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Can you imagine if were going to get the transcript of all ten hours of that testimony all on the dossier from the guy who knows enough about it to say, i stand by it . And he just spent ten hours defending it. You know what im worried about . Im worried about what time were going to get the transcript. Rachel, say its like, i dont know, 8 30 p. M. For example, just as a way of ruining your life. Ill just tell you if it comes out after dinnertime on the east coast, would i commit to doing at an minimum is just reading it out loud on tv. Just random pages. Just anything. Yeah. And it will be breaking news by definition. If it comes out by lunch time, well act it out. If it comes out by dinner time, youre just going to get it raw. Thanks, rachel. Thanks, lawrence. Well, even after issuing his very first president ial pardon, President Trump clearly does not know that the acceptance of a pardon is an admission of guilt. So by issuing a pardon on friday night to former sheriff joe arpaio, President Trump got joe arpaio to confess his guilt by accepting that pardon. 102 years ago, the United States Supreme Court said that a pardon, quote, carries an imputation of guilt and acceptance of a confession of it. So one thing that you dont hear from president s who issue pardons is that the person pardoned did nothing wrong because the person pardoned has just admitted guilt. But thats what President Trump seems to want us to believe about joe arpaio. In a brief press conference with the president of finland today, President Trump offered a childish defense of his pardon of joe arpaio. The president didnt actually defend his pardon as much as he attacked what he said were the bad pardons issued by previous president s, including some cases that were not pardons at all but simply clemencies and reductions of sentences. But defending your actions by saying other people have done the same thing is not actually a defense of your actions as you will discover the next time youre pulled over for driving through a stop sign if you try that defense. And so the president criticized president obamas granting of clemency to Chelsea Manning after Chelsea Manning had served seven years in prison and had more years remaining on that sentence. The president specifically avoided any mention of president george w. Bush commuting the sentence of Scooter Libby. President bush deliberately refused to actually pardon Scooter Libby because he did not want to eliminate the finding of guilt against libby, but he did want to eliminate the prison sentence. Now, why didnt President Trump mention president bushs pardon of Scooter Libby on his list of bad president ial pardons issued by previous president s . What could be more unpardonable than a president pardoning a member of his own administration . Well, first of all, as i said, president bush did not actually pardon Scooter Libby. He simply eliminated libbys prison sentence, which was only a 30month prison sentence. President bush did not eliminate the 250,000 in fines that was part of libbys sentence, and president bush did not eliminate libbys obligation to report to a probation officer for two years. And perhaps most importantly, president bush allowed the Legal Process to come to a conclusion in the libby case, including sentencing before the president took action. President trump did something none of the president s he mentioned today had done. He stepped into a case between conviction and sentencing and did not allow the case to come to a conclusion. So there might be a lot of reasons why President Trump did not mention president bush commuting Scooter Libbys sentence today. Trump didnt want to attack a republican. Thats one reason. He obviously enjoyed attacking president s obama and clinton. But President Trump does attack republicans whenever he feels like it, and he certainly has attacked republicans named bush viciously. It seems the really big reason donald trump left George W Bush and Scooter Libby out of his list of bad pardons and clemencies issued by previous president s is that President Trump is saving that one. President trump is saving the case of Scooter Libby for when he needs it, for when he pardons someone in his administration. If and when President Trump pardons members of his administration, including members of his family, thats when youre going to hear him talk about Scooter Libby. Thats when youre going to hear him talk about the president pardoning a member of his administration. And donald trump will call it a pardon, what george w. Bush did, even though george w. Bush did not actually pardon Scooter Libby. Listen to what President Trump said today about president obama commuting, not pardoning Chelsea Manning. President obama commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning, who leaked countless sensitive and classified documents to wikileaks, perhaps and others, but horrible, horrible thing that he did. Commuted the sentence and perhaps pardoned. Commuted the sentence, and then he looks up from his written script and said perhaps pardoned. No, no, no. Not perhaps pardoned. There was no pardon. President obama did not pardon Chelsea Manning. But donald trump will say whatever he feels like saying if and when he pardons mike flynn or Paul Manafort or Jared Kushner or donald trump jr. Or ivanka trump. And one of the things hes absolutely going to say is that president bush pardoned Scooter Libby. Hes going to say that even though its not true. The president provided no facts whatsoever to back up his pardon of joe arpaio. No facts. Just adjectives. He simply said this. Sheriff joe is a patriot. Sheriff joe loves our country. Sheriff joe protected our borders. And sheriff joe was very unfairly treated by the obama administration. Okay. Not just adjectives, but you know what i mean. No facts. President joe president joe . Joe arpaio, called sheriff joe by President Trump hes not a sheriff. Hes a former sheriff who was defeated in his last reelection campaign. Joe arpaio was not convicted by the obama administration. Joe arpaio was convicted by the Trump Administration. Federal prosecutors working under trumps attorney general, Jeff Sessions, prosecuted the case against arpaio, which is why President Trump tried to get Jeff Sessions to drop the case against joe arpaio. The Washington Post reports the president asked attorney general Jeff Sessions whether it would be possible for the government to drop the criminal case against arpaio, but was advised that would be inappropriate. And listen to this sourcing. According to three people with knowledge of the conversation. So let me guess. Three people with knowledge of a conversation between the president and the attorney general. Well, its a good thing that the president has never done anything or said anything to alienate attorney general Jeff Sessions, so we know the leak couldnt have possibly come from Jeff Sessions side of that conversation. Its worth noting that the Trump White House remains the leakiest white house in history, even with former general john kelly as the new chief of staff, who was supposed to, among other things, stop the leaking. Todd gillman, the Washington Bureau chief of the dallas morning news, got the first question at the press conference today, and he went straight to Recovery Funding for texas after the devastation of Hurricane Harvey. Youve also threatened a Government Shutdown potentially next month over border wall funding. Are these going to hamper longterm the funding that will be needed longterm for recovery . No, todd. I think that youre going to see very rapid action from congress, certainly from the president , and youre going to get your funding. Does this situation make you reconsider the possibility of a Government Shutdown next i think it has nothing to do with it really. I think this is separate. This is going to go really, very quickly. Ive spoken to many of the people were talking about, and everybody feels the same way i do. Funding for hurricane recovery has everything to do with a Government Shutdown. It has everything to do with everything. Paul ryan and other republicans already said they werent going to have a Government Shutdown over Donald Trumps border wall, and now a Government Shutdown would mean instantly cutting off aid to those people in texas who the president claims to sympathize with. The possibility of a Government Shutdown now is less than zero. The president s staff will be explaining that to him if they havent already, and the funding for hurricane recovery probably will not go very quickly or very smoothly. Most of the texas congressional delegation, including both texas republican senators, voted against aid for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. They did that for two reasons. First, they are republicans. And, second, the victims were not in texas. The victims of Hurricane Sandy were primarily in new jersey and new york, and now the congressional delegation that voted against aid for the victims of Hurricane Sandy will be asking congress for, what, 70 billion, 100 billion, more for the victims of Hurricane Harvey . Paul ryan knows he needs to round up votes to raise the debt ceiling and pass a budget, to paul ryan and Mitch Mcconnell might just decide to put all of those things together in one bill, which means it wont be quick. And a new budget for all of the government, all of the government departments, a raise in the debt ceiling, and special funding for Hurricane Harvey relief all of that in one piece of legislation. If ryan and mcconnell put all those things together in one bill, then senators like ted cruz would be forced to vote for that bill to get the Hurricane Harvey relief money that they want. Otherwise, it might be impossible to get senators like ted cruz to vote for an increase in the debt ceiling or to vote for the budget bill that the republicans are going to have to pass and that theyre going to have to develop in a compromise with democrats. Now that the president can no longer threaten a Government Shutdown to pay for his wall, he is, in effect, writing a new chant for his supporters to use at his next rally. Is your plan still to have mexico pay for the wall . Yes, it will. One way or the other, mexico is going to pay for the wall. Thats right. It may be through reimbursement, but one way or the other, mexico will pay for the wall. And so at the next trump rally, i suppose well be hearing something like, and whos going to pay for the wall . Whereupon the audience will shout back mexico will reimburse us for the wall. Joining us now, the president and ceo of vote latino, and steve bell, a Senior Adviser at the bipartisan policy center. Also joining us, ron klain, former chief of staff to Vice President s biden and gore and a former senior aide to president obama. Maria teresa, i want to go to you first on the pardon of joe arpaio and the way the president talks about joe arpaio, who by accepting the pardon has admitted guilt to what he was charged with. But he has a history of much more than what he was charged with, and thats a history that the president ignores. Absolutely. The doj had found that he basically had violated the constitution under the eighth amendment for cruel and unusual punishment. This is a sheriff who prided himself on running his tent cities like concentration camps. The number of hangings that occurred in his camp with people under detention was unprecedented. He would shackle women while giving childbirth. It goes on and on. And the fact that voters voted him out, they voted him out because they were tired of not only the fact that he was basically terrorizing a whole group of people based on the color of their skin, because it was willynilly, but he was also costing the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars while not pursuing true crimes. He had close to over 400 back locks of sex crime investigations, and many of them were children. The list goes on. This idea that he was doing his job, no, he wasnt. What President Trump just did, he basically threw the book at the constitution because he prevented the Judicial Branch of government of checks and balances to fully do their job. And, ron klain, this intervening between a verdict basically and sentencing is something we havent seen before. Youre right, lawrence. You mentioned that before. But this is unprecedented intervention by a president in the judicial process for no reason other than the fact he likes joe arpaios politics. Joe arpaio was a birther and trump tweeted gratitude to him. He is a racist. He is a white supremacist, and thats basically the case President Trump was making at this press conference today. You know, he agrees with him. He thinks hes a good guy. Therefore, he gave him a pardon. Well, he isnt a good guy, and, you know, this was a series of crucial violations. The Justice Department began to document under president bush that were further investigated under president obama, and as you said were finally prosecuted under the trump presidency. There is no basis for this pardon. It was an extraordinary act, and theres just no justify kpags justification for what the president and his statement that he did it it goes without saying, i mean literally goes without saying that joe arpaio would never have been pardoned if he were not a trump supporter. And i mean thats just not mentioned very much in all of this because we take it so for granted. That of course to get a pardon from donald trump, you would have to be a trump supporter. Past president s have always been very careful and afraid of being associated with pardoning people who were their supporters. I mean theyve done it, but its not something that most president s want to be caught doing. Steve bell, to the president s notion that its going to be very easy, very quick to get all of this hurricane funding lined up. I think its the same way he said that we were going to have a tax bill by august. Even earlier than that, we were going to have a great tax bill. But the fact of the matter is this. They dont have very much time depending on how you want to count 12 to 17 days of congressional action before the 1st of october. They have a number of things they have to get done. The primary one is to increase the debt ceiling before early october. Theyll probably have to do that in midseptember sometime. They dont have a budget as you pointed out for fiscal year 18, which starts on october 1st. And i think what theyre going to have to do is look the president in the eyeball and say, now, wait a minute. You said you would not accept a spending bill that didnt fund the wall. Does that mean if we send you a spending bill, you will veto it despite the fact that the federal governments money and help is absolutely essential to the recovery to those people who were victims of Hurricane Harvey. And thats going to be an interesting question for the president about 30 days from now to have to consider. And, ron, in the past, hurricane funding has taken sometimes several months for congress to act on. It didnt used to be that way, but starting around 2005, there were some republicans led by mike pence in the house of representatives who started to say, look, if youre going to do disaster funding like this, you must make other cuts in the budget to make up for whatever money youre spending in disaster funding. Prior to that, it used to be understood to be an emergency and something that the government was just going to have to spring into action on without cutting other spending. Yeah. Lawrence, this is a great country, and people in this country want to help one another. And that crosses party lines and it crosses regionial lines. But a few years ago, the republicans decided to politicize that. Mike pence said we should cut medicare, cut Senior Citizens health care and poor Peoples Health care to pay for disaster relief, a ridiculous position. Now hes our Vice President. Were going to see what he recommends. I think the key thing here is, i think donald trump will pass the bar of tweeting about the storm and flying on air force one, but this is going to take weeks and months and years, long after his twitter feed has moved on and the test of president ial leadership in this kind of situation is does he have the focus, the consistent focus to oversee and drive this recovery to its end . And i think thats where President Trump sadly will fail the test of leadership on Hurricane Harvey. Maria teresa, to rons point, that seems to me to be exactly why the very first question to the president today was about the longterm Recovery Plan for Hurricane Harvey, not what are you going to do this week, next week, but the longterm plan. And any talk of Government Shutdown, anything like that, and feuding with members of congress as the questioner pointed out jeopardizes that. Thats right. I mean this president so far in the last seven months, hes been shooting from the hip. And this requires someone who is disciplined, strategic, who is filling the jobs in those federal agencies that he has yet to completely do. And he cant propose the budget that he originally had, which was basically slashing the national guard, slashing fema, and this is actually a testament of why we need those programs and the right type of civil ser vanlt in those positions because we cannot calculate when the next Natural Disaster will take place. So hopefully kelly being in there will enable to have some discipline, but its a hard shot. Steve, you know how Mitch Mcconnell thinks about these things. Do you expect leader mcconnell to wrap all of the difficult issues up into one package so that its one vote essentially on the debt ceiling, on the budget, and on Hurricane Relief . You know, i think thats a real possibility. When you dont have enough time, the thing you have to do and this sounds like yogi berra, is create more time. Thats fair. And they really do have the ability to do that. If they want to have a shortterm, continuing rez liegs resolution for spending for the government through the end of december, and if they want to have a shortterm debt extension to the end of december, then they can probably work out and i think this is what mr. Mcconnell would like to do would be able to work out the funding for the government, the first part of the funding for what is going to be a very expensive Hurricane Harvey recovery and very long by the way as you pointed out, and to get things like the National Defense authorization act passed and Flood Insurance reauthorized and things like that. So they need time, and my suspicion is that leader mcconnell, who cares about keeping the majority in the senate above most anything else, i think hell probably say, lookit, give us 90 days up here, mr. President. Dont veto a bill that doesnt have funding for the wall, and please lets do this in a logical way. I think theres a real possibility that hell do that. The question is this. Will the president , who thought he got tricked earlier this year when he went ahead with the fy17 budget with no money for the wall, will he say, no, once shame on you. Twice, shame on me, and veto it, which of course would be a catastrophic political mistake. Well, were going to find out. Steve bell takes his position now beside yogi berra and the great quotes of our time. If youre running out of time, create more time. Maria teresa kumar, ron klain, thank you very much. Coming up, newly discovered emails telling the story of how ivanka trump once got to sit in Vladimir Putins chair in the kremlin. And later, a former republican senator is warning his party about who he calls, quote, the hateful man in the white house. Whats the value of capital . Whats Critical Thinking like . A basketball costs 14. 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Com. Once again, very suspiciously, President Trump could not bring himself to say a single negative word about russia today. When he was asked a simple yes or no question, is russia a Security Threat, the president obviously was afraid of saying yes or no. Mr. Trump, would you consider russia as a Security Threat . Thank you. Well, i consider many countries as a Security Threat unfortunately when you look at whats going on in the world today. Many countries. The Washington Post reports, quote, while donald trump was running for president in late 2015 and early 2016, his company was pursuing a plan to develop a massive trump tower in moscow according to several people familiar with the proposal and new records reviewed by trump organize lawyers. The New York Times reported more details of those emails today, and trump associate felix seder, who was born in russia, wrote a series of emails to mr. Trumps lawyer in which he boasted about his ties to mr. Putin and predicted that building a trump tower in moscow would highlight mr. Trumps savvy negotiating skills and be a political boon to his candidacy. Our boy can become president of the usa and he can engineer it, mr. Seder wrote in an email. I will get all of putins team to buy in on this. I will manage this process. In another email to michael cohn, felix seder wrote, i will get putin on this program, and we will get donald elected. Felix seder was hired by donald trump to broker real estate deals. The times also reports felix seder helped arrange ivanka trumps trip to moscow and that he said, quote, i arranged for ivanka to sit in putins private chair at his desk and office in the kremlin. Joining us now, stephen harper. Hes an attorney and author. And adjunct professor at northwestern university. He created the trump russia timeline. Also with us tonight, tim obrien, executive editor of Bloomberg View and author of trump nation, the art of being the donald. And, steve, on the timeline, here we have what will be on your timeline, the entry of some new emails. This new email discovery thats now been published first by the Washington Post, then more details by the New York Times. And this is a very, very direct communication about getting Vladimir Putin himself involved in helping donald trump win this election. Its certainly interesting, and the interesting thing about it to me is that it really fits into a broader narrative, i think. And this is one of those situations where, you know, you can analyze the event and the emails in a micro sense. Then when you take a step back and look at it in a macro way and realize that whats really going on here is while a man is running for the presidency of the United States, his company is simultaneously trying to enter into a business deal which would be one of the largest real estate projects of its kind in the world. Pretty stunning stuff, i would think. And, tim, i want to take a look at the sourcing for these emails in the New York Times article. It says, the Trump Organization, on monday, turned over emails to the House Intelligence Committee which is investigating russian meddling in the president ial election and whether anyone in mr. Trumps campaign was involved. Some of the emails were obtained by the times. Now, tim, theres a consistent pattern here that when the Trump Lawyers find emails as they do involving Jared Kushner and others, that they turn over to any of the investigators, whether it be the house, senate, or the special prosecutor. Those emails are almost instantly revealed to the press, and it seems to me that what we have here are defense lawyers saying to their clients, look, these are going to become public. You dont want them to become public the day youre sitting there on the witness stand or, you know, in a senate hearing. You want them to become public now so that they are old news by the time you testify. Its also every man for himself in this thing. So youve got different members of the Trump Organization with their own counsel figuring out how to save themselves because what mueller is doing and what the congressional investigators are doing is theyre picking off the weak members of the pack at the back of the pack, and theyre going to move up the food chain towards donald trump. Thats the ultimate end game here. And whats interesting about the emails today, lawrence, is that file ix seder has had a relationship with donald trump going back to about 2002. He wasnt just a broker for the Trump Organization. He was a principal at bay rock. They developed the Trump Soho Hotel together. Felix seder is a career criminal with organized crime ties and the president maintained a relationship with him for over a decade and routinely said in public, i dont know him well. Im distancing myself from him. Now with these emails, you see the president is not distant from felix seder, and in fact felix seder is the point person on a deal the Trump Organization is trying to do in moscow. It raises this quid pro quo issue that i think is going to be central to the mueller investigation, going beyond just collusion in the election. Its were there favors sought from the kremlin in return for certain quid pro quos . And people ix seder kept an office in trump tower during some of this period where donald trump says, oh, i didnt see him very much. And steve harper, on this release of what is basically evidence in the case, could it be that some of the defense lawyers involved with some of the Trump Associates want this information to become public as a way of communicating it to other possible defendants and other people involved in the case so that they know what evidence the other side already has on them . Perhaps. You know, its always hard to figure out the timing on these kinds of things. The one thing we know for sure is that they were under a dead line to produce this stuff, and these came out, as i understand it, at the very end of the trail, some 20,000 or so documents had already been produced. I would add two other data points to the ones that tim suggested, which i think are exactly correct. Remember there was that june 2016 meeting. Well, in july of 2016, according to an interview that seder gave to politico, he visited trump tower on what he said was confidential business, refusing to disclose what it was. And then in january, at the end of january 2017, seder again hes sort of like the forrest gump of this administration. You know, seder again then shows up, this time at the Lowes Regency Hotel in manhattan with michael cohn and a proputin ukrainian with a socalled peace plan, the essence of which would cede crimea to russia and lift the sanctions. Its a stunning thats what i mean. If you sort of draw back and Start Connecting all of the seder dots, tim is exactly right. This isnt just about a couple of emails which frankly, to me, some read rather squirrely. Its a larger story. Just a note to audience. If you are struggling at any point connecting these dots, there is Steven Harpers timeline. You can find it at bill moyers. Com. Its the timeline of all of this with all of these characters that we are all relying on every day as we research these stories. Steven harper and tim obrien, thank you for joining us tonight. Coming up, House Intelligence Committee member Eric Swalwell will join us with his take on these latest developments in the russia investigation. And also north koreas latest Missile Launch tonight. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,. Isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Maybe its time for Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. 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For the strength and energy, to get back to doing what you love. Ensure, always be you. Music Edible Arrangements for summer. Order in store or online. Heres what candidate donald trump said about Vladimir Putin in december 2015 at a time when donald trump was trying to convince the russian government to allow him to build a trump tower in moscow. Putin comes out. He said, donald trump is brilliant. Hes doing an amazing job, and hes leading the pack. Okay. Thats nice. And she and my opponents, oh, isnt that terrible that putin said wouldnt it be nice if we could get along with the world . Wouldnt it be seriously. No, no, wouldnt it be nice . I mean they want me to refute his statement. How dare you say im brilliant. How dare. Thats whos going to do that . Joining us now, Eric Swalwell, democratic congressman from california, member of the House Permanent Select Committee on intelligence. And congressman swalwell, those things that donald trump was saying during the campaign that sounded so strange then seem to make a lot more sense tonight as we stare at the details of the trump tower deal for moscow. They sure do. Good evening, lawrence. I first just want to say thank you for mentioning the harvey victims. My heart goes out to and beats with them. And in congress i pledge to do everything we can without confusion or offsets to provide relief. But these emails now with respect to russia, they are just more bright lights in an ever growing constellation of russian contacts that this president had. And it makes a whole lot more sense as to why he was praising Vladimir Putin. It looks like it was all about the money. He was seeking to invest in russia and in their own way, we know russia was investing in donald trump. Still to this day cant bring himself to say a negative word about russia or Vladimir Putin in any context no matter how you shape the question. Thats right. Its time for the president to come clean because we need to know what exactly is it that russia has on donald trump, and what exactly does donald trump intend to do in russia. Hes said all along, lawrence, no russia, no collusion. And now we have found out there were a lot of russian contacts. There were a lot of efforts to work with the russians and receive information on secretary clinton, and now we know its not just personal and political relationships. It was also financial dealings. By the way, lawrence, how Many Americans alive today do you think have sat in the chair of Vladimir Putin . That shows you how close donald trump was to a president who ordered an attack on our country. And ivanka trump got to do that thanks to the intersession of a career criminal, felix sater, an associate of Donald Trumps. Can we can you stay with us, congressman . We need to squeeze in a quick break here, and were going to come right back with congressman Eric Swalwell. 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Hurry in its the final days of the lincoln summer invitation sales event. Ending september 5th. Right now, get zero percent apr plus 1,000 dollars Summer Savings on the lincoln mkx, mkc and mkz. Tonight north korea fired a midrange Ballistic Missile over japan. Officials said the missile passed through japans airspace and landed in the pacific ocean. Congressman Eric Swalwell is still with us. Congressman, last week at that rally, donald trump said this. He said, kim jongun, i believe hes starting to respect us. I respect that fact very much. So that looks like a president ial misreading of north korea. North korea does not respect us, lawrence. Theyre a menace, and they are testing an unfocused president. The best thing that this president can do is to stitch together our allies, continue to work with china, not try and solve this by tweet, and continue to go to the u. N. To put pressure every time that north korea acts out this way. But right now he is unfocused and leaves us and our allies in a much less in a much unsafer position today than we were even last week. Well have more on this missile story as it develops. Congressman Eric Swalwell, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. My pleasure. Coming up, a republican senator is warning his party. A message directly to his party about donald trump, saying donald trump is not a real republican. And he says he calls donald trump a hateful man. Thats coming up. You know, geico just saved me hundreds of dollars on my car insurance. Huh. I should take a closer look at geico. dog panting geico has a 97 Customer Satisfaction rating and fast and friendly claims service. Speaking of service . Oooo, just out. It was in. Out. In out. In what about now . That was our only shuttlecock. Take a closer look at geico. Great savings. And a whole lot more. But he hasoke up wwork to do. In. So he took aleve. 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He eventually pursued a career in politics and was elected to the United States senate as a republican from missouri and later served as president george w. Bushs ambassador to the united nations. In an oped for the Washington Post on friday, senator danforth wrote, to my fellow republicans, we cannot allow donald trump to redefine the Republican Party. That is what he is doing as long as we give the impression by our silence that his words are orwords and his actions are our actions. We cannot allow that impression to go unchallenged. Our party has been corrupted by this hateful man, and it is now in peril. Joining us now, john danforth, former republican senator from missouri. Hes the founder of the john c. Danforth center. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. Your warning to republicans about silence, are you talking about the elected republicans in washington who have been largely silent in the face of President Trump. No, i think its harder for the people who are in elected politics than it is for those of us out. I do understand its difficult for people who are running for office or think they will be running for office. But im really talking about all republicans. I think its important for us to make it clear that we are not like donald trump. He is he is very different. He is a very divisive person in the history of the Republican Party has been the party of the union, the party of trying to keep america glued together. So its a message for all republicans and beyond that really for all of us that trying to keep the country glued together is a principal duty of all of us. Well most people in the country according to polls seem to agree with you on this the president s job approval is at 35 with a 60 disapproval backup. But looking at the republican numbers inside the poll its different. 78 of republicans approve of President Trump, 7 of democrats approve of the president , 30 of independents. Senator you have a difficult case in persuading the 78 of republicans who apparently in the polls are with donald trump. Well, i think there can be any number of reasons for being with him. I mean it could be that any dont like the policies of the democrats or they want some i think a lot of people want somebody they perceive as being a strong person, and thats part of the appeal of trump. But i do believe if you were to ask most republicans and most americans, do you think divisiveness is a good thing . Do you think its a good ning to set one group against another . Most people would say, no thats not a good thing and we have to keep the country together. In your oped you said he is the most divisive person in our history. There hasnt been a more divisive person since george wallace. Of course he ran basically as a segregationist. Thats as strong a condemnation of any american politician since george wallace. Its meant to be strong. Its important for my party. Im a republican and happy to be a republican. But i think its got wsh we have to make it clear we are not like donald trump. But i want to add in, lawrence. I think there is a lot of blame to be placed on trump for the divisiveness in this country. But its a more general problem than just one person than just donald trump. And the responsibility is shared by a lot of people. Its shared by democrats. Its shared by people who practice identity politics. Its shared by all of us when were very touchy and complaint about microaggressions and so on. There is a lot of components that go into the splintering of america. And all of us have a responsibility. But in this oped i was writing as a republican to my party and saying that we have to get back to our roots, namely the history, the tradition of abraham lincoln, the tradition of keeping this as one nation inadviceable. What did you hear from Congressional Republicans about your oped piece. I havent solicited their views and havent heard their views. Ive had a lot of feedback in many ways from a lot of people. Some of whom are republicans some of whom are not. But as far as people in Elective Office i havent heard anything. Wouldnt be that disappointing, senator, if what your hope is to reclaim the Republican Party and saying we have to make it clear that donald trump is not us, wouldnt you like to have heard from some of the former colleagues in the senate about that oped piece and said at least privately say to you youre right about this weve got to figure out how to get this back . Well as far as people now active in politics, i think its difficult for them. I mean its most people in politics want to win the next election. And to say that a substantial part of your base consists of people who are strongly for trump its very difficult i think for people who are now active in elective politics. But for people who have some distance from it, people like me who dont intend to run again, is our voice as persuasive as those in elective Politics Today . No, it isnt. But i think thats the most likely source for republicans to speak out. And its very important for us to speak out. Former senator danforth thank you. Tonights last word is next. burke at farmers, weve seen almost everything so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a swing set standoff. And we covered it, july first, twentyfifteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum w. I was always searching for ways to manage my symptoms. I thought i had it covered. Then i realized managing was all i was doing. When i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,. But still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. 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Yesterday president obama tweeted, thank you to all the First Responders and people helping each other out. Thats what we do as americans. Here is one way you can help now. Help those affected by Hurricane Harvey. Visit red cross. Org. Call 1800 red cross or text havre to 20999. To make a 10 donation. You can find more ways to help at nbcnews. Com harvey. Thats tonights last word. The 11th hour starts now. Tonight, trump and russia. Robert muellers team looks into the role President Trump played into writing that statement about his sons meeting with russians. Plus how the trump business wants pursued a deal with russia with one associate writing, i will get putin on this program, and we will get donald elected. All this as trump today woents say russia poses a Security Threat and says he hopes the u. S. Will some day have a Good Relationship with russia. Also north korea fires another missile. The president heads to flood ravaged texas. And a newly pardoned joe arpaio could try to primary one of trumps republican critics. The 11th hour rgs on a monday night begins now. The 11th hour on a monday night begins now. Good evening once again from our nbc news headquarters here in new york. Im in for brian williams. Day 221 of the Trump Administration and it brings a crisis for this president at home and abroad. All while he deals with the building pressure from the russia investigation that this white house cannot seem to shake. We start in Southeast Texas where now Tropical Storm harvey is still pounding the coast with historic levels of rain. Experts say the storm is just getting started, with up to 20 more inches of rain expected. Officials have confirmed the

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