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Unanimously conclude. Three p 30. Against president Donald Trumps travel ban. Laws apply to everybody in our country. And that includes the president of the United States. Its a political decision and were going to see them in court. When you are talking about going to the fundamental rights of the American People it is the constitution that rules. The security of our country is at stake. Lets not try to stir up fear to get america to turn away from its core values. The end of the day it is about peoples lives and the future of our country. Hello. Im ari melber in for lawrence odonnell. American history many president s have tested the constitutional wall that limits their powers. But never before has a president crashed into that wall this early in his term. On february 9, 2017, on the 20th evening of the trump presidency, a federal Appeals Court unanimously blocking the president s travel ban. There are three major reasons this court ruled against trump. First, the judges rejected his argument that his power over immigration is so broad judges couldnt review it. That may sound like the sweeping argument of a king which might be why trumps lawyers left that long pause when conceding it was their position when questioned by these judges earlier this week. Are you arguing then that the president s decision in that regard is unreviewable . The yes. Tonight, the ruling invoked that very moment to note that the Trump Administration is arguing, quote, its decisions on immigration is unreviewable, even if the actions contravene Constitutional Rights. But a courtroom isnt like a campaign. You cant just say words. You need evidence to back them up. Tonight, this court ruled trump didnt have any. Theres no precedent for claiming the ban cannot be reviewed the judges wrote and beyond question that the federal judiciary retains the authority to review constitutional challenges to action. The judges cited key rulings in American History for that Authority Like the Supreme Courts guantanamo ruling against the Bush Administration saying that a boss kneeian prisoner had rights in court which president bush disagreed with. The Supreme Court decision, well abide by the courts decision. That doesnt mean i have to agree with it. Its deeply divided court. And i strongly agree with those who dissented. Tonight, the judges also cited japanese internment and the court upheld the actions and still retained the constitutional role of reviewing them. Those precedents show that federal courts routinely review the constitutionality of actions taken by the executive to promote National Security, the judges wrote. Now heres the second reason trump lost this round. Persistent questions over whether this travel ban is a muslim ban. Tonights ruling does not resolve that question. The judges say, though, it is a real question. Now thats bad for trump because the constitution cares about keeping government out of religion. Founders put it first in the bill of rights. Thats why its the First Amendment and these judges wrote trumps own statements show his intent to implement a muslim ban and raises significant constitutional questions. Heres the third reason trump lost this round. Might be the most fascinating. Its not about whether the ban is legal or even a good idea. Its about what one might call governing the trump way. Donald trump ran on changing how washington works. 20 days in, the facts show that approach to change is not only chaotic, it can even contradict itself. For example, this immigration order was first released as a ban on legal residents in the u. S. With green cards. And then that policy was reversed and reversed again. Donald trumps dhs secretary conceding that was a mistake. In retrospect, i should have, this is all on me, by the way, i should have delayed just a bit to talk to members of congress, particularly the leadership of committees like this to prepare them for what was coming. The way those rules kept changing created massive confusion. Everybody knows that. But did you know that the text of the order never changed . Think about that. The Trump Administration claimed the massive power to deny people entry into their lawful home. That upends your eire life if it happens to you and then the administration claimed the opposite power without ever changing the order so the points not merely that this was chaos for a couple of weeks or cavalier or even inhumane to the over 1 million legal residents who might have been affected. Tonight the judges said the larger point is that a government which claims powers that are not supported by Lawful Authority which can point to the same text for the opposite position, that is a government that could abuse all kinds of powers so while the Trump Administration now says the order no longer bans those legal residents with green cards, tonight the court basically said, we dont believe you. Quote, we cannot rely on the Trump Administrations contention that the order no longer applies to lawful, permanent residents. Thats not good and then the court took on this man. Don mcgahn. Now the top lawyer at the white house. After the green card confusion, he wrote a memo stating that the order really, really didnt apply to green card residents anymore. Tonight, the judges called him out addressing him in unusual terms. The white House Counsel is not the president. And hes not known to be in the chain of command. That is as close as an Appeals Court comes to telling a white House Counsel to sit down. And then the court stressed the absurdity of the fact that they even had to rule on this part of the issue writing in light of the administrations shifting interpretations we cant say the current interpretation by the counsel will persist. In other words, if the courts give white house staff the power to reverse president ial orders they could then reverse them again any time. So those are three reasons that President Trump lost this round. Note that two of them are totally avoidable. The president can acknowledge courts have the power to review his order and still win the case. Thats what happens in the internment cases and the president can fix the green card confusion. He could do it tonight in the time it takes to write an angry tweet. He could sign an amended order with clear protection for residents. One of those things requires respecting the judiciary. The other requires acknowledging a mistake. Neither costs the president a thing. Both would help his case in court. They are the easy thing to do if this is a president who wants to put immigration policy above himself. And joining me now for a special interview of skype is Washington State governor jay insly that brought this case. What did this ruling mean to you . Well, it meant that our system of checks and balances fundamentally is intact and that the constitution and evidence is what counts in the courtroom rather than the number of tweet that is you send out over the internet and what this was about. Look. You have to have evidence coming into court. The president lost on numerous ways for a lack of evidence. He did not present evidence that this is a Security Threat to the United States that could be remedied by this effort. He did not present evidence that this did not discriminate against the muslim faith. It was clear from the evidence that was presented this does discriminate. It sends muslims to the back of the bus. And thats not surprising because the president himself has publicly said thats what he wanted to do. And publicly said he wanted to put other faiths in the front of the bus to have priority in the refugee situation. So i think the stunning part about this is several things. Number one, we have now had four judges review this. And the president is still trying to demean and undermine our confidence in our judicial system. I think thats very disturbing. Its okay to criticize the courts but to call this as a political decision when we have two of these judges out of the four who are appointed by republican president s i just dont think that cuts it. So tonight we had a really bold affirmation of our fundamental system of checks and balances. We have no royalty. It sounds disturbing to the president looking at all of his most recent tweet in all caps but he does have to realize that the constitution and evidence are what dominate in a courtroom and they won big time in front of these four judges and two separate levels of appeals so right. Governor, you mentioned the tweets. He writes see you in court. The security of our nation is at stake. What is your response to that . Do you expect to win the rest of this case on the merits . Yes. Were very confident in our position. By the way, our lawyers did a great job, bob ferguson and noel percull. We saw him in court. He lost. One of the reasons for this is the compelling evidence, again, evidence in the courtroom where 12 secretaries of state, cia directors, Homeland Security, one of the cia directors who worked for george bush for goodness sakes who all said basically that this action by the president if anything reduced our National Security. Look, i have got people from washington fighting in the fields today in the mideast shoulder to shoulder with muslims who are fighting against terrorism. And the secretaries of state, madeline albright, john kerry, they all uniformly said this would make it more difficult to maintain these alliances. Help as a recruiting poster to isis. So the evidence before the court was profound. By the way, the courts gave the president an opportunity to present evidence as to why this would help National Security. You know what they put forward . Virtually nothing. So im feeling better tonight and i think most people should. Right. That we make decisions based on evidence and the u. S. Constitution aov constitution. Governor, thank you for joining us tonight. Were proud of our state tonight. Joining me now is a legal panel, vince warren, a lawyer running the senate for Constitutional Rights and brought and won that guantanamo case, also norm eisen, former counsel for president obama. Former ambassador. Vince, for folks that read the footnotes carefully and sometimes where the action is, this court went out of the way to cite wartime rulings and the case your Organization Won on guantanamo. Why . Its very interesting to watch the clip of george bush react very differently than donald trump did. George bush said i respect the courts ruling and dont agree and interesting to go back to the days and never thought george bush would be more gracious given those human rights abuses and the reason they cited that case which is significant, back then filing that case, the president claimed the authority to be able to detain people outside of the courts to be able to strip away the Constitutional Rights. And also, claimed that this was an unreviewable decision. When the Supreme Court looked at the case, the Supreme Court found very clearly and i think created a seminole decision that said actually the courts, the courts i dont know to review only of these things so its harkening back to the days and, frankly, at the center for Constitutional Rights we feel like we have seen eight years of george bush in about 20 days of donald trump so its actually quite good to be able to have this type of ruling that reminds not just us but i think reminds the executive branch that they cant just jam this stuff through. Interesting. You are saying for checks and balances the speed of this is good because the way the Bush Administration challenged some things took years to get what youre calling a restoration of order here. Norm, youve been a white house lawyer. I wonder what you thought of the 9th circuits treatment of Donald Trumps lawyer. Well, it was an extraordinary smackdown, ari. A reminder that the white House Counsel does not have the authority to fix the president s messes. He can whisper in the president s ear but he cant act for the president and i thought reading between the lines there was another criticism of the white House Counsel. How could you let your client get in this big of a mess . Right. Because the job you did, of course, is to try to protect the president and uphold the constitution. I want to be clear. I think mr. Mcgahn has a client to deal with in president donald trump. Hes proven himself to be an able lawyer in other instances. But do you have the view based on what we know and whats in this opinion that they couldnt get President Trump to clean it up because part of this as i argued or explained in the opening is part of this could easily be fixed any time including tonight if they just want to amend the order, consistent with the 9th circuits counsel. Ive been there in the white house and in the oval office when it went well and when it went poorly and it is always a difficult matter to admit you made a mistake. But think of president obama. He decided he had gone too far when he drew the syria red line, that he felt he needed, would have needed the authorization of congress and brave enough, whether you agree or disagree with it, to say so. That showed restraint and takes more courage, ari, to say you have made a mistake and what we want from a president. So, he ought to do the right thing. And fix this but it seems hes determined to fight it out. Its a good night i agree for checks and balances. Its a good night for democracy. Its a very bad night for Donald Trumps approach to the rule of law. Right. I think thats certainly the facts and that is the fact whether or not one likes some of whats in the travel ban or not. Thats just the lay of it. Vince, take a listen to the president. He will have a press Conference Tomorrow and came out and wanted the speak directly here to Kelly Odonnell in response. Well see them in court. Its a political decision and were going to see them in court and i look forward to doing it. So you believe the judges made a political decision . We have a situation where the security of our country is at stake and its a very, very serious situation. So we look forward as i just said to seeing them in court. Thank you, guys. Do you think its undercut the early days of your presidency . No. A decision that came down and well win the case. Its a decision that we will win, in my opinion, very easily. Vince . This is whats wrong with this president and this presidency. One does not do one upmanship. This is not about donald trump winning. This is about whether democracy is going to remain intact. Plain and simple. This is also about the people who have been stuck under that order. When this thing first happened, we filed a complaint with the Inspector General of department of Homeland Security talking about situations happening on the ground at the customs and Border Patrol people, were Holding People indy tension. Not feeding them or seeing their lawyers and forcibly put back on planes. The kind of chaos that is unleashed with this president is devastating and extreme. And for him to think that this is a political decision by the courts, opposed to something keeping us safe from an intemp rate and looney presidency is really problematic. Vince warren, thank you. Norm, ill be speaking more to you coming up. We have a lot on the breaking news. How these fights might be hobbling other parts of the Trump Administration including the political operation. Hillary clinton also tweeting tonight, 30. Pointing out that the threejudge panel ruled unanimously against the administration and it took three weeks for President Trump to do something serious enough in the ethics area through the staff that now were finding republicans want an Ethics Office investigation or inquiry involved. Well explain. Your brokerage fe. Fees . What did you have in mind . I dont know. 6. 95 per trade . Uhhh and i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee . Guarantee . Where we can get our fees and commissions back if were not happy. So can you offer me what schwab is offering . Whats with all the questions . Ask your broker if theyre offering 6. 95 online equity trades and a satisfaction guarantee. If you dont like their answer, ask again at schwab. Did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. 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If you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis. Well, well see them in court. Its a political decision and were going to see them in court and i look forward to doing it. You believe the judges made a political decision . We have a situation where the security of our country is at stake. And its a very, very serious situation. So we look forward, as i just said, to seeing them in court. Sir, do you think this is undercut the early days of your presidency . This is such a core issue. No. This is just a decision that came down but were going to win the case. It is a decision well win, in my opinion, very easily. Thats brand new reaction of the white house there to the Appeals Court ruling blocking trumps travel ban. President trump said he hadnt quite read the ruling yet and tweeted a similar point. See you in court. The security of our nation is at stake. Meanwhile, Democrat Chuck schumer imploring the president to take this setback as a chance to work with congress writing, President Trump ought to see the writing on the wall, abandon proposal, roll up his sleeves and come up with a real bipartisan plan to coupe us safe and trump aides said its not a conclusion about the merits of the ban which is true. Heres spokesman sean spicer. Today rolling with suggested about the temporary restraining order, we look forward to having a ruling on the merits and feel very, very confident in the president s authority on this as stated in the u. S. Code, the authority to make sure that the people coming in the country are doing so with the proper intentions. So obviously, the first question is, will it go to the Supreme Court. We have to examine the legal options. Thats what we are doing now to make sure that we know what the be legal route to do is. Thats a Breitbart Facebook page. And joining me now is evan mcmullen, and howard dean. Governor dean, your thoughts on the ruling . I think the ruling, im not a lawyer, but i think it made a lot of sense. It was pretty clear from the beginning because of what the president had said on the campaign aiming to be a ban of muslims. Rudy giuliani basically testified to that on television so its hard to see how the judges could have come up with a different conclusion. The other thing that was very powerful about this, this is the fourth four chunlgs, two republicans and two democrats and clearly not a political verdict. This is a judicial verdict and the rule of law and what this country is about. Evan, i wonder if you could speak to the security part which is alluded to in the judgment. Again, as we emphasized, this is not a final conclusion on whether the ban is good for National Security or whether it is constitutional. Its a procedural step but within that process theres been as we have showed on the air extensive discussion and your view on that part and whether the process which is getting a lot of attention on that will inform whether people find that this is good for safety. Well, i think the process certainly gives the government an opportunity to present whatever evidence it has. As somebody who comes from a National Security background, i have serious doubts and concerns that its going to be able to provide that evidence. But i would say two things about this security angle. First of all, the government was arguing that this wasnt reviewable because the policy was formed based on National Security reasons. That, of course, is completely false. The 9th kir sit judged in that way which upholds their ability, upholds the judiciarys ability to review policies by the executive branch that are informed by socalled National Security concerns. Thats a big deal. Thats very important for our system. The other thing i would say is simply that the president is arguing that he is pushing this policy forward for National Security reasons. Now hes been set back significantly. If he continues forward with this executive order, it takes quite some time. Meanwhile, claiming we are under dire threat and i agree theres national Security Threats out there but the point is this. Will donald trump now take a new approach that is consistent with his claim that were under Immediate National Security Threats that require this policy . Or, will he continue to protect his ego and to fight, you know, through a long process that according to his stipulations leaves us vulnerable from a National Security perspective . Endera, go ahead. I agree theres considerations that any president has to take into account and donald trump among them but you laid out at the top of the show three very Important Reasons that donald trump lost in this case and i want to reiterate one that the governor of washington mentioned which was the lack of evidence. The fact that Donald Trumps administration not able to prove that anyone from any of these seven countries that are targeted had ever committed a fatal terrorist attack on american soil. In fact, if you look at both the government figures, Counter Terrorism figures collected that university of maryland, decades worth of this, the only foreign nationals who caused terrorism deaths in the United States were the 9 11 attackers who are mostly saudis, also some from united emirates and egypt and lebanon and these seven countries there is literally not a single terrorist death attributed to them on u. S. Soil. So it doesnt make sense. They werent able to prove the theory of their case that were in danger from people from those seven countries. Remember, omar mateen born in the United States. Right. The other recent attacks that are so high profile were done by americans. Right. Or the pakistani born wife of one of them. Its a security issue and becoming a political issue whether its the gop to own it. Governor dean, take a listen to the full context and play here of a pretty rowdy town hall for republican Jason Chaffetz. She asked a very good question of pakistan and saudi arabia. Honestly, i dont know the answer to that question. I really dont. Governor, what do you see there in the politics . Well, you know, heres the problem with trump. He shoots from the hip. He doesnt know what hes talking about. He makes it up as he goes along. Thats not president ial. And i think he certainly has some loyal followers but as time goes on, all but the most deeply emotional followers of donald trump are going to wonder what the hells going on in the white house and this cannot go on. Hes got to stop this. Hes got to be more sober minded and speak from evidence and hasnt done that and doesnt seem to be inclined to do that and hang out people like Jason Chaffetz to dry and when that starts to happen, the republicans in the house turn against him and then the presidency is in deep trouble. I mean, evan, thats the other piece of this, right . I mean, this is something where the Republican Party has gone back and forth on how much to own donald trump. We are supposed to be what is called the honeymoon period but its democrats who do also seem energized by all this. Take a listen to senator corey booker on our air tonight. This is a good day for the United States of america because were asserting continuing to assert the reality that donald trump doesnt seem to want to accept and not above the law, he cant just uncheck, do bans like this. Ultimately in my opinion make our country less safe and not more. Evan . Yeah. Well i think senator bookers correct and seem to be in the period of the president getting a hands on, on the job civics training. Which, of course, we would hope that any president would have before taking office. But with regard to whether republicans in congress will turn against President Trump any point, i think it has more to do with where their constituents are and as long as you have 80 or 90 of Republican Voters supporting donald trump, thats going to take leadership and courage that candidly i havent seen, you know, i havent seen on display from Many Republican members of congress. There are some great exceptions. Dont get me wrong but i think as long as the politics are challenging in that way, especially for house members, who are on twoyear election cycles, its, you know, im not holding my breath. Indira, this is a back drop of a vacancy on the Supreme Court. Donald trump picking neil gorsuch attacking the judiciary and on the last word last night a senator explained was demoralizing in the view of that judge put all that in context for us. The update in 24 hours even though the spokesman through the white house vetting process admitted he had called it demoralizing and disheartening the comments paid on the individual judiciary and socalled judge and the rulings ridiculous, they walked that back and gorsuch saying he was speaking about general attacks and cautionary note thats walked back. But lets call it what it is. I dont know what walk back means. Nbc news and the New York Times confirmed through the spokesman for the judge that thats what he said. Oh, he absolutely said that but heres senator blumenthal speaking to the point you raise and then your response on the other side. There is no question, chris, that judge gorsuch in our conversation was talking about Donald Trumps attacks on the judiciary. And thats confirmed by judge gorsuchs own spokesperson after the meeting yesterday. It could be confirmed by the white house staff who was sitting in the meeting. And its a remark thats been made to at least three of my colleagues in other meetings. So for this to be a factual question is pretty bizarre. Is bizarre the nicest word to use . Im not questioning he said it. He said it. They confirmed he said it. Donald trump got up this morning angry he said it and first tried to attack senator blumenthal and say it was fake newses and never said and then sean spicer doubled down in the White House Briefing room and the upshot is that even though neil gorsuch said it, he is forced to say i meant in it a general way. I think this goes back to the point of is this a honey moon period . Not at all. That is chaos presidency but i think intentionally done with the intent to kind of deluge us with all of these things that are happening to make it hard to focus on what are the important outrages and distinguish them from the minor outrages and all a way of sort of confusing the opposition, making the medias job very hard to do. I think its all very intentional and jeb bush predicted this in the primary saying that donald trump was a chaos candidate and going to be a chaos president. But i do think theyre doing it intentionality strategically speaking. Theres a lot of people on the show tonight longing for the other bushes. For whatever reason. Governor dean, final thought from you. I want to put up a tweet of eric holder. Twitter is the Political Tool of communication. Skill, judgment, courage. Vindicated all caps. All caps night, everybody. 30. Included, of course, a rather dramatic image there of his former colleague Deputy Attorney general and acting attorney general sally yates and stepped aside over the refusal to enforce this ban or was removed for it. Governor . Heres the problem with the chaos presidency. I think indira is right. The problem with the chaos presidency is that people get tired of it if nothing happens. So far nothing really happened other than up ending the rule of the law and the core of the constitution. I just dont think this kind of presidencys going to be successful unless he can deliver something and so far hes delivered exactly nothing but kay why is. Well, governor, politics is a divisive business but we can agree. Its tiring. Im tired. We have energy for the rest of the show. To my guests, thank you so much for joining us. We have more on the breaking news and other stories. What Kellyanne Con way did on tv today is wrong, wrong, wrong. Jason chaffetz said hes taking action. 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And maybe, a chance at greatness because shoulders were made for greatness. Not dandruff. We have a new report for you on some of the politics of the ethics questions of trump white house. Today conway did something that the government officials are not allowed to do. I do find it ironic that youve got some executives all over the internet bragging about what they have done to her and her line and yet, yet using the most prominent woman in Donald Trumps, you know, most prominent kellyanne and using her, a champion for Women Empowerment and women in the workplace to get to him. 30 seconds. Buy her stuff. I hate shopping and ill gt myself today. No dont do that. Youre not allowed to do that. Ethics issues have divided democrats and republicans in the trump era. So how would it go down . It was different. The republican share of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Jason Chaffetz saying the comments were wrong, wrong, wrong. And if there was any doubt, he added they were quote, wholly unacceptable. This afternoon, congressman chaffetz joined the top democrat on the panel Elijah Cummings with a bipartisan letter to the director of government ethics that states conways statements clearly violate the Ethical Principles for federal employees and are unacceptable. We request you review the statements and act promptly on the basis of your findings and report back to the committee with your recommendation for disciplinary action if warranted. So what consequences if any would conway face . Whats the latest reporting tonight on how the president feels about it . We have ethics experts on the other side of the break and a frl Appeals Court rules against the trump travel ban. Befi was active. Gia, i was energetic. Then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. My doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. He also prescribed lyrica. Fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. 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A report of politico about the president s reaction himself reportedly saying spicer in what you said was too harsh about conway. Quote, a source familiar with the matter said trump is fully backing conway and doesnt agree with the counselled remarks. This person said the president found it unfair saying it sounds like she is repremanded or needs counselling. Joining me is norm eisen and paul butler, law professor at Georgetown University and former prosecutor. Im a counselor, as well. Meeting with a lawyer or getting counselled doesnt mean necessarily anything that terrible. Paul, i understand what you think of president s term . I think the president doesnt get it. The federal rules say that you cannot use your federal employee position to advance a product. Kellyanne conway said go buy ivankas stuff. Thats a textbook violation. And heres why it matters. It is like the white house is paying attention to the trumps businesses. If youre an employee of the United States, thosere the interest that is you are supposed to serve. You are not supposed to be hustling up some money for the bosss daughter. Textbook violation. It is really concerning that the president does not understand that. And norm, wouldnt the best course of action for a federal employee not to take the question in the first place and asking me about the private business of another federal official, in this case, the president. I dont have anything to add because her job is to work on the public interests. We pay her salary. Ari, the problem is that the president himself has set a rotten tone at the top because hes using Public Office in an exploitive way to make money for himself including forbidden Foreign Government payments and other benefits, in violation of the emoluments clause. She is not exempt from the ethics rules that paul cited. And its a very serious violation. I dont i thought that the spicer comment was insufficient. And for the president to think it was too severe, no wonder republicans and democrats are saying lets investigate. Oge. Take a look at it. Paul, take a listen to republican Jason Chaffetz on this. Look. It was out of bounds. Theres no if, ands or buts about it. Well call it out and needs to be dealt with. That sounds like much further than republicans have gone up to this point, paul. As you know, theyre talking to an advisory Ethics Office and not anyone where you used to work with public corruption investigations on the criminal side. Yeah. If con way worked for the u. S. Fish and Wildlife Service she would be looking at five days suspension minimum. She might even lose her job. So, the problem here is that the office of government ethics making a recommendation. Guess who gets to decide the ultimate sanction. Donald trump. This is a same donald trump who owns a hotel thats on land leased from the federal government, the regulations say if youre an elected official, you cant lease land from the federal government. So i agree with norm. If the requirement to do good governments to follow the rules, if thats not coming from the top, why should kellyanne respect it . The president doesnt. Paul and norm, counselors, thank you both. Thank you. More on the Big Development of the trump travel ban losing another round in court. Has been a struggle. I considered all my options with my doctor, who recommended oncedaily toujeo®. Now im on the path to better blood sugar control. Toujeo® is a longacting insulin from the makers of lantus®. It releases slowly, providing consistent insulin levels for a full 24 hours, proven full 24hour blood sugar control, and significant a1c reduction. And along with toujeo®, im eating better and moving more. 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Together, we are perfectly balanced, our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. I know this is sudden, but they say if you love something. Set it free. See you around, giulia among those people affected by President Trumps travel ban, seven majority muslim nation, iraqis that took risks to help the u. S. Mail tear and service made it impossible to return to the homes and many given permission of a special version of an immigration visa to settle in the u. S. In the wake of the executive order it was disrupted and there was by many accounts chaos. Well go live to iraq for reaction to the trump travel ban and these new rulings right after a quick break. Music werewolves of london dude. Your crunchings scaring the fish. Dude. Theyre just jealous. New kelloggs raisin bran crunch with crunchy clusters and the taste of apples and strawberries. excited i got one jokingly guess were having cereal for dinner. New kelloggs raisin bran crunch apple strawberry joining us now from irbil, iraq, correspondent rubiki kalamaki. How are these rulings being received in iraq and abroad . Its too early to know how the court ruling is being received. Its not quite daylight here in iraq but i can say that the visa ban is really the talk of the town when i was in mosul for the past three days and every single check point you have iraqi soldiers and iraqi members of the federal police, many of whom were trained by u. S. Forces and many of whom have a relationship with the United States. My own translator was getting ready to start his second visa interview to come to the u. S. My fixer was also in the same boat and so to them this ban was just indescribable. They dont understand why america is punishing them when they helped us in the advance against isis in this battle wary city. When they see, though, even before tonights ruling that this has gone somewhat back and forth over the past few weeks, is that seen as part of american democracy or something thats confusing . I dont theyre not following it in such a blow by blow way. The general sense i get from them is confusion. And hurt. They keep on asking me why why is america doing this . Do they not see our con tri dugs and understand that were here on the front line. The city of mosul, the eastern part, has now been liberated and a lot of iraqi blood was shed in order to make that happen. I was standing at the front line which is demarre kated by the tigres river and wanted to know why is america doing this. Why . We are your allies, helping you against the fight. It is a sense of its a sense of not understanding. You have reported on how there has been some success in mosul which was not widely expected. Tell us about that. Yes. Yes. When i came here in november and december of last year, i have to say that i counted myself among the pessimists. The fight for the city was extremely difficult. I stood on the eastern edge of the city of mosul and watched ambulances screaming by carrying the dead and the wounded. And we were alarmed by the number of iraqi casualties that there were. There were report that is the cts which is the elite fighting unit of the iraqi army equivalent to our special forces lost as much as 20 of their personnel just in the initial advance on mosul. So it looked really bad. In the early weeks. What is unique is that the iraqi army did Something Different here. Whereas in the other city that is they have fought isis including ramadi and fallujah and sinjar, they did not create an incentive for civilians to leave. They, in fact, leafletted the city and told the population to stay in place, hunker down in their homes and created a problem which is that there were civilians everywhere and had to tiptoe into the city. But the upshot of it is that whereas in ramadi, a city almost completely leveled, same with sinjar and parts of fallujah, when i drove into mosul for the first time three days ago, there were moments when, you know, i would be spacing out and texting on my phone and look out the window and you could imagine that you were pretty much anywhere else. You know . In iraq. Wow. The city looks pretty normal. Wow. Yes, there are craters and the signs of air strikes but overall it looks good. From iraq, be safe and thank you for that reporting. Im ari melber and our breaking News Coverage continues right now live on the 11th hour with brian williams. President trump loses the court battle over his travel ban. What he told nbc news tonight about his next news. The White House Briefing room sounded more like the Home Shopping network. What kelly an con way did that right cross the line. And how prepared because President Trump with his phone call with vladimir putin. The 11th hour begins now. Good evening, everyone. Were following breaking news tonight. A big blow to the white hous

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