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In heiglight of the fact that everything you just said donald trump said wasnt going to happen. It is the most underreported story related to the campaign but not directly in the campaign. Each day we see something new that was kind of unimaginable weeks ago. He says the u. S. Military is a disaster, that operation is a disaster, he half believes that mosul is part of syria. Thank you, rachel. Today, the wife of the biggest cyber bully in the world said that if you make her first lady of the United States, she will work hard to stop cyber bullying. Annemarie cox will join us with her reaction to Melania Trumps speech today. But first, we have a new Electoral College projection. And that projection indicates that the next president of the United States will not have a first lady. This isnt a joke. This isnt survivor. This isnt the bachelorette. This counts. Say whoa. If donald trump were to win this election, we would have a Commander In Chief who is completely out of his depth. Ah, this and that, oh, give me a break. Donald trump is temperamentally unfit. Best thing i have is my temperament. Now he knows we can see and hear him, right . I think the gig is up. We have to find a better way to talk to each other. To respect each other. These people are stupid. Theyre stupid people. Come on, man i promise you, i will never enter a bicycle race. Stay on point, donald, stay on point. We need to teach our youth american values. Kindness. Honesty, respect. Stupid people, remember that. Sometimes the tentation is to tune it out, and you want to just focus on the cubs winning the world series. [cheers and applause] and who knows, maybe well see even more history made in a few days. This is the last word on campaign 2016. With just four Campaign Days left now before the president ial election, American Voters have probably already decided who the next president of the United States will be. Most of the models repeatedly used to predict the winner are predicting a win for Hillary Clinton. On this program, we presented the Moodys Analytics model this week that uses economic factors as well as political factors to predict a winner. That Shows Hillary clinton winning 332 electoral votes to Donald Trumps 206 electoral votes. Larry sabato, the director of the university of Virginia Center for politics is now ready with his numbers. Joining us now, larry sabato. This is not your final projection, because, theres a couple is states youre still thinking about, but give us your count as of tonight. Yes, lawrence, well update on monday, but right now we think that clinton has 293 electoral votes. She will, we believe, win nevada, despite some of the late polling that has her behind there. We think shes ahead in North Carolina. And as long as democrats can manage to get out more the africanamerican vote, and theyre working hard on that, she will win North Carolina. Our big tossup, in fact the only tossup state is florida. You could argue New Hampshire is a tossup state. There are only four electoral votes there and 29 in florida. Florida has flummoxed us so far. But 293 is a respectable total. If she wins florida, shell go clinton among latinos, latino decisions have excellent new data on this showing that clinton is getting a larger percentage of latinos than brau barack obama did. He got 21 . Shes getting 79 , donald trump is in the teens. Gee, i wonder why. That is a big, big gain for Hillary Clinton. The electorates never static, and different pieces move in Different Directions every four years, but over all, i think people who are saying Hillary Clinton is collapsing and the blue wall is falling, you know, its chicken little all over again. And quickly, larry on the senate, if Hillary Clinton, if your projections right, Hillary Clintons going to be the next president. Is she going to be able to get a Supreme Court nominee through the next United States senate . Well, she needs, she needs 50 Democratic Senators plus tim Donald Trumps temperament. Im also honored to have the greatest temperament that anybody has, because we know how to win. She spends 1 billion. She spends so much money, i see these ads. People that know me, say how can they say that . You know, we have a temperament, we have a certain temperament. Its a temperament of knowing how to win. Donald stood on a stage and said, and i quote, im honored to have the greatest temperament that anyones ever had. Now he, he knows we can see and hear him, right . This is someone who at another rally yesterday actually said out loud to himself, stay on point, donald. Stay on point. His campaign probably put that in the teleprompter. Stay on point, donald, stay on point. And joining the discussion now, elysse jordan. Former adviser to rand pauls president ial campaign. And also with us, steve mcmahon, a democratic strategist and the ceo and cofounder of purple strategies. Elysse, it still seems for the Clinton Campaign, the best material for Hillary Clinton every day is whatever donald trump just said. Thats why this week has been damaging to her. So much attention has been focussed on the fbi and the email server. If she can get back to pointing out to what ridiculous things donald trump is saying, his message the entire campaign, shes in much firmer, better territory. Steve mcmahon, youve been, i was going to say youve been in campaigns like this. I take it back. No ones ever been in a Campaign Like this. But youve certainly been there where theres four Campaign Days left. Obviously Hillary Clinton likes keeping the focus on what donald funny to basically not pay somebody whos done work for him and say go ahead and sue me, because ive got more money than you and you cant do anything about it. Larry sabato, is that approach based on voter analysis, that that is what is working with voters . Talking about Donald Trumps temperament and character . Oh, absolutely. This has come through for months, even before the conventions. And its just as true today as it was then. The two big factors, they dont think he has the temperament to sit in the oval office and make critical decisions, and they dont think hes qualified in terms of experience and background, to deal with complex Public Policy issues. The more those two things can be stressed, the better for democrats, and President Obama had a marvelous term there. Uniquely unqualified. And, again, i think most people would agree with that, just based on the facts. All right, lets look at the latest Clinton Campaign ad that goes straight at this. Id look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers. Hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people who Werent Captur captured, okay . You got to look at this guy, oh, i dont remember. I would bomb the [ bleep ] out of them. I love war in a certain way. Elysse, i think about people like you and steve wishing you could be in the room working on ads against donald trump, because they just serve up the, donald trump serves up that material. It is a gift that keeps giving when it comes to ads. But back to this Temperament Issue that were talking about and how clinton and President Obama are trying to stress this on the Campaign Trail this week, out of all the focus groups that ive sat in during this campaign season, temperament was the absolute, number one issue that undecided voters mentioned when it came to pulling the trigger for donald trump. Theyre simply worried not only what he would do domestically been internationally, its okay if hes a wrecking ball domestically, but internationally, they are really concerned. So this is definitely her closing argument. So steve mcmahon, never mind the Supreme Court in the last four days of the campaign, would you suggest they ignore issues, just go straight at donald trump the character . Absolutely. Shes got a 40 or 45point edge on this trait which voters think is very important to a president , and ive sat in focus groups too and saw the same thing. Voters are very worried about donald trump. They sort of like that he wants to change washington, they would like a change and broken glass there, but they dont want that in the middle east or places where its dangerous and scary. They want a balanced, experienced leader whos not going to get us into a war. Steve mcmahon, elysse jordan, larry sabato, thank you for joining us. Thank you. Coming up, Melania Trumps speech today was accompanied by the most inappropriate music ever used by the Trump Campaign or any campaign in the history of campaigns. In the history of music. Annemarie cox will give us her take on that speech. And former speechwriter for president george w. Bush david from will join us to explain why he voted today for Hillary Clinton for president. One of millions of orders on this companys servers. Accessible by thousands of suppliers and employees globally. But with Cyber Threats on the rise, today, the microphone, i should say, but it was not for that Press Conference that donald trump promised since weeks ago in which Melania Trump would produce all her Immigration Records and prove to us her legality. Instead, it was a speech accompanied by the most inappropriate music in the history of the campaign. Annemarie cox will join us next and well bring you some of that speech. Well this heres a loadbearing wall. Well go ahead and rip that out. Thatll cause a lot of problems. Hmm. Totally unnecessary and it triples the budget. Well be totally behind schedule, right . laughschedules. Schedules. Great, okay. Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . The citi® double cash card does. It lets you earn double cash back 1 when you buy, and 1 as you pay. The citi double cash card. Double means double. Age of aquarius aquarius Aquarius Sympathy and Trust Abounding okay, that was weird. That is the most inappropriate piece of introductory music ever used at a campaign event. The last line of the lyric you just heard, sympathy and Trust Abounding. And then, for some inexplicable reason, the lyrics stop, the music continues, but the lyrics arent there. They just stop. And the very next line, the lyrics that just dont happen, the next line is no more falsehoods or derisions. Now it just cant be possible that the Trump Campaign, the campaign of falsehoods and derisions, was selfaware enough to realize that they just couldnt play that lyric today. It couldnt be that, because if the Trump Campaign was so selfaware, then they would never have chosen a hit song from the 1968 Broadway Musical hair. It was the first nude musical. For the most part, they were dressed in the Hippy Costuming of the day. It was a story of dropping out, and dropping acid and free love and celebration of the hippy lifestyle. Aimed at Donald Trumps age, graduated a month after hair opened on fraud way, but it definitely Wa Lly Wasnt Donalds Kind of show. It was about, as the lyrics said, harmony and understanding, sympathy and Trust Abounding. No more falsehoods or derisions. Golden Living Dreams of visions mystic crystal revelation and the minds true liberation. The music and the cultural world of people graduating from college in 1968 in Donald Trumps year, that year was deaf identified between the hippies singing about love and understanding and the minds true revelation and elvis, unrepentant, 1950s rock and roll. So Melania Trump made her entrance to a song that stands against everything the Trump Campaign stands for. No more falsehoods or derisions. And oddly, Melania Trumps speech was about falsehoods and derisions. Making her the first trump ever to take a stand against falsehoods and derisions. As we know, now social media is a centerpiece of our lives. It can be a useful tool for connection and communication. It can ease isolation that so many people feel in the modern world. Technology has changed our universe. But, like anything that is powerful, it can have a bad side. We have seen this already. As adults, many of us are able to handle mean words, even lies. Children and teenagers can be fragile. They are hurt when they are made fun of or made to feel less in looks or intelligence. This makes their life hard and can force them to hide and retreat. Our culture has gotten too mean and too rough. Especially to children and teenagers. Made to feel less in looks and intelligence. So, the wife of the worlds biggest, wildest, most Out Of Control cyber bully, wants to assume the position of first lady so she can stop cyber bullying. No. This is not a selfaware campaign. Four years ago, Melania Trumps husband tweeted this. Cher, i dont wear a rug, its mine, and i promise not to talk about your massive plastic surgeries that didnt work. Melania trumps husband also tweeted this, Ariana Huffington is unattractive both yinside an out. I understand why her husband left her for a man. And he made a comment on the fact that women were serving in the military. 26,000 unreported sexual assaults in the military, on only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect . How much money is the extremely unattractive both inside and out, Ariana Huffington paying her exhusband for the use of his name. If Hillary Clinton cant satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy america. Donald trump has tweeted that megyn kelly is a bimbo, attacked Bette Midlers attractiveness on twitter and said utterly poisonous things about rosie odonnell, time and time again here, and i was the person donald trump threatened to sue on twitter, hes attacked this show, saying its unwatchable and first predicted the cancellation of this show five years ago, it was going to happen at any moment back then. Also on twitter, donald trump has called me a poor journalist, stupid, a very dumb guy, the Dumbest Political Commentator On Television and the dumbest man on tv. Today donald trump tweeted about watching his wifes speech, but he didnt say anything, anything about her condemnation of cyber bullying. Joining us now, annemarie cox, Senior Political News Correspondent for mtv news. I was looking at the trump hits on me, i have to confess, all of which made me laugh. And i thought he never goes after guys looks. He only does the looks thing with women. And then i found this one. Lawrence, this is from several years ago. Lawrence will soon be off tv, bad ratings, he has a face made for radio. So he has gone after, at least one guy, on looks. Yeah, hes mocked krischri c too. He does save his real venom for women. That is true. And, you know, so i was working under a theory for a while that melania was an silon, because she has that weird thing where her eyes go back and forth, and she looks somewhat alien. But an androids circuits would fry, only a truly delusional human being could give a speech like she gave and survive it. A computer couldnt handle it. Youve shown a hlot of the iron. But to go a step further beyond trump himself doing the bullying, what about attacking people of the jewish faith who have covered him and theyve sent people into hiding and remember the journalist that wrote a profile of melania and was deluged with antisemitic remark, and the campaign and melania herself refused to say anything about it. Its one of those speeches where it makes you wonder, do these people ever talk to each other. It was all that portion of it was wellwritten. Those were all good ideas, very wellconsidered stuff. But donald trump is just the most glaring, you know, violator of everything Melania Trump talked about today. Right, you know, i always thought it was a little bit a shade that laura bush chose literacy as her cause when bush was president. I thought that was pretty clever. But this is at another level. If this is selfaware subtweeting, its like sticking the knife in. I dont, you know, its hard to critique, you know, the families, right . I think Everyone Wants to not go to hard on the families of candidates. You know, a lot of us say things like this person didnt sign up for th. But ive been thinking. We dont know what melania signed up for. Trump has said theres a prenuptial agreement. I imagine its pretty long. She literally signed up for this. She definitely did literally sign something. I think when the families are trying to elect the most dangerous candidate in the history of the country, weve got a whole set of whats relevant and what isnt. And when shes trying to make the argument that somehow the donald that she knows is different than the one we know, weve seen no evidence of that. This is a case where we actually have evidence of what hes like when he doesnt think the cameras are on, right . And its pretty consistent, actually. Like thats the thing thats sort of amazing, right . Theres no hidden depths to hem. Theres no other side of donald trump. Hi like hes exactly the jerk you think he is. And what matters is who a president is going to be publicly. This is who he is publicly. And the Temperament Argument that all the Hillary Surrogates Is Making is a powerful one. Wed like to live in a country where were having our des agreements about policy, but in the end, it really is about temperament when we elect a president , because theres not going to be, we cant predict every Policy Problem that comes forward. We cant predict everything that will happen in the world. At some point, it will be the president at his or her desk making the decision about millions of lives of people. We have to have faith that that decision is going to be made, not in anger, not off the handle and not off of personal pique. Thank you, ana marie. Thank you. Up next, david from has announced that he is voting for Hillary Clinton for president. The former speechwriter for george w. Bush will join us with his reasons. Is is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me go further. Humira works for many adults. 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I am captain of the track team, and if im late. She doesnt really think shes going to get out of here, does she . Be nice. Shes new. Hello is anyone there . Rrr wow. Even from our standards, you look awful. Oh, sweetie, what happened . Girl me . My friend becky got to talk to this supercute boy, and i tried to act like i wasnt jealous, but i so totally was, and then, out of nowhere, this Concrete Barrier just popped up. Maybe it was a semi. You mean you were driving . Yeah. I mean, i know the whole eyes on the road thing. But this was a super important text. Maybe you have to know becky. Texting . Great. But it was only, like, 5 seconds, and im a really, really fast texter, so it wasnt even a big deal. Actually, has she texted me back yet . [squishing sound] wow, i get, like, no bars in this place. I wonder if they have wifi here. But. My doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. Just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, its been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10 straight years, and its still recommended today. Use as directed when republican governor and former candidate john kasich voted in the Battle Ground state of ohio, he ducked the real choice of Hillary Clinton versus donald trump for president. Governor kasich could not bring himself to vote for donald trump, and he couldnt bring himself to vote for Hillary Clinton, so he wrote in a vote for john mccain. David from accepted the real choice and announced today that he voted for Hillary Clinton. He wrote in an oped for the flaentsic, i have no illusions about Hillary Clinton. She is a patriot and will uphold the sovereignty of the United States. Why didnt you write in john mccain . And what do you say to republicans who are thinking about writing in john mccain or Something Else . Well, i wrote, the article i wrote for the atlantic immediately before made the best case i could from a conservative Point Of View for donald trump, Hillary Clinton and a protest candidate. I feel like you have to face your choices. The Absentee Ballot which i septembe sent, stayed in my box about four days. When did you send it . About a week ago. But i would say, im not one who is greatly swayed by endorsements, but Vladimir Putins, that cut a lot of weight with me. That would be the thing in the end that weighed the heaviest on you, which one does Vladimir Putin really want . The first is, i do think we are seeing an attempt to manipulate an American Election by an unfriendly foreign power, and its really important that that unfriendly power get the strongest signal that this isnt acceptable. In the second thing, i do think Hillary Clinton, i mean, clintons, ive got a lot of critiques of the clinton foundation. I do think they bend the law. But Hillary Clinton accepts the concept of legality, she accepts that courts are asupreme and hls should be followed. And those pay sibasic rules. The system that we have is one that protects my rights under a president i dont approve of and tomorrow will do the same for you. And what people have in common is their commitment to those shared rules. And if you have a challenger to show shar those shearared rules, thats unacceptable. Are you having conversations with a number of your republican friends who are having the same problem that you are . There are a lot of shy clinton voters. I know marriages where theyre both republicans, but women find this an easier step than the men do. I know a lot of republicans making a protest vote, and i dont complain about that. There are people who say my vote an expression and people who say my vote an instrument. I believe it is an instrument, not an expression. Thank you very much. Coming up, Trump Campaign is worried about getting out to vote, but are they telling the truth about that . Thats in tonights war room wi with mike murphy. [ Piercing Sound ] good luck so, it turns out buzzed driving and drunk driving, theyre the same thing and it costs around 10,000. So not worth it. Did you get your email from donald trump begging for money . Hes sending out emails to finance his get out to vote operation. But donald trump doesnt have a get out to vote operation. Whats up with that . Thats coming up. But first, heres how it looked today on the Campaign Trail. One way or another come this january, america is going to have a new president. If hers is a track record, if hers is experience, i want no experience. Look what that experience has got us. Please remember, that before he was a president ial candidate, he was a leader of the socalled birther movement. If he doesnt respect all americans, how can we trust him to serve all americans . Were all aware that Hillary Clinton has a problem with the truth. Even among politicians, and that does not make her unique in the swamp that is washington. But hillary stands out. Shes a very dishonest person, probably the most dishonest person ever to run for the office of president. Anybody who is upset about a Saturday Night Live skit you dont want in crge of nuclear weapons. Make America Great again is not just some slogan. It is what has been in his heart since the day i met him. He has spent this entire Campaign Offering a dog whistle to his most hateful supporters. Who you are, what you are, does not change after you occupy the oval office. All it does is magnify who you are. All it does is 1450i7b a spot height on who you are. And runn, anywhere in the planet. Wherever theres a phone, youve got a bank, and we could never do that before. The cloud gave us a single platform to reach across our entire organization. It helps us communicate better. We use the microsoft clouds advanced analytics tools to track down cybercriminals. This cloud helps transform business. This is the microsoft cloud. Take the zantac it challenge pill works fast . Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. When heartburn strikes, take zantac for faster relief than nexium or your money back. Take the zantac it challenge. Septembersent an email to supporters this week asking them for money pause, we are currently executing a highly costly early voting push and get out to vote operation to ensure identified trump voters make it to the polls before election day. And this picture was tweeted with this caption, expensive early vote and get out to vote operation. That clearly doesnt exist. What grifters, con man. With four days left for the president ial war rooms, joining us tonight is mike murphy, Republican Campaign strategist and the host of the pod cast, radio free gop. So i have friends getting these trump emails, begging for money. This one you say is more fraud length thfraudu lent than most, because there isnt even a get out to vote push . Im the sheriff of corrupt town. But this one was particularly egregious. You can argue, theres a fig leaf. Its the joint Fund Raising Committee between the rnc, and they do do generic things, but the email implies, the technique they use is from kellyanne conway, and the idea they need money for this big tv system, which the campaign doesnt have. The rnc has some of it, thats why theyd argue there was a whip of truth. It was misleading. Make a trump appeal. Thats fine, but lets not pretend theres somet that doesnt exis it still cracks me up that the guy is asking for money. Why ask for money . Why not pump all that trump money that was supposed to come in. Thats a promise we heard for a long time. And hes put some money in, but not nearly what he said he would, but thats no surprise with trump. He will end up spending less than Mike Bloomberg did to get elected mayor of new york city. Heres the count on Field Offices. Hillary clinton has more Field Offices in 41 states, chug in every Battleground State than donald trump has. Here are the states where donald trump has more Field Offices han Hillary Clinton. Arizona, south dakota, arkansas and mississippi. And arizonas the only one of those thats even in play. Yeah, theres no trump Field Operation by Real Campaign standards. Theres generic stuff the rnc is doing to help congressional races. But trump is doing none of the enhanced things that a normal president ial campaign would do. Theyre doing much of anything that a normal president ial campaign would do. Theres No Real Serious Policy staff. The list goes on and on. Trump is like the ice kcapades. It is this concert tour, and well see how that pays off on election day. I think with all the noise about how its too close to call and all that, im making bets, i think trumps going down. Walk us through your bet. On Election Night, which chips do you expect to see falling on the east coast . Do you think in the early closings well see florida go for Hillary Clinton . I actually believe hillary is going to carry florida. I could be wrong, but even if trump wins ohio where hes a little stronger than florida and loses florida, lets give him both. And even if he were to win North Carolina which has more republican proclivitieproclivit still has to make it up other places i dont think he can. I dont think hes going to poll the inside strait. And i think Hillary Clintons going to win nevada. I know florida pretty well, and i wont have to see a lot of returns to make a pretty informed guesstimate on that state. I think some of that Election Night drama will be less than people are expecting right now. What do you make of the survey thats come out of the early voting in florida that shows a very large crossover of republicans, 28 of republicans in the early vote going to Hillary Clinton . My guess is that numbers a little high, but i think the point it makes is true. The parties always do this. More republicans bas on Party Registration have voted early than democrats, but the margins less, you know, theres all these comparative stats, but i think trump is going to underperform with republicans. Normally you get 95 when you win. I think trumps republican number will be in the 80 s somewhere. So one of his many problems is, not all these republican votes by registration are actually trump votes. I dont know if it will be 28 to hillary, but i wouldnt be surprised if its in the high teens, which is twice what it should be in a winning republican model. Mike murphy, its great to get your last word on this campaign as we approach tuesday, really appreciate. Thanks, mike. Thanks, lawrence. Coming up next, the lawyer who fought the voter i. D. Law in North Carolina. Indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea heres pepto bismol ah. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea why dont you let me. And me. Help you out . Youre gonna hear what i say. I love taking stuff apart and building new things out of it. Anne pals my most advanced annedroid. [gasps] this is awesome. Oh anne you havent seen anything yet. Announcer give your Cardboard Box another life. Like Bundling Home and auto coverage, which reduces redney. Tape, which saves money. When they save, you save. Thats home and Auto Insurance for the modern world. Esurance, an allstate company. Click or call. That Airline Credit card yout . Have. It could be better. Its time to shake things up. With the capital one venture card, you get double miles on everything you buy, not just airline purchases. Seriously, think of all the things you buy. Great. Is this why you asked me to coffee . Well yeah. But also to catchup. Whats in your wallet . They say some 6,700 people have been purged. A federal judge reinstated those purged voters rights, calling the way that they were removed, quote, insane. That was the judges word. Insane. And the judge said it was out of the jim crow era. While democratic turnout for early voting is outpacing republican turnout in North Carolina so far, black Voter Turnout is down 16 from 2012 and some activists say that that is due to that kind of voter suppression. The Justice Department plans to monitor voting in four counties in North Carolina next tuesday. Joining us now, penda haire. Can you tell me what the judgment found to be insane . Ive heard a lot of judges speaking and writing from the bench. Thats a word you dont hear very often. Let me say first, lawrence, that the judge has not yet issued her final decision, but she did make some comments from the bench. What she found to be insane was that private people mailed pieces of mail to voters in the county, and then they took returned mail to the county and asked the county board of elections to purge those voters from the roles. And the counties actually did so on the behest of these private vigilantes. And more than 400 voters were purged in one county, and over 60 in another county, and in the larger county, it was thousands of voters who were purged. And a lot of this was done right up until election day. Theres another hearing to purge more voters on monday in one of these counties. Current polling Shows Hillary clinton leading donald trump 4744 in North Carolina. Lets listen to the way President Obama described this situation. Grace bell lived in belhaven North Carolina her entire life. All 100 years of her life. Just a few weeks ago republicans challenged her Voter Registration status. And tried to remove her from the voter rolls. Now grace got her voter regge administration reinstated. And you Better Believe shes going to vote. But this 100year old woman wasnt alone in being targeted. The list was twothirds black and democratic. That didnt happen by accident. And is that a pretty fair description of Whats Going On . Yes. Mrs. Grace bell harditsson plai brought. Shes voted 23 elections in a role and was at risk of being purged. She got the challenge withdrawn after the North Carolina naacp learned about her sorry and made it public. And many, many others in her county are not so lucky and are still subject to having their vote taken away unless the federal judge rules, which we believe will happen fairly quickly. If someone has Trouble Voting in North Carolina, what should they do . Well, they should insist on voting. And if the Election Officials will not give them a regular ballot, they should ask for a provisional ballot and make sure they are given the provisional ballot. And then after the election, the

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