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0 straight-to-camera ad. the ad itself is a bit of an admission that the 478% comments have done serious damage and the attacks on his personal wealth are also sinking in. take a look at the ad. >> president obama and i both care about poor and middle-class fami families. the difference is my policies will make things better for them. we shouldn't measure compassion by how many people are on welfare. we should measure compassion by how many people are able to get off welfare and get a good-paying job. >> worth noting, that's his first candidate-to-camera ad. this morning the obama campaign have another ad out hitting on the 47% comment. this is what it looks like. >> when mitt romney dismissed 47% of americans for not pulling their weight, he attacked millions of hard-working people making $25,000, $35,000 a year $40,000 a year. romney paid just 14% last year he's a wisconsin away, a nevada away. that's the real problem here. the romney campaign needs ohio back. like this line yesterday, they tried to hammer obama on taxes. take a listen. >> he's got one new idea. i admit this. he has one thing he did not do in his first four years he said he's going to do in the next four years which is to raise taxes. is there anybody who thinks raising taxes will help grow the economy? >> no. >> ryan's expression back there when he looks over at portman, kind of intriguing. it would be curious what a thought bubble would be going on over there. but it's a little bit of a change for romney. he had often been accusing the president of raising taxes or citing increases, i thinking about the health care law, et cetera. a romney adviser put out a memo yesterday explaining how capital gains are taxed. as they say, if you're explaining how capital gains are taxed, not just calling for different ways of lowering them, if you're simile having to explain it, you're losing. romney has also tried to make china a boogeyman and he did it again in ohio yesterday. >> that when people cheat, that kills jobs. china has cheated. i will not allow that to continue. [ cheers and applause ] >> this is one issue where romney has tried to go on the offense with china since he got on the campaign and frafrmgly the obama campaign has been on the defensive about it which is why when obama is in ohio today he's going to make the amount about ohio. he filed trade complaints with the world trade organization. he'll also argue that romney profited from companies while he was at bain capital. he's saying it's a margin of error race. in other words, that'd code for romney's behind and that's why they're making comments like this one. >> the question was if we lose ohio, could we still win. say if and buts were candy and nuts, every day would be christmas. >> make no mistakes. ohio, big problem for romney. speaking of the two candidates, while they're both in ohio today, yesterday obama and romney rivalled the muppets and tried to take manhattan. they jammed as much as they could during competing visits to the big apple, a whirlwind day of media appearances. it was hard to miss them either physically in new york or on the tv. >> i'm just supposed to be eye candy here for you guys. >> the two traded few actual barbs. instead they did more subtle contrasts on the serious issues like the middle east and education and even less serious topics like who could best suck up to the former president, bill clinton. their sharpest and most substantive change was on iran. united nations, the president appeared to draw a real line in the sand on iran's efforts to build a nuclear weapon. >> so let me be clear. america wants to resolve this issue through diplomacy, and we believe this is still time and space to do so. but that time is not limited. make no mistake. a nuclear iran is not a challenge that can be contained. >> but the president's strong words weren't enough to satisfied romney. >> we can look at the record of the last four years. is iran closer to a nuclear weapon or not? we know the answer. it's closer to a nuclear weapon. >> but one thing obama and romney could agree on, just how much they love president bill clinton now. they tried to one-up each other, in fact, in praising the former president and his, of course, the annual global initiative conference. >> if there's one thing we've learned in this election season, by the way, it is that a few words from bill clinton can do a lot of good. all i've got to do now is to wait for a couple of days for the bounce to happen. >> president clinton, thank you for your very kind introduction. although i have to admit. i really did like your speech a few weeks ago a little bit better. finally we're rolling out our new senate battleground map. republicans face a steeper climb to net those four streets they need to win control of the chamber in november. yesterday afternoon as the 5:00 cut-off approached, aiken kicked off a statewide bus tour and he vowed to stay in the race. >> over a period of the last number of weeks people have asked me, are you quitting or dropping out? there are a numb beer of people who want to replace you with somebody else. i don't believe that's my decision. the dae sigs was made by the voters of the state of missouri. >> you know, we joked that after weeks of staying on the sidelines that at 5:01 p.m. missouri time democrat clair mchaskell would launch an ad. here it is. >> on march 18, 2011, todd akin said he didn't like social security. on september 3rd, todd akin said it was unconstitutional. on march 16, he said he wanted to abolish minimum wage. on april 21st he said he would eliminate student loans and on august 19 todd akin said only some rapes are legitimate. what will he say next? >> now that he's on the bat -- ball ballot, some are saying this. from governor romney to the county court hours, i'll be working for the republican ticket in missouri and that includes todd akin. just like all of our gop candidates elected in the august primary, the missouri republican party stands behind congressman todd akin. when asked on the last word last night about romney, senator clair mchaskell more than failed to take the bait. >> this is someone's always operated on the fringe of his republican parties. we're going to have a lot of republicans helping us out in this race. >> of course, that's going to be the more damaging ad is not akin's words, it's all the words of republicans that denounced akin that will be running on ad after ad. let's taking a last. republicans, they need to pick up a net of four senate seats to get the majority assuming president gets re-election, three if mitt romney wins. here are their best chances in order, nebraska, montana, wisconsin, missouri, ohio, virginia, florida. >> we've gotten from republicans definitely favored to pick up seats and probably taking control of the senate to a coin flip on senate control and, well, perhaps even a 25% chance that republicans fail to net even a single new seat. demg caratic spros expects have improved not just in missouri but in north dakota, massachusetts, and indiana. for the republicans there is good news on this list. maine, no longer a slam dunk, folks. montana looking better than it did. and there's connecticut. folks, that is a very real race, but i have to say i was shocked when we did our list and said, yes, linda mcmahon has a better shot right now than josh mandell in ohio or connie mack iv in florida. if they change hands, they would need three more pickups if obama would win re-election. that would mean sweeping wisconsin, virginia, and connecticut next on our lit and holding nevada and indiana. as you can see, the battle to control the u.s. senate in november for republicans is quite steep. today the u.n. general assembly will hear from iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad. it's his last time addressing the body before hitting his term limits. they're urging delegates to protest the speech and boycotts are outside. maria is live. every time we hear him rant, are we giving this guy attention. >> reporter: forgive me if i don't answer your question. we're having a few construction problems. ahmadinejad is expected to be 16 of 17 speakers. of course, as is often the case when he's here in new york, there will be large protests taking place outside the u.n. those are scheduled to take comments here about iran saying he didn't want to influence the u.s. elections. chuck? >> all right. mara squall mara schiavocampo. thank you very much. he's accused the president of raising taxes in his first term. why did he suddenly change his line of attack yesterday on the campaign trail. still ahead, if romney does lose ohio, where does that leave him? we'll dig into the battleground map and show you the plausible but not probable path it would take for him to get to 270 without ohio. but first a look ahead at the schedules of the president and mitt romney. right now mitt romney is at his rally, the first one of the day, big one, big schedule for him. the president doing a bunch of stops as well in ohio. jack nicklaus, by the way, hanging with mitt romney today. you're watching the daily rundown only on msnbc. bob...

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