0 i would like to think i have a good moral compass. than mitt romney had. i don't know how i would describe myself, but i was behind this whole thing. i was bar tending that night for the romney fund-raiser. >> let's talk about may 17th. what happened that day? >> we got there, you know, it was a, you know, a political fund-raiser. we did our usual thing. we set up. you know, it went off without a hitch. i work high end parties from all over for extra money. you know, it was really just another typical party that i have done plenty of them just like it. >> did you know you were going to record him? >> you know, i did -- i brought the camera. a lot of other people brought cameras, like i said thinking he would come back and take pictures. clinton came back with the staff and took pictures. that was really my thought. i hadn't made up my mind. i was willing toe listen to what he had to say. i was interested in what he had to say. i didn't go there with a grudge, you know, against romney. i was more interested as a voter. >> how did you get the camera in there? >> i carried it in my backpack. again, they never said don't bring cameras, don't film. that was never said. you know, i just thought, you know, why not. >> so you didn't go there with the intention to get mitt romney on tape to make it a big story? >> i really had no idea he would say what he said. i thought he would say basically the things he was saying in public. i had no idea it was going to be this big thing that it turned out to be. i had no idea. >> so, this was done and the way it unfolded with you is not because you were an obama supporter. this is a justice/injustice issue with you. there was someone running in public and saying something different behind closed doors? that's your analysis? >> the people there that night paid $50,000 per person for dinner. you know, i grew up in a blue collar area in boston. nobody i know can pay, can afford to pay $50,000 for dinner. i just don't know anybody that can do that. in a way, i felt like, you know, whether you are a republican or an independent or, there's a lot of people who can't afford to pay $50,000 for one night, for one dinner. i felt an obligation in a way, to release it. i felt an obligation for all the people who can't afford to be there, you shouldn't have to be able to afford $50,000 to hear what the candidate actually thinks. >> what did you personally go mouth. i looked in the mirror and said you are a coward. you are an absolute coward. i was leaning toward not putting it out. it kind of came out of my mouth. i, you know, i went back to bed and said that's not going to work. i'm going to put it out. i'm going to be proud i did it. do it to the best of my ability and make sure as many people as possible hear it. at least when i turn that corner, i felt good about it and like i was doing the right thing. i went down the path and never looked back. >> let's go to the recording. this is may 17th. this is when it all started. romney comes into the room. you have the camera set up. let's play this. >> i guess everybody here is a dignitary. i appreciate your help. by the way, i am serious about the food. don't slow down. clear the place. hillary has to eat her beats. >> what's happening here? >> he had only been in the room for maybe a minute or two. i think it was telling for me, he had basically walked into a dinner party that he was the guest of honor and he demanded that the service be sped up. he literally had just walked in the door. i thought that was kind of remarkable. anybody that walks into a dinner party, doesn't matter who you are, i can't imagine demanding being fed faster. it's not like we were behind schedule. i just think that says a lot about who he is, to walk into any person's house and demand speed it up, speed it up, bring it, bring it, bring it. >> this next clip we have is really an attention grabber. i understand it was for you. he's talking about being lucky, being born with a silver spoon, then he transitions to talking about china, which really caught your attention. here it is. >> when i was back in my private equity days, we went to china to buy a factory there, employed 20,000 people, almost all young women between 18 and 22 or 23. they were saving for potentially becoming married. they work in huge factories, they made small appliances and as we were walking through this facility, seeing them work the number of hours they work, what they earn, living in dormitories with little bathrooms at the end with maybe ten rooms. the rooms, they had 12 girls per room. three bunk beds. around this factory was a fence, a huge fence with barbed wire. i said i can't believe you keep the girls in. they said no, no, no, this is to keep other people from coming in because they want to come work in this factory. they will come in and start working and try to get compensated. this is to keep people out. >> at this point, you wanted to make sure you got what he was saying. that wasn't your intention as it started but as it unfolded, you were taking measures to protect the recording. >> yeah. i wanted to make sure -- i had a secret service agent behind me. we were never told it was a secret meeting or private meeting, don't bring cameras. plenty of people were in the room with cameras. people were taking video. there was a videographer there. this was not the typical speech. >> this was the clip that motivated you to go public? >> 100%. >> let's look at the 47% comment which you admit got the most play. >> there are 47% of the people who will vote for the president afford, hopping on another bus, the day in, day out struggles of every day americans. that guy has no idea, no idea. i don't think he'll ever have an idea. >> so you have this tape, you go home and you know what you have but you really don't know what to do with it? >> yeah, it was that two week period. i lost sleep. i waited and i thought, what am i -- i knew it could be an absolute mess. i knew it could throw my life into turmoil, i would lose my job, maybe get sued. i looked into all those issues. >> issues meaning you looked into the research of china? >> i looked into the research of china after i decided, eventually, i looked into it. this is going live. if i'm going to do it, i'm going to do it the biggest way i possibly can. i'm going to make sure as many people hear his words and his words only. i felt an obligation. people can decide for themselves whether they agree with him or not but i felt it was my duty to make sure as many people heard of it as possible. i started doing my homework. i wanted to find out what factory he was talking about and have back up there. it led me to an article in mother jones. he did an article about global tech. >> you were thinking in the research you were doing and the articles you read that this is what romney was talking about? >> i thought so. it was a small appliance factory, large factory. there's pictures online. i was able to find a photo of the factory. it was as described, barbed wire, guard towers, huge fraktry. i lined up. >> that took you to what conclusion? >> it took me to, you know, moving forward james carter was noted as a research assistant in that article. >> jimmy carter's grandson? >> yeah. i didn't know it at the time. figuring i respected david's journalism, considering he had done this article about global tech, i said this is the guy that i want to take it national. i want him to hop on this and do it. i figured the best way to get ahold of david was through his research assistant. they made me contact james carter on youtube and twitter. >> at that point, you didn't release the whole tape right away. what was your strategy behind that? >> i, you know, my goal was if you typed in mitt romney into google, my goal was to have that clip, that china clip pop up and, you know, the way you do that or the way i understood you as far away as germany. you know, i thought it was absolutely the wrong thing to do. all along with david, i wanted mitt romney's words and mitt romney's words only. he's the guy running for president. i wanted his words to be the absolute center of attention. maybe it would be fun to go on a show or do this show or that, but i thought that would change the topic of the conversation away from the primary thing that was most important to me. of course, i'll -- i expected to be ripped apart by the right wing media. i'm sure that's to come. the blowback will occur. before the election, i thought it was too important for me to just stand-up and say hey, i did it and try to get a little bit of fame from it. >> up next, more with scott prouty. the man who changed the face of the 2012 election, next. stick around. there's nothing better than salon color, full of beautiful highlights and lowlights. that's why nice'n easy builds dimension into every shade. so here's a challenge: love the gorgeous dimension of nice'n easy or we'll pay for a salon color. take the salon challenge, from nice'n easy. or we'll pay for a salon color. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much. i appreciate it. i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money? 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