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You agree with them or not to protect our people. Its exercising the worst judgment possible. They quickly passed a bill to train and equip Syrian Rebels in saudi arabia. We will work with you as closely as we can and should. You cannot sit on the sidelines, at least i cannot. Good to have you with us tonight, folks. We start with breaking news and its 5 00 on the east coast and polls have closed in the scotland. Right now the race for the Scottish Independence is just too close to call. Another breaking story at this hour here on u. S. Soil, members of the house of representatives are doing what they do best. Theyre quitting and going home. Republican Majority Leader Kevin Mccarthy announced late this afternoon that the house of representatives will not be back in washington until december or excuse me, until november 12th. Before the house members skip town they put on a second act of political theater. Members of congress grilled secretary of state john kerry about the obama administrations strategy to fight isis again. Tell me and the American People exactly who we are at war with. What would you call. I call them isis, Islamic State of iraq and syria. What would you tell the American People, okay, we are doing this support. Were at war. We are counterterrorism operation, whatever you want to call it. Upon who is the enemy . Define the enemy for me. Are they the enemy of the United States . Theyre an enemy of humanity. So theyre an enemy to the u. S. , too. Both secretary kerry and president obama have stated they have absolutely no intention of sending u. S. Troops into combat. Late wednesday afternoon members of the house voted in favor of arming Syrian Rebels in the Islamic State. The measure passed by 277 to 156. Its important to note there was sizeable opposition from both parties. 71 House Democrats voted against president obamas plan. Right now the senate is debating the same bill. The debate has just been heated as it was in the house yesterday. Its messy. Its unclear. There are bad people on both sides. We need to stay the heck out of their civil war. Its not that im against all intervention. I do see isis as a problem. Isis is now a let to us, but i see our previous policy as having made worse. Sending arms to socalled moderate islamic rebels in syria is a fools errand and will only make isis stronger. A vote is expected to happen within the hour and we will bring you the results as soon as we get them. Republicans, i think, and americans have to realize democrats, as well, that theres no perfect plan out there to defeat isis. The president , i believe, needs our support right now and it seems that everyone is all over the map. Its not just political fodder especially as to what happened last night. There wells no doubt that its pressing and its getting closer to home. Australian authorities foiled an alleged isis plot to seize random victims in the street of sydney and publicly behead them. Nearly 1,000 Police Officers fanned out overnight to conduct raids. At least 15 suspects were detained. Australias Prime Minister says Counterterrorism Police intercepted a phone call two days ago. The call was reportedly between one of the people arrested and an alleged isis leader based in the mideast. Exaltations, quite direct exaltations were coming from an australian who is apparently quite senior in isil to networks of support back in australia to conduct demonstration killings here in this country. Australia stopped this the plot with Police Action and theres no proof that arming Syrian Rebels is going to be as effective. We hope so. To date, the United States has carried out 176 missions in iraq and syria. Get your cell phones out. I want to know what you think tonight. Tonights question, is it wise to arm Syrian Rebels. Text a for yes. Text b for no to 67622. Well bring you the results later on in the show. I want to come now to chuck todd, the moderator of meet the press, chuck, good to have you with us tonight. 71 democrats, in fact, some of the most loyal people to the president and some of his biggest defenders are saying no to this. This is a mixed bag, isnt it . It is. Were seeing, we talk about that there isnt a lot of ideological diversity inside the two parties and National Security issues you are. You highlighted it very well and you have isolationists versus interventionists on the the Republican Party and then you have the hawks and the doves and the basic hawks and the doves inside the Democratic Party and those divides, theyve been there for years and i think weve seen them flourish here and this is not about president obama and the way we think about president obama politically. I really think this is a lot about iraq and a lot about iraq and the memories of iraq and for, i think some of these democrats, but also for some of these republicans that are again. St it it is this question of how do you prevent the slippery slope in syria because no one has effectively answered the question. You know, when you have military leaders close to the president advising them that you cant rule out combat troops and the president saying, no, there will not be american combat troops and well find others to do this, that means when you dont find the others who else is there going to be when the military comes back to the president and you need something in there if youre going to make your plan work. So i think that thats why youre seeing this skepticism a little bit louder than normal. Is it part of the equation that were just such a wartorn country that the president knows he just cant go down that road or does he really believe that we can get this Mission Accomplished with just air power and i thought a telling question yesterday that was not answered by secretary kerry came from corker when he said what other countries will put boots on the ground. Someone will have to get skin in the game on this or is it of the military thought that they can get this done with the way they have it set out right now . Look, i do think there is politics impacting the president here and it is not just raw, crass pol it ticks. Its more of he believes the public isnt going support the idea of longterm combat troops in syria even. Were talking 20 or 25,000. Nobody is talking hundreds of thousands of combat troops when talking about this. They are talking about thousands. That doesnt say and that doesnt mean thousands arent a lot as far as american blood and treasures are concerned, but thats the open i think the president believes he was elected to get america out of the middle east, to not have america as an Occupying Force and not use ground drops that way, and i think thats why he has been, i think, you can call him stubborn and thats why hes been defiant about this because thats not why he was elected and he knows it, and he also knows its not sustainable with the American Public. They might support it in the short term because a couple of beheadings have made americans fearful, but theyre not going to support it long erm it. What kind of an impact do you think last nights events in australia will have on the senate vote . Will that turn anybodys mind in favor of the president s plan to take some action and your thoughts on how the senate votes going to on go some. I think if anything it will probably move and more so on the democratic saturday and move a few, maybe if there were some wavering democrats sitting that were leaning no last night might move to yes, because i can tell you, ive been surprised and im sure, ed, you have been, too, the American Public, these beheadings, this action by isis have been terrorizing the American Public with vish also, social media with what theyve done already and it has had an impact on Public Opinion and that has an impact on how these members vote. I think yet president has had frankly, such an easy time. Think about where he was a year ago when he could not get a majority on either party of what he wanted to do in syria and now he has majorities in both parties supporting him on what he wants to do with syria and thats because the public is fearful. Chuck todd, great to have you with us tonight. Moderator of meet the press. Let me bring in former congressman joe sestak, former threestar general of the United States navy and worked in navy intelligence. Joe, unpack this for us. Had is a situation where we really dont know who were arming. We think were arming the right people. There r are a lot of exclamation about no boots on the ground and so really, the 64 question at this hour is is the president right . Can we do this mission without putting troops on the ground if they have a force of over 30,000 . We have to separate it into two pieces. Theres the iraq piece where we cannot permit them to have a safe haven, but i think youre talking right now about the syrian piece and thats where they still have about half their forces there. Thats a lot tougher puzzle, but we actually do know who the more moderate rebels are. As ive said to you before, ed, we listened in with the radios that we gave them with chips and other things, the jordanian Intelligence Units there really know who they are. Isis is in the north and theyre buttressed up against the border with turkey and turkey is over this. So we are able with the other players there r, the arabs and the turks to figure out who the more moderate ones are. Properly trained and properly feed them, so to speak to go into battle. It is a very tough thing because it means that the suitcase on the ground has to be owned by the arabs and the turks doing that work. A lot tougher problem than it is in iraq. So to it and no one really knows how long this is going to take. This is so openended. Its hard to once you get in its hard to get out and it seems like to me watching secretary kerry, there are some answers he just cant definitively answer, and i think thats whats troubling in all of this. There is an angle of a hope and a prayer that this is going to work, isnt there . No, i dont think its a hope and a prayer, but i do agree with the overall point. I dont think anyone can tell you when the global war on terror will end because the global war on terror cannot be won by the United States military. We can stop the problem from harms us, but we cant fix it it because it takes winning the hearts and minds of people and making the places less hospitable to the terrorists. Yeah. I remember, ed, two days after 9 11 happened. Id been stations in the pentagon and i was called up by chief Naval Operations and became dwoen as deep blue. Two days later, we gave the natural operations some slides and the first one said he took in mr. Rumsfeld. The global war of terror will go on at least for ten years and it was well before that. This is something about the hearts and minds of people. So you have to look at these missions as purely, what do we do to stop militarily a safe haven from residing there . The president when he used the word destroy, i dont think he should have isis. Eventually theyre destroyed by becoming the people out there not wanting them there and thats a different battle. Should congress be going home right now because thats what theyre doing . Absolutely not, and the senate should have the guts to stand up and vote separately like the house did of do you support the president or not . And i think we hear them complaining whats the strategy, whats this . Why arent they telling us where they stand on a separate vote rather than voting in on an overall bill, and i think thats frankly, shameless. It seems like were looking for the perfect plan. Were measuring what the cost is going to be, what the results going to be, what success is supposed to look like and nobody really knows any of that. Well, you know, you can step back to world war ii and see some of the problems we had as we lost some of our initial battles. Look, however, were much better at it than before, ed and this is the problem. We lack in the senate, and i would say the house. People who had been there, and understand that you need to define a mission and frankly the administration hasnt always done this well, define the benchmarks and the means to accomplish them and be transparent to the public. Are we making those benchmarks, we dont use a means to an end type of approach anymore and i think thats disturbing, but part of the problem is this global war of terror eventually can be stopped by the military, but you cant fix it until we use the other means of the dip the maic or powers with the other nations there to make no one want are terrorists. So if joe sestak is in the senate tonight you vote in favor of this action if in arming the moderate Syrian Rebels in moving forward. I do. And then i would do what we also learned in the military and we tend to forget. Expect what you inspect. The execution of this plan is whats very vital. Are we getting turkey not to be a big doughnut with a big hole in it where things flow back and forth across the border and theyre not helping. Then you can reassess your strategy and the means to your end to do something different. I dont think we have executed some of these items, these strategies well. Joe sestak, appreciate your tile. Remember to answer tonights question there at the bottom of the screen. Share your thoughts with us on twitter ed show and on facebook. We appreciate the like and we want to know what you think. The senate is voting on whether to grant president obama the authority to train and equip Syrian Rebels to battle the Islamic State. Stay with us. Well have the latest. Plus the fight for workers rights continues. 14,000 American Airline workers voted to unionize, but lets not stop there. Lets more coming up on that. Rapid Response Panel weighs in. Were right back. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets. 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Yes voters want scotland to make its own decisions on how to spend the billions of dollars from offshore oil. Whether you want to break and sever every link. Its time we move on. You are part of the United Kingdom family. We would really love you to stay. Theyll mefr ache our freedom. The number two trender, sideline. Rihanna took to twitter to lash out at cbs. They yanked the cbs broadcast. Its supposed to be a onetime poll. Cbs pulls the plug on rihanna after her pregame outburst. The singer blafrted the network tweeting you all are sad for penalizing me for this. They pulled it because everyone was nufshs be and pulling rihannas song permanently. Cbs released a statement saying they were, quote, moving in a different direction. In todays top trender, test case. Governor walker said people getting Unemployment Benefits and food share should have to undergo drug testing. Is it good policy or electionyear politics . Scott walker wants to drug test people on public assistance. Walker says this would apply to ablebodied working age adults without kidses receiving unemployment and food stamps. The basic requirement for just about any employer out there is if they can pass a drug test. They dont know how much that will cost yet. Its a political ploy and a political statement by the governor. If someone wants our help were more than happy to provide it, but why would we set someone up for failure. Senator, good to have you with us. I think we need to point out that 11 states have implemented drug testing policies for people getting government aid. Florida and georgia have had these laws overturned by the courts. So how does Governor Walker think this is going to play in his state . I mean, is there a real burning desire some is there fraud in wisconsin when it comes to govern am aid . Unpack it for us. Not really, no. First of all, its not going to fly in wisconsin, ed, because legally the governor cant do it. He wants the National Stage and hes willing to go out and fight washington over this, but lets just take a look at it, for example, what florida did and the court stopped that less than 2 of the people they screened were caught using drugs and the governor of wisconsin and Governor Walker is that anybody who needs food stamps and an unemployment check must be on drugs and we better drug theft them. In the end, it will cost us more money than its worth. Wisconsin has a 1. 8 billion deficit and we found out that our Medicaid Program will need another 760 million just to continue. So i dont know where the governor will get the money to pay for this, if he gets away with it at all, but in the end hes in a close race, very, very close race with mary burke and hes thrown whatever he can at the wall just to see if something sticks. This will not save the taxpayers money, correct . No. It costs taxpayers money. It costs taxpayers money in florida and it would save florida money and it would save florida taxpayers money had they hundreded out the checks rather than make people go through the drug test. So if the States Running a deficit and this clearly would not save the taxpayers any money or help the state treasury out, where ask this all come from . Is this an effort to rile up the base because a Marquette University law poll released on wednesday shows that walker and the challenger mary burke are tied among registered voters. But walker does have a slight advantage among likely voters. So is this just electionyear politics at this point some hes trying to get peoples attention that for one reason or another. Very, very much so. This is designed to get the Republican Base fired up for this campaign, but what the Republican Base probably isnt thinking about that if this actually happens in the state of wisconsin, some of them will lose a job and along with their application for unemployment insurance, go to the bathroom, use the cup and turn it in. Again, in the long run, what hes trying to do is hes trying to fire up his base and this will cost taxpayers in the state of wisconsin. We have a deficit already and some think its even more. Our medicaid cost to continue is another 760 million. This is an expensive april. I dont know where hes going to get the money to do it if he gets away from doing it at all. Have there been any republican senators that have gone to the floor saying we have to do this. Is this walkers idea or is well a burning desire among his fellow lawmakers on his side that want to see this done some. Nobodys talked about this on the Wisconsin Senate floor or the wisconsin state assembly. This is part of Governor Walkers jobs package and it will not create a single job in the state of wisconsin where we continue to lag not only the in the midwest, but the rest of the nation in job growth here in wisconsin where were hurting for job ms. Wisconsin. So this was part of his jobs package that wont create a single job and in the long run it will cost taxpayers money and you underscore this and it is true, ed, he is in a race for his life and his political career being end on november 4th. Hes throwing everything he can not only to rile up the base and try and keep on the National Spotlight keep himself in the National Spotlight as much as he possibly can can. So you think this is as much things arent going very well and we have to crank out the vote here. I hear so much about political exhaustion although i was in iowa last weekend and thats the last thing i talked about is political exhaustion. People are on the issues. I know that isis and i know that the nfl, and its all out there, but what are you hearing, john . What are wisconsin voters focusing on . People are focusing on good, family supporting jobs here in the state of wisconsin. People are taking a look at whats going on with the neighbors in the midwest and theyre taking a look at whats going on with the nation as a whole. The nation grew new jobs by 2. 8 last year in wisconsin. We were at 1. 3 . People need good, family supporting jobs. So if youre the governor and your Main Campaign promise like scott walkers was is im going to create 250,000 new jobs and hes only created 100,000 new jobs in the state of wisconsin. Hes not going to want to talk about jobs and you throw things throughout like drug testing people who are down on their luck in case they need an unofment check and you put stuff out there to detract people from how bad things really are in the state of wisconsin compared to how well theyre going in other states. His policies arent working and rather than talk about the fact that we can fix things here and fix things there, well keep our head down, keep going and throw stuff out there like welfare recipients. John, thanks so much. We continue to follow live voting on the senate floor. Yesterday the house passed a bill that would allow Defense Department to train and arm Syrian Rebels. Stay with us. Well have the latest. Plus, surprise, surprise. More government bashing by conservatives. Pretenders coming up. Next, your questions. Ask ed live here on the ed show on msnbc. Were right back. Whenwork with equity experts who work with regional experts thats when expertise happens. Mfs. Because there is no expertise without collaboration. [ woman ] if you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me, and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain. This is humira helping me lay the groundwork. 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So ally bank really has no hidden fethats right. Accounts . Its just that im worried about you know hidden things. Ok, whys that . No hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. I am so noh my gosh. Now, its not even funny. Driver 1 you ready . Yeah go [sfx] roaring altima engine woah ahhhha we told people they were riding nissans most advanced altima race car. We lied. About the race car part. Altima, with 270 horsepower and active understeer control. How did you . What i dont even, im speechless. Innovation that excites. Welcome back to the ed show. Appreciate the questions and our ask ed live segment and the first question comes from denny. If offered, if offered would you accept the job of nfl commissioner . That would be a big, fat, hell no. I dont want to work for billionaires. I want to work for regular folks. I have no desire to be commissioners of the National Football league and if i was offered it, the money looks good, but no. I dont want to do that. The next question is from jimmy. He wants to know, how do you think mitt romney would handle the isis crisis if he was president today . I dont think we would have ever gotten out of iraq. And if we had wed be right back in. Thats how i think mitt would be doing it. I think we would be committing troops big time and hed be blaming everybody behind him. Stick around. Rapid Response Panel is next. Im kate rogers with your cnbc market wrap. The dow climbs more than 100 points to another record. The s p also hits a new high, up 9 and the nasdaq adds 31. Oracles highprofile Ceo Larry Ellison is stepping down from that role. He will remain as chairman. Also the companys latest results missed analyst estimates. Shares are slumping after hours. And home depot says 56 million payment cars were affected in a massive data breach starting in april. Thats first in cnbc, youre first in business worldwide. There was no question she was the one. She reminds you every day. 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Welcome back to the ed show, with less than 50 days until the Midterm Election i want to bring the focus back to what weve been talking about for a long time. Jobses. Now right now in the news cycle were being bombarded with stories about isis, the nfl, all very important discussions, no doubt about it, but i do believe that we cannot ignore what is immediately hitting the concerns of the American People on their own Kitchen Table and we need to talk about what American Families still really care about and what affects them. On tuesday afternoon 19 years of unionization efforts, American Airlines Customer Service agents finally the got the vote they needed to join a joint union. The story is much more than just 9,000 workers who are going to be getting representation and protections that theyve been fighting for. Its proof if management and politicians allow the process to play out and allow the American People in the workplace to vote. You know, there will be an interesting result. They will go with the side of labor. Now its proof that there is a future part Labor Movement in the south. Its proof something can can be done about the attack on labor and the American Workforce and hitting American Families. Its just not noise. Stand up and make themselves heard. Thats exactly what they did with this vote, but when i was in iowa last weekend, i was expecting to hear a lot of talk about isis. We did a focus group down in texas on friday night after i did the the showdown in dallas. I brought up isis. I brought up the middle east. Nobody knows anything about it. This has jumped on the American People. What they are still caring about is their jobs, health care, their security, their family, their future and thats where American Voters, i think are going to be. I dont know if the nfl is going to be motivating anybody to go vote in 50 days. I dont know if isis is going to be a big pusher. Whats going to be a pusher is somebodys future, and where theres discrimination and theres a chance. For it to be answered at the polls, this is going to be the pusher even in an offyear election. All of the statistics say that it will be a low turnout. I dont buy that. I dont sense that. Theres a lot of conversation about political exhaustion. I didnt sense that. In iowa over the weekend and nor did i down in texas last weekend. Joining me now on the rapid Response Panel is leo gerard, president of the communication workers of america. Where is america right now . Mr. Gerard, where do you think the people are are . What do they what are they thinking about thats not being talked about . I think, ed, theyre thinking about what you just said. Theyre thinking about the economy. Theyre thinking about jobs. Theyre thinking about health care. Theyre thinking about their retirement and kids being able to afford college and those are the debates that should be going on and those are the debates that Democratic Candidates at every level should be taking to the floor and ought to be talking about. People want to have a voice and i congratulate the cwa on their victory because what theyre proving is workers in the south want a voice and they want an opportunity to have a union and make one point. More than 50 of the workers respond without corporate or boss interference theyd sign up right away. People want representation and they want well voices heard and they want to talk about the Economic Future for them, their family and their kids. Its about security as well and fairness in the workplace. What does this vote, larry, mean about the future of the Labor Movement . I mean, everybodys thinking, gosh, if theres more votes, there will be more participation, but its in the south where unions have been attacked tremendously. How do you read it . The new 9,000 women and men that voted overwhelmingly to join the association that had already existed are in basically two states, North Carolina and texas and this shows that when the elected officials dont jump in like they did in tennessee and what we dont have over in union, they want to have a voice and they want to engage with management in a positive way and thats what these women and men arc cross the south as well as some in the north voted are for. I think leos right and thats what people care about. The the Economic Future meaning in the work they do every day and their rights at work and americans want to join the 21st century. Mr. Cohen, how much of an effect do you think they had that it was an electronic vote that there wasnt somebody standing outside seeing who was coming into vote and what not . What about that some. I think there are a number of factors and that probably accounts for part of it it, nobodys looking over it and they had four weeks to vote electronically either by phone or internet. The main thing is they worked at it for years and years and years and they failed before to get majority and this time they got it and i was with a bunch of them here that flew in on their own for the vote count and many were ecstatic and many of them were women who worked for 20 years. Asking the question, where are the American People and its interesting from this vote, most of the people that will be affected by this are women workers. Hillary clinton had this to say on a panel that was hosted by the center of American Progress. Take a listen. The difficulties that women and men face in giving the kind of jobs that will provide the kind of income that they need for themselves and their families is broiling beneath the surface of the political debates. We all see it. We know it. Mr. Gerard, your thoughts on th that . Shes right on the points shes making. Good jobs are offshore and weve seen the erosion of manufacturing from when it was 22 of the Gross Domestic Product down below nine. Weve lost 6 million to 7 million jobs as a result to rotten trade deals. Shes right about that. Weve seen the the attack on unions since Ronald Reagan and you see the growth of income as unions have declined and wokkers dont want a union. Weve declined because the system is against them and people like corker butted in and helped threaten workers about joining a union. If the the National Labor Relations Board can organize itself to be a moderate Labor Relations board to give workers more electronic voting to make sure that the voting happens quickly after they identified they want a union. People will join a union and as rotten as the labor laws are, people are joining unions and particularly in the south and the Labor Movement is not dying. The Labor Movement will grow. This is something that American Voters need to Pay Attention to. Whats it going to be like pt republicans get the senate, mr. Cohen when crowe have lamar alexander, the senator from tennessee proposing to reform the nlrb . His reforms mean gut the board. He just doesnt say what he really upons so his reforms are to have three democrats and three republicans require four of them to make a decision and that would mean that there wont be decisions made and that turns it back to where it was two years ago. So this is the wakeup call that youve been talking about for working people across the country. If we dont elect a senate that has a democratic majority leader well be getting that kind of labor law when we already have the lowest representation of any democracy in the world. 6 of private Sector Workers have collected bargaining, the 19th century capitalist and no representation and no need to have a board that lives up to the preamble. The preamble of the law says promote collective bargaining. Workers need rights. Let me just add to what larry said, the fact of the matter is that collective bargaining and the right to join a union is basically the only right thats practiced in secret and workers that want to join the union try to do it in secret because the law is so weighed against them. Bosses fire them and bosses call them in and give them lkt you ares and the outcome of that at the worst of cases, you get to do it again. So what we what we need is to elect the kind of people that understand if Hillary Clinton is right, we have to have massive changes in trade policy and the policy of the workers right to join a union and all of those things werent an accident. They were brought to us by people who want to weaken the middle class. The window is narrowing between now and election day. What are unions going to do to get the vote out, mr. Gerard . In our case well put literally thousands of people into the category of volunteering. We are building our ground big gain and building it effectively and saying to our people, your job is not to go knocking on doors. Your job is to find 24 more people to go being comboing on doors and well have a massive ground game in congressional districts at the state level and statehouses so that we can return some sanity to the economic direction of this country. Cwa, what are your planses. The new plan is that well take Lamar Alexanders picture and put it on leaflls in those Key Senate Seats and say if weigh dont elect a democrat to the senate from your state this man will be chairing the Labor Committee and he is out to destroy labor law. Which side are you on . All right. Leo gerard and larry cohen, thank you for being with us. The latest from the senate floor. The senate is voting on a bill to approve training Syrian Rebels to fight against the Islamic State. Stay with us. 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Theyre going for the twopoint conversion covering the nfl personal conduct scandals. Thats not much. They need to slam the government. Sean hannity connected aide ran petersons abuse allegations with the government takeover. This is my problem with liberals because heres where my fear goes with all of this. You guys want to tell parents what they can or cannot do. For example, is it going to become illegal if a parent teaches that the politically correct view that gay is not normal. If we dont politically correct our correct our kids, we might as well hand our kids over to the government and let them raise them. Hannity is worried parents wont be allowed to pass along intolerance to their kids. Meanwhile, hazel beck wrote in a tweet, imagine if everyone that asked for transparency in the nfl demanded that from the government. Then another tweet, she says connecting the two is not ridiculous. Its an honor. Really . 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This follows a vote approved in the house by 273156. There was a lot of crossing of party lines on this vote. As were about to send more americans into iraq to train and more pilots to fly missions over iraq, congress is leaving until after the election. They wont be back until november 12th. I am joined tonight by a senior fellow at the center for American Progress and former assistant secretary of defense. Good to have you with us. Im struck by the limited amount of debate, both in the house and in the senate on this vote, which is going to call for millions of dollars to arm Syrian Rebels, moderates, whatever you want to call them. This is basically a situation where let me ask you, are we doing security on the cheap here . Putting arms in the hands of anybody else to do the job . Well, i think its an idea that youre right, it needs a lot more debate. And the senate is worse than the house. Theyre tying it to a bill to keep the government open until december. So youre going to have people voting to say, well, i really didnt support this, but i didnt want to close the government down. Also in the senate, its complicated because you have several people who are running for or thinking of running for president , and they remember what happened back in 2002 to people like then senator clinton and senator kerry who voted for the war in iraq, and it came back to haunt them when they ran for the presidency. So this seems to be a political setup in favor of the democrats to get president obama the support. If its connected to shutting down the government, no democrat wants to do that. This will tug the remembearm of and beg itch. Manson said hes not going to vote for it. What about that . Thats true. Somebody like senator mansion and murphy, you got to hand it to them there, standing up for principle here, because it could cost them politically. And if you take a look, for example, beg itch is up for reelection, whereas udall, who is also up for reelection, he said he was going to vote for it. If you take a look at the president ial candidates, rand paul and ted cruz are against it. Whereas marco rubio is going to vote for it. And i think they will all be able to say, no, i wasnt for that, i was really for keeping the government open. I think, and i really give credit to people like manchion and murphy, they said they want a full debate on whether we really should be getting involved in syria. When you take a look at how this is unfolding, republicans are going to be able to come back and say, certainly i voted for it, but i wanted more. Okay, if this mission doesnt work, thats going to be the politics of it for them. Where the democrats are going to end up on this, well, certainly were going to support the president , weve got to give him what he wants, they can say they wanted to go more. Theres a lot of things that can go wrong with this mission, but this basically is a vote to put arms and training in the hands of people we think are going to be loyal. And its also a situation where were not going to put any boots on the ground. In fact, theres no complete plan on this at this hour, correct . Well, thats right. Really, what we should have a debate is, our role in syria. I think iraq is pretty clear. We were asked in by the iraqi government. There are forces on the ground there. In syria, the government doesnt want us in. The International Community doesnt want us in, and even if you can get these socalled Free Syrian Army up and running, that will take quite a while. Will they fight isil and ignore assad, which was their whole reason for being in the first place. 50, yes, 50 no, the measure is not agreed upon. Your thoughts . Well, i think then the real question is, what happens to the training . You cant do it with the senate. Youll have to wait now until november 12th. But really, it will also make it difficult for the saudis to provide the facilities for what does this is a this is a to the coalition i think it makes it more difficult to get the coalition to deal with the situation in syria. Iraq, you got good support there, but you dont have it in syria. I think this is a reflection, because it also keeps the government open. This is not a good night for the president. He did not get what he wanted out of the senate. This is going to delay in the eyes of some our security. Its an amazing development. Got to run, i appreciate your time tonight. Thanks so much. Thats the story at this hour. Thats the ed show. Politicsnation with al sharpton starts right now. Good evening and thanks to you for tuning in. Im live tonight in cincinnati. We start with breaking news on capitol hill. The senate is voting on president obamas plan to train and arm moderate Syrian Rebels who are fighting the terrorist group isis. The house past the plan last night. The vote comes after a day of startling headlines about isis, suggesting the groups reach goes far beyond the middle east. Early this morning, Australian Police arrested 15 people, stopping what they described as an isis

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