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Potentially it could be big. I mean, looking at Michael Cohen, what this means is the same tactic that we have seen happening in this investigation out of the Southern District of new york, is happening, that we see happen in the Mueller Investigation. They go after other witnesses, encourage them to cooperate, and in this case you have this Business Partner who is cooperating, being offered significant being offered a potential sentence that is much smaller than what he could be facing. He could be facing 25 years for each count, owing millions of dollars in back taxes. All of that is being reduced, which says to me that he has some information that prosecutors would be interested in regarding Michael Cohen. That subsequently puts more pressure on Michael Cohen to cooperate to reduce his potential legal exposure and talk about whatever he knows that could aid the Mueller Investigation. It also, since this is outside of the jurisdiction of the Mueller Investigation, it really could take away some potential incentive that the president may have to continue to dangle the possibility of a pardon in front of Michael Cohen because he may not necessarily be able to pardon every charge that he could face. So it definitely is more complex now. We dont know exactly what these prosecutors know and whether it does impact the Mueller Investigation. But it made it a lot more interesting. Bob, we have talked about the imbalance, at least in public, between the president s team, Rudy Giuliani owning all the sound bites, taking up all the oxygen in the room. The prosecutors, the investigators have not spoken publicly. But today, a reminder that any seemingly minor move by them just flips the Balance Of Power once again. And i assume youve been talking to trump allies. How did they take todays development . As kim was saying, shes spot on, this whole case for Michael Cohen has been delegated by Robert Mueller to the Southern District of new york. And there is a limit of options for the president s personal legal team as they think through fighting the Mueller Investigation, publicly questioning its credibility, because the cohen case is out there on an island. And theyre worried about cohen cooperating. You do hear private concerns from my sources about what cohen could say if he begins to cooperate, should he be indicted at some point. These incremental developments are important because the white house but also the president s legal team just are not always sure about whats going to happen around the corner. Because, as you say, the federal investigators are so quiet about their operation. And jill, in your role as a veteran of the law, what did todays news on a Michael Cohen Business Associate signal to you . Well, it is the traditional way of investigating. You start at the bottom and try to put pressure for someone to flip and talk about someone higher up. And then you hope that that person will similarly flip until you get to the head of the crime organization. And thats whats happening here. You have cohens Business Partner, who will testify against cohen. That means that cohen, by the way, could be subject to state crimes as well as federal crimes and those cannot be pardoned by the president. He cannot be protected by the president in such case. So he will have even more reason to cooperate in the federal case. The cooperation here for his partner is both in federal and state cases. So its a very, very important thing. I think its actually even as important as it is, its not as important as the fact that there is going to be a meeting where information will be revealed only to republicans. Thats an outrage that we should really be focusing on, and that the president should not be allowed to get away with and congress shouldnt be allowed to get away with. There shouldnt be a meeting at all. This information is confidential for a reason. As youve noted, the prosecutors are keeping quiet because thats what theyre supposed to do in order to complete a fair investigation. So having it revealed at all is bad. But to reveal it to one side is really outrageous. Theyre watching, one would trust theyre watching all of it. And kim, lets repeat for the record, not a shred of evidence that there was a spy implanted in the Trump Campaign or two spies or as some have suggested, a spy ring. That didnt stop donald trump, as we showed, from going onto social media tonight. Thats the strategy of the president , to discredit anything that would possibly be harmful to him and his administration. He sees this investigation as harmful to him. And he is doing everything he can in political messaging. And this is messaging to his supporters, to republicans, that there is something nefarious happening here. Of course, as you said, there is not. The use of informants is very commonplace in federal investigations. And an informant is not a spy. But if you look at the polling in recent weeks, the president s constant attack on the Mueller Investigation in his messaging is resonating not just with his base but with republicans in general. There is a souring of Robert Mueller and this investigation among republicans as the midterms approach. I think thats why you see, as jill pointed out, republicans willing to sit down and not invite democrats to a meeting like that. Its giving the president is giving them cover ahead of a very tough midterm election. What we have to see is how far they go, will they back calls for a Special Counsel, as you pointed out, or more direct attacks on Robert Mueller . Or will they just be happy to meet with the president and go along with the things that hes calling for in the interim . Bob, some Headline Writers On Television and in your business have put this as investigating the investigators. This may be impossible for you to answer, but does the white house get how that looks, do they get the heft and the magnitude of Something Like this . They hear the calls from the lawmakers to have a Special Counsel investigate the department of justice. Anticipate the Special Counsel within the doj. Whats important to follow here are how so many players inside the administration are trying to contain the situation. They may not be successful at containing it. Attorney general Jeff Sessions is not moving to appoint a Special Counsel to oversee the doj. Hes relying on the Inspector General within the department of justice to come up with a report on the dojs conduct. John kelly, chief of staff, is trying to set up a meeting with lawmakers to assure them about their concerns and have more communication about the surveillance process, about the origin of this russia probe. You have rod rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney general who over sees the Mueller Investigation, trying to protect the process of a counterintelligence operation, all amid an ongoing investigation. Its an uneasy situation for all of these players. But theyre dealing with a president who is combative as ever. Bob, lets say on behalf of the press corps, the president tried to wave away questions about rod rosenstein, we would love to ask questions about visiting dignitaries but we get no other access to the president , no other News Conferences. Having said that, what did you make of his lack of an answer until the question do you have confidence in rosenstein . He didnt give an answer, and thats telling because hes not expressing confidence at a moment where he could express confidence. The lawmakers who are close to the president like mark meadows and congressman devin nunes, theyre very unhappy with rosenstein. The president fumes at times about rosenstein and sessions and how this probe continues to go on and on. But the president has not had a formal News Conference in quite some time. Many months. These open pool sprays, its an insider term, but these pool sprays, thats what theyre doing, that allows the president to control the question and answer more than he would in that kind of traditional News Conference setting. Derivation of the Phrase Pool Spray for our lay audience, The Press Pool is the tight group of correspondents and camera crews who cover the white house every day and its a Spraying Motion of the cameras so you can get a shot of all involved, lest someone come away with the wrong definition. Jill, i want to play a piece of an interview with lesley stahl. This is lesley stahl talking about when she first went over to interview donald trump in trump tower. This is december 2016, after he won the election, something he told her then. Well discuss it on the other side. At one point he started to attack the press. And i said, you know, that is getting tired. Why are you doing this, youre doing it over and over and its boring and its time to end that, you know, youve won the nomination. And why do you keep hammering at this . And he said, you know why i do it . I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you. Lesley stahl, as said to judy woodruff, two giants of the Television News business. Jill, the question to you becomes, youre always appropriately talking about the focus of the feds. How mueller, while not a Monastic Environment totally, something close, they all keep their head down and do their work. Are they likely to see, are they likely to react to a remark like that . I dont think they will react at all to that. I think hes also doing it, donald trump is doing it because eight been effective. You noted that. His people believe this. He is chipping away at the first amendment, at the freedom of the press. Hes chipping away at the department of justice and the fbi as well. And its having an impact. We have three branches of government that must be sacrosanct and we have to protect them. And thats whats happening here, is hes being effective. And by being quiet, as is appropriate for the prosecutor, hes not defending himself. Someone has to get out there and start defending in a very effective way what is going on and how accurate the facts are that are coming out of the investigation. And as has been noted, there is no spy that was implanted, that an informant is part of a normal investigation, and we need people to understand that what donald trump is saying has absolutely no factual predicate. It is something he has made up. And he attacks the press, exactly as he told lesley stahl, in order that no one will believe him. If the ig does the investigation that hes calling for, when the ig says there was nothing there, there was no one implanted, this was a legitimate investigation, the supporters of donald trump will reject that, even though they accepted the igs report when he had negative things to say about mr. Mccabe. So its not fair. I dont know where the fairness is in this. But its working, and donald trump is going to keep on doing it as long as it works. And until the democrats and the press stand up and rebut what he is saying. Our Opening Panel of three contains two lawyers and two journalists. Well let the viewers work out the math on how we reached that conclusion. With our thanks to kimberly atkins, robert costa, jill winebanks. Appreciate you all very much for coming on tonight. Coming up, a Cabinet Secretary today says she wasnt aware of the intel communitys biggest finding on Election Security. The problem is Election Security is part of her job. Later, its Election Night in texas, arkansas, georgia, kentucky, which of course means Steve Kornacki at the big board with tonights returns as we get under way for the 11th hour. Wt the details. Late checkout. Downalternative pillows. And of course, price. Tripadvisor helps you book a. Hotel without breaking a sweat. Because we now instantly. Search over 200 booking sites. To find you the lowest price. On the hotel you want. Dont sweat your booking. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. Not the other way around. Reporter secretary, to that point, do you have any reason to doubt the january 2017 Intelligence Community assessment who said it was Vladimir Putin who tried to meddle in this election to try to help trump win . I do not believe ive seen that conclusion. That the specific intent was to help trump win, im not aware of that. But i have no reason to doubt any intelligence assessment. Okay. Just to repeat what you just saw there, Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said today shes not aware of a major Intelligence Community assessment that Russia Meddled in the 2016 election with the goal of helping President Trump. Upon hearing that, paul begala was among those who pounced, Accusing Nielsen of being either uninformed or fudging to curry favor with the president or willfully blind to the ongoing foreign threat that she was sworn to defend the usa from. Her remarks were striking. It wasnt surprising when a spokesperson quickly tried to clean it up. Quote, the secretary has previously reviewed the Intelligence Communitys assessment and agrees with it, as she stated today and previously. Just for review, that january 2017 assessment, on the web for all to read, it says, quote, putin and the russian government developed a clear preference for President Elect trump. We have high confidence in these judgments. But after nielsens comments today, the damage was done and lifelong republican david frum went on cnn with a frontal attack on the women who was charged, after all, with keeping all of us safe. For her to say this, is a confession of disengagement from one of her prime responsibilities. And we know why shes doing it. Secretary nielsen is one of the more professional members of President Trumps cabinet. For that reason shes been subject to his abuse and bullying and tirades. She nearly quit, we reported, a few weeks ago. Its been made clear, the price of keeping her job is surrendering her independence. A lot to react to there. Here to talk about it, frank figliuzzi, joined by mieke eoyang, an attorney, former staffer for house intelligence and armed services. Frank, theres no good comparison, so ill put it bluntly. In normal times, how would our nation be reacting to the knowledge that we have been under and remain under constant electronic threat, especially to our ongoing and rolling elections . Well, i think under normal circumstances, brian, as you say, we would be coming together in a bipartisan fashion to ensure the security of the midterm elections. When we hear this play out as were hearing today, that the secretary of Homeland Security is either ignorant of intelligence thats been widely accepted throughout the Intelligence Community, or, second choice, she is corrupting the Intelligence Process deliberately to benefit and protect the president and or her own job, that americans need to be concerned about what their state and local systems are doing to protect the midterm elections. Thats only those two choices. Shes corrupting the Intelligence Process or shes ignorant. Both of those are bad. Both of those should concern every american and the rest of the Intelligence Community should come together, call her out, and ensure she has all the facts she needs to protect the midterm elections. Our friend frank has been around the block on this area a time or two. Lets take for the purpose of this conversation his two choices. Is there a chance the secretary does not believe the findings of the Intelligence Community . Well, she said at the end of that statement that she has no reason to doubt particular intelligence assessments. Shes viewed as one of the more professional members of the Trump National security cabinet. I think its entirely likely that david frums choice of trying to preserve her job, knowing the president is watching, that she cant say certain things On Television, is more likely. Its really a shame when you have National Security officials who cant speak the truth in a way that the president can hear it about serious threats to the nation. It is a shame. Is it also dangerous . It is dangerous in the sense that if she is giving public guidance in one setting and private guidance in another, thats confusing for allies. Its confusing for state and local officials. It undercuts the integrity and the trust in our Intelligence Communitys assessments. I think overall it does more harm than good. Frank, im speaking to you from the studio where we anchored the last president ial election. This is the studio where were going to anchor the midterms and the next president ial election. And so in that context, is there any way for viewers watching us tonight who are now uneasy and worried about the sanctity of our elections, is there any way you can assure anyone that quiet things have been done, perhaps out of public view, behind the scenes, to fortify our system of elections . We do know that the department of Homeland Security has indeed been working with various states and offered briefings, and the states are listening. Thats all good. The not so good news is that the department of Homeland Security has chosen a posture to say its up to the local state systems, state legislators, to figure this out and secure the election. I dont see the degree of federal intervention and help to do this, to include possibly funding. What concerns me is it only takes a few key states to be hacked and or corrupted, and it doesnt have to be to change the vote. Think of the scenario where you show up to vote at your usually polling place and youre told we dont have you on the list, youre voting across town, and complete confusion curse in a couple of key states. Mieke, i was worried that frank wouldnt be able to reassure us. However, people old enough remember officials going on tv to say the things the boss wanted them to say on tv. It happened under carter and both bushes and so on. Fox has an entire morning news program, much of which is aimed at one viewer. People have bought commercial time in washington aiming it at one viewer. Is this a dangerous trend to you . I think it is. Its not just the president s viewing habits. Its also his twitter habits, and people are getting information in front of him by activating networks of trolls, of putting bots, putting particular messages in front of the president , putting specific messages in front of the president On Television. This is a president who is actually paying more attention to what is created by other sources than hes listen to his own intelligence analysts and the professionals in the government who have been doing this to protect the nation for their entire careers. Its really troubling because in some of these cases we dont know who is trying to influence the president and he doesnt know whats true, you see this in some of the things hes retweeting and repeating to people. Two of our pros, our thanks as always, we appreciate it very much. And coming up for us, President Trump says theres a, quote, substantial chance the summit with north korea wont happen. But he also says it might. The summit is supposed to be three weeks away. Our latest coverage on the chances, when we come back. And looking to buy Life Insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. What are the three ps . The three ps of Life Insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. 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And lets get to the central question about the upcoming summit between trump and kim jongun. Will it happen at all . This is a serious question. See if you can tell from the president s answer today. The big topic will be singapore and the meeting, see what happens. Whether or not it happens. If it does, that will be great, it will be a great thing for north korea. And if it doesnt, thats okay too. Whatever it is, it is. Were moving along and well see what happens. There are certain conditions that we want. And i think well get those conditions. And if we dont, we dont have the meeting. And frankly it has a chance to be a great, great meeting for north korea and a great meeting for the world. If it doesnt happen, maybe it will happen later. Maybe it will happen at a different time. But we will see. Those comments came of course while the president of south korea was in the oval office. Despite rare and open praise for the north Korean Leader from our american president , the summit has been on shaky ground since about last week when the north threatened to pull out entirely. Everyone views denuclearization as the tough part here. Jeremy bash reminded us just last night, agreeing to a summit is a concession by the u. S. In and of itself. Career diplomat chris hill said today the president was caught doing a dance in the end zone while the ball was really still on the 20yard line. Despite the early celebration, the summit is in trouble. Today the president appeared to blame china for the breakdown in negotiations. I will say im a little disappointed because when kim jongun had the meeting with president xi in china, the second meeting, the first meeting we knew about, the second meeting, i think there was a little change in attitude from kim jongun. So i dont like that. I dont like that. We have two distinguished guests, a Senior Fellow for the korea chair for the center of strategic and International Studies, also a former Senior Analyst at cia, was in charge of this region while on the white house National Security council. And we welcome to the broadcast tonight victor cha, korea chair for the center of strategic and International Studies and former national and Security Council director for asian affairs. He happens to be the author of the impossible state north korea past and future. Welcome to you both. Victor, by way of welcoming you, let me ask you, where do you put the odds that when we reach that day, this summit will happen . Brian, i think right now the odds are pretty good that it will happen, in no small part because i think the president really wants this meeting. I think up until last week he thought this would be a pretty easy meeting. You just put a little pressure on north korea, a little economic pressure, and that they would cave. But i think hes finding that its not going to be that easy. For sue and i both who have worked on this issue, when we saw the north korean statements last week, we knew that this is the north korea that we know and that President Trumps going to have to deal with a few more bumps in the rose before we get to june 12th and singapore. And sue, it appears there are more bumps tonight. I want to read this from the Washington Post and ask you if this is the north korea you know. The north koreans have sent signals to u. S. Officials that kim is skittish about logistical concerns, including ensuring that his plane would be able to access enough fuel for the 6,000mile round trip flight and safeguarding his security while on the ground in singapore. Among other things, kim purportedly is concerned that a trip so far from home, imagine this, could expose him to a Military Coup or other internal attempts to unseat him. In your view, are these sincere fears, or is this Something Else . It could be an excuse. But it is true that north korea does not have a plane i mean, they never have flown, no north Korean Leader has flown as far as singapore. We know this is why maybe switzerland and sweden were ruled out, because its too far. So there is no track record. Kim jongil has never flown, kim jong un has never flown. But kim jongun has agreed to the summit in singapore which means he was pretty confident that he was going to be away for a few days. So im not sure about this Coup Reporting that he is citing. He knew about that possibility before he agreed to meeting with President Trump in singapore. Victor, every time we rank them among the family of nations, we hear Something Like that, they dont have the hardware, the expertise, they havent flown this far. In the jet age, ever, period, which is incredible. Let me get your expertise, if i gave you 60 seconds to sit down in the oval office with this president , what would your advice be going in to meet with this cagey opponent . I guess i would say a couple of things. The first is that there are very clear differences in definitions of denuclearization. But the only two people that can close that gap are the president and the leader of north korea. And then the second thing i would say is as you try to get him to move to your definition of denuclearization, you cant give away too much. You cant start giving away our Alliance Equities with korea or with japan, things that might put china in a stronger position in the region. Its really not that difficult in that sense. Those are sort of the key the sort of key tenets one has to follow in such a meeting. But we dont know what this meeting will bring because these two leaders are not easily scriptable. When you say Alliance Equities, do you mean like a promise to draw down u. S. Troops . Yeah, theres been a lot of talk and rumbling in washington about possible plans to draw down troops, possibly putting that on the table for negotiation. I think both sue and i both agree that would be a real mistake especially since you dont know what youre getting on the nuclear side in terms of things that would make the United States secure, while giving up troops which would make us less secure. Sue, youre getting the last word. Whats the danger of advertising this too much about denuclearization . Well, President Trump has really raised the bar. Now we have really high expectations, because hes already talked about north korea possibly giving up a Nuclear Weapons program when we know thats very difficult, to get to complete verifiable, Irreversible Denuclearization of north korea. Also scrapping the iran deal, President Trump has said that deal is not Strong Enough or tough enough. So whats going to happen with north korea . He raised expectations very high and well see what happens. To our viewers, youve just heard from about the two most learned people on this subject in the free world. Were awfully happen to have them. We hope theyll be of counsel to us if this meeting ever happens. To victor cha and sue mi terry, thank you very much. Coming up, its primary night. Well go to the big board. Steve kornacki is standing by with returns from texas, georgia, kentucky, arkansas, when we continue. Millions of you are online right now, searching one topic. That will generate over 600 million results. And if youve been diagnosed with cancer, searching for answers like where to treat, can feel even more overwhelming. So start your search with a specialist at Cancer Treatment centers of america. Start with teams of Cancer Treatment experts under one roof. Start where specialists use advanced Genomic Testing to guide precision Cancer Treatment. That may lead to targeted therapies and more treatment options. 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This is going to set up here a number of contests in the fall that could go a long way to determining who controls the house. There are a lot of Pickup Opportunities on the board in texas. In the 7th district, youre talking about houston, a district thats traditionally republican, that flipped to Hillary Clinton in 2016, still represented by a republican, john cullberson. And Lizzie Fletcher defeats laura moser. This was the runoff tonight. In the preliminary, National Democrats were worried about laura moser. She says this is the National Party trying to meddle. National democrats said maybe were better backing off. They backed off and the candidate they would have referred did win tonight, Lizzie Fletcher. Along the southern border, this is will hurd, republican incumbent. You see the results. It will be a battleground this fall. Again, democrats now have a nominee, this was not a surprise, but Gina Ortiz Jones won and will compete in the fall. A big swing in clintons direction in the president ial race. Democrats will target this race with colin allred. He was a linebacker. Played college at baylor. In texas those are the stories tonight. One of the headlines, you said historic. It was in georgia in the democratic race for governor. Stacey abrams becomes the first black female nominee for governor. She won overwhelmingly over stacey evans. Abrams was the favorite, not expected to be by this margin. The theory behind the abrams campaign, you hear so much about democrats in the trump era, win back trump voters, win back republicans, reach out to folks who have maybe given up on the democratic party. Abrams says basically its about exciting democratic constituencies, democratic voters, nonwhites, young people, single women. Its not necessarily about reaching out to trump voters, its about expanding the democratic pie. Her opponent, well find out. Theres going to be a runoff on the republican side, cagle and kemp. In kentucky, democrats have a chance to flip a congressional seat in kentucky. This was the Candidate Recruiting by the Democratic Campaign committee in washington. This is the woman who won, an upset. Amy mcgrath, a former fighter pilot. She had an ad that went viral. She talked about being a girl, wanting to be a pilot, being told no. Caught fire online, raised millions of dollars, upset the establishment. Well be talking about this race. This is the lexington area, university of kentucky, big blue nation. Well be talking about amy mcgrath against andy barr, the republican, certainly this unlawful. Fascinating stories out there, steve, especially in your capable hands, thank you very much for staying late with us tonight. Pack in even more adventure with audible. With the Largest Selection of audiobooks. Audible lets you follow plot twists off the beaten track. Or discover magic when you hit the open road. With the free audible app, your stories go wherever you do. 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When asked about it at the briefing just hours later, Sarah Huckabee sanders approved of how they handled the reporter. Well look into the matter. Ive seen the reports. I know epa put out a statement. Is there any situation where you feel, the white house feels it is appropriate to physically touch or physically handle im not going to weigh into random hypotheticals that may or may not exist. Questioning by our Friends Anita Kumar and Hallie Jackson there today. Criticism over this incident mounted quickly, as you can imagine. And please remember, as we tell this story, youre paying for the epa, and they work for you to protect you. Senator tom udall, democrat from new mexico, called on pruitt to personally apologize, and richard painter, the former Bush White House ethics lawyer put it this way, quote, cnn and ap reporters banned forcibly removed by guards. Just like at the kremlin. Another break for us. Coming up, what a lot of people are saying to the president these days, when we continue. No matter how much you clean, does your house still smell stuffy . Thats because your home is filled with soft surfaces that trap odors and release them back into the room. So, try febreze fabric refresher. Febreze finds odors trapped in fabrics and cleans them away as it dries. Use febreze every time you tidy up to keep your whole house smelling fresh air clean. Fabric refresher even works for clothes you want to wear another day. Make febreze part of your clean routine for whole home freshness. But im not standing still. And with godaddy, ive made my ideas real. I made my own way, now its time to make yours. Everything is working, just like it should and last thing before we go tonight, it was something the president said today that got us to thinking. Congress would like to see documents opened up, a lot of people are saying they had spies in my campaign. It was that phrase there at the end, right there, about what a lot of people are saying. Our friend at professional trump expert eli stokols, who we know just this week started his new job covering the white house for the l. A. Times, calls this one of trumps better known tells. As eli tells it, when trump quotes a lot of people, he either means a few people or a person he saw On Television or something plausible that hed like to hear a lot of people saying. Be that as it may, the president sure predicates a lot on a lot of people saying things. We have to win in iowa. A lot of people say, do well in iowa. I cant do that. I really want to win. A lot of people said, hell never run. Number one, he wont want to give up his lifestyle. A lot of people are saying, weve gone up a lot, but can we go up . I think we have a long way to go. Weve cut regulations, weve passed the tax bill. Okay, ive heard a lot of people say were going to rip up the deal. Its very tough to do when you rip a deal. A lot of these stupid people, they say, im a conservative, by the way, but they say, he is not a conservative. Do you remember jeb bush . He is not a conservative. Who cares . A lot of people say 800,000. I heard 3 million. But i built a Great Company and people say that. Many people in japan were really thrilled that i did. But a lot of people think that if you come and youre on the other side of im not talking about mexico, somebody on the other side of the border. You deserve a nobel prize, do you think . Everyone thinks so, but i would never say it. The president of the United States closing out our tuesday night, and that is our broadcast for this evening

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