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He went on to attack his own people and institutions while standing next to the russian president. We have never seen or heard anything like this from an american president on soil foreign or domestic, but motivated by a deathly fear that his election may be seen at legitimate he delivered what a u. S. Diplomat called the ing is most embarrassing performance hes ever seen on a world stage. Tonight a former defense secretary and cia director called this the most tragic day in the history of the presidency. The president returned from helsinki tonight, an overseas trip that left a lot of damage behind. He criticized u. S. Allies, insults the british prime minster and called the European Union a foe of the United States. Trump and putin were alone together for over two hours. What they discussed, what they agreed to is known only to those two men and their interpreters. Then came the News Conference. The president invoked Hillary Clintons emails. Relitigated his election victory in the Electoral College and went after the Robert Mueller investigation. I hold both countries responsible. I think that the United States has been foolish. I think we have all been foolish. I think we are all to blame. I think that the probe is a disaster for our country. I think its kept us apart. Its kept us separated. This was no collusion at all. On the upside, we got hear that putin wanted trump to be elected the most remarkable comments from the president were in response to a question from jonathan la mir from the associated pressle here is what he asked the president. President putin denied having anything do with the interference. Every Intelligence Agency concluded russia did. My first question is, who do you believe . My second question now is would you with the whole world watching would you denounce what happened in 2016 and ask him to never do it again . We have two thoughts. You have groups wontedering why the fbi had never taken the server. My people came to me, dan coates came to me and said they think its russia. I have president putin. He just said its not russia. I will say this i dont see any reason why it would be. I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but, uh, i will tell you that president putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial. Even one of the president s most steadfast supporters was stunned today. Newt gingrich described the comments as the most serious mistake of his presidency. Late this afternoon, the director of National Intelligence, dan cote, whose judgment the president went against sent out this statement. The role of the Intelligence Committee is to provide we have been clear in our assess. S of the russian meddling in the the 2016 election and their sources tell nbc news coates statement was not approved by the traveling white house before its release. While trump may have doubts about the investigation and the indictment of 12 russian amts, there was also this statement from putin to help. We can actually permit special representatives of the United States, including this member of this very commission headed by mr. Mueller, we can let them into the country and they can be present for this questioning. We can actually permit special representatives of the United States, including this member of this very commission headed by mr. Mueller, we can let them into the country and they can be present for this questioning. Putin added that in exchange, he would want russian Law Enforcement to be allowed similar prif privileges when it came to russians that broke american laws. Ahead of the meeting, staffers provided trump with some 100 pages of briefing materials amied at laying out a tough posture towards putin, but the president ignored most of it, according to one source who requested anonymity. His remarks were counter to the plan. Everyone around trump was urging him to take a firm stance against putin said a second person familiar with the situation. It covered everything from russias annex ation of crimea. Trump handled it his own way. John brennan, a nbc news senior and National Intelligence contributor had this to say. I was quite shocked and appalled at what i was hearing and what i was not hearing. Today was a new low for donald trump. The way he cowered seemly in fear of mr. Putin and failure to acknowledge the u. S. Justice system, the intelligence is outrageous, a disgrace that all americans should be ashamed a that have performance. We should tell you, just for saying what he did there was called a hack tonight on fox news. The aforementioned jonathan la mir. Julia yafi is with us. A russian born journalist whos followed Vladimir Putin for years. Peter baker, reporter for the new york times. Former moscow chief of the Washington Postpost. Remaining in helsinki because he needed futer punishment, meekle mcfaul. A book thats been out for just a few weeks but pulls off the miracle of becoming more timely with every passing day. Mr. La mir, we are going begin with you. You were called distinguished colleague by president putin. Good on you for that. My question is, was your leadoff question something you walk around with in your back pocket. You always walk around with one in case youre called on. B, were you given any indication that they were coming to you, and how did it feel in the moment . Brian, good to see you. Joint base andrews where air force one landed a short time ago is over my shoulder here. To answer that question, no, they did not tell myself or the other american journalist given a question tonight. We were given no notice that was going to happen. You hit it exactly right. You always have a couple questions prepared. Donald trump was going stand a few feet away from Vladimir Putin. The u. S. Services believed played a role in the 2016 election in an effort to help trump win. You wanted to have something there. This moment felt like the perfect occasion for that question. To ask the prurng who do you believe do you believe president putin, who again denied today that russia had anything do with the interference or do you believe your own u. S. Intelligence agencies . And donald trump chose not to answer. By doing so, he made it clear he wasnt picking his own team. This is a remarkable event. In this beat, you always want to make sure you have the capacity to be surprised and he has said things of this nature before, but to do so today on foreign soil at this summit, standing a few feet from Vladimir Putin, really was stunning stuff. You sure received a lot of compliments from your colleagues in the News Business for your performance there in the moment. I want to play for our audience the exchange from you to putin on the top you can of dirt on donald trump. Does the russian government have compromising material on did the or his family. I heard the rumor that is we allegedly collected compromise mag teerl on donald trump when he visits moscow. When President Trump was in moscow back then, i didnt know that he was in moscow. Please, disrecord these issues and dont think about them the same way again. Many people mentioned while the answer was verbose, there was not a denial buried in there. I got say, brian, that was a pretty good question. Yes, he did not. He went on for a while there and talked around it like it was impossible, like the logistics of it were such that you couldnt keep track of every prominent businessman in russia. Then deied having any information. I think this is the question every american journalist wanted to ask and i was fortunate enough to have the ability today. Vladimir putin does not take questions from american journalists often. That was something that was talked about, linked to the mueller investigation. It was important i felt to get him on the record for that. I will say, he spent to entire answer staring me down, which was a little disquieting. He certainly though his track record with journalists. Then President Trump followed up and said, if there would have been something it would have come out already, again trying to point to corruption in the justice department. We saw that again today, not just with that reference, but again, Hillary Clintons email server sorry, the dnc email server the proposal that putin had about sending investigators to help out with the probe. Latching on to the newest shiny on the to distract from the steady work of the special counsel probe. Just in case you missed the unique humidity there we prepared a very hot summer night for our arrival back from helsinki. Jonathan lamir, well done today at the summit in helsinki. Thank you. Lets move on to our other pan lists, including but not limbed to mike mcfaul. I dont know how you have done it. You have been on the air all the days we have been here without a break. How gad a day was this for russia . How bad a day was this for the United States . You know, honestly, brian, i dont think even in their wildest dreams, Vladimir Putin or his entourage thought it could go this well. When Sergey Lavrov says better than super ive never heard him say that. He looked giddy, extremely pleased. We dont know what was said behind closed doorsle as you pointed outle to underscore what you have been discussing this is a tragic day for american diplomacy. It would have been so easy to it had it out of the park with jonathans question. He teed it up perfectly. I have no doubt his briefers, staffers before they walked into the press conference were briefing the president on how to answer that question correctly. He could have taken the middle ground and said nobody should ever violate the sochbty of the United States of america when we are choosing our president and not even talk about russia. He chose not to do that. As everybody said it was deeply lamentable. It makes him look week weak in the eyes of putin and i think it makes him look weak in the eyes of america. Hes our commander in chief. Hes supposed to defend us. He didnt do that today. Jewel yarks as the only moscow born turned american scholar and author, tell us as best you can how this is being viewed in russia. I think about the way mike described it. Its seen as but at the same time, the people i spoke to in moscow today said, we dont really know what that was. Its a first step. Now theyre going to have to talk about real things. We didnt expect any agreements to be reached but it went pretty well, all things considered. So, you know, you give the russians an inch, theyll take a foot, or your whole arm. I do have to say, though im thinking back to 2016 when it was becoming apparent that the kremlin favored one candidate. First, it was anybody but Hillary Clinton and then it was very clear, strong preference for donald trump. I remember being asked over and over again on shows such as this, why does putin want somebody like trump to be elected president of the United States . And today and last week leading up to it, first in brussels at the nato summit then in london with theresa may and then the o. U. And this press conference, theres your answer. This is why as Vladimir Putin told us today he wanted donald trump to win. Peter baker we are taking great pains to remind our viewers today the attack was on america and americans. It is with that i ask how much damage was inflicted to the Trump Presidency and our presidency writ large . I was struck that you heard today not just criticisms from predictable quarters, not just from liberals or democrats or moderates but never trumpers. You heard from a lot of can have been republicans who have otherwise largely kept quiet or even been support i have of the president in the past. You heard from Newt Gingrich who has written a very flattering book about the president. You heard from cheney. Lisa murkowski who often keeps quiet about those moments. Common sensinger, a bunch of other republicans as well. Who made it clear they think its a terrible mistake. Is that a turning point . A change in how the Republican Party is going respond to the way President Trump has handled this issue with russia . I dont know. Thats a really interesting question. But clearly it felt like such an extraordinary moment that a number of them felt compelled to speak out, say we do not agree with the president. We stand by our intelligence agencies and do not consider russia the friend that President Trump is making them out to be today. Ambassador, we all know somewhere out there theres two hours plus of material. Lets be conservative and that allowing for translators theres an hour of discussion between these two leaders. Things they agreed upon, things they agreed to tuck away, things they agreed to disagree on. That will be lost to history but for these two translators. What do we do about that . That passage of diplomacy thats unretrievable . First, brian, i want to correct you. We dont know that they disagreed about anything. Thats a hypothesis. Crazy idea on my part. Thats part of the problem. Just to underscore, that is part of the problem. We dont know what they said. Number two, President Trump is not good with facts and figures and understanding these things, compared to president putin. And number three, i hope what they did what any other administration could do. In fact, i know that translator and did this with other meetings i have been to, i hope they sat down with her and had her jot down to the best of her memory everything that was said. Vladimir putin brought pencil and paper to him. Shooirm he read out to his side everything. I dont know if we did that on our side. Jewel yarks Chris Wallace on fox news did what so many people were hoping but never truly believed donald trump would do with putin would do. Chris wallace walked in with the latest mueller indictment. He presented putin in the document. Putin said in effect, put it on the table. Ill look at it later. And laughed in his face. Yes, he kind of did. Whats the difference . Chris wallace went in with a journalist mind set. What mind set did donald trump enter into the meeting, News Conference today . I couldnt begin to fathom. What Chris Wallace did what wallace did was really admirable. That said, putin has seen the indictment. Im sure he has. The thing is that the russians often see these kinds op indictments or government reports and dont think its worth the paper its written on. They see it as internal document that is dont mean anything once they leave the United States and he was clearly very angry. Thats why he laughed about being confronted and corners like that on camera. This is why he does camera interviews as opposed to print interviews where hes in control. As for donald trump i was a skeptic because i thought the crazy conspiracy theories theory are untrue. But im coming around to it. I think putin played it well. He denied he helped donald trump deny that anybody but donald trump won that victory for him and thats the best thing you could say to donald trump to stroke his sense of a go and sense of narcissism. As we remember it was not really a campaign and as we are now seeing, putin and a lot to help him win. Thats devastating. Peter baker, you get the last word tonight. Donald trump helod back to white house. One of the questions he ignored being shouted was any response to being called a traitor . Now, of all the things we have discussed in the Trump Presidency so far, thats new territory. Thats a question he hasnt heard shouted at him before. Howl that go over . Wont go over well, obviously. One of the sources of that is john brennan, whose interview you played earlier. Hes been fixated on him for some time. Using twitter tweets to attack him all the time, calling him a hack. It was funny, because before that when he worked at the cia for republican and democratic candidates, he was a pretty cautious guy. He didnt get out on the fence. Hes been radicalized. Career Government Official who spent a lifetime defending the country and policy, what they are seeing is something they cant believe. Theyre trying to put it in a prism they can understand. Its because evens trying to figure out why would he do this . Why would he behave that way in i have been coming to the white house and russia for 22 years. Ive never seen anything like this. We are trying to find a way to explain it. And unfortunately, as julia said, conspeartorial theories brennan kept it as close to professional life as anybody i want into in those years in washington. In addition toon than who started us off at the top of the broadcast, our thanks tonight after such a long day. All is forgiven. Please come back to this country, ambassador. Thanks, gang, very much. Coming up, more on the arrest of this russian woman with ties to the nra. And the National Security implications of what unfolded in helsinki, later on, the republicans who actually broke with their president today after their president sided with putin and what happens next when it comes to this ongoing russia cyberattack on the u. S. . Just Getting Started on a monday night. Are you ready to take your wifi to the next level . Then you need xfinity xfi. A more powerful way to stay connected. It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. However, that changed. As of about four hours ago. I really believe that. From the president s perspective, u. S. Russia relations changed for the better following that meeting he had the other day. Trump also challenged the conclusion of his own u. S. Intelligence agency that is russia interfered in our election. It was held just three days of Robert Mueller indicted a dozen russian agents. The Washington Post reports tonight that trump, quote, spent much of the weekend growling over his own justice departments indictments over 12 russian intelligence official interfering in the 2016 election. He fretted that it was intended to injure him politically. He also made clear that he was more excited to sit down with the russian president than he had been to visit with nato allies earlier in the week in brussels. The meeting came after the director dan coates issued a chilling warning about cyberattacks from russia and other countries friday. He said all the lights are flashing the way they did prior to 9 11 and our countrys infrastructure is constantly under attack. President trump was asked about coates warning. Dan coates said americas dej tall infrastructure is susceptible to a large scale attack. Do you agree with that . I dont know if i agree whatw that. I have to look. I have respect for dan. Thats where he is and what he does. We are working on it very hard. We are upgraing things at a very rapid pace. Lets talk about it. Jeremy bash, former chief of staff at cia and pentagon. Gentleman, thank you both after a long day for coing back on with us tonight. Frachk, the president answered the way he did today, siding with putin over the u. S. Knowing more than the rest of us do ant depth and extent of how corrupted our election was. So much so that i know your theory is there must be a personal threat of some kind to force the behavior that we saw today. Yeah, the only conclusion i can come up with, brian, that the president surmised there was a threat out there to him personally thats greater than the threat to our democracy, our rule of law by russia and hes decided to take his own selfinterest over national interest, at great peril. And put himself out there with extreme putin. Jeremy, how concerned are you about what we dont know, and by that, i guess i mean anything outside of adult purview or camera view, like the missing two hours known to only the translator . Im very curious. I think all americans should be concerned that the oneonone meeting was for two hours. Normally in the context of a summit, the big leaders may spend a little time together. Maybe they would chat for 15, 20 minutes but to spend two hours alone in a room with just the translators we dont know what was said. We have no idea the concession that is trump made. Ronald reagan won the cold war. Today, donald trump lost the post cold war for the United States of america. Frank, its unbelievable to think that in that setting today, helsinki, superpower summit, you had a former fbi colleague, mr. Strzok mentioned that the president in front of a global audience, along with his victory and Hillary Clintons emails, but what is this done as part of a continued attack on the bureau and its work . Theres two angle that is really undermine the intelligence agencies. First, the ability to recruit foreign Intelligence Officers to come over to our side was always prem ased on the notion that we stood for Something Different. We stood for democracy. We stood for unvarnished intelligence. We stood for something that was different and intelligible from their country. Today thats been eroded because we have seen trump equate ourselves, the u. S. Intelligence community with whatever Vladimir Putin says. Secondly, in dealing with our allies and boy do we count on our allies when we go to our allies now as u. S. Intelligence services and say, give us our sensitive intel on russia, china, north korea, and they look at us and say, where is this going in whats going to happen with in . Has your president told you hes not going share this beyond just us . Unbelievable turn of events. Jeremy it was your former boss leon panetta i was quoting at the top of the broadcast when he said this may be the worst day in the history of the american presidency. Do you expect resignation for starters and interest for instance, dni cotes . I got give credit to dni coates because he did stand up ft. For the u. S. Intelligence community, the men and women who are working in very austere locations, risks their own lives, risks lives of the amts they are trying to recruit and protect and doing the hardest job we ask of american professionals. If the dni was not going stand up for them today, he would have a huge morale problem with the commander in chief driving a dagger through the heart of the u. S. With former kgb member Vladimir Putin. Dan coates did stand up and say the right thing. I dont know how he does this job. I war theres going to be a long erosion from our intelligence officials and our country. Frank, im going give you the last word because i dont want anyone in the audience to miss the message. You believe what we saw transpire today means a personal threat of some sort that the president is carrying with him and dealing with . Yeah, hes made the decision to side with the oh team and hes done so only because he believes its in his personal interest. Whether its financially or personally. Whether he has knowledge to the degree to which the russians compromised our election and may have been involved in hit personally, theres something going on that causes this man to conduct himself this way today. Sad stuff, powerful stuff from two veterans in the business. Gentleman, i cant thank you enough. Coming up for us, gop lawmakers speak up for the intelligence community. They werent quite so direct in their criticism of the president however. Thats when we continue. Heres a simple trueorfalse quiz for you. If youre between age 50 and 85, its important for you to know the truth, so please listen closely. Im alex trebek, and all of the answers are false. So what is true . You can get coverage, regardless of your health, with the 1 most popular whole Life Insurance plan available through the Colonial Penn program. 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In an unusual show of defiance. Several republicans are krit sizing what they saw, some calling out trump by name led by arizona senator john mccain, a frequent critic. Todays press conference in he will sibky cause one of the most disgraceful performances by an american president in memory. The damage inflict bid President Trumps knife stay egotism and hard to measure. Host of the bestname podcast on the market, man of teal and kimberly at kins is with us, chief washington reporter for the boston herald. Michael. Go ahead and get angry if today made you angry, but what does your party need to do now . At this point theres not much they can do. Lets be serious. The you will this waiting and expectation that republicans are finally going corral this crazy is just overblown. Its overdone at this point. Its not really going happen. Its bake in the right now in many regards. Thats the problem. I think what senator mccain said is very, very accurate. Its hard to calculate at this point the damage thats being done and what steps can be done the correct it. The president himself sees nothing wrong here. No problem. Hes standing on the stage with putin. Hes a happy camper. Hes my boy. Im hanging out with him and all is right in the world. My intelligence community, dni clapper and others they are wrong. Putin is right. Everybody else is wrong. Expecting the tweets from focus from afar will probably continue, but its not going to amount to much because no one is going to go down to the white house and say, you, sir, are out of order. This stops now. Whos going do it . Who does it . For our audience, just to emphasize, that is the voice of regret. Thats not michaels analysis, no at his opinion. Kim, after i like my heroes when theyre not captured. After gold star family. After charlottesville, folks in our business were all predicted dire consequences. Those dire consequences never came. Does this prove the thesis we just heard from the chairman . I think its likely the case. Its unfortunate because these republican lawmakers do have to ability to act. They can do more than just go to the white house. What can they do . They can pass legislation. The congress is controlled bombshell both houses by republicans. If they were appalled by what happened today, by the president making a charlottesville like claim that both sides are to blame with the relationship with u. S. And russia and denying election meddling the Republican Congress can go and pass bipartisan bills, veto proof majorities that could do things, ensure sanctions stay in place. They could pass legislation that would use cybersecurity in our election systems. Tomorrow, on the fouryear anniversary that russian backed actors downed a jet plane and killed nearly 300 people, they could pass a resolution condemning that to remind the world who russia is. Will they do that . Probably not. But its not fair to say their hands are tied and they can do no more. We have no guarantee the downed plane was mentioned because theres to record of the conversation. Michael, i say this without any glee, and that is that this was a tough day at fox news, and by that i mean some of their hosts like shep smith, did a straight ahead newscast and his head was exploding about what he witnessed like everybody else. Others in primetime tonight, Tucker Karlson coming off an interview he had just been granted by President Trump had a tougher time talking about this. Well play the clip and talk about it on the other side. Im not a shrink so i dont fully understand it. I dont think russia is our close friend. I think china would entire fear with our affairs. Many counts do. Like mexico. Those are all concerns. I just dont understand why we need to believe that russia is the primary issue of american political life. That seems kind of nuts to me. The idea that where you are on russia is the defining question is demented. Its number 115 on my list of concerns. Maybe im the demented one. Michael, you share his assess. No. Neither did mitt romney in 2012 who called out the state after play as it exist in the 2012 which has now been exacerbated by the cozy of this administration, particularly the president , and russia. This idea that mexico is inserts itself into our elections, i guess because of immigration. Im not sure how that exactly works and i dont know that its been a problem for republicans since mexicos been doing this they won the house, the senate and the presidency. Good point. Im sure they would want to rethink the involve. If he leks a democrat. Im marking down that last line. Kim, does tomorrow just become tuesday at the white house . Im told here theres a round table for members of congress on tax reform 2. 0. The president will be there. Is it just going to be a tuesday . It could be. It seems to be an effort to turn the page initially when this was put on the calendar, no one in Congress Even knew what it was and there was a bit of a scramble there. Could be the president trying to talk about Something Different or someone else in the white house trying to change the subject here, realizing just how bad this is. Well have toe wait and see in some republican lawmakers lead the way in sort of trying to change that course, but if past is prologue, it probably will just be tuesday. Thanks very much. Michael steele, Kimberly Atkins as always. Kick break for us. When we come back, how the nra made it into the news today and the status of the mueller investigation. We are talking about all these Different Things driven a and russia and maybe we just knocked down thats wedge. They drove a phony wedge. A phony witch hunt rigged deal. Vladimir putin offered to help Robert Muller and suggest heed can travel to russia and interview the 12 russian Intelligence Officers for hacking the democrats. Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct your officials to direct you to do that . Yes, i did because he talked about bringing the u. S. Russia relationship back to normal. There you have it. With us here in new york, former attorney for the Southern District of new york. A distinguished fellow and criminal justice at the Pace University School School of law. What stands out to you . What are you interested in and what took place today in helsinki . There are so many things. I think the biggest thing is they gave trump a warning of waving yellow flags and dont do this. Dont have this meeting. Cancel the meeting or you need to speak out against what they clearly did in the election. Namely the russians. Trump want didnt just have the meeting anyway. He had the meeting and kicked the fbi and mueller in the face. To have the same reaction that the American Public is having mueller and his team are having of shock that he could do this so blatantly, not with standing the orange warning flags that mueller and his team set up. I dont think thatmueller is going to act out of vindictiveness or political, but following the facts. I do think that it must sort of bring into focus more just how guilty trump looks to people and how it might push him to do things a little bit more aggressively when we are in much more dire straights than anyone thought we were before this meeting happened. I have to ask you about this other case because it involved by inference and not by name the National Rifle association and a woman who has been arrested. Not indicted, but arrested. May play an overall in the past election. She is a russian living in the United States. Do i have that right so far . Yes. Maria butina. Whats her background . She basically seems to have acted as a front because there is no such thing as russian gun rights. She acted as a representative of what could be called a front. The russian Gun Rights Organization as a way to try to exert influence for the russian government and we know in particular was taking direction from one russian olegark here in the United States. Influencing illegally trying to influence american policy on russia. Whats interesting about the complaint and about this coming out now is that as you know, we have the indictment pertaining to social media and the hacking and now everyone is asking, where do the americans come into this . This seems to be the beginning of that link. We know she dealt with at least two u. S. Persons that are not named, but identified as u. S. Persons in the complaint. There are speculations that at least one of the people could be shoo she definitely has links to donald trump jr. And there were meetings that he had with the person who was directing her. Its a very complicated web, but the point is that we likely are going to find out who it is in the United States that she was having the beginning of next phase that everyone is looking for. Mimi, thank you as always for coming in especially after such a long day. Why some folks thought what happened in helsinki violated trumps first promise made as president. We have had ourselves a day in this country. What tom friedman wrote late today from the new york times. There is overwhelming evidence that our president for the first time in our history is deliberately or through gross negligence or because of his own twisted personality engaged in treasonous behavior that violates his oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States. Trump vacated that oath today and republicans can no longer run and hide from that fact. Every single republican lawmaker will be and should be asked on the election trail. Are you with trump and putin or with the cia, fbi, and nsa. Because a number of people voiced that sentiment that what we witnessed violated the oath that all of our president s swear to. A reminder of the words our president s repeat with the hands on the bible. Please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I Donald John Trump do sell emly swear. I Donald John Trump do solemnly swear. That i will faithfully execute. That i will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and will to the best of my ability of. And will to the best of my ability preserve protect and defend. Preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States. So help me god. So help me god. Congratulations, mr. President. Those words take us off the air and that is our broadcast. Good night from nbc news headquarters here in new york. This morning President Trump is back in washington after standing alongside Vladimir Putin and dismissing u. S. Intelligence experts and their conclusions that russia meddled in the 2016 election. And those comments are costing President Trump a number of republicans who are now joining their democratic colleagues in condemning what he had to say in helsinki. Plus, in a new interview, Vladimir Putin is laughing off Robert Muellers investigation and questions about election interference. Good morning, everyone. It is tuesday, july 17th. Im ayman mohyein

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