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Hes one of those optimistic people ive ever met in my life. Hes been saying that Hillary Clinton looks unwell. Im not a doctor. Im not a doctor. Can you open the jar of pickles. [ applause ] trump then admitted he thinks anyone over 35 looks like shes dying. He thinks the reason trump is behind in the polls, hes been too civil. And now the gloves are off the tiny gloves. This is the last word on campaign 2016. Donald trump is softening, thats his word, softening and sean hannity is softening. Sean hannity is openly devoted to donald trump than trumps friend. I dont know what just happen today the tv screen. Sean hannity has agreed with every single thing donald trump has said as a candidate, including Donald Trumps promise to deport all the undocumented people in this country. I think everybody about Donald Trumps plan is wrong, but its simply impossible to achieve. He cannot deport 11 Million People. Sure he can. Now that donald trump is abandoning at least, temporarily, the promise to deport. Sean hannity has to abandon everything he has said in support of deporting all those people. Today he asked if he would accommodate those people that contribute to society, have been law abiding, have kids here . And donald trump answered, there certainly can be a softening because were not looking to hurt people. Donald trump may be softening and sean hannity may be softening but ann isnt it. Im starting to worry that hes panicking and talking to the wrong people hes sound ago little bit more like the candidates he defeatd with the talking points about softening on deporting oh theyve been here a long time. That yes, thats true. How about you just say, no, my policy is consistent. Shes on publicity tour selling her book thats worshipful of donald trump. This could be the shortest book tour ever if hes really softening his position. There are so many things we can talk about. I think this is a mistake. And by consultants, of course, she means trumps new Campaign Manager, who is, no doubt, the leader of trumps retreat on deportation. I am saying that he said there, which there could be a way to figure out how to do were not hear to harm people. Deportation, were not going to hear him talk about Deportation Force. Hes not said that for a while. So thats a change in policy. So, when kelly ann says that donald trump hasnt said something in a while, that means he doesnt believe it any more. If he ever did believe it. Tonight, donald trump, jr. Who has known donald trump much longer than his new Campaign Manager has, now a now officially and publicly, completely given up trying to figure out what his father means. Does that mean that mass deportation of the estimated 11 to 12, 15 million is off the table . Does it mean its off the table, i dont know, you know, i dont know the exact details of it, you know, in terms of that. Donald trumps public softening began after his meeting with Hispanic Group on saturday. Jacob who was in that meeting was then quoted as saying, i really liked that trump acknowledged that theres a big problem with the 11 Million People who are here and the deporting them is neither possible nor humane. Joining us now, jacob monte houston based him grant attorney and hes a member of the National Hispanic Advisory Council for trump. Also with us, Charlie Sykes and the editor and chief, and rick wilson, republican strategist and contributor to heat street. Hes a consultant with the evan mullin campaign that was making independent run for president. Mr. Monte it was your quote that went public about Donald Trumps meeting on saturday that started this whole new cycle which has now landed with us tonight with donald trump publicly saying he is softening on deportation. And last night he seemed the to say bill oreilly he wouldnt do anything different than what the Obama Administration is currently doing, is that your understanding of the trump position now . I dont view it as softening. I view it as articulating the rest of his immigration plan. Its still about building the wall, latinos and immigrants want the wall. But he acknowledged that you have to do something for the 11 Million People that are here that arent lawbreakers that arent criminals, and that is that is a good thing that was well received. He showed up at this meeting prepared. It was obvious that he had studied the issue. And unlike a lot of politicians who want to repeat slogans, it was obvious that he had studied the issue and he was very well received by the community on saturday. I want to play for us all, again, Donald Trumps pledge to deport 11, 12 Million People, he said it on morning joe. Lets listen to what he said. How do you 12 million. Yo do it. Are you going to have a massive Deportation Force. Were going to have a Deportation Force and youre going to do it humanely. So, mr. Monte, after that how surprised were you on saturday to discover he now does not intend to deport 12 Million People and does not intend to have a Deportation Force, even though he promised his supporters that thats what he would do . Well, it was if he didnt commit to anything at the meeting but he was prepared. It was obvious he had studied it. It was a good, you know, a good meeting where, you know, he didnt commit to one thing definitely, but it was obvious that he was opening he was open to considering a way to deal with these 11 Million People that arent lawbreakers or that arent felons, i mean. But that was, you know, a very positive, very positive meeting and were excited. He also announced that he would be announcing a very detailed immigration plan and were awaiting that plan because we think that when it becomes public, it will be embraced by more latinos and more americans, so were very pleased. Charlie sykes that new plan was going to be described thursday, major speech which the Trump Campaign has cancelled because the softening, apparently, will continue until they figure out what his position actually is. You talked to Trump Supporters every day on your radio show. They call in. How important was the deportation of 12 Million People to Trump Supporters . Well, there are flip flops and mega flip flop. Try to imagine if any other had used the word softening to describe the immigration laws, donald trump would have unleashed legions all rights of flying monkeys. This wasnt one issue among others, this was the centerpiece of his campaign. And some of them spent almost a year explaining to people you cannot deport 11, 12 Million People and we were hammered. Donald trump knows what hes going to do. Its going to be huge, hes going to do it. Now, apparently, were finding out once again with donald trump everything is subject to negotiation and theres an Expiration Date on every single promise. Rick wilson, this is for me, a stunning reversal. Stunning. Of the trump position. The only policy position that he announced at the beginning of his campaign was all about immigration across the southern border, illegal immigration, that was the entire focus on it for weeks. There were two pieces of it. Were going to send them all back and build a wall that will never allow any more. Donald trump, the campaign was to tell these folks and believe their jobs were taken away by immigrants and mexico was a source of billion people every year coming across. Its fundamental im going to build the wall and ship them home. You know, the phrase you have to go back, is a popular all right meme and now they dont have to go back. Now, hes also cuffed himself over immigration. He is now a guy who has flipflopped on the core issue he claimed to have, all of these people that built this gigantic rhetorical construct by sean hannity and all these folks that immigrants with a problem, theyre the centerpiece of all your problems, now donald trump is saying, no problem, flipflop, its good. This is kelly ann con way has taken, basically, a poison pill, she either survives, blows up a huge part of his base, or in about a week or two, its in charge again and were back to the race war. Jacob monte, youre an immigration lawyer yourself, you represent defendants and the people has wanted to deport up until today, any way. Did you spend some time in that meeting explaining to him the humane costs of that kind of mass deportation . He certainly listened, but he showed up prepared. Let me be clear about something, in terms of the felons, theres no disagreement, they have to go back. They make the rest of the immigrants look back. They endanger americans, so theres no debate there. Theres no debate on the wall. I think anglos make it a bigger deal to latinos. We want the wall. At the same time there has to be a way to deal with the 11 Million People who are here. Many have u. S. Citizen children, i dont view it as a change at all. I view it as an explanation. When it is announced, i feel confident in something that americans will embrace. Well, if all he wants to do is deport the criminals, thats what president obama wants to do, too. What about the dream act . Was there any discussion of that and Donald Trumps determination to reverse president obamas executive order on that . We spent a good deal of time talking about the 11 million that are here that was something that was discussed that was we also discussed the need for more border security. Look, if it wasnt for donald trump, we wouldnt be talking about border security, he brought this can i just hold can i just can i just hold you specifically to the question about the dream act . The dream act was not discussed. Do you, as an immigration lawyer with your experience, think the dream act is a good thing or do you think those kids should all be deported . Well, we do need a dream act. We need a law passed by congress, not executive so youre opposed to the executive action that president obama took on the dreamers . Well, it didnt work. It was found not legal. So, you need someone that can work with congress. If hillary were to win, theres no way she can pass Immigration Reform with a republicancontrolled house. So if you want Immigration Reform and you want border security, it comes with one person and thats donald trump. Charlie sykes you just heard the Brand New Campaign slogan. Trump for Immigration Reform. You know, trump states, Trump University didnt work out for him, hes going to try trump waffles now. My strong advice would be at what point conservatives going to figure out he doesnt mean anything he says. Hes going to say whatever he feels he needs to say to seal the deal. The man has no core. If he needed to general up, animosity to get himself through the primaries. When the polls show that doesnt work for him any more, he folds on all of that you know, none of the promises he makes are worth any more than, you know, the next poll. And im sorry that people have not figured that out, yet. Lets listen, again, just to get the enormity of this switch in policy, lets listen to what donald trump said to chuck todd about this. Youre interested in the dream act. We have to make a whole new set of standard. When people come in split up families. Chuck, no, were going to keep the families together. We have to keep the families together. But they have to go. What if they have no place to go . Well work with them. They have to go. Rick wilson, were going to keep the families together, they have to go. This is like theyre going to be deported together, all of them. He was going to deport folks that were born in this country and who are by definition citizens, i dont care where their parents came from, if they were born in this country, they are citizens. He was going to split those families he want today split the families up. He was going to deprive them of their Constitutional Rights by shipping them off to whatever country of origin they come from. This is a promise hes now reneged on. This is another flip flop. And the people that support donald trump, the heartbeat of his campaign are people that hate folks from other countries and they blame them for everything, what donald trump is saying they get to stay. They get to be a part of society. Their kids get to go to state colleges, i can imagine the feary brewing up in those folks. And ann was a preview of that. Were not just talking about the whacky spencer demo that ann represents. Were talking about millions and millions of trump voters are going to be realized what happened to them. Theyve been taken to the cleaners and this guy is about to flip on them again. Charlie sykes, thank you very much for joining us. Jacob monte, thank you for joining us. Coming up cher spent the weekend campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Shes back in california tonight. And she will be my next guest. Adventures on the campaign trail with cher. The Trump Campaign says it knows exactly why all the polls showing him losing are wrong. Everything youre pretty good at now, you were once. Pretty bad at. Its the same for credit. Because credit isnt just a score. Its a skill. Go to experian. Com and start Getting Better at credit today. When heartburn comes creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth and fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tumtumtumtumtums smoothies, only from tums. So far in the general election Hillary Clinton has been hit with 6. 3 million in negative campaign ads. Donald trump, donald trump has been hit with 47 million in negative ads. Coming up next, cher is here, shes going to join us. Shes going to tell us about her beach adventures this weekend with Hillary Clinton. The cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon. Then quickly fell back to earth landing on the roof of a dutch colonial. Luckily geico recently helped the residents with homeowners insurance. They were able to get the roof repaired like new. They later sold the cow because they had all become lactose intolerant. Call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance. Words panera lives by. No artificial flavors, preservatives, sweeteners. No colors from artificial sources. 100 of our food will be clean by years end. Thats food as it should be. Did you get to the beach this weekend, cher did. She got to three beach towns this weekend, first miami and then fire island in new york. And finally Province Town on the tip of cape town and massachusetts. She did it all for Hillary Clinton. She was the headliner for Clinton Campaign in each of those beach towns. Cher knows something about tough elections. The year that she won her oscar for best actress. She was in the toughest category in the oscars, take a look at who she was up against. Meryl streep. Glen close who had several nominations. Holly hunter, a future oscar winner and sally kirk land who turned extraordinary performance. She didnt just win an oscar, she won an oscar against the toughest competition that the best actress category has ever seen. Shes now hoping to bring her winning magic to the Clinton Campaign on Election Night and cher is joining us now by phone from her home in los angeles. Thank you very much for doing this tonight. Hi, lawrence, im such a big fan. Its two fans talking to each other, here. So you flew around the east coast for hillary this weekend. Yes, i did. And where did you have the most fun . Come on, miami, fire island or providence town . Well, they were all different. Seeing her and listening she gave the most amazing i dont know, you know, it didnt sound like a speech. Im sure shes said the same things before but i just, you know, as ive said shes not a good speaker. But that was a really good speech. I was kind of mez mez moorized. I said ive been doing this for three days and im dead. She said i just love when i asked how she was doing it im not saying this because of other stuff, you know, shes got whatever shes got, i dont know. But she just looked so pretty. How long have you known Hillary Clinton . I worked on her senate campaign. And i didnt really know her when i did it, i just was interested i was interested to meet a woman that the gop had been vilifying since before she got into office. I wanted to know who she was and how did she cause all of this. Youve got a lot of experience or real experience on the president ial campaign trail because i remember the first time i ever saw you in a political venue and it was with michael, president ial candidate in 1998. In caroline. In new york city. I forgot about that. Yes. And so you was that your First Venture into president ial politics . Yes, it was. The first the first president i actually knew was jimmy carter. We had dinner in the white house with him the first night. And i loved him, but hes and then i met bill clinton later. But the closest relationship i had was with jimmy carter, even though i didnt i didnt go out and stump for him. So youve been backstage with president s and politicians at the president ial level in campaigning. How does Hillary Clinton compare to the president ial candidates youve been around . Well, im kind of amazed at her and i say look, i say what i want and sometimes i just have both of my high heels in my mouth, okay. But i am surprised i am surprised at how shes how alive and how generous and how the people really loved her in providence town and i just i was uplifted by what she had to say. And i i might sound, you know, incredulous, after all shes been through and how shes been stumping and how shes not she will not quit. She will just not quit. I dont care what anyone throws at her, i dont care how tough the job is, she will not quit. Well, youre speaking to something that Donald Trumps Campaign Manager said tonight about Hillary Clinton. Lets listen to that. And im not a doctor, but i can see somebody who is not very joyful on the trail, doesnt seem to like the riggers of campaigning. There she is saying that Hillary Clinton is not very joyful on the campaign trail and doesnt like the riggers of campaigning, whats your reaction to that . Well, my experience, i can only tell you what my experience was. And if you knew me, you would know that nothing could make me Say Something that i dont believe. And she was amazing. And i had such a great time with her and at the greek theater, we were jumping around like girls because she said something that was so funny and we were just laughing so hard and how can i say what i saw, what i saw was real, you know, and i dont care what that chick has to say. I dont like her any way and every time she opens her mouth, something comes out thats not the truth. Shes becoming more like trump than trump becoming like her. And lies are mothers milk to him. I want you to listen to one thing that donald trump said. And this was when he was speaking in, i guess, his form of outrage to people that you know well. Lets listen to this. As your president , i will do everything in my power to protect our lgbtq citizens from the violence and depression of the hateful foreign ideology. What was your reaction when you heard him say that . Oh, come on. And he said he says those letters like a child thats just learning the alphabet and pokes his finger in the world for q. Hes the most disengenius man ive seen. And i want to tell you, my people will not believe him for a minute. And i read that he was at sevenhour closed door meeting with 400 of the most conservative, hate gay people, you know, lgb community that there are, how does he go from that meeting to telling my people that he will protect them. One of the reasons that i have gone out to them, because i care for all americans and im not kidding you, america has been so great for me. I was a poor, poor child. I had dyslexia, nothing would say i would succeed in this country, and i did. And i fear for those people. And not just because of my son, you know, i fear for what they will do to those people, to my people. Cher, thank you very much for joining us tonight. I really appreciate it. And i think youve seen how excited the twitter world has been knowing that you are coming here tonight. Thank you very much, cher. Thank you so much, lawrence, im so excited talking to you and i hope you invite me again. How about tomorrow night . Or any time. Okay. Its great. Thank you, cher. Bye. Coming up the Trump Campaigns newest excuse, and this is an amazing one. For why the polls do not show donald trump winning. Time for tonights campaign these feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. 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And you thought we just made the gas. Energy lives here. Amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. Sleep number beds with Sleepiq Technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. The time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale save 50 on the labor Day Limited Edition bed. Know better sleep. Only at a sleep number store. Time for tonights Campaign War Room with rick wilson and jeffrey pollic in what is a career first for them. This is the first time either one of them have followed cher. If were here at the last word it wont be their last. Here is the Trump Campaigns new explanation for why donald trump is not ahead in the polls. The podium numbers for donald trump are looking pretty bad out there. Not all of them, no, just the cherry picked polling numbers that are put out there by Media Outlets that have also been on his destruction. He performs in online polling where a human being is not talking to another human being about what he or she may do in the election. Its become socially desirable, if youre a College Educated person to say that youre against donald trump. The hidden trump in this country is a very significant proposition. Have you been able to put a number on that . Yes. What do you think that is . I cant discuss it. I call it the undercover trump voter, but its real. Im one that does better human beings than talking to computers, so the undercover trump voter, you are an actual pollster, a real live pollster. Youre polling for her enemy, the Clinton Super pack, but how is that for spinning the polls, how did she do. Lets be clear, so the new strategy for the Trump Campaign to convince people theyre winning to say voters are embarrassed to admit theyre voting for their candidate. Its factually inaccurate. If you like right now, hes performing slightly better in online polls than he is in live telephone polls, right, so that argument is completely shattered. There was this notion during the primary that that was the case, that he was performing better on online polls. Its just not the case. He is actually performing. 9 better in live interview polls. It just work. So here is another factoid to go with this. In the primaries averaged 2. 4 better. Here is the problem, ted cruz averaged 2. 5 better than the polls indicated. Apparently, all that meant was the thing we called undecided they decided. They were actually undecided when the pollsters called than on election day they knew time was up. Sure. Jeff and i may work on opposite sides of the fence, magical thinking has no business in our polling or in Data Analysis or campaigns. The fantasy that there are secret trump voters by the billions out there who are just ashamed to say it, its just the most recursive thing. We have a secret sauce, theres Something Special happening. The numbers in aggregate are a disaster for donald trump. Hes losing this campaign. Hes a weak, weak candidate. He is a terrible, terrible candidate on every access. Hes doing to get his head handed to him. No matter how much kelly ann wants to come out and say, none of you pollsters or analysts understand, only i get it. Its our secret inhouse trump project. We didnt hear it the day after the Republican Convention when he was up in all the polls. You cant pick and choose. Was he 50 points up then. Lets take a look at the latest Trump Campaign tactic, which is the softening. Is there any part of the law which you might be able to change that will accommodate those people that have kids here, would there be any room in your mind. I know you had a meeting this week. I did. I had a meeting with great hispanic leaders there certainly can be a softening, were not looking to hurt people. We have some great people in this country. We have some great, great people in this country. Were going to follow the laws of this country. So, jeff, your polling expertise, we are he says this today, we are what now, about six or seven days away in polling results that will show us what the softening is doing . I dont know that it will take that long for us to see that nothing is working for donald trump, lawrence, lets be clear, right. Right now theyre flailing. Youre seeing a campaign trying to do anything. I dont think its going to be three days or seven days before you see a difference. This is a sure fire hit to his right flak. I legitimately do not understand what the guy is doing. Hes defending the middle. Lets remember what his first tv commercial is. Its an absolutely, racially driven, racist campaign commercial and now softening, you cannot have it both ways when youre running for president of the united states. If he drop 1 in the polls after the softening, the hardening will be instantaneous. Followed cher. 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Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. Theres only one place where real and amazing live. Book a seaworld vacation package and eat free. You say you stand by your comments. Do you still believe donald trump should be transparent to release his tax returns . Ive learned since being on the inside he has said when the audit is complete hell release his tax returns. That is before kelly ann con way started getting paid. Fred goldberg, a former commissioner says that as an audit prevent donald trump from releasing his tax returns. He has a new suggestion for donald trump in an article for cnbc, he wrote donald trump can and should immediately release the first two pages of his form 1040 along with his schedule a for the past 20 years. This will tell us how much he makes, how much he pays in taxes and how much he contributes to charity, releasing this information will have no impact on any pending or future irs audit of trump, zero none, joining us now Fred Goldberg who served as assistant secretary for the treasury and tax policy and commissioner of the irs during the administration of george h. W. Bush. First of all, i just want to know that we have no proof that donald trump is actually being audited. And because of privacy laws, it is impossible for the irs to confirm that hes being audited. Thanks, lawrence. Thanks for having me. That is correct, although that i believe that his advisers did issue a letter saying he was under examination. I think it is fair to assume he is. Ive read that letter carefully a few times and they never use the word audit. I think its a carefully phrased letter that could mean a lot of things. Lets go with the assumption that theres an audit. So in the face of that, with your experience as former council to the irs, the head of the irs, your suggestion is, even if theres an audit, why not release those first two pages that just have the summary numbers on it and because all of the workings of an auditor, really all about whats on all the other pages of the tax return. Lawrence, thats correct. There is zero risks that releasing the first two pages of his tax return, plus the schedule a that shows charitable contributions, that will have no impact whatsoever. And it tells the American People what they have a right to know. Hes put these issues in the public, how much does he make, how much whoever is charitable contributions and whats his tax rate. He says his goal is to pay as little taxes as possible. Thats his right, show us how youre doing it. What do you think in your experience now, is the value of candidates releasing their tax returns. This is not something that happened earlier in the 20th century. I believe it started around president nixons time. You know, lawrence, tax returns are an amazing portrait of each of us. Ive seen it in my various jobs. Ive seen that in vetting candidates for high office. Its a portrait. And for those who aspire to high office, those who aspire to be president of the united states, letting us see that portrait is a window on that person. And we have a right to look through that window. Having worked in republican administrations, do you have a view, at this point, of who youre voting for as president . Yes, sir, i am voting for Hillary Clinton. Whats the basis of that decision . I think that she i believe she will keep us safe. I believe that she has the ability, wisdom and experience to accomplish the bipartisan change that this country desperately needs. And i think she understands who we are as a country and what our country is all about. I dont agree with everything she says, but she gets those pieces and that is important and i trust her. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Thank you, sir, i appreciate the opportunity. Well be right back. Some relationships you stick with. Over time, they get even better. Thats why more people stick with humana medicare advantage. We Work Together with you to find the best plan, however your needs might change. Because great things are ahead of you when your health is ready for them. Humana medicare advantage. The plan people stick with. Seconds can mean the difference between life and death. For partners in health, time is life. We have 18,000 people around the world. The microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and Work Together in real time to help those that need it. The ability to collaborate changes how we work. What we do together changes how we live. Always has to be who sat your desk . Phone now, with one talk from verizon. Hi, pete. Im glad you called. announcer vo all your phones can Work Together on one number. 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He has highly unusual expenditures, even in this campaign. He understands that its about getting government out of the way and let america be america and do america. Hes renting space in one of his buildings to his campaign and the campaign is paying donald trump, personally. Once he started to fund raise dramatically, he immediately tripled the rent pay. When he becomes president , the days of the rigged system that benefit the favored few, are over. Donald trump, his economic plan has not been particularly specific. Donald trump has tended to say, were going to be great, believe me, but he doesnt give you the details. I will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created, believe me. With this degree of intelligence. Its a supercomputer. With this grade of protection. Its a fortress. And with this standard of luxury. Its an oasis. Introducing the completely redesigned eclass. Its everything you need it to be. And more. 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The clinton released, relies on utterly flawed data. It cherry picked the subject to give the trail of how she often she crossed paths to individuals, to the Clinton Foundation, the data does not account for more than half of her tenure. As secretary, it means more than 1,700 meetings she took with world leaders. And countless others she took while serving as secretary of state. Joining us now, call us for the daily blessed. We recently came to a decision that you wrote in the daily beast about what should happen with the Clinton Foundation. Whats your reaction to this news today and tell us what youve been thinking about it as you wrote. This story is not great for the Clinton Campaign. Theres no question about it. I mean, at the time, you know, if its a racketeering that guiliani imply fied. Here is what i think is going on here. There are two standards that people might use to judge whether something unthwart wednesday on. One standard is the simple fact of meetings. If thats your standard then looks really horrible. One of the half of the meetings are pretty good. Then you have to ask, is there a different standard, isnt there . You have to ask what happened at these meetings . You know, if something happened at these meetings where somebody said, hey, i gave you husbands foundation 300,000, why dont you hook me up with that cell phone contract, she said, well, okay, great. That would be bad news. Theres no evidence of anything like that, at least in this press story. Being persecuted by a Prime Minister who was upset he won the nobel prize and not she. As far as we know from the from the ap story, were just trying to do good in different ways around the world. So, you know, i understand why its a story, but, you know, it doesnt rise to me, to the level of actual corruption. Despite all that, though, youve written that the Clinton Foundation should be shutdown, you would agree with the boston Globe Editorial on this. I want to stipulate two things, the foundation has done a tremendous amount of good work. I a lot of the Media Coverage of the foundation has been unfair. Yeah, i do think they should get out of that business. When i say shutdown, i dont mean all these things should end, a lot of people yelled at me. I didnt say that, i said precisely the opposite. The good work that the clinton has done and does must go on and can be farmed out to other foundations that do similar work or they imagine with new boards and new names and donna will spoke of exactly this kind of step, that might be taken today. So thats what i think should be done. I dont think she can go into the white house, lawrence, giving judicial watch, and the right thing, this club they can put on us. Its a 20 million organization that isnt going anywhere. Take that club out of their hands. Thank you very much. Thanks. Well be right back. Dust ands get between you and lifes beautiful moments. 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And i think that does indicate why its important for us to take the federal government seriously, the federal workers seriously. Theres a tendency for us, sometimes, to bash them and think theyre these faceless bureaucrats, when you get into trouble, you want somebody who knows what theyre doing and who is on the ground and working without standing officials and thats true whatever party. President obama in louisiana today noting that whenever the worst possible thing that can happen to a community does happen to that community, Everyone Wants the federal government there as fast as possible. Hillarys guest list. Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews from washington. Donald trump has opened up a new front against Hillary Clinton, going after her ties to the Clinton Foundation during her time as secretary of state. While newly disclosed emails show donors getting what appears to be special access. Now today, the Associated Press reported late today that more than half the people from inside or outside government, rather, that Hillary Clinton met with as secretary of state were people who donated to the Clinton Foundation. More than half. According to the a. P. At least 85 of the 154 people from private interests who met or had

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