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Are seeing in this news cycle, and i cant really tell you more than that. Rachel, ive got news for you. Yeah. Everything that happens on this network between 9 00 and 10 00 p. M. Is unlike anything else we see in any news cycle. Thats very kind of you to say. It is the best. Thank you, my friend. Thank you, rachel. Take care. So north korea fired off a missile that demonstrates that north korea has the capacity to reach the United States with a missile like that. And so what did the president of the United States do . Well, of course he tweeted. Theyve now shown they can put a missile on americas doorstep. The United States is prepared to use the full range of our capabilities to defend ourselves and our allies. Is it clear to you what the president s position is on how to deal with north korea . Its not clear to me, and it probably isnt clear to him. A preemptive strike will just unleash unbelievable havoc. What does it mean when he says, okay, well, we now know its not going to work with china. Lets move on. Move on to what . The Trump Administration need to devise a strategy, not a single sound bite or a tweet. Gross simplification seems to be the anthem of this administration. All eyes are going to be on that allimportant meeting at the end of the week with russias president Vladimir Putin. If he doesnt mention the election meddling, putin will regard it as a victory. If he says great things about me, im going to say great things about him. He does seem to be playable. No puppet. Youre the puppet. After north koreas most provocative missile test yet on monday, wouldnt it be nice if the United States of america had a president . The office of the presidency is now occupied by a person who has all the constitutional legitimacy of a president , but he seems to have none of the capacities of a president. What would a president do after a provocative north Korea Missile Launch . Donald trump apparently has no idea, and so what he did was tweet because that seems to be the only thing he knows how to do. No previous president has ever tweeted a reaction to a north Korean Missile test. It is possible for a tweet to contain president ial language, but not if its a donald trump tweet. He tweeted, north korea has Just Launched another missile. Does this guy have anything better to do with his life . Hard to believe that south korea and japan will put up with this much longer. Perhaps china will put a heavy move on north korea and end this nonsense once and for all, exclamation point. Donald trump cant think of a thing for the United States to do after that missile demonstrating the capacity to possibly reach alaska, and he actually says the line. Th that the whole world says about him every day. Does this guy have anything better to do with his life . That is the question the world asks every day. The golfer and the tweeter who now occupies the white house goes about his day tweeting and golfing. This afternoon, air force one landed in poland. It was the start of a trip that will include a g20 summit in germany where the president will have a formal oneonone discussion with Vladimir Putin. Trump aides are reportedly worried about the Putin Meeting according to the New York Times. President trump has been briefed repeatedly. His advisers have alerted him to the web of potential risks, complex issues, and diplomatic snags. But even his top aides do not know precisely what mr. Trump will decide to say or do when he meets president Vladimir Putin face to face. Russia and china have put out a joint statement urging diplomatic talks on north korea. The two countries are proposing that the United States and south korea freeze all military drills in exchange for north korea freezing its missile tests. This afternoon, the United Nations security council, which includes United States, russia, and china, held an emergency meeting on north korea. The United States condemned north koreas actions and threatened possible military action as well as possible trade war. The United States is prepared to use the full range of our capabilities to defend ourselves and our allies. One of our capability lies with our considerable military forces. We will use them if we must, but we prefer not to have to go in that direction. There are countries that are allowing, even encouraging trade with north korea in violation of u. N. Security council resolutions. Such countries would also like to continue their trade such countries would also like to continue their trade arrangements with the United States. Thats not going to happen. Our attitude on trade changes when countries do not take International Security threats seriously. Today the president tweeted, trade between china and north korea grew almost 40 in the first quarter. So much for china working with us, but we had to give it a try, exclamation point. Joining us now, nicholas kristof. Also with us, john mclaughlin, former acting director of the cia and an Msnbc National Security analyst. John mclaughlin, your reaction to the administrations reaction so far, including this threat of a possible trade war. Well, lawrence, i think as a number of people have commented, the evidence of a really considered policy is not here. This is one of those times when we have to be careful not to just sound tough. We actually have to be, i think, very toughminded and think about this is a tight spot. Ive seen this sort of thing before, and as everyone has pointed out, the options are not great. I can think of some that involve some indirect military pressures such as Missile Defense and a couple of other things. Deterrence, which can be carried out through a number of ways. We can talk about that. And also as distasteful as it might seem, maneuvering these people into some kind of negotiated situation. That would be maddening, of course, but its important, i think, to put all of these things together in an orchestrated approach that is toughminded, serious, and strategic in its components. And i think the material is there to do that, but not going to be easy. Nick, talk about chinas role in this. There was a period where President Trump seemed to think china had magical powers over north korea, and they could handle everything. Youve been to north korea. Youve been to china. And one of the amusing anecdotes youve written about when you were in north korea were north koreans saying the chinese dont like christophe, and that got a big smile. It turned out they were that was in my favor somehow, yeah. You know, look, theres no doubt that china has to be part of a solution, and in particular china can do more to estop trade. A lot of the parts that go into missiles are coming from china. But at the end of the day, north korea listens to china much less than we think, and china is simply not going to be willing to clamp down completely on north korea. And even if it did, at the end of the day, north korea had a famine with more than 500,000 people dying in the 1990s. Even if china were to exert enormous pressure, then kim jongun would be prepared to have an awful lot of north koreans die. And the Missile System is really his priority. So in a larger sense, we dont have a strategy toward north korea, and the Trump Administration has in a sense abdicated that policy by trying to push this off onto china. It wasnt going to work early this year, and its still not going to work. Its not clear that anything else will work, but at least there are some things, as john mentions, that we can try in the hope that they may hope. What would you suggest trying . We dont have a military option as well. I think the thing that a lot of people in the region fear the most is that President Trump, frustrated by the lack of traction with china, is going to move in with some kind of military strike, which might work and might trigger a new korean war and the obliteration of seoul and tokyo. That would be the real catastrophe. What might work is some kind of a deal, china backs this, where north korea would not give up its Nuclear Arsenal but would freeze Nuclear Development and freeze missile development. And in exchange, the u. S. Would, to some degree, ease sanctions and to some degree tone down our military exercises in the region, at least the largescale exercises. Its not clear if this is doable. North korea in the past has periodically cheated on some of these deals. But its kind of the only thing that doesnt end up with a conflagration in the region. John, you mentioned deterrence. What would deterrence look like . Well, the problem yes. Deterrence, of course, in the past has been carried out suck sisful sesfully by the United States with countries with whom we had some relationship and some practice at things like arms control and some communication as with the former soviet union. The problem with north korea, of course, is we dont have that background. We dont have that practice. But deterrence in this case would consist of a couple of things. First what we always call a declaratory policy. That is making clear to them that use of any weapons here would be met with retaliation that would essentially wipe them out. Basically they want these Nuclear Weapons so that they arent wiped out, so that they dont experience regime change. That would be part of deterrence. The other part is what we call flexible deterrent options and the administration is doing a little bit of that. Showing the fleet, carrying out some exercises although nicks point is correct that we may have to pull those back a little bit. None of the options are great here. The military options, i think, dont quite work the way that they might have. You know, if you went back to 2006, secretary perry, former secretary of defense perry had actually recommended a preemptive strike, and he recently said, i wouldnt recommend that today. Its too dangerous. One of the problems for military planners today is that they cant be sure they cant be sure that a war on the Korean Peninsula would not reach all the way to hawaii and alaska. So this test, if the data we have on it turns out to be contradict, is a gamechanger in terms of that dimension of the conflict. But deterrence would work, can work through a combination of things like i mentioned declaratory policy, Missile Defense, flexible deterrent options, showing the flag, showing the fleet, all of those things orchestrated. And trump has a real opportunity this weekend to orchestrate this if he could put his mind to it with both china, russia, japan available at the g20 meeting. And of course youve got to bring the South Koreans into this. Everyone has to own a piece of this problem, and it has to be orchestrated with everyone doing something, some little thing to increase the approach so that its greater than the sum of the parts. This will be tough, but a Smart Administration could orchestrate Something Like that. Nick, one of the necessary facts, it seems, in either negotiation or a deterrence plan, is to know what the other side wants. What does kim jongun what does he want . What is his fiveyear plan, tenyear plan . So fundamentally what kim jongun wants is a nuclear capacity. He wants to deter us. He saw what happened to well, we know hecapacity. What does he then imagine his country to be five or ten years from now if he has that . So he wants the world to accept the u. S. As a nuclear power. He sees the west accepting india and pakistan, before that israel as nuclear powers. That is diplomatically what they are trying to push for right now. And it is still the u. S. Goal that we will denuclearize the Korean Peninsula. Frankly at this point i just dont think thats a feasible goal. More broadly, i think he would indeed like to develop the Korean Peninsula. The economy has been growing to some degree, partly through private markets. I think theyre very aware that they have been able to stay in power partly because it has been isolated. But i think that they nervously would like to modestly open up, and certainly expand the country to become a more important power. But theyre not going to give up the nukes, im afraid. John, with the president s opportunities with china and russia, we always think of the United States as being the driver in those kinds of scenes. But what about china . What about russia taking the wheel here and saying, look, this is what we need to do with north korea . Well, they have put proposals on the table, and of course we have to look at them with some skepticism because theyre not their interests are not precisely as ours. Although frankly i think this is a case where we do share an interest. I dont think china wants this individual to have unrestricted nuclear power. Im not sure where russia comes out on that. I think theyre more reflexive in their attitude. I dont think they can take the wheel here, though. I think this is a time and this is where i think this is what i worry about, that we have let our leadership role in the world under this administration deteriorate to a point and our credibility as a leader deteriorate to the point where im not sure that we have the you know, the credibility to pull everyone along. You need a policy. You need a vision. You need credibility in the person of the president. And i think were falling short on all of those things. Nick, if china could wave a magic wand over north korea, what would they want . Well, they want north korea to remain they want the Korean Peninsula to remain divided. They do not want unification because they dont want the possibility of u. S. Troops in the northern half of the peninsula. They want a nice little buffer there. They would like essentially to do to north korea what the u. S. Did to china beginning in the early 1970s in terms of opening it up, reforming it, developing the economy, having it become a more reasonable power. If were alarmed by having kim jongun so far away from us, imagine how the chinese feel about having this incredibly unpredictable fellow right next door. And theyve been trying to send that message, but theyre not willing to use ievery last bit f leverage becauset they dont wat the regime to collapse. We havent talked a lot about south korea, and i just want to make the point that in my experience working on the korean problem, youre always making a mistake if you get too far out in front of seoul, south korea, without factoring their views into this situation. At the end of the day, its their peninsula, and they understand the culture in the north, and they understand, and they have equities that are much more personal and immediate than ours. So i think we need to and what their leader, current leader, moon jaein, is talking about is some combination of pressure and engagement. The engagement piece is always difficult for us because the north koreans in the past have cheated. Ive been personally involved in discovering them cheating when youre in the midst of negotiations with them. But there is something to be said for listening to moon jaein and trying to understand exactly how he would go about orchestrating pressure and engagement. I hope our administration is doing that. John mclaughlin, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Thank you, lawrence. Coming up, President Trump has more and more people talking seriously about the 25th amendment. A psychiatrist will join us with an evaluation of the president s fitness to serve. And Chris Christies final moment in the sun this wind. Youre not taking these. Hey, hey, hey youre not taking those. Whoa, whoa youre not taking that. Come with me. 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Only a dignity memorial professional can celebrate a life like no other. Find out how at sanfranciscodignity. Com. Ted cruz is trying to be the new savior of the Republican Health care bill in the senate, and yesterday in texas, that earned him this. Health cares a human right health cares a human right tonight senator cruz attended an event hosted by concerned veterans for america where protesters were kept outside. According to the Washington Post, more republican senators joined a delegation to afghanistan this week than scheduled town halls. On friday, President Trump tweeted a new legislative strategy on health care that republicans should simply repeal the Affordable Care act completely and then, later, figure out how to replace it. Mitch mcconnell rejected that strategy, saying its not easy making America Great again, is it . Joining us now, euGene Robinson, opinion writer for the Washington Post and msnbc political analyst, and back with us, nick christophe, the new republican strategy instead of taking Health Care Coverage away from 22 million, 23 million people, just take it away from anyone who got anything under the Affordable Care act. Just go for it. Why not . That line about making America Great not being easy is, to me, dripping with sarcasm because, of course, this idea that the president has resurfaced repeal now, now, replace later is something he categorically ruled out at the beginning of this process because, remember, there were a lot of republicans who said this is the way were going to do it. And he said, no, no, no, its got to be repeal and replace at the same time. Thats what they worked on through the past months and through all this hurt and pain and all these town halls. Now the president says, well, why dont you just do it the way i said not to do it. So im sure that made mitch really happy. And, nick, this is such a clear element of president ial involvement with legislation, that the president must be consistent. Its the only rule. Its the only Rule Congress needs is the president has to be consistent because after all, the president s involvement turns on nothing other than his veto power. Its the only reasonthy ta they to the president , right . What they always need to know is what will you support, what wont you support, and that changes by the week with donald trump. I mean the only consistency is, of course, that hes kind of oblivious to policy of all kinds, including health care policy. And, you know, i must say, though, that one other thing that he has occasionally been consistent on that really does worry me is that, you know, clearly repeal and replace terrifies the public. Trumpcare has, what, 17 approval rating. But he has periodically voiced this idea that they will essentially step on the oxygen hose of obamacare, and then as it suffers, say, oh, its dying a natural death. Yeah, right. And thats, i think, you know, trying to cripple the mandate, trying to erode the subsidy. There are a lot of things they can do to really put obamacare on the ropes and then claim it died a natural death even as they have been strangling it. Lets listen to Susan Collins, who is one of the republican senators who is not afraid of talking about this. She said that when she was at her fourth of july public appearance yesterday, she said there was only one issue. Thats unusual. Its usually a wide range of issues. Collins said in an interview after the parade, i heard over and over again encouragement for my stand against the current version of the senate and House Health Care bills. People were thanking me over and over again. Thank you, susan. Stay strong, susan. And, gene, thats one of the elements of legislative activism that is often forgotten, is the protest, is what we saw at the ted cruz meeting there about kind of yelling the senator into your position. But if the senator is in your position, a thank you is a very good idea. Yeah, its a very good idea. It makes them feel real good. Ill tell you Susan Collins no vote sounds more and more solid as time goes on and seems more solid after she said she had a chance to consult with her constituents. Not a lot of republican members of congress, as you mentioned, bothered to expose themselves to their constituents over this holiday. So not all of them heard this, but their offices have been flooded with phone calls. And claiearly theyre feeling t heat. The senators realize that this is kind of a bad deal no matter what they do. And, nick, Mitch Mcconnell is the one who is supposed to pull the rabbit out of the hat here. Given a completely impossible set of promises laid out by the president over of course of a year of campaigning. It doesnt seem that the white house is aware or the president is aware that there is no version of this that doesnt involve multiple violations of multiple trump promises. Thats absolutely true. Obviously medicaid is the best example of that. And, you know, it sure does same to me that if the rabbit in the hat, as you say, it was pretty much dead before the break. It seems to me even harder with this kind of reaction to revive it during the after the break. And of course that will in turn translate into more difficulties with tax policy, with infrastructure. So this resistance on health, i think, does have broader implications for tax reform, for example. Were going to have to leave it there. Thank you very much for joining us. Appreciate it. Coming up, Gene Robinson is going to stay with us. Coming up, a psychiatrist using the Army Field Manual on leadership to evaluate Donald Trumps fitness to serve as president of the United States. Managing blood sugar is not a marathon. Its a series of smart choices. And when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. Glucerna. Everyday progress. I know you worry i cant keep up with our weekly tee times. Dear son, but ive been taking osteo biflex ease. Its 80 smaller but just as effective. Which means youre in big trouble, son. Improved joint comfort in seven days. Osteo biflex ease. Made to move. [brother] any last words . [boy] karma, danny. Karma [vo] progress is seizing the moment. Your summer moment awaits you, now that the summer of audi sales event is here. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models during the summer of audi sales event. I started talking about the 25th amendment two weeks into the Trump Presidency when it had become painfully clear that by any previous behavioral standard applied to the presidency, donald trump was unfit to serve. The 25th amendment allows for the removal of a president who is, quote, unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. The 25th amendment leaves it to the Vice President to decide when the president is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. It can be for health reasons. It can be for Mental Health reasons. It could be for reasons of corruption or any reason the Vice President chooses. The Vice President cannot do this alone. He needs the written agreement of a majority of the cabinet, and with that the Vice President becoming the acting president as long as the president remains unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. In the weeks and months that have passed since then, no ones confidence in President Trumps ability to discharge the powers and duties of his office has increased. A month into the Trump Presidency, senator al franken wondered aloud about the president s sanity, something that no senator had ever done with a new president. Psychiatrists and psychologists started going public with their concerns about the president s mental stability. Some of them appeared as guests on this program. And people who knew the president well and had been very friendly with him for years began to publicly question his Mental Health. If he had a condition or an issue during the campaign, people close to him say it is now getting very, very troubling and i have worrisome. This is a president isolated and out of control and in decline. I think hes such a narcissist, it is possible that hes mentally ill in a way. Hes not well. At the very least, hes not well. Last week, when the president attacked Joe Scarborough and mika brzezinski, many more people began to question the president s Mental Health because of the viciousness of the attack. But there was nothing new stylistically in the trump attack. He had been at least that vicious with Rosie Odonnell years ago and was equally vicious with megyn kelly during the campaign. But the negative reaction was more intense this time because of all of the accumulated bursts of trumpian madness that preceded the attack on joe and mika. And then came this on sunday. A wordless tweet that presumably captured the president s frame of mind, his state of mind about cnn. The tweet seen round the world. That created a new burst of interest in the 25th amendment and the mental stability of the president of the United States. It was like a straw breaking a camels back. The worlds strangest tweeter given his position in our government and his position in the world tweeted one of his strangest tweets after a week in which his Mental Health was already being questioned. What everyone knew the second they saw that tweet about him fighting with cnn was that the president that president s do not do this. Thats everyones first reaction. President s do not do this. In a recent piece in the los angeles times, psychiatrist prudence gorgachon considered President Trumps fitness to serve using what she calls the one source where the capacities necessary for strategic leadership are clearly and comprehensively laid out, the u. S. Armys field manual on leadership. Joining us now, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. Doctor, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Run us through why the Army Field Manual and what it tells us about the president. Well, thanks for having me tonight. I was fascinated by the language of the 25th amendment, and the idea of how would we determine that a president was unable to carry out the duties of his office. And i had the idea a couple months ago that continuing to diagnose him was not going to go very far because, first of all, you can never get three psychiatrists to agree on a diagnosis. And as fox news just pointed out the other day, 49 of president s have served with a Mental Health diagnosis. So i wanted to develop i kind of had a imagine mike pence in the cabinet. How would we decide that this president cant carry out his duties . I started building a check list and ended up discovering the Army Field Manual, which is a fantastic document based on really sound psychiatric and psychological knowledge going back a century. And it comes up with a set of criteria, a set of capacities and abilities that a leader with strategic responsibility has to have. And so i put them into a pocketsize checklist of five core capacities straight out of the Army Field Manual. And anybody you dont have to be a psychiatrist or a doctor. Any observe ant person can take a look at these and say does donald trump meet these does he have these capabilities . And you lay it out in this oped piece, those capabilities are trust, discipline and selfcontrol, judgment and critical thinking, selfawareness, empathy, and on the discipline and selfcontrol, its really quite striking because one of the things the Army Field Manual identifies is, for example, viscerally or angrily when receiving bad news or conflicting information, reacting vis ralcerally or angr. And we recognize donald trump in that and pretty much Everything Else that the Army Field Manual does not want in leadership. Exactly. The phrases come out at you, and theyre kind of stunning when compared to the tweets that you talked about in the introduction. Also the capacity to anticipate consequences of your actions. The Army Field Manual talks about not only does a leader have to anticipate immediate consequences but secondary and thirddegree consequences. And that one struck me in addition to the lack of discipline. And they also tie together, if you dont have discipline, you cant think. You cant strategize. You cant plan. And they just i looked at the tweet about mika brzezinski, and it seemed to me that every one of the criteria was fell short with that one tweet. Every one of the criteria that would get you knocked out of a leadership position in the army was met by the president in a single tweet. In a single tweet. All five. And here he is, commander in chief of that army. The Army Field Manual is has been developed, as you say, over the course of about a century. And as a psychiatrist, how would you evaluate its usefulness . Because you make the point that theres been a lot of studies about various forms various kinds of human characteristics, but leadership is not one of them. Entrepreneurial stuff, Business Leadership has been written about. But this kind of leadership has not been written about. Well, even in business, in the business literature, the basic capacities of what does it take to be a human being with vast responsibility for life and fortune of others. Even that in the business literature is not pulled together in one place. The Army Field Manual is the only place where i could find where anybody did that. I do want to correct one thing. I didnt mean the field manual had been in existence for 100 years. It does have a long history. But the background, the psychological and psychoanalytic knowledge that its based on goes back 100 years. The question is how do we define not Mental Health, mental illness, but capacity to shoulder enormous responsibility and the fate of nations . And this document is the only place i found that really puts that down. And i think that were better off looking at positive attributes of capacity rather than, oh, does he have this diagnosis or that diagnosis because not only will there be disagreement, but a mental diagnosis does not necessarily disqualify you to be president as Abraham Lincoln was famously severely depressed at different time in his life. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Thanks so much for having me. Coming up, why is Chris Christie the most unpopular governor in america . One picture tells the story. And bathing suit warning. Viewer discretion advised. Thats next. Award winning interface. Award winning design. Award winning engine. The volvo xc90. The most awarded luxury suv of the century. Visit your volvo dealer today and get up to 4,500 in allowances. You can use whipped topping made. But real joyful moments. Are shared over the real cream in reddiwip. Reddiwip. Share the joy. 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Before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if youve ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. Tell your doctor if youve ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. Ready to let go of hep c . Ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. Looked at in the rearview mirror, political punditry is filled with mistaken predictions about politicians. Ive certainly had my share of those wrong predictions, but none involved Chris Christie, who i always believed was going to be a sure loser if he ran for president. And when his season on the National Political stage came, he dropped out of the president ial race after the first primary. No surprise here. I believed he was going to be a loser on the National Stage even before he got caught lying about his staffs involvement in using the closing of lanes on the George Washington bridge as a political weapon against one of their inenemies. But when i saw Chris Christie was capable of something so dangerous and so stupid involving the most important bridge in the world, i knew there was no room left for any doubt that Chris Christie would fail as a president ial candidate. Ive learned nothing about Chris Christie since bridgegate, meaning nothing that bridgegate hadnt already taught me. So when i saw this picture of the most unpopular governor in america this weekend, nothing about it surprised me. It was the perfect picture of a political loser sitting on a beach. That beach was closed to the public as were several other state beaches in new jersey because of Chris Christie a own incompetence in governing, creating gridlock with the legislature. Before the photos of chris thtin the beach with published, Chris Christie denied he had been on the beach that day. It was a trumpsized lie, the kind of thing that Chris Christie got away with early in his governorship before new jersey voters were on to him. So what does the rise and fall of Chris Christie tell us about the rise and perhaps the fall of donald trump . Steve schmidt and euGene Robinson will join us next. And we covered it, july first, twentyfifteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum if you have moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. If other treatments havent worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. 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I dont count going out on the beach after ive been working all morning to sit and talk with my wife and our guests for 40 minutes before i had to leave to come back to work as getting sun. That wasnt what i was out there to get. The way i took the question was, hey, were you like out laying out getting a tan today. That wasnt what i was doing, and thats not what those pictures show. I dont apologize for it. I dont back away from it. And i think my poll numbers show that i dont care about political optics. What i care about is doing whats right and wrong. Back with us, euGene Robinson, and joining us by phone, republican strategist steve smith from a beach chair somewhere far out in the pacific presumably undisclosed location. Steve in, watching Chris Christie and watching him handle this, theres a kind of echo of trump. Hes a clearer speaker than donald trump is. He actually speaks in sentences but there seems to be a similar kind of defensiveness and bravado in handling a situation like this. Look, i think what you saw there is vintage Chris Christie. In two elections in new jersey, Chris Christie won. I dont think anybody who voted for christie and theres a lot of people who voted for him today that would din it. I dont think anybody who voted for christie can say they got a different Chris Christie than the one they voted for. When you look at elite level politicians which he certainly falls into that category in every instance, the strength and weaknesses of these people are the opposite sides of the same coin. And i think what you saw was a gove govern in his last months in office, his last july 4th, beach mansion in the state of new jersey saying im going to use there for my family and you know and from his perception, he had the democrats in the legislature that the budget wasnt done wasnt going to ruin his beach holiday, the optics be damned. Thats the Chris Christie weve seen on the public stage since hour one of his arrival to national prominence. Gene, i love the part where he wants to get into a debate of exactly what level of recline is necessary to be because he was sitting. He wasnt laying down. But i think the fascinating thing is the point steve just made. Heres a guy who won twice in new jersey. So when you look at the current polls which the quinnipiac poll in june showing him with a 15 approval rating, an 81 disapproval rating, what that means is twotime Chris Christie voters have completely changed their minds about him. And so what youre looking at there is the voter change of mind and how fast, how long does it take to happen and what does that tell us about the Trump Presidency. Clearly voters have changed their minds and governor christie no longer cares. If you care, you dont shut down the beach and then go out and lay, you know, lay out or sit out, whatever he was doing, and you know, he called it gotcha journalism, the newspaper that flew a plane over the beach to capture those images. He said it was gotcha journalism. But the problem with that is, govern governor they got you. Where they get you, thats not a good thing for you. You know, its interesting. Im not sure, i dont know how much of a parallel you can draw with trump because as steve said, Chris Christie has been a substantial politician, like him or not, agree with him or not, he can read a policy paper. I have heard him speak with sophistication and compassion on at least one issue on opioid addiction, for example. You know, so hes got more substance than donald trump i think has ever had. And steve, to that point, he has more substance and yet, 81 have turned against him in a state where is he won a majority vote twice. Yeah, for sure. Look, i dont think he necessarily looks ahead and sees an electoral future in the state of new jersey. I think hes unlikely and would be deeply unhappy as weve seen him on the public stage. Seld be very unhappy as a United States senator. Hes not going to run for office again. You see someone at the end of his term saying look, the governor of new jersey has two residences, one of them at island state beach park. Thats the one im going to be at. Though the beach may be closed, the governors residence is open. I dont care what anyone says about it. They can all go jump in the lake. Im going to go to the beach with my family for july 4th. I dont think you see that very frequently in politicians where youquette someone down to 15 approval and theyre completely totally 100 comfortable with it. I think in fact, he is. We are a long way from my home state, governor, Michael Dukakis taking the subway to work in a state where there is no governors mansion, never mind two of them. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. Appreciate it. Glad to be here. Take care. Tonights last word is next. Youre not taking these. Hey, hey, hey youre not taking those. Whoa, whoa youre not taking that. Come with me. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Mom, im taking the subaru. Dont be late. Even when were not there to keep them safe, our Subaru Outback will be. vo love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Im not going to let it paichange my life. Air. Aleve is proven stronger on pain than tylenol 8 hour. And only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just 1 pill. 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M. , he walked by a police van in the bronx and fired one round from a. 38 caliber revolver into the head of officer miosotis familia. Police nearby then shot and killed Alexander Bonds. She was rushed to the hospital, her three kids were notified. Her 128yearold twins and her 20yearold college girl daughter. Her 86yearold mother who lives in miosotis fa millias apartment in the bronx had to be told the horrible news. Word spread quickly to relative inside the Dominican Republic who suddenly had to make reservations to new york city. She clung to life in surgery for three hours and was pronounced dead at 3 37 a. M. Her nephew, john quell low, told the New York Times she was a wore yore to tell you the truth. She was a fighter. She was tough. That was the job for her. She would say there is nothing easy about it but she loved what she did. New york city policemyio so thetis familia was 4 years old. After a day of celebration, the bronx, new york city and this country lost a hero last night in what sounded like fireworks but was actually the sound of an american tragedy. High stakes. With the whole world watching, President Trump is in quar r war sar preparing for his first facetoface Vladimir Putin. Plus, north koreas

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