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The president now . No. I dont, no i dont have nothing to say to him. Lets remember, general john kelly deployed his considerable stature to back trump and frame this as fight between a serious president and loud, lying member of congress. Then the tape surfaced showing it was kelly who had his facts wrong and today miss johnsons remarks it show you you can take congresswoman out of the picture and still have word of grieving mother contradicting the word of president. A president who has broken records for his misleading and false statements in office. General kelly, it is not too late for you. You can correct this record so we can all move on. But asking people to move on without correcting the record isnt moving on at all. In fact it is contrary to the accountability required. No person is above checks and balances. Joining me, joint call from cbc urging General Kelly to apologize for blatant lies about congresswoman johnson. First niger. Former terror Intelligence Officer and longtime journalist, author of fantasyland, relevant to part of this debate. Malcolm, what do you make of where this goes now, military trying to do relatively serious but nonpartisan briefings with the undertow of a president who continues to want to submerge everyone in what appear to be falsehoods . Right now Department Of Defense and special Operations Command and Africa Command will be doing deep dive after action reports to get to the bottom of how this ambush formed, how the personnel on the ground managed the fight on the ground. And theres one thing missing from the story, Sergeant Johnson got separated at some point but managed to move a mile away from the contact point. That shows he was fighting on the move, fighting and evading as single man unit. And Defense Department is going to investigate that and going to want to know how he got separated, what kind of Combat Support was brought in and whether it could be done faster. But there are two stories here, political story and story of the four heroes on the ground and Special Forces Oda and how they managed to overcome overwhelming odds. All these stories will come out. Heres what he said about the information owed to the families. With regard to being transparent, i think we owe the families and American People transparence in incidents like this. How should that work malcolm, given something you understand better than most of us, aspects of this that are sensitive even as they say they want to rule out what happened so people know . To a certain extent weve had problems with this issue before. Transparence of the administration when a loved one, member of the armed forces died. Remember the issue with pat tillman in afghanistan, former nfl player who became a ranger, went into combat and initial report he was killed in combat by enemy force, turned out to be friendly fire. These issues should have been worked out in advance. These families deserve to know as much as humanly possible about the loss of their loved deference of Military Officer and played that up making a false political attack. The congresswoman stood up in the long tradition of empty barrels making the most noise, sto stood up there in all of that and talked about how she was instrumental in getting the funding for that building. Even for someone that is that empty a barrel, we were stunned. That attack stays on the record. Videos been played. Msnbc went to the trouble of playing entire video to see it in context and make up their minds. Series of lies. Only an issue when donald trump made it one in impromptu press conference by lying about is having written to almost every person whos died and lying about predecessors never calling survivors of dead soldiers and marines. Those two lies existed. General kelly gets out there, perfectly fine moving beginning of this thing, then pivots to this lie about what the congresswoman had done at dedication of the fbi building he attended a few years ago. Its extraordinary. This doesnt need to exist. The niger event is an event of a kind that happens. Could have been put away. Donald trump could have answered that initial Press Conference Question with my heart is with the survivors and brave men who died. He wasnt asked a pressing question, just why havent you said anything about this mr. President. Right. And john mccain, military service, not a prerequisite but interesting to hear him go there. We drafted lowest income level of america and highest income level found a doctor that what have we learned . What is your view where we go from here . And what is it incumbent on Chief Of Staff john kelly to do now that the video has been exposed . General kelly can take the responsibility for admitting that he was wrong, that he had lied on the congresswoman. I think its important for us all to work to get this behind us. First of all, make it absolutely clear our heart goes out to the families of all of the soldiers who were killed in niger. And we should let them know that not only do they have our condolences but we stand with them and appreciate the sacrifice they all are making. Having said that, this president , President Trump did it again. He has the most distorted leadership of any president ive ever known or heard about. Here he had the opportunity to make the condolence call, do it properly, recognize this family and their grieving and also to know the name of the soldier who had been killed. He did not remember the name, he didnt handle it well. And even if he had been counseled to talk about, perhaps, young people going into war, into service like this understand the risks involved. But he didnt do it correctly and he needs to admit that. First, he needs to apologize. He lied on other president s that had gone on before him, saying they didnt do it as well as he did. That he called everyone. And in typical trump fashion gets off the phone, is challenged and backtracks, tries to call all those families, gets his personnel to identify all the families who have lost members in service to this country and then he tries to make up by sending some kind of a letter or note to them. It is so unconsonable in the way he handles leadership. And General Kelly has had a great career and have his career basically unmined by the president of the United States because hes trying to protect and stand up for the president when the president did not deserve to be stood up for, hes damaged himself. His credibility is at question. He needs to call the congresswoman and apologize. He lied on the congresswoman. He said he was there, he said he heard her, and then, when the video clip was played that basically demonstrated exactly what she said and how she said it, it was obvious that he had lied. So he needs to apologize. If the president will apologize to mrs. Johnson and if General Kelly will apologize to congresswoman, i think we can put this behind us. But until that is done, it is not going to go away. Youre absolutely correct. All of the women of the Congressional Black Caucus have come together and were demanding an apology. Were sick and tired of women being undermined, dismissed, and Black Women In Particular Being called named. She was called wacky, Fredericka Wilson an honorable member of the House Of Representatives that we all respect. I followed the cbc, does a lot of work on policy, is it your view she was treated differently because of her race and gender . I think it goes along with it. He seems to have this tendency to talk down to people of color, to treat them with disrespect. And i think this adds to it. I think the fact that first of all, he called her wacky, secondly, that he didnt back down, that he simply talked about her in a way that was not respectful. I think that yes, i think is adds to the suspicion of him and the way that he thinks about minorities and black people in particular. Congresswoman waters, thanks for coming on the beat. Youre welcome. Thank you. Coming up, interview with top putin critic found himself put on the most wanted list, kremlin silencing critics using global policing. And bill oreillys handling of Sexual Harassment lawsuits. Talk about that and Womens Rights in the trump era. Planned parenthood president. And talk about the Opioid Crisis and his heartfelt words for people struggling with addiction. Im ari melber, youre watching the beat on the msnbc. I take pictures of sunrises, but with my back pain I Couldnt Sleep and get up in time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Im back. Aleve pm for a better am. Discover card. I justis this for real . Match, yep. We match all the cash back new cardmembers earn at the end of their first year, automatically. Whoo i got my money hard to contain yourself, isnt it . Uh huh let it go whoo get a dollarfordollar match at the end of your first year. Only from discover. Is scrutinizing tony podesta, brother of john podesta, the issue being the russian friendly ukrainian political projects that hired Paul Manafort and podestas company. Mueller not commenting as usual but trump is. New interview, says nobody at doj has asked for interview. Theres a report that youre legal team is saying yes, do a interview with robert mueller. Is that what youre going to do . Nobody has asked me to do that, i dont know. There is no collusion. I can tell you. Joined now, betsy, were seeing in dribs and drabs. People who follow this come across your name as one of the reporters breaking these stories. That investigation is proceeding. Podesta news shows that interviews confirmed with Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer Show that. What else are you seeing . Is it relevant if the president will testify . Its relevant to ask if the president could be in on this. In the past, waco debacle, had a Phone Conversation to interview then president bill clinton. Theres precedent for moouler to speak with trump. Cant predict it. Over the last week and likely for next two weeks, current and former white house staff are sitting down for interviews with mueller and his team and thats a legally risky situation. Likely to be fbi agents present for the interviews. If any of the white house staff answering questions deliberately lie could face legal liability. Some folks close to the white house want to suggest this podesta news means mueller changed focus, reality is its complex, bigger than most reports can explain in clear bay and not likely to be over soon. And theres reports that congressional side theres more partisan drama. Bipartisan accounting appears to be dwindling. Republicans looking to wrap it up. Shift from the beginning where it looked bipartisan. They have elections coming up. Want to wrap things up. Not pretty topic for republicans regardless of where they stand. Has to do with russias interference in the election. Significant news about mueller investigating podesta. This transcends politics. Mueller is not a political hack. Evidence that Something Big is going on here. Also work going on before President Trump announced candidacy. Whether or not it benefits trump remains to be seen. Not a rabbit hole though. First glances looks like might be rabbit hole and unrelated to probe and going down political channels but its not. Its all connected to Paul Manafort, President Trumps campaign chair. Noose is tightening on manafort. Speaking to experts on the Foreign Agents Registration Act is fun to do. Not many of them. They said fact that Rachel Maddow is doing reports on fara is amazing to them. Thats the law that could hit the Podesta Group. Look at motivation, Bob Mueller Will Go where he goes. Argument is could be good news for donald trump if theres no findings of collusion, anybody else hit on the playing field, can get rid of staff. Hes done that. Mueller is going to follow where it leads but Rod Rosenstein, number two at Justice Department will have to make big decisions. Regulation for Special Counsel Dictates if mueller or anybody else finds evidence of a crime outside the scope of his or her mandate, may have to go to attorney general, Rod Rosenstein in this case to decide what to do with that evidence. Rosenstein could be in the position of deciding what to do with what mueller and team find here. Another piece thats important, work that Podesta Group was doing on behalf of ukrainian clients is really troubled human rights folks and former american diplomats. They were trying to convince the lawmakers that the Ukrainian Electricities were above board, clean and good election. While it happened, Podesta Group clients had political opponents in prison. Propaganda peddling that deeply frustrated human rights a activists and people who cared about Good Government in ukraine. Some of that goes to lot of things in washington that may be legal or on the line that could disgust the average observer and investigator digging into it, regardless of policy. Shelby holliday, betsy wood rough, thanks again. Antiputin activist. And knows the russians and crossed swords with some. New allegations about the bill oreilly Sexual Harassment scandal. Cecile richards on that and more ahead. At the malala fund we help girls stay in school. There are some really amazing people around the world doing incredible work. The malala fund invests in Education Champions who work in the community and do advocacy and pave the way so that girls can actually go to school. To have the expertise of our financial partner, citi, guiding us is very important. The fact that citi is in countries where girls are vulnerable ensures that we are able to get funds to the people that were working with and expand with great confidence. When girls go to school were going to maximize their talents. We could have a solution for Climate Change in that girl. That girl could be the next Nobel Peace Prize winner. Advil liquigels minis. 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Saying this to the two New York Times reporters who broke the story. We have physical proof that this is bull [ bleep ]. This is bull [ bleep ]. This is horrible what i went through, what my family went through. This is crap, and you know it. Its politically and financially motivated. And we can prove it with shocking information. That is part of oreillys side as well as his denials which weve reported. Another side, former fox news host who came out today speaking on megyn kelly today. Im terrified, i dont know why im about to cry. It is just difficult, many women go into the Settlement Agreement because they just dont want to face what potentially could be coming at them. Again, dealing with a corporation, filled with people who are going to do everything they possibly can to make sure that they win and you dont. And im joined by cecile richards. What is your accounting of all these allegations stacking up and coming out. Horrifying, beginning with Harvey Weinstein stories and continuing on. As youre seeing across the country, not a woman in america who isnt now reliving some experience. I just really want to thank the women who have been brave enough and had the courage to come forward. Its establishing how prevalent this is. And frightening thing, how prevalent it may be even with the policies of the u. S. Government. Right. And when women know its prevalent and epidemic or seen as something that you sadly must get through, and must deal with and get on with in work environment, what does it take to make men aware of how prevalent this is . Seems to be a group of people doing pred dags, thats bad and group of people silently enabling it or in denial how prevalent it is. We see this at Planned Parenthood every day, treat women who have survivors of Sexual Assault and domestic violence. And it is good to see male allies speaking up but having a government denying women access to reproductive rights and Health Care Like texas makes it more disturbing. And young woman in texas is literally held hostage by the Trump Administration. Walk us through this. Undocumented individual, who would otherwise typically have the right to at least medical treatment and care, in this case put up headline. Detained immigrant asking full Appeals Court to let her get this apportion. Young woman apprehended, put into a shelter in texas, found out soon thereafter she was pregnant. Said immediately i want to terminate this pregnancy. Went through the judicial bypass, in texas its difficult for young women to get abortion, agreed to by judge, scheduled for September 28th and the trump administration began to get involved. Still held hostage, denied legal right to terminate a pregnancy, tip of iceberg. Trying to make example out of her . Obviously she is an example, there is litigation going on and folks involved in trying to help this young woman get the health care she deserves. What is exposing who this administration put in charge of the government. Scott lloyd in charge of unaccompanied minors and refugees, personally taking an interest in denying her access to abortion. Told the center where shes living She Couldnt Get Medical Care and insisted she go to Antiabortion Center to talk her out of the decision she had made. Also a leaked memo from the Trump Administration claimed by crooked media, they do a podcast and other things, want to take money from Womens Health care and encourage people to do fertility awareness Birth Control. There was something called Rhythm Method, before women had access to Birth Control. Happy to learn from you. Dont want to go this direction. Keep women from using Birth Control and use Rhythm Method and hope for the best. Thats crazy right . Well, what it results in is of course millions of unintended pregnancies this is the thing. Isnt that what theyre opposed to . Were at historic low for teenage pregnancy and 30 year low because of the work of Planned Parenthood and folks who provide Birth Control. Theyre trying to undo that and reduce the Family Planning program that millions of women rely on successfully to plan their families. All part and parcel of administration who put people putting their own politics ahead of the health and wellbeing of women. Thats really scary. Having you on is like sit down in the chair, we learn so much from you. Good to see you. Thank you so much. Coming up, americanborn businessman targeted by Vladimir Putin speaking out. He has inside intel he says on what kremlin organizers were doing with the trump tower meeting. Thats next. Endless shrimp is here with flavors youll love. Like new savory grilled mediterranean shrimp, topped with a blend of green onions, tomatoes, and herbs. 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But prospect that hes doing anything that putin wants is drawing outrage. Pushing to clear it up. Top House Democrat saying immediately reverse the decision. Browder is at center of other russian things. Act is new development. Did you know what the Mcginnity Act was . Never heard of it. But bill browder has worked to punish putin for years. Dedicated years to uncover the truth. Bill drbrowder. For years putins champion but turned into dogged adversary. Thank you for joining, i know its busy time for you. Under the Trump Administration today customs and Border Patrol put out a statement you have valid authorization. What is your response and what happened to get to this point. First of all, im not sure its true. Read the statement, based on the time line, they claimed to have cleared it up wednesday the 18th of last wednesday. But i didnt get my revocation of my ability to travel to america until thursday. So i think theres still some issues to be ironed out. Im very happy that the authorities in the u. S. Want to solve this problem. They dont want to basically become putins fall into putins hands as using becoming a tool for putin to punish me. But this whole incident has left a little bit of a bad taste in my mouth. Do you belong on the interpol list . Person who belongs on the Interpol List is Vladimir Putin. Vladimir putin is a criminal, hes a killer, and he was responsible for covering up the murder of sergey mag nisky, my lawyer killed in Police Custody in 2009 and crazy and ironic that instead of him as criminal, he tries to label me as criminal and have interpol try to arrest me to be sent back to russia. Insanity. Youve been a leader on stuff for a while, sometimes people say kafkaesque to refer to literary criticisms of unjust systems, wondering if have to describe it as putinesque, lawyer died in russian prison under questionable circumstances but reading, new accusation cartoonish details. Russian Officials Say you that you colluded with british agent to cause the death to persuade the russian Prison Doctors to withhold care. Your response. Thats about the silliest thing ive ever heard. And to add one more element to it, according to their version, i did all that terrible stuff and spent the last eight years traveling All Over The World fighting for justice and trying to get the people who killed him prosecuted. Says to me putin is losing his mind a little bit here. Gotten so crazy about the sanctions in place, u. S. M magnitski act. Putin hates it so much, starting to go crazy. He has a lot of huge money in the west and this particular piece of legislation potentially freezes and seizes that money. Stay with me. Bring in former u. S. Ambassador to russia, Michael Mcfaul who spoke out about this as it was breaking. Ambassador, your view, latest, Trump Administration asserting they thought they cleared this up, before browder saying that Doesnt Add Up and claim that maybe the sanctions are hurting Vladimir Putins pocketbook. With respect to dhs and State Department saying and what bill knows, im glad theyre taking it seriously and should get it cleared up right away. I consider it an embarrassment to my government and country there was any ambiguity about the fact that bill browder should be able to travel to our country. Larger thing, of course bill is right. Ive listened to Vladimir Putin talk about the law. He doesnt like it for all the reasons bill just said. Therefore bill is one of his enemies. You see by this action, he will use any means that he can to try to go after his enemies. We need to be vigilant in fighting against them. Bill, youve clashed with the putin government, they remain part of the investigation into among other things trump tower meeting. Based on your knowledge, do you believe he was directly orchestrating that infamous meeting at trump tower with Trump Campaign leadership . I have no doubt in my mind that putin was doing everything he could to try to influence u. S. Policy. Particularly policy towards these sanctions. When this meeting was set up, when the lawyer got that meeting, you can be absolutely assured that putin was involved in the planning and execution of that meeting. It was too important an interaction for putin not to have been involved in. Hes a kgb officer, they dont leave anything to chance, plan everything out to the last detail in the kgb. And youre view is based on your knowledge, thats not something to be freelinessed at lower level and for our viewers, youve crossed paths with the russianlinked lawyer. Do you have biases with her or can you separate the financial differences with how the kremlin runs the operations . I havent had bias against the lawyer or financial disagreement s with her. I was working with the u. S. Department of justice, witness in a criminal and civil case in which the u. S. Department of justice froze money from the crime that Sergei Magnitski witnessed in russia and her company had frozen. When i see a woman representing accused Money Launderers and shes trying to change u. S. Law, this is not bias, its stating this is absurd that a russian can be running around trying to spend millions of dollars influencing u. S. Policy and think thats okay and not report it under any of the reporting guidelines required when you do that stuff in washington. Final word from you ambassador. Sanctions we hear not enough or irrelevant sometimes is the claim. Two things on that. One, economists have tried to measure the impact on the economy and differ on that. Everybody believes theyre having economic affect on russia. Whether 1 of gdp or. 5 . Everybody sees that. Evidence is much easier. Why if theyre not working is Vladimir Putin trying so hard to lift them . Why sending Vesel Nit Skyia to meet with the Trump Campaign to talk about lifting sanctions if he doesnt believe theyre having an effect . To me its straightforward they are having an effect. You have a way of cutting through it, even with all the names to keep track of. And bill browder, i know its late in london, thank you both for joining. Thank you. Thank you. Still ahead, conclusive interview with motley crues nikki sixx. Bottling opioid addiction next on the beat. Butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. laughs vo you can never have too many faithful companions. Introducing the allnew crosstrek. Love is out there. Find it in a subaru crosstrek. This is a story about mail and packages. And its also a story about people. People who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams theyre handing us more than mail theyre handing us their business and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. 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Ask your dermatologist if cosentyx can help you find clear skin that lasts. He was pronounced clinically dead for two full minutes after an overdose. But he got clean and has stayed clean and been a voice for different drug policies writing books like The Heroin Diaries and a oped in the l. A. Times saying no one is a junkie by choice, and no junkie is a lost cause. Joining me now on the beat is nikki sixx. Thanks for being here. How are you doing . Doing great you. Are someone who has not only survived but thrived. Lets start with how you got into drugs, why do people turn to drugs. I think people turn to drugs for different reasons. I believe that us addicts are born with this disease, even though there is an invisible line where if you keep using it long enough, you head into serious addiction and its hard to get back to just using lightly, lets say. For me, it was around lifestyle of rock n roll. A lot of my heros were using drugs and drinking. And i adhered to that. I lived that kind of a lifestyle. And it worked until it quick working. I say that to a lot of addicts that, you know, it does quit until it quits working. And it will quit working eventually. And youve been a voice for a lot of people. Obviously people look up to you. They love your music. Music brings people together. Youre trying to start a broader conversation. I notice with the reissue of the book, you also have this map on your website, sort of a heat map. And you want people to share their experiences. And we can see the dots around the country. Explain that. Yeah. Well, whats cool about the heat map is people can anonymously go on and plug in their location and write their story or read other peoples story. And also you can get a lot of data on the state of the epidemic that were living in right now. And when you look at this as something that has a policy component, right, how do you compare from your view as an advocate what is going on in the Opioid Crisis to maybe some of the drugs that were proliferating when you were coming up as a rock star . Well, when i was coming up, so far as i know, there were no pill forms of heroin. If there were, i was never introduced to it, thank god. But a lot of people that are dealing with addiction right now, theyre dealing with it on a pain pill level. And its being prescribed to them usually for a good reason, for dealing with pain itself. But then when theyre overprescribed and Insurance Companies are lax in following up on whose giving these prescriptions filled and how many prescriptions can be filled at a time, i know cvs recently talked about only releasing one week worth of pain pills at a time so people cant abuse them and cant also sell them to people who are theyre in high demand. Theyre very expensive. And when people cant get these pills, then theyre then going to interest street. And then youre dealing with needles and unregulated drugs. And you have a lot of overdoses there as well with the medications being prescribed. There is a lifestyle aspect to this. But there is also a creative part. As you know, a lot of people in Creative Industries run into this. Yeah. They come from i bayous. Sometimes people say yeah, maybe i dont need it. But i think i play better with it, or im more secretive wi crt and have more fun with it. Are you getting more done now when youre sober or how do you compare when you werent . I was thinking about 1987 and how i was barely able to get an album done and a tour. And actually the tour was canceled, the last part of the tour. And in 2017, im able to do a radio show, write books, do photography, be a better husband, a father. And be part of these conversations that are happening. I really think the sobriety gives you more energy and more creativity. I love it. I love that part of what youve been writing and saying to people. I think youre an influential person to do it. Thank you. And when it comes to addiction and drug charges or for what are a lot of People Mental Health challenges, being reminded there are so many people out there who battle this there is nothing wrong with being in the battle. The most important thing is to get through it. Youre obviously thriving. Nikki sixx, thanks for spending some time on the beat. Thank you. Thank you so much. The book is The Heroin Diaries out this week in lets tenth anniversary edition. Sizese labels, and signs reminding everyone to think balance before choosing their beverages. We know you care about reducing the sugar in your familys diet, and were working to support your efforts. More beverage choices. Smaller portions. Less sugar. Balanceus. Org. Tires Screeching Bell Mnemonic discover card. I justis this for real . Match, yep. 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