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Thats to whom he credits his success in the senate race this far. Absolutely. Thank you, rachel. We will bring you those excerpts from the ugliest debate of the year. This makes the donald trump performances look elegant compared to david duke. But first, how republicans in the battleground states can stop donald trump. We have six days. Six days. Time enough to tell your family you love them and make your peace with god. Were going to pretend were down. Were down. Pretend, right . Its gotten more competitive. But Hillary Clinton is still over 270. She shouldnt be allowed to run. Imagine it is donald trump standing in front of our capital and taking the oath of office. He says hell be his own Foreign Policy adviser because he has a good brain. This is one sick puppy. If you vote for hillary, youre a grownup. Stupid people, stupid people. If you vote for trump, youre a sucker. Right. Thats so nice. He is very cavalier about using nuclear weapons. His rhetoric is off the wall on this topic. Its not actually. I think right here youre being delusional. No, im not. Im not being delusional. Its strange how over time what is crazy gets normalized. Anybody want to go swimming . Lets go. What are we thinking of doing here . Six days away. No side tracks, donald. Nice and easy. This is the last word on campaign 2016. Tonight in many battleground states across the country, the voters who are standing between donald trump and the presidency are republican never trump voters. The Never Trump Movement was left for dead by the political media at several points during the republican primaries. The never trump was ridiculed in the media every night donald trump won another Republican Party. Most in the media seemed to forget that winning primaries was not the same thing as winning the presidency. And as donald trump continued to rack up primary wins, the Never Trump Movement never wavered because never trump meant never a President Trump. The Never Trump Movement always knew that the verdict on their efforts would be delivered on election night, november 8th. And as of tonight, polling indicates that there could be enough Republican Voters in the battleground states to give donald trump the presidency. But the Never Trump Movement is on the verge of preventing donald trump from ever spending a night in the white house. Yesterday at this hour, we reported that a new tracking survey of early voters in florida shows that 28 of republican early voters in florida are voting for Hillary Clinton. That is the only tracking survey with actual early Voting Results in florida. The only one. That same survey combined with likely voter election day polling predicts that Hillary Clinton will win 48 of the vote in florida to Donald Trumps 40 . That winning margin would obviously contain a very large republican vote against donald trump. Hillary clinton is campaigning in arizona tonight where at this point, four years ago, president obama didnt have a chance against mitt romney, who won arizona with a 9point margin over president obama. A new cnn poll shows donald trump only five points ahead of Hillary Clinton in arizona, with donald trump at 49. Hillary clinton at 44. That same poll shows john mccain 13 points ahead of his democratic challenger Ann Kirkpatrick. With john mccain at 54 and Ann Kirkpatrick at 41. So about 5 of the people who are voting for john mccain for senate are also voting for Hillary Clinton for president. The Clinton Campaign announced today its almost doubling their Television Ad buy in arizona, spending over a Million Dollars in just the last week. The Clinton Campaign has 33 field offices in arizona that will be working to get out the vote. The Trump Campaign is not making a similar effort in arizona. Arizona republic reporter dan nowicki told the Washington Post trump doesnt have much of a ground operation. And it seems like trump isnt interested in investing money here. Trump mostly is relying on personal appearances and earned media there is a similar polling problem for donald trump in wisconsin. In wisconsin, a new marquette poll out today shows Hillary Clinton leading donald trump by six points, with clinton at 46 and donald trump at 40. But reblican senator a ron johnson is trailing his Democratic Senate candidate Russ Feingold by one point, with Russ Feingold at 45, ron johnson, 44. So there is republican senator ron johnson, pulling in 4 more of the wisconsin vote than donald trump. In ohio, republican senator rob portman is now openly appealing to Hillary Clinton voters. Are you actively turning out some of those particular voters that might be supporting hillary but also supporting you . All i can tell you is when we go to Hillary Clinton event, we get yard sign locations. We really do. People look at my record, know what ive done. People know me. Theyre happy to help. Not everybody. Obviously were not expecting to get the majority of folks who show up at a Hillary Clinton rally. But we get our share. And i think thats going to be important on election day. Thanks to the Never Trump Movement, Hillary Clinton is running a close erase in texas and georgia than any recent democrat. Here is what donald trump told his followers about that today. Youve probably heard over the last couple of weeks texas is in play. Texas. That georgia is in play. Gee, thats too bad. Let me tell you, theyre setting records in texas. And theyre voting for trump, just so you understand it. And they know. But when they see those numbers come in, they dont want to announce them. But they are winning like almost everywhere. Give us two more days, i think were going to be winning everywhere. Joining us now, katie packer, a republican consultant at Burning Glass consulting. She is the former romney Deputy Campaign manager and an msnbc contributor. Also with us charlie sykes, radio host on wtmj a. M. In milwaukee. Who is also an msnbc contributor. Katie, its hard to think about where this campaign would be tonight without a Never Trump Movement among republicans. Well, one of the reasons so many of us oppose trump in the primary, lawrence, is we really thought donald trump would be the weakest republican candidate in a general election. And i think were seeing that play out. Were seeing Hillary Clinton having, you know, a horrible closing week on this campaign and still donald trump isnt able to close the deal because he is viewed by so many independent and soft Republican Voters, and even some really hard Republican Voters who view him as appalling and unacceptable. And i think if any of the other candidates had prevailed, they would be winning this thing in a landslide. Lets listen to donald trump in florida today where in the middle of his speech, he starts talking to himself. And then, of course, says Hillary Clinton is unhinged. Lets watch this. We are going to win the white house. Going to win it. Its feeling like it already, isnt it . Weve got to be nice and cool, nice and cool. Right . Stay on point, donald. Stay on point. No side tracks, donald. Nice and easy. Nice. Because ive been watching hillary the last few days. She is totally unhinged. We dont want any of that. Charlie sykes, this Florida Survey that we got last night was really quite stunning. Right. The possibility that 28 of the early Republican Voters in florida voting for Hillary Clinton. That would be just a very powerful vote against donald trump, obviously. Wisconsin, there seems to be a significant never trump faction in wisconsin, where you are. That seems to be detectable in the polling. What is your reading of wisconsin . Well, its very, very interesting. In southeastern wisconsin, in the socalled wow counties where the republican block is concentrated, ron johnson right now is running 10 points ahead of Russ Feingold. But trump and clinton are tied. So he is grossly underperforming in the milwaukee suburbs where hes got to not only win, hes got to win big. And i think this is part of this phenomenon. But the trump folks cant seem to decide whether the Never Trump Movement is completely irrelevant and pointless or whether or not were going to be the runs who stabbed him in the back. I think a lot depends on whether theyre going to try to blame never trump people. Were one constituency of many that donald trump and the Trump Campaign have alienated, have threatened, have insulted over the last several months. And clearly theyre paying a price for this right now. Katie, in your experience, talking to republicans and talking to trump voters, are you hearing minds changing in this last couple of weeks . I will say that ive talked to a lot of people, mostly republicans well, all republicans. I dont know anybody that is undecided really at this point that is not a republican. But have i talked to people who were kind of on the fence. And this whole thing with clinton has kind of reinforced, you know, 20 years of hatred that has built up against Hillary Clinton. And there are people that are feeling like, well, im going to hold my nose. I dont like donald trump. But im going to hold my nose because Hillary Clinton is just so corrupt. The problem for trump is that he was only at about 79 of Republican Voters two weeks ago. And he needs to be at like 94 or 95 of Republican Voters if he is going to be competitive. Mitt romney had 93 of Republican Voters and still lost the election. I dont think donald trump can close that gap. Particularly among republican women. Weve seen in po aer poll after poll where he is underperforming with republicans. Its largely among republican women. And it may just be that republican women are the ones that prevent donald trump from entering the white house. Yeah, that seems to be what were picking up and certainly there was evidence of that in the Florida Survey. I just want to take a quick look at the quinnipiac swing state polls out today. They give florida to Hillary Clinton at this stage by a point. North carolina to Hillary Clinton by three. Donald trump gets ohio by five. Pennsylvania, Hillary Clinton gets that by five. And charlie sykes, if thats true, then donald trump doesnt have a root to the Electoral College win. No, he does not. On the other hand, this week has been a very, very good week for Hillary Clinton. There does seem to be some momentum. And you cannot overstate how much antiHillary Clinton sentiment there is among republicans. I mean, i dont pick up allot of enthusiasm for donald trump. It is that holding the nose and going okay, he is awful. He is terrible. He is everything you say about him. But at least he is not Hillary Clinton. And katie is right. The fact that he cannot close the deal at this point is really a sign of his disadvantages. Because you can certainly imagine that any other republican given the events of last week, given the obamacare, the emails, the anticlinton nsibility out there that any other republican would be closing and sealing the deal. I dont think he is going to be able to do it. Lets listen to Hillary Clinton tonight talking about donald trump. The thing that is so shocking to me is no matter who you are, what your background is, if you dont fit into a very narrow category of people that he can relate to, then somehow you dont have a part in trumps america. That really bothers me. Katie, thats her message in nevada tonight. Yeah. And i think that as charlie mentioned, there are a lot of groups that feel that one of the reasons that i think women have pulled away from trump from early on is this sense that if you dont look like a victorias secret super model, you dont have any value as a woman. If you arent sort of a wealthy White American like donald trump, then youre a loser. Youre a failure. And you dont fit in trumps america. I sort of agree with that sentiment. And i dont think thats a democrat sentiment. I think its a sentiment that a lot of people are feeling when they hear the rhetoric from Donald Trumps mouth and they hear what many of his supporters are saying. And i think its troubling. All right. Were going to have to leave there it. Take a break. Charlie sykes, thank you very much for joining us tonight. We really appreciate it. Katie, were going to need you for another discussion coming up. Next we have breaking news from louisiana. The Senate Debate there is a debate unlike anything you have ever seen on a political stage. White supremacist david duke was on that stage. I cant repeat the things he said on that stage. Well be right back with some excerpts from that debate. Were getting outnumber and outvoted in our own nation. Unless we stand up now, our children have no future. Ats in . I will be Donald Trumps most loyal advocate to make sure his nominees go to the supreme court. That was david duke, white supremacist, former leader of the ku klux klan in the debate tonight in louisiana for the senate race in louisiana. We will show you more of that debate next. Former Klu Klux Klan leader david duke is running for senate in louisiana with donald tmp as his running mate. The only man the media hate morse than donald trump is me. They hate trump and me because they oppose the massive immigration that will destroy america. Weve got to protect american jobs and industry. We defend our heritage. Trump even says we should say Merry Christmas instead of the pc garbage. The media says he sounds like me. But you know what . We both simply sound like you. Vote for trump for president. David duke pour the u. S. Senate, and lets take america back. David duke was on stage for United States Senate Debate tonight. At dillard university, a historically black university. David duke reached the 5 polling threshold for being included in the debate by getting 5. 1 in the polls. Debate organizers did not allow students the general public, or journalists anyone into that auditorium for the debate. But protests gathered outside to protest david dukes presence. Here is what happened when the moderator tried to get david duke to respond to a question about taxes. Would you not interrupt me and give me my time look, youre not one of the debaters here. Im sorry, mr. Snell. Gave me a chance and youre interrupting me. Ill let you rebut, sir. Federal prosecutors said see, youre not a moderator. Youre a typical media were going to move on. Mr. Flemming, go ahead. Yourime. Youre going to silence me . Youre going to prevent me from answering this question . Id like you to answer the question. Thats the problem in this country. The media is deciding who our candidates are no, sir, no, sir. Youre a hypocrite. Mr. Flemming you have the floor. I was going to answer the question if you gave me the chance. You didnt give me the chance. Mr. Flemming has the floor. The truth is anybody who stands up in this country tells the truth what is happening to our country, were losing our country. Anybody who does that is going to be a target of the media just like donald trump. All right. We have to move on. Watch what is happening to donald trump. Joining us now, david corn, the Washington Bureau chief from mother jones and jonathan capehart, an opinion writer for the Washington Post and an msnbc contributor. He is also host of a new podcast called cape up. Well, jonathan, it strikes me as no surprise that david duke is basically declaring that his running mate is donald trump. Right. Not at all a surprise. I mean, what donald trump has done is taken the david duke message, blown it out of louisiana and put it not only on the National Stage for people to talk about and consider, but turned it into the nomination, the republican nomination for president. And so david because david duke had someone out there spouting his beliefs with a National Mega phone, he decided hey, let me come out of retirement and run for senate. If you think the benghazi committees might have been a little bit out of control, listen to david duke tonight talking about Hillary Clinton. Look at trump and the neo cons. We have a cabal in this government that literally controls our Foreign Policy. Syria is a country with 3 million christians. Syria is a secular government, nonjihadist. It was just admitted by clinton that our government has been supporting saudi arabia which she admits was supporting isis. The lady should be getting the electric chair being charged for treason. David corn, i cant even think of a question. Well, you know, what donald trump has done is normalize a little kinder, gentler version of david dukism. Trumpism is very much like dukism. Look at what he has done. He gave a speech recently in which he railed against the conspiracy of international bankers. That used to be code word for jewish people. Donald trump said we should keep muslims out of this country. This arch bigotry in which david duke and the kkk supremacists are all for. Paul ryan, the number one republican, elected republican in the land said that donald trump was making racist comments when he called a federal judge a mexican because his parents came from mexico. So you have racism, bigotry, and hints of antisemitism, all in things that donald trump has said during this campaign. So its no wonder that david duke said huh, i see an opportunity here. Donald trumps lock her up, she should be in jail to david duke translates to she should be getting the electric chair. Well, dont forget that some of trumps key supporters have called for Hillary Clinton to be killed and barack obama too. Lets listen to david duke talking about jewish people. Im not opposed to all jews. I think there is a lot of great there are a lot of jew is honor. Let me tell you something, im against jews or anybody else that puts the interest of some other place and some other country over our own country that is controlling and dominating the media which is teaching black people and inspiring black people to hate white people and inciting them to violence like the black lives matter. Your time has expired. Thats my issue. Jonathan capehart, that has been his issue for a long time. Yes. Its like the golden oldies with david duke. Back to his original play list. I mean, look, the idea that he got 5. 1 in a poll that allowed him to be on that stage, and to spout so much rage, so much venom says a lot about where the country hopefully isnt going, where the Republican Party seems to be, where its nominee has made it possible for someone like david duke, who we all thought had gone off, slithered off and taken his hate with him elsewhere. Figured that it was fine to pop back up. I watched parts of the debate, not the entire debate. Because there is only so much rage and hate i can deal with in any one day. But the idea that this man has a platform and he is standing on the stage with other people who very well might be infinitely more capable to be a senator from the great state of louisiana, the fact that he is sharing the stage with them is really i mean, its lawrence, im almost at a loss for words here what this means for the country. And the Trump Campaign has had some real screaming antisemites in its audience and at its rallies. Lets look at this guy at a trump event yesterday in miami. A trump supporter yelling at protesters yesterday and the press, yelling at the media yesterday. Lets listen to this. Youre an embarrassment to your profession. Youre an embarrassment. You sell out for a few shekels. For a few shekel, you sell out. David corn, you sell out for a few shekels. Thats a trump supporter. And there was a trump supporter shouting jew su at the media event a couple days back. What we see with david duke here, though, there is an extremism within the Republican Base itself. Some polls show a majority view of republicans believed in the birther conspiracy which i would call a racist notion, believed in the muslim ban, which i would call an act of bigotry. And also believed that obama is not a christian. He is a muslim. Partly because he is black. There is the Republican Party has played footsie. Donald trump is exploiting it if not encouraging it. Duke, while he sat 5 , the fact that these other notions are majority position within the Republican Party. And that donald trump is close to perhaps being elected president shows that there is a lot of racism, hatred and big industry out there that the Republican Party is using as fuel. David corn and jonathan capehart, thank you both for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Thanks, lawrence. The Trump Campaign is hoping that Melania Trump can help with their campaign to win women voters. She is going to give her First Campaign speech tomorrow. Thats next. I wonder if they have wifi here. They offer a claimfreerance a smdiscount. Because safe drivers cost less to insure, which saves money. And when they save, you save. Thats auto and home insance for the modern world. Esurance, an allstate company. Click or call. Esurance does Auto Insurance a smarter way. Like their photo claims tool. It helps settle your claim quickly, which saves time, which saves money. And when they save, you save. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance, an allstate company. To me its really exciting to have the first mother in the white house. Thats what i think. Its not about the first woman. Its about the first mom. What it is about a mom . Because a mother, shes got it. A mother just does it. Shes got your she feeds you and teaches you. She protects you. She takes care [ bleep ]. A great father can give a kid 40 of his needs, top. 40 . Tops out at 40 . Yes, yes. But thats optimistic. Yeah. Thats optimistic. Any mother [ bleep ] just a not even trying mother, 200 . She cant speaking of mothers, Melania Trump will go to pennsylvania tomorrow and deliver her first speech of the campaign. She did deliver a speech at the republican convention, but that wasnt hers. That one was plagiarized from Michelle Obama apparently by Melania Trumps speech writer. 12 whole weeks ago, donald trump promised that Melania Trump would have a press conference about two weeks from then, which would have been ten weeks ago. A press conference where she would prove that she has always observed the immigration laws of this country. But the Trump Campaign decided not to do that. The Trump Campaign continues to refuse to release any of the documents that could actually prove Melania Trumps Legal Immigration history. In the final days of this campaign, both the Clinton Campaign and the Trump Campaign wantoters to think about who donald trump really is. Here is the Trump Campaigns picture of donald trump. The american moment is here. Two choices. Two americas. Decided by you. Donald trump will bring the change were waiting for. America, better, stronger, more prosperous for everyone. A plan for tomorrow. A future brighter than our past. The choice is yours. And here is the Clinton Campaigns picture of donald trump. Putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. When i come home and dinner is not ready, i go through the roof. Grab them by the [ bleep ]. And when youre a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Id look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. She ate like a pig. A person who is flat chested is very hard to be a 10. Do you treat women with respect . I cant say that either. All right. Very good. Joining us now, karine jeanpierre, for moulin. Org and a former Deputy Campaign manager for Martin Omalleys 2016 campaign and back with us strategist katie packer. Karine, they used Donald Trumps words and Kellyanne Conway say that is a very, very unfair ad. The best ads that Hillary Clinton has had is when she uses Donald Trumps words o. Because there is nothing there is Nothing Better than the facts, right . The actual words that donald trump has used. Look, here is the thing. Women are not stupid. They know exactly who donald trump. He is the guy because of his candidacy, we have to spend the last 18 months listening to him call us pig, call us fat, call us sluts and also demean our bodies, saying Disgusting Things about our body. And the most important and dangerous and scariest thing is the Sexual Assault, right, the history of Sexual Assault and him bragging on it, about it on tape. So we know exactly who he is. And, you know, the video that they played for him saying oh, introducing who the real donald trump is. No. That is not that is not who he has shown himself to be. When we look at the tapes, when we hear the howard stern radio tapings, and also we have to remember the producers of the the apprentice have said themselves have, been on record there is actually worse things that he has said that mgm has not released. Katie, the trump ad say apparently their ad reaching out to women. And their definition that of is there is nothing in the content of it. It just shows a woman voting for donald trump. You know, they have been very, very tone deaf about what it is that women are concerned about in this election. And have really missed the point that women by and large have sort of made up their mind about trump about who he is. When i hear those words out of Donald Trumps mouth, i imagine my 17yearold niece hearing that. My 11yearold niece hearing that. My 20 and 21yearold nieces hearing that. And the way that it forms how they view themselves when they hear somebody like that that is so influential, that is so demeaning and degrading to women. And we see him being elevated by the Republican Party. Its not just an affront to women of america, but its an affront to many, Many Republican women like myself who look, on either side of us at Republican Voters and say how did this happen . How did we get here that were elevating a man of such low character to be our representative and our nominee for the highest office in the land . And how did it come to it that the current president of the United States finds himself having to talk about this on the campaign trail. Lets listen to president obama out there today. Do you want somebody to be your voice who on tape brags about how being famous allows him to get away with Sexual Assault . No who calls women pigs or dogs or slobs. And grades them on a scale of 1 to 10. 23 you disrespect women before you are elected president , you will disrespect women when youre in office. Can we just pause for a minute, karine . Thats the president of the United States actually quoting a nominated candidate for president. Yeah, it goes to what katie was saying. How did we get here . And we got here because, you know, he managed to really tap into something the last 18 months and get rid of his last 16 opponents. Its really, really scary. I think people have been talking about Hillary Clinton like basically closing argument, how she is trying to talk about the character and how donald trump is unfit. I think she needs to do that. As voters are voting right now, not on november 8th. A lot of voters will vote on november 8th. But people are voting right now. She needs to remind people who donald trump is that he is unfit, unqualified to be president. Karine jeanpierre and katie packer, thank you both for joining us tonight. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Coming up, new polls and early voting information from a key swing state where most of the votes will be cast before election day. Thats in tonights war room. And later, russia isnt the only country where the trump family has complicated business interests unlike anything any president has ever had. Thats coming up. Diabetes can be a daily struggle, even if youre trying your best. Along with diet and exercise, oncedaily toujeo® may help you control your blood sugar. Get into a daily groove. Lets groove tonight. Share the spice of life. Baby, from the makers of lantus®, slice it right. Toujeo® provides blood sugarlowering activity for 24 hours and beyond, were gonna groove tonight. Proven blood sugar control all day and all night, and significant a1c reduction. Toujeo® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. It contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. Dont use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar or if youre allergic to insulin. Allergic reaction may occur and may be life threatening. 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And if she were to be elected, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. Nothing will change if he is elected. Because we know who he is. Get up at 3 30 in the morning and tweet vitriol about a womans body, about her weight . This is one sick puppy. She has become totally unhinged. What she is saying and what she is doing, actually its unbelievable. He is saying you got to vote for me because i hate all the same people you do. Thats about it, isnt it . Can you imagine, they gave the questions to donald trump before a debate. You know, it would be the electric chair. They would reinstitute the electric chair. He says hell be his own Foreign Policy adviser. He says he can do that because he as a good brain. Now that is contestable. Trump neither understands nor do i think gives a damn. The American People are getting tired of the fast and loose ethics of the clintons. And it sounds like the department of justice is starting to feel that way too. 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While not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. If your uc or crohns medication isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. Hillary clinton has spent her whole life standing up to senator Elizabeth Warren moments ago campaigning for Hillary Clinton in reno, nevada. Nevada is tonights Campaign War Room. The Clinton Campaign is hoping early voting will mean a win in nevada. Early voting has been under way there for 11 days. Nearly half of the states voters have already cast their ballots. And 2 3 are expected to vote in nevada before election day. With five days left for the president ial Campaign War Room joining us tonight on the last war, jon ralston, host of ralston live in pbs nevada and a contributor to msnbc. How does it look in nevada tonight . Well, the democrats are doing very well here in early voting and absentee ballots so far, lawrence. They have about a 50,000 ballot lead. Thats going in today in clark county, which is a big democratic county. Thats las vegas. Theyre building towards what will probably be a 65 or 70,000 vote lead if the pattern holds. Its mirroring 2012 very closely. In 2012, barack obama ended up winning the state by seven points. I dont think Hillary Clinton is being to quite get there. But if these numbers hold, and there arent some really strange anomalies in the last three days, shes probably got a pretty solid lead here, lawrence. Speaking of strange, there is a cnn poll out that shows they believe clark county is going or the trump by one point. They have it at 4645. And the state of nevada by six points. But the clark county thing doesnt make sense based on what you said about the early voting. Well, if thats true, then sean hannity is going to win a peabody award too, lawrence there is just no chance that donald trump is ahead by one point in a county that has 142,000 more democrats than republicans. And ill tell you, if by some chance that is true and it goes against every piece of data, private data ive been privy to, we better start calling him President Trump now because something strange is going on. Lets listen to Elizabeth Warren tonight talking about joe heck and donald trump. Joe heck is a republican candidate for senate out there. And Elizabeth Warren is appearing for Hillary Clinton and for Catherine Cortez masto. Have i had it. I have had it with the Donald Trumps and joe hecks of the world. Donald trump is now the leader of the Republican Party. They got to own that one, baby. There is none of them, im with him, im not, im with him, im not. No. They got to own this. How does the senate race look . This is a real tossup race, lawrence. It has been for a long time. That cnn poll that you mentioned showed heck up by a couple of points. Its within the margin of error, i think both campaigns agree. What i understand is in the early voting with the democrats having a fairly sizable lead in clark county, i dont think heck is getting much separation from trump. His separation is around las vegas. So they expect him to do better there. He has done all kinds of incredible contortions about trump in the last few weeks, including just yesterday, weeks after he said he wanted nothing to do with trump, he wanted him to step down from the ticket, he said yesterday in an interview first he wasnt sure who was he was going to vote for and then had to put out a clarifying statement that clarified nothing. How much does that hurt him . The bases Campaign Says marginally. But it doesnt have to hurt him that much in that race for him to lose. I think that race is going to be very, very close. But if the democrats do well in early voting in the last three days, lawrence, use pointed out, most of the votes are going to be cast before election day. I think it means joe heck is going to have to have a very big november 8 to pull that out. What about voter turnout operations on election day . Which party has the advantage there . Well, you know, its interesting. Because the democrats always do well in early voting for all the obvious reasons, especially here with the Culinary Union being able to bus workers. And they have a lot more on the ground during early voting. They expect to lose election day. The question is by how much. The Trump Organization here, Trump Organization is an oxymoron. There is nothing here. They dont have anything on the ground. The rnc has brought in a bunch of people. And there is some stuff that has grown up organically out of some local republican groups. But compared to the machine that harry reid has built here since 2004, there is no comparison, lawrence. So the democrats actually surprised themselves and won election day in 2012. If they do that this year, its big trouble up and down the ticket for the republicans. Jon ralston, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Absolutely. Coming up, wall street journal reporting that the trump family has business dealings in more Foreign Countries than just russia. Countries that are in very difficult some of them have difficult relationships with the United States. Try align juni. So she can have a fraction dominating. Status updating. Helloyellowbelt kind of day. Get 24 7 digestive support with align junior. The 1 doctor recommended probiotic brand, now for kids. But the best place to start is in the forest. Kubo i spy something beginning with. S beetle snow. Kubo no. Beetle snow covered trees. Monkey nothing to do with snow. 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[camera shutter clicks] [whistling a tune] smokey just gave me a bear hug. I know. I already posted it. Can you unequivocally say that donald trump has never done business with russia, has never taken money from them and never will . Thats what he has told me. And by the way the new york buried on a21, they buried this story that the fbi investigation into russia produced nothing. The audience is laughing because we havent seen his tax returns. Then we would know something. Today the wall street journal is reporting trumps foreign business entanglements would create unparalleled conflicts. The story details four overseas Business Investments based on trumps federal disclosure reports. According to those reports, donald trump has received 1 to 5 million from a company in turkey with ties to Prime Minister erdogan. 2 to 10 million from a company in indonesia with ties to former dictator suharto. And 1 to 5 million from a company in india founded by a politician. And donald trump has received 2. 5 million from a company in azerbaijan linked to the transportation minister. Joining us now is alexander berzon. Alexander, what would you say are some of the more peculiar aspects of the possible conflicts of interest . I was particularly struck by your report on the complexities the trump family and donald trump might have in dealing with turkey. Yeah, turkey is one place where you have a Company Group which has a lot of complicated relationships with the current government, is a Major Media Company in turkey. And you also have just a lot of potential future relationships that these children of trump who are going to run the business are pursuing all over the world, as they have been for quite a while now. And that presents a potential for conflict of interest of just or conflicts in general that really is unprecedented for a president , according to many of the experts that i spoke to for this story. And in the case of turkey, the current regime believes that there is a cleric currently living in the United States who they would like sent back to turkey, extradited, although he is not charged with any crime here that they could do. But thats the kind of thing where its hard to imagine donald trump in the oval Office Hearing this request from turkey about send us this man and dealing with it when he has business interests there. Yeah. I mean, i think the issue is he is going to be taking revenue according to his filings, and there is no reason to believe the business will necessarily change, he is taking revenue from people all over the world, oftentimes theyre branding arrangements and also Hotel Management deals. And its millions of dollars that are coming from people all over the world who have their own political interests in their own countries that are also overlapped with u. S. Interests and issues in many cases potentially. The trump its important to say that i spoke with trumps an attorney for trump who says oh, its going to be very much a separation. But when he has his children running the companies that is something that we havent seen before generally president s do put their interests in a blind trust, which in this case he has used the words blind trust, but a blind trust would not include under a federal definition for it would not include being run by the children. Alexander berzon, great reporting there the washington journal. Great reporting. Thank you. Msnbc continues with the 11th hour with brian williams. Thats next. The 11th hour begins now. Good evening from our headquarters in new york where the sun will rise tomorrow with just five days to go until we elect our next president. This is a president ial campaign in its final stage, as you will the sun will rise tomorrow with just five days to go until we elect our next president. This is a president ial campaign in its final stage, as you will hear from one of our political veterans in this very room tonight. There is a mathematical path

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