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Democrats arent fooling around on impeachment and it sounds like more subpoenas are under way. Proof that mike pence can read the papers. A not so thinly veiled effort by his aides to keep him clear of the wreckage over ukraine. The problem with that is mike pence was also involved with ukraine and the questions are mounting over what he knew and when he knew it. But wait, theres more. Rudy giuliani has been communicating with Paul Manafort through an attorney on the topic of ukraine. All of it as the 11th hour gets under way on a wednesday night. And good evening once again from our headquarters in new york. Day 986 of the Trump Administration and the president is clearly deeply troubled by the escalating impeachment inquiry headed his way. Weve seen him invoke witch hunts and hoaxes just this week but today it all came out while the president of finland was next to him. We dont call him shifty schiff for nothing. Hes a shifty, dishonest guy, who, by the way, was critical of the one of the great secretary of states of states. He couldnt carry you know, theres an suppression. He couldnt carry his blank strap. He should resign from office in disgrace and frankly, they should look at him for treason. Theyve been trying to impeach me from the day i got elected. Ive been going through this for three years. He either got it totally wrong, made it up or the person giving the information to the whistleblower was dishonest. And this country has to find out who that person was, because that person is a spy, in my opinion. Nancy pelosi hands out subpoenas like you know, she has to approve it. She hands out subpoenas like theyre cookies. You want a subpoena . Here you go, take them. Believe it or not, i watch my words very carefully. There are those who think im a very stable genius. I watch my words very, very closely. Before we heard that, trump slammed the democrats for, quote, wasting everyones time and energy on bs, the polite form of the word he used. There is no reporting on this story, involving trumps personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani and Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort because actually its been months since we heard his name. Hes currently in the slammer as a federal inmate. The Washington Post reports giuliani has told them that in recent months he has, quote, consulted several times with manafort through the federal prisoners lawyer in pursuit of information that would bolster his story that the real story of 2016 is not russian interference to elect trump but ukrainian efforts to support Hillary Clinton. The post adds that its all still about mueller. The alliance stems from a shared interest in a narrative that undermines the rationale for the special counsel investigation. The post also reports that trump involved his Vice President in efforts to pressure the president of ukraine to dig up dirt on joe biden, but the paper says aides close to pence, quote, insist he was unaware of trumps efforts. The piece goes on to say, quote, one of pences top advisers was on the july 25th call and the Vice President should have had access to the transcript within hours. Today, secretary of state Mike Pompeo Confirmed he was listening in on that same call. First time weve heard him publicly address since the report surfaced that he had heard the telephone conversation that trump had with the president of ukraine. There is also new reporting on the whistleblowers efforts to get his concerns about trump and ukraine to congress. The New York Times writes house intelligence chairman adam schiff received an early account of the accusations against the president before the official whistleblower complaint was filed. Indeed, it should be pointed out, whistleblowers often come to congressional committees first. The whistleblower in this case, quote, approached a House Intelligence Committee aide with his concerns about mr. Trump only after he had had a colleague first convey them to the cias top lawyer. The aide shared some of what the officer conveyed to mr. Schiff. Schiffs Spokesman Says the whistleblowers identity was never made known, that he was told to file his complaint through the proper channels and schiff never saw the complaint in advance. Here, however, is what trump said when asked about this reporting on schiff. I think its a scandal that he knew before. I go a step further. I think he probably helped write it. Okay . Thats what the word is. Its a scam. Its a scam. Today, House Democrats said they would subpoena white house officials by friday of this week if their demands on documents for ukraine are not met. And this on the afore mentioned adam schiff. Were not fooling around here. They need to know even as they try to undermine our ability to find the facts around the president s efforts to coerce a foreign leader to create dirt that he can use against a political opponent, that they will be strengthening the case on obstruction if they behave that way. Earlier today, trump was asked by a reuters reporter, jeff mason, to explain exactly what he wanted from the president of the ukraine and it left us with this exchange. Mr. President , can you just make clear right here, what do you or what did you want president zelensky to do with regard to joe and hunter biden . I was having a problem with are two things. Number one, ukraine before him, tremendous corruption, tremendous. More than just about any country in the world. What about mr. Biden . What did you want him to look into on biden . Look, biden and his son are stonecold crooked. The question, sir, is what did you want president zelensky to do about Vice President biden and his son, hunter. Are you talking to me . Yeah, it was a followup of what i just asked you, sir. Are you ready . We have the president of finland. Ask him a question. Ive given you a long answer. Ask this gentleman a question. Dont be rude. No, sir, i dont want to be rude. I just wanted you to have a chance to answer the question ive asked you. Ive answered everything. Its a whole hoax. Do you know who is playing into the hoax . People like you and the Fake News Media that we have in this country. And i say in many cases the corrupt media, because youre corrupt. So, with the tip of that, to marty scorcese, we are under way. Elizabeth miller, aka, the boss, Washington Bureau chief for the times, peter baker, White House Correspondent also with the New York Times, carol lenick for the Washington Post and frank figluzzi, former fbi for counterintelligence. Good evening and welcome to you all. Elizabeth, i would like to begin with you. Given that you are in management at the paper and given that this is something we struggled with in our own newsroom today and tonight, how do you go about explaining a day like today . It fits no known norms. Theres no story file we can reach for. I know on the Conference Call every day, every night, new york gives you a certain amount of space in the print edition. And on the website. How did you determine how to put what we witnessed today . Thank you for asking that question. There was a lot of discussion today. I think one of the most extraordinary things i heard today before i completely answer your question is when the president said to jeff mason, are you talking to me . Ive never heard a president of the United States say that at a news conference. Who else would jeff have been talking to . Nonetheless, it was a very confusing day. There were developments very late into the evening. Basically today was an escalation of the clash between the white house and congress and, actually, the Trump Administration and congress. Whats interesting or challenging about this situation is that it is a war on so many fronts. It encompasses much of the federal government. It encompasses the state department, the white house, the congress, the intelligence agencies. The igs for those agencies and its hard to keep track. Basically what you see is the Trump Administration fighting, you know, on multiple fronts against a very, very determined effort in congress and a very fastmoving effort in congress to hold the president to account for the transcript of the phone call that the white house itself put out. Carol lenick think about the names this has touched already. Pence, giuliani, much to his frustration, manafort, im sure. How do you determine where the floor is based on where we are . Well, i couldnt agree with elizabeth more that it was quite a day. There were so many stories, it was hard to keep track of which one was the most important. And so i think ill answer your question that way. We have a president who has said a series of epithets in social media that children can read. He has made jokes about a blank strap and whether or not someone can carry it. Thats an important story, the president sort of coarsening the national discussion. The other really important story is that it appears that pompeo, secretary of state and also the Vice President , were involved in this call. I interviewed several people who said it would be very unusual for a secretary of state or Vice President to sit in on a call. Their schedules dont usually align enough for them to be on a president wral call to a foreign leader. This signals that it was not only important to the Vice President and his aides to go on that trip but also important to pompeo to be on this call and, thus, important to the president. Frank figluzzi, we learned tonight that Rudolph Giuliani reportedly in touch through the required federal intermediaries, given that one of them is in the slammer, with Paul Manafort over the allegations in the Mueller Investigation. Anything to see here . We reached the sad point where the president s personal attorney is consulting with an imprisoned, convicted felon on some kind of bizarre strategy that wants us to look elsewhere, to create a bright, shiny object away from russia and toward ukraine as responsible for everything from hacking and social media propaganda to supporting Hillary Clinton. The problem is that bright shiny object, brian, is really just a mirror. And the mirror reflects Vladimir Putins narrative that he wants them to spin, the narrative being that russia did nothing wrong. This is all about ukraine. The indictment of two dozen russians, including 12 russian Intelligence Officers for hacking social media propaganda from the special counsel, thats all wrong. Dont look there. Nothing to see here. Were also hearing Vladimir Putin come to the defense of our president and say that a whistleblower complaint filed by a u. S. Intelligence official is baseless. So weve got an imprisoned felon and Vladimir Putin trying to help the president and Rudy Giuliani right in the middle. Peter baker you, too, are a veteran journalist. The three of you that have on this broadcast are consensus walkon hall of famers and were happy to have you. Can you wrank what you saw from this president with anything else in your repertoirial memory . With no president before him. Jeff mason, who you showed him ask that question, is an allstar. He was very unflappable in the face of what can only be described as president ial intimidation and i think he was asking an important question. I think he didnt get the answer to the question he asked. He stood there and held his ground until the president made clear he wasnt going to ask his question. I think you saw a president today who is agitated, riled up, angry. He thought that the threat had gone away with the Mueller Investigation over the summer, with muellers testimony not changing the political dynamics very much. He thought the threat was gone and suddenly just like this in the last two weeks, basically, his world has changed, his political world is upside down. You also see a president who doesnt yet have a strategy for fighting back other than himself. He is a oneman war room at this point. Theres no operation around him, strategy around him other than to support one president and his twitter feed. That, right now, is his defense. His defense is offense. Its all about the other people. Its about the whistleblower. Its about adam schiff. Its about the democrats. Its about the media. Its about everything except for himself. Elizabeth, indeed, to peters point, people who came up the traditional way in politics or covering politics look at this president , this west wing and ask how can there not be an overarching strategy here . How can there not be a Rapid Reaction . The problem for them is that theyre divided about how much they should actually be doing and how much the threat is. Theres also a lot of debate about who would run the war room and the president himself, as peter said, has 65 million twitter followers. He has the largest megaphone. He is the most active. Right now, he is the one people pay taepgs to. I think they dont have theres talk that the white House Counsel would be taking charge of the impeachment inquiry. They probably did not have enough lawyers in there for people. But its kind of extraordinary. We keep asking, what is the strategy, what is the strategy . We get back that there isnt a lot of focus just yet. What you see is what you get today, which is a very angry president , lashing out a number of times every day and then, of course, starting the tweets early in the morning and going till late at night. Theyre getting more and more incendiary, the tweets. We see tweets about the civil war, treason and all sorts of profanity. Carol loennig, talk to us about your reporting around the records of ukraine thus far. The president misspoke when he said we have a word for word recitation of that phone call. We do not. It warns us that this is not a vertebra verbatim transcript of that call. This is such a great mystery and yet its hiding in plain sight, brian. Weve interviewed, you know, many, many, many people who handle the transcripts and the records, memorializing foreign leader calls with the president and basically it breaks down like this. Situation room, people in the white house, staff take a voice to text dictation so they have essentially created a wordforword transcript. It is sent around the white house after the call and it is edited for clarity usually, edited for care in getting the words right, the proper nouns, the spellings. What the president may have inadvertently told us all is, theres a wordforword transcript for this, just as the whistleblower has said in his complaint. There is a wordforword transcript that we have not seen yet. That seemed to be what the president was intimating. The situation room document, weve not seen yet, and it would be really interesting if that were subpoenaed and we were able to view it. Frampg, first of all, as a point of order here, white how has stenographers throughout the building. Usually the president doesnt utter a word without steno there. Secondly, voice notes on your phone would suffice. The irony here, brian, is that this is a complete abuse of the classification process. So, the only halfway plausible defense they can make is we classify this thing at top secret compartmented because the president compromised himself in the conversation and, of course, at that point, we would say, well, its already out in public. He has admitted to it. So, declassify this document. Let congress see it. Its absolutely necessary. And if theres a four transcript that needs to go to the house and senate committees. Peter baker, a little lost in today is the fact that whistleblowers that, of course, as we have learned is a term of art and has, as part of it, confidentiality and the guarantee of protections. Whistleblowers often come to congressional committees first, before they have done the rest of their due diligence. The attacks on schiff under way and already relentless i guess what i want to know from you is, do you ever think theyll reach such a level as to really hamper his task, which, of course, im sure is the president s goal . Yeah. Theres something about adam schiff that has clearly gotten under the president s skin. He seemed to viscerally dislike him. Perhaps more useful to him than nancy pelosi. Perhaps he has decided that nancy pelosi is not the one he wants to take after whereas adam schiff is a better villain for his narrative. The thing he has really seized on, he repeated it today, more than once, was that adam schiff misrepresented the nature of the call in a comment before the committee. Adam schiff said before he made the comment, this is, in etches, what the president said. He made clear it wasnt a wordforword reading of the transcript. The president said not only was it outrageous of him, it was a crime. It was treason. He should be arrested. He should resign from office for the crime of putting words into the president s mouth and then the president himself put words in adam schiffs mouth, said he was clearly doing this because he said gosh, he did nothing wrong. He, the president , did nothing wrong. He put words in adam schiffs mouth that adam schiff didnt say. When someone like adam schiff does it, its a crime. Thats because he likes these villains. He likes to have an adversary that he can attack and go after, someone to focus on, focus his own energy on, focus his supporters on. Adam schiff happens to be the target. Even after a long day, our guests have agreed it stay on. When Vladimir Putin trolled our own correspondent, our president and all of us in the process. The 11th hour is just getting under way on a wednesday night. Under way on a wednesday night thats the only circumstance to which you would separate. Cant imagine doing it any other way. This is Caitlin Dickerson from the New York Times. This isnt the only case. Very little documentation. Lo que yo quiero estar con mi hijo. I know thats not true. And the shelters really dont know what to do with them. I just got another person at d. H. S. To confirm this. I have this number. Were going to publish the story. Pain happens. Isaturdays happen. Aleve it. Aleve is proven better on pain than tylenol. When pain happens, aleve it. All day strong. That could allow hackers devices into your home. Ys and like all doors, theyre safer when locked. Thats why you need xfinity xfi. With the xfi gateway, devices connected to your homes wifi are protected. Which helps keep people outside from accessing your passwords, credit cards and cameras. And people inside from accidentally visiting sites that arent secure. And if someone trys well let you know. Xfi advanced security. If its connected, its protected. Call, click, or visit a store today. We mention this had before the break. Its not an overstatement to put it this way. We want to show you the moment today when the president of russia trolled our own reporter, our president and all of us by extension. Here was the scene, a conference in moscow, moderated by our own veteran correspondent, keir simmons, who asked putin through a translator about interference in our elections. Is russia, as Robert Mueller alleged, attempting to influence the 2020 elections in the United States . Translator ill tell you in a secret. Yes, we will definitely interve intervene. Its a secret so that everybody can laugh, and so well go big but dont tell anyone, please. Please dont tell anyone. Also during that conversation, putin said he would be fine with the white house releasing notes of his conversations with trump during last years summit in helsinki. Until now, moscow has been opposed to releasing conversations between the two leaders. Putin met with the leader of our nation for two hours with just translators present. So thats reassuring. Putin also gave a fullthroated defense of trump on the whistleblower controversy that he faces. Our guests remain here with us. Elizabeth bumiller, peter baker, Carol Loennig and figluzzi. Peter, you were stationed there. What was he up to today . It reminds us of when the president and president putin met in osaka, japan. Sir, are you going to tell president putin not to interfere in our next election and he turned to him and sort of made a joke, dont transfer. And they both laughed about it. Youre seeing president putin laugh about it here. Rye not laugh . This has accomplished a lot of what you wanted. Putting aside even who you wanted to be elected and the Intelligence Community has concluded they wanted President Trump to be elected. They wanted to disrupt our democracy. They wanted to disrupt our system. They wanted us to cause doubt in our institutions and our leadership and here we are, at each others throat as a country. And thats almost exactly what Vladimir Putin would have wanted. So, elizabeth, were looking at two leaders, disparate, though they might be, interlocked with interest . Thats right. How much theyre sympatico with each other. Putin was joking, so was donald trump, about a major attack on our democratic system in 2016. Lets not forget that. The other thing we need to remember is that when putin met with trump in germany in 2017, they were alone, only with a translator, with an interpreter and trump took the interpreters notes from that conversation. They havent been seen since. Its very interesting that they just disappeared. Those conversations are usually kept within the government and as records of history. We dont have that. We dont know what transpired between those two leaders in that private meeting. Frank, what do you make of the putin we saw today . Lets be clear. This was not some loighthearted moment with putin. He is not a prarchinkster. A trained kgb veteran who chose to respond in humor. But also because if he chose to do an outright denial, no, russia would not interfere with the 2020 election, he wouldnt leave open the possibility that he might. Thats to sow further discord. Will he never come out and say he wont do it, because he wants us to think that he might and he has if we dont like the outcome of the 2020 election. Carol loennig, the president travels to florida for an event, medicare event at the massive senior complex called the villages. Im tempted to ask what could go long but he has every ability to give us a new lead story by tomorrow night. Im sure it will start tomorrow some time after 6 30 a. M. With a tweet. I hope it doesnt involve the word bs, but i imagine a lot of venting on the part of the president to let us all know that hes a victim, he is unfairly being accused by democr democrats and this shadow has been over this president from the beginning. Forgive me while i continue to deal with the plague. Hours from now, house member also hear from a career diplomat who, because hes now out of the state department, could be one of their most important and candid witnesses on ukraine. Two veteran reporters sticking around to tell us what to expect, when we continue. S what expect, when we continue saturdays happen. Pain happens. Aleve it. Aleve is proven better on pain than tylenol. When pain happens, aleve it. All day strong. Heres the thing about managing for your business. S when youve got public clouds, and private clouds, and hybrid clouds things can get a bit cloudy for you. But now, theres the Dell Technologies cloud, powered by vmware. A single hub for a consistent operating experience across all your clouds. That should clear things up. So a big name in the whistleblower complaint will testify in front of Congress Just hours from now. It says on july 26, a day after the president s call, u. S. Special representative for ukraine negotiations, kurt volker, thats the guy, visited kyiv and met with president zelensky about how to navigate the demands that the president made. He resigned friday, the day after the whistleblower complaint was made public. Former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine also scheduled to testify next week. She was abruptly recalled in may and is also named in the whistleblower complaint. Weve got two career diplomats who will be talking and coming up for us. Two reporters, one on the white house beat and another covering Congress Tell us what to watch for in this, next when the 11th hour continues. The 11th hour continues. Maria ramirez . Hi. Maria ramirez mom maria Maria Ramirez. Mcdonalds is committing 150 Million Dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs. Prof Maria Ramirez mom and dad Maria Ramirez to help more employees achieve their dreams. Pain happens. Momsaturdays happen. Amirez aleve it. Aleve is proven better on pain than tylenol. When pain happens, aleve it. All day strong. This fall, book two, separate qualifying stays at choicehotels. Com. And earn a free night. Because when your business is rewarding yourself, our business is you. Book direct at choicehotels. Com imagine a world where nothing gets in the way of doing great work. Where an American Icon uses the latest hr tools to stay true to the family recipe. Where a music studio spends less time on hr and payroll, and more time crafting that perfect sound. Where the nations Biggest Party store can staff up quickly as soon as its time for fun. This is the world of adp. Hr, talent, time, benefits and payroll. Designed for people. We are proceeding deliberately, but at the same time we feel a real sense of urgency here that this work needs to get done and in a responsible period of time. Were not fooling around here. Having set the stakes, here with us tonight for a look at whats still to come, Andrew Desiderio and Katherine Lucy is here in the studio, White House Reporter now with the wall street journal. Andr andrew, well start with you. Whats the chance that pompeos resistance, his nervousness to, as theyre affectionately called in washington, two career dips, career diplomats coming before congress with really nothing to lose and no disincentive to not tell the truth . Thats exactly right. The suspicion among lawmakers and aides with whom i spoke today on capitol hill was kurt volker resigned last week precisely so he could, a, cooperate, and, b, defend himself. He was mentioned in the whistleblower complaint specifically with regard to a meeting he had with president zelensky the day after zelenskys phone call with President Trump. I suspect he wants to go in there, defend himself and tell his side of the story. Not only is he showing up to capitol hill, Marie Yavanovich who was called back to washington from ukraine in may, shes also going to appear next week t appears on secretary pompeos letter yesterday that he doesnt want any of them to testify, right . This is a show of resistance, i think, not just for volker but yvonovic, Rudy Giulianis that he was trying to leverage state officials and career diplomats really to dig up dirt on joe biden on behalf of the president. Katherine, a president doing a Senior Citizen event in florida tomorrow. We have this gentlemen on capitol hill. By this time tomorrow night, we might know a lot concerning what aspects of Foreign Policy Rudy Giuliani was doing without portfolio overseas in a dicey area for us. How goes the antiimpeachment effort as we might have more evidence and ammunition tomorrow . Certainly, the president is getting out of town, which sometimes they try to do if theyre trying to change the subject. The problem is keeping the problem on message is never easy, as we all know. So hes supposed to go down to florida, talk about health care. Its an event at the villages. Medicare. Medicare. And he could talk about medicare. He could also talk about impeachment, as he has been doing for days. And using words that i cant use even on at 11 00 hour tv show, showing, venting his frustration. The things we know today are that the democrats and the white house are escalating. Adam schiff made it very clear today they are very serious, that they are going to do serious interviews with these officials, that theyre going to push very hard for details on meetings with zelensky, meetings with giuliani, details of why the ambassador was ousted. So, they are proceeding on this track aggressively as the president is fighting back, increasingly wildly. Ill take one for the team here. At this hour last night, the lead story was all we knew was that the state Department Inspector general asked for an urgent meeting with congressional staff. Then came the moment this afternoon, the meeting was over. A member of congress from maryland who was within his rights to attend, even though it was for staff, came out with a color photocopy of a fake white house envelope. Well play what he said and then talk about it with you on the other side. Essentially a packet of propaganda and disinformation spreading conspiracy theories. Those conspiracy theories have been widely debunked and discredited. So, andrew, since then, rudolph youlliany, correct me if im wrong, has taken credit for delivering these documents to the white house, who then got them over to the state department, News Reporter general. Was this a total blowout today . Again, it was our lead story last night, not knowing the contents of it. Right. And talking to people who were in the briefing, brian, i can tell you it was truly bizarre and confusing. They were given these packets essentially of all of these documents, all these materials that essentially were an attempt to smear not only marie yavanovic, former ambassador of ukraine but also joe biden and hunter biden with unfounded conspiracy theories that Rudy Giuliani has been pushing over the last few week and behind the scenes, of course, the last few months and throughout all of this year. And talking to people who were in there, it was interesting to hear their recollections of this. It wasnt technically a classified briefing. They could talk about the information. Congressman raskin there holding up what appeared to be an 18th century style letterhead that said the white house on it. Some of them said that the folders were saying they were from the trump hotel, Something Like that. It was truly a bizarre episode on capitol hill today. It really is, in terms of this investigation, its another data point that shows the extent to which Rudy Giuliani was trying to coordinate his efforts with the state department as early as back in march, april and may, when the state Department Inspector general was first informed that these documents and these packets were delivered to the state department. Katherine, in the walk and chew gum department, i need your help in telling our audience that this is the time to be alert. We put together a few headlines of what else is going on. Wall street journal, you may be familiar with, dow industrials drops as manufacturing data disappoints. The agriculture secretary has said no garpt that small dairy farms are going to make it in this coming period and north korea fires missile days before resuming u. S. Talks. A major missile from a Submarine Base under the water that was given a very high trajectory, had it been flattened out, theres no telling where it might reach. All of this is going on at the same time. Just because theres an impeachment process going on doesnt mean that the economy and farm policy and all these other things suddenly leave your plate. Economic questions are very serious, whats happening with the agriculture sector, whats happening with the dow. This is something thats a huge concern for the president and his advisers. For months weve seen their leading argument was a strong economy. He was talking about this again in the oval, strong economy. If that goes away, thats a real issue for this. And it puts more pressure on is there a bigger incentive to get a trade deal with china, for example . Do they feel they have to push to do some of these things to bolster confidence . But thats a big issue. And the same he has sought to argue that, having meetings with north korea, limits to testing with north korea. He has had a farm policy victory. As time goes on its less and less clear he will get a deal with north korea. I do wonder if theyll try to set up another meeting or do more talks. Thats another thing thats going to keep percolating. Its not going to let up just because hes fighting this front with congress. The world were living in, in october of 2019. Great thanks to Andrew Desiderio and catherine for talking us through it tonight. Ine for talks through it tonight [truck horn blares] vo the subaru forester. Dog tested. Dog approved. Subaru establishes National Make a dogs day. Do Something Special for your dog. Paneras new warm grain full of flavor, color,. Full of woo full of good. So you can be too. Try our new warm grain bowls today. Panera. Food as it should be. This melting pot of impacted species. Everywhere is going to get touched by climate change. I felt i couldnt be at my best for my family. In only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured and left those doubts behind. I faced reminders of my hep c every day. But in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. 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Earlier the srpt said he was feeling good and thanked everyone for the well wishes and then added none of us knows when a medical emergency might affect us and no one should fear going bankrupt if it occurs. I manual this was a big surprise. Its clear it surprised a lot of his staff in terms of how this came about and how his chest discomfort and hospitalization affected the campaign. What we know is that, first, jane sanders, who is not always on the campaign trail with him, flew out and is now in vegas with vegas with him, in the vegas area. She is now taking shes with him, as hes resting, hes off the campaign trail for several days. But we also know that he was having a campaign event. He was having a grassroots fundraiser. Obviously his Campaign Just yesterday announced that big fundraising haul. Its interesting so see how this takes attention away from that. He was having a grassroots fundraiser. Something interesting at that fundraiser is at times he leaned on the podium a little bit. He at one point asked for a chair, asked to sit down, which i cover sanders all the time on the road, thats completely unusual for him to do. Hes someone who, even if theres seats around, he tries to stand up and engage with people and have that interaction. So his Campaign Events have been canceled. Hes off the road for a little bit, his appearances have been canceled. His ad buy, he had this 1. 3 million ad buy in the state of iowa that came off that news of the fundraising numbers that he had, the campaign has postponed that ad buy. And were kind of seeing this campaign in pause right now as we watch to see how long this is going to impact how long hes going to be off the trail, howl this is going to impact him. Obviously on a personal level we hope for nothing more than his complete and full recovery, theres no reason to believe this will be anything but. I know a lot of guys who have had spents, journalists and surgeons and firefighters, this is not ageism. He is 78. Campaigns are a rough and brutal business. This cant be a great look optically. The monmouth poll, warren, biden, then sanders, then mayor pete. This is the height of the battle in our new accelerated primary schedule. Thats exactly right, and that monmouth poll showed essentially a threeway tie between Vice President biden, Elizabeth Warren, and senator Bernie Sanders. Now were seeing, in that poll, senator sanders dropping a little bit. Elizabeth warren leading biden, still in that margin of error, so you cant read too much into that at this point. Youre seeing separation in the field. This cannot come at a worse time for him. When people, at least the narrative is hes losing momentum, that people are questioning his candidacy and the excitement around his candidacy. I will say one thing to of wa, especially now, that many voters on the campaign trail bring up his health as an issue, or his age, excuse me, his age, as an issue. Hes one of the older candidates in the race. Just turned 78 last month. And heres a question of, is he too old . When you have candidates like Elizabeth Warren who represent and kind of agree with him ideologically, have that parity there, are voters going to now see this news and say, hey, this is someone i can have the same policies that i would in Bernie Sanders with a younger candidate, someone whos newer on the scene, someone who is not battling now this health issue . An important point to make and one were hearing in the coverage after all. Our thanks to shaquille brewster, known to his friends as shaq brewster. We appreciate it, great to see you. The president s antipeechlt brain trust may be small, but its loud. Every american ought to see this performance. Our viewers will when we come back. Pharmacistrecommended memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. This melting pot of impacted species. Everywhere is going to get touched by climate change. Pain happens. Saturdays happen. Aleve it. Aleve is proven better on pain than tylenol. When pain happens, aleve it. All day strong. Believe it or not i watch my words very carefully. There are those that think im a very stable genius, okay . I watch my words very, very closely. Last thing before we go here tonight, if youre old enough to remember, then you remember when we americans really had reason to fear that our president was unbalanced. It was on august 9th of 74. Nixons farewell. The day he passed the presidency to gerald ford. He was sweaty and exhausted and he was crying as he talked about the death of his brothers from tuberculosis, as he called his own mother a saint. Fast forward to now. Its been said in all kinds of different ways weve never had a president talk like this or act like this one. It is hard to imagine gerry ford. Barack obama swearing on social media as our president did today. Its all still brandnew territory. And yet just today, people in responsible positions started using words like unhinged, unglued. And here now some examples from just today of why they said that. I watch my words very, very closely. And i hear about the word impeachment. How can you impeach somebody on that conversation . A beautiful conversation. It was a great conversation. It was 100 . The call was perfect. A perfect conversation. I heard rick scott today say that was a perfect conversation. Lindsey graham said, i didnt know you could be so nice. It was perfect. This is a hoax. This is the greatest hoax. Its a whole hoax. Its corrupt and its fake. I dont even use fake anymore. Its a scam. Its a scam. The whole thing is a scam. It was so evil. When little adam schiff saw the text, when he read it, he couldnt believe it. Shifty shift who should resign. We dont call him shifty schiff for nothing. I think he had some kind of a mental breakdown. Look at nancy pelosi. She hands out subpoenas like theyre cookies. You want a subpoena . Here you go, take them, like theyre cookies. Were having a lot of wins. He said, wow. I said, whoa. You know, theres an expression, he couldnt carry his blank strap. My favorite word, reciprocity. A moat, not a word i use, they used it, moat. Bright eyed and bushy tailed. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. I think ive answered most of your questions. Our president , from just today. And that is our broadcast for tonight. Thank you for being here with us and good night from nbc news headquarters here in new york. I am very pleased to say that Hillary Clinton is here in studio tonight for the interview. Yes, that Hillary Clinton. I have been looking forward to this interview with her ever since we learned it was even a possibility that she could come in. We have obviously got lots to talk with her tonight about, including her book of gutsy women. Also of course we will be talking with her to get her take on the ongoing impeachment proceedings against President Trump, which are now in their ninth day. The president appeared to have been a little sort of emotionally overwrought today beyond his even for him unusually bombastic online statements today, including him swearing in all capital letters online today. The president really seemed to be having a hard time at a white house appearance alongside the

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