Transcripts For MSNBCW The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 20200918

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A report that controversial cdc testing guidance was made public over the objection of the agencys actual specialists and scientists, who did not write the recommendations. And nbc news has confirmed that back in april, the white house scrapped an effort to send cloth masks to every american household. Obviously theres a president ial Campaign Going on amid all this. Both candidates were in battleground states tonight. Trump just wrapped up a rambling crowded rally in wisconsin no social distancing few, if any, masks despite a state mandate requiring them he did say that in Bidens America there would be no guns and no religion. He went after mitt romney and canada for good measure. He says he has saved americas suburbs, and at one point he was interrupted when the crowd chanted nobel prize. Joe biden took questions during a cnn driveinstyle town hall near his hometown, scranton, pa. Trump ridiculed the coviddesigned biden format, then again talked up his vaccine that he insists is coming soon the audience isnt quite like this do you see what his audience theyve got cars they got cars in a parking its the weirdest thing ive ever seen. And cnn is going, oh, this is so beautiful. Its not beautiful they have cars in a parking lot. This is the greatest economy in the history of the world then the virus came in we closed it down. We saved millions and millions of lives we will deliver a safe and effective vaccine before the end of the year, and it could be very, very soon. Youve been seeing whats going on it could be very, very soon. Biden was asked about trumps handling of the virus and suggested the president should consider stepping down the idea that youre going to not tell people what youve been told, that this virus is incredibly contagious, seven times for contagious than the flu what president s say matter people listen. I will make it clear what is needed to be done. Youve got to level with the American People, shoot from the shoulder theres never been a time theyve not been able to step up this president should step down. Tonight the former Vice President has support from one more former trump staffer who left the white house last month. The former Homeland Security adviser to mike pence, a twoyear veteran of the white house who served right there on the Coronavirus Task force, said shes backing joe biden after witnessing what she calls trumps disregard for human life during this pandemic im olivia troye. Ive been on the covid task for from day one towards the middle of february, we knew it wasnt a matter of if covid would become a big pandemic here in the United States it was a matter of when. But the president didnt want to hear that because his biggest concern that we were in an Election Year. He doesnt actually care about anyone else but himself. He made a statement once that was very striking. I never forgot it because it pretty much defined who he was when we were in a task force meeting, the president said maybe this covid thing is a good thing. I dont like shaking hands with people i dont have to shake hands with these disgusting people. Those disgusting people are the same people that he claims to care about these are the people still going to his rallies today who have complete faith in who he is. Ms. Troye, who describes herself as a lifelong republican, is the first trump official who worked extensively on this very Coronavirus Response to then forcefully speak out against trump and the response late this afternoon, both pence and trump were asked about her allegations. I have no idea who she is i dont met her i never met her to the best of my knowledge. Maybe she was in a room. I have no idea who she is. She doesnt know me. I havent read her comments in any detail, but it reads to me like one more disgruntled employee whos left the white house, and now has decided to play politics during an Election Year earlier today the president made another attempt to focus the campaign away from the virus to what he calls law and order in a darkthemed speech at the National Archives within view of our most cherished founding documents, he warned of what he calls a leftwing agenda hostile to america students in our universities are inundated with Critical Race Theory this is a marxist doctrine holding that america is a wicked and racist nation, that even Young Children are complicit in oppression, and that our entire society must be radically transformed. I will soon sign an executive order establishing a National Commission to promote Patriotic Education. It will be called the 1776 commission tonight former Obama National security adviser susan rice blasted the president s speech as fundamentally at odds with our nations ideals. This was one of the most astonishing speeches ive heard him give he talks about Patriotic Education. I thought i was listening to mao tsetung running communist china. We dont have a system of Patriotic Education where the dear leader tells the people what they must learn hours before the president s bleak warning of insurrection and violence on the left, fbi director chris wray told the house Homeland Security committee about his agencys conclusions about racially motivated attacks. The biggest chunk of that are individuals who are motivated by some form of white supremacist ideology, and thats the that group, the racially motivated violent extremists, has been responsible for the most lethal activity the last few years. Wray also seemed to break from President Trump when he warned of russias ongoing effort to meddle in our elections and in particular to harm joe bidens candidacy the Intelligence Communitys consensus is that russia continues to try to influence our elections. And i think the Intelligence Community has has assessed this publicly to primarily to denigrate Vice President biden and what the russians see as kind of an antirussian establishment. And of course you knew this was coming tonight on his way to wisconsin, the president was yet again challenging the conclusions of one of the top people working for him, writing this. Quote, chris, you dont see an activity from china even though its a far greater threat than russia, russia, russia they will both, plus others, be able to interfere in our 2020 election with our totally vulnerable, unsolicited, counterfeit question mark ballot scam thats our president its a lot to talk about and here for our leadoff discussion on a busy thursday night, Ashley Parker pulitzer prizewinning White House Reporter for the washington post. Alexi mccammond, political reporter for axios also returning tonight, chuck rosenberg, former u. S. Attorney, former senior fbi official good evening and welcome to you all. Ashley, your reaction to tonights very 2020 split screen of these two very different men, these two very different campaigns, the biden event juxtaposed with the trump event. Well, its just two different realities, and the biden reality is one that is based in the facts of the current pandemic. What you showed that clip of the president mocking everybody in their cars, spaced out, wearing masks, is a reflection of what scientists and Public Health Officials Say are best practices and a Vice President who is following that to a t. And, yes, it means that he doesnt have huge crowds speaking of huge crowds, cut to the president tonight. He spoke for definitely over an hour and a half. It was close to two hours, i think, as i was watching, and this is a president who is sort of reveling in the world as he wishes it was, not as it is. Now, as he wishes it was is a bunch of his supporters chanting for him, shouting nobel peace prize, nobel peace prize, unmasked, not socially distant, behaving as if the virus does not exist. It just could not have been one after the other a starker contrast alexi, the president does not have that much exposure to people outside his circle, humans who dont work for fox news, and a lot of folks said that showed as his town hall meeting in philadelphia. Talk about bidens performance tonight visavis the real live voters at the event. Yeah. I mean, its one thing for biden to be out on the physical campaign trail its another thing for biden to be out on that campaign trail again and be able to actually interact with voters in some sort of way. Thats what made tonight so significant in the covid era, when bidens been doing a lot of Virtual Events and not really getting that facetoface time even if at a distance with voters but i think in terms of the contrast that it showed on the human level, it showed again this side of biden, this really kind of empathetic human whos been through personal grief and had personal loss himself that he talks about openly with his son beau especially when hes talking about a recent report in the atlantic that claims that President Trump has referred to american soldiers who have died in war as suckers and losers, biden gets really emotional when hes talking about that news of the day issue, referring back to his son beau, who of course died after he served in iraq. You know, it just gives voters a more wholistic view of who biden is it gives them of course a chance to see and hear more about his policies and what he would do especially with the coronavirus if he were president right now but it gives him a better chance to see who he is as a person and how he would lead in a time when people need an empathetic leader and theyre not finding that in President Trump. Chuck, over to your bailiwick and lifes work. What have we learned or relearned in the past 24 hours about the attorney general, the legacy he is choosing to leave to children and grandchildren, his respect for the way of doing things at your old employer, the u. S. Department of justice he gave a very curious speech the other day, brian look, the department of justice is designed by and for and about career people. It has, again, by design a very thin political layer the fbi has 37,000 employees, only one of whom is politically appointed. And so we all understand that we are run by an attorney general who is a political appointee and a member of the president s cabinet. But the most important decisions are routinely made by career people there are times when we conflict with political leadership, and we understand we have to yield to political leadership. But its never before, at least in my experience, been this unprincipled, this sort of you know, sort of all norms tossed aside so that the attorney general can give effect to favors for the president and his allies, roger stone, michael flynn. It just goes on and on so thats whats so different and whats so troubling, brian, that norms have been cast aside and that politics have been injected by an attorney general doing favors for a president Ashley Parker, no sooner had we read under your byline a painstaking recreation of trump and the Trump White House in the early days of the virus that another insider has come forward and, in effect, confirmed what you reported was going on, the disregard for human life Susan Glasser writes this about olivia troye tonight in the end, this is what struck me most during my conversation with troye she is young, only 43 years old, with a long career ahead of her, and she was willing to put it all on the line publicly whereas people like mattis and kelly were not. Ashley, your reaction. Well, two things are striking first is the number of people who have come out, who have worked in the administration and have come out against the president and expressed regret and alarm and concern, and she is certainly one of them and mike pence, when he sort of said it was a little bit of a slip, just one more disgruntled employee well, its not normal to have that many disgruntled employees in a single white house. But the flip side are all the people who have not publicly come out many of them in far more senior positions than her, who might even have more authority than her, who could really render an inside look at what they viewed in the Trump White House and these are people who, according to our reporting, have expressed misgivings privately to friends, sometimes to journalists, little bits and pieces seem to get channeled out in books, and theres a real Pressure Campaign on people. The name you hear the most, of course, is general kelly that they really want to have him come forward and say what he is saying privately and explain the real concerns and alarm that he had working for this president. And its an open question with just 47 days until election day, if more people will come out and how highranking and senior they were in this administration. It is striking to see the photos, and the photos alone of her on air force two, in the oval office, in the vps office, her resume, the scope of her work is illustrated and stands up hey, alexi, back over to the campaign trail, trump is doubling down on cultural issues as weve all heard and seen. And as we try to ask many segments per week, is the Biden Campaign giving enough of a counterargument, do you think . I think that the Biden Campaign is trying to focus on a lot of Different Things in the last couple of weeks of course biden has gone out there to forcefully give these kind of rebuttals to the president , talking about these different cultural issues, saying in the past that the president kind of stoked the fans of these racial tensions and really incites violence in this country, especially when the president is trying to blame joe biden for the civil unrest and the protests and the rioting and looting thats going on. Biden gets out there to remind people that President Trump is the president right now, and biden is not but the other interesting thing is that bidens really getting out there and still talking about the coronavirus. Yesterday he was giving remarks about a potential vaccine for the coronavirus. Today he was giving remarks about, you know, his vision for tax policy his campaign was putting out an economic fact sheet that was really contrasting his view for tax policy compared with Donald Trumps view for tax policy, really making this argument as before he was heading to scranton, pennsylvania, where biden is from, that biden is for middle class votes, middle class workers. Thats another contrast hes trying to draw from President Trump, saying that President Trump is in bidens view kind of an elitist who doesnt really know what its like to be a middle class american, especially in this time. Biden saying, i know what your life is like i know what its like to be you. Let me help you through this chuck, i want to play for you one of the more newsworthy comments that the attorney general has made in the last 24 hours. We have coupled it with one of the more newsworthy reactions to barr well discuss both on the other side putting a national lockdown, stayathome orders is like house arrest its the its you know, other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, this is the greatest intrusion on Civil Liberties in American History. That statement by mr. Barr was the most ridiculous tonedeaf, godawful things ive ever heard it is incredible the chief Law Enforcement officer in this country would equate human bondage to expert advice to save lives. Slavery was not about saving lives. It was about devaluing lives this pandemic is a threat to human life chuck, indeed the attorney general is an educated man, and whatever legacy he has decided upon for himself in American History, of course he nicely ignores korematsu among other suspensions of Civil Liberties in our history he omits the fact that a stayathome order is for the Public Health and therefore unique to our time as someone who has had contact with barr and knows full well who he is and his background, what do you think he is up to here well, i thought i knew barr because i was one of the fools who said he was a principled institutionalist, brian, when he first rejoined the department of justice. So i didnt know barr the way he turned out to be that said, congressman clyburn is spoton you mentioned korematsu. In february of 1942, president roosevelt issued an executive order, and we removed japanese americans, including predominantly american citizens of japanese descent from their homes and businesses on the west coast. And, you know, go back further in 1798, the alien and sedition acts to compare precautions that we take because of a pandemic, to equate wearing a mask in a Grocery Store with slavery is nuts i dont have another word for it, brian. Its nuts. So that will be this mans legacy hes chosen it for himself theres no way you can equate sort of thoughtful, careful medical and scientific response to a pandemic with slavery and ignore the rest of American History while you do that. The legacy is a sad one, but its the one he chose, and its the one hes going to have to live with. A veteran lawyer throwing down that timetested legal phrase its nuts. Our thanks to Ashley Parker, alexi mccammond, chuck rosenberg. Greatly appreciate you starting us off tonight, Three Friends of this broadcast coming up for us, the president says he knows better than the cdc about all things coronavirus. Well ask a doctor on the front lines of the coronavirus why that might be a bad prognosis for american citizens. And later, in an otherwise suppressed economy, Fact Checkers are doing well. Heres the question, though. How does biden win against an incumbent president and a daily blizzard of misinformation well talk to one of this countrys top political strategists and one of this countrys top political reporters. Well ask if biden is doing enough to win the prize as the 11th hour is just getting under way on this thursday night audible is my roadtrip companion. Its kind of my quiet, alone time. Audible is a routine for me. Its like a fun night school for adults. I could easily be seduced into locking myself into a place where i do nothing but listen to books. 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With the carrier rated 1 in customer satisfaction. Call, click, or visit your local xfinity store today. The fda has made it very clear explicitly that they will not be influenced by Political Considerations we at the nih and the Scientific Community are very adamant about that so if, in fact, it looks like that vaccine is safe and effective, i can tell the American Public that i will take the vaccine when its available to me, and i will recommend to my family that they take it. Hes the guy. Hes the nations top Infectious Disease expert earlier tonight on this network, looking to restore a little public trust in the governmentrun Health Agencies as we mentioned, tonight the New York Times has this new reporting on recent guidance that was posted on the cdc website for us all to read the times says controversial recommendations that asymptomatic patients do not need testing, those were not written by cdc scientists. The guidance was said to be, quote, dropped onto the website without scientific review and despite serious objections inside the agency. So back with us tonight is dr. Vin gupta. Hes an e. R. Doc specializing in these kinds of illnesses, also an affiliate assistant professor with the university of Washington Department of Health Metrics sciences so, doctor, people are exasperated. Were hearing and seeing this every day with our Public Health institutions under fire. And now that we have reason to question what comes out of the cdc, tell us, please, who can we trust . So, dr. Fauci good evening, brian what dr. Fauci said is correct, and lets be clear here. The fda has been politicized in the past when it comes to a vaccine and whether its effective and safe, i have confidence that the vaccine will be deemed safe and effective by their definitions by an independent advisory committee. One will be convened on october 22nd, so i think its important for the American Public, for all your viewers to know that there will be a process of independent experts that will be convened. Now, heres the important thing, brian. Whats effective whats the goalpost that we have to whats the goal line to cross here thats 50 efficacy versus a placebo. So somebody gets it, theyre 50 protected from covid19 compared to somebody who doesnt get it how do we define success thats how were defining it is that actually going to pan itself out who knows . We need data to determine how effective this vaccine actually will be once its deployed but heres the other thing there, just one last point on this a modeling study back in june by investigators at the City University of new york suggested a vaccine had to be 70 effective and 60 of the population needed to get that effective vaccine for the pandemic to be quashed so this vaccine is not going to end the pandemic thats critical. I want to talk about the Surgeon General. And before we do, i want to be fair and point out that he has not been a profile in courage during the length and breadth of this illness one of his first utterances that the American People heard from him on early, early on in covid was to talk about the Robust Health and stamina of the president. Hes also the guy, our Surgeon General, who advised the American People against getting masks. He later explained that away, saying he was worried that the medical community would not get masks if they were hoarded by the public so he has that on his record with that as background, you know youve gotten into a dustup with him over the last 24, 48 hours. Whats it been about you know, i commented to the Surgeon General that he should have corrected the president yesterday. He is the nations chief Public Health spokesperson. He is not entitled to that role. That role comes with responsibilities when the president is saying that a vaccine is going to end the pandemic and he is directly questioning the effectiveness of masks, the president was basically making fun of the former Vice President for wearing a mask, saying some people dont believe in it who knows if its effective. The Surgeon General told me on twitter, hey, doc, theres nothing to respond to there. I dont have to correct the president essentially is what he said thats wrong the Surgeon General should have put his job on the line. His job is to put out information that the public can trust, and he didnt do that and the fact that hes saying he didnt have to do that, basically its abdication of his basic responsibility so thats the problem here we cant test our Public Health officials like the Surgeon General. Way too much dear leadertype response going on these days doctor, its great to have you thank you for staying up with us on a thursday night. Dr. Vin gupta, one of our frequent guests on this topic. Coming up, a night of contrasts between the two president ial contenders, as we said, with just 47 days left in this campaign. A. B. Stoddard is with us Steve Schmidt is with us both of them standing by here . Nah. Here . Nope. Here. When the middle of nowhere. Is somewhere. The allnew chevy trailblazer. I got it all from you im always pushing through i know well make it to the finish line i know youre waiting on the other side im like you ondemand glucose monitoring. Because theyre always on. Another lifechanging technology from abbott. So you dont wait for life. You live it. Were doing a great job relative to other countries on the coronavirus. You know how many names . We have like 22 different names. I call it the china virus. Were doing a great job. But if you want to really see a great job, take new york and some of these other democratrun states out of it youll see numbers that are unbelievable earlier tonight, joe biden launched some harsh attacks on the president s Coronavirus Response all the way back in march i was calling for the need for us to have masks, have the president stand and tell us whats going on. But he knew it he knew it and did nothing its close to criminal back with us tonight, two of our returning veterans, Steve Schmidt, longtime political strategist who led john mccains 08 effort and has since left the Republican Party he is in fact among the founding members of the lincoln project, dedicated to the defeat of donald trump and trumpism. And a. B. Stoddard, a veteran of political journalism, current associate editor and columnist for realclearpolitics. A. B. , id like to begin with you. It will forever be bracing to hear a president of the United States do a regional breakdown of death poll based on the political color of a state or city on the map. Be that as it may, just today an insider comes forward. A woman who we can see in color white house photographs at the seat of power, whether that seat is the oval office, on air force two with the Vice President , in the vps office, saying the president has disregard for human life cut to tonights wisconsin rally. Folks crammed in do they not care does the president not care . Is it a combination of both . The new kind of political way of thumbing ones nose at the establishment. Its such an interesting question, brian, because i think that he did not know that people would be so willing, once he urged states to be liberated and people to come out without masks on, open up every business they possibly could, jam into gyms or movie theaters or whatever he wanted to make sure the economic engine would get going in late spring i dont know that he knew that his supporters, especially the night of the tulsa rally when a lot of them didnt show up or they sat in the back with masks on or didnt stay too long, that he would be able to revive these rallies and get people cheek to jowl, sometimes in indoor spaces like three times this week to share aerosolized virus particles with each other so its Pretty Amazing that he continues to do this and that he remains, you know, to this day, so close to election day, officially antimask to the point where he would, you know, chide the cdc director and pick a public fight but there are willing supporters who come to share the excitement, listen to the same greatest hits over and over again, and give him the adulation that he wants, and obviously its such a stark contrast to the night that he was with George Stephanopoulos and these voters, facing not Trump Supporters but skeptical voters in a town hall setting much like joe biden did tonight. And the contrast between a trump rally, a trump town hall with voters, joe biden with voters, and then how far away joe biden, you know, respectfully stays from voters and only got near Anderson Cooper because he said he had tested negative, its the contrast that joe biden thinks is going to help win him the election Steve Schmidt, a question i try to ask at least one guest once a night on this broadcast is joe biden doing enough with what they are being handed from this president on a daily basis is biden, is the Biden Campaign doing enough to win hes on track to win the presidency, brian. I do think that these debates will be critical events, historic events, in this country. I think the consequences of this election for the country are profound i think its the most important election that the countrys had since 1864, which determined whether we remained a country or not. And the reality is, is that joe biden is going to have to walk onto that debate stage, and hes going to have to confront donald trump. Hes going to have to confront trumpism hes going to have to define it, and hes going to have to hold donald trump accountable there has to be a moment where reality collides with the trumpian alternate reality one thing that is true is that i do believe that donald trump actually thinks that hes done a good job when, in fact, hes presided over a catastrophe with regard to covid19 when he stands up there and lies to the American People about the job that the federal government has done, it bears mentioning that if the United States had the same mortality rates as did germany, wed have 140,000 fewer dead americans tonight than in fact we do the lie that he told the country over and over again, the 109 instances at least that he downplayed covid19, that he downplayed the virus, that lie is responsible for untold human suffering and death. Its not just the biggest lie in the countrys history. Its among its most immoral acts and certainly the most immoral act by an american president ever and so we sit here tonight watching joe biden talk about the issues confronting the country through a prism of reality and facts, and we see donald trump at a rally. And who is at that rally and i say this wishing these people no harm but this is the definition of a cult of personality. These people are putting themselves and their families in mortal danger by being there trumps allowing them to be there to celebrate him, to take in the adulation its definitionally an immoral act, a reckless act. And when you look at the faces there, i just wonder who the first person there that was there tonight is whos going to die from it. And its just its beyond tragic its unspeakably sad, and it is disgraceful to see the abuse of power that enables this to happen both of our guests have agreed to stay with us and speaking of that very point Steve Schmidt just made, after the break, well continue our conversation with the notion the president floated yet again today. We may not be able to trust the results of the coming president ial election. The leftwing rioting and mayhem are the direct result of decades of leftwing indoctrination in our schools. The left has warped, distorted, and defiled the american story with deceptions, falsehoods, and lies the president marked Constitution Day with those remarks just for starters at the National Archives in washington today. Still with us are Steve Schmidt and a. B. Stoddard. Steve, that room and the documents it houses beneath that thick glass, you almost cant believe looking at the parchment that youre actually allowed to see the formational documents of our country. I first walked in there on a trip to washington with my parents in 1974, and ill never forget it. So its against that backdrop that we heard, as susan rice put it, one of the darkest speeches, if not the darkest of his presidency well, we heard the undemocratic ranting and musings of our dimestore, slurring mussolini there behind the president ial seal. The event was a travesty and that it took place in the presence of those documents is a desecration to the ideas and ideals of the country. The speech was jarring it was illiberal, meaning undemocratic in its essence, and nobody should undersell, underappreciate the radicalness, the extremeness of trumps statements about if i lose the election, therefore the election is illegitimate, it will have been stolen. Weve never had a president unwilling to lose, to accept the sovereign judgment of the people in a government of the people, by the people, for the people. Our democracy is sustained by, renewed by, predicated upon free and Fair Elections that an american president would do what hes doing, that he would send a signal to the country that evaporates their faith and belief in the legitimacy of the american form of government from that room isnt just despicable, its profoundly dangerous for the continuation of the american experiment which began in 1776, testing the proposition whether people could selfgovern, whether the people could govern. And so we have a president now who when he looks at the country and sees that hes behind, sees that hes being rejected and hes repudiated, he is undermining the integrity and most importantly the faith of the people in the integrity of that system, which has been one of the longest and deepest wishes of so many of this nations enemies and adversaries. The one thing they could never, ever do was to shake belief in the american system in the eyes of the American People, but trump has managed to do it so, a. B. , the president of the United States today said the results may not be accurately determined of this coming election, twitter flagged it facebook yawned. The comment is now out there im imagining with the folks you know, downballot republicans must be really psyched to see remarks like that. Well, shame on their silence, brian. Were not seeing enough of them step up to talk about what steve just ably described, which is a president delegitimizing the entire process and of course telling us in advance hes going to question the outcome and might reject it. So they are very worried about what hes done to dampen enthusiasm among Republican Voters for mailin balloting and absentee balloting, which are essentially the same thing but they are staying silent on what hes doing, which is outrageous and senator dan coats, the former dni for President Trump, put out an oped today in the New York Times calling on people to do a bipartisan cometogether in a way to sort of oversee the elections, the 50 state elections, to make sure it that has a bipartisan imprimatur of approval. And i dont see any republicans coming to agree with him, which is really just you know, i mean we cant be surprised, but we can still be shocked. So the thing is we are dependent on state election officials. We are dependent on state legislatures, state election officials, and governors in essentially six states, three in the rust belt, florida, north carolina, and arizona to be very frank as soon as possible on Election Night and the days that follow about their process, which i believe they all, you know, will defend. And theyre going to have to withstand a lot of pressure from the president. Two friends of this broadcast, a. B. , steve, thanks very much for coming on tonight. Coming up for us, the truth about vaccines so whats going on . Im a talking dog. The other issue. Oh. Im scratching like crazy. Youve got some allergic itch with skin inflammation. Apoquel can work on that itch in as little as 4 hours, whether its a new or chronic problem. And apoquels treated over 8 million dogs. Nice. And. The talking dog thing . Is it bothering you . No. Itching like a dog is bothering me. Until dogs can speak for themselves, you have to. When allergic itch is a problem, ask for apoquel. 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I got it all from you im always pushing through i know well make it to the finish line i know youre waiting on the other side im like you ondemand glucose monitoring. Because theyre always on. Another lifechanging technology from abbott. So you dont wait for life. You live it. Again tonight donald trump hinted a vaccine will be ready soon as hes wondered aloud, maybe in time for election day. But the companies, the leading contenders responsible for actually producing a vaccine, they have a timeline of their own. Our report tonight from nbc news correspondent tom costello reporter of the three Companies Leading the vaccine race, moderna, pfizer, and astrazeneca, none expects to have an fdaapproved vaccine by election day today moderna and pfizer, which are set to receive billions in taxpayer money, became the first to publish the covid19 vaccine trial protocols for everyone to see. We care deeply that this vaccine is trusted by the public, by clinicians and nurses around the country so it is used it would be, of course, a big waste if we worked so hard to get a vaccine to work and people dont trust the safety reporter pfizer hopes to have trial results by the end of october. Moderna is expecting its results in november or december. A final analysis could take until march or even may. Meanwhile, astrazeneca still hasnt explained why its vaccine trials were paused for safety concerns and why theyve restarted in the uk but not in the u. S. The company says its working with the fda to facilitate review of the information and the fda will decide when the u. S. Trial can resume. Vaccine expert peter hotez says drug Company Transparency is critical. Is the Public Confidence in the entire Vaccine Movement right now on the line . Not only is the Public Confidence of the vaccines used in operation warp speed on the line, the Public Confidence in the entire nations Vaccine Program is on the line. Reporter but tens of thousands have signed up as drug trial volunteers in london, robin powell is still planning to join the astrazeneca trial even after the unexplained safety pause i think the risk to me is relatively small, and the benefit to the estate of man is very great. Its that simple . Its about helping your fellow man . Exactly so, yes. Reporter tonight the most optimistic timeline suggests some americans, very few, could start receiving covid vaccines late this year but for most americans, it will extend well into next summer and even next fall and our thanks to tom costello for that. Coming up, what will they think of next during this pandemic last thing before we go tonight, starting with a quick word about this segment. We realize its the last thing you hear from us every night, in many cases, especially at midnight here on the east, right before you turn in for the night. Every single story we considered for this segment tonight was judged too depressing, and we thought we all needed a break. So here it is, and it comes from the washington post. And the headline tells us the story. Growing number of Airlines Offer flights to nowhere as International Travel remains stalled. And first off here, lets remember the Airline Industry has been crushed people are traveling but at a fraction of the normal numbers International Travel is really challenging, very selective, with testing standards and quarantine requirements. Most countries are closed to us americans for good reason. Most analysts dont see International Travel coming back in a big way until next summer so remembering all the jobs and livelihoods the virus affects, people are paying good money to get on packed airplanes and fly around and see stuff and then return to the same airport quoting from the post article, qantas among the latest to advertise a flight that departs and arrives at the same airport, told Reuters News Agency the trip sold out less than ten minutes after going on sale on thursday its probably the fastestselling flight in qantas history, a spokesman for the airline said so people are paying between 575 and 2,700 a seat, and in the case of qantas, they do fly low over the Great Barrier reef and the outback. So passengers feel as if theyve seen something on their journey before they land right back where they took off and go home to their lives of course it makes sense because during a pandemic, when you think pandemic, you naturally think about sealing yourself inside an aluminum tube and sharing the air and personal space with strangers thankfully, face masks are strongly recommended aboard qantas, and this is all proof that cabin fever is a powerful thing though perhaps slightly less powerful than the coronavirus. And that is our broadcast on a thursday night it comes with our thanks for spending this time with us on behalf of all my colleagues at the networks of nbc news, good night tonight on all in. 40,000 plus new cases a day. 200,000 american lives lost. Tonight dr. Anthony fauci on the federal governments response to coronavirus, where this country is headed and what the general public should really expect when it comes to a vaccine. Then a dire warning from Donald Trumps former director of National Intelligence that american democracy is in danger. The new investigation into claims of unnecessary medical procedures at an i. C. E. Detention facility and just what is going on with attorney general bill barr you know, other than avy,

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