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Foul mouthed eruptions and snap decisions. Among the host explosive allegations, trump out right asked china to help him get reelected. John bolton writes in june 2019 during a one of one meeting with chinas president at the g 20 summit right there, trump linked chinas purchases of u. S. Agricultural products to a second term in the white house. Bolton writes quote, she said he wanted to work with trump for six more years and trump replied that people were saying that the twoterm constitutional limit on president s should be repealed for him. Bolton goes on to write he then stunningly turned the conversation to the coming u. S. President ial election eluding to chinas economic capability and pleading with xi to ensure hed win. You may recall trump saying this about foreign interference in our elections back in 2019. Russia, if china, if someone else offers you information on an opponent, should they accept or call the fbi . I think both. I would want to hear it. It not an interference. It information. It would take it. China should start an investigation into biden because what happened to china is just about as bad as what happened with ukraine. John bolton writes this and we quote i am hard pressed to identify any significant trump decision during my white house tenure that wasnt driven by my reelection calculations and House Democrat efforts to impeach the president for abuse of power for holding up security aid while pressuring ukraine to public announce investigations into the bidens. Bolton offered to testify in the senate trial youll recall only if he was subpoenaed but the republicans, of course, wouldnt allow that. Washington post is reporting on a portion of the book where bolton writes he was shocked by trumps limited Foreign Policy knowledge and that quote, he recalls trump asking then chief of staff john kelly if the nation of finland is part of russia. In a meeting with then british Prime Minister teresa may in 2018, a british official referred to the u. K. As a Nuclear Power and trump interjects, oh, are you a Nuclear Power . Bolton also writes that during trumps 2018 meeting with north koreas leader quote secretary of state mike pompeo passed me his note pad on which he had written he is so full of the s word. I agreed. The former National Security advisor is speaking out on his time serving the president in one excerpt from his abc news sitdown interview, bolton talks about trumps relationship with vladimir putin. I think putin thinks he can play him like a fiddle. I think putin is smart tough and sees hes not faced with a serious adversary. Hes not worries about donald trump. When you have putin understanding life and his position in the world against donald trump who doesnt enjoy reading about these issues or learning about them, its a very difficult position for america to be in. One more word on this front. The u. S. Justice department, your Justice Department is seeking an emergency order to block publication of boltons book, which again, has been printed and is in the hands and homes of a number of journalists, some of them guests on this broadcast. The l. A. Times says prosecutors are deciding whether to criminally charge bolton with disclosing classified information. Indeed tonight trump continued down that path during an interview with sean hannity on fox news. He was a washed up guy. I gave him a chance. He broke the law very simple. As much as its going to be broken, this is highly classified. The highest stage. Its highly classified information and he did not have approval. The president still looking forward to his rally in tulsa thats expected to bring thousands of people indoors despite the Alarming Number of coronavirus cases in that city and state. Earlier today a state judge turned down a request asking that the company organizing the rally enforce social distancing protocols. Tonight trump talked about the rally and the virus. Its fading away. Its going to fade away. There are lines of people now and we wont be there for three days. There is a hunger for the rallies and i enjoy doing them but they enjoy them, more importantly, than me. Here for the lead off discussion, burro chief for the Washington Post coauthor with a very stable genius. Veteran journalist for real clear politics and jeremy bash, former chief of staff at cia and pentagon and happens to be former chief counsel to the House Intel Committee and because of your National Security credentials, id like to begin with you. Tough to know where to begin. How about the story in the book where the president solicits help from china to get reelected . Yeah, brian, i think asking the communist party of china asking to interfere is a real low point in american history. I mean, this president has shown an interest, a desire to invite foreign interference. He did it with respect to russia and welcomed the interference in the 2016 election. He did it with respect to ukraine. He shook down the president of ukraine to try to get ukrainians to dig up dirt on joe biden and we have a firsthand account from nobody less than the National Security advisor of the United States that the president in effect did a quid pro quo in china. Interfere in my election campaign. Help me and ill give you a sweet heart deal on trade and that sweet heart deal, brian, is important to note comes off the back of American Workers and off the american economy. So when the president comes forward and says im tough on china and when the Trump Administration claims that it has a tough anti china policy, dont believe it for a second because as john bolton makes clear, trump was being played by china and playing to china and undermining National Security the whole time. Phil rucker, an interview with the wall street journal tonight. He talked about bolton and said hes a liar and said everybody in the white house hated john bolton the statement does not say i never said that to china. As a chronic of life inside the trump white house, as someone who knows the feeling of a piece of nonfiction work climbing on amazon as bolton is watching now, does this reporting hold up in terms of the bright light comparison to what youre able to glean from inside this west wing. So many of the conclusions and themes john bolton arrived at in his book are familiar to all of us covering this presidency but what is extraordinary and knew is the level of detail and the new episode that further points this portrait of a president who is erratic, ill informed and does not have basic knowledge of World Affairs or world geography even and who does dangerous decisions for the country. Thats been obvious now for three years based on all of our reporting, all of our inside accounts weve heard so far but bolton adds an incredible new layer of the story. What is interesting about the white house and the president are responding to the book tonight, on one hand, saying bolton is lying and not telling the truth but on the other hand theyre saying no, no, this is classified information but by definition, classified information is factual information so if the conversation that the president had with xi is classified in the way it took place and the way bolton described it is accurate and despite the president calling bolton a liar, there is no effort by the white house to litigate or rather to fact check any of this specific allegations contained in the book other than a blanket statement that its not true. A. B. Dual question. First part theory, second practical. What the president has assembled in the senate a red wall and even when on the Susan Collins scale of trouble and concern they reach a nine, they are dependable republican votes for this president , theyve all made that deal with their seats and their careers. So first question, would it have made any difference in history if john bolton had said any or all of this stuff under oath in the senate, second question, what possibly can Mitch Mcconnell say now when he slows down long enough to take a question from reporters. If hes hit with what do you make of the story the president trying to get chinese assistance in his reelection . Brian, thats the most amazing thing. When these revelations of this kind come out and you dont need to have read a very stable genius supporters of President Trump today and those believe hes unfit and corrupt, none of them were shocked about President Trump and these revelations, the shock is from john bolton refusing to come to the senate or congress and house and testify on these matters, do it for his country for all of the disappointment and shock and disgust hes expressing in this book, he waited instead to sell books but to corrupt or sell any person or strategic objective. Or National Value that stands if in his way. Every Senate Republican who is close to john bolton likely knew all of this and refused and worked hard to make sure he couldnt come tell it so they have to vote for a move from the president. I think this kind of testimony would have truly impacted the vote and very difficult for them in large numbers to reject removal and i dont know the answer to the last question and im stifling right now about what theyll say tomorrow but we are always surprised by his enablers, never by the president himself that they continue when they likely as i said knew much of this. John bolton is tight with Mitch Mcconnell, ted cruz, mitt romney. See the tweets from the fall of 2019 when he left the white house from them. This is the kind of thing that can be very difficult for them to run away from tomorrow. Jeremy bash, think of where we are and i know that you do. The quote in the book was a way of life inside this white house. Obstruction of justice. We are in the middle of a pandemic. We can read now if not direct approval by our president concentration camps in china if that doesnt fog up a mirror nervous and deeply upset. We can read in front of teresa may, the president expressed surprise that the u. K. Is a member of the family of nuclear nations, a very finite group on this planet yet today. Im tempted to repeat the protest phrase of the 60s to you and just say the whole world is watching. Thats right. When the president uses his office as this book documents to get in criminal investigations to go easy on chinas zte or and go on chinas zte or erdogan which were both all of them under some sort of investigative lens by the Justice Department and the president said look, ill do favors for dictators because they will do favors for me, that just shows you how much the office of the president has been corrupted and i think its critical to note that these supporters say hes a genius and under taken Foreign Policy and broken a lot of things. Totems. Hes been taken each and every time. It wouldnt matter if it was comical and a footnote. This is dangerous. We live in a dangerous uncertain world and for a president not just to be ignorant but under but to be malicious. And under take take National Security with mall last undermining National Security is a very challenging position for the United States to be in and i agree members of congress should speak up and call john bolton as a witness and continue oversight pressure on this presidency and this administration. Well, thats how well know if any of the usual norms and rigors of American Life still survive this era, i guess. Phil rucker, what of this effort to stop publication of a book thats been printed is bound and is in the homes and hands as i said of so many journalists for starters . Brian, the effort is clearly failing and will fail and that the no surprise to legal experts because, you know, bolton documented this time as the National Security advisor, we went through a month long review process with the government to strip away information from the book deemed classified according to boltons attorney, he has met that review and the book is bulletproof so to speak so here we are on the eve of publication, we have donald trump, a president who is upset with the book and revelations contained inside of it and i suspect what is going on at the Justice Department is an effort to respond to the president s anger about the book as opposed to any sort of sound legal strategy. Its unlikely that the Justice Department is going to be able to stop this book for example it is already at the amazon distribution warehouses, bookstores everywhere and many peoples homes and by tuesday of next week, all those folks that preordered it will have it at their doorstep. A. B. , this may be unanswerable but i want to hear you out. Does this affect the election . I keep hearing from journalists that xny trump related are quote baked into the cake. Is the cake really that baked that it cant with stand damage from stories like these . Well, i think brian, that when people were watching the impeachment trial, they were busy with their lives and when the pandemic hit and the economy cratered, they watched an administration unable to handle a crisis or two and youve seen of course the polling change so rapidly in the administration, the president s response to the demonstrations in the streets. And so i do think hes on a really tender ground right now and it is a place where Senate Republicans and House Republicans might be able to be more critical about what they learned from like john boltons book than they would have considered being coming out two months ago. You see him losing a few evangelicals, catholics, way too many seniors and noncollege white women. His coalition is being challenged by his failure in the crisis. It is interesting, the most damming episode ive ever read about the Trump Administration was in phil ruckers book in the tank of the pentagon when the president called these generals and top military people dopes and losers and continued to maintain support since that came out. So if it isnt shaken by covid and a near depression, maybe it cant be but his numbers right now look really terrible after these crisis. Three of the very best people we could hope to talk to after a day like the one weve had in this country. Phil rucker, a. B. , jeremy bash, great thanks for coming on. Thank you very much. Coming up for us, that bolton book, not the only problem facing the president. Theres also the minor matter of the largest indoor gathering since the arrival of the pandemic. Why so many are saying the rally in tulsa is a bad idea, unsafe at any size and later, stunning charges against the police in the death of Rayshard Brooks. Tempers hot as atlanta wonders what will happen in court . Will this change policing . And what about the family of Rayshard Brooks . The 11th hour just Getting Started on a wednesday night. Finding dental insurance plans can be confusing, confusing like, why am i sitting here in a hospital gown waiting to get my eyes checked . Ready . Absolutely not. See, having the wrong coverage can mean you get the wrong care, or youre paying more than you have to. Thats why i love healthmarkets, your insurance marketplace. They make sure you have the right coverage, health insurance, medicare, and yes, dental too. Wow, think thats painful . Wait til he gets the bill. A cavity can cost as much as 350 and a root canal, whoa. But with healthmarkets, for less than a dollar a day, you can save a bundle every time you go to the dentist. Exams, cleanings, and xrays, those are covered at 100 . That sounds free to me. 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Your insurance marketplace, healthmarkets. Call healthmarkets now. Call the number on your screen call this number now. Bbut what if you couldg do better than that . Like adapt. Discover. Deliver, in new ways, to new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back, but bounce forward. And now, with one of our best offers ever, were committed to helping you do just that. Get a powerful and reliable internet and voice solution for only 29. 95 a month for three months. Call or go online today. Today we reported 96 cases. Our highest report since this started. Our staff is overwhelmed. We recommend it be postponed until the data says its not as large a concern to have people indoors. Thats what i would personally like to see happen. It here. Let focus on staying safe while its here. We cant repeat that often enough. That the the Health Director in tulsa saying they will overwhelmed right now three days before the rally. City officials there gave no assurances that the president s rally this weekend wouldnt turn into whats called in the trade a super spreader event. Washington post shows oklahoma is just one of at least nine states reporting not just spikes, recordbreaking highs in new cases. In the meantime, three states are on track to contain the virus according to National Data analysis. Michigan, new jersey, new york and having flattened its curve new york city is now looking to enter the second phase of its reopening plan next week, though, steady as she goes. We are so happy to welcome back to the broadcast during this important time dr. Michael osterholm, a director and professor for infectious disease, university of minnesota and coauthor of deadliest enemy, our war against killer germs. Ill start you off with the audio from the president tonight. Very optimistic update on the virus. Here he is on fox news. Were very close to a vaccine and therapeutics and even without that, i dont like to talk about that because its fading away. It going to fade away. So doctor, you heard the man. It fading away. Its going to fade away. I knew youd want to hear that. This is troubling, however. This is Washington Post some go so far as to raise concerns about an october surprise in which administration issues an emergency authorization for a vaccine right before the november 3rd election regardless of whether the research justifies it. Doctor, perhaps judging from all this it sounds like the virus has perhaps weakened or faded since last we spoke. Give us a Progress Report on this virus. Well, there are three points to remember as we hear all of this discussion going on. Number one, only about 5 of the u. S. Population has been infected to date. This transmission will continue in a major way until at least 60 or 70 of the population is infected. Think about the pain, suffering death and economic disrups disruption that occurred to date, were just Getting Started. This virus doesnt Pay Attention to policy or rhetoric. The virus will do whatever its going to do and scientists prepared to act accordingly. Third, if someone tries to make a policy surprise, i really believe that the Scientific Community of this country will stand up and without partisan labels, without anything, they will tell the truth. And i dont think anyone in this country would dare bring forward a vaccine that wasnt proven to be safe and effective. I think the outcry would be remarkable and that would be enough to tell the story of what would happen. Politics aside. Is this gathering in tulsa remember approximately 19,000 indoors in the main arena and then in overflow arena in the convention center. Could i pay you enough money to attend this kind of thing . Is this Public Health malpractice . You know, with all due respect, brian, if i could put this in perspective. If all four beetles were able to be back tonight in a large indoor area concert in a place like tulsa, i wouldnt go or want any of my loved ones to go there. That the how we have to understand this situation. Masks available but not required. Is that a big mistake . Are you convinced that you and i are going to have a conversation in two weeks time about a spike, small or large that comes out of this mass gathering . Well, first of all, take a step back again and we did have a conversation, you and i two weeks ago talking about what would happen with all of the protest and the number of people who are together in the outdoors area and at that time, i laid out the what if and what if. Because it was outdoors, we know that the virus will dissipate much more quickly into the air but yet, people were close together. They were subjected to tear gas and smoke and coughing. They were also shouting. All things that spread the virus. They were detained in vehicles like buses before they were taken to jails where they were processed, held overnight. All those things added up and we said we didnt know what would happen and right now, i can tell you tonight it looks like the outdoors actually won because were not seeing a big increase. I could not tell you for certain that an indoor event like this would cause a major super spreader outbreak but i wouldnt want to take the odds on that with my own loved ones. Thats how i would assess the situation, indoors is a very different environment and we know thats where we see the super spreader events. I would not want someone i loved to be at that event. We will invite you back after this rally takes place in tulsa, oklahoma. In the meantime, let me know about that beetles reunion. That is something i would be interested in. Ill meet you there. Thank you for joining us. It will be an outdoor event but ill be there. Maybe in the old shea stadium. Thank you very much. Coming up, a closer look at the charges against the two officers involved in the killing of Rayshard Brooks. Stunning new details about what happened just after the Fatal Shooting when the 11th hour continues. Metastatic Breast Cancer is relentless, but im relentless too. Because every day matters. And having more of them is possible with verzenio, the only one of its kind proven to help you live significantly longer when taken with fulvestrant, regardless of menopausal status. And its the only one of its kind you can take every day. Verzenio fulvestrant is approved for women with hr , her2 metastatic Breast Cancer whose disease has progressed after hormonal treatment. Diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. At first sign of diarrhea, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. Before taking verzenio, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection. 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Mr. Brooks never presented himself as a threat after he was awakened by the officer, he was corporative. M to search him and the search yielded no weapon. What we discovered is during the two minutes and 12 seconds that officer rolfe actually kicked mr. Brooks while he laid on the ground, while he was there fighting for his life. A powerful and methodical presentation in a local atlanta courtroom today and containing some shocking new details we didnt yet know about the killing by police of a black man in atlanta late last week. The now former officer responsible for the death of Rayshard Brooks now faces 11 counts including felony murder. That the the big one. Fired Police Officer Garrett Rolfe could face life in prison without parole, possibly the death penalty, if convicted. His partner Devin Brosnan facing three lesser charges but said to be cooperating with the District Attorneys Office however his attorney disputes previous reports from this afternoon that he is formally agreed to turn states witness. Here to talk about this case and more, mara gay former new york city burro chief at the wall street journal a member of the New York Times Editorial Board and were happy to welcome to our broadcast lorenzo boyd, a criminal justice professor, specializing in police, Community Relations and the director for the center for advancing policing at the university of new haven in connecticut. Welcome to you both. Mr. Boyd, id like to begin with you. 11 charges against the former cop who fired the fatal shots sampling some of the coverage tonight as powerful a carefully laid out presentation as it was, i hear folks expressing fear that its over reach by the d. A. Whats the danger of that in your view . If it is in fact over reach, that could be dangerous a lot of times is the District Attorney tends to under charge a lot of things and thats disruptive for the community and again, from the perspective of the community, theres a lot of people hurting because yet again, we see another black man, another unarmed black man that senselessly killed when there are other things that could have happened. Mara gay, do you think anyone is looking to congress, actually looking to congress the way we used to in this country for solutions or does your confidence come from being forced to believe that at a local Level Community by Community Across our country policing will get better . Well, i do think it has to be both. I share your concern about the current climate in congress. I think longer term looking past november and past january, if donald trump is denied a second term in office, there is going to be a Large National discussion at the federal level about things like immunity for Police Officers and other issues that have really not come to the table, things that could actually bring some uniformity and some i would say oversight to the way this process plays out at the local level but ultimately policing is a local issue, as well and so what is stunning to me in this case is that you have a georgia d. A. That has actually brought 11 very serious charges against officers within just five days. For folks like my dad that lived as a kid in the 1950s thats a stunning amount of progress but the heartbreak is this incident, this death happened at all. And so what youre really seeing i think is things coming to ahead. It cannot be ignored. There is a lot of questions we dont know, innocent until Proven Guilty for this officer but i want to say its so true, you know, mr. Brooks was not a threat so what went wrong here . Everything went wrong and we need to examine point by point from the encounter to the end what happened. There needs to be federal oversight. Its great to see americans involved in understanding this is a local process and by getting out in the streets and protesting and voting locally, they can make a difference, as well. Lorenzo, when we talk to an expert like you on a broadcast like this, i think about what it must be like to be you. Your lifes work is now topic number one across our country. So ill give you a free access to our audience, what should people know about how hard a job it is to reform policing across our country in the year 2020 . One of the problems is the fact that we have over 800,000 cops in the country, and policing is very, very, very local. As much as we want to do nation reform, as much as we need national reform, it needs to come down to the local level. And officers need to understand the ramifications of their actions, and a lot of officers are acting with immunity and with impunity. And we need to stop that and look at the immediate stuff thats happening, whether or not there is an imminent threat and we can debate that all night with mr. Brooks running away, tennessee versus garner tells us we cant shoot a fleeing felon and if there is no imminent threat, why are we discharging a fire arm . Thats one side of the equation. Its a split second decision and he gets a split second but the Supreme Court gets four or five years to decide 54 whether or not he was right. We have to go back to training the police a little differently and we spend a little too much time on qualified immunity and the qualified immunity is that the police have to think at the time theyre doing something thats the right thing to do. And its hard to justify putting bullets in somebodys back whether its walter scott or whether its Rayshard Brooks. Shooting somebody in the back is questionable at any level. Precisely why we wanted to hear you out tonight. Lorenzo boyd, thank you so much for coming on the broadcast with us. Weve asked mara to stake with us to weigh in on a report from her newspaper after this break. More on that when we come back. Researchers have shown tens of thousands of americans have died needlessly because donald trump was slow to respond to the crisis and then when he did, he bungled the response. Joe biden slamming that response during a speech to socially distance reporters in pennsylvania today. Former v. P. Accused trump of surrendering to this virus. Mara gay from the New York Times joins us. Here is a sampling from your colleague Maggie Haberman today. Quote, trump doesnt want to be seen as a loser, a label he detests. In the campaign against joe biden and some advisors believer now, they said the president is acting trapped and defensive in his selfdestructive behavior has been so out of step for an incumbent in an Election Year that many advisors wonder if he is truly interested in serving a second term. Mara, hes going to love that. Oh, you know, im interested to see what he looks like in tulsa because i think the reality is that, you know, especially since covid has hit American Cities extremely hard, the president has been less and less visible and for the most part that is probably a good thing frankly for americans. The unfortunate part is its not because hes working to direct the response to this deadly pandemic. It appears to be based on my colleagues reporting that hes just feeling more and more sequestered, isolated, and embattled. Its not surprising but it is a dangerous situation because this is a president whose behavior is extremely erratic, selfinvolved to say the least and its really not the leadership, obviously, that we need. Joe biden has been able to begin to fill that void and if more americans see that and respond well to it, it could bode well for him in november. I want to talk to you about a story that was in the news today and ill put it this way. Tonight, if we wanted to, separated by six feet and Wearing Masks of course, you and i could walk into a Grocery Store and choose in the aisles among products named aunt jemima, mrs. Butterworth and uncle ben. Aunt jemima announced today they are going away. Of the three products, that product dates back to the most pungent era of american racism aside from slavery itself. This, mara, is america in 2020 and along with a lot of other changes, here comes another one. Yeah, you know, it took me back to my childhood in the 90s. I definitely used that syrup and i used band aids that will offer more skin shade. That the interesting, as well. In all seriousness, every little bit helps and thats great but i dont want this to be seen as solving the problem. We need to address the far more systemic issues that you see with Rayshard Brooks for example. Thats why i think the first thing that came to my mind was that we were joking about, friends and i. Thats really nice but how about reparations, right . Thats what a lot of black americans are saying to themselves tonight. No, to your point, youre absolutely right. It solves nothing. Its a step like everything else, including but not limited to having a band aid that looks more like you. Our thanks to our friend mara gay of the New York Times Editorial Board. Always a pleasure. Coming up, a few tense moments on capitol hill that kind of accurately reflect much of the mood in so much of our country these days. Well play it for you when we come back. Its time for the lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360 smart bed. Can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. And now, the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only 1,299, save 400. Only for a limited time. This virus is testing all of us. And its testing the people on the front lines of this fight most of all. So abbott is getting new tests into their hands, delivering the critical results they need. And until this fight is over, we. Will. Never. Quit. Because they never quit. We mentioned this before the break, a jaw dropping moment in the house when debate over Police Reform boiled over into shouting match about race. Between democratic congressman richmond of louisiana and republican gates of florida. Im not interested in equality with all deliberate speed. This is a crisis, people are losing their lives. So if we have other things we want to fix, fix them in another bill, another time, but people are dying as we talk. So i am not interested in moving at a snails pace. I am not interested in a watered down bill that mandates nothing. Im not interested in studying antifa, even studying the klan or sovereign citizens right now. Because that is not the imminent threat that black men face on daily basis. Right now its too often law enforcement, those sworn to protect and to serve. All were asking today is deal with that. I dont mind dealing with other pieces of legislation, i dont mind dealing with other issues you all may have. What i dont want to leave this conversation with, why im speaking now instead of later is because i dont want you all to leave here saying we didnt know thats how you felt, cedric, i want it to be Crystal Clear and beyond a shadow of doubt its unconscious bias, at worst conscious bias and i hate to assume from any of the people on the other side. Will the gentleman yield . Sure. I appreciate your passion. Are you suggesting that none of us have nonwhite children . You reflect on your black son man, man, stop, not about to get sidetracked about the color of our children you said i reclaim my time. Do you want the discuss gentleman reclaimed his time. I know people on the other side have black grandchildren, its not about the color of your kids, its about black males, black people in the streets that are getting killed. If one happens to be your kid im concerned about him too, clearly im more concerned about him than you are. Let be clear youre claiming youre more concerned about my family than i am . Who the hell do you think you are . If the shoe fits. Take those words down. If i can gentleman suspend, time to gentleman from louisiana. Was that a nerve . Yield to the gentleman from louisiana. Damn right it was a nerve. Thats about how that went. Coming up for us, what can charitably be called a contrast in president ial style, substance and tone. Last thing before we go tonight, something that happened five years ago tonight. Young white supremacist killed nine black members of bible study class in charleston, one of the oldest and most storied black churches in all the land. As achingly sad as horrifically violent, and in the days that followed that whole community lived in sadness. President obama spoke at the service for Senior Pastor reverend pinckney, searing speech in which he called the Confederate Flag a reminder of systemic oppression, then did something it wouldnt hurt for us to see again. We offer it here as contrast to how to president. Best part was clergy members behind him realized in realtime that the president of the United States had chosen to sum up the moment, their anger, their sadness and the struggle by singing. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me i once was lost but now im found, was blind but now i see fitting for these times, former president barack obama to take us off the air tonight. That is our broadcast for this wednesday evening. Thank you so very much for being here as always. On behalf of all my colleagues at networks of nbc news, good night. Tonight on all in, murder charges now filed against the Police Officer who killed Rayshard Brooks. Family lawyer and journalist join me tonight. Then covid surging in alabama, in texas, in arizona and in oklahoma where thousands of Trump Supporters are getting ready for the big rally this weekend. And john bolton refusing to testify even though he knew trump was asked biden to help asking china to help him get reelected. Good evening from new york. Im chris hayes. Earlier today officials announced a murder charge in the Police Killing of 27yearold Rayshard Brooks. The father of four was shot and killed outside a wendys friday night. The officer is now facing 11 charges, including felony murder as well as aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. The other officer on the scene faces three charges including aggravated assault. Both men must surrender to authorities by tomorrow evening. The attorney said brooks did not pose an immediately thre

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