was steve would go over this. Hes saying this was this was not only the perfect strategy, but the only strategy. That in order to survive this kind of investigation, which he would then point out the clintons endured and survived because they handled it that way. You had to be incredibly disciplined. And of course, his boss or client was is the most undisciplined man in certainly ever to occupy the presidency and maybe me may the most undisciplined man in america. There were several days in the course of the last year when steve bannon firmly believed that he was winning in these faction fights in the white house and that ivanka trump and her husband would be back in manhattan by now. There were plenty of times when he thought that. Turns out hes the one thats out. We have to take a break here. Michael, well come back more if you can please stay. When will people be able to buy this . All i do is hear from the relatives all day. They cant get copies. Is it this week . Do you know when . Its yeah. Well see. Theyre rolling them out. All right. Thats and latter, more information about Robert Muellers russia investigation, the president of the United States is now the one of the next interview subjects robert mueller wants to talk to. Waitio protect your house from a Lighting Strike give me the same rush as being golfballsized hail . Of course not. 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Michael wolff, there are more than 20 women who want to say times up directly to donald trump. I was just thinking. The self confessed sexual assaulter in the white house. Whats your reaction to that . You know, a couple of things. Number one, its so who does she think her father is . What does she think this white house is about . Why does she think her father was, in fact, elected . She doesnt get this in some phenomenal way. Head in the clouds. Just denial. Or, it just goes to the haerts of the white house. It doesnt matter. She and jared are new york democrats and that doesnt seem like a contradiction to donald trump. And in fact, it apparently doesnt. I want to go to page 23 of the book because we have been discussing a little bit about governing by family. I want to talk about who this man is, the president of the United States, and this is the book we have learned things we have never learned anywhere else. It says trump liked to say that one of the things that made Life Worth Living is getting the friendss wives into bed and try to per sbad the wife that the husband perhaps not what she thought. And then hed have his secretary ask the friend into his office. With understand the friend arrived, trump would engage in what was, for him, more or less constant sexual banner. Do you like having sex with your wife . You must have had better sex than wife. Tell me about it. I have girls coming in at los angeles at 3 00. We can have a great time. I promise. And all the while trump would have his friends wife on the speakerphone listening in. Who is this man who is president of the United States. Just a man. Who is that man . Who is the man that does that . Just a man without any scruples, only interest is his own instant gratification. A man that doesnt care about you or anybody else. And these are his friends we are talking about . This is how he deals with his friends . Absolutely. What did the lawyers have to say about that paragraph . How much time on that . They were confident the source was good on this. You had to there isnt any sourcing indicated on the page. The lawyers had to have a conversation about that . Oh yes. Oh yes. I want to get to more about this family dynamic. Page 252. Donald trumps Sons Don Junior 39 and eric 33 existed in an enforced infantile relationship to their father, their father took some regular pleasure in pointing out that they were in the back of the room when god handed out brains. Why would he be entrusting his businesses to two kids who doesnt think have the brains . Well, trump is is in his heart of heart hes a naysayer. Everybody is a bad person. Everybody has disappointed him. Nobody is ivanka disappointed him . As mart as him. Less so. Shes the one who gets more credit than anyone else. But having said that, you know, she will you know, hes never going to yield to her and yield the stage to her. Everybody has done something wrong. Everybody has disappointed him. Everybody is everybody is bad at what they do. Everybody who works for him in the white house has to put up with this. And he spreads this. You know . He puts this out. He calls his Billionaire Friends at night and says, you know, you know, steve is steve is disloyal or Kellyanne Conway is whatever she is. All of this kind of stuff and then he goes back to them and he says, whoever he was talking to, who hes told this, he then reports they told him that. You have one of those phone calls almost word for word and it specified its 26 minutes long and as a reader you get the feeling that its you on the other end of the phone. Question. Was that you can assume whatever you think. Okay. And when you get to that passage the readers can decide. And that struck me as part of what i was reacting to when i was hearing him saying i dont know Michael Wolff and looking at the material and he says he never met you in the oval office. This wouldnt be the oval office. Could have been 26 minutes on the phone and might be that no one in the white house knows he made that kind of phone call. Yeah. Im sure they dont. I mean, he makes the phone calls are constant. Everybody is actually calling their sources in this kind of cadre to find out who he called and said, whats going on. I mean, say whens going on in new york . Hes talking to the new york people. In the white house, you described ivanka as actually being treated and regarded sort of functionally at the president s wife and as the president s daughter you describe hope hicks whens one of those many people in this white house who has theres no counterpart like her in any previous white house. Theres this passage about hope hicks. Shortly after lewandowski was fired in june 2016 for clashing with trump family members, Hicks Sat In Trump Tower with trump and sons and worrying about the treatment in the press and wondering how she might help him. Trump, who otherwise seemed to treat hicks in a protective and paternal way, looked up and said, why . Youve already done enough for him. Youre the best piece of hes ever going to have. Sending hicks running from the room. But, michael, as we know, she keeps coming back into the room and she apparently is basically running Donald Trumps press separately an apparently from the press office. She was but shes taken a step up now and i would now argue that she is the central his central adviser in the white house. 29yearold now . She is now 29 . Yeah. Her experience before this as a fashion, you know, pr person. She is part of the she was brought in by ivanka trump. Exactly. Part of ivanka jared factions. Yes. Theres a point where steve bannon is just screaming at her in the halls of the west wing and in the end calling her dumb as stone. And this is after he suspects her of having tried to leak information that he supported the comey firing. Exactly. I mean, it was a brutal fight. It was a fight that kind of shook everybody. In a brutal, in a brutal white house. Where theres fights every day. This was this was a legendary fight. As a matter of fact, in the Jarvanka Side complained to the white House Counsel about bannon, that this was essentially accusing him of harassment. The shorthand in the white house for jared and ivanka. Yes. Can we take a quick commercial break and come back and talk about whens become the central issue of discussion of the book and thats the president s fitness to serve . Of course. Well be right back with more from Michael Wolff. Nick was born to move. 3 toddlers wont stop him. And neither will lower back pain. Because at a dr. 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Sfx stair creak sfx clink sfx deep breath sfx grunt sfx Tinny Headphone Music Sfx Feet Shuffling sfx slice sfx gasp sfx inhale. Exhale. Sfx lights scraping on roof sfx metallic scrape sfx grunt covered california. Its more than just health care. Its life care. Some obvious sense must be the main requirement of the job what scientists would call Executive Function. The ability to distinguish Cause And Effect. The ability to adjust your behavior to different situations. The ability to organize and be orderly in the way you think. Neurologists tell patients make sure you have your will and all that stuff done in your 60s at your latest because for all of us Executive Function is going to decline if we live long enough. Its the ability to make choices, make rational choices and so forth. In his case, there is much concern now about his general mental health, his general ability to actually keep himself composed and function. Its its and it came up again and again in really descriptions of the interactions with him and i would say the thing that bothers this is staff talking to you . Yes. Saying its changing and changing over time . Yes. I would say the thing that bothered them most, because you didnt know how to deal with it, is the repetitions. He just repeats and repeats and repeats and hammers on its not even hammering on a point. Its the same story. He tells you know . Always has an anecdote. And then he will repeat it and hell repeat it in the same words, the same expressions, the same tone and you think, well now wait a minute. When you ive heard this and originally you start to think, oh, no. I guess this is im just imagining this. And then you hear it a third time. And then everybody and then a Running Theme was to chart this. Okay. Used to be three stories in 25 or 30 minutes. And it was three stories in ten or 15 minutes, same 3 stories. And if youre working with the guy you come away and i mean, what do you think about this . How do you, you know none of these people, you cant diagnose. You can even its even hard to discuss it among one another. Theres a moment in the book where roger aels suggests john boehner as the white house Chief Of Staff and trump says whos that and he used to know him and could be a failure of that kind of memory or it could also be, in fairness, his utter inattention. Yeah. Hes not thinking about anything but what he wants to think about. When i interviewed him in june, that was two weeks i think before the brexit vote. I asked him about that and, you know, i asked him, using the word brexit. He said, what . And i said, brexit. He repeated, what . I said, you can, the uks exit from the eu. And then he said, oh yeah, yeah. That. Im in favor of this. Almost everything can be done by another government. The one thing that cannot be fixed after the fact is a Nuclear Exchange with north korea. How worried are you about the possibility of a Nuclear Exchange with north korea . You know, maybe naively not too worried. Not too worried because this a guy that doesnt want going to war, you know, i think george bush decided he wanted to go to war. I think donald trump sees that, gets nothing out of that. Its like what do we get for that . You know . And that may be a good thing in this utter transactional understanding of the world. Do i really care about that . Now, on the other hand, if this if the Configuration Starts and he has to analyze this in a particular, nuanced way, you know, i would be awfully worried. Michael wolff, thank you very much for giving us some extra time tonight. Really appreciate you joining us. Great to have you here. Coming up, how President Trump is reacting to this book that has gone inside his white house and shown us a picture of the inside of, operations of the west wing like we have never seen before. Not in fiction. Not anywhere. 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This idea of him describing donald trump as an obsessive, literally crazy, the way he tried to stop the books and the lengths and only sold more of the book and reinforces what we have talked with Donald Trumps B Biographers about and he doesnt understand that he is bringing about more of the thing he doesnt want, the more he talks about this book the more people want to read the book. Yeah. Thats ezra, that is an important element, the very basic doesnt understand Cause And Effect and passages about that in here. And we its almost having read the book, i feel like i can write the current chapters of it. We know that there were people in the Trump White House trying to get him not to comment on it, not to have a Cease And Desist letter. Its created a huge controversy, hubbub, and virtually everything major in it we have confirmed elsewhere. We see every day. Its almost strange to be having this debate over, you know, whether or not so and socalled him an idiot when we know what Rex Tillerson called him and never denied on television and i report on the trump administration. You all have, too. You talk to staffers and more sering about him than his liberal critics are serving the guy is a very depressing and for many of them scary experience. I never had an experience like this in reporting not defending what theyre doing than somebody needs to be doing there to keep it from going off the rails and so theres a lot in the book i think that can be questioned and there are some misstatements of fact and things that people denied and watching a president without mental competence for the job act within it, you dont need the book to tell you that. Its playing out every single day. Joy, you know, during the commercial break i asked michael if he had anticipated that the story about this book would be the president s mental competence. He said, no, i didnt really anticipate thats where it would be but in reaction to what ezra just said, all of us questioning it, i did the first 25th Amendment show in this presidency and looking Stark Raving Mad already and with a year of that building, seems to have become the burning question even before the book emerged. Absolutely. Just to show everybody just how im reading this book, i marked it up with such a good student. The reason im showing this, a lot of this is because its a story of a progression of self interest. Its not so much just a story about donald trump. There are people around him, just as ezra said, throughout from the very beginning, inauguration night, from the campaign who know hes inadequate, child like, can be used and manipulated and making C Calculations throughout this book. What can i get . How can i succeed from this . How can i manipulate him . Thats pretty scary. One of the important calculations of making the book is how do i make the exit . We have to squeeze in a quick break here. Joy and ezra, please stay with us. When we come back, more about the book. Regularly with our ameriprise advisor. We plan for everything from retirement to college savings. Giving us the ability to add on for an important member of our family. Welcome home mom. With the right financial advisor, life can be brilliant. My doctor recommended i switch to miralax. On, Stimulant Laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. Miralax is different. It works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften. Unblocking your system naturally. Miralax. That. It is hard to believe this president where he is tonight would be willing to submit an interview with robert mueller. This is going to be a tough question. It is very difficult to imagine anything potentially more disasterous than the president walked out and turning to lester holt and just to be clear, the reason why i fire james comey is not justice of obstruction and wondering around and going down the ally and showing discipline and being on message is not this president s strong suit. Hes maybe got something to hide. Joy, in the book we read Steve Bannons happy proclamation, i dont know any russians, i got nothing to do with any russians. He talked about everybody got involved with the russians as being crazy and treasonous in this book. This is something that the Special Prosecutors have to study. Absolutely, when he calls don jr. s actions treasonous and when you spoke with Michael Wolff, the son had an forced relationship with their father. The idea that he did not run upstairs to trump tower in 26th floor and tells him of the meeting, that goes to everything we have learned about the son. We discovered in wolffs book of the famous meeting that donald trump jr. s motivation for running the meeting is he wanted to move up and he wanted to be the next guy in charge and trying to show his father how good he could be at this. Thats where steve bannon offers the idea of course, don jr. Would want to run upstairs and tell his father. I read that part of the book. I thought it was plausible but not proven. The Trumps Campaign is of the old line that every cause begins as a movement. The Trump Campaign begins as a racket and ends as astonishingly presidency. Well, it seems clear and what wolff is reporting on is strong on is when it came down to it, it was donald trump on the plain trying to figure out the statement that was potentially a significant piece of the Obstruction Of Justice charge because hes misleading around what donald trump jr. Is doing and what the extent of know the relations and why the relations are there. Back to the impact of this book which is where i began. We have never seen Something Like that. A comparable book of the first year of the clintons presidency and it is all the agenda. It was everything about what was going on inside the clintons white house in the first year. There is always dysfunction but there is no crazy people and there is no question of competence among any of the people involved in that book. The methodology is the same and the people in the book is the same. The people in the wolffs book are something else. Thats the way these books are written. In this case, he had people talking to him on the record, giving quotes that were damming about their boss, the president of the United States, admitting that he should not be there. This book is selling out in lubbock, texas. In north dakota and it is selling out in red and blue states. Wikileaks is trying to steal the content of the book and post it to under mind the sale. This book is selling to people who like donald trump and people are going to learn as the word thats used is the word that describes this presidency, it is a racket. It is content for the democrats, it is devastating for the reputation that was already prestained of donald trump. I dont know how to calculate the impact of this book because we really truly have never seen anything like it. There is nothing on this scale and this magnitude of the first year white house and possibly any year of the white house. What is your estimation as we sit here tonight. The impact of this book Going Forward . Everyday the trumps presidency brings something that any presidency would have been an apocalypse, and my amendment judging much of what happens after the week of events, the constant understanding that this is called by the president of a dysfunctional presidency, the impact of that is really bad. People looking at polling lost a lot of strong supporters. It is not one thing, it is everything. The country is being run by people who are not qualified to run it herniates everything now. When you have been tweeting out these stable genius and hes going to have have been he is fake news awards. Something is going wrong there. Donald trump wanted to fewer researches than many. The big way this book may affect american politics, is it increases his feeling of shelterness and threats. He can do something very unusual. Michael wolffs book, well be right back. Need a change of scenery

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