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In new york. This was day 900 of the Trump Administration, 561 days remain in his president ial term and tonight, the Trump White House has a wary eye on an explosive case that the feds announced today to the north here in new york. Its a deeply disturbing and lured sex trafficking case involving this man, 66 years old. Hes a multi millionaire financer named Jeffrey Epstein that has ties to the president and notably his labor secretary alex acosta. More on that angle in a moment. Today, federal prosecutors in the Southern District of new york in effect the Manhattan Office of the Justice Department charged epstein with sex trafficking conspiracy and one count of sex trafficking. Epstein has pleaded not guilty to the charges he faces up to 45 years in prison if convicted. Beginning of at least 2002 and continuing until 2005, epstein is alleged to have abused dozens of victims by causing them to engage in sex acts with him at his mansion in new york and at his estate in palm beach, florida. The victims all underaged girls at the time of the alleged conduct were given hundreds of dollars in cash after each encounter either by epstein or by one of epsteins employees. The alleged behavior shocks the conscience and while the charge conduct is from a number of years ago, it is still profoundly important to the many alleged victims now young women. They deserve their day in court. Epstein is now behind bars. He has a bail hearing on monday. If its up to the feds, he will not see the light of day. He was arrested when his private jet landed here saturday night after a flight from paris. His home was raided by the feds at the same time. Hes had ties to several powerful figures as you can see here and once counted donald trump among his friends. Here is how new York Magazine quoted trump for its profile of epstein back in 2002. Quote, ive known jeff for 15 years, terrific guy trump booms from a speaker phone. Hes a lot of fun to be with, it is even said he likes beautiful women as much as i do and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it, jeffrey enjoys his social life. Epstein owns a 56 million give or take mansion on the Upper East Side of new york city. One of the largest private homes in all of manhattan. Prosecutors say they found what they describe as quote a vast trove of lewd photographs of young looking women or girls including what are clearly labeled cds of photographs by various categories. Todays charges have renewed focus on epsteins previous arrest in florida for sex Crimes Involving minors and the nonprosecution agreement he made with the feds back in 08. Epsteins lawyers worked out a deal with the thenacosta. He would be the now labor secretary in the trump government. The deal acosta agreed to allow epstein to plead guilty to less serious state charges, required that he register as a sex offender, serve about a year in jail most of it in a Work Release Program with liberal rules of attendance at his nomination hearing in 2017, acosta defended the deal. There is an allegation that i just read that you did not pursue a federal indictment even though your staff had advocated you do so, is that accurate . The grand jury in Palm Beach County recommended a single count of solicitation not involving minors, i believe, and that would have resulted in zero jail time, zero registration as a sexual offender, and zero restitution for the victims in this case. The matter was then presented to the u. S. Attorneys office. We decided that a sentence or how should i put this, that mr. Epstein should plead guilty to two years, register as a sex offender and concede liability so that victims could get restitution. Again, hes facing 45 years that agreement was the focus of a series of investigative reporreport reports sited by the feds. Earlier this year trump was asked whether he had concerned about acostas handling of the epstein case. I really dont know to much about it. I know hes done a great job as labor secretary and that seems like a long time ago but i know hes been a fantastic labor secretary. Tonight, politico is reporting the white house is as you may imagine closely watching the coverage of his past invalvement in the epstein plea deal. One trump advisor who remains close to the administration telling politico the next 72 hours are critical for acosta. This is a settled matter for people in the white house but its usually the response that kills you. On another front, trumps battle with House Democrats over their inquiry into the Mueller Report may be about to take a more confrontational turn. Late today, House Judiciary Committee released written responses from annie donaldson, you may remember she served as chief of staff to don mcgahn. Donaldson answered the committees questions on paper notably, not in person about potential obstruction of justice by the president. The Committee Says the white house blocked donaldson from answering 212 of their questions, but she did confirm the accuracy of notes she made while working in the white house notes that mueller sited 65 times in his report. For instance, she confirmed after trump fired comey, she wrote in her notes is this the beginning of the end . In nine days mueller himself will testify before the house judiciary and intelligence committees both. Today the attorney general bill barr was asked about that upcoming hearing. Next week you got Robert Mueller stepping before congress for testimony. Will you be watching and is there anything in particular i dont know if ill be watching in realtime but im sure what he says will get to me somehow. Disappointed to see him subpoenaed because i dont think that serves any purpose dragging bob mueller up if he in fact is going to stick to the report. It seems to me the only reason for doing that is to create some kind of public spectacle and if bob decides that he doesnt want to be subject to that, then the department of justice would certainly back him. Its a lot ocho talk about and here for our lead off discussion on a monday night, Jonathan Lamarre, White House Reporter for the associated press, maya wiley, former assistant u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york with the new school here in new york and katy Justice Department reporter for the new york times. Welcome to all of you. Maya, lets begin with your old shop. The feds here in new york, the u. S. Attorney asked members of the press core not to draw conclusions about several things today including but not limited to the fact this is being argued by the Public Integrity or Public Corruption Department of the feds here in new york and not those who would normally handle sex trafficking. Are we doing the right thing and not reading too much into that . Well, i think if the u. S. Attorney says dont read too much into it, its important not to jump to conclusions. We never should. Certainly what is in the indictment does not have any public corruption in it, right . From what we know so far, it is a sex trafficking case. There could be other reasons why the Public Integrity unit might be the lawyers themselves. It might be how the staffing is going. There could be other reasons. I think the point of the question and the reason we have the question is because of the clips you showed of mr. Acosta and the fact that the indictment itself does go back to incidents that were covered by that first plea deal and the u. S. Attorney also made clear this is not a problem because that plea deal only covered the miami office. It did not bind new york and some of the activities happened in new york that gives us jurisdiction. We dont have a legal problem here. But the fact that it does cover those activities means, raises the question is there any investigation into whether or not there was anything inappropriate that was done out of that office . Mr. Acosta was directly inev ll in the discussion about the plea agreement as the u. S. Attorney and, and remember, he didnt even tell the victims about the plea agreement. That is not normal. That was huge. What would it take to get the feds to agree to a deal like this . Can you imagine it would take for a u. S. Attorney to agree to a deal like this . In my experience, when line attorneys who are usually quite adapt experts at their job make a recommendation to a u. S. Attorney about taking something as serious as sex trafficking minors, the allegations here, they knew there were up to 80 girls in this case, i dont have an explanation. Okay. Well leave it at that. Having established why this is not double jeopardy, Jonathan Lamar lamarre, before we talk about the current president , lets talk about a former president because bill clintons name has come up alongside that of Jeffrey Epstein in fairness, here is the entire statement from the former president s office tonight. President clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in florida some years ago or those with which he has been recently charged in new york. In 02 and 03 president clinton took four trips on Jeffrey Epsteins plane, one to europe, one to asia, two to africa which included stops in connection with the work of the clinton foundation. Staff supporters of the foundation and his secret Service Detail traveled on every leg of every trip. He had one meeting with epstein in his Harlem Office in 02 and around the same time made one brief visit to epsteins apartment with a staff member and security detail. Hes not spoken to epstein in well over a decade and never been to little st. James island. Epsteins ranch in new mexico or his residence in florida. Jonathan nonetheless, there are reports tonight ive seen on other networks linking clinton to dozens of flights on epsteins aircraft and now lets talk about the current president , the level of worry according to your reporting in the white house. Sure, first of all, bill clinton, youre right. There are reports a dozen or more flights he took on epsteins airplane which flies in the face of the former president s here, thats certainly going to require a lot of scrutiny in the days ahead. Along with a ton of boldface names. Thats right. In different worlds, not just politics, business and real estate. In terms of the current president , according to our reporting, this matter wasnt subject to much of the vetting process for secretary acosta during the nomination procedure, during the transition before he was given the secretary of labor post. It is something we know this president , his instinct is to give the benefit of the doubt to powerful men when accused of things and sometimes that can be issues of the me, too movement and support roger ailes and roy moore, the Senate Candidate of alabama who was accused of interactions with underaged women, kwouyoung girls which be resemblance to what were seeing here. It lead as couple different threats. One, the president himself and most white house top aids are telling us what politico is reporting. Right now acostas job is safe. The president doesnt think its a matter of a long time ago and doesnt see an immediate need to address it. Any white house with a media conscious president will carefully watch the reaction, the reaction in the press and in congress and there has been some bipartisan criticism of this already. There are some republicans who have denounced epstein and are starting to dance around the idea of maybe acosta should be held accountable, as well. If that pressure increases, then acosta could be in trouble. As of this moment, the president is inclined to stick by him. That could change at any instance. Ill take a chance and ask you to take a chance at a judgment. Does this feel like were on the eve of what could be called a british style sex ring colossal story . It is possible the rumors of epstein have been out there for months and years. There are certainly people that traffic in the Media Business heard some of them. Gawker was all over this story years ago. Boldfaced names. Thats exactly right. There is the possibility that this could all come tumbling down if he were to take a deal. If he were to flip or start naming names. That could happen. At the moment, though, it remains to be seen. Its safe to say that a lot of very powerful and prominent men in this country are nervous tonight. Okay. Good points. Epstein does not have to be the one to flip. There are three employees in this indictment, no reason to think any one of them who apparently were helping to book appointments if they had any information they might flip and the other thing we should remember about mr. Acosta as his labor secretary, guess what hes responsible for . Human trafficking. Yep. I realized that tonight. Hey, katy, to prove we can walk and chew gum and handle more than one topic at a time under the same Trump Administration umbrella, lets talk about the guy you cover for a living and thats the torn generagai attor. At first he said he would have no obstruction if mr. Mueller wanted to testify up on the hill. Now hes saying he would back mueller if he decided against it. Just what is going on there that we cant see . I think that the attorney general barr is saying something technically true. He is saying that bob mueller has already publicly said that if forced to firefighttestify b congress, he plans to go no further than the 448page report that hes written and submitted with his twoyear investigation into russian interference or contact or cooperation between russia and the trump campaign. When bill barr says listen, i dont think this will make a ton of news because Everybody Knows what Robert Mueller is going to say, hes again technically correct but i think what this down plays is the real power of having Robert Mueller speak publicly will convey to audiences all across the country and the world. Weve already seen it happen once when bob mueller and may decided to km out acome out and short speech hes stepping down as special counsel and in ten minutes outlined his top line findings, not bill barrs findings including the fact if he could have exonerated President Trump, he would have but he was not able to do so. And that reverberated throughout both washington and the Larger National conversation for days and days. So who knows what having Robert Mueller speak for several hours before two different congressional committees will show and what it will surface for the American Public that has not read the report. Katy, another topic on your beat has to do with the citizen sh ship question on our national census, for give me, its monday. The Trump Administration tried and lost on this before the Supreme Court. None other than the chief justice found their reasoning contrived. The a. G. Says they are going to work try to work out a way to get it in there but tell us why all the lawyers inside doj who were working on the case are no longer working on the case. First, a couple of things for context. Its not unusual for attorneys that feel they personally do not want to work on a case, its not unusual for them to say i would have rather stepped back from this. It is highly unusual for every single lawyer in the fed programs branch, which is the branch of the Justice Department that defends the federal government and administration in court to all both political the front office folks who are coming with the administration and the career people to all step down from a case that is highly unusual. I spoke with former Department Attorneys and officials who said they could only remember one other time this happened. So one, for context this is extremely unusual of a move. Two, there seems to have been a massive amount of miscommunication between the white house and Justice Department in the days leading up to the decision. You had the Supreme Court basically give its ruling and you had President Trump tell attorney general bill barr he was extremely unhappy with it and didnt want it to stand and he wanted to find a way around it. Now certainly bill barr was having those conversations with the president. He was caware of the president views and because the census forms begun to print and two, because the Supreme Court ruling was what it was, he proceeded with his em employployees to sa listen, right now the issue is dormant and we can almost come back to it. So you saw the Justice Department attorneys go out and represent themselves publicly and very humiliating fashion be contradicted by the president on twitter. Its hard to imagine a worse set of circumstances. Its hard to imagine a worse outcome for all parties involved. Everyone looks like they were caught flat footed and the Justice Department have not filled out slots and received emails showing me that managers within the Justice Department are still trying to recruit for that team of attorneys that will work on the census question and work on the citizen ship question on the census, excuse me and they are still struggling to find people. As i said, its monday. The always diplomatic katy just handled that beautifully. Jonathan, you get the last word. We see various rages on twitter. Thats the worry in chief these days for the commander in chief, do you think . This should be a good time for the president. He received poll numbers, the highest of his presidency, 47 i believe. Largely on the backs of a strong economy. But were not seeing that. Were seeing the mueller shadow still looms. There is definitely nervousness in the west wing about that appearance next week. The Jeffrey Epstein stuff in the last couple days, again, has rattled doors in there and weve seen the president take his rage out in an unlikely place. Fox news even was a subject of a tweet storm over the weekend. Complaining about the coverage there and per our reporting, he feels some of the other Cable Networks perhaps dont treat him charitably and feels like fox news should be on his team and loyal one advisor put it to me to him, his cause, the white house and the republicans and because they are not, it is led to an angry tweet storm and irate phone calls to rupert murdoch. So much to talk about, so little time. Our thanks to our guests, to Jonathan Lamarre, maya wiley and katy benner. We appreciate all three of you joining us as we start off a new week and coming up for us, the growing tension between our country and our oldest ally now that we know what a top diplomat really thinks about donald trump and later, the democratic field shrinks by one but now were hearing it may grow by two. You need a program to follow these dell camocrats. We are that program and the Campaign Update is coming up as the 11th hour is just Getting Started on a monday night. Is started on a monday night. Your daily dashboard from fidelity. A visual snapshot of your investments. Key portfolio events. All in one place. Because when its decision time. You need decision tech. Only from fidelity. You need decision tech. We carry flowers that signifyn why we want to end the disease. And we walk so that one day, there will be a white flower for alzheimers first survivor. Join the fight at alz. Org walk. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. 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Nbc news has confirmed the authenticity of the leaked diplomatic cable sent from the British Ambassador back to headquarters, the home office in london. In them, the bamsz ambassador describes donald trump as incompetent. The cable thought to be secure were critical of trumps economic policies claiming they could wreck the world trade system described conflicts within the white house as knife fights and warned the worst cannot be ruled out in regard to allegations of trumps collusion with russia. In one leaked document, the ambassador wrote quote, we dont really believe this administration is going to become substantially more normal, less dysfunctional, less unpredictable and faction driven and diplomatically clumsy and inept. President trump responded today saying quote, i do not know the ambassador but he is not liked or well thought of within the u. S. , we will no longer deal with him. Hours later the white house confirmed the ambassador had been disinvited from a diplomatic dinner this evening. Washington post reports before all this Trump Officials had a generally core gi general generally Good Relationship and partied at the embassy and the ambassador meeting with john bolton and had meetings with john kelly, the former chief of staff and the British Government is investigating the leak and the potential of a cyber attack, which is what well discuss tonight. Michael, so much to talk about. Number one, were you surprised more by the content and candor inside these or the fact they leaked it all . I think the fact they leaked it all really struck me, brian. Thats quite unusual. We have had some leaks in this country of some of trumps phone calls with foreign leaders and prior to that we had of course wikileaks got a bunch of diplomatic cables. Its not totally unprecedented in world diplomatic history but never seen anything its not common and never seen anything like it out of the u. K. That said, the language in the cables is pretty raw, and particularly when its out there in the public light, it does a lot of damage to the diplomatic relationship. On that note, i want to play for you something jeremy bash formally of pentagon and cia said on Nicole Wallaces broadcast at 4 ocho 4 00 eastern time today. Do you know who else widely shares these views . Our government and National Security professionals and leader of the pentagon and republicans on capitol hill, dont tell anybody. They know. They actually believe that our white house is dysfunctional, its chaotic, there is infighting and trump is not going to change. When you want to tell him something, be simple and blunt. That was the analysis that sir kim derrick played out for his government. You heard it there, michael. The guy was saying nothing you cant hear throughout washington. Thats right. He wasnt saying that much you couldnt get from reading the newspaper or even watching cable television. So on some level, brian, i was a little disappointed because i hoped we would get juicy specific details about meetings he had been in or real detailed palace intrigue. Instead, what we saw was the broad contours of the critique of the Trump Administration thats familiar by now. Having said that, its very extraordinary, very unusual for that language to be made public, to come from a foreign government, to basically have proof that a diplomat who is visiting the white house, you know, smiling and greeting trump aids, im sure, being a diplomat been in the presence of ambassador, very, you know, skillful smooth guy to see exactly what hes saying behind the scenes is startling and also, im sure i mean clearly infuriated the president and that can have real consequences for the u. S. , u. K. Special relationship, which is now in the worst shape its been in i think since anyone can remember since world war ii at least. Its extra special to be sure and michael, about the cause, a lot of people went immediately to believing this was russia because so much of their cyber effort has been to turn ally against ally and foment ill will. This would perfectly fall in that definition. Absolutely, brian. I think maybe it wasnt my first reaction on reading the story because i was kind of amazed that i was seeing all this and absorbing the details but maybe my second question is why are we seeing this . Where is it coming from . I thought quickly this would have the hallmarks of some sort of a russian hack and release. Vladimir putin loves to drive a wedge between western allies within the nato alliance, the chan transatlantic alliance, there is no specific evidence to that effect and i would note that the author of the original story was tweeting today suggesting that people were i dont know if she actually used the word Conspiracy Theory but said people were getting carried away how this had come to light and suggesting it was disgruntled civil servants. That may not be the last word on the matter but makes me think in this case for once the russians may not be behind it. Michael, great to see you again. Thank you again for coming on our broadcast as always. And coming up for us, the Democratic Front runner issues the apology some people wanted to hear as new polling indicates he is still President Trumps number one biggest threat at this point when we continue. Bit this point when we continue. Stand up to chronic migraine with botox®. What if you had fewer headaches and migraines a month . 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Jill biden talking about her husband, the former Vice President joe biden who apologized this weekend in his effort to fend off criticism for comments he made about working while in the u. S. Senate with senators who were segregationist. It even came as new polling shows that he may have the best chance still at this early date of beating President Trump. Its a poll from the Washington Post and abc news. It puts biden ahead of trump by ten points making him the only candidate with a double digit lead in the general election. Again, National Poll as we always say, elections are 50 of them on the state level. Back with us tonight two superb writers in this area. A. B and associate editor at real clear politics and erin haynes is back with us covering race and ethnicity for the associated press. Erin, i want to begin with a dual question. Number one, are you convinced that average outside the twitter card or democrats took offense, expected an apology from joe biden and b, are you convinced that said apology did the job . Well, good evening, brian, good to be with you and thanks for that reminder again, twitter is not america. And, you know, i think that what we continue to see the polls that you eluded to is the Vice President still does enjoy support particularly among older black voters who do feel that he is the best candidate to beat president donald trump, which again and again people tell me is their top priority in this 2020 election. So, you know, three weeks after the Vice President makes these initial comments, you see him apologizing in south carolina. He says that this is an apology that he wanted to make to people that he felt would maybe be the most affected by that apology, however you did on that debate stage have somebody in senator Kamala Harris asking for him to express regret for the remarks and at least at that point, he did not think that was necessarily. While he did lose some support in the polls like you said, he has that double digit lead over the president and still has support among black voters, i think that really what this shows obviously two weeks ahead of the next president ial debate where he probably will be on the stage again with senator harris, this is not a topic that he wants on that stage with him at the end of this month. He wants to change the subject and move on to other issues but i think that the bottom line for voters and especially a lot of black voters, racism is very much on the ballot. A. B. , along those lines, you watched the debate along with us. Did Kamala Harris leave a mark . Did she leave lasting damage in the moment, in the subject of bussing . I think whats interesting is that sort of the challenge attack that she practiced for joe biden seemed to sort of affirmatively help her. It didnt so much cut into joe bidens support but it really did help her. It gave her 2 million very quickly and she was behind in fundraising and it generated a lot of excitement and got her a bunch of new Congressional Black Caucus endorsements and a whole bunch of google searches and excited new voters who believe that because of the way she challenged joe biden, that she could debate donald trump on stage and really take him on. So though it helped her and in some quarters hurt her with people in the establishment and joe biden supporters and do not want to see him cut down that way in such a personal way, i do think that biden seems to be riding out this incident. Hes wise to put it behind him well in advance of the next debate to talk about the futures he says and get this behind him. It is early yet. Its not ive said this so many times. Its not going to be a coronation for joe biden. Its not going to be easy if hes the nominee. Hell get beaten up a bit along the way but it is very early considering we wont see a presumptive nominee until late spring of next year. Thank you for that behinder. A. B. And erin agreed to stay with us over the break. Coming up, Eric Swalwell is the first to drop out of the 2020 race but before the democrats can narrow the stage for the next debate in detroit, tonight, there is talk of two more people getting in. More on that when we come back. Today ends our president ial campaign but it is the beginning of an opportunity in congress with a new perspective, shaped by the lives that have touched mine and our campaign throughout these last three months to bring that promise of america to all americans. California democratic candidate Eric Swalwell is the first to bow out. Youre swalwell burned out long before your legend ever done. Swalwell did qualify for the first democratic debate but floundered with fundraising and support in the polls. It is very likely more candidates will son follow he his example. It was put this way, the process is about to begin shades of hunger games, some strategists predict the field could be down to as few as eight, can you imagine by the iowa caucus and a reminder that isnt until february of next year. Still with us a. B. And erin. As they say on the nature specials, are we about to see a thinning of the herd . Well, you know, i dont know how many Democratic Candidates you can fit on a debate stage but we may well find out before next year. Listen, i think this is exactly what we extpected as you mentioned. You have Eric Swalwell dropping out in a not great showing in the next president ial debate, well see some more people fall off here after this upcoming president ial debate in detroit at the end of this month and then youve got more debating coming up later this summer. You know, i think even former georgia governor candidate stacy adrams is wondering if she should get into the race. We have 484 days until november 3rd, 2020. Thats parlenty of time for candidates to introduce themselves and for a nominee to emerge. Take a breath, return to our happy place and in the meantime, we have to discuss mr. Omash of michigan. With great fanfare and ceremony, hes saying goodbye to the republican party. Hes not closing the door to the notion of running as a Third Party Candidate, one of my favorite games in politics, a. B. , is to ask the question who would that hurt if he ran or as if anyone ran as a substantive Third Party Candidate . Well, if justin amash ran he would get conservatives who if we end up seeing a progressive nominated on the democratic side who is willing to eliminate private insurance for nearly 200 million americans and happy to provide Health Care Coverage to immigrants who came here illegally would be a better choice for never trump republicans and libertarians and independents and that would peel away votes from the nondonald trump candidate meaning the democrat and it would help President Trump win. And what about mr. Amash . Do you think this is going to become a reality . Im interested that he continues to flirt with this idea because i dont think he wants to be a spoiler to reelect President Trump, so i think its so interesting that he continues to get asked this all the time and he never, you know, dismisses it. He says he just doesnt know. I dont know what his next move is. Maybe it stands to reason thats all he could do, that he cant win a primary as an independent in the district and cant Seek Higher Office in the state. I just i just think that he feels very strongly as a constitutional conservative about Donald Trumps presidency doing a lot of damage to our system and i just cant believe hed run as a Third Party Candidate and pave the way for donald trump to get reelected. Heck of a note to end on on a monday night but as we do so, our thanks to our friends a. B. And erin. Thank you very much both of you for participating in our political discussion tonight and coming up for us, trump calls reports on the dire situation at migrant facilities phony. His acting Homeland Security chief calls them un unsubstantiated. Our late update on this situation when we come back. E o situation when we co bmeack. Patients that i see that complain about dry mouth, they feel like they have to drink a lot of water. 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The latest on this story can be summed up by the Washington Post headline that reads, u. N. Human rights chief deeply shocked by migrant detention centres in texas. Or by the reporting over the weekend in the new york times, the outbreak of scabies, shingles, chicken pox were spreading among the hundreds of dealts being held in cramped cells. The stench of the childrens dirty clothing was so strong it spread to the agents own clothing. People in town would scrunch their noses when they left work. The children cried constantly. The administration is responding to all of this. Just this week on abc the acting Homeland Security secretary was on the defensive. You referenced three things that were unsubstantiated. Inadequate food. Inadequate water and unclean cells. This is an extraordinarily challenging situation. We had an overflow situation with hundreds of children crossing every day. We have no evidence that children went hungry, first of all. Police station cells are not a good place for children. The president continues to support his own administrations treatment of the migrants, posting social messages that again blame, fake news and the democrats for the immigration crisis. Just today Vice President mike pence announced on friday the second lady and i will travel to the u. S. mexico border at mcallen, texas, with a bipartisan delegation of members of the Senate Judiciary committee. The Senate Passed bipartisan humanitarian relief, but much more must be done to secure our border and end the crisis. It will hardly be a surprise visit. Several days ago, several members of congress toured migrant facilities in both texas and florida. When we went into the cell, it was it was clear that the water was not running. There was a toilet but there was no Running Water for people to drink. But i want to talk about their parents. The mothers. The abuleas. The tias. The madres that i sat with who wept openly in our arms, not even knowing our names. Because of the trauma they are experiencing and because they dont know where their children are. It was just last week youll recall the federal office of the Inspector General released heart wrenching pictures of the overcrowded detention centers, and according to their own report, children had limited access to a change of clothes and two facilities had not provided children access to hot meals. And so on from there. Coming up for us, after one more break, its a rare event designed to thank our nations heros and we get to see it in this city this week. When we continue. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Crabfest is back at red lobster with 9 craveable crab creations. From the new ultimate crabfest trio with three kinds of wildcaught crab to the return of crab lovers dream grab your crab crew, hurry in or order it to go {tires screeching} {truck honking} [alarm beeping] avo life doesnt give you many second chances. But a subaru can. dad you guys ok . You alright . Wow. avo eyesight with precollision braking. Standard on the subaru ascent. Presenting the threerow subaru ascent. Love is now bigger than ever. Last thing before we go here tonight. The u. S. Womens soccer team crushed the world cup. They did so by crushing the netherlands 20, as we say here in the u. S. The tv ratings crushed the mens ratings. The performance of the u. S. Women has generally crushed the mens team. And so it wasnt a surprise to hear this chant arise from the american fans in the stands in france. Equal pay equal pay equal pay equal pay if you want to understand the issue of equal pay in the workplace, look no further. Men and women soccer players share a workplace of green grass, real or fake, and yet there is a real disparity in how the green gets handed out. The women are suing the u. S. Soccer federation for better pay and better treatment. The bonus money is a fraction of what the men get. And, yes, on top of the pay equity issue, like Everything Else in 2019, the team and the president and the sport have all become intertwined in politics, but let us just for one night perhaps leave that aside. Lets focus on the victory. Lets feel good for team usa. These tremendous athletes and their upcoming honor bestowed upon other heros in our nations history. A ticker tape parade through the socalled canyon of heros here in new york city on wednesday morning for their fourth world cup and to say thank you for a job well done. That is our broadcast on this monday night, as we start this new work week. Thank you so much for being here with us. Good night from our nbc news headquarters here in new york. Rachel does have the night off, but she will be back tomorrow. I want to start with the story of courtney wild. Here is her picture. She was 14 years old at the time she was living in florida. She was in middle school and captain of the Cheerleading Squad and played the trumpet. She got good grades. She had braces. When she was 14 years old, courtney was introduced to a man named Jeffrey Epstein. Jeffrey epstein is a wellconnected incredibly wealthy multimillionaire. He surrounded himself with powerful, highprofile people. His private airline has hosted highprofile guests like bill clinton, Prince Andrew and various celebrities and donald

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