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0 word? >> at 11:02 eastern time today, the world stopped today to listen to this man. well, okay, the world didn't stop, but washington certainly stopped to listen. and all the cable networks stopped what they were doing to cover every word of what he had to say. and here is how he began. >> the national rifle association, 4 million mothers, fathers, sons and daughters joined the nation. >> wait a minute. 4 million people? in a country of 300 million people, a guy who represents 4 million people gets every camera in washington? and he doesn't really represent them he just tricks them out of some dues money with nonstop lies. most of those 4 million people disagree with him about a lot of billion a year. there is not a town or city or state in america that has extra money lying around today to hire extra police officers. if $6.7 billion had to be raised from new taxes, then, of course, grover norquist would use all of his powers to oppose those taxes. grover norquist, who is, of course, a member of the board of the national rifle association. so the ceo of the nra took to a microphone in washington today to suggest a solution to the massacres of children in our schools and the solution is something he and his friends would not be willing to pay for. and he and his friends would attack any politician who attempted to pay for it. he reached for a variety of ways to make his point. >> we care about our money. so we protect our banks with armed guards. >> i don't know about you, but i cannot remember the last time i was in a bank that had an armed guard. all banks had them when i was a kid. and the armed guards couldn't stop bank robberies then. what stopped bank robberies in america was not armed guards. it was video cameras and automatic locking saves that cannot be opened no matter how much you scare a teller with a gun. i'm not just talking about small town banks that i go into. new york city banks do not have armed guards anymore. he went on to cite an 18--year-old movie and a 12-year-old movie that were not exactly blockbusters as the reasons why children are being shot and killed. killed in an elementary school last week. he talked about people in the movie business. and stockholders of entertainment companies as "complicit co-conspirators in most of those people know more about guns than most reporters do. he believes that if you can show one reporter using language about firearms that is not strictly, technically accurate that he can count in every news media, what they say about guns. he wants to show a flash of his pretend ballistics ideas, that the 223 is one of the most powerful rifle calibers. i am sure there are bigger bullets than the 223, but every 223 fired in sandy hook elementary school came out of the barrel of that assault rifle, at three times the speed of sound. 3200 feet per second. is this really something to quibble about in how powerful a bullet is when it is heading toward a 6-year-old at the speed of 3200 feet per second? what kind of desperate cornered rat would dare to mention that the sandy hook shooter could have used a more powerful bullet? could have what? done more damage? could have what? made the bodies of 6-year-olds even more difficult to identify? so today, the nra announced that it has a solution. complete solution to gun violence in america. mass murders in america. their solution is, the national school shield program. a police officer with a gun in every school. now, he didn't announce a national movie theater shield program with a police officer in every movie in america. wayne lapierre has in fact never spoken one word about 6-year-old victoria sullivan, who was murdered in that movie theater in aurora, colorado, along with 11 other people. and 58 wounded, 58. all of that, death and savagery was delivered from an ammunition delivery system so big it is not called a magazine. it is called a drum. it holds 100 rounds. wayne lapierre is the lobbyist who made it possible for the mass murderer in the aurora movie theater to be able to shoot and kill and wound so many people without reloading even once. the law, senator diane feinstein pushed through congress in 1994 made large capacity ammunition delivery systems illegal. wayne lapierre made them legal ten years ago. wayne lapierre made no public statement whatsoever after the movie theater mass murder. after that mass murder, so successfully used the weapon systems that wayne lapierre made available to him. instead, wayne lapierre simply sent out a letter, a letter asking for money. asking for contributions to the nra over and above dues. and as with every solicitation of money, wayne lapierre lied to every poor fool who fell for it. he said in his letter "nothing less than the future of our country and our freedom will be at stake." wayne lapierre did not announce today a national shopping mall parking lot shield program. because wayne lapierre has no suggestion about how to prevent or even in some way inhibit, maybe just somehow reduce the possibility of what happened to 9-year-old christina taylor greene, who was murdered because she chose to stand in a parking lot in tucson, arizona, and listen to her congresswoman, gabrielle giffords. wayne lapierre is all for having a police officer protect 9-year-old girls in school, but anywhere else a 9-year-old goes in america, a movie theater, a shopping mall, she is on her own. and we know now, she is on her own against the best equipped mass murderers in the history of the human race. that is right, we're number one, usa, usa, we're number one. no country in the world has better equipped mass murderers than the united states of america. and that is thanks to the lifetime work of wayne lapierre. every day since 1977, wayne lapierre has been making sure that mad men in america can fire any gun they want, and any bullet they want. at any children they want, at any teachers, at police officers, at the president. the solution wayne lapierre suggested today to stop school shootings has already been tried in many places across america, including columbine high school, where 13 years ago 12 students and one teacher were shot dead. columbine had an armed sheriff's deputy at the school every day and every day prior to that. but when the moment came, the deputy could do something to stop the mass murderers. there was a good guy with a gun in the parking lot in tucson when the madman there opened fire on gabrielle giffords and the men and women and children in the parking lot. but the good guy with the gun could do nothing to stop what was happening because he realized he could not get off a clean shot. a shot that he couldn't be sure would not kill one of the innocent bystanders. he said that gun and ammunition perpetuates the notion that one more gun law and one more law imposed on peaceful, lawful people will protect us. so there is wayne lapierre saying that he is opposed to anymore laws. not one more law, not a law banning the 100 round ammunition drum that was used in the colorado movie theater. not a law banning the 30-round ammunition magazines used in sandy hook elementary school. not a law banning assault weapons. not a law tightening access to ammunition. not any kind of law that would make it in any way even slightly more difficult for a mad man to obtain the very best tools in the world for up close mass murder. not one more law. it is now impossible to count how many people wayne lapierre owes an apology to. there are all of those who have been killed by weapons that became available after he made sure the assault weapons ban would not be renewed. there are the parents of the dead, the brothers and sisters of the dead. the children of the dead. and then there are millions. truly, millions and millions more. because in his most vile fundraising letter before the last presidential election, wayne lapierre actually said this about what would happen if barack obama was reelected president of the united states. "the night of november 6th, 2012, you and i will lose more on the election battlefield than our nation has lost in any battle any time, anywhere." there is wayne lapierre claiming on election night that he, who of course avoided service in the war of his era, the vietnam war, that he lost more on election night this year than "on any battlefield in the history of our nation." wayne lapierre lost more on election night than 1.3 million americans who have lost their lives in war. he lost more than the relatives and the descendents of those 1.3 million americans. he lost more than all the amputees, double amputees, brain-damaged amputees that our wars have produced. how could wayne lapierre ever, ever find the words to deliver an adequate apology for that filthy insult to the american war dead, and to those of us who have lost loved ones in war? those of us who have lost loved ones in the war that wayne lapierre personally avoided service in. of course, there are no words. no words. and the apology will never come, and we can now see through that psychotically self-centered statement that wayne lapierre made, "i will lose more on the election battlefield than our nation has lost in any battle, any time, anywhere." we now see that the mind that could shape that sentence is almost, almost as twisted, almost as damaged as the minds of the mass murderers wayne lapierre keeps supplied so well in america. the way it cleans. everything about the oral-b power brush is simply revolutionary. oral-b power brushes oscillate, rotate and even pulsate to gently loosen and break up that sticky plaque with more brush movements than manual brushes and even up to 50% more than leading sonic technology brushes for a superior clean. oral-b power brushes. go to for the latest offers. 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Vietnam , Republic Of , United States , New York , Arizona , Iraq , Baghdad , Minnesota , Colorado , Virginia , Sandy Hook , Connecticut , Syria , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , Lebanon , Washington , Americans , America , American , Gabrielle Giffords , Ezra Klein , Grover Norquist , Christopher Dylan Jack Hockley , Richard Engel , Chris Murphy , Audrey Mcdonnell , Christina Taylor Greene , Chris Christie , Eugene Robinson , Wayne Lapierre , Barack Obama , George W Bush , Dylan Hockley , John Boehner , Sam Stein , Diane Feinstein ,

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