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Im writing it down. The breaking news report that you had joyce vance on analyzing about the New York Times saying that the president was calling in the summer when he was behaving very erratically publicly and angrily public recalling important Republican Senators trying to get them to stop the Senate Intelligence Committee Investigation fascinating interpretation about how this could contribute to a possible obstruction of justice investigation. Right. If there are other whether or not those the actions described in multiply sourced, these actions could be used to serve as evidence to the president s state of mind as to whether or not he was trying to stop the russia investigations. If there are other actionable things he did, this behavior toward Republican Senators, which Republican Senators are putting their name to tonight in the New York Times would be useful at showing, at proving that the president s aim in taking these action was to try to get the russia investigation shut down and thats at the very, very heart of any obstruction of justice case against the president of the United States or anybody else. Reading between the lines of these kinds of articles, as i do. Im always looking for the staff having been former staff myself working in the senate, im always looking for the staff. One of the things that im wondering especially after listening to joyce vance talk about it is what if there were white house staff, white house chief of staff telling the president do not make that call. Do not call chairman burr and then he makes sure there is no one in the room when he calls chairman burr. Yes. That would add very much to his to a description of his intent. That adds to the New York Times story in which they say for some of these calls, the president appeared to be calling on his own with no senior staff with him. And there is usually a reason for that. Yeah. Exactly. Thank you, rachel. Thanks, lawrence, appreciate it. The trump tax bill is in trouble tonight in the United States senate and the proof that it is in trouble came just after 7 00 p. M. Tonight when Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell decided to cancel votes on amendments to the bill tonight and the proof that Mitch Mcconnell does not know what to do next is that he said the senate would resume consideration of the tax bill tomorrow morning at 11 00 a. M. Is that when youre starting work tomorrow morning . 11 00 a. M. It looks to civilians like the United States senate moves slowly but when you have legislation moving in the United States senate, every single minute counts and the workday on the senate floor starts at 9 00 a. M. And sometimes starts earlier than that and so Mitch Mcconnell pushing to at least 11 00 a. M. Tomorrow means he does not know. He does not know what to do next. Managing legislation on the floor of the senate when you know what your next move is, you want to get to that move as soon as you possibly can. You want to get to it in the next minute. If Mitch Mcconnell now what he was going to do tomorrow morning, he would have the senate back at 9 00 a. M. Mitch mcconnell knows he needs all night tonight and two extra hours in the morning after 9 0 0 a. M. To be able to present something on the senate floor that might have a chance of passage because right now Mitch Mcconnell does not have a bill that can pass the United States senate. Republicans in the senate have been engaged in group Wishful Thinking about what this tax bill will do to the deficit. Its been clear to democrats and anyone that can think straight that a massive tax cut will dramatically increase the budget deficit. Economists agree on that. Republicans have been insisting quite correctly that a tax cut does stimulate Economic Activity but a tax cut never ever stimulates enough Economic Activity that creates enough new tax revenue to the treasury to make up for the amount of tax revenue lost in the tax cut. That never happens. It has never happened. Republicans have been pretending that it is now possible. Today the official congressional estimator of the impacts of tax legislation, the joint committee on taxation issued its report on the trump bill saying that the trump bill will increase the deficit by a trillion dollars. After considering the positive effect on Economic Growth that the tax cut will create and the joint Tax Committee agrees it will do that, the joint committee on taxation says it will cut revenue to the treasury by 1. 5 trillion but stimulate the economy to produce a new half trillion in tax revenue to the treasury so that it will net out to be a 1 trillion loss to the treasury and so Republican Senators worried about the tax cuts impact on the deficit, which is precious few of them now are even more worried tonight. Reports indicate that Republican Senators jeff flake and bob corker want to reduced and it. They would like to cut it in half to 500 billion. That means they would have to find a way in this tax legislation to raise 500 billion in tax revenue, which is really easy to do. Simply by not cutting the Corporate Tax rate 15 take points. If they just cut it ten Percentage Points they could solve their problem but it is important to note that what the socalled deficit hawks among republicans are trying to do in any version of this bill is that they are trying to find a way to vote for a bill that will massively increase the deficit, either by a trillion dollars or half a trillion dollars. Thats what bob corker and jeff flake are trying to do. Lets make a half a trillion instead of a trillion. There is not one republican in the United States senate, not one who is standing by a vow that many of them made in the past to never vote to increase the deficit or National Debt and this tax bill does both of those things. John mccain who had the courage to vote against george w. Bushs tax cuts because they heavily favored the rich and massively increased the deficit has now decided to vote for a tax cut package that is even worse on both of those issues. Here is what john mccain said when he stood in politically brave opposition to his own Republican Party on the bush tax cuts. Should the president consider postponing his tax cut . I would have i voted against the tax cuts because of the disproportion amount that went to the wealthiest americans. I would clearly support not extending those tax cuts to help address the deficit. And so the question tonight for the United States senate, for republicans in the United States senate is who is right about these tax cuts . John mccain or john mccain . The john mccain who said he was opposed to tax cuts that heavily favored the rich and increased the deficit or the john mccain who today issued this written statement after careful thought and consideration i have decided to support the Senate Tax Reform bill. I believe this legislation though far from perfect would enhance american competitiveness and provide long over due tax relief for middle class families. The joint committee on taxation estimate of exactly how much the tax cuts that john mccain now favors would boost the economy is 0. 8 over ten years. Thats how much. Employment is projected to increase about one half of 1 . 0. 6 . And as to the tax cut for those middle class families that john mccain cares so much about, the joint committee on taxation says overall, the net effect of the changes to the individual income tax is to reduce average tax rates on wage income by about 1 point. Thats it. 1 point. Thats what middle class tax families can expect. Thats what john mccain now calls a middle class tax cut 1 point. A tax cut of 1 . The rich are getting a much, much bigger tax cut than that. Much bigger than 1 . But for wage income which is to say people who do not share in the profits of businesses, the average tax rates that you pay will be about 1 less and for that john mccain is now willing to explode the budget deficit and debt and john mccain is willing to do that without having any idea what the bill will look like tomorrow at 11 00 a. M. In the senate if Mitch Mcconnell is ready to present his new version of the bill hes trying to create overnight at 11 00 a. M. Watch tomorrow because every minute that Mitch Mcconnell delays tomorrow morning after 11 00 a. M. If he does delay is an indication that the bill is in even more trouble than it is in right now. This is the most suspense because nothing is easier for a Republican Controlled Congress than passing tax cuts. Its so easy they get democratic support for tax cuts in the house and senate because getting on board with tax cuts is irresistible to tax cuts winning in swing states where they can campaign if they dont vote for a tax cut but this time, no democrats. Not one democrat so far has been even tempted to vote for these republican tax cuts because these are the most irresponsibility tax cuts ever presented in congress. Something that is sadly no longer seems to trouble john mccain. Joining us now, National Analyst for nbc news and msnbc and Bruce Bartlett former deputy to security of treasury under president george h. W bush and the author of the book the truth matters. Bruce bartlett, the joint committee on taxation issued the truth today about this republican tax bill and that seems to be what the suspense is about tonight, how to deal with this joint tax report. Flabbergasted there were people in the senate who thought this tax cut would pay for itself. And that there was going to be no revenue loss. I mean, did anybody really believe that . I mean, why did they bother to pass a budget resolution permitting them to increase the budget deficit, the National Debt by 1. 5 trillion if they didnt think that was necessary . Im truly flabbergasted. John, there is also something that rachel was reporting on earlier in her program in the New York Times today, one thing that republicans are counting on is treasury secretary mnuchin producing a report out of the treasury tax Analysis Department showing that this was possible, showing that there would be with what they call dynamic scoring a massive growth in the economy that would then generate so much tax revenue that this deficit effect would disappear. Not only is that not ready, it turns out they didnt do a minute of work on it and now, the Inspector General of the treasury is investigating was the treasury secretary lying to congress about this . The treasury i know you would be discussing Steve Mnuchin tonight. I believe he likes to be called Steven Mnuchin. This is my Steven Mnuchin suit. This is a suit that a man that likes to sign money and get in the bathtub with the money. Its reminiscing of the trump transition where the stuff youre supposed to do to get ready to be president of the United States you dont do and find yourself as president of the United States and youve done none of the work in this case, Steve Mnuchin does not seem to be engaged in the part of the job thats not the part where you sign the money. Or go and visit the money or touch the money. The symbolic stuff. This touches on the policy piece and nobody suggested Steven Mnuchin is strong with particular policy and legislation process. Thats one of many things thats coming back to bite this effort now. The bigger thing, we discussed this earlier. You mentioned in your opening lawrence, it would be easy to solve this problem, the problem they are facing. The easy way to solve the problem is move the corporate rate from 20 to 22 or 25 . The problem is trump wants 20, the other problem is the Freedom Caucus wants 20 and they are all looking how difficult the reconciliation will be, Conference Committee will be with the house and you got the same block of republicans in the house, the same block led by mark meadows and saying were not going to move off 20 . So the easy solution is not at hand when you have the Freedom Caucus and president stuck on that 20 number at the corporate rate. Bruce, thats fascinating to hear because that would be the easiest number in this whole package to slide just let it slide upward and to hear that these socalled ultra conservatives in the house wont allow it. What are they thinking . Is it so important to them about getting the Corporate Tax rate that low . My theory is that they think that this is golf. And that the lower [ laughter ] the tax rate is, somehow or other you win. But this is just simply ridiculous. There is no analysis underlying any of what is going on here to explain what the benefits to the United States will be of having the lowest golf score. I mean, Corporate Tax rate, other than, you know, cheers, you know, great for us. This absolutely makes no sense whatsoever. John, what happens tomorrow . Are the i mean, youre asking me before the show and im sitting there having worked on this kind of legislation you know more about this than any of us. My answer is i dont know. I cant believe this struggle has come to this point in the senate on the tax cut. It obviously seems to be the case as you review the history a little bit today. This morning, this afternoon, this looked like it was on a glide path when john mccain came around but it was premised on the notion they could get this little piece of legislative gimmick into that would be allowed to have this triggered mechanism put in and bob corker and jeff flake to assuage their conscience and vote for a massive budget busting deficit exacerbating bill and come back and say the trigger thing is exactly what it looks like to anybody that knows anything about tax policy is a gimmick, just a conscience mechanism. Were not going to let you do that. It looks like, again, we keep coming back to the question about Mitch Mcconnell. We talked about this for a year. Legislative master failed to mas Health Care Bill and put all of the eggs into that basket, thats how he would solve the problem and that now seems to have gone away and feels a little bit like im sure he has tricks up his sleeve. Im not any more convinced that Mitch Mcconnell always has a trick up his sleeve. Maybe tomorrow will be chaos. You can take the tricks away. If you say its impossible for Mitch Mcconnell to move on the Corporate Tax rate, hes willing to move anything on the bill. If he cant, then there is nothing he can do. I want to go to bruce on one thing about the joint Tax Committee report. It is actually a very optimistic report in my reading, bruce, about what the economic, the positive Economic Impact would be of the tax cuts that almost one full percentage point of growth. I want to identify for the audience, when an economic model does this, it has to make some assumptions and really micro economic assumptions about you, about you viewers, about your economic behavior and in fact, how much money you will spend. How much money you will push into the economy because of these tax cuts and i just want this is one of the assumptions in this very positive estimate by the joint Tax Committee. It says, individuals are assumed to make consumption and labor supply decisions to maximize their lifetime well being given the resources they can foresee will be available to them and bruce, as we know, this is economists idealizing the consumer as being able to see exactly what my Lifetime Income is going to be for the rest of my life, therefore i know exactly how much i can spend this year and pump into the economy and so when you have assumptions like that about human behavior, perfect information is another one that they assume, the consumer has perfect information, you know these are optimistic and it still doesnt get the republicans where they need to be. Well, the great untold story is that were especially at full employment. The big difference between this huge tax cut and every other big tax cut in history is they took place at a time when the economy was slow and unemployment was high and there was some justification for a stimlaos for stimulus for the economy. What assumptions have been made about the Federal Reserve . If this legislation actually has any stimlative impact, a lot will go into inflation, that could lead to fed tightening and could lead to the next recession and im sure the joint committee did not assume any recession over the forecast period but believe me, were long past the point at which were over due for one. Yeah, there is no recession assumed in there at all and remember that audience, always read the economic assumptions in the reports. Bruce bartlett, john, thank you both for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Thank you. Coming up, more on the breaking news tonight that President Trump urged Top Republicans in the senate to end the Senate Intelligence committees russia investigation and also, ezra klein is with us tonight to discuss his extraordinary article, the case for normalizing impeachment which is todays mandatory reading. Each year sarah climbs 58,007 steps. Thats the height of mount everest. 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We deliver superfast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than at t. We do business where you do business. Breaking news tonight, the New York Times is reporting that President Trump quote repeatedly urged republicans to end the Senate Intelligence committees investigation into the 2016 election. The chairman told the times that it was something along the lines of i hope you can conclude this as quickly as possible. Senator richard burr said he said he replied to mr. Trump that when we have exhausted everybody we need to talk to, we will finish. Today, the house Intelligence Committee met separately with attorney general Jeff Sessions and eric prince who reportedly tried to establish a back channel of communication between donald trump and vladimir putin. Congressman adam schiff said this. Sk i asked the attorney gener if he was instructed by the president to take action he believe would hinter the russia investigation and he declined to answer the question. There is no privilege basis to decline to answer a question like that. Joining us now, california democrat congressman eric a member of the house Intelligence Committee and a former house Intelligence Committee staff member and Vice President for National Security program at the third way. Congressman, what was what did you gain from this discussion with the attorney general today . Well, we see a trend that i think the president is emboldening, which is individuals believing they dont have to cooperate with us. As mr. Schiff pointed out, he was asked plainly, were you ever directed to do anything that would hinder the investigation and siting no privilege at all said he couldnt answer that and eric prince today later in the afternoon, a number of tiles times ended the interview. We saw with jared kushner, he called it quits and shorter than three hours said he was done answering questions. So i think the president s attitude is having an affect on the witnesses. Because were not bringing them on subpoena is limiting the information. Did the attorney general cut the interview short . No, the attorney general sat for sometime but refused to answer questions siting as he has in the past that hes not going to discuss conversations with the president. Well, it turns out that a lot of conversations with the president really pertain to actions the president may have been asking him to take around russia based on what weve heard from other witnesses and its very unfortunate that the attorney general cant be forthcoming with us about what was asked, particularly if it was to do something illegal, which has no privilege in the law. And mika, is it conceivable that the attorney general would decline to answer questions like this because they verge on the special prosecutors investigation . If thats the case then he should be asserting the basis which hes not answering the questions. Refusal to answer the questions because he might be interfeing with an on going Law Enforcement investigation may be a legitimate reason to say hey, i dont want to answer this now but he didnt do that nor has the white house asserted executive privilege so basically, the attorney general is just thumbing his nose at the powers of congress and what is shocking is that the chairman of the committee or those running the investigation are not afronted by this and are not insisting that he be held in contempt and be forced to answer. Congressman, what about what were hearing in the senate . Were hearing the president of the United States calling up the chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee wanting to get this investigation over with and calling members of the committee, calling Mitch Mcconnell repeatedly and angrily saying he wanted this investigation over with and shut down. Is that happening on this house side . Is here any evidence that the president is making similar phone calls to Republican House members and Republican House leadership . Well, yesterday we saw clear evidence of this. An internal republican memo on the Intelligence Committee suggested that the department of justice should be held in contempt of court for not, you know, following the president s wishes and other wishes that they, you know, haul in witnesses related to some of these bogus claims and after that memo was leaked within hours, the president was tweeting about it. So that shows some degree of coordination and of course, the chairman of our committee is recused because hes been working hand and hand with the white house. From every level of congressional or criminal investigation from asking james comey to make the flynn case go away to the tweeting about calling the investigation a hoax to his pressure that hes putting on senators, its clear that he is acting like somebody who has a lot to worry about. And i want to read a passage about senator blunt pressured by the president. Said mr. Blunt flying on air force one to Springfield Missouri in august when he found himself being lobbied to wrap up this investigation according to a republican official familiar with the conversation mr. Blunt was not bothered by mr. Trumps comments, the official said because he did not see them bearing quote a sinister motive. A amika, your reaction to that . Its not how the listener felt intimidated but the president s intent trying to shut down an investigation before it reaches its natural conclusion. Then were talking about potential obstruction of justice and i think that that is something that these Republican Senators in trying to walk a political line are overlooking here. Mika and congressman eric thank you for joining us. Thank you. Coming up as. Time to fire the president that used to pretend to fire people on tv. Mandatory reading. I no longer live with the uncertainties of hep c. Wondering, what if . I let go of all those feelings. Because i am cured with harvoni. Harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Its been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. And is proven to cure up to 99 of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. Certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. 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If youre charged with a crime in this country, the Founding Fathers gave you the following rights, you have a right to a trial but a jury of your peers, if you dont like the result you have the right to appeal it and if you dont like the result of the peel you have the option to appeal up to the Supreme Court and if you dont like the result in the United States Supreme Court, too bad because that is your court of last resort and whatever the court of last resort decides is what youre going to have to live with for impeachment, the Founding Fathers very deliberately gave the president no such rights. The president of the United States can be brought up on impeachment charges by a vote of the house of representatives and then he has a right to a trial in the United States senate in which the members of the United States senate are the jurors and if the president does not like what that jury of senators decides, too bad. Because for the president , the United States senate is the court of last resort in the impeachment trials. The president does not have a right to appeal to a higher court. There is no higher court. The president does not have a right to appeal to the Supreme Court if convicted by the senate in an impeachment trial and that means that the proper grounds for impeachment are whatever the United States senate says they are when they decide an impeachment case and for centuries we have pondered the phrase high crimes and misdemeanors as if by pondering it we can come up with a regional standard, objective standard, judicial standard about what exactly constitutes an impeachable defense. In his brilliant new article, mandatory reading entitled the case for mess moorizing impeachment, government mostly used to impeach federal judges and high crimes and misdemeanors means whatever the United States senate says it means. Joining us now, ezra klein editor and host of the pod cast the ezra klein show. Loved every word of this. Could read it twice. Please go to the first impeachment case that you cite in your article and this is a federal judge and this and what this judge was being impeached for. The first ever federal impeachment is John Pickering and he does not commit really a crime. Hes probably suffering from early stage dementia. Hes an alcohol i can. He rants and raves from the bench. This is not an unusual thing and very clear with the president there is a quite a few examples that would be impeachable firing executives, not a crime but a president who does this would be impeached. Its very clear at that time in that era that high crimes and misdemeanors is much more than just criminality. You make the case in your piece it is arguable that instead of the American Government seeing impeachment as a drastic thing that should be used once a century or less, there is a case it should be used more frequently. This is the key, we have an attitude toward impeachment it can be used in the case of criminality and mental incompetence. Here in a strange position running a new clear hyper power. The president of the United States is the most dangerous job in the world. A president who is the wrong person, the extent of what can go wrong there goes all the way over to Nuclear Holocaust that would be launched before breakfast and this is the only job any of us can think of where incredibly poor poor performance cannot get you fired . The cost of impeachment, and by the time i really thought through what could go wrong of a president who should not be president it became an absurd position to me. Everything else is substandard or performance and so too should be the presidency. When i began really studying impeachment for the first time, it was the clinton impeachment and i stopped working in the senate but talking to the senator about it and others privately and we believed we would find this high grail and when they stared at it, the senators began to realize there is no definition. Its up to us. We have to look at the clinton evidence and decide for each one of us does this meet our standard as senators and there is no other standard. There is nothing written down. This is a hard thing. We dont like the burden of interpreting the constitution. Right. We want to do this stuff as were conducting a seance. It is written that way because they decided and chose not to enumerate impeachment. It said you could be impeached for bribery or treason and left it up to have ability to decide. We want somebody else to make the decision for us because its easier that way and safer that way. There is nobody there to make that decision for us. Its on us. We have to take that responsibility and by the way, when they create that power, they werent worried about Nuclear Weapons and the american militarys ability to project power. They werent looking at a presidency anything like the one we have or consequences like the ones we can create. Were dealing with our world and our consequences and we need to take that seriously. We need to hold not just leaders accountable but self ourselves accountable for what we do. The Founding Fathers would be shocked there is is such reluctance to use the impeachment parenthesis against the president any president that has this nuclear code stuff in his pocket and the power they never contemplated putting in the hands of an individual. We could go on and on and the way to go on and on is read ezra kleins article. A team of journalists watching donald trump for decades says that this week proves donald trump is a madman and thats the headline they put out. Thats next. Can you fit in there . I got this. 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Little rocket man, he is a sick puppy. There is a person who is now exceptionally dangerous because he is losing his grip. If this is an incident is this president emotionally and intellectually available to address the crisis . The answer is no. He picked a fight with the prim minister of the closest ally. I made my position clear of the tweets. Britain first is a hateful organization. Look, im president. I dont care. Donald trump is a madman. That is the considered opinion of a journalistic team watching donald trump longer and closer than the National News media. Donald trump is a madman is the headline of the New York Daily News lead editorial today that says after the latest spasm of tweets, only those under his spell can deny what greing growing numbers of americans can predict the president of the United States is profoundly unstable, he is mad. The sheer strangeness of trumps behavior leds us to conclude that we are witnessing signs of mania. We had a psychiatrist on this program once again last night who said all of that about donald trump in precise clinical terms, even Republican Senators who would decide whether to remove donald trump from office in an impeachment proceeding know that he is mad. Bob corker has said as much calling the white house an adult daycare center. And Republican Sen for Lindsey Graham was one of the first Republican Sen fors to say donald trump is crazy. Donald trump is a madman. Im not going to try to get into the mind of donald trump because i dont think there is a whole lot of space there. I think hes a cook. I think hes crazy. I think hes unfit for office. A cook, crazy. That was Lindsey Graham in february of 2016 at the beginning of the president ial season saying trump is a cook. Hes crazy. Hes unfit for office and now that weve had almost two more years of trump cookiness and almost a full year of the Trump Presidency and trump craziness and trump proving in office that he is unfit for office, Lindsey Graham now says this. You know what concerns me about the American Press is this endless, endless attempt to label the guy as some kind of cook, not fit to be president. When we come back, Republican Campaign expert mike murphy will help us decide who is right about donald trump. Lindsey graham or Lindsey Graham . Ridealong, captain ive never been in one of these before, even though geico has been ohhh. Ooh ohh here we go, here we go. You got cut off there, what were you saying . Oooo. Oh no no. Maybe that geico has been proudly serving the military for over 75 years . Is that what you wanted to say . Mhmmm. I have to say, you seemed a lot chattier on tv. Geico. Proudly serving the military for over 75 years. You ok back there, buddy . 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But it might be hard to handle like the flame that burns the candle the candle feeds the flame topped steak twisted potatoes at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. I am not going to try to get into the mind of Donald Trumps because there is a whole a lot of space there. I think hes crazy and unfit for office. It is endless attempt to label the guy and unfit to be president. Mike, whos right . Lyndsey gram is saying donald trump is a cooke and unfit for office or this other guy, no one should say that the president is a cooke and not served for office. Lyndsey is my friend. You have to look at context, the two guys who were toughest on trump early and all through the campaign were Lyndsey Graham and jeb bush. The rest of them were witness protection. They learned the frontal assault did not work. I think part of whats going on is senator graham is now trump is reality trying to become influence and keeping him away from his own worst instinct which we know President Trump can be very, very bad. I think you are seeing a master politician moving around but with the right intent in a crazy situation. It is a bad move when you use the exact same word one year to the next in the opposite direction. We know Lyndsey Graham says the Party Collapse if they dont pass the tax cuts. People in the business understand why hes not going to say anything negative of donald trump until tax cuts are passed. Does trump have to worry about when assuming the tax cuts passed that the Lyndsey Graham are liberated and the republicans who wanted something out him are not looking for anything else at that point. Oh, i think absolutely. It is a shotgun marriage and when you know, what i think is going happen is we are going to enter an incredible mid turbulent election. The republicans are, they are terrified of losing the majority. The president , i think is quite capable of deciding to threatening to run as an independent and ditching the republican establishment who are already extremely nervous of donald trump and believe that theyre down to nothing now but the Republican Base because President Trump chased all the they look at Republican Base and i am not sure if i agree with this, we damn well need to get a tax cut, we need to pass something so we can go back and argue to the partys faithful that there is something and try to clean and survive the midterm election. Thats what created this as lyndsey says as this imperative that passed something. Now we are finding out how hard it is to get the Republican Party to get on board, something, more than a few from the Republican Point of view of a conservative point of view that i came up in the party of ideological problem. Major headline, the president is a madman, we have never seen that before. It is astounding that we are debating the Mental Health of the american president. If you look at this week, our relations with our allies are the worst it has been for 100 years. For the first time, we are disinvited from visiting london. We had other problems from other countries that he alienated and the juvenile name calling. His twitter tweet is a threat to the National Citizens of the eyes. United states. This is a new situation and this debate is only going to continue as we enter what will be a political civil war over donald trump in the midterm election. Mike murphy, thank you very much. Thank you, lawrence. Tonights last word is next. Coaching means making tough choices. Jim youre in but when you have high Blood Pressure and need Cold Medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. Coricidin hbp is the 1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your Blood Pressure. Coricidin hbp. Americas Small Business owners. 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