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You need. First breaking news in the coronavirus pandemic. Just moments ago the Trump Administration ordering hospitals to bypass the cdc with key virus data. Hospitals now being told to send all covid patient information to a Central Data Base in washington. Experts fear thoould be politicized. And today several former cdc directors writing together in the Washington Post saying, quote, trying to fight this pandemic while subverting scientific expertise is Like Fighting blindfolded. Dr. Anthony fauci saying today that it is best to stick with the advice of doctors. I would stick with respected medical authorities who have a track record of telling the truth. I would say that is the safest bet to do, to listen to the recommendations from that category of people but it is entirely understandable how the public can get mixed messages and then get a bit confused about what they should do. Imagine that. Dr. Anthony fauci has to instruct us to listen to people who are telling the truth. New polling shows a majority of americans fear sending their children back to school. 71 of parents feel the risk is large or moderate while 5. 4 million americans are losing their Health Insurance this year. That is more adults becoming uninsured because of job losses than have ever lost coverage in any single year. As other countries begin to reopen, america is struggling to get this pandemic under control. I want to share what we are hearing on the front lines. Weve definitely seen a surplus this month of patients coming in covid positive and Critical Care patients, unfortunately. It seems to be over capacity. And were starting to get to a point where we see it as much worse than when it first began. All this as President Trump plans are continuing on with the rnc next month but many republicans are saying we are not going. Vanity fair out with the headline quote sad no one wants to go to trumps covid convention. So President Trump decided the convention is on but he is moving it outside. Of all places, jacksonville, florida, in august. Talk about that humidity. And the daily High Temperature could reach a whopping 91 degrees. China, former vladimir putvp joe biden and a lot more. If he makes any news at all well bring it to you live. I want to bring in our guest who oversaw the Ebola Response for t the and my other guests. Doctor, im not even going to say is it a good idea to bypass the cdc with pandemic data. We know it is not. What could it mean . What could it do . What is troubling about bypassing the cdc is not just the obvious signs but youre asking hospitals especially the ones that are the most stressed right now trying to deal with actual patient care, youre asking them to perform an additional layer of data reporting that is not going to the very agency that is set up to handle the implications of that data. So here we have yet again another sign that the administration is pretty devoted to preserving their version of how covid is going and the reality on the ground is this data, which is essential, is the very reason weve been asking questions like, well, why are communities of color disproportionately affected . What is the real icu hospitalization rate . What is the true death rate . Those are all important elements that the American Public has a right to know. The cdc even if its flawed, the solution is not to go around it but it is to actually think about the very cdc data capacity and to strengthen it. What is even more troubling is that this is coming from the White House Task force and scientists who should really be more responsible. Ron, you can hide data, but you cant change it. You cannot change the math. So what is the actual point of controlling this information . Look, i think that as the doctor said, the point is the white house wants to try to control the message and turn data into messaging as opposed to into science. I think that is what is lacking in the entire response is a science first approach. You mentioned at the top of the program, four former cdc directors both democrats and republicans we should say, a bipartisan message in the post saying the Trump Administration was putting politics ahead of the cdc. We have this horrible spectacle of white house aides attacking the president s chief Infectious Disease adviser dr. Anthony fauci. I assume the reason they want the data to come to the white house so the white house can put some kind of political veneer on the data. The fact is in the end the truth comes out and the saddest truth of all is an increasing death toll, again, from covid. The number of deaths each day coming up. There is nothing that can suppress that number. And that is really the final verdict on this administrations mismanagement of this covid response. Scott, you live in the state of florida. You taking the family to jacksonville for the rnc next month . You know, coming from florida, youre struck by what a disunited states we have. In florida record infections, some people masking, many not. Then i was in the great state of montana last week where there are 20 or 30 infections a day and youre out on a hike and you see people masking. Weve been talking a lot about the economy but the silver bullet, our secret weapon and super power to restore the economy comes down to one word. Mask. It is discouraging to see Different Levels of citizenship around the nation and to be honest as a floridian this isnt our best moment. Doctor, the rnc is going to hold this event and hold it outside. If people are wearing masks, can they stay safe . I think the key here is it is not just the masks but all of a combination of things. So far florida has not been able to demonstrate. Its masks, physical distancing, accommodations, even outside is still a risk, and having the testing infrastructure, tracing. Florida has been breaking Record Numbers every single day. 15,000 new cases. How in 24 hours. I have yet to see any objective scientific proof that they can have a large gathering, which again, indoors or outdoors is by definition one of the highest risk events by the cdc, itself. So i have zero faith that something that is the highest risk can be handled safely and would strongly encourage my own patients not to go. And then on top of that the jacksonville, Florida Hospital systems are terrified because theyre already under so much duressme duress. Why do this when it is unnecessary and purely for political messaging not for the betterment of floridians . Then talk politics with us, ron. How does any of this political messaging work . Who does it work for . In terms of trump and this convention . Look. I think that the president has shown throughout that he is just stubborn. Hes determined. Hes determined to try to make the virus disappear. I mean, the one thats been his strategy all along which is to tell us it was going away. 15 cases down to zero soon. It would disappear in april. It would disappear magically. Now basically, you know, if he cant tweet it away, he is going to go to jacksonville, florida, and persuade his supporters to just wish it away or will it away. That is the problem. That strategy hasnt worked. The things that would work, science, medicine, masking, distancing, more ppe, testing, tracing. Those are the things the president should do. Instead, it is spectacles and spin. Thats not going to get this virus under control. Scott, a few weeks ago, treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin said we are under no circumstance absolutely not shutting down our economy again. Makes no sense. We cant afford to do it. Now here we are. In california were seeing massive business shutdowns as per the governor. Were seeing it in other states as well. How crippling separate the heal and the economics. Y we couldnt afford to not shut down properly. And that is at some point were going to have to recognize the short term pain, distancing and masking and some of the protocols that the doctor outlined. If we dont do this sooner rather than later we have this drip, drip, drip. Were all firing different caliber size of squirt guns in a raging forest fire versus taking the requisite medicine and doing what many other countries have done whether south korea, germany, czechoslovakia and not only flatten this curve but crushed it. So the notion that we cant afford to shut down the economy, frankly we cant afford to not shut it down correctly for an extended period of time and put a nail in the coffin or at least flatten the curve here. The benchmark of sweden, of deciding not to distance, deciding to try and maintain the economy, what we found is infection rates and more talts are 4 to 12 x what they were in neighboring countries and they received no economic benefit. The gdp of sweden declined at the same pace. We cant afford to not close this economy. That is how we get back to a robust economy. Doctor, how worried are you from a Health Perspective with millions of americans having lost their jobs weve now got a Record Number in a single year who have lost their insurance. With so many people without insurance, does it concern you theyre not going to seek medical treatment, theyre not going to get tested, they just cant afford to . Absolutely. Not only record breaking 5 million plus people who lost Health Insurance, largest numbers weve seen in a year, but on top of that we have just an erosion of, you know, so many patients who get these surprise bills who are not able to even pay some of the deductibles. So we have proof as of now that patients have avowed care and thats resulted in some people suffering needlessly. So as a physician it is incredibly important to think about these losses, Health Insurance, economic mobility, and it is exactly to the point that weve all been saying in order to recover as an economy we need to feel healthy, a basic fundamental principle of that health is access to health care that is affordable. Were seeing zero discussion of that. The Trump Administration continues to fight that. Theyre taking this to the Supreme Court where they want to strip out what little protection there is available to people through the Affordable Care act. It is incredibly distressing and i would say even if we found a treatment and vaccine that was fool proof your point is right. People could be barred from accessing life saving treatments or a vaccine simply because of the fact they lost their Health Insurance. Ron, i think it is fair to say that we dont have a functioning or coordinated response to the coronavirus right now. What would a functioning white house you ran the Ebola Response in the obama administration. What would it look like today . Well, i think it starts with a lot of things weve been talking about here. First of all there would be a National Testing coordinator and ramping up Testing Capacity dramatically. The president said hey its up to states to figure this out. Its up to each locality to figure it out. They dont have the access to the equipment or chemicals. You need National Leadership on that. Wed have a Contact Tracing corps. A National Corps of 100,000, 200,000 people to take those test results and run down chains of transmission, isolate cases, and get this virus under control. Thats whats worked in europe. It could work here, too. Wed have a National Supply chain coordinator making sure that hospitals are getting the gear they need. Were starting to see now with the new flash point states, florida, texas, arizona, a repeat of what we were seeing earlier on the east coast. Doctors and nurses telling us they dont have enough masks. They dont have enough gowns. They dont have enough gear, protective face shields, all of those things. Well see Health Care Workers start to get sick at higher and higher numbers again. In some ways i think that is the biggest tragedy of the whole thing when you see the men and women who we count on to take care of us getting sick from the virus from taking care of us because we dont protect them, i think that is probably the saddest thing about this whole mess. Scott, every day were hearing about more Small Businesses saying i simply cant weather this storm. And theyre shutting down. How concerned are you especially when you look at the Public Markets and how well Massive Companies are doing. How concerned are you a year from now our only options are chain restaurants and Big Box Stores and well lose main street u. S. A. Based on how we are addressing the economic recovery . I think one of the most damaging metrics in the world is nasdaq which gives you this false narrative the economy is just fine. What were seeing is the Ten Companies that are responsible for 99 of the recovery are one of two things. Theyre either tech monopolies or companies too big to fail. The s p 500 the top Ten Companies are up 18 and the bottom 50 by market capitalization down 38 . Who is getting hurt in this pandemic . Small companies, which is terrible for the economy because theyre generally the job creators and the innovators. We have moved to a false head fake, the notion that the markets are any indication of main street, totally separated from the main street economy, and the engine of global equality, of prosperity, american small business, is being left out in the cold here. So the nasdaq is a proxy on how the top 10 income earning households are doing. Spoiler alert theyre doing really well. It is the other 90 and Small Businesses getting punched in the gut repeatedly here. It is the other 90 , Small Businesses, which employ 47 of america. The heart and soul of our country. Ron, scott, thank you both for joining us. Doctor, please stay with me. We have more to cover this hour. Coming up well go behind the Lincoln Project. Those ads that seem to be driving the trump world crazy. Ill be speaking to a Jacksonville City Council member who says that holding the Gop Convention there is absolutely irresponsible. Weve got a live interview with a teacher, a teacher who contracted coronavirus while Teaching Summer School. All that plus the one and only bill nye the science guy on why masks keep us safe. You know what youre watching the beat on msnbc. Bec thats why i like Liberty Mutual. 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Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. A rare, but lifethreatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction and dont take it if youre on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack . On it with jardiance. Ask your doctor about jardiance. Lets talk tv because today former vp joe biden launching his First Television ad in several important swing states including texas. Yes, texas. Where democrats have not won a statewide election in 26 years. Im thinking of all of you today across texas. I know the rising case numbers cause fear and apprehension. People are frightened. Theyre especially worried about their parents, their grandparents, loved ones most at risk. This virus is tough but texas is tougher. Vp biden is leading President Trump by five in texas. The ads are also running in arizona, florida, and North Carolina. All states with surging coronavirus cases. But biden is also getting a boost. Get this. From republicans. The Lincoln Project group is led by gop strategists who want one thing. Trump out. And they are producing blistering antitrump ads trolling the president and urging fellow republicans to abandon the president. John weaver is part of this effort and oversaw john mccains 2000 president ial bid and also worked on george h. W. Bushs president ial campaigns. In launching the group weaver warned the gop that trump, quote, and his enablers have replaced conservativism with an empty faith led by a bogus prophet. The ads go a whole lot further. Something is wrong with donald trump. Hes shaky, weak, trouble speaking, trouble walking. Youve probably heard this before. But it was smaller than we expected. It sure wasnt as big as you promised. With so many leaks, youd probably think it could be anyone. So many leaks. It could be anyone. Its everyone. With so many losing their jobs, isnt it time donald trump lost his . Is this Campaign Working on republicans . John weaver is with me live in 30 seconds. Dont go anywhere. Get zero percent financing on all 2020 lexus models. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. On all 2020 lexus models. With me now the man himself john weaver cofounder of Lincoln Project and former Senior Adviser to senator mccain. I havent seen you in quite sometime but of course ive seen your handiwork. The ads are something else. What is the reaction from republicans . I mean republicans you have known, you have been friends with for decades. What are they telling you . Well, from the average rank and File Republican voters theyre having a reaction. We see in wisconsin the president s numbers among republicans have dropped ten points at the same time Vice President bidens lead in wisconsin has gone from 3 to 9. That is really our mission. If you look at elected republicans theyre not too happy. U. S. Senators are running around acting like scalded apes because of these ads that were running against the president , in some cases against them. But that is neither here nor there for us. When we announced what we were doing we said were going after trump and trumpism and that is what we intend to keep doing. To that point i want to actually look at a bit of a new ad you have thats targeting gop senators who embrace President Trump. Watch this. The men and women in Trumps Republican Party will come to you telling you they can repair the damage hes done. Theyll beg you to forget their votes, to exonerate trump from his crimes. They chose trump every time. Learn their names. And never, ever trust them again. I get it, john. Those should be embarrassing. They should be damaging but lets get real. Over the last three years with the exception of mitt romney, jeff flake, who is no longer in office, how do members of the gop get right in line with the president basically . Theyve selfsubjugated themselves because of cowardice or career concern to the president. They have their own oath of office that they provided when they assumed their senate seat and they shirked that responsibility. Whether out of our military, adding trillions in dollars of debt on the backs of our children, the president attacking races of people, women, a former p. O. W. Colleague of these senators. Theyve either been silent or theyve acquiesced. And the names should be remembered. The reason theyre silent is because they want to be reelected. What does that tell us about Republican Voters . That all the things you just went through and all the things the president has done, those Republican Voters see it and theyre down with it. Are they really down with it . The Republican Party is a smaller size since 1974. Millions of people have left the Republican Party with their feet and either have become democrats or independents. Nancy pelosi is speaker today because millions of republicans left and voted for Democratic Candidates for the house two years ago and the same thing is happening now. So while there is high Approval Rating for the president , among the Republican Party right now, its the smallest size its ever been. We will be successful at the Lincoln Project and in a grand coalition with other people if we can move a very small percentage of disaffected republicans and republican acting independents away from trump and away from his enablers in these key senate states. So far weve done that but it is really aspirational at this point. Were not going to stop until election day or thereafter assuming the president tries to muddy up on election day. John, i want you to stay with me. I actually want you to turn up the volume. Well turn to the president. He is now taking questions in the rose garden and ill guess there is a good chance youll find some content for your next Lincoln Project ad. Actually giving me some good rulings. Okay . You know that, right . People were surprised. No. I wish her the absolute best. Please. Thank you, mr. President. I wonder when you plan to reveal that because the european countries, the situation is under control much better than the u. S. And there is no ban for hot spots like russia and india. What would be the criteria to change that . You know we banned for europe and at some point that will come off. Were dealing with them all the time. The relationship is very good. They just dont treat us very well on trade. They have been very unfair to us over many decades and were doing that. It is very easy to solve. I was all set to solve it actually and we got hit with the plague. But we have a travel ban on various countries and that travel ban remains until such time as we say it doesnt remain. We want our country safe. We dont want to, like biden, we dont want criminals pouring into our country. We dont want to have open borders. Were not going to have that. And we want to take care of our police. We want to actually fund our police not defund them. Were not going to abolish our police and were not going to make our military small and weak. Because probably or at least at top of the level we need our military right now. Yeah. Go ahead please. So how do you think that the America First policy can work during a pandemic . Arent you concerned this could actually damage the u. S. And make china more influential around the world . Okay look. My policy is America First. Weve lost hundreds of billions of dollars a year with china and many other countries and what were doing is just handing everybody everything. Its just a sad ive watched it. Ive looked at it. We did the u. S. mexico. You saw that. Usmca. We made a very fair deal on trade. We had the worst deal ever, right . You know that. We had the worst deal ever and it replaced that. It replausd that horrible nafta deal that was one of the worst trade deals ever made. I tell you the only deal that might be worse is the w. T. O. , World Trade Organization may be worse. Oan please. Thank you, mr. President. Your administration has taken tangible steps to ensure that Chinese Companies are not taking advantage of our u. S. Stock markets. True. Our trade. Last week your administration sent a letter to the Railroad Retirement board asking them to reconsider investments in Chinese Defense firms. Meaning not to invest. Correct. Thats right. So where is that request now . Are you taking tangible actions to ensure that u. S. Investments dont continue to fund defense firms in china . Yes. Youll see more coming. All right. We are going to leave it there as the president is speaking to a reporter from oan. John, the president didnt give us anything much there or nothing we havent heard before. I want to get back to our previous conversation the state of texas. You know this state well. Joe biden putting up ads there. What do you think about that . Well, it is about time. Ive been saying texas is in play for months and, look. The covid crisis has hit terribly hard here because the governor, Governor Abbott worshiped at the megaaltar and didnt do the right thing like desantis didnt do the right thing in florida. So we have death and destruction at a very high level in texas. Its been trending toward purple status for sometime. I think this might put it over the edge along with all the other problems. My advice to the democrats is stop worrying about losing and stop acting like youre going to win. Be more kpet tuff. Push the envelope. The worst thing that could happen here is trump will have to spend time and energy in florida, georgia, texas, and North Carolina and pulling resources out of the great lakes states. Theyve already basically given up on michigan the Trump Campaign. Theyre not advertising there, etcetera. I think theyre in a world of hurt or in the Trump Campaign and i would press the advantage if i were the democrats here in texas because if you dont try youre not going to win and they may have a once in a Generation Opportunity to put a grand coalition together that changes the body politic in america for a long, long time . You dont think that democrats who are getting over enthused right now about the potential of this blue tsunami could get ahead of themselves . Well, a blue tsunami is aspirational, right . You have to work for it. You know, a the Lincoln Project we try to move the polls. We try to lead the polls. We dont follow the polls. So the effort that the democrats need to do is stop worrying about a consensus around here and start getting on the move and on the march and be very aggressive about it. Good things will happen when youre aggressive. When you play defense, bad things will happen. And i think they have a real opportunity here. Even if they just get close in texas they have a chance to take over the texas state house, ahead of redistricting, they have a chance to really elect another two to three u. S. House members. There is a real opportunity in texas, arizona, georgia, florida to make a difference for the long term. Before we go, john, i just have to ask you. Did you ever think five years ago, ten years ago, that you would be having this conversation right now and talking democratic strategy . No. If you asked me 20 years ago, ten years ago, even four years ago we wouldnt do that. In fact the Lincoln Project we kept waiting for someone else of some standing. A senator or governor to do this. For us to do it would be luke bail bondsmen coming to the rescue of the rule of law, right . We didnt want to do this but we didnt really have a choice, right . At some point you got to get in the marketplace and fight for what you believe in. And air doing it, john. Always good to see you. I havent seen you in quite sometime. John weaver thank you. If you havent seen an ad from the Lincoln Project yet you are in for a treat. They are something else. I want to turn back to the developing story tonight. Republicans are rethinking their convention plans in jacksonville, florida. The event is supposed to take place in jacksonville at the end of august. Officials are now planning to move the convention outdoors to comply with social distancing guidelines. The mayor there describing what it would take for him to call off the convention. If we have Widespread Community spread and icus are full and hospitals cant handle it i saw a news cycle i believe it was houston who pulled their statewide convention. Okay yeah. They pulled it a week out. They monitored the situation up until the point where they could make a decision. We are monitoring the situation. Monitoring and at the same time a lot of folks are having second thoughts about attending. The New York Times reporting many republicans are taking a wait and see approach or skipping it all together. Joining us now the Jacksonville City Council member, democrat Garrett Dennis who has called the rnc, quote, irresponsible. Councilman, if they do move this outside and respect social distancing guidelines, why are you opposed . Thank you for having me. For a lot of reasons why i am opposed to this. If you look at the cdc guidelines, they dont differentiate between indoor or outdoor event. We have people coming into your city it puts you at higher risk than the cdc guidelines. I think it is very irresponsible to bring people from out of town where we already have a spike in corona testing. Did you feel that way about protest marches . Absolutely. As you know, i participated in one and we did social distancing. During that time we didnt have a spike in covid testing. We were very flat. We actually started to open our city back. After that, the, you know, the positive rate in our city has ballooned. We are the next epicenter. And if the rnc is here in jacksonville, jacksonville will be the epicenter here in this country. And so im adamantly opposed to it. Jacksonvilles mayor said the city is not locking down again but will remain vigilant. Heres what he said. Just go back to school. We can do that. You can social distance. Get your temperature taken. Be tested. You can have distancing. Its not that hard. That is not the jacksonville mayor. That was white house economic adviser larry kudlow, who is saying its not that hard to stay open. He is saying everyone can just head back to school. So given that you speak to constituents all day every day, tell us someone is in a hot spot, what are people there telling you . They are in arms about it. Every Public Opinion poll and one was done just recently by the university here is adamantly opposed to the rnc coming for additional spread. Ive heard just recently where the Teachers Union down in south florida, theyre having all of their teachers to start filling out wills to make sure they have a life plan just in cause they pass because of this. I have a young child in school. Im very concerned. Right now were having talks that she is going back based on full capacity. I think our School System had a plan where it was part fulltime, part virtual. And so i think were moving too fast and were not, you know, following the cdc guidelines. I am very appalled. It is irresponsible and reckless. All right. Thank you so much for joining me this evening city councilman Garrett Dennis i appreciate it. Still ahead a very special guest on how masks slow the Coronavirus Spread and how important it is to wear them. But first, tragedy in arizona. President trump pushing to open schools there after a teacher who was Teaching Summer School dies from coronavirus. One of her colleagues joins us next. Next you cant predict the future. But a resilient business can be ready for it. A Digital Foundation from vmware helps you redefine whats possible. Now. From the hospital shifting to remote patient care in just 48 hours. To the university moving hundreds of apps quickly to the cloud. Or the City Government Going Digital to keep Critical Services running. You are creating the future on the fly. And we are helping you do it. Vmware. Realize whats possible. So we collaborate ocean spray works with nature every day to farm in a Sustainable Way the Trump Administration is pushing all schools to reopen as coronavirus cases are surging across the country. While a teacher in arizona recently died because of covid after she went back to work. Kimberly chavez lopez bird was just 61. She was Teaching Summer School in a classroom with two colleagues who are now recovering from the virus. 71 of americans are fearing reopening schools and saying it would be a Significant Health risk. President trump was asked about the arizona tragedy and specifically school safety. Heres what he said. What do you tell parents who look at this who look at arizona where a School Teacher recently died Teaching Summer School, parents who are worried about the safety of their children in Public Schools . Yeah. The schools should be opened. Schools should be opened. The kids want to go to school. Youre losing a lot of lives by keeping things closed. I think theres a lot of teachers. I want to bring one in. Joining us now, jenna martinez. She was one of those teachers who survived coronavirus and back with us she can tell us, first, how are you feeling . How is your health . Getting stronger, feeling stronger today. I still have residual symptoms that i continue to battle. I understand it is probably going to take time for me to get back to feeling 100 . Im doing the best i can and definitely a lot better than i was weeks ago. Tell us about your work environment. You and kim were teaching together with another teacher in the same classroom. Were you required to follow any of the social distancing or mask wearing protocols . Most definitely. As you know, cdc guidelines were put out and we were meant to follow those, excuse me, we were meant we were meant to follow those, but more importantly our school went above and beyond and actually mandated them, mandated protocol to us. So we followed those protocols. We were not allowed on campus without a mask. We had to take our temperature. We had to wear our mask, wipe everything down. We had gloves. We had staggered times we could be on campus. We proceeded as such. But, still, you got sick, and your friend and colleague for over 30 years, kim, lost her life. What do you want people to know about her . Kim was a master teacher. She was highly trained. She had been an turnaround coach. Which meant she was going into schools to help them improve in their curriculum. As a teacher, though, that is where you saw her shine in her own classroom with her own kids, because that is where even her personality came out. She was a beautiful person. She was loving. She was kind. She was compassionate. She was caring. And all of those qualities were things that you saw within her teaching style. And her classroom environment. And, so, what she was at school is who she was as a person. She wasnt different at work. And different at home. She was how she was everywhere she went. What is going to happen now in your school and your School District . Because arizona, while kim lost her life, while the state is seeing spiking cases, youre actually scheduled to reopen schools august 17th. Yes. I know that superintendent hoffman has communicated that were looking at august 17th. Our school is actually scheduled to begin on august 3rd. That week. But and that was, again, opening the doors, opening the campus, and running as normal. We know we cant do that. Were not in a position in our community or even surrounding communities to do that right now. And then with the events that occurred with miss bird, miss gillings, and myself, it devastated our community. It devastated our students. It became real. And we know that we just are not ready yet to open. It is not safe. And we will stand by our conviction and protect our kids, protect our family,mmity in eve and support our students with the our schools are already looking into wifi. Theyre looking into ipads for everybody. Weve had to poll parents and find out who does not have wifi accessible at home. Who needs devices . How can we better serve . What else are we going to do . We continue to feed students in our community along with students from other schools. We are still continuing to serve and try to provide as Many Services as we can for our students. Doctor, jennas school took all the precautions. She got sick. Kim lost her life. Weve got schools across this country read ig themselves to reopen. Can they really do it safely . Well, it is very hard when most of the country is going through so many spikes and surges. It just is really impossible to actually have a low risk environment even with taking all the precautions. And im just so sad at kind of the generational loss thats happening with teachers and School Workers who are essential workers themselves and theyre doing all the things theyve been told to do as you said, jenna, even going beyond the cdc guidelines, but, you know, none of this is fool proof as i think their kind of sad case shows. I think if you are asking what we need to do to be safe, we need a period of time where weve actually seen a decline in cases and in most of the country we dont have that. Then were still in most of especially in arizona still waiting days to get test results. And then, finally, most of the schools that ive talked to, they dont even have resources to think about how to monitor temperatures for hundreds of children and what happens when you do have a child have a chil positive. Theres no space to isolate them, and it feels like the very issues that weve been talking about for months are going to be reproduced in schools. And i fear that we are getting into another kind of continuation of a spike in the first wave from the schools reopening without thinking about all those precautions. Days to get test results, making it pretty much almost impossible to have Contact Tracing. Thank you both for joining, and we should remind our audience the Teachers Union put out an estimate in order to reconfigure schools to reopen them safely. It would cost about 116 billion. Thus far, the federal government has allotted 13. 5 billion to k through 12 schools, leaving them 100 billion short. Thank you both so much for joining. Jena, i am wishing you good health, and im so, so sorry to hear about your colleague, kim. Were going to leave it there. Straight ahead, bill nye is here with some potentially lifesaving lessons. Were talking masks next. Im norm. Im szasz. [norm] and we live in columbia, missouri. We do consulting, but we also write. [szasz] we take care of ourselves constantly; its important. 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And certainly not arthritis. New voltaren provides powerful arthritis pain relief to help me keep moving. And it can help you too. Feel the joy of movement with voltaren. Did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance tada feel the joy of movement so you only pay for what you need . I should get a quote. Do it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. For the first time, President Trump wore a mask in public. Years from now that mask will be in the smithsonian and none of us will be able to see it because well still be in lockdown. Wow, only four months too late. Whats he going to do next . Drag his Christmas Tree out to the curb . Late night hosts talking about President Trump, who wore a mask for the first time in public after months of refusing to do so. Tonight a new poll shows a deep gender divide when it comes to wearing a mask. 54 of women report always wearing a mask in public compared to only 34 of men. Come on, boys. The science is clear. Wearing a mask works. And bill nye the science guy went on tiktok of all places to help explain why some face coverings work better than others. It could block the movement of air but only to a certain extent. This is a homemade face mask. It has just two layers of cloth with a pipe cleaner sewn in to help it fit against the bridge of your nose, and it blocks the movement of air very effectively. Joining me now, our very special guest, bill nigh the science guy. Bill, that makes no sense to me. We are in the middle of a pandemic. Its common sense. Why did you feel that you needed to make a tiktok video . Were not making one for seat belts, bike helmets or condoms. Im glad youre not doing that. Well, i have done actually a Bicycle Safety video, and i have done a seat belt video. This is back in the 20th century, but now we have this extraordinary problem where everybodys personal action affects everybody else. Thats the nature of these medical masks. Now, the thing is people have this perception that its a personal choice, that its a matter of personal freedom. I could disagree more, but i dont see how. In other words, weve all agreed that youre not allowed to blow secondhand cigarette smoke into other peoples faces or workplaces or restaurant areas, and so in the same way, i think we should agree that were not allowed to blow potentially coro coronaviral particles into other peoples faces or work spaces. This is not an extraordinary idea. It just may seem a little bit uncomfortable. But so is it ought to be when you get very sick with this, its very troublesome and very uncomfortable, and its hard not to get, if i may arms ak akimbo about this because it seems to your point, like common sense. Like why wouldnt everybody do it . But its this perception that we have rights that are not taking into account other peoples rights. Its selfish. Its weird. Youre the science guy, so thats why im turning to you. But i want to ask you about other voices of influence that have huge platforms. Fox news host Tucker Carlson said there is no evidence that masks help slow the spread of the coronavirus. Id like you to watch this. This is what happens when science intersects with politics. Both lose, and the country loses most of all. Keeping kids out of school, keeping the elderly inside, forcing everyone to wear a mask when theres no evidence that helps. No evidence that helps. That message, those words are making their way to millions of homes every night of the week. Whats your reaction . Well, you know, mr. Carlson and i have butted heads a few times. I could disagree with him more, but i dont see how. As far as his extraordinary claim that science and politics have nothing to do with each other, in the u. S. Constitution, article 1, section 8, clause 8, it refers to the progress of science and useful arts. And i remind everybody that the understanding of viral particles and the shape of the coronavirus, which has this crown of thorns on it, is a result of electron mike ross kopy, which you would not have without science. Vaccines are a couple century Old Technology thats very well understood, and masks work. His extraordinary claim that they dont work, i dont think is based on facts. I think its him just telling people what they might want to hear, his audience might want to hear. My question always, if you want to talk about mr. Carlson, is what does he want for the future . What do his four children want for the future . Do they want a future where everybodys allowed to run stop signs and go through red lights and im not being silly. Im just saying are we going to have rules to protect each other or not . Its really a its a kind of weird claim that he made. Well, for his children, for mine, for all children, i certainly hope we all want the future to be better, smarter, and stronger. Bill, always great to see you. I appreciate you sharing some of your expertise with us this evening. Thank you so much for watching. That does it for me. My dear friend and colleague Steve Kornacki picks up coverage right on the other side of the break

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