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Emboldened donald trump might try to sideline Jeff Sessions and appoint one that wont shy away from the russia probe. And adam schiff is going to speak in a few moments about that story. And of course, you have seen the pictures by now, students doing this important work that they say adults are not doing. Taking the lead on gun control. And ill be joined by a Florida Republican who voted for those none gun control these sures tonight. We also have a story that we broke exclusively on the beat last night. What roger stone said about meeting Julian Assange during the campaign. But we begin with where politics now, Democrat Conor Lamb seems to be the undisputed winner, beating siccone by just a few points. If it is truly a wakeup call, isnt it also a wakeup call for the role the president should play from your opinion in the upcoming midterms . Look, i think the president helped close this race, i think you saw the public polling, and i think the president came in and got the race to where it is now. That was a speech that was widely described as rambling and even indulgent. Conor lamb, lamb the 145sham. I really feel strongly about rick sicco dsiccone, hes an ine guy, we need republicans, we need the votes. Mike pence was there in the district, plus don jr. , ivanka trump, the white house clearly put their Political Capital on the line. And i can tell you tonight, the news is the white house learned it wasnt worth much. Now does that mean the trump brand is already in trouble for the midterms . Is a trump visit maybe the last thing certain candidates will want in their districts . And could the president s political approach actually be his own undoing handing the house and subpoena power back to the democrats . I dont know the answers, but i have two people who might, the chicago post clarence and d. J, that the midterms should petrify republicans. This is a race where everything went right for the democrats, and everything went wrong for the republicans. Conor lamb showed that you dont have to run against trump, he was very careful not to be ant antitrump, you can do that and still rally the strong antitrump sentiment that existed in parts of that distribute. And i think it also shows that the republicans can spend a ton of money on attack ads, trying to turn someone in the case of conor lamb into something hes not, some kind of liberal. Then they lose the race and they say, well, he was actually really a conservative. I think it just shows that the trump brand is really stuck, and lastly, there are a lot of blue collar voters who have strayed from the democrats who seem to want to come home. And conor lamb opened the for them. I dont want to put you on the spot. Put me on the spot. You have this beautiful grateful dead steal your face on the phone. This is the grateful dead logo. I didnt know you were a deadhead, but graham used to say, if you plant ice, youre going to harvest wind. And i wonder if there are any lessons here about what the Republican Party hes going to go the touch of gray in the democratic victory, if were going to continue the dead thing. This is remarkable. That last point e. J. Made by blue collar voters, the folks who swung in favor of the democrat in this race, who have been the swing voters for years, the white male swing voters, they have been voting for republicans in recent years, a lot of them swung toward barack obama in 2012, especially around detroit, and along western ohio, but now, we can see theres a lot of disenhanchantment out th, the trump magic is not there the way that a lot of people hoped there would be. And hes still campaigning to his base. His entire presidency is campaigning to his base. So i hope hes seeing that his base is not enough. This is not a country where the base carries the whole race. Youre speaking to what can alabama was powered on extraordinary black turnout and specifically black female turnout. I have to say, conor was very good about not swinging too far to the left. He did not campaign against nancy pelosi, but when he was asked about her, he distanced himself from her, and thats an important signal for democrats because theyve got to find a way to be able to carve that middle groundout there without alienating their own base. Speak to that, because you wrote a book called liberals or democrats only look dead. And this was back in 96. But is the liberal or Democrat Party dead . Being yoked to some leaders that are perceived as down right scl sclsler rot tick. When you win by just over 600,000 votes, thats a movement in the right direction. But i think youre going to see in districts like that, other democrats do what he did and say well, i would vote against nancy pelosi as speaker. I have a hunch nancy pelosi doesnt even mind that, because she wants them to win their races. But its a mistake, i think its a mistake to see him as a conservative. I mean hes a really traditional new deal style democrat. Hes prounion, pro health care, pro infrastructure, pro medicare, pro social security. And he found that space, it was almost a marriage of the politics of now, with the politics of about 30 years ago. And 30 years ago, districts like that were democratic. And he really harkened back to that kind of politics to pull them in. He also by the way, ran not only ahead of Hillary Clinton, in some of the blue collar areas, he ran ahead of barack obama, thats how much ground he needed to make up for the democrats in that area. Clarence, let me read to you something our colleagues at first read were saying about how this goes back to the president , saying trump put his offices prestige on the line. In addition to that the president holding a rally on saturday, the race matters because it matters to President Trump. I have heard the tariff deal criticized on many substantive grounds, on policy grounds, if the tariff was supposed to help last night, i suppose thats one more ground. Trump has been campaigning against tariffs from the very beginning, of wanting to lower tariffs. I think its the kind of granular issue that wasnt going to move the race this time because for one thing, economic changes, it takes a while for them to settle in. Sure. People arent ready to say, oh, were all doing great because of trumps tariffs. Hes just now still talking about them. And conor lamb endorsed them by the way, and he said next, lets move on. My only final question is in the grateful dead analogy, and something we do on the show is we torture analogies to the very end. Whos jerry and bob between the two of you . Well i get to be jerry, he gets to be bob. I interviewed the band, bob was a very quiet guy. Im not a quiet guy. Youre jerry, youre bob, or you can have pig pen. Thats probably more appropriate in my case. Clarence page and e. J. Deion. We mentioned speaker ryan refusing to place any blame on trump, ryan of course has a history of dodging tough questions when it comes to trump. Ill defer to the white house on all those questions. Mr. Speaker, are the tweets growing on you . Do you get what hes doing . You know, i dont actually see them all. I typically dont comment on the tweet of the hour. The president has said that this income tax plan will not benefit his family, he says believe me it will not. How can we believe him, though, mr. Speaker if we cant see the tax i dont have the answer to your question, gayle. The reality is that trump might be in some trouble, his political strategy may not be working to duck questions. I mean nancy pelosi, you cant have that. Nancy pelosi, maxine waters, the only chance shes got to become speaker is electing democrats. And, you know, we dont have a big margin. Its just a very small i mean if you theyre doing a number in your state. We have to defeat nancy pelosi. Audience boo and maxine waters, a very low i. Q. Individual, you ever see her . You ever see her . We will impeach him. We will impeach the president. But he hasnt done anything wrong. It doesnt matter, he will impeach him. That was Donald Trumps argument, that may be the wakeup call, democrats roaring back into power, consider they need 24 seats to retake control of the house and with its subpoena power the investigative committees would start doing a whole bunch more oversight with the executive branch. Congressman adam schiff, welcome to the beat. You join us on a week when the house says theyre closing down the probe. You were on last night, many of our viewers saw that presentation. Where are we going from here . Were going to compile on what we know to date, all the facts we have been able to find on key issues, going to collusion, to obstruction, going to the hacking and dumping of emails, their social media campaign, but that report will necessarily be incomplete and well be setting out just why its incomplete. The witnesses we werent able to bring up and the leads we werent able to follow. You talk about leads, i read your investigative update, its carefully written. But it had some clues, one of which you saying the white house was unresponsive on key questions on whether recordings, memoranda or any documents existed that would memorialize any conversations between trump and comey and you go on to say that you have a good faith reason to believe the white house does have such documentation memorializing trumps conversations with mr. Comey. What are you referring to . Im not referring to tapes, we havent seen any evidence apart from the president s own suggesti suggestion, whenever we made it that there were recordings, but we are aware of discussions between the president and comey that would shed light on the issue of obstruction of justice, enough for both myself and mr. Conaway on a bipartisan basis, to demand if not recordings then memoranda. Were you referring specifically to the purported letter that trump helped draft. If it sheds light on the communication between President Trump and jim comey, yes. Let me show him talking about this. Because this has come up in the public forum quite a bit. Heres Stephen Miller on that letter. Dthe file drafted in the letter. Im not talking about that letter, im talking about the one that comey has the file thats referenced in the letter has the same line about the fact that there is a trumprussia investigation that this has nothing to do with. So it was just move from the top to the bottom . No, look at the letter, its the beginning. What more do you want to know about that letter . Is there anything problematic there . Well, certainly, we have no idea what was in the draft, that after the lawyers looked at it and they may have concluded, okay, this is problematic. Because it suggests that the president may have had an elicit motive for getting rid of comey. We ought to see what was in the original, what was omitted. Can i run a theory by you . Certainly. From what we have learned it almost sounds like Stephen Miller worked with people around trump and put an element of obstruction in that letter, an illicit reason for removing comey, and under better advice it was later removed, is that possible . It could be possible, but we just dont know. But in that concoction about the trump letter regarding the trump tower meeting, where there was a debate about what to include and what to exclude and what they could get away with. We asked several of the witnesses for our committee about those drafts and they refused to answer the questions and tragically for us and for the public, my gop colleagues were more than content to take no for an answer and we were not able to compel them to answer those questions. And it would seem that scenario where the congress has a greater interest because youre checking the executive branchs function, which may be different than some of the National Security issues where you may have no business there, but you want one branch to oversee the other, which makes sense. I also want to ask you about roger stone and wick i can leaks aleaks wikileaks a. Dramatic video from across the nation, students protest gun violence, and were going to define the nra who says the students helped change his mind. And Stormy Daniels lawyer who says there may be more women coming forward about President Trump. Im ari melber, youre watching the beat on msnbc. 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And as you have seen in the Washington Post and on the beat last night, people saying he was trying to reach assange. Your view of the significance of that. We know he was in communication with guccifer 2. 0. We also know he was in communication with wikileaks. What we want to do is subpoena those particularly entities for direct messages that came from roger stone so we dont have to accept and rely upon the word of roger stone, which i think is a hazardous thing to do. One thing that the president and roger stone have in common that you deny everything, that only suckers and losers admit to anything. The president of course denies collusion, but of course the president denies anything to do with Stormy Daniels, or points with roy moore, well, you got to Pay Attention to the fact that roy moore deny ties the allegats and therefore its okay. Thats also the roger stone philosophy. So you dont rely on what they have to say, you test what they have to say and with reports from other witnesses, they say in fact roger stone was in communication about stolen emails before their release. We need to bring those other witnesses before the committee. And bob mueller has not according to stone and our reporting called in roger stone yet. Roger stone has a very long running relationship with the president , which he has described a little differently during the course of the campaign, there were times when he said were cordial, this is all just a big adventure, we speak now and then, and then he said he was sending long memos to the donald once or twice a week by october. That raises the question of whether with all of that claimed communication, if he did have inside track information about wikileaks, which donald trump was mentioning over and over in the campaign, is it a credible line of inquiry as to whether roger stone then candidate trump about that . Its certainly a credible line of inquiry and certainly a very credible line of inquiry is would don jr. Really go into this meeting with the russians with the promise of getting dirt on Hillary Clinton, and if the meeting was so important that he felt he needed to bring in the Campaign Manager and the president s soninlaw at a time when they were still contesting the information. We endeavor to find out. There are phone records that should shed light or may shed light on that but we were not allowed to pursue them. We werent allowed to we know there were visitor logs, we know there are ways to try to confirm or refute some of the testimony we have heard. But similarly with roger stone, there are a lot of, i think, very telling circumstances in terms of what roger stone appears to be predicting, John Podestas time in the barrel is coming, he says, shortly before the dump of podesta exmails, it would be, i think, innocent for us not to look into these things. Your status update that you released last night, mentioned several things that the republicans refused to subpoena that you think would get to the bottom of some of this. If the democrats win the house back, will you be subpoenaing all of these things . We will see what the status of the investigation is, how much has the senate been able to do and what has bob mueller been able to do and has that work been done or is it still outstanding. Im still particularly interested in the issue of money laundering, is this a lever they can hold over the president of the United States. It would be derelict in our responsibilities not to find t out. All of these meetings took place before the investigation. And we need to know have these been investigated and what more needs to be done. Congressman, thank you for coming on the beat. This is the top democrat on the house intelligence committee. That report lists two witnesses the committee did not get to interview that may shed light on that contact with roger stone and wiwikileaks. And then the filmmaker who embedded with stone at the time broke even more news on the beat last night saying on the record, stone repeatedly talked about trying to meet with assange. In july and in june of 2016, we he told us that he was trying to meet with Julian Assange. We spoke with him about the possibility of bringing our crew to london to film them meeting. As far as we know hold up. When you were making this documentary, he was telling you as a documentary journalist that he was trying to do contact with assange . Absolutely. I am telling you that he was seeking to meet with assange many times. Stone is now out defending himself, he appeared on alex jones info wars channel to say this is all a joke and he peaced a rebuttal to last nights segment on the beat to his facebook page. Im joined by filmmaker more began peckman, he spent five years on that documentary, get me roger stone. You basically added to the public record, i will read to you roger stones rebuttal to what you said on our show last night. He says, basically, you offer no proof other than your memory, never happened. Your response . You know, i was surprised by Rogers Facebook post for a couple of reasons. First of all, even in that facebook post, he said our film is great, he has never questioned the validity or the accuracy of our film making even to did. And the interview we do in our film where we ask him about assange that was filmed in august of 2016 and in june of 2016 was when Julian Assange said publicly that he had more Hillary Clinton emails that he intended to release and after that, roger took, obviously, great interest in these emails because roger wanted to destroy Hillary Clinton and so in early august, late july, we were talking about the idea of going to film roger were he to meet with assange in london and as far as we know that never took place. And so i didnt even say anything that is contradicted what roger has said publicly. What do you mean london . You were taking preparations to potentially go to london . Thats how real the plan was in 2016 . It was something that we spoke about from a logistical standpoint, preparing, in case roger did have this meeting, again, as far as we know, it did not pan out. And, so, you know, roger was talking a great deal about wikileaks at that time, you can just go back and look at the record, its completely consistent with what roger has said. And we were actually surprised when he said he had communicated with assange because we had been following him on a regular basis and we had seen no indication that that had happened and also this idea that he had a back channel which ultimately turned out, according to roger stone to be Randy Credico that roger stone has blamed in the past for some of his shenanigans, so it seemed to not match up with what roger said about Julian Assange, but if he had misrepresented things to us, thats very possible. But, you know, it didnt have the ring of truth to us at the time that he connected with assange. Right. And he has said that when he did reference going to talk to assange, it was a joke, that mr. Nunberg misunderstood that as a joke, youre telling me tonight, and this is new, that you were embedded with him, he talked repeatedly about trying to meet with assange, to the degree that you made real plans to potentially go to london if it panned out. So you didnt think it was a joke. We were certainly prepared, the idea of roger meeting with assange was not ludicrous, but we never saw that come to pass. And as you said, roger has been involved in some of the most nefarious schemes that have had a very negative effect on our country in the last 30 years, but he has also served up embellishment on things he did not do. Thats a point that we discussed here, we care about what really happened and the truth, if he exaggerated falsely and looked bad but it was exaggeration, we want to get to the bottom of that. Let me play something that he said that is on tape that is featured in your film, which continues to generate so much interest, during the campaign where he did claim contact with assange. It i actually have communicated with assange, i believe the next dump will pertain to the clinton foundation. Why did you put that in your film and how does that square with stones statement that he did not speak with assange . Roger was speaking a great deal about assange at that time. He had many different explanations for the degree to which he communicated with assange, but that was a real focal point of the media coverage. Roger got a great deal of attention out of it, that is part of rogers brand is to attract attention to himself. And that was a very key part of the campaign at the time and we put that in to reflect who was the historical record. I appreciate you coming on the show two nights in a row with all the news you have hadnd broken. And i know that you and i spoke and roger spoke it out and i have interviewed him in the past, he also interviews me in that post, referred to me as a stone hater, i wasnt a stone hater the last time i had him on the show and i will reiterate that the invitation to appear on the the show still stands. And trumps inner circle. 19 indictments so far, and represent bob gaetz says that more women claiming relationships with the president , a lot of news there later in our hour, and Donald Trumps Attorney Michael Cohen also responding to the beat he has a response on my report on hush money and i will show you a fact check on that later tonight when the beat continues live from washington, d. C. This is what our version of Financial Planning looks like. Tomorrow is important, but this officially completes his education. Spend your life living. Find an advisor at northwesternmutual. Com. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. 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This is an interim report, ari, no ones saying that if theres new evidence thats discovered, if theres a basis to go and conduct more interviews or to ask for more documents that wouldnt be allowed under the house intelligence committee. After this amount of time, its important to update the american people, that up to today, theres no evidence that trump come colluded with russia. But youre saying that your committee would be willing to reopen this if need be . I believe if the written report comes out from mr. Conaway and his team, youll see its designated as an interim report letting people know where we stand today. You said something about the mueller probe, you said it seemed to be going nowhere. Amend this w and this was a little bit earlier. Paul manafort indicted in october. Michael dplflynn, pleading guil in december, followed by the deputy Campaign Manager for donald trump in february pleading guilty. Do you think it still going nowhere . The context for my statement was as it related to collusion with russia. None of the charges you have referenced had anything to do with collusion. It was manaforts prior behavior prior to the presidency and when it comes to are russian troll farms and the 13 indictments, thats no surprise to anybody, all over the world, russia does this, its not only an attack on our democracy, but on all democracies. But its bob mueller issuing an indictment, but do you think those russians should be pursued and they should be brought to trial . I think russia does extend its mall line influence not only in the United States from latin america to the balkans. You put out the interpol warning and you try to get any of these folks when theyre in an International Airport. Do you want them to come and stand trial or is there some reason you dont . I would have no problem if theyre foolish enough to be at an International Airport to be brought back to the United States to face these charges. Its as much an indictment of putin, because it highlights the extent to which the russian government seeks to attack democratic institutions. As a member of the Armed Services committee, when i travel the world and meet with our intelligence officials, they highlight for me the different tools that russia uses to undermine elections, what thats bribing people, that may have happened in the 2016 campaign for all we know, whether its Holding Things over peoples heads or whether its trying to use other people in society to undermine elections. Anyone listening to you right now saying its good to do the shadow indictment of putin, its good to get the progress in the kout courts of law, if we could as americans pick them up and bring them here for trial if thats all that mueller has done hes created the legal architecture, you cant just grab them. At least thats not the way america does it. So if those are all good things, why then do you want to take the source of those things, this special counsel probe and remove bob mueller, how would you do that when courts have ruled against firing a special prosecutor for no valid reason. I havent made the argument that the president should fire bob mueller, i believe Jeff Sessions should. But Jeff Sessions is recused. But thats not a rirnequirem under the law and i believe that should be rescinded. If we were to use our tools at the state department to try to highlight what russia does, and to if you were to get youre way and say they have an attorney, Jeff Sessions or someone else who removes bob mueller, how do you square that with the courts rulings on this, how do you square that with nader v bourque . Thats the ruling that came up against nixon, the court overruled Richard Nixons firing of the special counsel. I dont think the president should fire the special counsel. They said that firing that prosecutor was that court press secedent de with the im suggesting that the attorney general appropriately constrain the review to collusion, which if theres evidence of, we should all see. But we have no evidence of collusion. There is a suggestion that the president wants to remove mueller because the New York Times reported it and don mcgahn has not denied that there was an effort to get don mcgahn to dfire mueller. Its my view that the attorney general should seize leadership of the department of justice and the president shouldnt concern himself with such thing. Rod rosenstein who is the boss of bob mueller, he said the special counsel is not an unguided midwessile, i dont believe theres any reason for terminating the speciali incoun . It was like he was fishing in the Hillary Clinton fan club, questioning people who had attended Hillary Clintons Election Night party, i think we have some very intelligent people in the justice department, but we have chosen people who have a bias edwards Hillary Clinton. This is white house aid hogan get disease getly, he said top officials at the dpib have engaged in conduct that showings bias for Hillary Clinton. Then you have comey who said that the fbi was biassed against clinton, and that jim comey was unfair to clinton. I guess i would ask you, which is it . Missy assessment is that hily clinton had people both at the fbi and the department of justice paving the way for her not to be prosecuted. Review that matter and instead bringing it up to the head shed, where you had a variety of revisions to the common ration statement. So thats my factual statement for my view that there was a prohillary bias, but the department of justice is made up of individuals and there were probably people who rooted for Hillary Clinton in both of those agencies and people that rooted for trump in both of these agencies. They are just people . I think there are people who managed their bias for Hillary Clinton and against president donald trump. I appreciate you coming here and taking the questions, i think youre on a little bit of an island. I dont dispute those, because i dont think the president should fire mueller. But the president does because hes been talking about that. Congressman gaetz, part of the reason i came to washington is to be facetoface with people. Appreciate you doing this. Will donald trump take sides with british after the nerve gas attack. Im going to speak to a republican who says hes bucking the nra on guns, thats back in 90 seconds. 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We are now one month out from the mass murder in parkland, florida. Today students from thousands of schools walked out of their class rooms demanding gun control. Reporter this generation raising their voices to enact change. Hey, hey, nra, how many kids have you killed today . This is about human life, this is about the children who have lost their lives to gun violence. Reporter the walkout lasted much longer than 17 minutes. The students flooded out of the school. This time its the young people whose lives are on the line and whose futures are on the line. Its time for all of us to come together and stand against gun violence. We are the victim, we are the ones that are going to die if this continues. Thats the activism, and tonight we can show you signs that its working. In fact the florida passed a gun bill. It raises the minimum age to 21 and bars bump stocks. Im joined by a republican state representative from florida who broke with the nra to support those gun control rules. Thank you for joining us today as people are marching all over the country. Thanks for having me on, ari. If i could before you start asking questions, i want to share something in my life that will help shape why i am the way i am. In 2014, i was at my office and i got a text message from my daughter jeannie, she said, theres a code red at my school. I tried to call her back, she said i cant talk dad, everyone in the cafeteria. I said im heading there. I think i broke every traffic law to get there. She says you cant come here, you wont wibe allowed anywhere near the campus. She said theres shooting, gadi, gadi, daddy. I came up to the scene we have seen too often, helicopters overhead, dozens of emergency vehicles, like columbine, with their faces pressed against the fence. Trying to get any information we could. Thankfully it was a hokax, but for 48 minutes i thought my daughter was locked up with a shooter. And last month, this was no hoax, this was very real. So we passed legislation in a bipartisan way, that will achieve the objective of keeping schools safe, or at least go a long way to get there. Youre detailing an account, that is every parents, i think, one of their worst nightmares, and not necessarily being able to do something in the movement. Youre doing something as a legislator about it for the next shootings. As we pointed out theres a politics to this because the nra doesnt just advocate for people who own guns, it advocates for gun corporations and seems to break with any gun controls whatsoever. You broke from the republicans in florida. Can you say on tv why the nra was wrong about this . Well, we have to look at the entire bill, the under 21 was not my favorite part of the bill, clearly, but it had School Hardening features in there, it had Mental Health advancements, sro money, guardian programs. So we have to look at the whole bill. In florida, we have three but n buttons on our desk, red, green and yellow. Just like in illinois, president obama had the same buttons. What im getting at is you hit the red button on the nra and a lot of folks are scared of doing that and youre a republican. You think that was the right way to go on this . I shared in my floor comments that i think that every legislator in a vote like this should have one criteria, what is the best thing to keep our students safe . There was a girl came to my office a couple of weeks ago, i think her name was jenna, a very sharp girl, one of the sharpest 15yearolds i have seen, she looked at me and said were just scared. And i said how can it be that in our country, our children are scared at school, so we spent 400 million and in a bipartisan way came together to pass this legislation. And you know, there are some things that we do a lot of business negotiating. This i believe and i told colleagues the only criteria is first of all is constitutional. Second, what do we need to do to keep children feel safe. That vote did it. There are some things that are worth losing elections over. If it involves keeping our children safe, id be good with that. I think i made the right vote. I appreciate you laying it out on the personal and political. It takes both sometimes. Representative, thank you very much. Thanks, ari. Up ahead, Stormy Daniels is lawyer making waves talking about deposing donald trump and whether other women are now reaching out to him. Ancestrydna makes over 10 million new family connections, every day. Thats more ways to discover new relatives. People who share your dna. And maybe a whole lot more. Order your kit at ancestrydna. Com theres somethingdoing toyou may be missing. A key part of your wellness that you may be. Overlooking. Its your eyes. Thats why theres ocuvite, from bausch lomb. As you age your eyes can lose vital nutrients. Ocuvite helps replenish those nutrients. Ocuvite has lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega3. Nourish your eyes to help them be their healthy best. Ocuvite eye vitamins. Be good to your eyes. Stormy daniels attorney talking about a possible donald trump deposition in this big interview with nicolle wallace. What do you think the president s risk is for sitting down for a deposition with you . Im not going to assume that the president of the United States if placed under oath is going to lie or perjure himself. Im going to assume hes going to tell the truth. Youre in the line of work of defending women who have had sexual relationships with the president he would like to keep quite. Have more women come to you . Yes. How many . Im not going to answer that. That answer yes would put more work on the desk of Michael Cohen trumps long time lawyer. Last night i reported why Michael Cohens payment to Stormy Daniels probably doesnt violate election law. Today Michael Cohen responded saying even msnbc knows i did nothing wrong stormy. Kind of an unusual legal hashtag there. Lets be clear, he is correct. We did report that the payment itself probably is not an fec violation. Hes incorrect to say that we said he never did anything wrong. Our report simply was not that broad. The legal history here is still instru instructive. That hush payment was probably not a crime because the payment doesnt look like an Illegal Campaign donation. He would have to prove the hush payments were common as his defense. He would have to show that trump paid money top many different women irrespective of being a candidate. That is an interesting footnote given what Michael Avenatti just told nicolle wallace. We will be right back. At roundup®, we know they keep coming back. You never invited this stubborn little rascal to your patio. So, draw the line. One spray of roundup® max control 365 kills to the root and keeps weeds away for up to 12 months. Because patios should be for cooking out and kicking back. Draw the line with roundup®. Trusted for over forty years. 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Ing with cory booker and other special guests. Right now, its hardball with Chris Matthews. Democrats rising. Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews in washington. Its the latest sign that the party of trump should hit the panic button. Democrat conquer lamb pulled off a stunning upset in last nights special electioning in pennsylvania. Deep in the heart of trump country. Nbc news declared lamb the an apparent winner early this morning. An ominous sib for republicans in november. Trump carried

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