Transcripts For MSNBCW The Beat With Ari Melber 20200731

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Cal. Since you watch the news, you know the top stories range from the pandemic to the pandemic recession to those National Protests which took fire during the pandemic. I mean, basically the top story is pretty much almost never what it would be in any other year 100 days out from the election. Which is usually a top story about the president ial election. Tonight, that race is pushing its way well into the front of the news as joe biden gets closer to this potentially historic running mate announcement. More on that this hour. And the Trump Campaign is caught going into a very exposed defensive crouch. The campaign hitting the brakes. This new reporting showing they pause on television and radio ads for a fine tuning of the campaigns strategy. That alone is a Major Political sign. This is the period when campaigns do keep persuasion. You drop message in the summer and early fall. By the time that early vote go and mail voting starts, you move from the persuasion messages to turnout. And of course, you need to have persuaded people to your side before you start turning them out. You dont want to give a ride to the polls to someone who supports your opponent. That is basic political context for this campaign problem. They have stopped running persuasion ads. This is news tonight. Theyre not on the air and it is out of fear by some trump aides that what they are doing isnt working. Nbc news reporting the campaign has virtually no ads booked on tv through august. Trump trailing in key battle grounds states. His now infamous gamble to use power to fick clashes in the democratic cities like portland and s. E. A. L. May be back firing and as a political fight, the test would be whether all that wins people over. But experts are saying there are other abuses of power that may not be tested if the Trump Administration is suppressing the vote itself. New reporting on the story weve been tracking for you. Attacks on what could be a lynchpin of a covid election because more people plan to vote remotely, by mail. Yet theres a huge backlog at the post office under the Trump Administration which could impinge your right to vote by mail, according to New Washington post reporting. And it is all linked to the new chief there. A loyal trump donor who argues the explanation for that is simply cutting costs. But in the context of the president openly repeatedly attacking Election Integrity, a mailin voting, could be darker and legal question is whether this is an effort to try to disqualify the very ballot thats could remove donald trump from office. Lets get right into it. We have former democratic senator from missouri here and Rutgers University professor cooper. What do you make of all of it . Well, hes been politically incompetent from day one. Hes never understood persuasion. Persuasion is trying to get voters you didnt have before. All hes ever done is turnout. And that is appealing to his base. So hes tried messaging because he thought it would appeal to his base, like law and order, while hes pardoning all his political buddies. Like somehow theres lawless mobs in the street when he is gassing Peaceful Protesters for a photo op. He has never really tried to unite the country to appeal to those voters that frankly, need some reason to vote for this guy other than the clown show that has emanated out of the oval office for the last three and a half years. I dont think hes ever figured out persuadables. And they now know theyre in a world of hurt. Professor . Look, i think that it is absolutely appalling on the week where the nation is mourning the death of john lewis, that the president has decide that had the response to that is to attack the integrity of the vote and to attack integrity of u. S. Elections. But i also think that he shows the ways in which hes fumbling. So 150,000 plus americans are dead on the president s watch in a little over four months. And he doesnt want us to be focused on that. So now hes making an overtly fascist move. It began in this moment with bringing out the unnamed federal agents in portland and attacking protesters, and now hes attacking the vote. Hes attempting to regain a strong man narrative as a way to look like he is powerful and he is in control, when it is so clear that he has, the leadership of this country, his competence as senator mccasskell has. This is a man grasping at whatever straws of power he can get. He thinks the narrative of bullying people around and trying to scare americans by telling they will that theyre going to have to go out and risk their lives in the middle of elections to have speaking rid. This speaks something about how he almosts people on the right. He thinks these tactics are what they want to see even as the poll numbers continue to slim among his own supporters. You raise this for john lewis, unlike the president , although we work in television, we try not to only look at television ratings. We look at real world facts and evidence. It is note worthy as the ratings come in that more americans were wrapping the john lewis memorial throughout the day than anything else. Fox news was not first. They were watching the continuous coverage. So america noticed this. John lewis is a celebrated American Icon and other than trumpism, it had an old school bipartisanship of president s bush and obama, standing up and going out of their way to say, yes, for america, lets celebrate what this man lived for, as the best principles of america. Im glad you brought it back up, professor, and then senator, lets look at president obama who spoke and also used this time to talk about Election Integrity in these very mail voting issues. There are those in power who are doing their darnedest to discourage people from voting by closing polling locations and targeting minorities and students with restrictive i. D. Laws and attacking our Voting Rights with surgical precision. Even undermining the Postal Service in the runup to an election. It will be dependent on mailin ballots so people dont get sick. Professor and then senator . Look, what we saw yesterday, that show of american unity and that deserved celebration of john lewis life had all of us reeling and lamenting a version of america where we could put politics aside for certain values we found to be important. We could vehemently disagree and say we believe in civil rights, peoples rights to vote and we have always used the civil ritss movement as a moral beacon in this country to say, this is the moment, up with of the few moments where america has gotten it right on Racial Justice and moved to protect its citizens. And we are back in a moment where we have to recapture that. So what im hoping is people will look at the funeral, look at john lewis op ed in the New York Times yesterday and see that as a clarion call to get back on track. That means weve got to get rid of donald trump. He sees that it is coming. People are tired of him. And rather than him shifting, he is trying to bully his way and cheat his way into another material. We should do that in the name of john lewis and all that we hold dear. Yeah, ari, one thing that struck me, i never would have imagined that a man like john lewis would die and the sitting president would not attend his funeral. Let that sink in for a minute. That the sitting president did not even bother to go up the street and see him lying in state. The first africanamerican member of congress to lie in state. And the president couldnt be bothered for a quick visit. Thats all you need to know. The New York Daily News said this morning, three men and a baby. And we know who the baby is. And he is demonstrating great movie, by the way. A great movie but a sad commentary on the three president s that appeared and the president that was an send. Weve got to watch out for this Postal Service stuff. Its real. The money shortage is real there. Weve been working on it for years. Ron johnson is bucks again the problem. He wants to see the Postal Service fail. If he didnt, he would have gotten that bill through that would have reformed it and made it fiscally sound so he wouldnt have the issues that donald trump is preying upon to try to steal an election. You mentioned three men and a baby. Im also reminded of look whos talking where you have a baby that talks a lot. Exactly right. Exactly right. Good analogy. I want to echo about the post office though. Thats huge. It is one of our enduring Public Institutions. One of the reasons weve had a strong middle which is a in this country is because black people work for the post office. It matters to our community to have a Postal Service thats functioning. Part of what the right has done is to make privatization their god. They think that everything is about money and capital and they have attacked this public institution. Ill hoping as we think about what were looking for in this election, we are learning because of the pandemic and how badly things are being devastated, how important having robust Public Institutions are. So the attack on the post office backs bellwether of all kinds of destruction from the gop will wreak havoc on if we let them get away with it. This has to stop. We need to fund the post office. We need it for people to receive their checks, for people to receive their ballots. We will need it so folks who dont have a lot of money can still go about their business. And it is an american institution. It is central to our democracy. We should not sit around and allow them to take a baseball bat to things we hold dear. Right. Weve been covering some of those postal issues here from before this evening. Theres a reason why the president brought it up. Why the senator walked us through some of the congressional wrangling over it, as you both point out. Although corporations may be effective at certain things. When it comes to the right to vote, or your human and Health Rights to get things during a pandemic, when youre literally told not to leave the house as much to save yourself and your community, you dont necessary will you want a corporation deciding on profits where things get delivered and which communities are ignored. So all of it, super important. Always good to see you. I like having you back. And senator mccaskill comes back for a special fallback friday. Im glad youre sticking around. Thanks. Thanks to both of you. Coming up, reporting on Jared Kushners team and a scandal brewing inside how they viewed the deaths and infections of covid as a political matter. Were getting new articles, new buzz as joe biden gets very close the announcing his running mate. We have a special report that weve been working. On big tech raking in historic earnings while coming lets under Employment Benefits expire. And i mentioned, this fallback friday that im so excited about. Louis gossett jr. And claire mccaskill. Youre watching a special edition of the beat on msnbc. C when you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. C but when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. You can detect suspicious activity on your account from here. And you can pay your friends back from here. So when someone asks you, wheres your bank . You can tell them heres my bank. Or heres my bank. Or, heres my bank. Because if you download and use the chase mobile app, your bank is virtually any place. So visit chase. Com mobile. burke eighbor oh, just puttering, tinkering. Commemorating bizarre mishaps that farmers has seen and covered. Had a little extra time on my hands lately. neighbor and that . burke oh, this . Just an app ive been working on. Its called signal from farmers, and it could save you up to fifteen percent on your auto insurance. Simply sign up, drive and save. But im sure whatever youve been working on is equally impressive. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum bibill assumed his mayo was the best choice. Assume nothing. Just like the leading brand, kraft real mayo is made with high Quality Ingredients at a price you can feel good about. No wonder kraft is so good. All strength we aint stoppin believe me go straight till the morning look like we wont wait were taking everything we wanted we can do it all strength, no sweat dr. Fauci now optimistic about a vaccine for coronavirus saying it could come in 2021 and talking about who would get it first. As he was providing that new information, a new interview shows the president offering a medical dodge that could be a readymade meme. Read the books. You know, there are those that say, you can test too much. You do know that. Who says that . Just read the manuals. Read the books. The manuals . Read the books. How long did that go on for . Who knows . But medical experts say that blythe puffery should not be normal when it come to the science that can save or cost lives here. Just as the administrations blatant political approach to this deadly pandemic continues to be a scandal in plain sight. Jared kushner reportedly scaling back a testing plan. At the time the virus was infecting and killing more democrats in blue states than republicans. Thats one bombshell in a new vandal fair report, blowing the whistle on trumps political folks who thought the virus would mostly hit democratic states that they could blame those governors and that would be an effective political strategy. A horrific allegation. The white house denying it. We will get context on the facts here with the New York Times Michelle Goldberg in just 30 seconds. Joining us now, New York Times come you willist and msnbc contributor, Michelle Goldberg. Walk us through the vanity fair report and what this means. Well, everybody should go and read the vandal fair report. It is long, in depth and shocking even if you dont think you can be shokds by this administration. There are a few revelations out of it that should be politically earth shattering if we werent all so numbed. The one you talked about that jared kushner, they had basically come up with a National Testing plan and then never really bothered to enaction it in part because they decided that as of the time the virus was mostly hitting blue states, it wasnt really politically advantageous to help those governors out. Which i think just underlies something we all know. That this president doesnt even try to be a president in the most minimal sense for all americans. That people who are, people who are inside his movement are on their own, too, but people who are outside this political movement, he feels no responsibility for. Another thing that was shocking about that reporting was there is a long section on someone from the Rockefeller Foundation who was trying to step into the breach. Again, scale up testing because we are so far behind where we need to be to do things like reopen schools and take steps that would allow some of us to resewell at least a kind of minimally decent kind of life. This expert was saying at the beginning, they saw this coming. They started getting ready and they kept waiting for the whole of government plan. They kept waiting for, we had, we were considered prior to this pandemic, to be the most prepared nation in the world for a Health Crisis of this magnitude. That was a john hopkins study that came out a year or two ago. They kept waiting for things to start moving and it just didnt happen. There was simply no one there doing the work that needs to be done to protect people, and that is why americans are being ravaged by this illness like no other developed country at this point. Right. As you say, it is really striking. Sometimes anyone in any country, especially ours, thinks along our own terms. Like everything happening here. This started somewhere else. Le countries have dealt with it. We have the biggest probable and the worst per capita time spreading. And then we have a government that tonight, ill put up on the screen, the 600 unEmployment Benefits congress is letting expire. People see it as maybe politically bad for donald trump. More importantly it is really a problem for all the people who were told literally no, fault of your own but you lost your job because of the situation. Also, please stay home. So you cant really get a new job of many kinds. And now were not going to continue to support you. And at the same time, the moratorium on evictions is running out. We keep seeing every week, you see, every new under employment report is kind of staggering and record breaking. And again, i think what underlines all of this, we have been left on our own. In a very real sense, we dont have a federal government, right . Were just kind of, it is left for 50 states to make their plans and left really for individuals to kinds of figure out the risk thats theyre willing to take when their government isnt telling them truth about the danger that theyre in. It is left for Public School parents and probably private School Parents to find out how on earth theyre going to educate their children and keep working as the fall barrels down on them. The government has simply abandoned us. You lay it out as you do and i dont know if you were deliberately gesturing toward the grateful dead, we are all on our own, with you there it is tonight. It is always good to see you. Thank you. Good to see you too. As mentioned, joe bidens search for a running mate is literally within days. Theres all kinds of buzz about the top contenders. And later, big tech raking in millions. And then as mentioned, Louis Gossett jr. On the beat for fallback friday. Thats all ahead. For fallback friday. Thats all ahead pay for what you need. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. You cant claim that because its inanimate people ask me what sort of a person should become a celebrity accountant. And, i tell them, nobody should. Hey, buddy. Whats the damage . I bought it the waterfall . Nope a new volkswagen. A volkswagen . I think were having a breakthrough here welcome to caesars palace. Thank you. Californias economic challenges are deepening. Frontline workers stretched too thin. Our nurses and medical professionals in a battle to save lives. Our schools, in a struggle to safely reopen, needing money for masks and ppe, and to ensure social distancing. And the costs to our economy, to our state budget . Mounting every day. We need to provide revenues now, to solve the problems we know are coming. Now to a story that could reshape the race to get donald trump out of the white house. Joe biden says hell announce his choice for Vice President next week. With reports of finalists like kamala harris, karen bass and susan rice. That brings us to our back story, a series to provide you substantive reporting about a single key figure in the president ial cycle. We did a report on senator harris. Tonight we look at another contender, val demings. Former police chief and congresswoman from florida who rose to the manager of trumps impeachment. She rose on the National Stage back in 2014 speaking out on the Police Killing of Michael Brown intentions between the community in ferguson, missouri and police. I think ferguson could benefit from really getting with some of the Community Leaders and really going out in those communities, and really actively recruiting africanamerican Law Enforcement officers. Demings pushing for more black leaders in Law Enforcement while also referring to these risks. Something the president at the time also hit on. We need to recognize that the situation in ferguson speaks to the broader challenges that we still face as a nation. The fact is, in too many parts of this country, a deep distrust exists between Law Enforcement and communities of color. Both obama and demings tackling that racial rift and encouraging more diversity in Law Enforcement while noting, of course, that one among many of the challenges to tackle. Browns killing was an early case sparringing black lives matter protests. The reason killing after george floyd led prosecutors to review this brown case again and they closed it again without charges just this week. Demings didnt suddenly jump into her role as a unifier and Law Enforcement. She said it built on a long road. The daughter of a maid and a janitor, the youngest of seven children, she was enforcing the rules when she was still in middle school. In the sixth grade in this predominantly white school, i was chosen to be a School Patrol officer. If someone was fighting or misbehaving on the school bus, i would intervene and tell them to sit down and shut up. And i would whip out my patrol badge. Ill surprised i didnt get thrown off the bus. Demings went on to do work as a social worker but put most of her career into the orlando pd, 27 years in all rising to be the First Female Police chief which was a big deal. She came into that post with a real challenge. She took over at a time when orlandos murder rate was peaking, breaking all time records. And then over demings four years in charge, she oversaw a 43 drop in the crime rate, including a drop in violent crime. For police chief, thats a key metric of success. And demings emphasized it was not just about being tough but also confronting social problems, changing the whole environment. I took my social workers to the job. I quickly realized we could not arrest our way out of some of the challenges in our communities. That we had a direct obligation as Law Enforcement to address midwest social ills that caused decay and communities in the first place. That substantive history is key to the unfolding politics right now. As biden looks for a running mate that can add policy, credibility and potentially diversity to the ticket. But who is also in line with where this party is headed amidst this Seismic Shift in confronting in policing. Is demings enough of a reformer . A point she was looking at long before, there were these particular protests or any vp talk. Or will critics potentially see her as embodying problems inside american policing . She makes the argument that echos what a lot of government officials are saying including another person on bidens short list, kamala harris. If you want to do reform, that requires action andle of the people acting are necessarily on the inside. If we want change policing for the better, then we have to change it with people who understand the system. And what day do you think i went to work at the Orlando Police department that i was not reminded either by people outside of the people or people outside the department or people inside the department that i was black, or that i was female, but i pressed my way through that and made a difference every day in my community. These issues are complicated. They take time and thought. Not simplifications like the one she just pointed out, or whether you make a whole opinion about someone just because they worked in Law Enforcement. But there are critics who argue demings was basically a status quo chief who didnt change enough of the core operations. And they say while she was a unifier and was well liked, she didnt fully take on the entrenched powers like the police union. That matters because an independent report found some rogue comes were operating with impunity in the orlando pd. Like many other departments, not just the one run by demings, there are some numbers to back up that concern with policing. When the orlando department, for example, got 98 claims of Excessive Force over five years, none of them, zero, led to any punishment for those officers. For most of. Period, she was in Police Leadership but not chief yet. It still provides a snap shot of a dparm basically almost never recommendory imagineded officers for even highly questionable documented uses of forceful i would like to run through the data with you but like Many Police Departments in the country, they dont make it easy to get the data. We do know under chief demings, there were over 1,000 reports of force, illegally force, local reporting. The New York Times looked at this and found an officer who shoved a 27yearold woman down a notice of stairs, breaking a bone. That officer was docked a single vacation day. Several officers who fired into a vehicle nearly a dozen times, ended up critically injuring an unarmed man. Under demings, completely cleared the officers. Or another case where an officer slam an 84yearold world war ii veteran to the ground, inducing a coma. In case, which is reminiscent of some recent exams of Excessive Force around the country, you see an unarmed elderly person who poses no danger to an officer and got injured, it is pretty controversial. Chief demings at the time defend that had officers actions arguing they technically followed the department guidelines. The Police Defense though was rejected in court there. The jury ruled against the officers to the tune of over 800,000. Now, demings did go on to reform that departments specific rules about the treatment of elderly suspects. The history and the culture of that department can cut both ways. Again, this is complicated stuff. Were trying to show you all the evidence in context. There are critics who might see her as a chief basically too tolerant of business as usual at that department. There are allies of demings who point out, maybe it was someone doing the work within the reality of. Police force at the time, while cutting crime more than her predecessor, and working on reform in several areas. Some may view her record as a reminder of the limits of reforming from the inside. When you look at the politics of this, and it does all go back to an election coming up pretty soon, florida voters and many Democratic Leaders have prized demings police credentials. Thats why she was tapped for a role that virtually every ambitious democrat wanted, serving as just one of seven house managers prosecuting the trump impeachment trial. If we allow President Trump to escape accountable, we will inafflict lasting damage on the separation of powers among our branches of government. I did not come to congress to impeach a president. But did i come to do my job. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. It was a forceful presentation from someone who has walked the walk of justice, Law Enforcement, and combatting crime. In case, when she and the democrats were arguing was, high crimes by a sitting president. You know that trump trial ended just five months ago . I think it is pretty hard to believe with everything that has happened since but it was that assignment waging the legal case against this sitting president for only the third time in history that vaunted demings into. More serious consideration for a president ial ticket. And in contrast to many other contenders from blue states, demings, of course, hales from florida which went in the winning column for trump last time and which propelled obamas two white house victories. He mobilized minorities and independents there. A clear political path if democrats want to take back state. And we should note, while biden does lead in some swing states in the polling, he remains statistically tied with donald trump in florida right now. Would demings help joe biden and thus the democrats there on the biggest test right now, which is, do you have the credibility to be president . Thats what any running mate needs. And do you help win . The short answer is, sorry, its too early to tell. In fact, we checked and most voters in florida say they dont know her name right now. They dont recognize her. But that doesnt mean it is not a good thing. It just means it is not a known thing yet. Historically when a home state figure is added to the national ticket, it is big local news. Would it certainly give the Biden Campaign a new way to mobilize florida voters and she would obviously break another barrier if she joinlds the ticket. A role that she knows from her fast rise in congress and her long rise in policing. As weve noted in our report before, in any other decade, this exact resume would be a complete positive for a National Democratic ticket. The idea that someone did all this and cut crime and worked on some reforms, even with the controversies i mentioned, used to be an unmitigated positive. Policing credentials. But there is a lot going on. In todays rapid shift on policing, many assumptions are being scrambled. Changing how we think, that could be great for policy and politics. Weve covered this. All the general talk. Prison, prison, prison, and being tough on crime is giving way to a deeper reckoning for these inequities in the system. Now, in this series, we dont try to even answer all these questions for you. Let alone endorse a different contender for the ticket. But as we look at all these issues for you and show you some of the rich history, and val demings, you see the democrats eyeing someone who who is literally lived managers divide in race and policing with plenty of ideas and experience, where we might go as a nation, from here. Thats our back story tonight. Well have more on the days ahead. When we come back, we dig into such an important developing news story. The millions of under employed facing the loss of benefits tonight. And historic profits going into big corporations. Well get into the two. And then special guests on so many important stories in our fallback friday. Many important fallback friday. My agerelated Macular Degeneration could lead to vision loss. So today i made a plan with my doctor, which includes preservision. Because he said a multi vitamin alone may not be enough. 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Now, he uses a capful of therabreath fresh breath oral rinse to keep his breath smelling great, all day long. combative yelling therabreath, its a better mouthwash. At walmart, target and other fine stores. Important news tonight. Millions of americans about to lose basic unemployment support because congress specifically the senate is failing to get to any deal on covid relief. This comes amidst new scrutiny on a story weve been bringing you. The power and wealth of specifically big corporations in tech. News tonight bringing even more attention. We showed you how this week, congress was grilling several ceos of the biggest tech companies. Law schools, prior to the covid19 pandemic, these corporations already stood out as titans in our economy. In the wake of covid19, theyre likely to emerge stronger and more powerful than ever before. As American Families shift more of their work, shopping and communication online, these giants assistant to profit. Locally owned businesses, mom and pop stores on main street face an economic crisis unlike any in reason history. As they say in congress, facts. That hearing that you just heard was before this new corporal data came out revealing the extent of the damage. Look at this drop in the total amounts of goods and Services Americans have been consuming. Plummeting 33 . It is way worse than what was seen as the catastrophic financial crash of 2008. That doesnt mean everyone is losing out. The same Big Tech Companies who were facing congress now reporting a combined seventh profits of 28 billion. You heard that right. 28 billion coming in right now. This pandemic economy is clearly making some of the rich even richer. While congress has blown through their biggest covid deadline tonight, ensuring that people who lost jobs through no fault of their own will face even more desperate choices. I want you to know, nothing about this is automatic. But tonight, the United States senate is acting like it doesnt even care. We will stay on this story when we come back. We ends the week in a very special way. A conversation on many important stories with oscar winning actor Louis Gossett jr. And our friend, senator mccaskill. Friend, senator mccaskill. When you walk into an amazon fulfillment center, its like walking into the Chocolate Factory and you won a golden ticket. All of these are face masks. This looks like a bottle of vodka. But when we first got these, we were like whoa [laughing] my threeyearold, when we get a box delivered, screams mommys work mommys work. With this pandemic, safety is even more important to make sure we go home safe every single day. Safbut a resilient businessnt you cacan be ready for it. Re. A Digital Foundation from vmware helps you redefine whats possible. Now. From the hospital shifting to remote patient care in just 48 hours. To the university moving hundreds of apps quickly to the cloud. 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And with new deals every day you can explore endless options at every price point. Get your Outdoor Oasis delivered fast so you can get the good times going. Wayfair. Youve got just what i need. Sprinting past every leak in our softest, smoothest fabric. Shes confident, protected, her strength respected. Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. It is friday on the beat. If you watched the show you may know what we do from time to time. Its time to fall back. Tonight were join by two lions in their fields. The great Louis Gossett junior whose career spanned seven decades and an officer and a gentleman nominated for an emmy on his hit hbo show watchmen. Hes out today with gna new fil. Back with us, senator mccaskill. 2006 she became first woman ever to represent missouri in the u. S. Senate. She was a leader there in senate on health care and womens rights and many issues. Shes now our colleague here on msnbc. Great to have you both on together. Thaunk you. Pleasure to be here. Im so excited to be on with lewis gossett. Way cooler than you, ari. I would agree. Not only is that a low bar but were all thrilled. People know you from so many things. Thank you. Its an honor to have you. Its great honor to be here with both of you. Very exciting times to live in. Youve had this feeling more than once. You got that right. We wapts ewanted to talk abo Different Things that should fall back. The protests have focused on policing and systemic racism. We wanted to, ill say myself we also think at times that the media and hollywood needs to fall back for the simplistic presentation of black lives in america and many ways to go into this. To get your thoughts we did pull Something Interesting which is you and eddie murphy joking about this. The limitations on roles for back actors. Lets take a look. This scene bites. Yeah. This is embarrassing, man. You know, eddies right. You o know why theyre having us do this because im black and eddies black. Everybody expect me to play his father. Just like efbed me to play buckwheat. Whats changed . What still needs to change in your view . More of the same. Eventually, the human being, when they start to have con flicks with one another, most of the meat, most of the fish. You get so much fish that he is becomes allergic to fish. The same thing with money, alcohol, money, power. He misuses it and should not be misused. It should be shared. Were human beings. It will take human beings to save human beings. Its how we started and thats how we are at our best. We have some problems that will not go away unless we cooperate, 100 with one another for cleeng up the oceans, the cleaning of the food chain and enough with money. It has to do with us helping one another for the salvation of us all. Doesnt matter how much money you have. What do you think when you look at this newer generation and the way they leading some of these protests and discussions . Exciting to see. Whatever is happening in that energy of us needing to be with one another and have grown by examples in sports and show businesses and music that we dont care what you look like. Thats the best direction these young people. What i want to remind them of is things are right. We just add to the experiment so if we dont do that, we all may as well be 747 airplane. Its about to crash but people are busy inside the plane fighting over who will be in first class. We need to cooperate on the salvation of the planet and the people. I like that on the plane. Claire, your thoughts. Let me tell you what my fall back friday is. Ive had it up to here with the men out there that are saying that the candidates very Vice President are too ambitious or rub people the wrong way. We have an Amazing Group of women. The reason they are being considered for Vice President is because they are ambitious and the reason they rub people the wrong way is because they have gotten things done. You dont get things done without rubbing people the wrong way. Has there ever been a Vice President that wasnt running for president. Now all of a sudden its supposedly supposed to be a qualification. That youre not ambitious and youre meek and quiet. Give me break. All those men should stop it now. We have great group of women. One of them will be chosen. It will be great ticket. People need to quit chewing on these women for their ambition. Ambition is lady like. I love it be p i know what youre talk about. We have a headline here for context. We have been looking at the substance of these running mates on our show. Mother jones reporting biden surge surfacing sexist about ambitious woman. Kamala harris is one example. Ambitious women cant be trusted. I saw you shake your head mr. Gosser gosset. I look at people and some of the most beautiful, intelligent have had hard time. You have to fight for equality. They have to fight for their equality and get rid of those images that theyve had. Theres really no time to do that. Just be their natural, beautiful woman that you are. Thats what we need the the Vice President candidate, whoever that woman is, all the stars is push them out of the way. Im curious what you think about the role of culture during this time of covid. People are trying follow the restrictions tlanand there was headline about returning to music or dj sets and people worrying about the risks. We also saw people say try to go out to the protests and engage it, following the rules but that could be elevated risk. We need culture. We need people. We cant stay home alone forever. What do you think about all that in this new normal . Two thoughts about that. Sometimes i feel in my amateur vision that covid was out there to keep us from getting together. In other words, sequestered inside. Were getting to think deeper. I dont think that will change. It might improve the voting on the new president side because were stuck. Were stuck with the thoughts in the process. Were stuck with the healing of the women, the races. We cant handle too much. The best news is for us to make it safely to that voting line this particular year and change things the way we would like them. Whatever it takes for us to be healthy and stand in that line and vote properly, we can take care of the rest of it. I think, as i get ready to hand it to joey reid, thats far point to reflect on. You mentioned being on that plane and not fighting over first class when we need to land the plane. I hope the find you on plane someday. Id be glad to share my packet of peanuts, if i get one. Me too. Great louis gosset junior. God bless. The new movie is the cuban. Have a great weekend. The reid out starts now. The country is stuck in middle of National Epidemic with no end in sight. Welcome to trumps america. The america that a majority of its citizens did not vote for in 2016. 4. 5 million american vs been infeki

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