Government to undercut democratic opponents at home. This isnt a story about russia if youre listening or a story about trump admitting hes open to foreign help in the 2020 campaign. Those are two times that trump has faced bipartisan rebukes for welcoming help from russia. Tonight its President Trump seeking help from israel to retaliate against two democratic politicians the first two women who are muslim women in congress and before i get to the details right now, i want to present you with pieces of context. First, donald trump tonight right now having done this be is totally isolated facing rebukes we can report from democrats and republicans. From National Security experts and civil libertarians from, liberal jewish groups and more conservative u. S. israel groups like apac. Theres a lot of blowback already on this brandnew news. Second before i present with you the facts and we will, please, please understand this does not appear to be a story about Foreign Policy or National Security. Its a story about a longrunning partisan feud with the squad. In fact, it was just about a month ago that trump told the recently elected women of color they should go back to the crime infested places they allegedly came from. Tonight he has a Foreign Government that will now deny them entry by publicly bullying israels administration to reverse itself because right here you see just last month, israel specifically said the Congress Women were allowed to visit out of respect for the u. S. Congress. Now, President Trump urging israel to bar ilhan omar and Rashida Tlaib and alleging their policy views amount to basically a disgraceful hatred of israel. Within hours of trump posting that, the Israeli Government reverses itself and gave in, blocking their visit. As a technical diplomatic matter, countries may decide who enters. Israel has a law that authorizes the possible denial of entry to people who support boycotts can of israel and omar and dlaib tlaib do. But Foreign Policy experts and middle east experts say thats not what this is about at all tonight. In fact, they know that because israel was planning to admit them and had said so on the record and an israeli journalist is now reporting the reason israeli Prime Minister netanyahu made this reversal was because of the pressure from donald trump, which is why so many top American Jewish organizations and apac as mentioned oppose this trump tactic. So theres a lot going on kind of a lot even inside the story. Lets take this in. You have these groups and experts who work on these Foreign Policy issues for a living. Some of them as you probably know are critical of these very Congress Women. And these groups dont think the this story is about Foreign Policy. They think its Something Else and they think its dangerous and they want it to stop. They think its President Trump exploiting their work to double down on his longrunning attacks on these women of color who lead the liberal resistance to trump. As you know, he told them last month to back where they came from. That very attack on trump earning him his historic rebuke by the u. S. House, the first such vote in over 100 years that declared a sitting president advanced racism, the same attack his own supporters repeated back to him in that ugly chant that he backed in at a rally. Send her back. Send her back. Send her back. Send her back. Send her back. Send her back. When that footage went around the country when it was on the internet and tv, all that next day, there were people who asked if donald trump condoned those lines. That is way too gentle a question. Donald trump wrote those lines. He brought up that discriminatory frame. He stoked the antiimmigrant antimuslim fervor. And then it was yelled back. And we know that discriminatory motivation because he ran on it telling similar maga crowds in 2016 that he was running on doing something unconstitutional. He wanted to ban an entire religion for migrating to america. Donald j. Trump is calling for a total and complete shut down of the muslims entering the United States until our countrys representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. Is there a linking from running for president on banning muslim travel to governing as president by engineering the bachb travel . By the president s most prominent Muslim Political opponent . Is a maga hat red . Tonight congresswoman omar notes trump has gotten another country to implement a version of trumps muslim ban noting this time against two duly elected members of congress. This is not a drill. This retaliation is not being done in secret where there might be some alleged debate about the cause and motives. The cause is clear. A Foreign Government bucking to trump who wields the power and the might of the United States and the world. The motive . Same as it ever was. Its become somewhat normal to note the president s words and deeds are not normal. Which is more of a problem than a paradox if you think about it. Its become common to hear the objections he violates tradition. Tonight the experts and neutral referees are clear, the Associated Press reporting trumps move is completely unprecedented. The Washington Post reporting on an extraordinary intervention by trump to seek foreign retaliation against these domestic opponents while trumps critics at the New York Times Editorial Board say this is New Territory even for donald trump. Im joined by markince berg, former United States ambassador to morocco, bill kristol, and civil rights attorney and former prosecutor maya wiley. Good evening to each of you. Maya, is this on the level . Nope. Its not on the level. And you know, ari, you already laid it out quite clearly. And if we just go back even in terms of history, right . You know, we have a long history in this country of members of Congress Going to Foreign Countries in order to understand what they think it the policy positions of the United States should be. And thats actually something that the constitution of the United States sanctions. So here you know where had you a Dennis Hastert who went abroad even though the white house was upset about it but the white house never you know, wen and called you know colombia and said dont let him in, you have nancy pelosi in 07 when she went to syria, had you all kinds of, Ronald Reagan didnt like it when then speaker of the house jim wright went and started negotiating a Peace Agreement greet with the msandonistas thanks to former president arias. Long history frankly in some of those instances even the congressional member overstepped their hands. Newt gingrich did it when he went to Mainland China and said dont come for taiwan or well come for you. That was not the law of the land in the United States when the he said it. Nobody prevented them from traveling. They were all allowed and even when those white houses didnt like what they were doing, democrat and republican, no one stopped them. This is exactly as you said, donald trump actually put out a tweet that said theyre dras and they hate israel. Why would we ever let them why should anyone let them in. And it undermines exactly what we want a Diverse Congress to be able to do. Represent multiple different experiences and positions. Apac did the right thing and the principled thing by saying we dont agree with him. Thats not the point here. We want them to see and understand whats happening in israel. Thats what we should all want. Ambassador, you hear her lay out the history. Have you ever seen anything liking this. No, and i used to as ambassador host codels and congressmen. I have to put this into some context. This is all about politics is local. Benjamin netanyahu was under pressure to permit these two Congress Women to come even though a few days before their arrival there was a bipartisan delegation of congressman led by steny hoyer and these two women refused to be part of that. Im no fan of the squad. I believe they were basically going to stir up a lot of mischief during this friendship. However, the fact that Benjamin Netanyahu was prepared to let israel turn into a vas sill state for donald trump particularly at a time when netanyahu only cares about one thing which is his ability to form a new government if hes obtains mandate that he needs on the december 17th election, all politics is local in israel. In israel, trump is the most popular person in israel. You mentioned that trip. We have some footage there of the Top Republicans speaking about what youre referencing. Lets see that for context. Had i wished that she would have joined all of us, yeah, join the other freshmen, as well and that we see it together. When we work on these issues as one body, we have the same experiences that were looking through but i think its healthy that au members come. And saying as you said, there may be good faith or strong disagreements about the underlying policy but theres something you dont see every day which is kevin mccar i think saying the squad can still come. Today its all been inverted. Bill kristol, is this a story about Foreign Policy or is this a story about donald trump . I think its very unfortunate that the Prime Minister of israel buckled to donald trump. There are israeli members of the zril knesset. A lot of their views are not that different from these representatives. Israel has a long tradition of welcoming such people when they dont agree with particular policies or what hostile to the state as a whole. Im not saying whether these people are or not. Its an unfortunate thing for israel and the u. S. israel relationship. I think netanyahu in my opinion shouldnt have buckled. The interesting question is why did he. Ron dermer is the ambassador to israel and very close to the Prime Minister of. He was his chief of staff and sent by here, the most sensitive diplomatic post for an israeli to occupy. He said a week or two ago look, were going to welcome them. Theyre members of congress. Its important for us to do that. What happened . I dont think it was just a tweet. Netanyahu is a very tough and savvy politician. If he watches trump, hes gotten along well with trump, too well in my opinion and hurt in the sense by being excessively solicitous of trump. He depends on the u. S. israel relationship. He can see a tweet and could also say my hands are tied. We have a long tradition. I disapprove of these people. Im not going to meet them personally but they can come like anyone else can come to israel unless theyre going to cause daniel which theres no evidence was going to be the case this time. So why didnt he do it . What how much arm twisting was there by trump and his am ba bass door to israel. I have part of the answer which is something the three of you and the four of us have covered which is when you look at the attempted alleged obstruction by donald trump, twitter was a tool in it but it was almost rarely used alone as i template. We know from the exhaustive account of the Mueller Report and other Good Journalism it would figure into a much larger pattern. Legally thats generally considered bad because it speeps to someones malicious intent. Here everyone is saying this is bad. But it certainly speaks to a larger drum beat and to bills point, i want to show some of the reporting out of israel netanyahus National Security adviser asked different Government Agencies for their opinion on whether omar and tlaib should request and that was deemed strange because the relevant Government Agencies already said last week they supported letting them. The reporting this had been going on for at least two days at the highest levels of the Israeli Government against what is supposed to be their nonpartisan policy and would suggest the u. S. Pressure began privately by trump before the tweet. Its Something Congress should look into it. Did john bolton call determiner . Did other trump opatives, what did mike pompeo say about this. This is a major problem for our relationship with a close ali thats going to damage that relationship and make one of the two Major Political parties the democrats feel that israel is not treating democratic members of congress with proper respect and with some justice unfortunately. How did this happen . What happened here . From the u. S. Government point of view. Ambassador, then maya. I just want to adhere that you know, you have a u. S. Ambassador that its more of an agent for israel in the United States. That is freeman, the ambassador to the United States and israel. He put out the most incredible statement defending what essentially was the effort to bar these Congress Women. Its just unbelievable that friedman is permitted to in effect be the behind the scenes lobbyist for trump and the white house. I guarantee you that freeman had a lot to do with convincing the Israeli Government to bar these two members of congress. I think at the end of the day, these are the right questions and the right concerns. Except what it really comes down to is donald trump is willing to use every lever of government for his own personal interest and advancement. And thats not why we elect president s. Maya wiley, bill kristol, Mark Ginsberg on the big story. Coming up, Donald Trumps own supporters warning mishandling the economy could cost reelection. Later an exclusive interview with the former trump casino exec who saw some of these bad bets back in the day firsthand. And later, Bernie Sanders takes the questions from none other than cardi b. And trumps former Campaign Manager getting subpoenaed in the house impeachment probe. Plus a judge rebuking the Trump Administrations treatment of immigrant children. Were back in just 30 seconds. Immigrant children were back in just 30 seconds. vo the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety rates vehicles for safety. 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That number has almost quaud quadrupled in just over a year. Making it the largest population of i. C. E. Detainees now outside of texas. This is a fight the administration wants to have. Top officials as you may have heard claiming the statue of liberty poem should be rewritten and it only referred to europeans. 13 states now suing trump over this new rule targeting immigration by poorer people and those can matter. Trump has seen several immigration plans narrowed or blocked in the courts from the first travel ban to this new rebuke today. A federal court ruling basics like soap and sleep are necessary forply grans safety and that Trump Officials were wrong to claim otherwise. Im joined by palo ramos, host of advices latin x and victoria defrancesco soto, proposer at the university of texas. Paolo, what do you think is key in the new recall rulings and exploding population . More than anything i think that we need to understand that this is happening constantly. What we saw today in louisiana, what were seeing in mississippi is happening everywhere. This is happening in our back yards. Its important to understand after this story, the humanitarian crisis is no longer just a u. S. mexico border crisis, no longer just a texas or arizona crisis. This is happening everywhere. Every single state has at least two facilities where i. C. E. Is detaining immigrants. This isnt just a them crisis. This is our crisis. This is something we have to internalize as we continue to report on these stories. Professor . Wa what were seeing in the south is explosion of detention forces giving a little bit of a background here, ari, the south has seen the fastest population growth of latinos in the last decade growing over 33 . What were seeing is the public in the south reacting very negatively to it. This is where we see some of the most strident antiimmigrant sentiment and we see the follow through of these centers. And what is particularly dangerous and what worries me is that even though we see almost as many detention facilities, private detention facilities as we do in texas, at least in texas, we have organizations that have been around for decades that are advocating for the rights of immigrants for human rights that have established contacts from the Grassroots Leadership Network and that can help folks. Need is great but we at least have the resources. Where in your myself myselves and louisiana,s, you dont have that. It is scary these folks are in essentially black holes in these places in the deep south and we need to figure how do we get to these folks and give them the human rights protections they need and legally entitled to. Paolo, take a listen to Morgan Radford talking to some of these folks. Were hearing from some of them as you have these larger discussions what does it even mean. Take a look. Translator you came looking for liberty because supposedly this is the country of freedom. If you have a message for your brother, what would it be . Youre fighting for him. And youre going to keep fighting for him until hes able to stay here. So what we just saw is perfect because it exposes the hypocrisy that were living. Why . Because shes talking about a cuban doctor who came to this country seeking an see lum and instead of being in this country, has spent almost ten months in a detention facility. On paper that that man that woman described is the perfect immigrant that donald trump wants. Why . Because hes a doctor. Hes selfsufficient. Hes a prominent figure on paper. In reality, hes a black man. Hes an afro cuban. That is why under this administration under our watch he is currently in a black hole completely forgotten and can no longer be a doctor. So that is why that image was so important because that is the perfect hypocrisy of what were seeing right now, that unless you are white, they dont care but you. There are so many victoria, so many clues, proofs, evidence of what that is. And it wasnt till this week haw could say at least formally on paper that the Trump Administration was also doing economic discrimination. I mean, could you allege it. But now you have this rule thats going to be debated in the courts and reading from one of the new lawsuits that says its a totally radical overhaul and transforms a system supposed to promote economic mobility into one that advantages immigrants with wealth. How much of a shift is that and do you think it will survive Court Challenge . It is a huge shift, ari. Im not a legal scholar. Il defer to my colleagues over at the law school for that. We do know that the bureaucratic administrative rule was put into place about a year and a half ago. There was the review section, the comment section. They did follow the steps that are necessary for these rule changes. Well see if it holds up in court. But in terms of political strategy, this was machiavellian genius. The Trump Administration has been wanting to do away with familybased immigration. They cant get it done through congress. They cant get it done really through executive order but they can had chip away at familybased immigration with these rule changes. So that is going to have a massive effect. At the end of the day, it hurts us as a country, not just hurts us what the statue of liberty says. We need these workers. We have a declining birth rate for american whites. Who is going to take care of us and take care and pay into Social Security when were older. My thanks to both of you. Up head there is news on Jeffrey Epsteins autopsy raising more questions about the Trump Administration. Dahlia lithwick is here. First, Donald Trumps gambling on the economy and gambling on failed casinos. I have an exclusive interview, this man, a former trump casino executive when we come back. Tr executive when we come back. At fidelity, we make sure you have a clear plan to cover the essentials in retirement, as well as all the things you want to do. And on the way, youll get timely investment help to keep you on the right track, without the unnecessary fees you might expect from so many financial firms. Because when you have a partner who gives you clarity at every step, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. Who gives you clarity at every step, applebees handcrafted burgers now with endless fries starting at 7. 99. And get more bites for your buck with late night halfpriced apps. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, hmm. Exactly. So you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. 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Live sports with realtime stats and scores. Access to the most 4k content. And your movies and shows to go. The best tv experience is the best tv value. Xfinity x1. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity. The future of awesome. From its worst day of the year so far with the murdoch owned wall street journal still reporting there are warning signs that point to a larger global slow down and fears of recession. A slow down usually has several factors. One of them could be trump barreling forwarded with this china trade war threatening deploying tariffs, sometimes backing off the tariffs. Its a gamblers approach to international trade. I think theyre right now hurting them. Meantime theyre paying us billions and billions of tariffs which is fine with me. We put tariffs on china, very big tariffs on china. A lot of companies are leaving china because they dont want to pay the tariffs. Even some of trumps closest allies sounding alarms. Huge problem. Football the economy goes into recession, Donald Trumps going to have a hard time being reelected. Trump supporters Pay Attention to this. President i know i know is all over it. One source close to trump saying a lot of us are concerned. Without the narrative on the economy, he cant win. Im about to be joined by jack odonnell, former president of trumps plaza hotel and casino in atlantic city. He knows about gam bes trump has taken including Business Practices some of which led his hotels and casinos into famed bankruptcies. Trump no longer technically running those businesses but hes running he says the u. S. Economy which impacts everyone and his words and his approach to how to solve these problems, well, could be more important than even any gambling and one of those ca sin noends here is jack odonnell, author of trump the inside story of the real donald trump. How you doing . Im doing great, ari. Thanks for having me on tonight. Youve been there, done that. Youre an insider. Number one, how strong is his longterm Business Planning . This is about more than day trading and number two, do you recognize any echoes of the gambling in the way hes kind of improvising these trade wars . Well, i think you have to understand first off there really is no strategy and i think one of the cons, ari when we elected a businessman as the president is that he would bring some discipline and perhaps some real strategy to the government and obviously how we operate internationally. Well, trump really has never had that capability. He wasnt strategic in his business. He was people are now calling a traxal, it was really just the thought of the day. Did he things on the spur of the moment. He bought the taj mahal because it was the biggest. He bought an airline because he always wanted to own an airline. He didnt bring any economic discipline to how he operated the business and will he no strategy to really grow the business. So its pretty its pretty obvious at this point that hes operating today the government in the exact same manner. He just has an idea and he implements it. Ideas like im just going to reduce taxes for the rich so he does it. Thinking that thats going to be solve all the problems. He wants to get out of the Transpacific Partnership because he never really liked. Its not part of a strategy. Its things donald trump wants to do. You know, a lot of this uses different frames and the frames we have in our mind, of course, influence. He famously talked about it in the frame of deals as you know. Take a look. Ive watched the politicians. Ive dealt with them all my life. If you cant make a good deal with a politician, then theres something wrong with you. Youre certainly not very good. I want to make great deals. Thats what it is, for the people. Everybody wants me to negotiate. Im known as a negotiator. We like to win. I close, im a closer. Even in sports, ive always been a closer. I win. Famous for his ninth inning fastball as you know. But is the approach to a multiprong, multicountry trade and tariff war analogous to a deal . That would involve presumably china coming to the table or changing its practices in a way that benefits the u. S. What we have recently is trump blinking as Stephanie Rhule was pointing out this week him blinking and walking away from some threatened tariffs and china looking like they might wait this out through the election. Well, i think he didnt think this through. Thats part of not having a strategic plan. But hes never been particularly good at negotiating. You know, particularly when he the heat is on. He tended in his business to always overpay. And he was willing to back down almost immediately and so i think were seeing with the china tariff situation is that it really wasnt well thought out. He didnt understand how tariffs work. That was very clear and now he knows hes dealing with a government that has no incentive to back down. Just for the way they rule their people. And hes going to have to blink here. When you work ford him, what did you think the odds were that he would become president . Oh, well, i didnt think. He talked about it back then, ari. And. He said what . He talked about it. Yeah, he talked about running back then. But we just never took him serious. And you know, when it happened this time, listen, ill be the first to say i did not think the man could be elected. I was wrong. Does it look like the same guy to you now . When you see him leaning in as we cover tonight, his attacks on squad, alleged abuses of power, the bigotry, was that visible to you then . Oh, the bigotry was always visible, ari. I think its going to be something hell always go back to. You saw in the last 24 hours the economy became the story. He immediately went back to race. That is going to be a fundamental foundation of his campaign because that will always keep the base with him. The question of course, as you know, is the base going to be enough this time. And hopefully it wont be. Jack odonnell, telling us all the old war stories. Thank you for being here. Ari, thanks for having me. Its my pleasure. Yes, sir. We have a lot more including this new heat on Donald Trumps Justice Department. Dallal lithwick my guest live. And Top Democrats subpoenaing Donald Trumps former Campaign Manager. S subpoenaing Donald Trumps former Campaign Manager. He hassle . You can, with bounce dryer sheets. We dried one shirt without bounce, and an identical shirt using bounce. The bounce shirt has fewer wrinkles, less static, and more softness and freshness. Bounce out wrinkles, bounce out static. Would shakespeare have chosen just some pens . Methinks tul pens would serve mlady well. Thanks. And a unicorn notebook get everything on your list. This weeks doorbuster 1inch binders for 1; 1 in store or online from the advisors at office depot officemax. 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Now theres a brandnew suit against epstein this week and it is not because of his death. It is because new york just passed a brandnew law that allows victims of sexual abuse to us sue their abusers. Enabling a quest for justice that had been barred by the deadlines that had previously existed in the law. We just heard from the attorney whose client filed the first suit against epstein. She says that it is a big deal that a new law provides these new options for alleged victims. Her claim has been time barred for many, many years. There are 365 days where anybody of any age can sue their abusers. And thats a big deal. That creates a mechanism for redress and it hopefully will help the healing process for those people suffering in silence. I and now joined by renowned legal journalist dal lal lithwick who covers the supreme court, hosts their Legal Affairs podcast and held visiting positions at the georgia and university of virginia law schools and recipient of the hillman prize which said you were the nations best legal commentator. Im thrilled to have you on the beat. Did my mother write this . No, shoutout to the her mom though too, while were at it. Hi, mom. Great to see you. Good to be here. With a lot of obviously serious stuff going on. Big picture what it means. Theres so many things in the law that are written the way they are and stick around for hundreds of years. And this movement that actually advocates say is positive, theres new suits including epstein who happens to be in the news because theyve given vips more options. Yeah, i think as long as you think of these crimes particularly against children, particularly sex crimes where we know overwhelmingly that will victims dont come forward and certainly dont come forward as children and they come forward reluctantly and only when theyre very confident that the system is going to protect them, this is essentially a way of saying that even though as a formal legal matter its too late, its not too late. I think that in an era of me, too when people are coming forward and saying something happened to me 37 years ago that i never told anybody it happened because of the shame and the power disparity and the stigma, i think its important to be able to empower women who up till now have been litigating through hash tag to effectuate real legal change. In a lot of cases steeskly its women. Young women and girls. And its boys in the case of the vatican. The New York Times reports on a story, an alleged story but in one of the new suits by this man mr. Green and he told Pope John Paul about the abuse whether he he had a private audience. His legal team is seeking to depose vatican officials. We always say allegedly but allegedly he says in that private audience with the pope, the poe prayed for him and they move on. They didnt do anything and he was talking about a current priest. I think the maybe the lesson for me as a legal matter of me, too is that me, too was journalism rushing in to correct for legal unfairness. So systems that broke down where laws should have afforded people some kind of protection and didnt journalism came in and did it. What were learning now is thats a pretty good stopgap but its not everything. Journalism cant actually make people whole again. What can do that is the law. And so i think in a sense this is in conversation with the me, too work of journalists to say good, now all these people have come forward. Thank god these epstein accusers came forward. How do we make them whole. I think attempts to stay, its not indefinite but for a year you can seek redress thats immensely important given what we know now about these vulnerable victims. You make that point at the intersection of law and journalism and journalism can expose which is something it has in common with the law but does not proportionately deter and it doesnt claim, too. S where a legal system that investigates and uniformly charges may deter in a way that other things dont. So that was important. Also, you walked in. Im going to let viewers in behind the veil here. You walked in here and you said i am itching to talk about bill barr getting involved in something that he probably shouldnt have anything to do with and i said okay. We can get to that, too. What do you want to talk about . Youre a good man. I put this in the bucket of reasons that bill barr is Donald Trumps lawyer. And there are lots of those, right . Youve talked about them and this starts with the Mueller Report where barr gives a summary that isnt a summary because its his opinion excull pay thing trump using trumps own language. We have a long line of barr weighing in on things that the Justice Department actually has no role in. The one that i want to think about as we have this conversation about whether barr should be the guy who is investigating the buck stops with him on ep seen in obstruction, epstein, anything else. Who gets to claim immunity, who gets to claim executive privilege. Theres nothing that there justice wont do seemingly to protect the president. The thing i wanted to bring attention to mark stern at late wrote about this last week, it was an extraordinary friend of the court brief that was filed in a lawsuit going on right now in washington, d. C. The House Oversight committee is trying to get hold of trumps financial records from the past eight years from an accounting firm. District court judge said absolutely, no reason they cant see it. This is part of oversight. It went up to the federal appeals court. The district the d. C. Circuit court of appeals. Panel heard it. Over theyre making a decision and heres bill barr coming in with a Justice Department friend of the court brief saying oh, no, they have no business getting these financial records. This is not a suit that implicates any federal statutes or laws. Theres know interest of the Justice Department has. Youre saying hes out of order and he doesnt care about the looks of it. You probably have seen the great, great film wedding crashers. Yes. There is bill barr was a litigation crasher. No one invite the you dont have a role here and only here to personally defend donald trump from having to do the thing he said he was going to do which was release his tax returns years ago. Using the argument that this is a witch hunt, all the emcution and language that this is an attempt by the house to harass the president and to make him look bad. No, this is the house doing oversight. They have the hr1, these issues are material for them. It feels like barr sort of is leaping in front of the president yet again and saying first and foremost, my interest is not the Justice Department or the United States people. Its protecting this president. And i think that when you have the conversation about barrs responsibility in this epstein probe, one of the things that you have to ask yourself is not is the barr protecting the president. Thats secondary. Is there the appearance that he keeps protecting the president . That matters. It matters a lot. As you say, it matters in cases that tie this all together which is oversight, justice, accountability, everyone has an interest in that. Thats not a redblue thing. So great you to have on the beat. Thank you for having me. Thank you for being have had. Up ahead, Bernie Sanders with cardi b. In an indep policy interview. Some highlights and news on this subpoena for trumps former Campaign Manager. News on this subpoena for trumps former Campaign Manager so you only pr what you need. I wish i could shake your hand. Granted. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. New crest gum and sensitivity. And then i jump on the trampoline ahh brain freeze no, its my teeth. Your teeth hurt . Sensitivity. I should see my dentist. My teeth have been really sensitive lately. Well 80 of sensitivity starts at the gum line, so treat sensitivity at the source. New crest gum and sensitivity starts treating sensitivity immediately, at the gum line, for relief within days and wraps your teeth in sensitivity protection. Ohh your teeth . No, its brain freeze with advil liquigels, what stiff joints . What bad back . Advil is. Relief thats fast. Strength that lasts. Youll ask. What pain . 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Man 3 ask your rheumatologist about humira. Woman 4 go to mypsaproof. Com to see proof in action. He borrowed billions donald trump failed as a businessman. And left a trail of bankruptcy and broken promises. He hasnt changed. I started a tiny investment business, and over 27 years, grew it successfully to 36 billion dollars. Im tom steyer and i approve this message. Im running for president because unlike other candidates, i can go head to head with donald trump on the economy, and expose him fo what he is a fraud and a failure. vo vfundraising. Giving back. Subaru and our retailers have given over one hundred and sixtyfive Million Dollars to charity. We call it our love promise. And its why you dont even have to own a subaru to love a subaru retailer. Subaru. More than a car company. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, hmm. Exactly. So you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty some other news on a very different topic. House democrats today subpoenaing Corey Lewandowski and former aide Richard Dearborn demanding they publicly testify and soon next month. About alleged obstruction. Chairman nadler saying both aides were part of the efforts to force the attorney general to try to undercut the mueller probe. We know from the Mueller Report. We know in 2017 trump turned to lewandowski, who wasnt in government, wasnt on the federal payroll and asked him to deliver a message to sessions and press him into a sort of speech that would declare that trump shouldnt have a special prosecutor and thus sessions would limit muellers jurisdiction. Lewandowski did not meet with session and trump pressed him in another private meeting a month later saying while sessions didnt meet with him, lewandowski should tell him. If he wont meet with him, he was fired that was shady to say the least. Members outside the government dont usually going around firing key members of the cabinet. Lewandowski clearly had some idea it was shady as well because he then basically tried to pass the buck to rick dearborn, deputy chief of staff who also had some idea it was shady because he wouldnt do it either and he did work for the president at the time. All of this was so shady that when we had lewandowski on this show we pressed him about whether specifically trump ever asked him to get involved with that attorney general sessions, the doj probe, and he denied it. I dont ever remember the president ever asking me to get involved Jeff Sessions or the department of justice in any, way, shape or form ever. Okay. So he didnt remember it speaking on tv. We know he was lying. We know he remembered it because under penalty of perjury, he contradicted that public interview and told mueller about the story, that trump asked him to get involved with sessions in so much detail that ten months earlier, as i mentioned, he was telling it all, spilling, if you will, spilling all the tea. Thats part of the story that weve been reporting out for months. So if you watch this show, you may know about it. You may know lewandowski was hiding that ball. But chairman nadler wants to put that out in the public record, pushing forward with what he is now calling formal impeachment proceedings. Well stay on the story. And when we come back, Bernie Sanders sitting down with none other than cardi b. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. I wish i could shake your hand. Granted. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. 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Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood now star at 7. 99. There has been a lot of buzz about the relationship between Bernie Sanders, the candidate, and cardi b, the very popular rapper. Shes made her interest in politics wellknown for a long time. In fact, on the 2016 election night, she was doing political coverage with desus mero. She also spoke out against donald trump for the government shutdown, rallying her fans saying they should care about it, just like she said they should get civically engaged and care about the debates. If you was to have a chance to ask one of these Democratic Candidates a question, what would your question be . Ask those questions down in my comments, and we are going to try to get them questions answered. And now she is getting some of those questions answered. Cardi b, you should know has one of the most followed online profiles of anyone in the country. 41 million on instagram alone. Thats larger than nasas following which has about 47 million and just behind lebron james at 51 million people. So when she posts, she actually reaches more people than most tv channels, and thats why her new interview, which puts some of those questions to Bernie Sanders isnt just kind of a cultural moment, although it is, that its also really a political and media event. What are we going to do about wages . Good. In america. Good. When i was not famous, i just felt like no matter how many jobs i get, i wasnt able to make any means. That is an excellent and important question. Can you imagine somebody today earning 9 an hour . It dont make no sense. No, it doesnt. How do you pay your rent . How do you pay for food . How do you pay for transportation. Right. You cant. You know, certain people like to brag that there is more jobs now in america, but its like, yeah, there is an increase of jobs given, but what are they paying in these jobs . Theyre practically paying nothing. You got it. That is exactly the issue. We have a mutual, Mutual Respect for fdr. I have a couple of reasons why i love fdr. He became a president when america was in one of its worst times. And not only are you going through a depression, but youre also going to world war ii. Come on, now, he did the new deal. Thats the reason we have Social Security. Goddamn, i love him. He is my favorite. Well, i want to be your favorite after im elected, but well see. Thank you so much, bernie. Thank you so much. Lets do the bern. Feel the bern. This is part of where politics is headed. Lose track of it at your own peril. We should note that was recorded at a nail salon in the important primary state of michigan. And when it comes to your vote, cardi b might tell you be careful with it. Thats not a threat. Its a warning. Now, before we go, i want you to know tomorrow were going to get into this news. July was officially the hottest month ever recorded. Its another sign that Climate Change is real. Are we going to do anything about it . Well, ill put that question on the beat tomorrow with none other than bill nye the science guy to explain whats happening, what are the facts, and how should policymakers deal with the facts. Cant wait to have bill nye on tomorrow. That does it for the beat tonight, though. Hardball with Chris Matthews is up next. Trump goes to war. Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews in washington. In a wild escalation of his political wars, the president of the United States urged a foreign country to bar its doors from members of the United States congress. At the president s urging, that country agreed to do it. The astounding chain of events began with a tweet, of course. President trump wrote, it would show great weakness if israel allowed representative omar and representative tlaib to visit. They hate israel and all jewish people. Well, shortly after that, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu officially

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