Thank you, rachel. Thank you, lawrence. Well, today the president went to missouri to give a teleprompter speech about tax cuts, and apparently just to try to prove that he does have empathy. He read every word that his speech writers gave him about thoughts and prayers for the victims of Hurricane Harvey. I think what were seeing is really how unnatural empathy is to President Trump. Collective criticism from some circles is that he met no victims, saw no rain, and demonstrated no empathy. Can i say missouri, or should i say missoura . Okay . The president hasnt demonstrated over a period of a week or two weeks that theres any consistency in his speech making in front of a crowd and his law making. The polling shows that there is no doubt a bleeding in his support among conservatives and republicans. He has got to be his own worst enemy. He couldnt be any worse at achieving goals in politics. Hes embarrassed them as a president. This is not what they want, and this is not what they expect. Hes not even professional let alone president ial. If he could at least just become professional, it would be a little better. Well have it both ways. Some of the people that you saw in the open there were part of a focus group all of the people you saw in the open there speaking were in that focus group. A focus group last night in pennsylvania that included five trump voters, none of whom had good things to say about the president. Were going to see more of that focus group later in this hour. The president went to springfield, missouri, today to give one of those speeches where he is locked on a teleprompter and obviously reading it for the first time, discovering facts in it for the first time, like this one. Im especially pleased to be here in springfield, the birthplace of a Great American icon, the legendary route 66. Who would have known that . Yeah, who would have known that . Well, pretty much everyone in that room in springfield, missouri, today would have known that. The people who wrote that speech for you and put it on the teleprompter knew that, but donald trump obviously didnt know that until he read it on his teleprompter today. Im sure theres absolutely no chance that donald trump knows where route 66 ends, and im not going to tell him. Hes going to have to learn that someday on his teleprompter. Actually that will probably be on Donald Trumps teleprompter because route 66 doesnt end in trump country. It ends at the end of the Pacific Ocean in a place that used to be mexico and still retains its mexican place name in honor of saint monica. I dont expect donald trump to be able to figure out where that is because he doesnt speak spanish, and the name of the place is in spanish as are most of the place names in that part of america that used to be mexico, the part of america that donald trump and former Sheriff Joe Arpaio want to cleanse of anyone who they think looks to them like they belong in mexico. During these speeches, these teleprompter speeches, you can tell that Donald Trumps teleprompter is filled with things that he does not know, including, in many cases, the names of the United States senators from the state that hes speaking in. He made mention of both of missouris senators today, republican roy blount, and democrat Claire Mccaskill. What are the odds that donald trump walks around with Claire Mccaskills name in his head . What are the odds that he actually knows the name of the democratic senator from missouri . Heres is how senator mccaskills name came up while donald trump was closely reading his teleprompter today. We must we have no choice. We must lower our taxes, and your senator, Claire Mccaskill, she must do this for you. And if she doesnt do it for you, you have to vote her out of office. [ cheers and applause ] he was very clearly reading the teleprompter when he said her name. It was right there in the prompter. His speechwriters working in the white house on the government payroll wrote that completely Political Campaign passage in the president s speech in violation of the law. Its against the law for white house speechwriters to write lines like that. Federal government workers are not allowed to use their jobs in campaigning for or against a candidate. Watch what happens when donald trump ad libs off the teleprompter about Claire Mccaskill right after saying that. Shes got to make that commitment. Shes got to make that commitment. If she doesnt do it, we just cant do this anymore with the obstruction and the obstructionists. She, she, she. When he was adlibbing, when he was off the teleprompter, he couldnt remember her name, or thats the way it looked anyway. Claire mccaskill is the reason donald trump went to missouri today. The president of the United States fueled up air force one, loaded up the secret service on the plane, got another contingent of secret Service Active on the ground in missouri to meet the plane at a time when the secret service has already run out of its travel budget for the entire year because of the excessive travel and golfing that donald trump and his family do. And the president did all of that today with an overbudget secret service simply to attack Claire Mccaskill and issue a political threat that shed better vote for the trump tax cut bill, or he will urge those people to vote her out of office. President trump took air force one to missouri today in pursuit of exactly one vote in the senate. One vote. That was a onevote plane ride. Of course donald trump is going to urge missouri voters to vote Claire Mccaskill out of Office Next Year whether she votes for Donald Trumps tax cuts or not. Shes a democrat. Hes going to be campaigning against her. So his threat is not as scary as he thinks, but it was a Political Campaign threat issued to a named United States senator during an official white house trip paid for entirely by the taxpayer on what was supposed to be an official visit by the president of the United States to a company in springfield, missouri, to talk to the country about tax policy. And specifically to build support for the trump tax cuts, a bill that has yet to be written and was described by the president today only in the vaguest terms. The president spoke today at the lauren cook company, a factory that makes industrial fans. When the president talked about possibly eliminating some deductions in the tax code, he said that that might be harmful to rich tax filers like the owner of the factory, mr. Cook, and donald trump. That is why tax reform must dramatically simplify the tax code, eliminate special interest loopholes, and im speaking against myself when i do this, i have to tell you. And i might be speaking against mr. Cook, and were both okay with it. Is that right . Its crazy. Were speaking maybe we shouldnt be doing this, you know . But were doing the right thing. [ applause ] true. Last word he said there was true. Is it true . We have no idea. Everything donald trump says about taxes, we have no idea whether it affects him or not. His taxes are a secret. We have no idea what deductions he takes on his Corporate Tax returns or on his Partnership Tax returns or on any of his business tax returns or on his personal income tax returns, state and federal. We have no idea. So when the tax debate gets to specifics and we discover that donald trump is in favor or opposed to the elimination of certain tax deductions, we will have no idea whether donald trump actually uses that tax deduction. We will have no idea whether he is, as he puts it, speaking against himself. When has donald trump ever taken a position against his own selfinterest . Lets ask a trump voter. He is almost totally lacking in empathy. So thats why he scores so poorly on all these issues just about. He cannot put himself in the other persons moccasins, whether it be racial or international or socioeconomic. Hes incredibly obtuse. Thats a great word. And i voted for him. That was a trump voter in that focus group of pennsylvania voteers that we told you about. Were going to be hearing more from them later in the program. At this hour last night, there were eight confirmed deaths from Hurricane Harvey in texas. Tonight there are 21. As i said last night, that number will probably go up. President trump was clearly stunned by the criticism he received here and elsewhere for the way he made his visit to texas yesterday all about him and not about the victims of the hurricane and the destruction of their lives and those 21 deaths. The white house staff typed words into the president s teleprompter today that he could not find in his heart yesterday. To those americans who have lost loved ones, all of america is grieving with you, and our hearts are joined with yours forever. The citizens of texas and the gulf coast need all the prayers, support, and resources our communities have to offer. Recovery will be tough, but i have seen the resilience of the american spirit firsthand all over this country. And here was the mandatory thoughts and prayers section. Our thoughts and prayers remain firmly with the citizens and our fellow people people, great, great people all affected by this tragedy. Were also glad to be back in the heartland with the very, very fine folks of missouri. [ cheers and applause ] and that was it. Not another word about texas. Not another word about death and destruction and tragedy mounting, increasing tragedy. Now it was time for the bir birthplace of route 66, tax cuts, and campaigning against senator Claire Mccaskill. Joining us now, nicholas kristof. Also with us, brian klaus, the author of the despots accomplice. Nick, so the president got a lot of criticism yesterday for the way he handled himself. Today he goes off on what is basically a political rally. You could call it a policy rally, i suppose, if you want to. But once he got past that very short, mandatory thoughts and prayers section, he was on into, you know, trump rally territory, getting applause, having fun, and having fun with Claire Mccaskill in his way. I mean i must say i thought his comments with the hurricane were perfectly unobjectionable. Thats a pretty low bar. At the end of the day, of course, a president s response to a hurricane isnt about his words on the following day after recovering, but its about policies. That seems to me what hell need to focus on. You cant have a serious discussion about the response to a hurricane unless you begin to talk about climate change, and you cant have that conversation without talking about paris. And you also need to talk about adaptation so that coastal communities around the country are prepared for the next big event. And so i thought his words today were perfectly fine as words, but, you know, thats not a response that we need as a country to what happened. And, brian, theres no one in politics who would have thought this is a good idea. This is what you do the day after you visited texas, and the situation in texas is so bad, that you cant really visit where the trouble is. You can just go to the edges out there in corpus christi. And the death toll is still mounting. No one in politics would say, okay, go give one of those kind of rally speeches about tax cuts. Thats what to do while this crisis is still going on in texas. So it seems like the white house staff, if theres anyone there who has any ideas about whats appropriate for a president , that theyve all just given up. Theyve just given up, and say, well, better that hes doing this today. Its an hour when he wont be able to tweet. Weve lowered the bar so much for trump that were thinking about him as a president and not as just a normal person. Everyone looking at those images thinks, you just hug someone. You look at them, and you say, youre suffering. This person, donald trump, has lived in a gilded penthouse thats impossible to have floodwaters come to it. He doesnt understand what could ever happen to someone. He didnt go there to try to comfort people. Its the easiest slam dunk a president has, almost as easy by the way as condemning neonazis forcefully. And on all these things that are not president ialism, about basic humanity, hes failing the test. I agree with you completely that we need policy focus, but we also need somebody i mean we have a president that is both head of government and head of state in the United States. And the head of state role is really important to unify the country. And we have somebody who is dividing the country on things that are absolutely the easiest part of comforting the nation. To say the same things that president bush and obama have said in tragedies before him. And he cannot do it. He gets four or five attempts, and finally the teleprompter comes through. Thats what i think we continue to see every time with President Trump. Nick, when were talking about empathy this week and were talking about it in terms of those meemoments weve seen h other president s in situations like this, including specifically hugging people who are there, making comments and public statements about the situation that feel empathetic. But empathy is a factor throughout government, including the subject the president was talking about today in the tax structure of this country. And there was not one empathetic word in what he had to say today about the people who live at the bottom end of the tax bracket, the people who some of whom get the earned income tax credit. Is there any consideration that they might get a larger earned income tax credit, for example . Theres not a hint of any thought to anyone who lives anywhere in that tax code thats a different neighborhood from Donald Trumps position in that tax code. But, lawrence, you missed all the empathy in the speech for corporations. Oh, yeah. It was full of discussion about lowering the Corporate Tax rate. Of course i mean there are legitimate reasons to lower the marginal Corporate Tax rate, but you do that by broadening the base and taking away deductions like those that go to the real estate world, like the deductibility of interest by people exactly like trump. And so, you know, i found trump on tax reform kind of as scary as i find him on north korea. And also in a sense as misleading. I mean one of the main points he made today in missouri was that the u. S. Has a higher Corporate Tax burden than other countries. And its true that the marginal 35 rate is higher than in other countries. But nobody pays that. So indeed as a percentage of gdp in the u. S. , its about 2 , which is lower than in france, lower than in canada, lower than in japan. And so i thought the central message of his speech today was fundamentally misleading. Yeah. And, brian, hes making this case to these workers assembled in front of him at this plant that its really good for them if he can cut the taxes of their bosses and of the owners of these factories. And he wasnt getting a lot of applause in that section of the speech. I dont think Anyone Around the country is thinking that corporations are the ones who need a break right now in america. I think the people who are going through these flood waters in houston and around texas, watching him in missouri talk about how we need to talk about corporations, it couldnt be more tone deaf at the exact wrong moment. Its going to be a complete lie that its going to have this trickle down effect and create jobs. Theres no evidence to suggest it happens. Theyre being sold on this package that already doesnt have a contour because theres no bill. Then hes touting this thing as though its going to solve all the problems of ine qualiqualit which is growing rapidly in america, while people are still looking to see if their homes are standing. Its an incredible moment of juxtaposition of inequality and the lack of wealth that so many people in this country has, and Donald Trumps priorities, which always seem to be driven by people like him. I think thats something thats an astonishing fact for this presidency seven months into it. Yeah. Say something today about the Home Mortgage deduction. Are you going to put a ceiling on it . And, oh, by the way, what happens to the Home Mortgage deduction of the people whose homes floated away in texas, who will not have jobs or a home and still have the liability to pay that mortgage note . What is Donald Trumps government going to do with them . I mean trump talked a lot about creating jobs, and the one thing we know that wont create jobs is his efforts to give a huge break to corporations to bring back 3 trillion parked overseas. Weve tried that, and its used to buy back stock, for example. If you want to help create jobs, you lower payroll taxes. That is something that is clearly not on his agenda. Were going to have to leave it there for tonight. Thank you both for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Coming up, we have breaking news on the trump russia investigation. Robert mueller is working with the new York State Attorney general, and this is a big and important breakthrough because the president does not have pardon power over state crimes. boy and these are the lungs. class ewwww boy sorry. dad dont worry about it. mom honey, honey, honey, honey vo at our house, we need things that are built to last. Thats why we got a subaru. avo love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. 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The president cannot pardon anyone charged or convicted of a state crime like murder or money laundering. Now that we have spent considerable time here discussing the president s ability to pardon away the Mueller Investigation, the case has reportedly taken an important turn beyond the scope of president ial pardon power. If the president pardons Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner and donald trump jr. And Michael Flynn and ivanka trump and anyone touched by Robert Muellers russia investigation, then the Mueller Investigation would essentially collapse. But what if new York State Attorney general Eric Schneiderman is also on the case . Politico is reporting exactly that tonight. Special counsel Robert Muellers team is working with new York Attorney general Eric Schneiderman on its investigation into Paul Manafort and his Financial Transactions according to several people familiar with the matter. The cooperation could potentially provide mueller with additional leverage to get manafort to cooperate in the larger investigation into Trumps Campaign as trump does not have pardon power over state crimes. This is what joe biden would call a big deal. Federal prosecutors normally have nothing to do with state prosecutors. Federal prosecutors have a bit of a superiority complex over state and local prosecutors. But not this time. Politico also reports the two teams have shared evidence and talked frequently in recent weeks about a potential case, these people said. One of the people familiar with the progress on the case said both muellers team and schneider schneiderermans have collected evidence on crimes including potential money laundering. People close to manafort say the team has pressured him by approaching family members and former business partners, a number of other firms and people who have worked with him have received subpoenas. Also tonight, we have new information on who has testified before Robert Muellers grand jury. The Financial Times reports rinat. Ahkmetshin, the army officer who met Senior Trump Campaign aides the a controversial meeting last year has given evidence before a grand jury investigation according to two people familiar with the matter. Mr. Akhmetshin gave testimony under oath for several hours on friday, august 11th, in a sign that special counsel Robert Mueller is looking at the 2016 meeting as part of his investigation into links between Donald Trumps Election Campaign and russia. Hes expected of having ties to russian intelligence and is one of several russians who are present at a june 9th, 2016 meeting with donald trump jr. , Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort at trump tower. And the New York Times is reporting that President Trumps longtime lawyer, michael cohn, sent an email to a spokesman for the russian president , Vladimir Putin. That spokesman, mr. Peskoff, on wednesday confirmed to reporters that the kremlin had received the email, but he said he did not respond to it and that his office did not get involved in such matters. Joining us now, the coauthor of that New York Times article, Investigative Reporter matt arpuso. Also with us, jed sugarman, professor of law at fordham, university. Matt, your article about michael cohn touched a lot of bases including his very direct attempt to make contact with Vladimir Putin through a spokesman. Right. And what we know because michael cohn has turned over a lot of emails to congress what we know is that there was obviously a great outreach by people around donald trump in an effort in 2015 to try to build a trump tower moscow. And as that deal fizzled, michael cohn sort of in this lastditch effort sent an email to the general mailbox of the Russian Press secretary, kind of the russian equivalent of white house. Gov saying, hey, can you help me resurrect this deal. But michael cohn is putting his cards on the table. He has gone through the dossier, as its been called, point by point and is issuing, you know, a pretty serious categorical denials that there was any sort of russian collusion. And hes trying to follow in the Jared Kushner mold and say this is all bogus. Theres nothing to this. Kind of put up or shut up. Your reaction and to matt appoint about michael cohns pushback. Let me address the significance of connecting with new York Attorney general Eric Schneiderman. This is say very Significant Development particularly because were hearing increasingly that there is discussion behind closed doors about trump and pardons for this secircle. This is a very important point to make. The president cannot affect state prosecutions and state crimes through the pardon power. There are some complicated procedures, but lets say the question is if trump then tells manafort or flynn, hold on. Just toe the party line, and ill make sure to pardon you, if there are new york or other attorneys general and other state prosecutors stepping forward, they cannot count on that pardon to save them. They will have to face the pressure and will face state pressure to cooperate and turn states witness. So its important for schneiderman and mueller to coordinate to figure out whats going on behind the scenes. And, matt, the coordination with schneiderman has to be an extreme irritant to the president. It was Eric Schneiderman who fought the president to a 25 million settlement on the Trump University case. That was 25 million that President Trump vowed he would never pay but was forced to pay as a result of attorney general schneidermans pursuit of that case. So schneiderman has been on the trump case before. Sure. I mean, look, if you are bob mueller, of course youre going to want to make sure you know who is in what lane in new york. When youre looking at banking stuff, new york is the center of the universe. But the long and the short of it, at least the political reality in the short term is none of these guys, whether its manafort or flynn can be playing in the short term for pardons. I mean theyve got to be playing to win. You know, theyve got powerful lawyers, and you dont want to hold out your hope for a pardon. That frankly opens up a whole host of problems for the president , not the least of which that once youve been pardoned. Congress can haul you in front of an open session and demand you testify publicly because you dont have the right to the fifth amendment protections anymore. So i mean thats interesting in the theoretical. But right now where the rubber meets the road, this is a very live federal investigation with a lot of real consequences hanging over everyone. Jed sugarman, to that fifth amendment protections point, its a bit complicated, isnt it, when we consider the possibility of state charges because if Paul Manafort, say, was pardoned by President Trump and then he was pulled into these congressional committees to testify and he and he tried to invoke the fifth amendment, he might make the claim that the fifth amendment hes invoking is in protection of himself against state charges, not the federal charges that the president has pardoned him for. Thats correct. I think there was a misimpression from the point that was just made before because they could still invoke the fifth amendment precisely because they could still face state prosecution. So the question is not whether by accepting a pardon they can no longer invoke the fifth amendment. Its the other pressure, the pressure precisely because they could face state prosecution. Keep in mind just because someone might be pardoned for a past crime, but then later on they perjure themselves, and you have documents or other witnesses come forward, you cant pardon someone for a future crime. So the possibility that they are forced to testify either in court or in congress or in state court, pardons dont affect a future perjury. There is an important point in new york and in other states about the double jeopardy question. There are some states that extend a statute to protect against a second prosecution if the federal prosecutors have started a prosecution and not just an indictment, but if there are witnesses that have testified or juries have been sworn in, then new york has a state statute that sometimes prevents a state prosecution. So this timing gets complicated, and thats another reason why its so important that mueller and schneiderman are talking and coordinating so that they can figure out the timing of when to bring indictments. Ordinarily theres a policy where you defer where a state prosecutor waits and defers to a federal prosecutor. But its only a policy of deference and waiting for federal prosecutors. If theyre talking behind the scenes and realize that maybe its better for schneiderman to go first because of the threat of trumps pardons and because of this complicated rule that new york has, this is whats significant about those conversations. Yeah, thats why this could truly be historic, that a federal special prosecutor basically assigned to investigate the president of the United States might make the choice to, in effect, step aside for a state attorney general to make that case and some of the elements of the case against some of the people involved in the case might step aside in favor of that states attorney general. Weve never seen that before. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Well have much more of the breaking news on this russia investigation, and there is more. Well have that right after this break. And what is the one word you would use to describe donald trump . We will show you how some trump voters answered that question, and none of them were complimentary. [vo] progress is seizing the moment. Your summer moment awaits you now that the summer of audi sales event is here. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models during the summer of audi sales event. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. But he hasoke up wwork to do. In. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. 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With the new revelations about what the president and his lawyer Michael Cohen were up to in the president ial campaign on the trump tower moscow project, Jennifer Rubins column in the Washington Post today is headlined, what more proof of a secret russian connection do we need . Joining us now, jennifer rubin, an opinion writer at the Washington Post, and eugene robinson. Jennifer, this is the story that finally lets us make sense of what we were seeing in donald trump every time Vladimir Putins name came up during the campaign or every time russia was mentioned and how at every possible turn in this, he could never bring himself to say anything negative in the direction of Vladimir Putin or russia. Thats right. He says negative things about everyone, and hes continued to except for Vladimir Putin. And i think the lay of the land is the following. Donald trump has always been trying to do business in russia since the days when he had the beauty pageant there. He has tried and failed at various times. During the president ial campaign as he was engaged in debates where he was being asked questions about russia, he was still trying to get a deal done in russia, and his intermediaries were, as youve just reported, trying to get the attention of even the private secretary of Vladimir Putin to help facilitate this. He said, i have nothing to do with russia. He not only said, i dont have deals in russia, as in the present tense, but i have nothing to do with russia. That was a lie. And so it makes sense then that as mueller would begin to investigate collusion as to the campaign, that he would come across this information, and donald trump would feel like this is not a safe place to be. And, hence, we go down the road then of obstruction, of trying to get rid of, for example, james comey, of trying to get other officials to weigh in on, for example, Michael Flynns behalf. So its a tangled knot, but it really does begin and end doesnt it always with donald trump with his money and his financial interests in russia. Eugene robinson, real estate deals never die. It may have been that this deal collapsed at a certain point in time. But if youre donald trump and youre running for president and you dont expect to win, you expect to be a Real Estate Developer after the next president ial inauguration. Exactly. You would never lose that dream of building trump tower in moscow. Youd always want to be able to go back and try to rekindle the real estate romance with Vladimir Putin. Yeah, and you would know that the way to put the kibosh on that deal permanently would be to Say Something bad about Vladimir Putin, who would be the ultimate decider, right . If he doesnt want a trump tower in moscow, theres not going to be a trump tower in moscow. Conversely, if he does want one, theres going to be one. And as you alluded to, he probably would have a piece of it. It could be financed, for example, through russian stateowned banks, say, and theres some weird connections there. This whole story has a cast of characters around it with shady pasts and byzantine connections that seem to lead into the kremlin. And, jennifer, so you believe we are there. Your column today is the declaration, you know, we are there. We have the evidence that you need. Well, i think we have the connection at any rate. As you said, weve all been wondering why was donald trump so upset about this investigation by mueller . Why was he so nice to putin . Was there psychological reason . Was there personality reason . This is the beginning of putting pieces together. Listen, bob mueller and the new york prosecutor are going to get all of the nittygritty bits theyre going to get from people like Michael Cohen, the content of emails and phone calls. Theyre going to get the conversations probably between Michael Cohen and now President Trump. And theyre going to be able to lay out the evidence bit by bit, showing a financial interest and a financial connection to russia. In a way, that then helps the obstruction charge because although you could have obstruction when theres no underlying crime, it sure gives you a lot of motive and a lot of incentive and makes a lot more sense if you have something to hide. Please stay with us while we sneak off to this break. Well be right back. Coming up, how would you describe donald trump in one word . And you have to keep it clean, or at least the people youre going to hear from had to keep it clean because they were in a focus group. And youre going to hear what they had to say, and youre going to hear what trump voters had to say in one word to describe donald trump. I wanted to know who i am and where i came from. I did my ancestrydna and i couldnt wait to get my pie chart. The most shocking result was that im 26 native american. I had no idea. 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The trump voters were the ones who said outrageous, abject disappointment. Unique, off the scale, and crazy. So if you call donald trump crazy, you might be a trump voter. Heres more of what the trump voters had to say last night. He has got to be his own worst enemy. He couldnt be any worse at achieving goals in politics. Everything he does is outrageous. He just doesnt have that soft touch to sell you on what he wants to accomplish. The thing that drives me crazy is all the tweeting he does. Why doesnt he just quit that tweeting . Hes just hes let me down. We know hes a nut. Everybody knew hes a nut. Hes not even proerfessional, l alone president ial. I question what hes trying to do and dont fully understand it. Hes such a flawed individual. He makes a travesty of the office. There are now signs in polling that some of Donald Trumps base is turning on him. Tonight a new fox news poll shows donald trump with his highest disapproval yet in their poll. 55 disapprove while just 41 approve. Donald trump has lost the most support in the fox poll among conservatives, republican men, and white voters without a college degree. The fox poll also shows 56 of americans say donald trump is tearing the country apart while 33 say he is drawing the country together. Well hear more of what trump voters dont like about President Trump next. Even a swing set standoff. And we covered it, july first, twentyfifteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum i just want to find a used car start at the new carfax. Com show me used trucks with one owner. Pretty cool. [laughs] ah. Ahem. Show me the carfax. Start your used car search at the allnew carfax. Com. Better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. But. Theyre not all the same. Turns out, theyre really. Different. Who knew . 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Take the zantac it challenge pill works fast . Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. When heartburn strikes, take zantac for faster relief than nexium or your money back. Take the zantac it challenge. Heres a trump voter in last nights focus group in pennsylvania who agrees with Donald Trumps policies but wishes donald trump was not on his side. What most disappoints me is hes such an incredibly flawed individual that has articulated many of the values that i hold dear and the messenger is overwhelming the message. I wish he was on the opposite side of where i hold dear because it would be better for the causes that i like. Back with us, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Ruben and eugene robinson. What did we learn from that focus group. The first thing was the use of the word disappointment which we heard a couple of times. Donald trump is paying a political price with his voters for not achieving anything, not getting stuff done. And for his and the ticks and so i think thats an important word. The other thing i heard was the woman who said, called him crazy and said, well we knew he was a nut, right . Yeah, explain that to me. She voted for him. Well, you know, look, elections are contests, right . And theyre choices. So she made a choice to vote for a guy who was a nut. Now, it could be ha she didnt like Hillary Clinton, it could be that she just thought the whole, the political establishment was spent and had no answers and she wanted to sort of knock down knock things over and start again. But that sort of urge that caused people who knew he was a nut to vote for him i think its a mistake to think thats all dissipated an gone away just because people see indeed he is a nut. So thats the one sort of cautionary note i think for democrats and other whos oppose donald trump. You know, you cant beat somebody with nobody. And theyd better have somebody 0 beat him with. I know more than one trump voter with that same attitude that that woman had of we knew he was a nut and the ones iz know were sure he was not going to win. And they cast the vote only as a protest vote. So jennifer, there will be knob it seems to me, the trump protest vote of people who dont expect him to win probably wont be present the next time. No, they wont. And the i cant stand hillary vote so ill vote for this crazy person wont be there i would hope that the democrats dont nominate Hillary Clinton all over again. But i am struck by the sense that were they not watching you, were they not reading eugene and me during the campaign . We could have told them exactly what was going to happen. We were right. He is so imambulanced, so unprofessional, so crazy that whatever you would hope to get out of of him was going to be impossible from the get go. You cant elect someone like this president and have it hope to work out. Shes in some pretty good company because paul ryan said much the same thing during the campaign and look where he is right now. Gene, the truth of it is that most voters do not watch this kind of television at all on any network. They dont read your columns ever. In fact, at least half of the people in that focus group did into the know who Robert Mueller is. So they have at least an average and some of them obviously a better than average command of the news about donald trump. But thats who voted for him, and you cant get a positive word out of them about him now. No, you cant. And look, on election day, ill bet they had the image of hip that he was a successful businessman and despite all of the nonsense, he must be he must be a smart guy. He must be able to get stuff done because look, look at him on the apprentice and lo and behold, he wasnt a great businessman. And he cant get anything done. And not only that, he works against himself. So you know, theyre disappointed. Yeah, that point about expected the businessman in trump to come out and make everything work in the white house, that very point was made by the man in the focus group who voted for donald trump and now calls him outrageous, called him that repeatedly. Jennifer ruben, eugene robinson, thank you both for joining us tonight. Tonights last word is next. boy and these are the lungs. class ewwww boy sorry. dad dont worry about it. mom honey, honey, honey, honey vo at our house, we need things that are built to last. Thats why we got a subaru. avo love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Get 0 apr financing for 63 months on all new 2017 legacys. Ends august 31st. Jimmys gotten used to his whole yup, hes gone noseblind. Odors. He thinks it smells fine, but his mom smells this. Luckily for all your hardtowash fabrics. Theres febreze fabric refresher. Febreze doesnt just mask, it eliminates odors youve. Gone noseblind to. And try Febreze Unstopables for fabric. 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Bernie sanders immediately tweeted thank you, Kamala Harris for your support. Lets make health care a right, not a privilege 37 Kamala Harris gets tonights last word. The 11th hour starts now. Breaking tonight. Donald trump cant escape the russia headlines. New roaring on Robert Muellers investigation, Paul Manafort, trump attorney Michael Cohen and the trump junior meeting. Plus, what putin spokesman has to say about that email on trump tower moscow. Also, the president hits the road to sell a t

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