Transcripts For MSNBCW The Ed Show 20150203

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We start with breaking news. At this hour, republicans are holding a vote to repeal obamacare. Today will mark the 67th time House Republicans have voted to repeal, defund or change the Affordable Care act. These votes represent a colossal waste of taxpayer time and money. Nancy pelosi tweeted out on monday now i know how bill murray felt in the movie groundhog day. Todays vote is big and it is big and different for a number of reasons. First of all, it gets house freshman on the record about repealing the health care law. Mitch mcconnell will bring this vote up for a vote in the senate. A senate vote means what . Well, all these democrats are saying they werent so sure about obamacare. Lets find out. Moderate democrats will have to go on record about obamacare. President obama will veto the bill. The republican repeal vote is working better than ever. Last week the government announced roughly 9. 5 million americans signed up or renewed coverage for 2015. The original goal was 9. 1 million enrollees. That has already been passed. There are still 12 more days to enroll so the number is only going to grow. The deadline is february 15th. The Congressional Budget Office reported that obamacare will cost 20 less than than originally projected. It has led to smaller premiums. Earlier today president obama met with americans who have benefitted from the Affordable Care act. Its a fact that obamacare is saving lives. Everybody here has directly benefitted from the Affordable Care act. You have folks like tania and regina and don who had cancer in some cases before the Affordable Care act was passed and were having trouble getting insurance and because we no longer allow Insurance Companies to bar people because they have preexisting conditions, they were now able to get Health Insurance and have security and relief that was needed. Regina said for the First Time Since she was 12 years old when she was first diagnosed with cancer she felt free. Shes now planning her wedding with her fiance. Tania, who shortly after signing up for the aca, was diagnosed with a brain tumor would not have discovered it if not for the Affordable Care act. The same is true for don who has a consequence of regular checkups had colonoscopy, was able to catch a tumor early and is now cancerfree. Those stories are a microcosm for what obamacare is doing all over the country. President obama said health care should not be a political battle. The bottom line is that the Affordable Care act is not an abstraction. The debate about making sure that every person in america is able to get basic high Quality Affordable Health Care is not some political ideological bane. Its able people. To obamacare and to the republicans, its been nothing but a political battle since day one. Todays vote to repeal obamacare is the latest chapter in obstruction of this president trying to get something done for the American People and screw up his legacy. These votes represent nothing but symbolic hatered for this if republicans actually cared about americans, they would put something on the table. Those who have been benefitted from obamacare should have confidence that the republicans are going to have something that will replace what theyve been complaining about. But you know what . They have nothing. These repeal votes speak volumes about the ineptitude of the Republican Party and where they are right now. You know what theyre like . Theyre like a disgruntled employee in the workplace who goes to the boss over a years time 67 times and complains about the way the company is being run. And the boss listens and listens and the employee says we have mad had a lot of meetings on this. I have a lot of employees who feel the same way i do in the workplace. The boss breaks down and says whats the solution to fix all the things you have been complaining about for the last year. Well, we havent figured that out yet. It is a typical disgruntled employee when everybody else around this person is doing pretty good if not a heck of a lot better and even having their lives saved. It is absolutely amazing to me that after all of the complaining of two years, after all the obstruction, after all the votes being taken, even votes today thats happening at this hour the republicans still dont have something where they can come to the American People and say, weve got Something Better than what obama has been doing and this is how were going to do it. They dont have that. I want to bring your attention to this. I got this in the mail today. Now it is well documented that our family has had some health issues. Last month, we had 11,189. 50 worth of charges on our insurance. Blue cross, blue shield of north dakota. It has it right here on the sheet. Total charge covered amount your responsibility zero. This is what it is like when you have an illness in the family and you have insurance, so i asked myself the question when i got this in the nailmail this is a documentation what does an economically challenged family do have 11,000 worth of charges and no insurance . Here comes the bankruptcy. Here comes the financial problems for the hospital. This is what obamacare is doing. It is keeping people number one, covered, number two, filing bankruptcy and number two for sticking the hospital. How can you be against that . If youre going to complain about it as republicans, youre holding a vote to get rid of this . Let me clarify. I dont have obamacare. We have our own private insurance, but imagine people who do and americans who do have these kinds of charges. The republicans are willing to take Something Like this away from consumers and yet they dont have anything to replace it with. They feel empowered because of that vote in november and a low voter turnout they can move forward and do this. Get your cell phones out. I want to know what you think. Tonights question do you think republicans will ever come up with a Health Care Plan . Text a for yes. Text b for no. Well bring you the results later on in the show. It is not a liberal broadcaster saying this. It is a conservative senator from north dakota. We just havent figured out what were going to do yet. That was in the Washington Examiner which is a rightwing rag. Gentlemen, let me show you what a government takeover looks like. Health insurance stocks to this very day are up over the last six months. Now i had our ed team go through United Health group humana, aetna, and cigna over the last six months. We were getting up to the run up of round two in sign up for obamacare. United Health Care Group is up 32 . Anthem is up 23 . Here are the republicans who are holding a vote to tinker with the private sector where theyre making double digit increases over the last six months. Since the republicans are complaining so much about this maybe there would be a down tick in profit. If im running United Health care, i want the republicans to tell me im not going to have my 32 increase over the last few months screwed around with because my stockholders are pretty concerned about that. Thats where we are. Theres no rhyme. Theres no reason to what the republicans are doing. It is all antiobama. Jonathan alter you first. Your reaction to this latest repeal vote that is going on this hour . This is all about the freshmen. They told all their radical right wing constituents they were against this and they had to show they were going to go to washington and vote on what they said they would do. Whats fascinating to me about it is how it could end up someday not right away maybe blowing up in the face of every republican who has voted to obamacare. Its one thing, as the president said when it is an abstraction. When it is something they can say the boogeyman is coming. Hes going to hurt you. Big, bad obamacare. It is easy to vote against it then, but what happens if the Supreme Court blows up obamacare, which could happen in june . What happens when their constituents start getting thrown off their Health Insurance by the millions . As many as 8 Million People could get thrown off their insurance if the Supreme Court invalidates obamacare. Every one of these guys is going to be facing ads from democrats saying they voted to throw you into the snow. That could be powerful. Politics can change very quickly in america. No doubt, especially when it is direct to consumers that are affected. The house just voted for a full repeal. The numbers are in. 23 239186. No democratic voted for repeal. Wheres the Insurance Industry in all this . The Insurance Industry would not like to see this law repeal and neither would other sectors of health care. The hospitals have done well too. Doctors are going quite well and certainly the pharmaceutical companies are getting more revenue as a result of the laws. Industry likes this law. They were fighting it or parts of it when it was being debated, but theyre doing quite well financially. The pharmaceutical companies have been doing gang busters too. I think jonathan is exactly right. This is really all for show. They know that this will go nowhere. It is for the freshmen for those who campaigned against it. If they were really genuinely thought this had a chance we would see what their replacement ideas would be and they havent come forward with any kind of replacement idea. They have not. You know the Insurance Industry mr. Potter if they were against it, wouldnt we be seeing commercials . Wouldnt we be seeing a plethora of commercials on tv saying get rid of obamacare if they didnt like it . Exactly. Im in florida. We have just learned that this state has seen more people sign up for coverage through obamacare plans than any other state in the union. Youre seeing a lot of people in red states. Thats another point too. A lot of the people who have enrolled in plans are in red states. I think you would see if this went away or repealed or declared intuitionunconstitutional that millions of people in red states would lose their coverage. Lets go to the senate for the moment. This vote is important. Mitch mcconnell is going to bring it up in the senate. Where does this leave conservative democrats who ran around their districts and their states saying we have to fix obamacare . Joe mansion, john tester, claire mccaskill. Where are they . Not one democrat voted to repeal in the house. Is that the way it is going to be in the senate . I think it will be. When it comes to full repeal i dont think youre going to find democrats going for that. Where they might vote against obamacare is on pieces of it. For instances, the medical device tax which is part of obamacare. If that can get separated out it is unpopular. It is a tax. The manufacturers of these devices dont like it. Maybe that could get some democratic votes. Some people are saying that al franken and Elizabeth Warren who are from states who are big manufacturers of these devices saying they would go along with the critics of obamacare with that, they will not unless there is some other way to make up the revenue, which there is not. There basically is not alternative on the table right now to obamacare. I dont think there will be until june if the Supreme Court rules it unconstitutional. Then youre going to see all kinds of alternatives from republicans to try to fix that mess and that game of 52 card pick up that the Supreme Court would create. Great to have you with us. Thank you. Remember to answer tonights question there at the bottom of the screen. Like us on facebook. Coming up, new information on the horrific killing of a jordanian pilot at the hands of isis. Details ahead. Stay with us. Were right back. Over 98 Million Dollars and creating over 2100 jobs. From long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new york. They are paying no property taxes no corporate taxes no sales taxes. And with over 300 locations, and 3. 7 million square feet available, theres a place thats right for your business. See if startupny can work for you. Go to startup. Ny. Gov. You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends. Three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. 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At 6 00 p. M. Eastern, president obama will be meeting with King Abdullah of jordan following news of a pilot in the Jordanian Air force being killed by isis. Right now people are gathering in the streets of jordan demanding revenge. The terrorist Group Released a new video showing a captured jordanian pilot being burned alive in a cage. Earlier today president obama said isis represents nothing but death and destruction. Should in fact this video be authentic, it is just one more indication of the viciousness and barbarity of this organization. And i think it will redouble the vigilance and determination on the part of a Global Coalition to make sure they are degraded and ultimately defeated. Jordanian state television has confirmed the videos authenticity. It says the hostage was killed on january 3rd less than two weeks after his capture. The jordanian government has been demanding proof the pilot was still alive. The news of his death comes shortly after the death of two japanese citizens also held by isis. Steve clemons joins us tonight on this subject. Steve, jordan says they will avenge the death of this pilot. Similar reaction came from the japanese leadership as well. What does this mean . It is a horrific way to gather a coalition, but in some strange way this is possibly going to strengthen the coalition as i see it and it is going to get people more serious about what were dealing with globally right now. I hope that you are correct. Jordan has been tied in an emotional knot as they videos came out of the japanese hostages that were beheaded demanding the release of sajida al rishawi, a wouldbe suicide bomber from 2005. There were efforts to push the kingdom to make a deal to offer this trade for this imprisoned heroin heroine to isis terrorists. Jordan asked for proof of life which of course they never received, but jordan has been deeply tied in knots. Theres been debate inside the country about how much burden they should be carrying fighting isis, and perhaps what isis just did tragically and horrifyingly to this brave pilot may have backfired. I was with leading officials of the u. S. Government and middle eastern governments last night that feared depending on this devolved this could knock jordan out of the coalition. It depends on how the king behaves. They have threatened to execute rishawi by daylight tomorrow morning. It is important that jordan not waiver in what it decides to do because the king needs to send a symbol of strength to his people. We have seen in the iraq conflict and the syrian conflict jordan take more ref jewugees than any other country in the region. It is bursting at the seams with the load it has taken. It is an emotional kindling pot, if you will, just waiting to explode. This is a very delicate time. The jordanian people in the streets protesting pretty much underscores what they want the president to do. So this may have backfired on isis and motivated a country to be far more resourceful in fighting isis than they were before. But what about the type of execution that took place . We have evolved from seeing heads being cut off to now bodies being burned alive. What does that mean . I think it means isis is trying to work up the scale of creating spectacular, horrifying death and attracting it has almost become a sort of death cult and attracting people to these images of things. It takes you back into the early deep medieval period in europe when we would see kinds of things like this and religious persecution. I think theyre trying to bring back just this ancient horrifying cult behavior because it attracts people that are i think with the most unhinged the most unstable and the most radical to their cause. One of the things about this kind of terrorism when people see it the majority of most publics, even in the middle east and particularly among muslims, are as repulsed by it as you and i are. Isis begins to put out its own fuel and begins to choke itself with this horrifying inging behavior. The jordanians certainly good allies of the united states. We can only imagine the expectations may be upped a little bit by our allies in the middle east to do more. This cannot be a political issue. I think this is just pretty much gone beyond that at this point. Steve clemons, great to have you with us tonight. I appreciate you time. Coming up, well look at the challenges of facing that are facing Hillary Clinton for 2016. Plus, the dangerous political games some republicans are playing with their childrens health. Ive got your questions next. Ask ed live is next. The floor. It drives me crazy. Can we do something about this . doorbell woah. Its a swiffer sweeper. Its working like a magnet. 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You dont have to go very far. It is very progressive and moving forward, the state of minnesota. Why not . You have the same weather, but you do have a Better Football Team over there. Our next question is from jonathan. Is brady the best quarterback to every play in the nfl . You can make the case based on the numbers, based on the number of super bowls. Whats interesting about brady is he has been with the team for 15 years and he has won the super bowl and had Great Success just about every one of those years with a different supporting cast. Montana, elway, bradshaw, favre brady brady, is there really any difference between any of them . Stick around. Rapid Response Panel is next. Were right back on the ed show. Im mary thompson. The dow climbing 305 points the s p 500 adding 29 the nasdaq up 51. Gm sales jumping more than 8 . Disney posted results that beat estimates. Shares are down sharply in late trading for chipotle. 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And that in clinical studies the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. If youre still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Absolutely. All children in america should be vaccinated. Vaccinate your children against measles. Theres no reason not to. I dont know if we need another law, but all children should be vaccinated edvaccinated. Theres ever reason to get vaccinated. There arent reasons to not. The president is exactly right. Vaccinations are the key to preventing and spreading disease. Some republicans want to turn back the clock on public safety. President ial hopefuls are speaking out. Hillary clinton says the science is clear, the earth is round, the sky is blue and vaccines work. Here, here hillary. I agree. Potential republican candidate and retired neurosurgeon ben carson, hes on the same side. We should not allow diseases to return by forgoing safe immunization programs. Not all doctors eyeing the white house feel the same way. I think they are a good thing, but i think the participants should have some input. The state doesnt own your children. Parents own the children and it is an issue of freedom. Governor christie in new jersey went soft on vaccination rules. Do you think americans should vaccinate their kids . Is the measles vaccine safe . We vaccinate ours. It is much more important what you think as a parent than what you think as a public official. Thats what we do, but i understand parents need to have some measure of choice in things as well. Christie is playing politics. He is ignoring the science again. The governor forced nurse kay si hickox after she tested negative for ebola last fall. We need to consult medical and Public Health experts about these kinds of decisions and discussions. Hes not doing that. Hes going against science. Before he ignored science and is still ignoring science. What do we have here . Republicans are determined to vilify government at the expense of scientific reason and Public Health . Joining me tonight dr. Nancy snyderman and Bruce Bartlett former george h. W. Bush policy adviser. Senator rand paul just released a statement saying this. I did not say vaccine cause disorders just that they were temporarily related. I did not allege causation. I have them myself. Mr. Bartlett whats your response to that . Obviously, hes trying to have it both ways. You have to understand when youre a member of a party that institutionally hates government theyre going to blame government for everything that happens as their knee jerk reaction. If some new issue comes up and somebody sticks a microphone in their face and sizays what do you think about this their answer is going to be the government is wrong. We should do everything privately. One of the interesting thing about rands statement is parents own their children. Think about that for a minute. It is not just a matter of caring for them. They own them like chattle slaves. How dangerous is this antivaccination sentiment that seems to be all of a sudden a big problem for republicans . Well its growing and i worry that it is hitting republicans and democrats. I think this is a great instance where politics and medicine make for very very bad bedfellows. This is not the antiautism group as much as it is the antigovernment group. It is either upper class people who have never seen these illnesses before therefore i dont have to vaccinate my children for them or i dont want to put toxins in my childrens body or i dont trust vaccinations period. We decided a long time ago we have moral and ethical responsibility to take care of our neighbors. We protect the mothers who are pregnant and the babies who arent old enough to get their first shots. When we let these numbers of measles cases grow and grow and grow, it really to me, is the first primal crack in what should be a healthier health care system. I think it is a national disgrace. Dr. Snyderman, have you ever heard of doctors advocate against vaccination . I have seen doctors back pedal saying you can change your vaccination schedule. We can unbundle them. Once the baby comes from the birth canal, that baby is exposed to bacteria and viruses. The idea of inoculating children on a very specific schedule is all about keeping that immune system robust and smart. This has been a generation in the making. I worry this Measles Outbreak can be the canary in the coal mine. If we dont Pay Attention to the fact were seeing diseases that we werent seeing ten years ago then im not saying polio cant return. I dont think there is any Health Care Professional who has examined the facts who can honestly say that americans have not died because the diseases brought into america by illegal aliens who are not properly health care screened as lawful immigrants are. It might be this Measles Outbreak. There are any number of things. What do you think of pinning the outbreak on undocumented immigrants . Well again, these guys come up with knee jerk reactions to things and they already hate latino immigrants. They are dumping on them the way they did in the europe in the old days when the jews were the blame for everything that happened and in the old south they blamed blacks for everything that happened. Viruses laugh at things like this. When we have viruses that jump from animals to humans and jump walls and go from country to country and state lines you cant legislate against this. You immunize people and make people smarter. Comments like this just set us back. Great to have both of you with us. Up next twominute drill. Warren sap in trouble, Johnny Football goes to rehab, and rex ryan makes a major life change. Keep it here. Were right back. At kraft we start with eggs oil, and our own crafted vinegar. All expertly blended to make our mayo. So you can take whatever youre making from good to amazing. Get inspired at kraftrecipes. Com the bold nissan rogue, with intuitive allwheel drive. Because winter needs a hero. Now get 0 financing or up to 1,000 back on the 2015 nissan rogue. 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Former nfl lineman and former hall of famer warren sap was arrested early monday morning. He was taken into custody on so suspicion of soliciting a prostitute. Sapp was fired by the nfl network just hours after his arrest. Up next Johnny Footballs fumble and road to recovery. Johnny manizel checked into a rehab center on wednesday. He voluntarily entered treatment to be a Better Family member friend, and teammate. Manizel is expected to be in rehab for at least a few weeks, but sources say the browns are optimistic that manizel will be back with the team by training camp. I would hope so. That would be six months. Finally, a reminder to think before you ink. Former jets coach rex ryans commitment to the Buffalo Bills goes skin deep. Ryan pledged his allegiance to the jets with an arm tattoo of his wife in a bills jets jersey. Rex, come on. Tattoos dont win football games. Great quarterbacks do. Why dont you get one of them . Stay with us. Were right back. 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Hear ye the awkward teenage one has arrived dont be old fashioned. Xfinity customers add xfinity home for 29. 95 a month for 12 months. Plus for a limited time, get a Free Security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit comcast. Com xfinityhome. Welcome back to the ed show. Finally tonight were under a year away from the i into caucuses. Even with Hillary Clinton on the sidelines, its looking more like a draft than a primary. Clinton holds a 40point lead over the next closest democratic challenger, but the general election, well its not going to be a shooin. According to a quinnipiac poll shes losing ground. For instance in florida clinton holds a onepoint lead over former governor jeb bush. John kasich trails Hillary Clinton by just a percentage point. In a close race where every vote could count, these states have made it harder for everyones vote to count in ohio and florida. Ohio secretary of state John Hughes Ted has worked to cut early voting hours and sameday voter rental strax Governor Scott no called for a voter purge, an Appeals Court later ruled it was illegal. With republicans in control of both state legislatures Voting Rights could face more attacks. If democrats want too win in 2016, they may have to find a path to the white house that doesnt travel through florida or ohio. Im joined tonight by bob shrum and war saw professor of politics. Also with us tonight, anita Turner Former ohio state senator. Senator, you first tonight. What do you make of this polls . Hillary clinton strong but kasich so close in ohio. What do you make of that . Ed and a woman shall lead them. I think we should see it as the glass half full. Its fab luck that former secretary of state Hillary Clinton is in a statistical dead heat. That is a wonderful and beautiful thing. It shows that those in the heartland are certainly ready for hillary. Bob is this a save your Energy Moment for Hillary Clinton . These poll numbers, there doesnt seem to be any credible challenger out there. We know where the money is going to go at least it seems like t. And its getting to be the hourglass turned on possible challengers if they want a grassroots effort. Your thoughts on this . I dont think youre wrong on the timing. First of all, by the way, im surprised that bush isnt further ahead. Its basically a onepoint race in florida, and hes way behind in ohio. Kasich is nowhere in and he is competitive with Hillary Clinton, but republicans i think cannot get to the presidency without carrying both of thousands states given the way the electrical map is configured. Any fact bush himself is running behind and only in the teens in republican polls. I think Hillary Clinton is very strong making a very wise decision to prepare carefully before she enters this race. I think shell enter it with a compelling message about opportunity for the middle class. She wont make the mistake of 2008 and look to the past and she wont run away from the or shy away from the historic change that her election would represent. So i guess were going to hear a lot about benghazi which i dont think will have any impact have voters at all, and in the meantime all these republicans will huge problems with the rising electoral, with hispanics, with women, with younger voters. I dont see how theyre going to be able to deal with issues like Immigration Reform and Marriage Equality and get thus these republican primaries. Bob, isnt this just a take your time moment for hillary . Theres nobody on the horizon right now that seems threatening at all. She really is in a really good spot, isnt she . I think shes in a very good spot. I think shes taking the time to prepare, to think this through, i dont think youll see mistakes like ignoring the caucus states which we saw in 2008. I think this will be a very wellrun campaign and i think she will go out and speak to issues, ed that you speak to all the time. She will speak to income inequal. She will speak to the things that happened to the 99 of americans who havent benefited so much from this recovery. I think shell make a very powerful case. Its hard for me to see what the republicans will argue on the other side except bash he and throw mutt add her. It wont work. John kasich expanded medicaid in your state until obamacare. Its very interesting. Now he wants to have enrollees above the poverty line pay between 15 and sdwlr 20 a month towards their coverage. Is this purely a political move on his part something that hes doing it because its populist . I mean you definitely have to give governor kasich the credit for expanding that. As you know in the general assembling, at that time the republicans did not want to do it, he had to dao the expansion in a different way, but were going to have a come to jesus moment in the state of ohio when it comes to that expanse, because the Republican Legislature has made it harder to do. You know it is the right things to do whether you are republican on democrat when it comes to making sure that health care is expanded, because if folks are not healthy they could go about their day. I do agree that what second tear of state Hillary Clinton will bring to the table is what she has done through her life. She has never left the people. Her heart and her work has always been with the people. We should not be surprised that folks who are being that poll is a snapshot but it is a very strong snapshot in time that folks in this nation are craving for the leadership that Hillary Clinton brings to the table. I mean look at those poll numbers. Bob shrum, have you ever seen it like this . This is kind of one for the archives, isnt it . 56 , and Elizabeth Warren joe biden, Bernie Sanders in single digits. This is really incredible stuff, isnt it . For a nonincumbent president , we have never seen anything like this. You know al gore for example won every caucus and primary. There were points the year before when bill bradley was close to him. This is unprecedented. Bob shrum, nina turner great to have both of us with us. Thats the ed show. Politics nation with reverend al sharpton starts right now. Good evening, rev. \s. Good evening. Thanks for tuning in. President obama is meeting with a key ally King Abdullah of jordan, at the white house. Just hours after isis released another video of a brutal execution, a jordanian pilot burned alive in this highly produced clip you can see the pilot wearing an orange jumpsuit and speaking into the camera. Later he was locked in a cage and burned

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