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Late today trump announced he would decide whether to fire price tonight which was quickly followed by this announcement asserting that price resigned. Joining me now live he from the white house is kristin welker. What was the nail in the coffin for price tonight . I think that there were days of negative headlines. That it kept mounting. The president was growing increasingly angry. He felt as though this ran counter to his Campaign Promise to drain the swamp and felt as though it was disfrom his agenda. Let me read you a little of what President Trump had to say. He said i regret that it has created a distraction from these important objectives. That was the crux of it. It seemed as though this was a distraction. The writing was on the wall. If you go back a couple days, he was asked if he planned to fire price. The president said hell see. And then he was asked if he still has confidence in price. He didnt respond to that question. Right before leaving for bed menster, he again proised his frustrations with the headlines and that price had spent so much money on these charter flights. Was it the headlines, the scrutiny, the attention, and not the underlying could not zplukt all that wasting of. At a pair dollars. I want to go to heidi, dr. Howard deen, a former governor and dnc chairman. Governor dean, what does this say about tom prices tenure and the state of obamacare as well . Im not sure. Im sure that, trump is already sabotaging obamacare. By executive answer, he is undeclared. Price was his henchman for doing. This all the funning for navigators, for helping people sign up for this. Trump hates to lose. When he does, he usually lashes out and doesnt have much regard for the law. So hell probably put another, i like price in there to do his dirty work for him. Take a look at the many people departed this administration. Weve been through this on friday nights before. This firing matters tow a lot more people. If you think about the policy implications, as opposed to the mooch on the far right side of the screen. Spis is out, Michael Flynn, steve bannon, a lot of people have been run out of this administration in a short amount of time. I agree with howard dean. That in terms of policy, this wont make any difference particularly. I think donald trump was pressed by the politics of it. As you said. As kristin said. He campaigned as a swamp drainer. And tom price was one of the bigger, angrier alligators in the swamp. He had to get rid of him. He never should have nominated him to begin with. If he looked at his record, he would have seen hold on to that. Well get to the. I want to play for you donald trump saying something that he often likes the say but is kind of what happened saying it was key that tom price helped him get this repeal vote on obamacare which failed this week. Take a listen from july. Hopefully, hes going to get the votes tomorrow to start our path toward killing this horrible thing known as obamacare. By the way, are you going to get the votes . Hed better get them. Hed better get. They otherwise, ill say, tom, youre fired. And today, hes out. Boom im not sure that he wanted price to begin. With i think that was one of the establishment type picks. He was convince that had against his will, the guy from the hill would be good. Tom price like Mitch Mcconnell didnt deliver. He was on thin ice anyway. Not only did he take all these flights. He agreed as of yesterday only to pay back a small fraction. So he was tempting fate with trump. Look. Weve so lowered the standards here in this cabinet, in my view, in terms of possible conflicts of interest, the history of these people, the president of the United States doing deals in his own hotel down street from the white house, when somebody who is such an obvious chiseller gets booted, the president can take some small sense of satisfaction. Only very small. This begs the question of what other conflicts of interest, not to mention a tax bill that the New York Times says will save donald trump a billion dollars. You make the point, a lot of people feel looking at all these jet scandals. And then you look at the tenyear, compared to tom price coming in at just eight months on the job to other folks who served in the Health Secretary job. Most people go years. Not months. Well, price is off the island. The question here is, is this the top layer of the administration where you have literally a Record Number of billionaires, lobbyists and bankers who are not just running the agencies, but actually calling the shots at that layer, just below cabinet secretary level. And youve already seen some evidence of that with folks like steve mnuchin, thinking that he should be able to take a military jet for his wedding and honeymoon. Were looking at the jet travel of two other cabinet secretaries as well that may have been running up the dollar on that. And you know, just like corporate culture, you have to ask the question whether theres a tone being set at the top. When for instance, were talking about secretary price spending hundreds of thousands of dollars. But trump, talk about opt 6 at his golf course this weekend and he is taking a Record Number of trim thats cause millions of dollars on the. At a pair, on the tax payers dollars. Pick your movie or novel that you like. Animal farm comes to mind. In that the offense of tom price was bilking the government for taxpayer spending on travel. Something donald trump has been doing a lot of. Weve covered on it your show. The journalism is out there. The emperor wastes a lot, too. That was the hiring. The thing that allowed a goldplated, literally a billionaire who lives in the sky in manhattan to appeal to the forgotten man. Why . He convinced them that he would drain the swamp. We never really understood what that meant. Now we understand it doesnt mean kick out the bankers. It means going after the civil servants, after the agencies like the epa that are problematic for their industry billionaire friends he. The idea of america is billed on revolt against this type of aristocracy. Or feeling of entitlement. I think the American People and his base are work this. It is fox hes winning as long as im winning. When you have things like the tax plan coming out, the budget that overwhelmingly favors the wealthy, when the American People start to feel that they are not winning too. This has not been a week of winning. He lost the which howard . Great question. Well, yes, clearly. I think and heidis point, among many good points, donald trump cant afford to have this kind of thing be the number one topic of conversation. And tom price made it a topic of conversation. You get on mnuchin. Then you get on other frequent flyers. Thrown maralago. Then the hotel down the street. Then the tax bill. Then the budget. Then the whole idea of donald trump as a billionaire supposedly cleaning things up in washington. Politically, this is kind of thing that main street america, swing state america, voters who voted for donald trump conceivably get shaken by. So far nothing that donald trump has done has shaken their resolve. If it continues as a narrative, it is a mortal threat to his presidency and i think donald trump understood that. And theres a stench of corruption. You said you would defer to the other howard. Well release you and the other howard, stick around. Were going to stay on this breaking news. Well look at trumps promises, on the swamp, how does this shakeup address the problem . I have the reverend al sharpton making his debut on the beat. And the humanitarian crisis in puerto rico. The mayor with an emotional wakeup call. If anybody out there is listening to us, we are dying. We are going to see something close to a genocide. I am going to speak to someone that that. Bob muellers russia inquiry. We have a lot more to cover. What is that . Its you its me . Alright emma, i know its not your favorite but its time for your medicine, okay . You ready . One, two, three. [ both ] emma, emma bobemma bananafanafofemma feefifofemma emma very good sweety, how do you feel . Good. Yeah . You did a really good job, okay . [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson johnson. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, but he hasoke up wwork to do. In. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. Hi. So i just got off the phone with our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. So the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight. Four weeks without the car. Okay, yep. Good night. With accident forgiveness, your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Switching to allstate is worth it. Tom price is being ousted. He resigned shortly after donald trump said this today. Well see what happens. Well see what happens. Well see. Hes a very fine man. Well make a decision sometime tonight. Hes a very, very fine man. A fine man. A compliment that looks like the kiss of death. And he is gone because of his own failures but theres something larger here about the Trump Administration. Donald trump is trying to claim he will drain the swamp. Meanwhile, you have a cabinet secretary who came to personify the swamp. Take this exchange on fox news which turns out to be prices last interview on the job. You say in a statement, the taxpayers wont pay a dime for my seat on those planes. But youre writing a check. The total cost is estimated at more than 400,000 for the 26 flights since may. Is that okay . Well, theres an ongoing review being done by the inspector gentle. Price was offering to pay 13 of the total cost of his private plane useful that means you pay the other 87 . The swamp doesnt to that there. Several other Trump Officials under fire for their own private jet scandals. I am now joined by reverend al sharpton who needs no introduction but is host. You look at this situation, does it stop with tom price or is he just the beginning of the hypocrisy in. No. It continues with tom price. If you look at the fact we have a president that openly not only travels a lot and vacations a lot on, and plays golf while were in the middle of hurricane disasters, we have a president that now has government officials, secret service, et cetera, that stays in hotels that he owns and makes money from. So hes paying himself. Yes. If you have a president that engages an unprecedented amount of trims to his property that runs all kinds of hotel bills to himself, then 26 private plane trips to government expense might be considered minor by one of his cabinet members. Do you know who was a big critic of private plane travel . Tom price. Take a look at him on the house floor in 2010. I want to say to the speaker, dont you fly over our country in your luxury jet and lecture us on what it means to be an american. I should say, speaking about nancy pelosi from the house. This ultimately did catch up with him because. Reporting. The journalism. It caught up with him because of the journalism. What did they say . The preponderance of the evidence. Were only in the ninth month of the presidency. How do you take that many trips he at government expense whether it is authorized by the agencies or the white house. The military trips in nine months. Were not talking about over a period of three or four years. And i think that this is outrageous by any count. The climate is set by a president that engages in selfprofit at government expense over he and over again. The same president that said that president obama went golfing too much, who didnt do near as. Golfing as he did. And he didnt own the hotel rooms and put in the secret service and the media. Every time he goes on a trip, he makes killing on the tax payers. It is the hypocrisy. If they werent running around claiming they were so pious, i dont think the journalists would be digging. But that donald trump spent an entire Campaign Season trying to attack president obama and talking about the swamp. I wish they would just shut up and do what theyre doing and not doing. And stop being so hypocritical. Thats the biggest problem. Im hoping his voter base, all the people around america who love his tough talk, are watching this. Donald trump is trying to gas light us. You talk about gas lighting. The idea that he is out, donald trump is out to confuse every one. Theres another word for this which is looting. We report on other countries and we are quick to say, if they are enriching themselves, whether it is a trip. Getting actual money in your pocket. Thats looting. If people think nine months is too long efrgs battling with him for years. He came on the beat and he had a word for what donald trump has always been. He has a kind of uncanny instinct for what will sell. He is an extraordinary grifter, a salesman. He sold himself. Is tom price out tonight because he was a grifter like his boss, donald trump in. Grifters tend to choose other grifte grifters. Ryan zinke is doing this. Scott pruitt at epa is doing this. Mnuchin. We already know has a record of doing this. The v. A. Guy was just caught with paying for some boat cruise he went on with federal dollars. So the press, you know, we were in the 2004 campaign. We know about how the press works. Once they smell blood in the water, theyve had it. There will be stories every day about one of the other cabinet officials. Trump noose moral comments. He wont fire them because of a moral offense. He will fire them when it is invent. This transactional approach to everything. It is like, a projection and it is reveal that the trump aides, staff, cabinet folks, they seem to think it is any kind of transaction. I want to play for you, 50 cent, was on a radio show. He basically says, they wanted to buy his endorsement. Youve run for president. Thats not how it is supposed to work. Take a listen to this. To go to, issues with the africanamerican vote. Art a part of campaign to make an appearance. And i was like, no, thats not good money. Im not going to do that. That is not worth it. Thats a lot of money. Not only a lot of endorsement. These are the people that call people who do legitimate work around voter protection. Voter rights. Were shakedown artists. Theyre going to pay a rapper who has not done any of this and theyre going to give him a half million dollars. First of all. I respect that he wouldnt take it. But other part is it shows who did they think 50 cent was going to influence to vote for donald trump . What rap was he going to come with there . I mean he was never going to get paid. You think they would offer half a million and not pay it . Absolutely. Trump has a long history of not paying his bills and not doing what he promised he would do. I think they ought to get him out of way. We almost never go after 50 on the beat. It could happen. Governor dean, thank you for joining. Ill see you again on the show in the future. Calls for congress to investigate the other private jet scandals. Tonight, live in puerto rico. And Donald Trumps new comments there on the response to the island and the devastation. This is an island. Surrounded by water. Big water. This de station. People are starving. With my moderate to severe Crohns Disease i kept looking for ways to manage my symptoms. I thought i was doing okay. Then it hit me. Managing was all i was doing. When i told my doctor, i learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of moderate to severe Crohns Disease even after trying other medications. In clinical studies, the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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This is an island surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water. That was the president s approach to riffing on this. We want to show you Something Else very important. This is a few hours later and it was the mayor of san juan making a heart felt and emotional appeal to americans and the president. We are dying here. If anybody out there is listening to us, we are dying. And you are killing with us the inefficiency. And the bureaucracy. We are going to see something close to a genocide. Im joined now by congressman darren soto, a democrat from florida, a state with Many Puerto Rican americans as well. This is been a difficult time. Walk us through what people need to know. What you think the president should do now. First we dont need second grade geography lessons. We need solutions. It has been seven to eight days without any real action. They are without power, without cell phone service, people are watered from rivers and their pools. People are going without food. We have a three star general appointed. We have the uss comfort and other naval vessels with the ability to make water, hospital services. We have the jones act waived which will allow us to have foreign help as well. Weve done a better job of invading enemy nations than had he gone out american citizens and it is unforgivable. When we look at the comparisons to other hurricanes, this has come up a lot. With katrina there was a 10 billion aid package within four days of landfall. Harvey, 15 billion with two weeks of landfall. Theres not yet a formal funding request for puerto rico. The total damage could be 50 to 85 billion. Of course, puerto rico wont get that kind of money from the federal government no matter how much we fight. 85 of the cell phone hours are down. The real key is distribution. Now that we have supplies on the ground, getting them to these places in the mountains that are isolated, sending sos signals hopefully on aircraft. We need the president to take this seriously and show some influence. I want to ask but a fairly obvious point. So report, obviously the end of the hurricane itself is not the end of the emergency threat to peoples lives. And it can actually get worse. I think it is clear the president and his aides dont seem to reflect that basic reality. I want to get your response from people that are journalists and others have spoken to about what it looks like right now. The president is not taking seriously. We need gasoline, security, everything to get set up. People are starving. We need food, water. We have nothing. What else do you want to add to whats going on . So hopefully the administration understands. This has already become a katrina. We have american citizens who pledge allegiance to our flag, they serve in the military and pay taxes. They dont know when the power will get back on, whether theyll get food and water. We need Trump Administration to get up and act. When you say this is a katrina, what do you mean by calling it that . What are you saying . That it is an act of negligence. That they completely underestimated the scale of this and are only now starting to react. After we stood on our desks for days screaming about the lives in jeopardy. And we see it today. And weve seen it the past week. Congressman darren soto who has been leading on this issue, thank you for coming on the show today. Thank you for having me. It is a very significant thing to say this is a katrina. Respond to that view from a democratic congressman leveling that charge against the president on a night when the other big story, our other breaking news that weve been covering on a flight when hes ousting the health care chief. Having a bruising week all around. The entire week has been like katrina in the sense that all of the episodes that you just mentioned. I dont know that i would be that quick to label whats going on in puerto rico has President Trumps katrina. But you can understand the anguish of the officials down there who feel stance theyve gotten hasnt come fast enough. It is going to come is that this will be a big challenge to follow through and make sure this island filled with american citizens, minimizes loss of life, disease, and treats this with the urgency that it deserves. The very awkward phrasing the president used with big water, ocean water, i dont know what he was doing by saying puerto rico will have to work with us to figure out how well pay for the rebuilding. Let me put it like. This isnt it clear at this point the president does not look at a constitutional obligation to give equal protection to all citizens . Thats his job, his oath. The government is supposed to do that. On his good days they do that. A lot of the people try to do that. This president doesnt even claim that that is how he views things. So there are selective responses. We all know whats going on when we see the disparity treatment people. Thats a good point. The people that he feels less inclined to assist through his government. This is somebody, he has been connected to the White Nationalist movement. Steve bannon who was his chief strategist, not a White Nationalist, but in the responses that weve seen to various issues. You see people like him as opposed to people not like him. Weve been reporting, a true emergency. Always appreciate your expertise. Coming up, some new reporting and legal analysis on what may lie ahead for Vice President mike pence in muellers russia probe. And losing a cabinet secretary. Losing the senate primary. Someone who says this may be trumps worst week ever. A basketball costs 14. Whats team spirit worth . cheers whats it worth to talk to your mom . Whats the value of a walk in the woods . The value of capital is to create, not just wealth, but things that matter. 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Farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, serious urinary tract infections, low blood sugar, and kidney problems. Stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have signs of ketoacidosis which is serious and may lead to death. Ask your doctor about the pill that starts with f and visit farxiga. Com for savings. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. We have more ahead on the ousting of tom price. New recording that mueller was leaving with mike pence lawyer. To be fair, he was not on most of the trump campaign. But he was in the room literally during key meetings with jim comey, about Jeff Sessions recusal from the case and how to handle mike flynn. Pence was not in the room when trump booted him from the oval office to ask comey to go soft on mike flynn in that criminal inquiry. At least according to the testimony under oath. And we now know that trump gave pence a copy of the secret draft letter about why he really wanted to fire comey. A letter that Trumps White House counsel wouldnt even allow him to send. So trump may have nope better than to offer this defense two days after the firing. That was not mike pence. What he said after the firing, ill paraphrase it for you. Lets take a look. Did the president fire dom imfeed russia investigation . Well, as you know very clearly, as has been stated repeatedly and the president has been told, he is not under investigation. Intelligence officials have said there is potential ties between russian officials and Trump Officials. That wasnt the whole truth. After all the talk about Michael Flynn making false statements to pence, there is a question about whether bob mueller cares about that statement which mike pence made to the world. With me now, the former federal prosecutor. Will bob mueller care about this . Well, he certainly will. I think he will carry about what the president discussed with mike pence. Particularly after he had that explosive conversation with pence and others. I think don mcafghganncgann, wh found out that sessions had recused himself and mueller has been appointed as special counsel. There was reporting that the president was just, flew off the handle. He told the intense angry reaction. And you know, what he said, and more importantly, what pence said to him to convince him not to fire sessions. I think that will be very important. I think it will be something mueller will want to know about. As a prosecutor, how do you decide the calculation or the balance on asking someone at this high level, the Vice President , to sit for an interview. It is certainly a weighty request when it is the Vice President of the United States. What it would take is whether or not mueller believes that pence will have something to tell minimum other witnesses wouldnt have to say. Did pence witness things and have information that other witnesses wouldnt have . Pits unique information and not just, oh, we have a vip or a big shot. I want to ask but Something Else. I think like most americans, you probably think there arent enough email investigations in american life. Everyone agrees. It is with that back drop in mind and the dripping hypocrisy of some Trump Officials that i put this headline on the screen. There is a new white house investigation of private personal email use. Not of clinton people. But of jared kushner. Your thoughts. Well, frankly, i think thats the right thing to do. Ill take this rare opportunity to applaud what the administration is doing. Frankly, it is not a crime to use a private email when youre in government service. Thats why all those chants of lock her up were pretty ridiculous. But it is against the law and there has been a lot of reports that it is widespread in this white house. A lot of hypocrisy. Final quick question. Our viewers know you as a federal prosecutor, a little expert. Maybe a guest on msnbc. There are reports about you considering a run for attorney general of illinois. Are you going to do that. Im seriously considering it. I am not going to make an announcement on the program. Im interested in everyones comments and thoughts and support on twitter and facebook and elsewhere. Now i have to insult you and say, you sound a little like politician. Usually you give such clear answers. I get it. Youre thinking about it. For sure. I dont want to make any final decisions but i am certainly thinking about it. Former federal prosecutor. Have a good weekend. Tom price at the white house. It is not the only story that is haunting the trump are white house. For your heart. Your joints. Or your digestion. So why wouldnt you take something for the most important part of you. Your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, ikss shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. Breaking news tonight, tom price ousted from the Trump Administration. It cap as bruising week for trump which im about to discuss with my panel. Back with me, reverend are aisha. Think about it. This week, hell put this up on the screen. Donald trump lost his Health Secretary. He lost the last key obamacare battle before the deadline had changed the law with 51 votes. He lost a gop primary where he personally campaigned. And all those losses piled up while many critics say he has failed on dealing with puerto rico and dealing with the other private jet scandals in his administration. So now i want to ask my panel, are you tired of winning yet . You could celebrate if you forget that hes still in the white house and he still has power to continue to hurt us. And dont forget, he lost this week. He is the only one that has united nfl owners who supported him with protesters who are actually getting on their knees. Only donald trump could get republican owners of nfl teams to join protesters, saying we need to do something. Theyre not dealing with the issues of race and police brutality. Theyve tried to recreate the issue which im totally against. At least, they are having to acknowledge righteousness of the right to disent. But hes had a very bad week following bad weeks. As long as he is there, he has the bottom line and we should not celebrate. The fact of the matter is that america and americans keep losing under donald trump no matter what kind of week he has. Thats so frustrating. We have our people in puerto rico who have not had power beyond nine days now, not getting food and not getting resources. They are suffering. We hopefully will not be sending roy moore from alabama who is the biggest bigot to come out of the south since jim crow. Let me push on that. I think everything you said is right so i dont disagree with you the analysis about how important the stakes are. But you could add to that that this was an effort in a Republican Controlled Congress to repeal health care and take it away from 18 millionplus people and that if someone told you a year ago, forget who is president. Theres going to be a Republican Congress and president , it sounds like theyd have the vote to repeal obamacare. Is that lost for the people . I think preserving obamacare is critical, necessary and important. And the truth of the matter is it has more to do with the fact the republicans in congress who are leadership dont know what they are doing and cant rally their troops toward anything that benefits the american public. Shes right. It also says to a lot of people that voted to make that a republican president , senate and congress as you referred to, that these are the people that told us repeal and replace and we thought they had something to replace it with. Not only did they lose, they lost, never coming up with a plan. So if you had any second guesses on whether they were just conning their supporters and playing on emotions and biases and prejudices, this health care fight showed you that they had nothing. When you pulled the veil back, were looking at the wizard of oz. I caution the democrats not to get caught into that same trap. Im all about the resistance but the truth is that we have to be for something and so while we can sit around and applaud the fact that donald trump keeps losing the question is whether democrats for and when are the democrats going to start winning . And who is going to be the one that personifies what its for and you cant do it by going after trump voters. You need to go to your base and stop running from the people that have always been there and bring more of them out. You need to fight those Voter Suppression votes. They would not deal with that issue of Voter Suppression and they have some voter fraud. The fraud was the Voter Suppression they tried to in many ways camouflage as Something Else. Reverend sharpton, always appreciate you being here. And aisha. Catch reverend al sharpton on politics nation sundays at 8 00 a. M. Still ahead, the segment you love or love to hate or hate to love or maybe youre hearing about for the first time. Its called fallback friday. Its fun, maybe, and its next. Check it out selfappendectomy oh, thats really attached. Thats why i rent from national. Where i get the control to choose any car in the aisle i want, not some car they choose for me. Which makes me one smooth operator. Ah still a little tender. vo go national. Go like a pro. Hey. What can you tell me about your new Social Security alerts . 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Stop taking victoza® and get medical help right away if you get symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. Serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. So, stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area. Tell your doctor your medical history. Gallbladder problems have happened in some people. Tell your doctor right away if you get symptoms. Taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, indigestion, and constipation. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Ask your doctor about victoza®. Welcome back. Its friday on the beat. You know what that means. Its time to fall back. To fall back means its a chance to tell someone to chill out, relax or maybe even reassess your poor choices in this rough week weve had. With me is the ceo of hip hop. Com and cohost of Entertainment Weekly the show. Thank you for being here. Chuck, who needs to fall back . A really tough decision but i got to go with Steven Seagal. Why . Well, Steven Seagal did an interview in russia with a British Television network and called the nfl players disgusting. But stevens demeaner was quite zesty on the interview. I think he needs to fall back a little bit. Check his hair line. Maybe wow. His hair maybe needs to fall forward. Anyone who has chosen to speak up about the nfl, most people, including the owners, we were talking about this earlier, have said, hey, lets all get along if we can. Theres an attempt at unity and solidarity and hes calling names when, in fact, we can probably be calling him some names. Lola, whats yours . I think Justin Timberlake. Its rumored hes going to be headlining the super bowl halftime show. I dont think he should get a doover unless he does it with janet jackson. 14 years after nipplegate. That was 14 years ago we were introduced to the phrase wardrobe malfunction. And as you know, justin accidentally ripped off janets top and exposed one of her breasts covered in a broach and that set the world aflame. Justin timberlakes career continued to flourish, however, janets floundered. Its back now. Youre saying they were in this together but shes being punished. Some said its because gender. Some said race. I think Justin Timberlake has to fall back unless hes committed to bringing janet along for the doover tour. Thats a good one and goes to music and sports but also gender equality and the insidious way this goes down. Thats an interesting one. Mine is not the scarlet nipple on her forehead. Mine of the day on the beat. Mine is not as good as that but it is near and dear to my heart. Im calling on ikea to fall back. They just bought task rabbit which is that service that lets you do your own thing. Have someone come over and do it for you. Its impossible to put it together. They need to make stuff we can assemble ourselves. This purchase proves what we all knew. Ikea, please fall back. Why are there always the extra parts . Always, always. I want to thank you both. Great color scheme. You guys coordinated. That does it for our show. Ill be back at 6 00 p. M. On monday. Hardball is up next. Swamped. Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews in washington. President trump saw the mud clinging to his brand and didnt like how it looked to the country, including the trump people. More maybe just maybe it was the smell of the swamp as well. The smell of the rot at the top. A big shot using private and military jets to ease their official trips. Maybe it was that, too, that led him to what hes just done. Tonight President Trump fired health and Human Services secretary tom price after price was unable

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