Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

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Pressing, one of the most pressing issues in not just the American Court system but American Society given the role of the courts. Im going to get into something later in the hour and im very specifically avoiding and that is commenting on Robert Kennedy junior. I have reasons for my reluctance, including my experience with him in my college class, which im gonna talk about a little bit. But today was the day with his testimony that i can no longer avoid it, and im going to have to, itll be more than a few years words, and it will be later in the hour. There is much to say about him. I have a bit to say about him, and this is the night for that. I am eager for a deep cut on you and robert f. Kennedy junior in college. So i will be tuning in for that. For many reasons. Have a good show. The attorney for the dammed, thats how the newest member of Donald Trumps Criminal Defense Team was described in a New York Times profile written about him over 15 years ago. John laurel served as a federal prosecutor in brooklyn before crossing into the other side of the courtroom, as happens so often with prosecutors, and then serving as a criminal defense attorney, who quickly became known for working on extremely difficult cases. John laurel will be joining the Criminal Defense Team for whatever indictments jack smith s January 6th Grand Jury might return against donald trump, who has already received a Target Letter about that investigation from jack smith for possible crimes leading up to and on january 6th. One of the busiest lawyers in the trump and trump adjacent Criminal Defense Team is the washington lawyer Stanley Woodward, who represents Donald Trumps codefendant, walter nauta. Today, Stanley Woodward was at the courthouse in washington Representing Another Trump Employee named william russell, who was giving testimony to jack smiths January 6th Grand Jury. While his client was in the grand jury room, Stanley Woodward was supposed to be in another courtroom in the same building for the delivery of the verdict in the trial of Federico Klein for his part, his violent part in the attack on the capital on january 6th. When judge Trevor Mcfadden complained, about Stanley Woodward being late to arrive what turned out to be the guilty verdict against his client client, Gently Woodward told the judge, i couldnt leave my client in the grand jury where he was being asked questions that specifically involved Executive Privilege. Well ask our legal experts in a moment if theres any shred of Executive Privilege left for Trump White House witnesses to hide behind in that grand jury. In an interview, defended trump lied about what it would mean and what would happen if jack smith convicted him of federal crimes. Keep in mind, when you look listen to what donald trump has to say that the full hour interview that he did on fox this week was lower rated than any interviews he ever did on fox during his last president ial campaign. And lower rate to the many hours of this regularly scheduled program on this network, many times in the past. And the crowd in that hour on fox was far more subdued throughout, and at many points looked downright board, in sharp contrast to republican candidate tim scotts recent hour on fox, where tim scott kept the crowd delivering huge ovations for him, enthusiastically throughout the whole hour. Donald Trump Supporters may vote for him, but they are far less passionate than they used to be, and they all know what happens to people who go out and violently protest for donald trump, even when he asks him to do that. They end up in federal prison. And also keep in mind that when donald trump summoned his supporters to please come to the courthouse in manhattan to protest his first arrest and arraignment they did not show up. Millions of trump voters in new york city, new jersey, connecticut, would have within an hours drive of that courthouse in manhattan, and they did not show up to complain in any way. I was there, and the couple of dozen Trump Supporters who showed up were entirely peaceful and on threatening in any way. So when you listen, as we will now do, to donald trump trying to scare you, remember, he has already been arrested and arranged twice and not a single protester, if we can even call them that, for donald trump in new york or florida miss behaved in any way. They just tried to get in front of the cameras and wave to their friends at home. They turned out in very small numbers in both places. And they were not passionate at all. Keep all of that in mind as you listen to donald trump lying and trying to scare you. Its something that concerns you and the people making sure that they dont go out of their right mind if Something Like that happens. Because i know what im thinking can happen if, for example, they do Say Jacks Mitt says okay im going to put donald trump in jail. I think its a very dangerous thing to even talk about, because we do have a tremendously passionate group of voters, and maybe, you know, maybe 100, 150, ive never seen anything like it, much more passion than they had in 2020, much more passion than in 2016. I think it would be very dangerous. Leading off our discussion tonight is christie greenberg, former deputy chief of the Criminal Division and the Southern District of new york, also with this harry litman from a former u. S. Attorney, a Senior Legal Affairs columnist for los angeles times. And harry litman, let me start with you on this Executive Privilege mentioned that happened today about this witness, william russell, appearing in the grand jury. He was an aide who was kind of a low level assistant but constantly with the president in the white house. They called him the body man, always there to handle whatever needs to be handled. We see pictures of him very close to trump when he was president. Is there anything left they can be talking about involving Executive Privilege in that grand jury . Well its his third time testifying in the bigger point i think, there are some real tea leaves here, is that this guy was also with trump at maralago. He has been involved in both investigations. They were talking about Executive Privilege, which we just found out by happenstance means that the testimony was about january six itself. And that intern, to me, suggests that this final charge that has been a bit of a puzzle for us, the first one is the electors, the second is the obstruction focused on pants, that this final charge of 2 41, more likely than not, concerns the events of january six themselves, which we might have expected smith to do, to try for the, swing for the fences in an Insurrection Charge but i think its going to be 2 41 itself and therefore its going to focus on abridgement of the rights maybe of members of congress. So we just found that out by chance but i think it really tells us something. The other thing i would say is, right now i think jack smith is all about speed, and theres really nothing left to do after russell, i think. It was his third time, but they want to get everything straight because hes with the mall of january six. I think now the question is, will trump ask for the final appeal that he is entitled to. I think garland would say it has to be with jack smith, not me. And otherwise i think smith is ready to go. Crystal greenberg, surely there are cases where potential criminal defendants cant think of anything to say in a final appeal meeting which is one reason why they dont all have them. Its not clear to me what angles donald trump could go at in a kind of final deal meeting about january 6th. I expected his lawyers will request that meeting. Why not . Why not at least try to, even if you cant get them to drop all of the chat challenges, see if they wont bring at least some of them. I think you want to bring up issues central to his intent, the criminal intent he may have had, whether he was actually taking any steps in furtherance of a conspiracy or whether he was just having conversations. They will probably try and raise incidents related to president ial immunity. Again, i agree that those are unlikely to be successful, but theyre going to try. Theyre going to make the attempt. Harry, are these primarily listening meetings for the prosecutors . The prosecutors, if you asked for that meeting to appeal, to get to sit there and ask the prosecutors, well, what do you think you have on my client . Great question is no. U. S. Attorney by the special counselor. I was in that position. You sit and hear them out. Its not an occasion for you to reveal anything about your case. You listen. You may pose questions to probe the potential witnesses of what they are saying, but no, this is for them to take their shot. You not at the end politely and thats the end of the meeting. I think here, its a vain exercise that they will do just what they want to go through the motions. Nobody expects this is going to change the outcome of the Target Letter he has received. Christie greenberg, and the tea leaves telling you that this is likely in one defendant indictment that is coming . Its really hard to say. There is so much potential culpability here with respect to other coconspirators. And yet there has not been any public reporting about any other coconspirators receiving such Target Letter, where one defendant, potential defendant, is receiving one, and you expect others to receive them as well. We havent heard about that but where there is a Conspiracy Charge you would expect there would be other conspirators as well. So stay tuned. Former federal prosecutors Kristy Greenberg and harry littman, thank you both for starting off our discussion tonight. Thanks. Coming up, another former federal prosecutor, senator Sheldon Whitehouse and his long lonely crusade on Supreme Court ethics finally came to a vote today in the Senate Judiciary committee and ethics one, even though every republican senator voted for no ethics on the Supreme Court. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse joins us, next. Joins us, next i have Type 2 Diabetes, but i manage it well. Its a little pill with a big story to tell. 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It is a bill to destroy a conservative court. This bill, if enacted, we broadly insert politics into the Supreme Court, and erode away at the checks and balances carefully crafted by our founders. The bill they were talking about today in the Senate Judiciary committee is senator Sheldon Whitehouses bill to reform the ethics of the Supreme Court. Senator graham did not explain why introducing ethics to the Supreme Court would, quote, destroy a conservative court. Other republicans suggested this bill was the first step in what would be a Democratic Party attempt to increase the number of Supreme Court justices, what they call, packing the court. To the commons the some of my colleagues the democrats want to pack the court, my sense is the court has already been packed. It has been path as a result of a very long expensive effort run by a handful of secretive rightwing billionaires, through a bunch of front groups that tally of the cost of the operation has risen from the original 200 and 50 million estimate the Washington Post and 100 580 million spent on trying to make sure that those billionaires succeeded. Journeys no senator Sheldon Whitehouse, democrat of rhode island, member of the Senate Judiciary committee, and chair of the Senate Subcommittee on federal courts. Hes also the host of the podcast, making the case. Senator whitehouse, congratulations on getting your bill to a vote and winning that vote. But let me ask you about what we just heard senator graham say. He said that this bill would destroy a conservative court. Why would ethics destroy a conservative court . Maybe if theyre not hanging out with their Pet Billionaires they would know what to do . It doesnt make any sense at all. Im afraid [laughter]. As you went through the process dealing with other amendments today, it turns out that the democrats on the Committee Want to see some kind of Workable Ethics Arrangement at the supreme and republicans simply dont. They dont want anything. Yeah. They dont even want the provision that is the first provision of the bill that says okay Supreme Court youve got 180 days to do it your way before anything we do goes into effect. And if you do, then we dont. So its hard to see how you destroy a court by empowering the courage to put an ethics regime over itself. Telling things about the republicans behavior today was first, they never once defended any of the revelations about the misconduct of the justices. Not once. Instead, amidst the usual cascade of smears and innuendos and unfounded conclusions about court destruction, they made up destructions about that the court itself has rejected as ridiculous. So you can win by a little, win by a lot, but on top of that is a question of narrate and credibility of your adversaries arguments. And when you see arguments made like the republicans made in the committee today, it puts wind in your sails because clearly the other side knows its got no case. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, im very much wanted to get you on here on your triumphant night in the committee. Thank you very much for finding the time to join us. Thank you, lawrence. And coming up, and when you do something that i have been deliberately avoiding. Im going to say a few words, or several words, about the president ial candidacy of Robert Kennedy junior and his testimony that delighted trump republicans today. Robert kennedy junior has been a Walking Tragedy for most of his life, but now inflicts tragedy on others by urging them to take deadly risks during the covid19 pandemic, in which thousands of deaths may be directly attributable to robert f. Kennedy juniors homicidal advice. Thats next. Thats next. Ep it real and talk about some risks. With Type 2 Diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. Even at your a1c goal, youre still at risk. Which if ignored could bring you here. May put you in one of those. Or even worse. Too much . Thats the point. Get real about your risks and do something about it. Talk to your Health Care Provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. Learn more at getrealaboutdiabetes. Com detect this living with hiv, i learned i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. Thats why i switched to dovato. Dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. No other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. Detect this most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. Dovato is as effective with just 2. If you have hepatitis b, dont stop dovato without talking to your doctor. 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Teddy kennedy was barely old enough to be sworn in as a senator, and had held only one adult job in his life, which was the political appointment of Assistant Attorney in boston. The job he served in less than a year before running for United States senate. Ted kennedy worked hard to earn his place in the senate after knowing that he had simply inherited it. He served in the senate long enough to be reelected by some voters who werent old enough to remember his two assassinated older brothers. But every time ted kennedy was reelected, included the votes of some people i know who were always at least in part voting for teddy as an homage to jack and bobby. There are many ways to be privileged in america. But there is nothing quite like Kennedy Privilege. Most kennedys live quiet, responsible lives, without ever seeking Public Office or seeking the spotlight in any way. Many of them have done and do admirable work. Most of them do not drop references to their fathers or their uncles so that you all know for sure, in the first minute, exactly who they are and treat them accordingly. Ted kennedy chose to simple adjectives to describe his second assassinated brother in the eulogy he delivered in st. Patricks cathedral for senator robert f. Kennedy in 1968. Good and decent. Those two adjectives apply to many members of the kennedy family, including the kennedys who oppose the work of and the president ial candidacy of Robert Kennedy junior, who testified to republican controlled House Committee today solely and entirely because of Kennedy Privilege. Here is the first sentence of the adoring and long introduction of Robert Kennedy junior today by a democracy denying republican member of the house, who voted to overturn the results of the last president ial election. Thank you, chairman. Robert f. Kennedy junior is the son of former attorney general robert f. Kennedy, and the nephew of americas 35th president , john f. Kennedy. Robert kennedy junior began speaking in the hearing today, it took him less than a minute to mention his father, and his uncle, president kennedy. Censorship is antithetical to our party. It was appalling to my father. My uncle. And fdr. The hearing was supposed to be about censorship, but it wasnt. Since no one could come up with any examples of Government Censorship. Robert kennedy junior knows nothing about censorship, and obviously has no idea how much the American News media operated under strict Government Censorship during fdrs presidency. The fdr who Robert Kennedy praised today, who Expert Witness Robert Kennedy cited is a staunch opponent of censorship. During world war ii, Franklin Delano roosevelt was busy from the white house for Great Lengths of time, and the question of where he was was not allowed to be asked or answered. Sometimes he was just away from the white house trying to recuperate from illness. And other times he was on secret missions to meet Winston Churchill and joseph stalin. And once he went to hawaii, where Everyone Living In Honolulu could see the president being driven through the city for a couple of days and no reporter in hawaii was allowed to report that the president was there. There was no law forcing the American News media to obey the censorship imposed on them by president roosevelt in world war ii, but they all lived by. It it really was Government Censorship. It was something Robert Kennedy junior has never seen. And it was considered necessary for winning world war ii. Expert witness Robert Kennedy junior doesnt know anything about that. He is not very well educated. He has some fancy sounding schools in his academic resume, but he has convinced that he was addicted to drugs during most of high school, all of college, all of law school, and during his very brief term as an assistant District Attorney in manhattan, where he was given that job by a friend of his father and his uncles. The job in the District Attorneys office ended badly when Robert Kennedy junior flunked the bar exam, and then was arrested for possession of heroin, moore which he pleaded guilty. I was in a class with Robert Kennedy junior in college. A small classroom, about a dozen or so students. Sometimes i sat beside him. I didnt know him. I dont remember speaking with him. When i saw him i felt nothing but sadness. He is and mine. He was just a few years away van from the night his father was assassinated. I grew up in a Boston Neighborhood of dorchester, where his grandmother was born. Boston Irish Catholic kids my age grew up a drawing president kennedy and then being crushed by the sequential assassinations of the kennedy brothers. Robert kennedy junior was noticeably the least attentive student in that classroom, with me probably being the least capable student in that classroom. I did not know them that he was addicted to drugs and college, and as he is subsequently told us, what i was seeing in the classroom fits that description. Theres a difference between attending college, which can be done while addicted to drugs, and being educated in college. Robert kennedy junior has no Science Education at all, none. But even though he could never get through a premanned class in biology or chemistry or any other premed course, Robert Kennedy junior presents himself as a higher medical authority than doctor Anthony Fauci, who was not addicted to drugs in high school, college, a medical school, was never arrested for heroin position. Anthony fauci was a hardworking i School Student in brooklyn who kept working hard to student all through his premade requirements and college in medical school. And while Robert Kennedy junior was committing crimes while working in the District Attorneys office in manhattan, doctor Anthony Fauci was saving lives. Robert kennedy, with Kennedy Privilege, believes that that allows him, that Kennedy Privilege allows him to grab microphones and announce the work of scientists, physicians, and Public Health experts, to vote in public sex circles like doctor Anthony Fauci. Doctor robert f. Kennedy does that on the basis of nothing other than his last name. Robert kennedy junior is now as much a public liar as donald trump, and some of his lies have a truly trumpian echo to them. I have a better record on israel than anyone in this chamber. Im the least racist person ever to serve an office, okay . I am the least racist person. Robert kennedy junior and donald trump, in their similar delusion, both claim to be better than anyone else on what they claim to be virtues. Robert kennedy junior is not better on israel than any of the tuition on jewish members of the House Of Representatives in the senate, but he told at lied today about himself, that is at the same time an insult to hundreds of members of the house and senate because that is the deeply perverted way that he now uses Kennedy Privilege. Robert kennedy junior lied under oath today more than once. I have never been antivax. I have never told the public to avoid vaccination. This is just too easy. Robert kennedy junior said this in 2021. If you eyeing down the street, and i do this now myself, which is, you know, i dont want to do, im not a busybody, see somebody on a hiking trail carrying a little baby and i say to him, better not get him vaccinated. Id like to introduce into the record or a record a letter from luis silk, and the laws soon the law firm representing mr. Kennedy, which states, as he has stated repeatedly, he vaccinated all his children. And i like that to be introduced into that into the record. But tells the black community and myself, a mother of five black children, that i should really be careful and not necessarily have the same safeguards to protect my family, my children, from a virus that has killed millions of people because im black. Democrat Stacey Plaskett said republicans were, quote, putting mr. Kennedy on display. Robert kennedy junior lied under oath about what he said last week in new york about covid19 having been targeted deliberately to not be harmful to jewish people and so congressman dan goldman played the Video Recording of exactly what Robert Kennedy junior said, which proved that he had just lied under oath in todays hearing. And lets quickly play a short video, if we could. Covid19 is targeted to attack caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune or Ashkenazi Jews and chinese. Robert kennedy juniors personal life has been a mess for most of his life. He started an affair with his second wife while he was still married to his first wife, a trumpian style marital transition. He married his second wife a month after the divorce from his first wife, while the second wife was already six months pregnant. His second wife bore him for children. But suffered deeply from Robert Kennedy juniors sexual adventurism, which he recorded in a diary. She took her own life two years after they divorced. Many of her friends blame Robert Kennedy junior for that. I mention the mess of his personal life only because it demonstrates how borderless is terrible judgment is and always has been. He is not a person to take advice from on anything, least of all A Matter Of Life And Death like covid19. Todays hearing was supposed to be about censorship and the way Robert Kennedy junior made it about censorship was to say that censorship is about being criticized. Im subject to this new form of censorship, which is called targeted propaganda. Where people apply pejoratives like antivax. He is new form of censorship is not censorship. Robert kennedy junior is claiming that he is a victim of censorship because he is criticized. And no republican on that committee today could come up with a single example of Government Censorship. Not a single example of the government censoring anyone. It is not censorship from the government to ask twitter to remove a tweet that is false and dangerous to Public Health. Words have no meaning to Robert Kennedy junior, which is why he uses the word censorship for criticism. In his under oath testimony, he said that recommended is the same as the word mandated. That is another lie. But Robert Kennedy junior cannot score his points to his crowd using the english language in its original meaning, so he has invented his own. Robert kennedy junior has compared some of the Public Health recommendations made during the covid19 pandemic to be as horribly oppressive, and living under and not see dictatorship in world war ii. Even in hitlers germany you could cross the alps into switzerland. You could hide in an attic, like and frank did. No one ever said that if youre walking across the alps that you need to wear a mask during covid19. And if youre hiding in an attic during covid19, that was actually guaranteed to prevent you from getting covid. It is a deranged comparison to make to suggest that anne frank had an easier time of it than we did here in the United States when we are staying home and watching netflix more than ever. Robert kennedy junior never said what happened to and frank. He never said that she was caught in her attic and taken to a nutty death camp. Her father was the only member of her family to survive the death camps. Robert kennedy champions a woman who denies the holocaust and who has supported the idea that there were no gas chambers. A woman who shared a video online in which the speaker said i believe that the historical evidence is strongly against, is hugely against 6 million jews having been deliberately gassed in gas chambers as a deliberate policy of adolf hitler. I believe there were no gas chambers. Robert f. Kennedy junior has called the woman who shared that video a hero. A hero of his antivaccination movement. He has called her a stalwart who is leading his movement. All you need to do to be praised by Robert Kennedy junior is to praise him. If you are a Holocaust Denier who praises Robert Kennedy junior, he will praise you. If youre a democracy denier, as every member, republican member of that committee is, then Robert Kennedy junior will praise them. And if you praise him enough, Robert Kennedy junior will agree with you that Hunter Bidens laptop had the power to win reelection for donald trump, which was the whole point of republicans getting Robert Kennedy junior to sit in front of a microphone in their hearing. They left it to congresswoman Elise Stephan to creep in on Robert Kennedy junior once he knew who his friends and enemies were in the room. All his friends were the republicans who are praising him, and all of his opponents with the democrats who were criticizing him, which he called, censoring him. And yet he claims to be a democrat. Elise stefanik led a lot of time go by before bringing up the Hunter Biden Laptop, which is the obsession of the chairman of this committee, jim jordan. At first Robert Kennedy junior seemed to be trying to steer away from the laptop that was lost by someone who was suffering the kind of Drug Addiction that he, Robert Kennedy junior, survived. The first you words out of Robert Kennedy juniors mouth were, i dont know. But then, because someone who complemented him was egging him on, he went exactly where she wanted him to go. Mr. Kennedy, i want to ask you specifically about the Hunter Biden Laptop story. The total blackout on all social Media Outlets as well as telecom, you couldnt text the link to the Hunter Biden Laptop story. This specifically was a form of Election Interference by the u. S. Government in the 2020 election. I dont know enough about it. I know that there was censorship on that story and other stories that presumably could have changed peoples minds about the election. And we know the polling demonstrates that now. People have said they wouldve changed their vote had they been made aware of the hunter biden lap stop story. Is that correct . Im not aware of that, but im not surprised. He couldve just left that last line out. Im not aware of that. But saying im not surprised part clearly shows that he now believes it, believes it in that transaction right there, with elise stefanik. She was being nice to him, so hes gonna believe what she says about somehow the election being stolen from donald trump. Robert kennedy junior now believes that 80 Million People who voted for joe biden would have changed their votes if they knew everything about what was on the president s sons laptop. Would Robert Kennedy junior have changed his vote . He claimed he voted for joe biden. You can now add Robert Kennedy junior to list of Trump Supporters, because Robert Kennedy junior is, in effect, a Trump Supporter who believe that Hunter Biden Laptop, or was going to say that Hunter Biden Laptop had the power to change the outcome in the president ial election and the don trump when their four was the victim of Election Interference. That is what Robert Kennedy junior said today. Until i towel i dont know july 12th we extended an invitation to Robert Kennedy junior to appear on this program. We have received no reply at all. The invitations dance. He may decide to never appear on this i only hope that our other interviewers began by asking him about all the Science Courses that he did not take in college. They offered 6000 courses at his college when he was there a. Hundreds of them were the most difficult College Courses in the world. But another hundred or so of them are among the easiest College Courses in the world. Which ones did he take . It is very clear his campaign for president is nothing but a stunt. He will not win a single primary. Joe biden is going to be the democratic nominee for president. And Robert Kennedy junior is not. The only real political question to ask him is, will he support the democratic nominee for president , or will he run as a third party candidate, which will be the most help he can possibly give donald trump in the president ial election. Ive been very reluctant to speak about Robert Kennedy jr. Junior on this program because i have not wanted to enable his access to the Drug Addiction that he has never conquered, the Drug Addiction that has been with him for all of his adult life, the addiction to attention, the very same addiction that has driven donald trump and all of his adult life. Coming up, because the man who wrote the constitution of the United States did not consider women where they have attention, they also conferred no rights on women. Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley believes the constitution should specifically grant equal rights to count and she has a plan. Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley joins us next. Joins us next. 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Joining us now is Ayanna Pressley, democratic congresswoman from boston, from representing my own neighborhood. Congresswoman pressley, thank you very much for joining us tonight. The Equal Rights Amendment introduced in 1972, they had a deadline on this at the time. They then extended the deadline. And now you are going to try to get this to a vote in the house now. Absolutely. We have been waiting 100 years too long for Gender Equality to be enshrined in the founding document of this country. We, the people does not currently include the women of this country. And so, its 100 years to long. Myself, senator cardin and other colleagues momentum has been building around the e. R. Era and this is the centennial. Recently, there was a Discharge Petition that would force the vote. And i think its important that members be on the record. There is nothing partisan or controversial about equality. At least, there shouldnt be. The women of this country have certainly done our job. We have played our role in this democracy and civic life, culture, and our economy, on the ballot, and at the ballot box. In this moment, i am looking for respect and reciprocity. And so, there is great momentum behind us. And i am feeling very encouraged. And when it was introduced in the 1970s, it had tremendous bipartisan support in the congress. Thats right. Again, this is the centennial of the e. R. A era 80 of countries around the globe have done this. 38 states have met the ratification threshold. So, the advocates and the activists have done their job. The women of this country have certainly done theirs. And now Congress Must do its job. And so, we are taking a page out of the playbook of the past, in that the e. R. Way era was introduced in every congress until it passed and a Discharge Petition was used to force that vote. I didnt realize it was a Discharge Petition before. So, theres a history to this procedure, which is, of course, a pretty difficult procedure in the House Of Representatives. But this is a relatively simple version of it. You just need to get the majority supporting it. Absolutely. And again, we have more momentum than we have had in quite some time. The senate convened a first hearing on the era in 40 years. That was shared by senator durbin. I think him for his solidarity. There was also a vote in the senate. And we had many more on record than we have had in a very long time supporting this. And there were Senator Murkowski and collins were also supporting. Again, we do have bipartisan support. And that continues to build. We have established a era caucus, the first of its kind, to keep momentum going. And now there is this Discharge Petition, so that we can force a vote, and get members on the record. And i hope the electorate will take the onus, and then put them on notice if necessary if they dont do the right thing. Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, thank you very much for joining us. We really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. We will be right back. Will be right back. Irs hair. As well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. For softness and resilience, without the price tag. If you know. You know its pantene. My most important kitchen tool . My brain. So i choose neuriva plus. Unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. To help keep me sharp. Neuriva think bigger. Im saving with liberty mutual, mom. They customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. You could save 700 dollars just by switching. Ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. On the top of the pile oh. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. With the freestyle libre 2 system know your Glucose Level and where its headed without fingersticks. Manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. 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