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Agenda. The only thing moderate about her approach to kavanaugh was her timing. Collins was not the first republican to support him. He was effectively the last and announced her vote after another republican senator, Lisa Murkowski broke ranks to say that after all we have learned in her view, kavanaugh is not the man for the job right now. I did not come to a decision on this until walking into the floor this morning. I believe that Brett Kavanaugh is a good man. I believe he is a good man. It just may be that in my view hes not the right man for the court at this time. Not the right man for the court. Meanwhile here colleague, senator collins offering a 50minute speech defending kavanaugh and arguing to deny him this promotion would be effectively to presume people guilty. This is not a criminal trial. The allegations failed to meet the more likely than not standard. Therefore i do not believe that these charges can fairly prevent judge kavanaugh from serving on the court. Moments after collins made her announcement, joe manchin said he is also a judges vote, drawing protests. As these scenes were playing out, kavanaugh decided to add one more word. He took the unusual step of running an oped in the conservative wall street journal which follows on his appearance on fox news to suggest at least to those audiences he might have been too emotional at that senate hearing. He went on to timeout his own fairness and blasted vicious allegations and violent threats he alleges against his family. In a moment, i will go to the allstar panel, legal, political and otherwise to get into all of this. We begin with u. S. Senator richard blumenthal, a member of the Senate Judiciary committee and a part of this debate since the beginning. If this vote count holds, senator Mitch Mcconnell wins again. In your view, is that an acceptable result or did he win dirty . I am as sad and angry as i have been as a United States senator. The only way that republicans are succeeding is because they control all three branches of government. They have engaged in a cover up from the very start of this process. They have concealed millions and millions of documents and im going to court through a freedom of information suit to force the release of those documents, but it will be too late for the vote tomorrow. They have short circuited and straight jacketed an investigation by blocking the fbi from interviewing more than 40 witnesses who could have provided the kind of corroboration that republicans themselves have said has been lacking. I think there needs to be an investigation of who dictated the witness list and who placed constraints on the fbi. You are drawing different conclusions than Susan Collins. She went after dr. Fords credibility in a speech that was be accurate and meandering and bizarre in the sense it wanted to be all things to all people while landing on a result. Here she was seeming to undermine dr. Ford. Four witnesses she named could not corroborate any of the events. None of them called her the next day or ever to ask why she left. Not a Single Person has come forward to say that they were the one who drove her home. As you know, senator. Susan collins chose to seize the spotlight in the way she wavered in her decision and the way she announced it it. As i mentioned in trying to say in her speech, she went further than just voting for kavanaugh, but going out of her way in closing to say you shouldnt believe dr. Ford. Cant you vote for kavanaugh without going that far. Did you see a new side of her today . The republican story line has been consistently their talking points have been repeatedly of course they believe survivors. They believe them, but they dont believe the survivor here, dr. Blasey ford correctly identified the sexual assailant. Essentially, the republicans cant have it both ways. The believe but really ignores the credible and powerful testimony of dr. Blasey ford that she was 100 sure. In fact, she repeated it in that testimony so absolutely powerfully. Heres the other point. The absence of corroborating evidence only because the investigation was prevented from going through the 40 witnesses. For Deborah Ramirez who cant have corroborating evidence. You cant have it if you refuse to look for it. On what you describe as a disappointing day in your view. Thank you very much for joining us. Appreciate it. As promised we turn to Legal Affairs correspondent and eleanor cliff, washington correspondent for the daily beast. Eleanor. Thats my best mclaughlin impression. Thats weak. I could start anywhere, but eleanor, i begin with with you. This was time different or was this effectively more or less a rerun or reboot of anita hill in the way it played out . If you think of these as two book ends of women bringing allegations and men denying them, what happened with anita hill and Clarence Thomas looks almost innocent compared to today. She said nobody cry over anita hill. She was cool and professional. Maybe men too when Christine Blasey ford testified. When Clarence Thomas was confirmed, 11 democrats voted for him. In a senate that was controlled by democrats. The two parties made a mess of things, but it was a bipartisan mess. You couldnt single out one party and say it was their fault. The republicans clearly at fault here and i use some of the same words as senator blumenthal. It was a cover up and a sham fbi investigation. They didnt find it because they didnt want to look for it. To be clear, as a participant on the field, you happened to be adorned in blue and that may be a coincidence, but as an analyst, the gender rift is stronger here along party lines. I would definitely say that and there is a poison that has been fuelinjected into the supreme court. This is not going to end with this confirmation. Journalists are going to continue to seek out people to corroborate dr. Fords story. I think you could have democrats trying again as senator blumenthal pointed out, trying to get the ordering documents for this investigation to prove, if you will, that the white house dictated the parameters and that they didnt really want the truth. Now, i dont know where any of this is all going to lead and maybe its a cools errand because you cant really unseat someone once they are on the supreme court, but Susan Collins, to have her stand up for that long speech to try to reclaim the moral high ground for the Republican Party and justice kavanaugh, i think thats a blot on her career. A blot . Yes. I would add to that. I would say that Susan Collins did an incrediblincredibly s very partisan speech. She laid out rationals that really nobody believes. She went to bat for team gop. Thats basically what happened here. The glad she wrote that this morning, a lot of people look back and say Susan Collins and flake basically worked with the white house to have an fbi investigation that provide them cover. At the end of the day, they were always going to vote for Brett Kavanaugh and wanted an excuse to do it. You are making an important point that relates to the underlying issues of who do you believe and a feminist critique of whats going on. You are making a raw political point. Susan collins was cast as wavering when in fact she may have been Mitch Mcconnells closer. Absolutely. The idea that she was really ever in doubt has been just gamesmanship. Truly just her not leveling with the voters of maine. I think going forward, i do think that democrats, progressives and independent voters, if you look at the polling, independent women have been moving strongly against Brett Kavanaugh and the answer here is to engage in the elections. If we dont like what this senate did, we need a new senate to act differently in the future. Who is saying what and whats not true. Its not always immediately provable. What she is stating as a view is at odds with her claims. Somebody is right or wrong. Somebody might be misleading and im going to play it. Heres Susan Collinss take. She made the decision last night. Take a look. When did you make this decision . Last night after finishing going through the fbi reports. Believe me, i have been stuck on it for a long time. Actually, i believe that she could well have made the decision last night and probably did. Susan collins is a very thorough methodical legislator and she spent several hours going through this stuff and unlike the rest of you, i thought it was a pretty good speech. At least until the end part about Christine Blasey ford. She laid out the best moderate argument for Brett Kavanaugh as a judge not being a right wing idea log. I doubt it is an accident that she ended up, a woman ended up as making the Closing Argument for the republicans with two female republican senators sitting behind her, not in their usual seats, but positioned so they were there. We can put that up on the screen. Go ahead. And i thought it was a very effective speech. Its entirely likely that she asked her staff to write her, if not one, but two speeches. She would have preferred to vote for kavanaugh from the beginning. She was very troubled by the allegations. I think he allayed her fears about roe vs. Wade. That was at the first point. She is not sitting on the judiciary committee. Shes not a lawyer. She does her homework. She is a moderately conservative republican and ended up voting that way. I thought it was a pretty good speech from the point of view that she wanted to make. It doesnt happen to be the point of view of your other two panelists, but she isnt a liberal democrat. She is about to fallout of her chair. The second is you get to respond and if that were true, that would mean Mitch Mcconnell may have been scheduling a vote without knowing the vote count. Go ahead. I would say he usually does vote knowing he schedules votes knowing his vote count and there was an indication made earlier this week and i would also say look, we have the evidence in front of us with what kind of judge kavanaugh would be. He basically said this was a clinton conspiracy. He said to the extend he had to write a wurwall street journal clearing it up. We can take Susan Collinss word or we can believe our eyes. When push comes to shove, we had judge kavanaugh in front of us, attack senators and go after them harshly and attack the clintons. Talk about George Sorros and a giant plot than anyone. Much more like donald trump than a senator. I respectfully disagree that this was a well argued position. If it was, i think she would have much more addressed the actual things that happened. Much more addressed dr. Fords testimony head on. Much more addressed the way he behaved head on. She didnt do that. Well, i think im not saying that she is right. Im saying that she made the best Closing Argument for somebody of her political persuasion that could be made. It didnt hurt that she was a woman making that argument. She would have voted to confirm merrick garland. She doesnt vote against judicial nominees. There was one District Court judge in the part of that she voted against. She votes to confirm judicial nominees. She didnt think this performance of Brett Kavanaughs merited her voting against him. You can say thats wrong, but that it was her view. Her default is to go with the flow. They have been knocked out for far less. Through the delay and Harriet Meyers was picked by republican senators who said doesnt meet the standard. That doesnt mean there was anything wrong with her, but they exercised the advice and consent that way. You get more time later in the show. Stick around. My thanks to nina and neara for being part of the coverage. Political pressure coming out of all of this and later this breaking news out of chicago. A Police Officer convicted of murdering 17yearold mcdonald and a big part of the story is dash cam video. Why this matters and where we go. Who needs to fall back . Who do you pair with eleanor . Big katy kaine. Stay tuned. You are watching the beat on msnbc. Msnbc. If you have moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. 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Shame shame shame the efforts come after larger protests that led to over 300 arrests and strategists said the heated battle energize each of the protests. The blue line is the overall congressional trend across multiple polls in the midterms. Democrats have been gaining lately after a dip this summer. The former chair of the Democratic National committee, howard dean and leader of pro choice america which has been part of the protests. If the vote count holds, kavanaugh is headed for the supreme court. What do you do now . Well, right now, what i wrote on my Facebook Page is scream, donate to those who stood with us and against who seem like we wont. Tomorrow we rally and sunday we start organizing for november. I keep saying this because its crucially important. November is coming. And yes, we are seeing more and more fired up women and not just democratic women. Independent women have been bleeding from the Republican Party because of this fight. But this is not just about november 2018. This is a moment in history that women will remember and tell our children and it will be a very tough thing for the gop to live down for generations. Governor dean, you hear her make that argument and there was a year of the woman at other points in history that have been galvanized by the big events. If you want to do it by gender is men. There is a question to how men react to all of this and how men have become the face of the Republican Party. It didnt have to be this way, but Chuck Grassley is going out of his way beyond what he neededed to to argue its hard to get women on the court because there are not women lawyers. Not quite true. Take a look. We cant do anything about that. You gotta have a deserve to serve. They just dont want to be on the committee . Its a lot of work, compared to a lot of committee meetings, we have an executive every thursday. So its a lot of work. Maybe they dont want to do it. Maybe women lawyers and women senators involved in the u. S. Senate dont want to do that. Howard . Grassley and hatch kind of stand for what the republicans have become. Very old white people in a party that doesnt look anything like the United States of america. Doesnt believe what most people in the United States of america believe. The politics is really complicated, but heres what i suspect is beginning to happen. I long said Susan Collins will run for reelection and if she does, she will get beat. This helps the base in the election. I would prefer kavanaugh not be appointed, but this helps because they get to be complacent and we will be energized. A huge number of women have been recruited to run not just in the house and senate, but local offices. The largest number ever. They have been trained and well financed. Manchin is a major problem on track to win before this happened. We would like him to win, assuming high stays in the democratic party, which he may not. He will lose votes that he needs. There are liberals in West Virginia and some of them will be pretty hard to attract. We need manchins seat to get the 51 votes i think we can get. I dont know how this helps in West Virginia. This play help with swing votes. Also the rule of direct access protests. Take a look at this moment with jeff flake. Nobody believes me. I didnt tell anyone and you are telling all women that they dont matter. They should stay quiet because if they tell you what happened to them, you are going to ignore them. Thats what happened to me and thats what you are telling all women in america. There is a lot of talk about the energy in republican activism and the tea party. Where does this me too movement figure in the midterms to doing electoral work alongside what you just saw. A direct action and civil dis oro bead yens . One thing they forget is that literally thousands, tens of thousands and some counts hundreds of thousands of women try to make our voices heard through the traditional means through calling senators and emailing and showing up to their offices and yet, when some of those senators were deaf to our cries and we came and our members came to d. C. To get them in the place where they work where in a final bid to plea to do the right thing, we get labeled as trouble makers. These are not communities. The bonds between the communities have been strengthened through the kavanaugh fight. Those who are more accustomed to protest are learning from those more likely to drive to the polls and viceversa. I keep saying, even if we lose the kavanaugh confirmation, we come out stronger and you are going to see that not just in elections and in the policies we demand from the elected officials moving forward. Very important points. We are talking about whether activism makes a difference and thats the subject of our next story. Four years ago that a chicago Police Officer shot down mcdonald. Many people said that would be the end of it like other cases. Today that officer found guilty of seconddegree murder. Very unusual. We are back in just third seconds. S. The other top stories, a verdict in one of the highest Profile Police shootings in the nation. Convicted. The officer convicted there, Jason Van Dyke, seconddegree murder and 16 counts of aggravated battery one for each shot fired in the shooting. This was caught on dash cam video. City officials caught it and fought to keep it secret. The jury used this video that you are watching to determine in their view that this was a murder by police. Mcdonald running down the street seeming to move away and posing no lethal threat only to be executed by 16 shots. The jury saw it, but we cant show you. The ousting of the police chief and the first murder charges for the first officer in three decades. The jury completed a process of convicting on those charges. We the jury find the defendant Jason Van Dyke guilty of seconddegree murder. We the jury find the defendant Jason Van Dyke guilty of aggravated battery with a firearm. We the jury find the jury, Jason Van Dyke guilty of aggravated assault with a firearm. What you see there is the first murder conviction of a chicago Police Officer in over 40 years. Van dyke could spend decades behind bars and the time for aggravated battery. Mcdonalds family and supporters responded. It gave us justice of which we seek and also set a press depth across this country that now people can look to chicago and they can come here and learn what was done to bring us to this moment. They can begin to practice that in their towns and cities and bring justice for themselves. The real crime here is not just a death in the 16 shots. The real crime is the cover up. That is what some of this change looks like. The mayor and leadership has been accepting any verdict and other things are not changing. I want to note this. A lawless statement from unions following the rule of law whether you agree with the outcome or not. Challenging the legitimacy by saying they were duped into saving the asses of self serving politicians. They worked on the issues and from chicago, an attorney for civil rights cases. He went to law school a story that is significant. This everyone can understand watching right now. I really do believe it starts with the folks on the ground in chicago. They took this moment to build a movement. A movement that not only went after the Police Department, but held the enablers accountable across the board. My organization color change got involved to oust a nida, the former state attorney who was part of the cover up and made demapts. Folks were relentless and there is a new state attorney a direct result of the movement. Citizens reaching the conclusion and you are making a structural point that if people had not changed the prosecutors and the leadership in the city, you might have never gotten it to the city. If the leadership was not nervous about what was happening and peoples interest in holding not only the Police Department accountable, but those who stood in the way of true justice accountable, we would not see that result. Its a result of mobilizing and in this moment we are seeing so much news to make them afraid and fearful. Understanding that organized communities, oppressed people. Who they want can win the day. What happened in chicago and the movement that is set across the country and now we have a National Movement of electing prosecutors around the country. Most recently in the incumbent in ferguson who did not prosecute Darren Wilson who killed mike brown. This is a movement and that first spark did happen with the leadership ignoring and is you pressing that video. You are in chicago and you know chicago and know your way around the criminal Justice System as a defendant and a former inmate and your conviction overturned. You represent others and when you look at the case. Does it give you hope and you feel like the system is changing. First let me start off by extending my condolences to the family and i pray they will start to heal from the process. I will say this, i am born and raised on the southside of chicago. I left chicago and started my practice in new york, but i am often in chicago. My mother still stays in chicago. I am very much involved with everything chicago. My heart was in my throat as im sitting here in chicago in awaiting that verdict. There was a Community Outcry that brought this on. I must acknowledge that there were two reporters. Two reporters who started this and uncovered the video that it took 13 months to be released. While we should be happy that there is justice, we cant really cheer as if the problems are over. You mentioned it earlier. The police union came out with a statement that continues and continues to further the gap of the community in the police. Does that give you chills and i think about it as an attorney. You dont want the police smack talking jury verdicts. We have to all accept in a nation that is a rule of law the outcomes, whichever way they go. Listen, i pray to god that the Police Spokesman for the union who made that comment today doesnt speak on behalf of all the police. If he does, we have a big problem. I sat across the table with the head of the former the head of the National Police union. In the white house with the former president where i watched them say that all this talk about racial profiling was new to them. The police union is an incredible problem for anyone that seeks justice. They continue to not even want to move a little bit on whats actually happening in this country and in these communities. What i will say though also is what this speaks to is justice and progress is not a straight line. We will continue to see moment of justice not served. It seemed crazy for many of us who watch these things, but what i do think we can learn from what happened in chicago is that if we continue to organize and fight and move our protests to the ballot box and we continue to hold those in office accountable, we can Start Building the power are in to change both the written and unwritten rules that far too often make black lives not matter and allow Police Officers to believe they are above the law. That has to change in a democracy and in a country that needs to really atone for all of the ways in which black communities are treated like enemy combatants in their own neighborhoods. The point dove tails. There is nothing to celebrate when you are dealing with a tragedy. If the system works better, its cops and judges and lawyers and preventive action. If there is justice and accountability, there are in the future far fewer unare in shootings. This was more than unare necess. It was seconddegree murder. Thank you. Now, we take a turn because boy do we need it. E need it. everybody wants a new, different, better world. Heres to the people who do what it takes to build it. To keep it running. The people who understand no matter what the question, the obstacle or the challenge, theres only one answer. Lets do the work. engine starts, hums the full value oft wyour new car . E work. Youd be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. Im gonna regret that. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement well replace the full value of your car. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty monitor their blood glucose every day. Which means they have to stop. And stick their fingers. Repeatedly. Today, lifechanging technology from abbott makes it possible to track glucose levels. Without drawing a drop of blood, again and again. The most personal technology, is technology with the power to change your life. Life. To the fullest. It is friday on the beat and if there was ever a week for serious falling back, its time to fall back. We are joined by the one and only. Hits like smooth operator and half stepping. He worked with kwibsy jonquincy. Named one of the greatest emcees of all time. Big daddy is joined by eleanor cliff, the author of six books and fame our tv presence. She cameoed as herself in the movie, information day. Murphy brown, too. Back in the news. Who needs to fall back . I guess i have to say ted cruise. You would be so firm about Death Penalty to the point that you feel that kids deserve it. The rapists that didnt murder anybody and didnt deserve it. Someone else being charged with something. You cant sit there and saying he was just a kid. All the way around. Thats not for the people in my house. It does seem the only time we see this new comfort by the republicans, it seems like one of their own. For did come up in the kavanaugh stuff. It was a lot about class. Sophomores in high schools renting beach houses . This was not a world i was familiar with in brooklyn and queens. Youthful indiscretions, it shouldnt matter. Fair minded people can come down on both sides of what he was accused of if in fact he did it. That was disqualifying. All the excuses made for it and the fact that we shouldnt be shaming people who drink beer. There is double standards for white people and black people when it comes to teenage pranks. A lot of young black men get killed for doing things. We were reporting on that in this show. Thats very heartening that someone is getting punished. In the politics of it and some of the republicans who held out as procedural heroes and turns out they are not there, who else is the fall back . Susan collins was a big disappointment in trying to reclaim the moral high ground for the Republican Party. I look at her doing their dirty work. I put her there, but Lindsey Graham, i guess if you are a republican strategist, he reclaimed the kavanaugh nomination when he had the outburst and turned the hearing around. You think he did . He did. He did it with anger. Who is bringing up what . He brought up his white maleness for whatever reason and said because hes a white mail from South Carolina, he is not allowed to talk, but hes gonna. This is the most unethical sham since i have been in politics. If you really wanted to know the truth, you sure as hell wouldnt have done what you have done to this guy. This is hell. This is going to destroy the ability of good people to come forward because of this crap. Now that mr. Kavanaugh is likely to be installed on the court, maybe Lindsey Graham will go back to being his folksy South Carolina self and someone who works across party lines. I wonder how he is dealing with the loss of john mccain. He was mccains wingman. I think maybe that has something to do with his going off the rails. That might make him a little more. Who else do you think needs to fall back . Honestly, i probably have to say can ykanye. This was after snl. Take a look. They bully me. They bully me back stage and said dont go out there with that hat on. They bullied me back stage. They bullied me. I dont think that you should bully anybody for their political beliefs and when you are speaking politics, if you are black, being a republican is wrong. I dont think that being a democrat is right. You have the right to choose whatever party you want to be a part of, however, if its the type of situation where you are defending someone that is destroying your race, your education, so many other different things, blatently supporting racism and being a sexist on television, i dont see how you can respect that. Its not politics or being a republican or a democrat. Its about the way a person is. Does it strike you that in the way that kanye west talks about it, there is an echo of the way Brett Kavanaugh and supporters talk about it. A lot of people with privilege, money and power say they are bullied. They are on tv wearing the red hat. His notion that he is being repressed doesnt work. He is out there with the pat form. He was wearing a perrier bottle on this before. Let me Say Something on behalf of black republicans. I grew up in new york and lived in atlanta for 10 years. That was when i first saw black republicans who were living the legacy of Abraham Lincoln and they were the good guys and really it was my political awakening in atlanta when the city was too busy to hate and there was a lot of white progressive mayor who worked at race relations. Republicans have been used as trophies in the Republican Party. They have havent been fully integrated, i dont think. I dont know if this year is the time for them. The Republican Party has a lot of soul searching to do as far as who and what they are. This is like a jay z song. It is interesting and goes to what you are saying. The moment we are in on race and gender. Its not just politics. People are talking about whether their identities are under attack. I have black friends that are republicans. Because you are a republican, that doesnt make you a bad guy. I always like meeting the legends. If we want to do a rap name, we can do little eleanor. Swalanore. A live update from capitol hill. 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There are 30something days until the midterm elections. I had always thought all along, if, in fact, judge kavanaugh were confirmed, it would be something that ultimately would energize democrats in the midterm elections. It would make an already angry group of voters even angrier, smr i the women we have been talking so much about. Whereas had judge kavanaughs nomination gone down, republicans would be interested more in showing up at the polls. Im interested in seeing how this motivates voters, not just base voters, but across the board. My big question is whether or not there is a miscalculation among the republicans about the broad impact about this we talk a lot about the narrow bases of the parties. This is something that broke through with a broad swath of the electorate, especially younger voters. I think that actually got a bigger impact than these Republican Leaders that have been in power a while realize. Thats a big question as both sides claim that will mobilize them. Casey hunt has been doing triple story on the big story. Thank you for being with us tonight. We will be back with the beat with one more thing. Beat with one more thing. But allstate agents know thats where the similarity stops. If youre on park street in reno, nevada, the high winds of the Washoe Zephyr could damage your siding. And thats very different than living on park ave in sheboygan, wisconsin, where ice dams could cause water damage. But no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local allstate agents knows yours. Now that you know the truth, are you in good hands . Back pain cant win. Now introducing aleve back and muscle pain. Only aleve targets tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve back muscle. All day strong. All day long. Now sofi has no fees on personal loans. Thats right no fees on loans to remodel your bathroom. No fees on loans to consolidate your credit card debt. See no fees just feels good. Boo yeah. 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