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President ial material and never see what im going to show you right now. Like bob mueller himself, prosecutors in general, and certainly those who served under him, tend to err on the side of no comment. Even years after leaving government, they dont typically discuss what was internally debated or clashed about in their Prosecutorial Office unless there is an exception. Unless they think their constitutional oath, and justice itself, demands it. So here we are. The scene with social distancing d omp j veterans with them being sworn in. With political pressure to abuse the dojs powers, the power to charge or not charge torsion imprison americans or not, to do so for Donald Trumps political and personal agenda. This is serious stuff and all of it puts even more pressure on attorney general barr. Todays testimony alleging that barr tried to kneecap the d. C. Federal prosecutors to help donald trump. That is the other new controversy for barr. Allegations that he tried to knee cap the new york federal prosecutors to help trump. Are we following the story line here . It is pretty skin. When this many insiders and experts and eyewitness witnesses who saw with it their own experience in the office, when theyre all alleging the same thing in pattern, in literally different geographical offices together, whats important, why this is our lead story. Why i want you to know about this. It starts to look like corroboration. Thats before you even add in john bolton alleging that trumps approach to doj was in his view, criminal obstruction of justice. So lets get into what Congress Heard today. A prosecutor who led the successful charges against trump adviser roger stone, giving his eyewitness account of two bad things. One, the improper motive. Helping a friend of the president. And two, the improper act. Interceding to soften that particular case. Heres that prosecutor. A pretty somber, careful line prosecutor. Doesnt do interviews, doesnt go on television. Hes walking through the facts as he knows them. What this testimony might lack in some sort of d. C. Rhetorical drama, i think it makes up for in a chilling warning that americas Justice System is now compromised by bill barr. It is in danger. A chilling claim that there was fear in the office. There were warnings to do this stuff for trump or get fired. I was told that the acting u. S. Attorney was giving stone a break because he was afraid of the president of the united states. We were told we could be fired if we didnt go along. I was repeatedly told the departments actions were not based on the law or the facts but rather on political considerations. Mr. Stones political relationships, and that the acting u. S. Attorney general was afraid of the president. Afraid of president trump. And zellenceky is not alone. They were driving interference in other cases. Regarding the Auto Industry and barrs personal distaste for cannabis companies, legal in many states, might not be valid. He was so concerned he requested the doj watch dog render independent judgment on whether he was abuse go his power that way. I asked the doj Inspector General to announce whether the investigations launched under attorney general barr were abuses of authority or other misconduct. The Trump Administration has also ousted several of those same Inspector Generals in agencies who check on this kind of stuff. Who investigate. What was the republican response to these serious claims . The response would always be, this isnt true our misunderstood it. If true, it would be bad. To be very clear and fair, at times there were some legal arguments offered that republicans debated and contested it. And whether or not it is a valid inquiry. Thats not all that happened. I have to show you this as well. Other times the republican pushback devolved completely. We had at one point, a congressman loudly trying to tap to prevent this witness from being heard by his own committee. A witness by the way who happened to be a former doj official in a Republican Administration who is now critical of barr. But to me, barrs crowning dishonesty is the portrait mr. Chairman the sergeant at arms the witness be called upon to stop the disruption of this meeting. I cant hear this witness. This is a very important witness. Well, hes way beyond if there are no rules about there is no rules about when you can make noise. There are no rules about when you can make noise. If thats your defense in a serious committee meeting, referring to your own contribution as making noise, you might want to think about your debating skills. In fact, i have to quote my colleague lawrence odonnell. He knows the committees very well. He said that braex of decorum was a new petty low for sprint cupping. At least some of them were acting like parliamentary vandals. There is also news in a case coming out of the same office. Michael flynns guilty plea which barr has been pushing to drop. The top federal Appeals Court siding with doj toer to flynn charges dismissed. So legally that makes that the very likely outcome unless a special appeal were to go hire. Meanwhile, roger stone facing a dead line for reporting to prison within the week. He wants a delay. Congress deciding what to do about barrs conduct. Bipartisan legal experts warn, if donald trump can personally dig tate who goes to prison or gets protected, if thats where we are now, out in the open, confirmed evidence, defended, then the rule of law is in doubt tonight. From street protests to public pressure on a variety of issues, we report out these stories. When you go talk to them. To your friends and colleagues and we think, okay. On all this type of stuff. It does lead back to the question. Does it matter in do witness accounts, blowing the whistle, new evidence, public pressure, does it change anything . We have an answer on that too right now. For bill barr who was caught in that false claim about ousting one prosecutor friday night, who is facing this evidentiary battering ram today, who is being warned of comingal subpoenas and budget cuts, the answer is, yes. It matters. Because under fire, now, suddenly, he has agreed and relented and he will say, he says, he will testify facing the House Judiciary Committee in july. One way this already may be catching up to him. I want to bring in two experts who have been with us from the jump, as we say, from before roger stone. To help us guide this, john t n flanory, and the counsel to the new york mayor. Good to have you both back. Good to be here. Good to be here. Maya, some of what was presented today is familiar to people who follow the news. Yet it is more important, politically, as an additional layer, when it is laid out, tested and presented in this formal binding process. Walk us through what this is, on the record, under penalty of perjury, to say this is how bad it was under barr. What we heard today was essentially, the equivalent of a demand to impeach william barr. He wants to make history. I think he established the strongest case i know of for doing something we have not done before in this country. Thats take out a cabinet member through impeachment. And i am not blowing smoke here. These are career Public Servants. And lets step back and talk about what that means in the context of the rule of law. What that means is, people who go into government instead of the private sector, people who take cuts in pay, even though they get paid well compared to a lot of americans, substantially less than they could earn if they went into the private sector to represent big companies. And they do it for a reason. They do it because they believe it makes a difference to serve the people. That is what Public Service is. And when you take that oath of office, the oath you are taking is to put aside your own personal interests. Well, bill barr took that oath. What we are hearing from his own staff, from the people who are way down on the totem pole from where he sits at the top of that ivory tower of his, what they are saying is that he is saying that yes, indeed, donald trump is above the law. The gop has a lot to answer for from the last impeachment hearing on donald trump. That they are demonstrating that career Public Servants of all parties calling on them to protect the very sense of what this constitution is, that there is one law, it applies to all of us, and that they not stand up to that would be nothing short of telling donald trump not only did we not impeach you. We did mean you abuse all the power you want. Go right ahead. For all those protesters in the street, youre right, too. There is no equal protection of the law. You dont get the protection that donald trump or his rich friends get. Welcome to america. I would expand it this way. We have a Law Enforcement officer who is lawless. Hes not above the law. He just entirely disregards it. In part because he believes the president , as he said in his testimony, his writings and so forth, we have an executive. He can do what he wants when he does it. If he does it, it is the law. You have trump and barr. Were not just talking about misconduct or some of the polite phrases. Im so maya talked about impeachment. There is almost nothing less than that congressional tool. The next they know is to pass it now. Which may not become law until the next session that wes we can have an independent counsel to investigate Public Officials including bar, including trump, particularly if he loses the election. Or things like, lying to the court. The fact that he says he will testify does create legal questions. What he said friday was false. He said it publicly. Everyone knows officials can lie in public. Boy, would he have a bigger problem if he tries the same thing under oath in the perjury setting of facing congress. Take a listen to this other great exchange. Take a look. You wrote that it pains you to describe these events. Can you explain why . We are proud to do what we do, we are proud to serve in the department of justice and we are proud we prosecute without fear or favor. To describe an abdication of responsibility like this, and this sort of contradiction of all the reasons weve taken these jobs, it is deeply painful to me. So lets go, same question to both of you. First maya, then john. When you look at whats being laid out, what do you see as the legal hook, the pressure on barr, if there is basically now more than one allegation of misconduct. Maya first. Well, lets just start with the fact that he will be you understand oath. If he wants to do what did he in his confirmation hearing and in other hearings and pretend he doesnt understand what basic words mean, that should be a sign to congress that they should take it a temperature further. I suspect he will be very careful about avoiding those tr traps. The trap that we cant be cautious enough, allowing him to be slick rick. That means calling other witnesses and testing everything he says, getting every document and i fully suspect this administration will continue to make a fight of public accountability on whether or not theyre abusing power and whether or not they are lying under oath. Well, you mentioned slick rick, obviously, to quote slick rick, the problem would be, if barr is telling childrens stories that dont really add up. And as you know, im sure youre also a big slick rick fan absolutely. The issue is the stories you tell can catch up with you. They can put you in danger when theyre false in the wrong situation. All tongue in cheek aside, maya knows it better than almost anyone. Im going to get into this with a member of the committee, but the more he is, shall we say, faux confused about what words like ask and direct mean, the more youre getting to the heart of the matter of whether this individual who does not have the deference or immunity that a sitting president has, under at least the traditional doj memos, this individual is up for it. John . Yes, well, you know, the thing about a person who lies, and lies under oath, is to find the inconsistent statements they made before. So for example, you said on friday night, he is saying, oh, hes decided to leave the office and not that he was being fired. Thats a statement that was public and is known. But there are two parts tom. Not only is it an inconsistency hell have to defend when he appears before the judiciary committee. And you and i if he does appear and hes sworn in under oath, the thing thats interesting to me. That false statement was part of the movement to remove a u. S. Attorney who has a series of important investigations. He didnt do that alone. And whether or not he conspired with barr, im sorry, with trump, which appears to be the case, thats a very special problem. The testimony before the House Judiciary Committee will involve all of these. The firings, it will involve the substitution of personnel, the stone case, it will involve the flynn case, it will involve what associations with judges on the bench. There are all sorts of things that suggest exactly the crimes that i outlined before. Obstruction and perhaps perjury and misleading the courts and filing through the court, of which they were directed by barr. Theres a whole host of things that mean barr should not be disbarred. But he should be charged and ultimately confined for his misconduct. It happened for mitchell, for other members of the Justice Department in the past. This guy is a prime candidate for exactly that kind of treatment. And it is certain lay disturbing scenario. There is precedent for it. Watergate ending with an attorney general going to jail. As a journalist, im not able to render whether that does or did you not apply to barr, but both of you making the case that the evidence requires more investigation for starters. Im always indebted to you both. Were going to a break and then ill be joined by the actual lawmaker questioning barr if he shows up at that hearing. Also, covid infections are surging to the worst weve seen in months. This story obviously affects your life. We have a veteran doctor from the Obama Administration about what really needs to happen. Also, new indictments against the three men accused in a shooting death. And thats not all. Were doing something very special later tonight. My conversation with different people around the country who are directly affected by covid and the recession. A special dialogue. 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Let me first say that as a former prosecutor, it has always been clear to me, the only reason we can deprive someone of their freedom and lock them up in prison is based on the consent of the people. And that consent is based on our shared understanding that no one is above the law and that prosecutions are fair and based on the evidence. One of the greatest dangers to democracy is when people start believing that prosecutions are based on politics or based on who the defendant happens to know, and unfortunately, bill barr has perverted the department of justice where friends of donald trump get special favors and no one else could. What evidence showed today in the hearing, roger stone got special favors according to the prosecutor, aaron zelinsky, that no one else ever could. He got a reduced sentencing recommendation because donald trump went nuts on twitter after the first recommendation was made public by the darrel of justice. Is that a legal term . He went nuts on twitter . That is a legal term and weve seen it unfortunately happen quite a bit with this president. Let me play. You bring up stone and what he was in trouble for. There are things he was convicted of. So a jury of his peers found that. And there were other things that and he the white house and the Trump Campaign had made about what mueller was investigating. Which is how much foreign coordination was there. And even if it didnt rise to the level of a crime, congress has an interest in pregnanting against the foreign interference in our free democracy. Take a look at this exchange from today. There were dozens of calls between stone and the top trump officials. Correct . Correct. Witnesses testified they were present when trump spoke to then candidate trump. Mr. Gates testified to that at trial. Mr. Cohen testified to that in congress and mr. Manafort told that to the special counsels office. I always try to be clear and fair. So im emphasizing that bob mueller did not charge crimes related to that foreign inaction, in fairness. Stone is a convict for other reasons. But from a policy and democracy vi view. Did you think that was important to your committee and if so why . Absolutely. Im glad you brought up that exchange. This is why we had this hearing. In 2016, the russians everybody gauged in a sweeping and systematic attack. Roger stone took part with wikileaks who took the emails from the Hillary Clinton campaign and then coordinated with members of the Trump Campaign and spoke to donald trump himself. Then the Trump Campaign used these emails. They based a Campaign Messaging on it. And roger stone was then convicted of multiple crimes and bill barr steps in and lowers the sentence. That is a perversion of justice. Obviously well be coming back to you and your colleagues as mr. Bar does have that day of reckoning. It would appear some of the pressure was working. Thank you, congressman. Thank you,ari. Yes, sir. Meanwhile, on this virus that is surging, donald trump down playing it, getting fact checked by dr. Fauci himself. Well show you what you need to know. Were back in just 30 seconds. Know were back in just 30 seconds. Deposit checks, check balances, pay bills, and more. Explore all you can do with our Digital Tools from almost anywhere. Pnc bank. Wherever you may go, lexus will welcome you back with exceptional offers on exceptional vehicles. Get zero percent financing and make no payments for up to 90 days on all 2020 lexus models. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Donald trump trying to down play the coronavirus. This is important regardless of anything he says, cases nationwide surging in just the last two weeks. Look at this chart. You will see here, steep climbs in several states of different geographic styles. Youve got texas, florida, arizona, california, which was hit hard early, but look at how bad it is getting right now. These are states. Youre looking at with it the sevenDay Moving Average. These are states that have largely tried phased reopenings. Then you can count hospitalizations. You need to know this for your family and your choices. Texas, where houstons icus are approaching 100 . Theyre basically 97 fulfill arizona, north carolina, arkansas, record highs in hospitalization. Another way to measure this totally apart from testing debates. And then more than 35,000 cases recorded here in a single day. You see the red arrow on april. We want to show you, at that period of time it surged up and everyone thought this is the time to shut down. Now look where we are in the far right of the screen. Keep this in minds when you hear people say, its time to move on. Weve done enough. We are back to the i am a peaks. The seven Day Moving Average isnt our friends. We are facing the worst day since april. If you count it up, it is up 40 in just these last two weeks. 27 states seeing increased cases. Today in new york, the governor issuing restrictions to visitors coming from those places. So we are announcing today a joint travel advisory. People coming in from states that have a high infection rate. Must quarantine for 14 days. Today, dr. Fauci who has been breaking with trump on the severity of spikes, says some states opened too soon. So were talking about states like arizonation texas, florida, particularly hard hit right now. Exactly. Is the spike linked to the fact these are some of the states that opened up early . You cant specifically pinpoint it and say yes, this is the case. But it is highly suspicious. Im joined now by a former Health Policy adviser and msnbc medical contributor. Good to see you. Thanks, good to see you. Here we are. Walk us through what these charts mean. Because it would be easy for people day to day to say, well, we went through that bad period. Obviously there are problems. There is a feeling in some places like its time to move on and were going back to the worst days. Yeah. Thats absolutely right. And i think like all things, it is complicated. It is not just the one thing. Not that states only reopened too soon. It is also the fact that most of these states also did not put any mask requirements into place in public settings. Combined with the fact that you do have hospitals that were ready for coronavirus cases. Did not get that many cases early on and have already resumed elective procedures, procedures that they delayed or canceled, and thats all leading to this increased hospitalization, or capacity issue to be candid, what we need to do to move forward is take a step back. So take texas, for example, they need to take a step back. Youve heard the governor make comments about staying at home. They need to implement mask policies. This isnt a political issue. And then they need to take a step back and decreasing store capacity. We donal need to turn the dial back to zero and all hide in our basements but we need to go back. And as the hospitals and leaders around herring, were probably going to have to look at suspending a proportion of those procedures that are leading to beds. And the final point we can go into more younger adults are accounting for up to half the hospitalizations. So a story thats being spun, even by the Trump Administration, is that no, these are Young Healthy people. Its no big deal. Its a big deal and people should respect that and not be trivial no matter what age you are. Appreciate that. We showed some of the facts here so people really understand it. Separating that from the understandable fatigue in many places. I want to show you two more items for you to walk our audience through. Just the hospitalization rates as mentioned, this doesnt even get you into the testing debate. We look at how many states and rising hospitalization in the sunbelt and down south. The numbers are even worse when you count the other metrics. Then look at usa versus europe. You have the week by week rolling average. And you see in april, and this really connects with what we showed earlier. In i am a, everybody was surging in that problem. The e. U. , a lot of places, different geographies, seems to show a model, even in a democracy, for how to bring it down going into may and june. And there we are. What is the import and the difference between these two lines . Yep, its very clear to me. It starts at the top. We really have not had any of the leadership that we need from the top despite having Pretty Amazing kinds of scientists and civil servants. Youre seeing dr. Fauci and other Public Health leaders making guidance to putting that out to americans. That delta you showed in the graphs really is a representation of the piece work where we had states that decided to reopen but said we dont want to put a mask policy in place. You had states, you saw very Creative Solutions to work for shortages, hospitals. You saw lots of things to flatten the curve. Now were just seeing the increases. And unfortunately, just something that gets lost on a lot of people. That we still have not put in enough of what we call Contact Tracing into place. So a lot of places in the eu, they know why people are getting sick. In many cases, we have some clues but we still dont know where people are getting the infection from. And i struggle with math. Were over on time. What exactly is delta . Sorry. The difference. The difference between the two. The gap between two. The gap between the two, why is it so big . And those are the reasons to unpack some of that. Right. To really understand why they can do it, why cant we . If thats motivating in any way, i dont know how people are thinking about it. But hey, other places are saving more lives. Do we want to save more lives . Were in this together for the long haul. You always teach us. So. We appreciate your clarity tonight. Still to come, were going beyond the donald trump distortion on the virus with a special look at whats happening out there. How are you dealing with this . How do you struggle as some of our guests have told us theyll talk about with getting covid and losing your job. Or how do you run a business . We have all of. In a very, very special conversation. Coming up only right here on the beat. Also, ill give you the developing news in georgia where three suspects were indicted in the arbery case. E indicted in the arbery case. Subaru. When it comes to best overall value, who does intellichoice rank number one . Subaru. And when it comes to safety, who has more 2020 iihs top safety pick winning vehicles . More than toyota, honda, and hyundaicombined . Subaru. Its easy to love a car you can trust. Its easy to love a subaru. Get 0 apr financing for 63 months on select subaru models now through june 30th. Then you might have a dcondition called dry mouth. . Biotene is clinically proven to soothe and moisturize a dry mouth. Plus, it freshens breath. Biotene. Immediate and long lasting dry mouth symptom relief. Its velveeta shells cheese versus the other guys. Clearly, velveeta melts creamier. Trying to get an update on the policing issues. In georgia lawmakers passing hate crimes legislation with bipartisan support. It was one of four states that didnt have such a law. The bill passed after the Ahmaud Arbery case by three white men while he was jogging unarmed in february. Today those men indicted by a grand jury with four counts of felony murder and five other counts. Turning to louisville, a detective involved in the killing of breonna taylor. A very important case, has now been fired. This is three months after that incident. The person entered on a no knock warn and then fired ten rounds. She was not even a suspect. All of this happening as Senate Democrats are blocking a Republican Police bill today saying it just does not address these problems in a substantial way. Democrats pushing a loan on a separate bill in the house tomorrow. They say it goes much farther. Problems may be uncertain for those who want criminal justice reform. A new bill shows 54 of mari americans think some sort of reform bill will happen. We are seeing more and more calls to get it done and people believing it is necessary. When we come back, if youve been watching, you heard me mention it. A very special conversation. Were convening with real people around the country, addressing coronavirus as it spikes. We talked to the directly impacted and weve tried to get into this with what youre feeling. Right after this break. What yoe feeling. Right after this break lexus will welcome you back with exceptional offers. Get zero percent financing and make no payments for up to 90 days on all 2020 lexus models. 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I am joined now by annett from new york, tom bosco from new york, lee from georgia, and melissa from florida. Thanks to everyone for joining the conversation. Thank you. Thank you. We have been talking and reporting with people around the country. Annett, youve he said about in the heart of this in new york. So beginning with you, how did cyrus hit your family . What are you going through . Well, it started back in march. My husband who is a Family Doctor was seeing patients, certainly who were infected. I was working, managing a Cooking School that existed inside a huge market. So i was in contact with a lot of people and we both came down with it around the same time. My position was basically eliminated where i worked. Yes, ill concerned about my next job and where it will be. But i believe that something will come up and im lucky that my husband is still gainfully employed. Tom, youre also speaking to us from new york in a restaurant that youre running. How is it going in. Its tough. Were running at a fraction of what were doing before. Our sales are down 75 . But we made a decision early on to stay open. Its giving us the opportunity to forge a deeper relationship with our community. What do you do to keep your customers safe . First of all, it is very interesting. What we did two months ago is not what were doing today. Things change constantly. Were wearing gloves, masks, we wipe everything down. I go tell you the first week though, i couldnt find hand sanitizer. And this was like, they were, in new york, and we couldnt find toilet paper. Let me bring lee in. Youre your barber shop in georgia. Yeah. Thats one of the biggest problem was findsing hand sanitizer, lysol, cleaning supplies. Then you have the mask and people are going up on the prices of everything like masks. You go to a story and they were once 50 cents. Now theyre 5. What portion of your business has dropped since this outbreak in. Before we would do, each barber could do four haircuts an hour. Now the best we can do is two. It has changed what seems like a very traditional thing. Whats the portion of business youve lost, tom . And the portion we lost were the sitdown. 75 of the business was lost. The majority of your revenue, gone. We hear a lot about what the federal government and state governments are trying to do. Some of it hasnt worked. Some of it is getting out there. Have you gotten any yeah. It was hard. Ill be honest with you. When this thing first started, it was devastating. I was resentful. I was frustrated. Dejected. And look i did not think it was going to happen. And i didnt think, even when i was applying at the small tiny bank in upstate new york. I did it thinking, this isnt going to happen. Them what was the result . A week hear, i was picking up a check for a significant amount of money. Were hearing from two Business Owners here. And i want to turn to melissa. Youre in florida. How is all this affecting you . Im a home care worker. I was working with a 95yearold lady in miami, florida, and since the pandemic happened in the beginning, the daughter of the lady told me to not come to work anymore and i dont want you to bring the virus in her home. Im a single mother with a 6yearold boy, and we are home and we are safe, thank you, god. Yes, i want to go back out to work. But where im going to live . Because you cant leave your son. There is no daycare, no place you can leave your son. You have to take care of your own family now. Annett, what do you think about all that now . I look at the situation with an older kid. What will their life be like . Will they be able to find work and have a life of their own . I want to turn to something thats in the news a lot. Which is how is the leadership at the state and federal level doing in tom, how do you think the president is doing . I think hes doing a good job. As good as he can. I think there have been some mistakes made. And looking in hindsight, there is definitely some things that could have been done differently. But at the end of the day, i support him. And i support my governor and i support my mayor. Youre speaking both about governor cuomo, a democrat. And a republican. Did you vote for trump last time . I did. I voted for trump last night. The virus response and what is now a recession for all the factors we discussed, does trump have your vote next time . Yes. Yes, he does. When you see the concern raised by doctors and experts that even after more information was available, the president would say things that werent always scientifically true. Yeah, that was frustrating. That was frustrating. I can see through it. The people that support our president , i think we hear things differently. You were shaking your head a lot. He does go off the cuff sometimes. I think hes doing a good job with the information he has. Our governor i ask you the same question, did you vote for him last time . I did. When you look at the virus and the economy, all things considered, does he have your vote next time . Right now, yes. And what could change that or nothing . Well, if this thing comes back in november, and the economy does this, and, you know, i was expecting some help from the government because they said they were going to help, nobody helped. It kind of makes you lose a little bit of faith. If the economy shuts down again and this thing comes back and its raging like the media is saying its going to do and we go three or four months without having a business, thats three or four months. The next thing you know we dont have a home. You know, its hard to be positive about anyone if your home, your livelihood and Everything Else is taken away. What do you think about all of the above . This is a big one for every one of us, even the president of the united states. And its an experience that we want every one of you to act to act like better and to have a better system when Something Like that happened and to know exactly what youre going to do. Before we go, what i want to do is a quick lightning round. What was the worst thing, worst news, worst day that you had during all this so far, annette . Canceling going to visit my parents, who are elderly. Lee . My mother is in a nursing home. I havent been able to see her in a month and a half, two months now. Melissa . Staying home. I dont like that. Tom . Sorry, the day that the first round of ppp loans dried up and we couldnt get anybody on the phone and they didnt know if it was coming back. Whats given you the best cause for hope, annette . The humanity that i see in new york with people helping others. Lee . For me, its been a reset, being able to reset, get on my knees and pray, and have hope, not only in my fellow man, but christ. Melissa . I hope that we will be better. But we keep faith and we pray for that. People want a sense of normal si. Getting your haircut is a sense of normalcy. Getting food is a sense of normalcy. Now we need to combine that with safety. I think as a country and as a community and as a business, well be better prepared to be able to live with this disease. Yeah. All really important thoughts, and its great to hear from each of you in your different places in the country and thank you. Stay safe out there. I want to thank you all. Thanks, ari. Thank you. So interesting to hear all those views from the ground. That conversation was previously recorded on zoom. Again, thanks to everyone for sharing their stories and that civil dialogue. We also have breaking news on the pandemic coming in. When we return. When we return one. For small prices, you can build big dreams. Spend less, get way more. Shop everything home at wayfair today. And people you can rely on. Im a Dell Technologies advisor. Me too. Me too. Me too. 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The caseload in america has now tonight hit its highest daily total ever. A count of 36,358 cases. A record since this pandemic began. The number will continue to climb as this is a threshold that was met in under 24 hours. Hospitalizations surging around the country, including texas, arizona, arkansas, north carolina. Officials saying hospitals in houston are at 97 capacity. U. S. Cases up 40 just over the last two weeks. You have to see whats happening out there to understand what were facing. The president has tried to down play it, but these are the actual facts. Meanwhile, we can listen to the experts, as well. A doctor on the frontlines of alabama saying this. This is not going to go away quickly. And i know people are exhausted and have kind of gotten hearing news about this. But this is what we get to deal with for the next weeks to months. When i talk with my family, i dont expect things to fundamentally change well into next year would be my best guess. We are back to where we started in april when everyone said that was the worst period. Something to keep in mind. That does it for our show tonight. Thanks for watching. Ill be back at 6 00 p. M. Eastern tomorrow. Keep it right here right now on msnbc. Good evening. Im joy reid. 14 points. Thats how far donald trump has fallen behind joe biden according to a poll out today. That poll shows that 50 of registered voters say they would vote for biden, only 36 support trump. Its the late nest a series of polls that spell trouble for this president. The real clear poll ficitics po average has trump trailing biden by ten poin

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