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The election was called for joe biden, 48 days until inauguration day. As the nation prepares to witness a new administration take over, we do remained locked in a ruling battle with the coronavirus, a war that is taking a staggering toll every single day. And the strain of this crisis is pushing our Health Care System ever closer to the breaking point. There have now been more than 14 million confirmed infections in this country. Keep in mind we crossed the 13 million case mark just last friday. There were more than 205,000 cases recorded today alone. And so far more than 2,500 lives have been lost. Tonight in an interview on cnn president elect joe biden made it clear how much his approach to the pandemic will differ from President Trumps, starting with actually listening to dr. Anthony fauci. We spoke today at 3 00. My covid team met with him. I asked him to stay on in the exact same role hes had for the past several president s, and i asked him to be chief medical adviser for me as well. We talked about masking. When the federal government has authority im going to issue an order you have to be asked and in transportation you must be masked in airplanes and buses, et cetera. The first day im inaugurated to say im going to ask the public for 100 days to mask. The first vaccines are expected to be available by the end of the month for people at risk. Biden added that hes willing to be inoculated before his inauguration and on camera. Former president s obama, bush and clinton have already said theyre willing to do the same to encourage americans to be vaccinated. Meanwhile the number of americans hospitalized with covid19 keeps on rising. It is now nearing 101,000, another record. The increasing pressure on Critical Care services has pushed california to impose new restrictions linked to the number of available icu beds. Theres more on that just ahead. Yet again today there was nothing about the skyrocketing cases or the pain and the loss caused by this epidemic from outgoing president donald trump. His focus remains fixated on his array of false claims that widespread fraud cost him the election even though his hand picked attorney general bill barr says he has seen no evidence of that. Those comments have apparently soured relations between donald trump and one of his most trusted lieutenants. Mr. President , can i ask you to respond to the comments by your attorney general who indicated he has not seen at this point any evidence of fraud enough to overturn the Election Results given that, why its now not the time to concede . Well, he hasnt done anything, so he hasnt looked. Do you still have confidence in bill barr . Ask me that in a number of weeks from now. They should be looking at all of this fraud. Multiple sources have told nbc news that trump has not ruled out firing bill barr. Also the Associated Press reports the white house liaison to the Justice Department has been banned from the building after pressuring staffers for Election Fraud information. And trumps quest to overturn the election suffered another blow when the Wisconsin Supreme Court tossed out a request to revoke certification of his loss to joe biden. Were also learning more about that possible bribery for president ial pardon inquiry revealed earlier this week. Tonight the New York Times reports that this past summer the Justice Department investigated a top fundraiser for trump, Elliott Broidy and Jared Kushners lawyer on the roles they both may have played in a suspected scheme to offer a bribe on behalf of a billionaire Real Estate Developer in exchange for clemency for a tax crimes conviction. The times says no one has been charged in the inquiry. And politico has new reporting on the matter of pardons that says trump is considering preemptively pardoning more than 20 aides and associates before leaving the office. Trump is, quote, ashoohing the typical protocol of cases through the Justice Department. Those include everyone from trumps personal attorney Rudy Giuliani to several members of his family, all people who have not been charged with a crime. Earlier evening, joe biden was asked about those reports on trump pardons. It concerns me in terms of what kind of precedent it sets and how the rest of the world looks at us as nation of laws and injustice. Our Justice Department is going to operate independently on those issues that how to respond to any of that. In terms of the pardons, youre not going to see in our administration that kind of approach to pardons. Nor are you going to see in our administration the approach to making policy by tweets. You know, its going to be a totally different way in which we approach the justice system. The president elect also told cnn tonight that more than a few republican senators have reached out to him privately to congratulate him on winning the election. With that lets bring in our lead off guests for a thursday night. Two of the very best from the New York Times, peter baker, chief white house correspondent. And mara gay, a member of the times editorial board. Shes also a former New York City Hall bureau chief for the wall street journal and a covid survivor. Also with us mercedes, an epidemiologist and the vice chair of preventative medicine. Everybody, welcome. So peter, part of the reason that the president lost this election was his response to the coronavirus, the lack of leadership he showed. And in trying to overturn the election, which hes doing right now, hes continuing to shrug off leadership on the very pandemic that partially led to his ouster. Whats going on there in the white house . Yeah, the president who told us before the election that as soon as the election was over everybody would wake up and realize that the covid pandemic wasnt there, that it was just a creation and effect of the media that was hyping it and spending too much time on it, and we were rounding the corner toward the end. Well, were obviously not rounding the corner for anything except higher death rates, higher infection rates, higher hospitalizations. We lost as many people in the last 24 hours roughly as we lost on 9 11. The death toll at this point is extraordinary. Its higher than it was in the spring when we thought we were at the peak. So, this virus is not going away. Its worse in many ways than ever. Now theres a vaccine the president wants to claim credit for. Obviously his operation warp speed played a role in funding it, but the vaccine will take months to get to most americans. And theres a lot of pain and suffering between now and when the vaccine, assuming it is approved, to get to the vast majority of the public. And theres not the leadership as you point out from a president of the United States that seems to be at all focused on it. And telling americans how we should be addressing this crisis because it is a crisis. Imagine, again, if we had a terrorist attack in this country every single day, day after day after day, we would be thinking a lot more about it than we seem to be thinking about this virus. Well, we are being attacked. Its just not a terrorist. Its a viral disease. Were being attacked every single day by it. Mercedes, the Vice President , who is now the president elect, former Vice President joe biden, is approaching the virus already or laying out his plans differently than the president has. The president obviously very focused on vaccines. Biden focused on vaccines as well, but he is saying hes going to listen to dr. Fauci. Hes going to recommend mask wearing to everybody once he takes office. Whats your medical professional reaction to what you heard from joe biden . Im extremely pleased to hear joe bidens response, and in particular his description of what is a comprehensive strategy. You know, when youre in the middle of an attack, and we are in the middle of an attack from this virus, you dont want just one strategy to try to address it. What you want are multiple strategies so that the virus cant continue to sneak through. Im very pleased and heartened about hearing about a vaccine because that means our essential workers can be protected and those extremely vulnerable populations who have to engage in close inclosed settings such as congregant care settings. However, the rollout plan, as appropriate as it is, its going to touch those populations first. And what were seeing right now is that the highest rate of new infections is occurring in 20 to 39yearolds. So that means even with a vaccine rollout at the end of this month its going to be a while before it reaches the population who are currently hypothesized to be spreading it either silently through asymptomatic spread or through symptomatic spread by not changing behaviors. So president elect biden has overlaid with the vaccine as a strategy, universal federal support for behavior change including masking really increases the likelihood we can stop this terror thats scorching the earth on its way out. On that point, is there enough being done to target that population, that generation to say, hey, listen, this is still very serious and although a vaccine is coming, you cant let your guard down quite yet. Because i imagine there, frankly, is a lot of hope out there with news that a vaccine is coming you start to think, okay, well the end is in sight. I dont need to be as strict with my daily routines as i had been. You know, im so glad you asked that followup question because it is the case that the vaccine rollout strategy is going to be going to need to be coupled with a communications plan. What we know is that there are certain populations who are more likely to contract the virus, who are more likely to have severe outcomes. In many cases those populations are the black population, the latinx, other minorities and cultural groups that have traditionally shown resistance to vaccination. It is not going to help us as a population if we have a vaccine and people wont take it. Similarly, this communication strategy has to emphasize to that 20 to 39yearold population who certainly are fatigued on the restrictions on their life, particularly around the holidays, that we have to hold firm for a number of months more. Our behaviors regarding masking, regarding social distancing cant change. We have to hold on until we can blanket the population with the vaccine and enough people are willing to take the vaccine. Mara, from what youve heard so far from the bidens incoming administration, are they doing enough to get out there to try to build trust, or will they be doing enough to build trust on the vaccine, make sure vulnerable populations across the board have trust in it . I think actually what the biden team has been doing first of all, theres never enough when it comes to the virus. So, yes, theyre doing a lot. I think that they have a good plan that theyre building for sure. What im concerned about is the fact we are starting from so far behind. And i i fear that americans may get a false sense of security or safety. You see this hope coming tat the vaccine is coming, but its going to take a long time to get that vaccine to the entire population. And in the meantime the virus is out of control. And i think because of the Trump Administrations failure to build out to build that trust, you know, on any front on the Public Health side with the American People, joe biden has to start at square i mean, its not even starting at zero. Hes starting from a deficit of trust. And its going to take a lot of time to build out that effort. Just the logistics of it are enormous. Even here in new york city the logistics of delivering these vaccines to our 8 Million People alone is just mindboggling. I also just want to say i think there is a piece missing in the Public Health messaging, which is that while we do know certain populations are certainly undoubtedly at high risk, there are a fair amount of people, a number of people like myself who are at high risk and you wouldnt have known it. I was 33 when i got sick, and i have been recovering for months. And while i am making a full recovery, its just a battle of my life. I have no preexisting conditions, and there are many, many, thousands of others in my position. So i think the message to people who are younger needs to actually be to protect themselves as well because you just dont know whos at risk or how your body will respond. Thats really missing here. Im so happy you made that point because there is this misconception if youre younger youre going to be totally fine. Or if you dont know about these preexisting conditions youre going to be totally fine. But youre, as you said, an example of someone whos younger who didnt have any preexisting conditions whos having a hard time with it, and i think your story is important for anybody to hear especially our generation, frankly. In talking about trust, were in the middle of a transition. Were going to have an official hand over january 20th. The president is not attending the Vice President , now the incoming president elects inauguration. Let me play you what joe biden told jake tapper on cnn about that. President trump has not said if hes going to attend your inauguration yet. Do you think its important that hes there . Youre laughing. I think it would important only in one sense. Not in a personal sense. Important in a sense that we are able to demonstrate at the end of this chaos that hes created that there is peaceful transfer of power with the competing parties standing there shaking hands and moving on. Mara, what do you think of that . He was laughing, but he does make the point that there is a symbolic gesture that there is a handover, that the election was fair. And donald trump doesnt appear to be interested at all in in attending and in participating in that. I think its important. I agree with the president elect. Its an important symbolic gesture that shows we still have peaceful transfer of power. Its a democratic gesture. And i think as soon as president gesture, he leaves pennsylvania avenue and never comes back again. Thats the best thing for the country. Peter, how concerned is the president about what he could be facing when he leaves office . I know your paper has more reporting on this potential bribery scheme thats being investigated. It includes one of Donald Trumps former fundraisers and among others in his orbit, Jared Kushners lawyer, abbey lowell. What other concerns are you hearing when donald Trump Leaves Office . Theres so many its hard to keep track. Just this week the d. C. Attorney general interviewed ivanka trump about the inauguration matter. There are obviously these investigations by the new york city prosecutor. The new York State Attorney general is looking into very civil matters. The problem for the president is a pardon doesnt solve these things. Even if he thought a pardon was a good idea politically or in other ways, it doesnt actually get him out of trouble if there is any trouble out there because the pardon only covers federal crimes. It does not cover state crimes. It does not cover civil matters. And so he can pardon himself if he wants. Therell be a fight about that presumably. He could pardon his family members. He could pardon people around him. But theres a lot of legal exposure that wouldnt be solved by that. I think hes worried about that. Now, he would say hes worried about that because people are out to get them. These cases if theyre ever brought would be adjudicated in courts of law, and he would be obviously able to fight them legally to defense attorneys. But the reason that this is complicated is not just for President Trump but also for president elect biden. President elect biden does not want to have his administration starting off consumed with a former president facing legal jeopardy. On the other hand, hes promised not to extend the pardon himself to President Trump because theres a great desire among the Democratic Party for accountability. Nobody is above the law is a line you hear a lot. Its a really complicated matter for the president and incoming president. Its one i think well spend months talking about because its not going to simply go away on january 20th. Watch for what comes out of the states. Peter baker, mara gay, mercedes carnethon, thank you very much. And californias governor says hes pulling the emergency brakes as covid cases and deaths in that state soar. Well talk to one california mayor who lost both of his parents to the pandemic. And later the growing fall out in that call to georgia voters to skip next months Senate Runoff elections. The 11th hour is just getting underway on a thursday night. [ whispering ] whats this . Oh, are we kicking karly out . We live with at t. It was a lapse in judgment. At t, we called this house meeting because you advertise gigspeed internet, but we cant sign up for that here. Yeah, but im just like warming up to those speeds. Youve lived here two years. The personal attacks arent helping, karly. Dont you have like a hot pilates class to get to or something . [ muffled scream ] stop living with at t. Xfinity can deliver gig to the most homes. The bottom line is if we dont act now, our Hospital System will be overwhelmed. If we dont act now, well continue to see a death rate climb, more lives lost. Heres what we are introducing today. Regions where the icu capacity is falling below 15 we are now mandating that we are implementing a stayathome order for three weeks. California governor gavin newsom rolling out a new regional stayathome order as new coronavirus cases in his state skyrocket. If imposed bars, wineries, hair salons and barbershops in the region will all have to shutdown. Californias been reporting about 15,000 new cases a day over the past week. And newsom says four of the states five regions are expected to fall below that icu threshold within days. We welcome back to the broadcast, robert garcia, democratic mayor of long beach, california. Mr. Mayor, thank you so much for coming on. What is the Current Situation in long beach . How close are you to that 15 threshold . Well, long beach is one of the many cities and county areas in the Southern California sections, one of those five regions. We are probably just a few days away from meeting that threshold, and thats been reported from all of our Health Officers across the region. Thats everything from l. A. To long beach, all the way down to san diego, orange county. So, we will in the next few days across the region, have everything from dining, indoor outdoor as well as a lot of personal services all having to close. Very, very hard. But the governor made absolutely the right call today, taking a regional approach. Its the only way to slow down the major spikes were having right now. And its about saving lives. Were losing over 100 californians every single day, and were having 9 11like events across the country. So, this is the type of bold leadership we need at this moment. I want to play something for you that dr. Fauci told my colleague Andrea Mitchell earlier today about shutdowns. You dont have to shutdown the entire country, but there are four or five fundamental Public Health things that we all can do. Typical and again and again, over and over again universal wearing of masks, avoiding close contacts, and avoid congregate settings or crowds particularly indoors, particularly when people are not wearing masks. So he and other Health Officials have been beating this drum over and over again, wear a mask, social distance. We can avoid these lockdowns. Is that just not happening in california . Are people not following those guidelines . Well, i think its pretty clear theres a lot of people not following a lot of the guidelines in california and across the country. And its in large part because we have a president of the United States that is literally flaunting breaking the rules, not wearing masks, having super spreader events, having parties at the white house where no one is masked. So, when that is the example you have, were going to have a lot of folks that dont follow the rules. So we are in california now in a system where we are discouraging gatherings, trying to limit the types of events that bring people together. We want to save lives. At the end of the day there is light at the end of the tunnel. A vaccine is on its way, and this is the last real big challenge for us to get through. If we can get through this next few weeks and months, were going to be okay and things are going to go off better. You mentioned the president breaking the rules. Democratic leadership in your state including the governor and mayor of San Francisco and a prominent official in los angeles have all come under a lot of criticism for breaking the rules themselves, not practicing what they preach. How hard is it to get this messaging out there when you have leadership saying one thing and doing another . Well, listen, i think the governor and others have addressed those issues. I think that the important thing to focus on is the loss of life that were having every single day and doing the right thing. I think overwhelmingly there is no question that the governors leadership has been stellar on this issue. And the decisions he made today p have been the right to do. Ive been working with all the mayors, the mayors that have been on this program and others, and they have been working very, very hard. And certainly there have been mistakes made by some. But the important thing is not to focus i think on those issues. The important thing is to focus on the fact we have still a huge massive pandemic and were losing thousands and thousands of lives a day. Its like 9 11 repeating over and over again and yet a lot of the country is still not taking it seriously. So, i think overall there is no question that california has had great leadership and in general has been leading the way across the country. Thats what weve got to continue in the last few weeks. You have a personal connection to this. I know weve spoken about it, but it bears repeating. You lost both your parents to the pandemic. Whats your message to those who arent taking it seriously . As a son who has lost two parents, i am, like all families who have lost someone, hurt and angered when we see folks who are not taking this seriously. Folks are calling this a hoax and putting together marches that the government is lying about covid19. Its so disrespectful to all of the families that have actually lost someone in this pandemic. Dont end up where we have ended up. Were not going to have our families in the future. Were sacrificing this christmas so you can have your grandparents next year. And for us were living in a new reality its taken those who we love the most. This is serious. If it can happen to my mom who was a health care worker, who wore ppe every day, who took care of herself and heeded the science, it can happen to anyone. So people need to be careful and we can get through the next few weeks and months. Mayor garcia, thank you very much for joining us. We always appreciate your time. And coming up reaction to new revelation from joe bidens Kamala Harris first interview together since winning the election when the 11th hour continues. Robinhood believes now is the time to do money. Without the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. I got it all from you im always pushing through i know well make it to the finish line i know youre waiting on the other side im like you ondemand glucose monitoring. Because theyre always on. Another lifechanging technology from abbott. So you dont wait for life. You live it. There have been more than several sitting republican senators who have privately called me and congratulated me. And i understand the situation they find themselves in. And until the election is clearly decided in the minds where the Electoral College votes, they get put in a very tough position. Here with us again is Baratunde Thurston, now the host of the podcast how to citizen along with Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican National committee, former Lieutenant Governor of maryland and now the host of the Michael Steele podcast and a Senior Advisor for the lincoln project. Gentlemen, always good to see you. So joe biden, michael, saying that a lot of republicans have called him privately to congratulate him on the election. I imagine there are a lot of people out there who are pulling their hair out saying why cant they say it publicly . After all, he won. Yeah, i understand it and the frustration that goes with that. But its the delicacy of where the party is right now. And how do these republicans try to move forward with donald trump as an everpresent afterthought, quite honestly, as a former president which hell be in a month and a half as well as trying to figure out how to work with the new administration. Keep in mind a lot of these republicans will be on the hot seat in 2022, a lot of them marginal states for them, states that are, you know, slightly purple. So theyve got to figure out how to navigate this walk. Look, at the other side of this i dont have the expectation at this late stage in the game to have these folks somehow come out and start beating their breasts for joe biden or anything else. They will continue to do what they have done up to this point. Stand very quietly in the shadows, whisper what they need certain individuals to hear and then hope for some daylight where they can be a little bit more forthright with their support or whatever. Michael, what about what happens after joe biden is inaugurated . Do they come out of the shadows . Is there suddenly a bipartisan relationship between joe biden and republicans in congress . Will things get done . Yeah, thats a very good question. And i think thats what a lot of us are kind of putting our fingers on, that pulse, to see if theres going to be any life to it. If, in fact, despite everything weve seen over the last few years and certainly what were even seeing now with some of the silence from some of the republicans that i think the president elect and others have expressed correctly that there have been communications that talk about how we move forward. Covid19 doesnt go away when donald Trump Leaves Office. Those states are still impacted that those senators represent. They have to come to the table on some type of relief. 908 billion thats currently in front of us that are proposed by republican and Democrat Coalition of senators trying to move this agenda forward. Its clearly not going to be enough. So i think to your question the short answer is yes. The longer and probably trickier answer is going to be how does that look, and how does it sound in the coming together around trying to get something done . When there is divided government, the short answer may always be yes, but its going to be more complicated than that no matter what. Baratunde, let me play you a sound bite from Kamala Harris in her interview with cnn earlier tonight about something she said during the primaries. During the primary last year madam Vice President elect you told npr that the Justice Department, quote, would have no choice and tld quote, have to be accountability. How does that square with what the president has said about going after individuals . We will not tell the Justice Department how to do its job. Baratunde, i guess that depends on who you nominate to be the ag. It absolutely does, katey. First of all, thanks for having me. Chairman stele, good to see you. Good to see you, my friend. I first of all just want to express my gratitude for the sanity, the tone, the nonthreatmaking nature of that interview. And im still excited to see harris. So i want to take a moment to acknowledge that beautiful moment. What i thought what the president elect said its not my Justice Department, its our Justice Department, its the Peoples Department of justice, that needs to be reiterated so much because the Current Administration has run rough shot over not just our norms but our loss. And the good news from an accountability perspective is that the Trump Administration is is overexposed criminally that its not just up to federal law in terms of the tools we might have as a nation to hold them to account. Tish james is lining up in new york state, and the d. A. Of new york city is also taking aim and doing an investigation to see what those facts turn up. So, i am somewhat confident and certainly patient that, yes, we should have a separation of those powers and lets see what the investigations show and what shows up in some of these other cases that are beyond the reach of the pardoner in chief right now. In talking about the cabinet, the Biden Administration has made vows to make it the most diverse ever. There has been a little bit of frustration from the aclu and some others who have said its not quite diverse enough yet. Whats your take on that . My take right now is im happy with what im seeing, and i want to see more. Im willing to give this team time to do more. As Vice President elect harris said tonight, theyre not even halfway through and theyve already nominated the most diverse set of eight thats ever been. So theyre partial eight is doing a great job of representing the people. And again to contrast that with the era were exiting, nobody nominated their soninlaw or their caddy or the person they met at the golf club that one time. We are operating on a level of basic competence again. And i want to take a moment to acknowledge that after four years of being gas lit by Insider Trading scandals and all sorts of malfeasance, that we have people who take governing seriously and selfgoverning seriously and respect the American People enough to respect a transition seriously. So i will wait and see and also want even more. I think we can do both. I expect were not going to see those conference table cabinet meetings where everybody praises joe biden. Were going to take a quick break. Baratunde and michael are staying with us. After the break which is just 33 days until the Georgia Special election. A look at how Donald Trumps baseless attacks on Election Integrity could do his party more harm than good when the 11th hour continues. I want georgians to make it known that you will not vote at all until your vote is secure. Amazingly those comments from a protrump lawyer trying to make a case for voter fraud in georgia. Not as surprising, republicans are worried trumps continued campaign against nonexistent Election Fraud could cost them the senate. Politico writing today, trump to undo his election defeat as well as widespread allegations of widespread voter fraud could blunt gop support for Kelly Loeffler and david perdue. Still with us Baratunde Thurston and michael powell. Michael, it wasnt just Sidney Powell whos another protrump lawyer saying dont go vote in the election, the elections are all rigged, you have to fix them. I mean, you kind of just want to hit yourself in the head saying what are you doing . This is a run off that republicans need. Stupid follows stupid. Come on, no. Let them go, baby. Let them go. You know, heres the conundrum and its not even a conundrum. Its just the way it is. So, for eight months out of this year, donald trump and a lot of these very same people told republicans across the county, oh, man, you know, you dont want to do vote by mail. Its rigged. Its fraudulent. Dont do it, dont do it. And the state parties largely sat silent. They said nothing, all right . And guess what happened . The democrats beat them at it. So now you get to this runoff in georgia, and theyre sitting there going, ah, fellas, we need this vote to come by mail because its the dead of winter in january. It could be raining, snowing, whatever. Were in the middle of a pandemic. And now theyre telling them no, dont go vote. So, listen to them. Youll get the results youre going to get, but the reality of it is why are we pretending there is some intelligence about the voting process . We know its not rigged. We know everything thats coming out of what weve heard or what you just showed and what trump is saying is bold faced lie. And if people want to believe that and take their chances for the local party, for the state party, then theyre going to get the result theyre going to get. Baratunde, i mean it is still seen as an uphill battle for democrats to win both senate seats in the state of georgia despite the claims that the election is not going to be fair and republicans shouldnt go out and vote. Despite all of that, its still going to be a difficult path. It will. And in moments like these i go to Stacey Abrams twitter account, and i do whatever she tells me to do. And i would encourage anyone whos invested in the outcome of this election to just do what stacey tells you to do. In the meantime this Republican Party is so invested in Voter Suppression that theyre willing to suppress their own peoples votes. I dont know if thats the snake eating its own tail or the chickens coming home to roost. Its some kind of lesson with animals that says, you know, you live by disinformation, you die by disinformation, too. And theyre reaping what theyve sown. And its sad to see because it still undermines the general project of the government were all invested in. And i hope its shortlived doubting were experiencing right now. Its some kind of lesson with animals. Its like, animal farm or something. Baratunde, the president s going to be down there. Does he help or does he hurt . What does he do in that election . Donald trump distracts. Donald trump spreads covid. Donald trump exacerbates pain and expresses no empathy in a nation where so many people are dying every single day. You had earlier on your program the mayor of long beach who lost both of his parents. I lost one parent in my lifetime somewhat recently in the past few decades and that still stings. I cannot imagine theres anything good that truly comes from this outgoing president showing up at any place in this country right now. Michael, what do you think . I would agree with that. I love the way baratunde put it. Hes spreading covid. Hes spreading disinformation and lies. And those who want to traffic in that will do so, and those who want to believe it will do the same. As for the rest of us, if youre in georgia, go to Stacey Abrams website and do what she tells you to do. And if youre republican and you have your wits and common sense about you and you want to hold the heads against the Biden Administration, then you will get yourself an absentee ballot and participate in the process and not risk your own health, the health of your neighbors or friends and family. This is not a complicated metric here. This is not some secret formula were all in the back room making up and putting up in drifts and drafts. Weve been very clear in the beginning of this election season whats at stake and what it will take in order to participate. So if you really want to participate, you will safeguard yourself. And the easiest way to do that is to contact your local election board, request a ballot by mail, vote, return that ballot and wait for the process to unfold. There will be no cheating. It is not rigged, and the only lying youre hearing is coming out of the president s mouth and the folks that you saw in that clip. Time, though, is getting shorter. And if you want to do that, you got to do it now. Request that ballot and return it pretty quickly. You want to give the Postal Service more than enough time to get that ballot back, especially as we are entering the Holiday Season or hanukkah and christmas. A lot of mail out there. You dont want things to get delayed. Baratunde thurston, always good to see you my friend. Its been too long. You too. Michael steele, same to you. And coming up as the world prepares for the vaccine rollout new details on why one of the leading drug makers is slashing its estimated doses this year by half. That report when the 11th hour continues. I got it all from you im always pushing through i know well make it to the finish line i know youre waiting on the other side im like you ondemand glucose monitoring. Because theyre always on. Another lifechanging technology from abbott. So you dont wait for life. You live it. The Pfizer Vaccine is rolling out across the united kingdom, but there will be fewer doses than initially thought. The drug maker announced it will only be automobile to ship half of the number of vaccines it had originally planned. Tonight we have new details about why that is the case. Our report tonight from nbc news chief Foreign Correspondent richard engel. Reporter a cautionary look at the challenges of rolling out a Coronavirus Vaccine for the world in time to save millions. Just yesterday the u. K. Made headlines, becoming the first country to approve the use of the Pfizer Vaccine for the public. Delivery of the initial doses began today. A scaled rollout is expected to start early next week. The u. S. May soon follow pending approval. This summer pfizer said it expected to produce up to 100 million doses of vaccine. In november it cut the estimate in half to 50 million doses. Tonight we learned why. Citing several factors a statement from pfizer said scaling up a vaccine at this pace is unprecedented, and we have made significant progress as we have moved forward in the unknown. Additionally, scaleup the Raw Materials supply chain took longer than expected. In the shortterm deliveries are not expected to be impacted. The company says it will still produce more than a billion doses next year. But the anticipated supply cut in half before the rollout shows that ending the pandemic will be a scientific and logistical challenge like never before. Richard engel, nbc news, london. We will have more 11th hour after a quick break. What were the odds you would even be you . With your uniquelyyou sneeze. And, your uniquelyyou health needs . 1 in 400 trillion. Roughly. Thats why walgreens created something new. With personalized, Realtime Health alerts. Cash rewards on. Everything. And pickup in as little as 30 minutes. Introducing mywalgreens. 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Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. The last thing before we go tonight, the words of one of our heroes, an icu nurse in indianapolis was a stark reminder that we all can use. When the news says weve reached a new death toll i dont understand that. But as a Front Line Health Care worker i can understand and i can describe the sound a zipper on a body bag makes. I know the feeling of my hand on a chest and the feeling of 2 minutes of cpr before the next pulse check. Theres a lot of Us Health Care workers that will never forget the things weve had to see and do. And i just ask that you try to think beyond yourself and beyond those numbers and really think about the lives and what you can do to make sure youre not the next number. Powerful words. Make sure you are not the next number. To that end, please stay home when you can. And when you cant, remember to wear a mask and to maintain social distance. You can follow all the very latest news any time on the covid pandemic on nbcnews. Com coronavirus. And that is our broadcast for this thursday evening. Thanks for being with us and good night. Tonight on all in. I know what i saw, and i signed something saying that if im wrong, i can go to prison. Did you . The donald j. Trump Election Fraud roadshow rolls out of michigan and down into georgia. They didnt bother to interview a single witness. Just like you, they dont want to know the truth. Just when republicans most need their followers to vote in the Senate Runoff, the cult leader wont stop saying the whole thing is rigged. Thousands and thousands of votes that were out of whack, all against me. Then

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