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Know whether the president had knowledge of it. Even at the Trump Organization where fewer than 30 employees work at trump tower, the revelation that the cfo had been granted immunity from prosecutors surprised many executives. Nbc news confirmed that report about weisselberg and that he is the man referred to as executive one in the Michael Cohen Court Documents and that hes the one who arranged to reimburse cohen for his pams to Stormy Daniels. Weisselberg is the latest trump associate to gettism munt. Yds we learned david pecker, publisher of the National Enquirer also obtained that same privilege for giving prosecutors information about mr. Cohen. It was only this tuesday when cohen pleaded guilty remember to Campaign Finance violations related to those payments which he told the court were at trumps direction. Weisselberg goes back to when trumps father ran the company. He is the longtimekeeper of the books who even appeared with trump on season 2 of the apprentice. Replacing george this week is my chief Financial Officer, Allen Weisselberg. And you think george is tough . Wait till you see allen. Weisselberg was also part of the team put in charge of trumps finances after he won the 2016 election. He has relinquished leadership and management of the Trump Organization to his sons don and eric and a longtime trump executive Allen Weisselberg. Don, eric and allen are committed to insuring that the activities of the Trump Organization are beyond reproach. And earlier on this network a former Trump Campaign adviser detailed Allen Weisselbergs role in the Trump Organization. Allen as far as i know has been with the president , then mr. Trump, the Trump Organization, since the 60s since it was based in brooklyn. Allen on the 26th floor, he had his own thiefdom. He had multiple people working for him. There was a large Accounting Office there. They all report to him. I am sure allen got frequent had to give frequent reports to then mr. Trump about the Trump Organization. Weisselberg is the latest piece to fall bringing there case closer to that man as Shannon Pettypiece of bloomberg writes trumps sense of invulnerability is in for its biggest test as he suddenly must defend against grave threats. The threat is intensifying as trump confronts a midterm referendum on his presidency. That plus a feeling of betrayal may have motivated this from the president just yesterday. This whole thing about flipping they call it, i know all about flipping. For 30, 40, years ive been watching flippers. Everythings wonderful and then they get ten years in jail and they flip on whoever the next highest one is or as high as you can go. It almost ought to be outlawed. Ive seen it many times. Ive had many friends involved in this stuff. It almost ought to be illegal. Lets bring in our panel on a friday night, all three returning veterans, Ken Thomas White house reporter for associated president who traveled with the president to ohio today, Shannon Pettypiece from bloom blerg and we welcome back richard painter who returns to us after a bid for senate. White house ethics lawyer for the white house of president george w. Bush. Good evening and welcome to youall. Ken, having made the trek today, did you discern any difference in mood in the traveling white house as opposed to the stationary kind . Brian, we didnt have any visits by the president to our press cabin either on the way or on the way back from columbus. His speech was somewhat subdued in columbus. It was a fundraising dinner. It wasnt the same kind of atmosphere you would normally see at a rally. There is no way to sugarcoat this. This is a terrible week for the president and it strikes at the heart of loyalty he always insists upon his aides and his ability to control the future of these investigations. Hes had three people essentially turn their backs on him in the span of a week. I was speaking to a longtime trump advisor who said that Michael Cohen is actually someone who he cant control now even though hes president. President trump can sit at the resolute desk. Hes the commander in chief. He can press a button and have a diet coke instantly appear and yet, he cant control Michael Cohen and that speaks to the predicament that he finds himself in. Shannon, along those same basic lines, what does it tell you they had no idea the cfo had an immunity deal . Well, i think sometimes maybe rudy is not informed on all the various legal matters. Hes informed on things dealing with the Mueller Investigation or that he needs to know to speak about on television. I mean, our reporting does indicate that the Trump Organization was aware that Allen Weisselberg had spoke to a grand jury that part of that grand jury appearance, he saw the an aimmunity deal and was granted one. He is still with the Trump Organization. His, you know, where, you know, typically two lawyers on each side share information. So i dont think this was a huge secret to everybody. It doesnt mean it was the type of information that was shared with everyone but i dont think it was it was not the closely kept secret that the i think rudy thinks it was. Richard, having advised a president and west wing on legal matters, how bad a week was this legally for the Trump White House . Well, is, i certainly have never seen anything like that because i never advised a president hose had his Campaign Manager and his deputy Campaign Manager found guilty or plead guilty to multiple criminal charges the same day that his former attorney pled guilty to eight felonies and now we have the chief Financial Officer of the Trump Organization turning states evidence. I have to say every white collar criminal defense lawyer knows when the chief Financial Officer turns states evidence, everybody in the executive suite is in a lot of trouble because the chief Financial Officer knows where the money is coming and going and that includes not just the money being used to pay off various women who had been engaging in Sexual Activity with donald trump but it also may very well include russian money and remember, that every time bob mueller gets anywhere near Donald Trumps money, donald trump starts threatening to fire bob mueller. It appears that they are closing in on the basic financial structure of the Trump Organization. Perhaps the reasons why hes not disclosing his tax returns and what we may find there is really quite ugly. So this has been a very, very bad week for the president. You know, its shocking that congress is doing absolutely nothing about this. Were well past the point where we were in watergate in 1973 when they had a hearing looking into the obstruction of justice and other criminal activities going on in the nixon administration. This is far worse and yet congress is doing absolutely nothing. Its pathetic. Ken, how does this week of real news undercut the pr effort led by the president to undercut Robert Mueller himself . Its much more difficult for him to do that now and part of the reason is that the investigation is in new york and its not something that he can put his finger on the scales as it relates to the Justice Department and try to have his also be heard. He cant really control the investigation led in new york and so, you know, what were seeing, i think, internally is frustration by the president and almost a sense of numbness among a lot of aids that this is just another shoot a drop in there. Its just harder for them to project a strong narrative heading into the midterm elections. He was in ohio tonight trying to rev up the state party that, you know, theres been a lot of the friction between the president and governor kasich. But this whole investigation speaks to the challenge that he has in driving a narrative in the weeks head heading into a very crucial midterm election. Shannon, youve been doing this a long time and weve learned to trust your gut. Was this week really different . Did something just change . Yes, the president was implicated in a crime and while the current Justice Department guidelines say that the president capital be indicted he certainly can be impeached if it is found that he committed a crime. What Michael Cohen did was say that the president was involved, was an accessory, was a coconspirator, the words prosecutors would choose to use in an illegal Campaign Finance contribution. His lawyers will try to argue that but if the Southern District of new york wants to Michael Cohens statement and pursue charges on that, they have two choices. They can either refer it to congress as an impeachment say we found this wrongdoing from the president and hand it over to congress to then begin the impeachment proceedings which would require a majority in the house oh if democrats take the house, there is a wide assumption in trumps world that they would instantly impeach him and then it goes to the senate where you need twothirds which is a much, much bigger hurdle to overcome but twothirds tore convict and remove. The other alternative they could do is take this finding if the rest of the investigation finds the president did commit a crime as Michael Cohen is saying and give it back to bob mueller and give this to bob mueller to include in his report he will then give to congress that may have other, you know, violations or illegal acts that bob mueller finds, if there are any and give that to congress and the same process happens again. Now were not just talking about a political gaffe but an actual crime that could be involved. There are no charges. We dont have the evidence yet but were talking about an actual crime that has been committed and that can lead to impeachment. Richard, lets talk about the language of this week. We know now the president is not sure but the flipping ought to be illegal. We know now that he prefers people who dont break. He doesnt like rats. We can certainly say that about characters portrayed by guys like pesci and deny anywhere row. It was a scorsesian week at the white house. What does it say do you think about this mans view of stewardship over the nation at large and kind of the rule of law in general . Well, he talks like a mob boss and thinks like a mob boss and hes been acting like a mob boss and thats what we got for president. Thats the bottom line. This situation with Michael Cohen is serious. It was a campaign violation. Its a felony. Similar to what john edwards was tried for which was not convicted. It was a hung jury because of complications with that trial. Now id have to say, this situation with cohen is only the beginning. The russia investigation is really where the action is here. Thats the real danger to our country that our president and his campaign collaborated with the russians and have been lying about their contacts with the russians and thats what bob mueller is investigating and once an investigation starts at the house of representatives if they bother to think about impeaching this president , i would assume that they get beyond the Stormy Daniels payment and the Campaign Finance violation and focus on the really important stuff which is the collusion with the russians and the betrayal of our country to a foreign power in order to win the election and the coverup. This is a very very serious situation and dangerous to our National Security and Congress Needs to act now, not wait till january when the democrats get control of the house of representatives. Our thanks to the big three tonight for getting us under way. Coming up for us as we approach the first break, the legal glossary were all being forced to learn on the fly after the news just this week like the difference between immunity and a plea deal and flipping. We will ask our veteran counsel for their wise counsel when we continue. And later, what happened after that judges deadline to reunite families separated at the border . Well have a late update as the 11th hour just gets under way on a friday night. This wifi is fast. I know i know i know i know when did brian move back in . Brians back . He doesnt get my room. Hes only going to be here for like a week. Like a month, tops. Oh boy. Wifi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. In many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40s. To review, this week we saw the president s former Campaign Chair convicted on eight felonies and his longtime personal lawyer pleaded guilty to eight counts of his own implicating the president along the way. But todays development, the word that the cfo of the Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg is sharing and has been granted immunity may be the Biggest Development thus far. He is, as they say, the guy who knows where all the bodies are buried. A Bloomberg News opinion piece today puts it this way. Weisselberg was privy to you decisions at the Trump Organization that mike cohen was never allowed to take part in. That kind of none is gold to federal investigators. Axios sums it up as the warning lights of growing legal jeopardy are flashing red. And theres this from the cover of next weeks issue of the new yorker, the great artist depicting the hounds on trumps heels where hes already lost one shoe. Here to talk about it, Danny Cevallos, a veteran criminal defense attorney and msnbc legal analyst and former federal prosecutor glen worked under Robert Mueller at the u. S. Attorneys office for the district of colombia way back when mueller was chief of homicide and glen was a prosecutor coming up. Okay, glen, maybe you can help the glossary. What is the difference between immunity and a full on deal, what the president would call a flipper and how does this gentleman in this case qualify for immunity . Well, brian, you know, when we have witnesses that we want to talk with and they have committed crimes so they have a privilege against selfincrimination, there are generally three ways we can go about trying to talk with that kind of witness. One we can just invite the witness in and assuming the witness is represented by counsel, invite the lawyer in and see if they are willing to sit down with us and out of the goodness of their heart talk with us without being concerned about their right against selfincrimination. Believe it or not, some witnesses will take us up on that but not many. The second way we can go about talking with a witness like that is if we have enough evidence to charge them knowing they have committed crimes and that gives rise to the fifth amendment right against selfincrimination, we can charge them with those crimes and try to develop them as a cooperating witness and have them plead guilty and give them something of a benefit and have them agree to cooperate truthfully with the investigation. If neither of the two options comes to fruition, we can grant them immunity. I will say immunity is not really the favorite tool in the prosecutors tool box because once we present an immunized witness to a jury, you know, the jury is going to see that this person has committed crimes, has never been held accountable for those crimes and the prosecutors seem to give that witness a free pass to just go ahead and talk about what they did and what they know without being held accountable and, you know, i will say that, you know, crossexamining an immunized witness is something of a field day for a defense attorney. So what we will come back with as prosecutors is you know what . They may have gotten a free pass and immunity and not been held accountable for their crimes but guess what. Immunity does not protect an immunized witness from being charged with perjury if they lie either in the grand jury or to a trial jury and on top of perjury, they could be charged with obstruction of justice, accessory after the fact and potentially other crimes. They do get something of a free pass with respect to the crimes they committed but they still have an incentive to tell the truth because if they dont, they could be charged. Danny, let me come at this a different way, and that is to say, this is not general motors. This is a very small company. The boardroom people got to see on the apprentice was built here in the saturday night live studio inside this building as the 30 rock in new york city. Having said that theres rhona graff, trumps long Time Assistant and theres allen. Can you imagine what theyre going through tonightsing this guy is going to be in front of a grand jury with the door closes and no lawyer there . You said something compelling a few minutes ago. You said Alan Weisselberg knows where the bodies are buried. I heard that phrase a lot a month or two ago. It was not about Allen Weisselberg. It was about Michael Cohen. You take a look at mike cohen. Did he get immunity or did he plead guilty and maybe hell cooperate. I think theres a chance he may still cooperate even though hes not presently cooperating. Thats possible, too. The government did what the government likes to do a lot more with a lesser quality witness which is get a conviction, get him to plea, and then dangle that 5 k 1 substantial assistance motion in front of him until they give him what they want but if you are a vip, if you have just critical information, thats when the government will actually go through the hoops it has to to give that person immunity. You have to be very, very important. I would love to ask glen the ratio of people that he convicted, cooperated as a witness and then maybe they got a substantial assistance motion versus the number of people he gave full on immunity to. Glen, its got to be, its got to be way more convictions, pleas and then possible cooperation down the road than it ever was full immunity, right . Absolutely, danny. We would rather hold people accountable for their crimes, put pressure on them quite frankly and then, you know, put them in a position where its in their best interest to tell the truth because the more truth they tell, the more benefit they receive. As i say, immunity is not the preferred practice but, you know, i will say once i heard that undercover recording that we heard some weeks back where Michael Cohen and then candidate trump were talking about their friend david, obviously, pecker and mr. Weisselberg, the first thing that came to my mind is now you can bet prosecutors are going to be stepping to those two gentlemen to make sure they can corroborate what they were hearing on that tape, corroborate what Michael Cohen was telling them and then i have to believe the prosecutors are going to move beyond just corroborating Michael Cohen because as you say, you know, its almost cliche that now the bookkeeper will be a central figure in bringing down potentially an organization. With a green eye shade. Its compelling to think about that cohens attorneys almost certainly approached or raised the issue of immunity. They went to a prosecutor like glen and said what about immunity for my client. Usually the answer is no. The u. S. Attorneys have to get approval from their boss and get to main justice and its a big pain and it could blow up in their face if that person ends up being the real doer. Now you have somebody that you havent heard about the way we did Michael Cohen but yet he gets immunity. Picker gets immunity. These people must have compelling information and sooner or later, this is the kind of thing that will surface and were going to know. We promised our friday night audience, if you stay with us, well give you an explanation and weve done that. With Danny Cevallos and glen kirschner, gentlemen, thank you so much. Coming up, the latest on the condition of john mccain following the sad announcement from arizona today when we come back. As you no doubt heard the news from arizona however inevitable it may have been was still so terribly sad. Senator john mccain has chosen to discontinue medical treatment after waging a gallant fight against terminal brain cancer for over a year now. His familys Statement Read in part, john surpassed expectations for his survival but the progress of disease and inexorable advance of age render their verdict. With his usual strength of will, he has chosen to discontinue medical treatment. Mccain was a naval aviator shot down in vietnam, imprisoned and tortured for five and a half years before coming home to be a giant figure in american political life. The senior senator from arizona was, of course, the Republican Party nominee in 08. I fell in love with my country when i was a prisoner in someone elses. I loved it, not just for the many comforts of life here. I loved it for its decency, for its faith and wisdom, justice and goodness of its people. I loved it because it was not just a place but an idea, a cause worth fighting for. I cant trust obama. I have read about him and hes a hes an arab. Hes not nope. No, maam. No, maam. No, maam. Hes a descent family man, citizen that i just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and thats what this campaign is about. Hes not. In a contest as long and difficult as this campaign has been, his success alone commands my respect for his ability and perseverance, but that he managed to do so by inspiring hopes of so many millions of americans who once wrongly believed they had little at stake or little influence in the election after american president is something i deeply admire and commend him for achieving. Almost nine years after those remarks, john mccain returned to the Senate Chamber last july and addressed his colleagues with the clarity of a fighter facing down a terminal diagnosis. Lets trust each other. Lets return to regular order. Weve been spinning our wheels on too many important issues because we keep trying to find a way to win without help from across the aisle. Thats approach thats been employed by both sides mandating legislation from the top down without any support from the other side with all the parliamentary maneuvers that requires. We are getting nothing done, my friends. Were getting nothing done. And with us tonight for more author and president ial historian michael beschloss. We badly need your brain because ive racked mine. I cannot think of a parallel figure in american political life when you think about it, he was a hero of a war that didnt yield heroes deeply unpopular in realtime. Came home and bass unable politically to grab the proverbially brass ring, unable to comb his own hair forever 50 years because of torture, and he was a product of that torture, make no mistake. Absolutely. He would go to political rallies and someone standing next to him would try to hold his arm up in the air and he said i cant do it. Dont you realize im not able to do that . This is something that was with him every single hour of his life after that ordeal in vietnam and brian, had john mccain not gone on to do anything in politics after he returned from vietnam in the spring of 1973, i think we would be talking about him tonight because of those five and a half years he spent being tortured in captivity in North Vietnam at a time when he could have taken their offer to leave early. Its easy to say that it meant he didnt scare easily but young folks coming up today may not know what the maverick tag that was attached to him, what it meant and the fact that he lived through a different era of a kind of bipartisanship, think about it. John kerry toyed with the idea of choosing him as a democrat for a running mate. Mccain actually wanted lieberman as his running mate at first. That was just a few years ago. Can you imagine brian in the democratic or Republican Party today if a new nominee wanted to choose a running mate that came from the other party . It would be really impossible to do. It was hard to do at the time mccain was thinking about it but in the time of donald trump, the time that were living through, you know, those words that you were so right to have them on the screen, his last words on the senate floor about bipartisanship and getting things done, thats something that is so out of keeping in this time but the maverick nature of mccain was always so welcome, this was someone who was always willing to sail against the wind and weve seen that the last 18 months. This is someone who after helsinki was willing, as very few members of his party were willing to say donald trump had done a bad thing in helsinki at the side of vladimir putin. This was someone who to my mind almost you know, goes all the way back to George Washingtons idea. George washington hated the idea of factions and parties. He always wanted us to Work Together in the congress and as citizens because it had been so hard for us to gain our independence. John mccain knew enough of that history thats the way he ran his life. A lot of folks are thinking of this consensus American Hero tonight. Michael beschloss, cant thank you enough for coming on and adding to our conversation. On this very great man. Thank you for asking me. Thank you. Coming up, donald trump tried hard late today to ignore what has been a perilous week for him politically. A Campaign Like photo op. A speech in ohio earlier tonight. What to expect next from a white house in crisis when we continue. Om the very beginning. It was always our singular focus, a distinct determination. To do whatever it takes, use every possible resource. To fight cancer. And never lose sight of the patients were fighting for. Our Cancer Treatment specialists share the same vision. Experts from all over the world, working closely together to deliver truly personalized cancer care. Specialists focused on treating cancer. Using advanced technologies. And more precise treatments than before. Working as hard as we can doing all that we can for everyone who walks through our doors. This is Cancer Treatment centers of america. And these are the specialists were proud to call our own. Treating cancer isnt one thing we do. Its the only thing we do. Expert medicine works here. Learn more at cancercenter. Com Cancer Treatment centers of america. Appointments available now. There is good reason its being called the worst week yet for president trump. Lets remember just for a moment on monday we had just learned White House Counsel Don Mcgahn had been talking to the mueller team for more than 30 hours of interviews. Tuesday trumps Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort found guilty eight of 18 criminal charges. Within that same hour, trumps former lawyer Michael Cohen pleading guilty to charges including what he said were hush money payments made at the president s direction. On wednesday, trump insisted he found out about the hush money payment later on. But the problem with that is ap reporter kathryn lucy asked trump about the payment back in april while cameras were rolling in the back of air force one and we got to hear her question and more importantly, his answer. Did you know about the 130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels . No. Then why did Michael Cohen make that if it was no truth . You have to ask Michael Cohen. Youll have to ask Michael Cohen. Yesterday word that longtime trump friend and National Enquirer publisher david pecker had been granted immunity for information about Michael Cohen. We learned the manhattan d. A. s office is considering pursuing criminal charges against the Trump Organization in connection with the payments and then today we learned the Trump Organizations cfo was granted immunity, as well and the new Time Magazine cover illustrates trump is in deep as they put it. Here to talk about all of it, the aforementioned catherine lucy, White House Reporter for the associated press, phil Elliott White house correspondent for Time Magazine and Brian Bennett also with Time Magazine. There was your exchange, i feel bad for those listening on Xm Satellite Radio because with the help of the wording on the screen, you can hear him say no, he gives that simple answer at first. Remind us how that answer migrated just over the course of this week. Yeah, he said no. Thats right. That was back in april and since then weve had a series of shifting explanations including this week when the president , i believe, he said in his interview with fox and friends, he knew about it later. So we have continued to see the president and the people around him sort of change their stories about these payments. And thats really what a lot of this week where there was a series of difficult events the president , a lot of what this week has been about with this plea agreement with Michael Cohen where he clearly implicates the president saying that they coordinated to make these payments to these women that and the president still has not provided a full explanation. So phillip, how thrown does this leave his white house staff . The white house staff had a very bad week. I was talking with one official earlier today who said its not that they cant figure out which way they need to row the boat, but they cant even come to a consensus on what ocean theyre in in the first place. There is absolutely no understanding of what facts are the basis of what is happening there. They ask one person and get one answer and ask another person and get another. The president is seen as an unreliable person to answer questions about his own political fate and at the same time, they are looking at the Justice Department a half way between the u. S. Capital and the white house accepting plea deals from people inside the president s inner circle getting convictions of people who are his Close Associates and offering immunity to people who have who potentially have a lot of information on the president , the president s personal business dealings and the president s family quite frankly all of that makes things very volatile at the white house and is really spooking republicans around town, as well that i hear fear in their voice in a way that i havent heard before on other purely political controversies involving this president. Yeah, youre reporting that got our attention today. Brian, this is abisnt snark and actually sincere. When are we going to have another infrastructure week and that is to say that sometimes an actual agenda can help drive a presidency and focus attention back on whats important. I know this white house staff is the latest to use travel and events as kind of a refocuser and if nothing else, a distraction for this president. Well, we saw it today. I was with the president when he went to columbus, ohio. We flew on air force one, we landed. He went with Melania Trump to visit a Childrens Hospital to highlight the Opioid Epidemic and how its impacting ohio and then he went to the gop state dinner and gave a pretty conventional speech where he only veered off script a few times at the end and really tried to look president ial, look like he was bringing the party together. Notably he did not mention manafort. He did not mention Michael Cohen. And he tried to have and his staff tried to create a pretty conventional and normal day and that is what im hearing from inside the white house that there arent detailed meetings going on about how to handle the crisis that are spinning out over the criminal activity of people who used to work for trump. They are focused right now on trying to get trump out on the campaign trail to promote his vision for the Republican Party going into the midterms. They are also looking to the end of september when the funding for the government runs out and trump really wants to have a fight over wall funding in that and so they are plotting ahead like that, try to put these issues on the table and try to develop a more normal rhythm inside the white house when of course, its going to be incredibly difficult given the all of the investigations that are going on and how more revelations are likely to come out. To that point, kathryn, two things occur to me. Number one, we have probably seen a Record Number of west wing departures and number two, were probably in the middle of witnessing a Record Number of people in his inner circle cooperating with feds. And i guess the sum total of it all, how isolated is it your knowledge that he feels right now . Yes, brian, were hearing that the president does increasingly feel isolated. Hes a president who he values loyalty deeply. Weve heard that hes been disappointed, frustrated, troubled to feel that people he viewed as longtime allies and confidantes are making deals, seeking immunity. And it does leave him increasing alone. One of the things ive heard from people inside and outside is there is a lot of concern about how he is reacting. There is no Clear Strategy for sort of pushing back or creating a counter narrative or a clear defense here and people worry about what he might do if another shoe drops. Phil, crazy day on the north korea front. Pompeo a trip few people knew he was going on has suddenly been canceled on a trip to north korea. Trump tweets out regards and respect to chairman kim which many people point out is more than what he said on john mccain today. Is there any reason to believe this isnt just a shiny object for a white house in search of a distraction . The white houses biggest defenders, the professionals in the foreign service, the adults and Senate Foreign relations think maybe they finally have gotten through and have convinced the president that maybe the north korean regime is not negotiating in good faith. Maybe the president is realizing that all of this smoke being blown in his direction from the north koreans has not worked. Maybe they are starting to understand, the white house is understanding that the trade war with china is not just limited to china. It has implications for the north korean talks and maybe a lot of these parallel trabs are finally converging in a way that the president is understanding. That is how his apologiests are putting it. That said, this caught a lot of people at the state department completely by surprise that one, he acknowledged this trip would be happening so publicly and then pulled the plug on it so rapidly when just last week they named the state department finally named coordinator for the korean denuclearization talks. Hey, brian, the headline of your cover story is here how is how much worse it can get. Tell us just enough, go, three sentences to make people run for the exit to buy or download this weeks time. Whats the hint . December 12th, that is the sentencing, the date that Michael Cohen is supposed to be in court for sentencing. What an that means between the next three months, every prosecutor in the country that has some interest and something that Michael Cohen might know about is going to be calling Michael Cohen and saying help us out and well write a letter and maybe the judge will give you a better sentence. Kathryn, lucy, phillip elliott, Brian Bennett, thank you all three of you for joining us on a friday night. Coming up, we have a rare bit of good news out of what was feared and predicted to be a disaster when we come back. We have a rare chance to share a little transparency in media tonight. While also reporting some badly needed good news for the people of hawaii and this is kind of astounding. Hurricane lane has shredded. It has collapsed. Its dramatic to watch on the satellite radar imagery but the center could not hold. In a matter of hours this has gone from a category 4 storm all the way down to a Tropical Storm. While there was already flooding from this, some of it catastrophic on the big island where they had 40 inches of rain in some spots, this is nothing like the original projections of lifethreatening damage and inundation when this was predicted to be a strike from a historic category 4 which would have made it only the third such storm to hit hawaii since the era of eisenhower. Weather channel meteorologist mike seidel tells me tonight, we can thank the fact that the storm stalled and meandered offshore for so long. It was eventually done in by the trade winds from the east and the jet stream from the southwest. And heres the transparency part. All of the Network Correspondents and camera crews have just now arrived. Wearing the storm gear we all keep in our storm closets, hotel rooms have been secured and Satellite Uplinks have been established. And as recently as earlier this evening, the coverage was still quite category 4 tenor. And while former hurricane lane will still threaten lives and damage property and its going to produce a lot of rain, the headline tonight is this. It was a 5 just days ago. Its all the way down to a Tropical Storm tonight. Lets keep this trend going. Good luck to our friends in the 50th state. Coming up, its been 65 days since the president reversed his policy that separated Migrant Children from their parents. Well get an update on the progress or lack of it when we come right back. Last thing before we go on a friday night, we close out this week with an update on the migrant families separated because of the socalled zero tolerance policy of the trump administration. A federal judge had ordered the administration to reunite the remaining families but that deadline came and went 29 days ago with not that much commensurate change in the numbers. As of today, 528 Migrant Children are still separated from their parents according to the latest information from the federal government. Among those 528 children, 23 of them are 5 years old or younger. The parents of 343 of those children have already been deported. The government revealed 203 Migrant Children were released under what they call appropriate circumstances. That cannive include being released into the care of sponsors or in cases where children are now 18 or older themselves. And heres another number tonight. We can also report 139 parents waived the right to be reunited with their children but theres a story behind that number, as well. Theres this from nbc news. Under the headline earlier this week migrant parents say they were coerced into signing away their right to be reunified with their children. One man, a 36yearold father says he came here from guatemala with his 14yearold son fearing violence. He told nbc news that after being detained and separated from his child, an officer said only your child can stay in the united states. The father went on he did not give me explanations. The officer did not allow me to explain why we were in the united states. They forced me to sign documents even though i asked to speak with someone before signing. This report goes on several of the initial forms that ascension signed were in english which he didnt understand. He told attorneys it wasnt till he had to sign a later version in spanish because he had already signed them in english he told attorneys that he realized he had agreed to deportation without his son. That is just one of the hundreds of separation stories that continue to play out almost a month now after that deadline to reunite these migrant families. That is also our broadcast for this friday night and for this week. Thank you so very much for being with us. Have a good weekend and good night from nbc news headquarters here in new york. Tonight on all in. His relinquished leadership and management of the Trump Organization to his sons don and eric and a longtime trump executive. Allen weisselberg. Immunity for Allen Weisselberg, the man trump put in charge of his business along with his son. Theyre ive spoken to Allen Weisselberg about how to set the whole thing up with what are we going to pay . Funding. My chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg. Tonight, why this immunity deal could be the biggest catch yet. Mr. President , what does weisselberg know . Then, just how many different investigations are looking at the president . Plus, Everything Else thats been happening while the presidency is in crisis. Were canceling obamas illegal anticoal destroying regulations. When all in starts right now. Allen

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