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As young as 14, Mitch Mcconnell formally turning against him. Believes the women accusers who have confronted moore publicly and says moore should step aside. Thats not all. Man in charge of Senate Reelection campaigns for republicans, said that if moore wins, still no good and u. S. Senate should expel him in the event of victory. Talk of this extraordinary step is a sign of how fast this story is moving even inside loyal republican circles in washington. Today a new accuser from late last week, Beverly Young nelson making accusations that moore sexually assaulted her at 16. And said off the top it has nothing to do with politics. My husband and i supported donald trump for president. This has nothing whatsoever to do with the republicans or the democrats. It has everything to do with mr. Moores Sexual Assault when i was a teenager. Nelson rounds out that accusation explaining she was teenager, moore was d. A. , they were in a locked car. Next part i have to warn you is graphic. I thought that he was going to rape me. I was twisting and i was struggling and i was begging him to stop. At some point he gave up. And then looked at me and told me he said youre just a child, and he said im the District Attorney of the county. If you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you. No one will ever believe you. Thats the question on the table tonight. New accuser. Who does believe her and how will the Republican Party and senate evaluate all of this. And obligated to read the response. Moores campaign saying judge moore, hes exjudge at that point, is innocent man, never had any Sexual Misconduct with anyone. New york times reporting that at least two white house aides have idea to get Republican Party out of this obvious scandal mess. Idea to get attorney general Jeff Sessions out of the cabinet and alabama governor appoint him to senate if moore were elected and expelled. Over the weekend a top trump aide said this. Roy moore has said this week he plans to come forward with more evidence to support his innocence. If that doesnt work, what does it mean . Youre going to step in . Is this senate seat that important . No senate seat more important than child pedophilia, thats the reality. But having said that, he has not been proven guilty. We have to afford himself the chance to defend himself. Joan, this has evolved a lot. Your take on what it means and is the response from Senior Republicans in washington different for good reason for because its politically overwhelming . I think for a good reason. It is politically overwhelming but give them benefit of the doubt theyre disgusted with what they heard. And this woman who came forward today is so painfully believable. Havent had that yet. Interviews in print in Washington Post and else kws where that recount the awful experiences but nothing like watching this woman fall apart. Used the term painfully believable. Woman who has lived her life, this is old and clearly traumatic memory. She says shes a trump supporter, shes in alabama. Painful, what are you talking about . Painful to watch as woman. I hope as man as well. I think you see authentic pain and grief in her tears from something that happened such a long time ago. So i think that that lot of these people came out before their testimony, but think this is going to push more republicans out of this if its true mentality. Fascinated to see what the president will do. Fact shes willing to go on camera and said its not about politics and would be willing to testify, say it under oath. You can see how hard it is to come forward. Not just reading a print article and quotes. But roy moore also said that gloria alred is out to get him and calling it a witch hunt. Term weve heard throughout the past year. Polls are unreliable. Came out after the article. Unclear how voters are reacting, but at this point you can see some of the republicans breaking from moore in alabama because of the allegations. And what is fascinating, even if they dont break away, reporting on special election to fill this seat and republicans in congress, if theyre to be believed are saying tonight, this is new as of monday night, if the republican wins were going to expel him from the senate. That gets tricky. Speaking to legal experts who say it would be hard for senate to expel a candidate whose ail evacuations were known before the election. Voters knew what he was accused of. If still choose to elect him, not to say but going to overthe voters who read the articles and still voted for the man . Sean Hannity Interview where roy moore came out to speak on the record and discuss the aspects of this that are hard to put into words, permission of parents to date individuals and whatnot, take a listen. Would it be unusual for you as a 32yearold guy to have dated a woman as young as 17, 15year difference or girl of 18. Do you remember dating girls that young at that time . Not generally no. If i did, you know, im not going to dispute anything but dont remember anything like that. Having a girlfriend in late teens at that time . I dont remember that or ever dating any girl without permission of her mother. Joan . Hes all but admitted it. Not assault on 14yearold but i dont generally do that. I dont generally you know. Generally would mean all your girlfriends are 16. That wasnt generally true. But its not a denial that somebody or two or three were 16. Other thing that came out this weekend, first to cnn and then posted it herself on twitter. Another assistant District Attorney who worked alongside roy moore said everybody knew he dated these young girls. Went to Football Games and malls to meet them. We all thought it was kind of creepy. And he signed yearbooks, not illegal. Do you have that shot . To a sweeter more beautiful girl i could not say merry christmas, 1977, love roy moore, d. A. , old hickory house. Thats what we would call circumstantial evidence. Alone doesnt do much, like you used word creepy or weird, unusual. But together with the record told from control room breaking news from senator Lindsay Graham speaking out on expulsion. See if we have that. Suggested it would be best for him to stay with his family, for gop and country if he stepped aside. I just think theres no good outcome for mr. Moore. Even if you win you lose, coming to body where people are already calling for your expulsion. Hard to any of any other race in modern political history, actively running and told please dont run. Also conduct is corroborated to point that people in your own party who generally would give you benefit of the doubt in he said she said this is he said they said, very unusual. And gave President Trump the benefit of the doubt two years ago. Tide has turned with roy moore but senator jeff flake said i would vote for a democrat in this election. Senate majority leader Mitch Mcconnell is saying i believe the women. Everybody is asking roy moore to step down. So far given no clues he willing to do that. Thank you. Its been our top story. Thank you for your analysis. We have a lot more, steve bannon trying to do a quote weaponized hit on roy moore. New reports exposing don junior was privately conducting communications with wikileaks in the campaign. And key staffer questioned by mueller team. Mark zuckerberg finished a tour of america and mentioned the time he spends abroad. Breakdown on who hes talking to overseas. Youre watching the beat on msnbc. I take pictures of sunrises, but with my back pain i couldnt sleep and get up in time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Im back. Aleve pm for a better am. 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This may be a test of the new fake news defense. Its not just a choice between roy moore and doug jones now. People are pushing a choice between Steve Bannons brietbart and Washington Post reporting. Bannon alleging original report was a political hit. What he said before the new accuser came out. Were going to find out what republican operatives had this information or were concocting it, working with Washington Post, dropped this weaponized hit on judge moore and bang, bang, bang, hit it right away with, you know, all of mcconnells lackeys. That tracks with moores argument that the real scandal is the article. In the next few days there will be revelations about the motivations and content of this article. They will be brought to the public. Youre going to find in Mainstream Media tonight or tomorrow some pretty interesting stories about how that information got dropped. Bannon going further, sending two of his employees from brietbart to alabama with what appears to be specific agenda to discredit the post reporting and joined by Stephanie Raoul, a journalist and kurt bordel la, breaking ranks with bannon over some issues. Start with junlists. What do you think of steve bannon explicitly sending staff out to help this candidate and find whatever they can with the fake news defense. Its nonsense. Could be a political hit job and also could be true. Two are not mutually exclusive. Steve bannon is playing a dicey political game here. Lets be honest, steve bannon wants to run for president. Has rebecca and bob mercer behind him. This could from a political standpoint be a win for gop leadership if they took this opportunity to say, this is too much. Were not going to support a guy like that. I understand why may not agree with it but saw republicans stand with trump after access Hollywood Tape came out. President of the United States, guy were betting on, gone too far. But state of alabama, lots of people in congress havent even been, why stake your career and reputation on this nonsense . Brietbart here is, kurt, i guess wading into New Territory right . Not just a website, theyre saying were going to go out and be what they call a rebuttal or fact check when actually it looks like theyre fake news but classic projection format calling everyone else fake news. Discuss. Theyre the propaganda arm of the Roy Moore Campaign just as they acted in donald trump campaign. Not News Organization interested in facts and reporting objectively but spin, distort and lie to people reading brietbart every day and trying to form informed opinions from there, scary prospect. But steve bannon is jeopardizing the future right now. Candidates hes going to stand behind, league of extraordinary candidates he calls against Mitch Mcconnell in fact. How do you feel about having somebody endorse you who stood by a Child Predator . Its going to be interesting, hes been quiet since second person stepped forward at press conference. Hes really putting himself out on a limb. How long can brietbart think theyre going to be taken seriously when they repeatedly write articles praising steve bannon and talking about his tough talk and leadership when he runs the organization. Remind me to start a newspaper that writes stories, damn that Stephanie Raoul is great on tv. Thats a joke on top of a joke. That video there, deena powell sitting next to steve bannon when he was in the white house, this is woman who ran Goldman Sachs 10,000 women initiative. What pony is steve bannon getting on that he thinks this is going to get him to victory . A very small sect of the country in a certain state are going to back him big time . How does he possibly think this will broaden his brand . Youve worked in politics, Mitch Mcconnell is not known for sticking out his neck, hes reflecting as weather vane his caucus. Here he says he believes the women. Do you believe the accusations to be true . I believe the women. I think he should set campaign aside. First of all, its important taking that stand regarding the facts. But second, expulsion, hes not all there but reported on others. Gop right now . Set up to be a perfect storm for republicans in senate, cant have someone accused of these things be a u. S. Senator, caucus with them, need vote its a disaster for Republican Party. Even have to sit him and be there every day and story wont go away, or try to expel him, create a different republican versus republican fight. Conversation of trying to unseat someone elected by voters with all of this out there is not the narrative you want going into 2018. Talk Risk Management for a moment. From Risk Management perspective, by the time the acce access Hollywood Tape came out. President trump said i do what i want, grab them by the x, do whatever you want as celebrity. Republicans look at this guy, have to be with him, dont want Hillary Clinton to be next president of the United States. We get that. Small time race in alabama, these two not the same. Could be a moment for President Trump to say thanks but no thanks. Think how far it would go. President trump whacked right, left and center for morally questionable behavior. Ivanka trump has said shes on women and girls. Be dead silent since election today. Said in speech overseas, no one should accept sexual harassment, no talk about her dad. How about right now ivanka . Now is your moment. And watch without him. Just me. 9 00 a. M. , impromptu tease. Stephanie, thank you. Other break story, don junior talking to wikileaks during the campaign, and why does trump say he Still Believes putin . Mueller investigation hitting the west wing, and reported on Mark Zuckerbergs russia meeting. Who else . Later in the show. You might take something for your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. Like new savory grilled with mediterranean shrimp, topped with a blend of green onions, tomatoes, and herbs. And your favorites, like garlic shrimp scampi. Nows the only time to try as much as you want, however you want em. So hurry in today. Donald trump raised suspicions about his relationship with Vladimir Putin during this international trip. Dmitri peskov, Vladimir Putins spokesperson to relay what putin thinks like sarah huck abedoes for trump. So odd when trump dabbled on spokesman for putin by focusing on what he believes. I believe that president putin feels and feels strongly that he did not meddle in our election. What he believes is what he believes. Trump added that he believes putin when he tells me that. Theres conventional wisdom that trump says what he wants, stick to his guns and gets away with it. Not really true. Backtracks a lot in response to criticism which he got for these comments. Putin was trained intelligence officer, trained to manipulate people and exactly what he did with President Trump. I think both chinese and russians think they can play him. Putin is clever in playing to mr. Trumps interest in being flattered and also i think mr. Trump is either intimidated by mr. Putin, afraid of what he can do or what might come out as result of these investigations. Soon trump was walking back his words. As to whether i believe it or not, im with our agencies, especially as currently constituted with their leadership. I believe in our intel agencies. What are we to make of this . Trump believe opposing things on different days . Maybe. Or not his true believes but wider sources at play in this approach to kremlin. It was meeting with kremlin diplomats at white house when trump boasted about firing comey, telling he was nut case. Trump famously admitted russia thing was on his mind when he did the firing. And two, trumps reasons for firing comey involved Stephen Miller who helped to draft a letter about it that never made it to comey because the white house lawyer said it was too problematic. We can tell you tonight that letter is in bob muellers possession and so is Stephen Millers interview notes. Saying its time to call out President Trump for denial of russian interference and barbara mcquade. Ned starting with you. Everything i just reviewed is, as they would say in the famous movie the fugitive, its hengy, weird, doesnt mean we know why but its weird. Walk us through trumps back and forth. I think what weve seen from President Trump over the past few days is in some ways very familiar. Tragedy in three acts. Same in aftermath of charlottesville. Starts out saying what he believes, in this case that Vladimir Putin was telling the truth, didnt know anything about this. Then backtracks, presumably at urging of aides who noted the firestorm this created and soon well once again hear from donald trump as his doubts about russia thing as fake news. Line hes propagated since before he became president. In third debate with Hillary Clinton he casually acast aside thez findings. Done it before as president of the United States. Stephen miller has outsized role. We have so much news these days but would be extraordinary to land in november and realize this top aide to the president is being questioned in a criminal probe. Not a former or Campaign Aide anymore, he works in white house and has taken robust view of white house powers under trump. Take a look. Theres no such thing as judicial supremacy. What the judges did, both ninth and district level was to take power for themselves that belonged squarely in the hands of the president of the United States. We have a president who has done more in three weeks than most president s have done in entire administration. End result of this though, our opponents media and whole world will soon see as we take further actions that powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned. But barbara, the powers of the president are being questioned and Stephen Miller is literally being questioned. And this tells me that Robert Mueller is still focused on this investigation into obstruction of justice by President Trump. Seems that he wants to get to the early draft of this letter explaining the reasons for firing jim comey. If the reasons are because i want you to stop the russia investigation, i think we have further evidence that the president may have been trying to obstruct this investigation by the firing. Even the comments that ned talked about relating to why President Trump acts so strangely with respect to Vladimir Putin, i think even that shows perhaps evidence of a motive to obstruct justice. He does not want Robert Mueller or anyone else to know what really happened in this election and does not want the world to know what russia knows about him. It does seem like thats a possible motive. And ned, i dont know how much hiphop you listen to. Theres a famous song its going down in the dm refers to direct messaging. Thats sort of the new report from the atlantic about don junior dming with wikileaks. Relates to your purview, how the intelligence agencies view wikileaks having the private dms. Not familiar with the song but the twitter dm story. Tells us two things, put to rest any doubt that wikileaks was not in ka hoots with the russian government in propagating information they could get their hands on to advantage nowPresident Trump and den agrate thencandidate Hillary Clinton. But secondly shows two kinds of collusion. One is what were most often focused on, behind closed doors. Furtive messages back and forth, trump tower meeting. Don junior talking with wikileaks to push out information. Secondly its in plain sight collusion. When President Trump in final month of the campaign referenced wikileaks 163 times during that single month alone. Its collusion in plain sight we saw when donald trump jr. Sent out via twitter the link that wikileaks asked him too. Youre saying collusion in plain sight and National Security reasons that concerns people. Flip side is legally, collusion is not a crime, you need conspiracy to do something illegal. What is your thought . Just communication . On its face what weve seen so far is not a crime but begs question, are there further communications . Communications dont sound like first time theyre talking, who is this, why are you talking to me . It sounds like ongoing conversation. If you could show that donald trump jr. Or other members of the campaign were directing wikileaks or assisting them in hacking into computers could be a violation of federal statue that makes it crime to hack into computers. We need to know more of the story but its alarming to see this communication going on. Thank you both. Coming up, if roy moore does win the alabama race, could he face expulsion or even face charges depending on the accusations that come out . Breaking story. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg wrapping up his tour, special segment ahead. Just like some people like wet grocery bags. Getting a bad haircut. Overcrowded trains. Turnstiles that dont turn. And spilling coffee on themselves. But for everyone else, theres directv. 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I dont think he can rin a race now. I hope we can get another republican on the ballot. If we cant, theres no way that we ought to support this republican. That is breaking news there. Just into the news room airing for first time. Another republican senator, jeff flake, tangling with roy moore. Question is would the senate stop him serving . Not hypothetical. Sa senator gardener says he should be expelled. Happened 15 times. Fourteen members kicked out for original sin of supporting the confederacy. Last time in modern area, 1995 over Sexual Misconduct allegations. Voted to boot oregon senator bob pacwood, multiple accusations and packwood resigned before the vote. Chairman at the time, younger Mitch Mcconnell. The committee has heard enough, the senate has heard enough, the public has heard enough. He used physical coercion against his victims, frightening them and causing them severe emotional distress. Joined by Cnbcs John Harwood and joyce vance. Mcconnell saying it was enough. And said it today. Removing the if true part of the statement, he came out and said i believe the women and allegations theyve made. And i do believe if roy moore wins the race, republicans would vote to expel him. However by taking more aggressive stance, one he protects his members not equiffating and making it seem like stronger stand. But if he gets writein campaign hes encouraging, might ensure that doug jones gets the seat. Any writein with roy moore tonight ballot splits the republican vote. Decided that its more important than holding that seat. You know the state and Law Enforcement figures in the state. New allegations are rocking people in washington who say they didnt know, people around the country probably wouldnt know. What do you know . These allegations came as surprise in alabama. Think what you will of roy moore, i dont think very many people saw this coming outside apparently were told of people who live in the gadsden area. Question Going Forward is how the new allegation today will hit alabama voters. Tonight on the nightly news people who live here seeing for first time Beverly Nelson who came forward today, discusses something more in line with what we saw young senator mcconnell describing, violent assault. Kidnapped, detained in car against her will, efforts against her, shoved from the car. Whether or not this changes hearts and minds of alabama voters, i think its something very likely. Saw her speaking out. Play something from her lawyer, gloria alred, a familiar face in these situations. Made the due process point, aside from statute of limitations or senate could look into this if it gets to that point. We urge the United States Senate Judiciary committee to hold a public hearing as soon as possible. Beverly is willing to voluntarily appear at such a hearing to testify under oath. John, that might be worthwhile or necessary depending on the outcome of the race, if theres any process like we saw senator mcconnell overseeing with senator packwood and politically would be a nightmare for republicans. It would. And not going to come to pass unless roy moore wins the race. But its getting increasingly difficult to see him win the race. One outlier poll showed jones ahead, i think the more realistic democrats think this is competitive, theyre in the game. But alabama has shown a penchant for electing theet attical clowns as hal raines, from alabama, put it in oped over the weekend. But combine theatricality with the evidence of moral turpitude i think is something that even with a very conservative state, state suspicious. Outside news media, democrats and liberals, i think its going to be very difficult for roy moore. And if he does win, youre right, big headache for republicans. And joyce, just briefly, we had the map before. Age of consent is in every state in federal law 14yearold cant legally consent. Any education there needed . Heard republican officials imply that 14yearold could give it, which isnt true. Thats not true. And even as these young women become 15 and 16, theres still question under the law. Were not going to see criminal prosecution here. Back at point in time these acts would have occurred, alabama had a three year statue of limitations. Wont be criminal, but real question is is this enough for alabama voters to put aside distaste for the media in washington and new york . Ahead, Mark Zuckerberg just finished a publicized trip around america but trips overseas bear more scrutiny, later a deadlock in hearing of menendez. Update tonight. E shop online for the holidays than ever before. clapping and the United States Postal Service delivers more of those purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. because we know, even the smallest things are sometimes the biggest. 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That took him to 20 different states. In his final address he said this many parts of america are foreign to him because spends so much time abroad. Running facebook, global company, more likely to end up traveling to capital city in another country than a lot of places in our country. Thats a key point. What happens at harvard doesnt stay at harvard. While zuckerberg does pr talking to random customers in american cities, he does government relations, talking to autocrats in a lot of foreign capitals. Including outreach to putins prime minister, dmitri medvedev, who he met, posting good conversation on facebook. Russia was important test case for the balancing act that facebook is undertaking. Companies important commercially would have old media if not censored it and two of the largest investors are russia. One is yuri milner and his stake linked back to kremlin funding. Foreign links under new scrutiny because of facebook responses to russian meddling. But issue here is broader than russia. Ongoing reporting about facebooks pourl and sometimes hidden role in geopolitics. Look beyond russia to another authoritarian governments abroad. Turkey, erdogan government condemned by human rights groups. Attacks protesters on american soil in trip to washington, d. C. Same government under investigation potentially offering mike flynn a bribe to kidnap one of its enemies out of pennsylvania. At Times Facebook suggested would stand up to censorship in countries like turkey. After the horrific charlie heb def in, silence voices of everyone around the world, wont leave that happen on facebook. Committed to creating a space to speak freely without fear of violence. Sounded good. In turkey facebook began censors images of mohamed himself. Zuckerberg laws limiting certain expression, content that defames ataturk is illegal in turkey. During that period in 2014, turkey had the second number highest censorship requests of any in the world. The now the argument there in turkey is legal that like it or not, they have to comply with those local laws be. How far does that logic go . It brings us to a last repressive government, china, with over a billion potential Facebook Accounts waiting to happen if zuckerberg can win over that countrys leaders. But the government actually banned facebook there in 2009 after riots. The site is still accessible in hong kong and taiwan. And this is another place where you can see Mark Zuckerbergs handson priorities. Mark personally visiting the country seven times in five years, just like he met with the kremlin, a contrast to the man on the far right, sending only his lawyer to american congressional hearings about russian meddling. Mark has even touted his Language Skills there as well. Zuckerberg and his lieutenant Cheryl Sandburg have long viewed facebook as a frontier for connecting the world. Your mission is to connect the entire world, you cant connect the whole world and not china. Well, well have issues. But since right now were not available and we dont have immediate path to become available, these are not policy decisions we have to make. No, theyre not. At that time, the policy decision she was referencing was the one that is actually haunting Mark Zuckerberg today. How do you preach Community Empowerment and free speech and then go cut deals with china, turkey, and russia . In fact, our reporting shows the rougher the government, the more cards they hold. Former fbi special agent clint watts who was recently Warning Congress that while the american constitution protects speech and profits for the social Media Companies, in countries like russia, the government can literally shut off the internet or facebook when they choose. He explained that on the beat. Russia has a choke point on the internet. They actually dominate. They have a system that actually sits on top of the internet cables that come into the country, and they can shut off these social Media Companies if they wanted to. Thats the kind of power standing between zuckerberg and chinas markets, which is exactly why facebook began developing censorship software to appeal to the chinese government. The new york government reporting facebook quietly developed software to suppress posts, a feature created to help facebook get into china. And the new feature takes content blocking a step further by preventing that content from ever even appearing in chinas feeds in the first place if it was deployed. Thats what facebook apparently was willing to consider to do to get into china. Now let me be clear. No one is saying companies can function the same in every single country. Every global country has to follow a lot of different rules around the world. But this wider global lens is revealing for us here in america. Once you see what facebook is willing to do elsewhere, huddle with the kremlin, cut the deals in turkey, even innovate new censorship models in china, its a reminder that Mark Zuckerberg can get a lot done when he sets his mind to it. But when his money son his mind. It puts facebooks claims of a naive ignorance or technical inability in a new light. Personally, i think the idea that in a fake news on facebook of which its a very small amount of the content, influenced the election in any way is a pretty crazy idea. Crazy. Mark, as weve reported, backtracked on that. And facebook did even hire Fact Checkers to deal with the fake news problem. But a new report today in the guardian clothe notes that face refuses the disclose the data on the checker. And the fake information is still going viral. Thats from someone speaking anonymously from inside facebook. So lets take a breath and lets note the huge contrast here for Mark Zuckerberg. In turkey, mark found a way to eliminatecensor posts at the governments request. In china mark reportedly has his own engineers innovating new censorship tools as a kind of a menu for a government that hasnt even allowed them in the country yet. And in america, the nation where mark got his education and his network and his citizenship, and he tells us he cant even clamp down on the fake news, let alone begin the harder work on reckoning personally with how facebook was used by u. S. Enemies to distort american democracy. But if you listen closely to Mark Zuckerberg, those contrasts are not apparent. Theyre not on the surface. Because like a lot of people out in silicon valley, he still invokes the word responsibility as a mere brand. And he says he is proud of how seriously facebook takes its role as a news platform. We build technology. But, you know, we feel responsible for how its used. We dont write the news that people read on the platform. But at the same time, we also know that we do a lot more than just distribute news and were an important part of the public discourse. I reflecting on 2016, this is just something that i am proud that people in this company take this so seriously. Because i know that people in our community are were just a small part of the social fabric around the world. But we are a part of that. And i think we do have a big responsibility to get that right and to keep on doing better and better. Something hes proud of. Mark, if facebooks record right now on news and facts and censorship is what youre proud of, what arent you proud of . When you have a cold stuff happens. Shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. Yes or no . Gin. 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An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Never give up. See me. See me. Clear skin can last. Dont hold back. Ask your dermatologist if cosentyx can help you find clear skin that lasts. I promised an update on the menendez trial. A jury said theyre deadlocked today and the judge is ordering them to reconvene tomorrow for more deliberations. Well have more updates as warranted throughout the week. That does it for show. Im out of time. Ill see you tomorrow at 6 00. Hardball with Chris Matthews start now. Cant take more. Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews in los angeles that stampede you hear is the Republican Party running away from their Senate Candidate in alabama, roy moore. Washington republicans are lining up to call on him to drop out of the race, starting with majority leader Mitch Mcconnell. Do you believe these al

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