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Are increasingly under attack, Andrew Mccabe is out at the fbi. The reporters breaking the news on this story standing by for us with details. And whats its going to be like when donald trump walks into that chamber tomorrow night as a man under investigation on so many fronts. The 11th hour begins now. Well, good evening once again from our nbc news headquarters here in new york. Day 375 of the Trump Administration. The extraordinary rift between the white house and federal Law Enforcement agencies over this russia investigation has grown much wider and to some observers much more dangerous. Earlier tonight the House Intelligence Committee voted along party lines to do what the Justice Department warned them against. They voted to release a classified memo that republicans say shows the fbi and the Justice Department improperly used their Surveillance Authority in the russia investigation. As our nbc news colleagues write, the vote will quote, make public a classified memo about some of the governments most sensitive secrets. The democrats on the panel describe the memo as an attack on the mueller investigation. And they say republican members are risking National Security to protect this president. This committee voted to put the president s personal interest, perhaps their own political interests above the National Interest in denying themselves even the ability to hear from the department and the fbi. But it does show how, in vie view, when you have a deeply flawed person in the oval office, that flaw can affect the whole of government. And today tragically it infected our committee. Mr. Schiff the ranking democrat on that committee. The president has up to five days to block its publication. But that seems unlikely. Jennifer jacobs of blimebering news who joins us in just a moment reports quote, the mr. President erupted into anger traveling to davos when steven boyd warned it would be extraordinarily reckless to release a classified memo. One of the key targets at the fbi, Deputy Director Andrew Mccabe stepped down. Mccabe was expected to retire soon, but as we learned from the New York Times and writer matt michael puzo, he told friends that he felt the new fbi director chris ray was pressuring him to leave. Then fbi director james comey who learned of his dismissal while he was in los angeles. Comeys flight back to washington that we all followed on Live Television on a gulf stream private jet used by the government became an issue for the president , who according to nbcs carol lee, called mccabe to ask why comey was being allowed to travel on a government plane after being fired. Trump also went onto ask mccabe to ask his wife how it felt to be a loser. Thats in reference to her loss of a state election in virginia. The campaign for Andrew Mccabes dismissal has intensified in recent months. Here is the white house reaction to the news that mccabe was indeed stepping down. The president wasnt a part of this Decision Making process, and we would refer you to the fbi where Christopher Ray serves a the director, which as i said last week and ill repeat again today, the president has full confidence in him and has put the decisions at the fbi in his hands. We turn now to our lead off panel on a monday night. Matt apuzo, no matter what you hear his name is matt apuzo, animist nbc contributor, and we welcome to our broadcast a former fbi special agent in charge for the Agency Seattle division where he served under fbi director james comey and reported to of all meme Andrew Mccabe. Matt, it falls upon you to explain this memo to our audience, what we know about what it includes, and what kind of fix might be in. Why all the hubbub surrounding this memo and why the rush to get it out . Well, this memo concerns surveillance a warrant for a surveillance sorry, an application for a surveillance warrant that was approved by a Surveillance Court to listen and eavesdrop on carter page, who at the time was a former Campaign Aide to donald trump. And the republicans have seized on this to say this was a political democratic driven, you know, overreach of surveillance power by the Obama Administration to go after political rivals. And this report is apparently going to make that case. And its going to make the case that some of this information in the application for a warrant came from the dossier, the trump dossier. This is the Opposition Research that was paid for first by antitrump republicans and then by hillary clinton. And so that is all tainted. Now, look, i would love to see this memo. Id like to see the whole fisa application, the whole warrant application. The fight is you cant tell the whole list of abuses. And we have republicans trying to make the case this is all tainted surveillance, but were not going to be able to see the whole thing. And the public is not going to be able to make that determination off of this report. That much is clear. A subquestion, that this is all predicated on the o. J. Trial, that this is an effort to cloud up the jury pool and were all in the jury pool. Is this memo going to have impact among the core or the general public . Are we going to have people walking the streets of new york, washington, l. A. , and texarkana saying, you know, i dont think they followed the right procedure on that fisa warrant . Right, theres no question that the harder this becomes to all understand, the better it ultimately is for republicans and for the white house. The more this is about, well, it was the steele dossier information used to predicate a fisa warrant or was it used to supplement a fisa warrant. The more thats the discussion were having, the less the discussion is about what was the Trump Campaign ties to russia, was it obstruction of justice . You know, the murk yr this is, the better it is for republicans. Obviously, if you really wanted to have a public discussion about the propriety of using information in a fisa warrant, you will release as much as possible. And as a journalist, im all for seeing as much as possible. Now, jennifer, the president on paper has five days to decide whether to hold it back or release it. I guess he also has the powers of redaction. Is there any reason to think that this thing isnt coming out in the public lair . Well, its possible. So they have several choices. They can decide to essentially block the release. They can decide to okay it and not object to the release. They can redact it further further, block it out more as you said or they could decide to stay silent. It would go back to the full house if they redact the release, and ive been told its very unlikely if the president of the United States blocks the release of the memo, that the full house would then vote to override that decision. So if they decide to block the release, then theoretically it might not appear, it might not be released. And jennifer, we saw schiff come out. And schiff said that in their meeting today they bleed, the democrats did and the minority, for the minority remarks about this to come out. Everything they wanted to say to counter the points in this edited memo, thats been rejected until this memo comes out. Would something lake that be leaked and find its way to the Public Domain anyway . Well, one would hope not. If it contains classified information, you would hope it would not be leaked. And this is part of the reason why the Intelligence Community was willing to share this information. They allowed members of congress to view classified documents, about a thousand pages and gather the information that was used to write these dueling memos. And the reason they showed it to them because they trusted them not to release it to the public or pull shenanigans that would compromise the sources or methodology in these documents. As a veteran of the bureau, whats it been like to watch . Comeys been fired. The president has been attacking a career Civil Servant over his twitter account for the world to see, and today we learned that mr. Mccabe is stepping down. What do you think the mechanism was . Do you think this was truly his decision as long as he got his retirement benefits, which he has worked hard to earn . And hes a great guy. Stellar probe, really lives up to his oath every single day. And i think ultimately he just got tired of being dragged through the mud. And i mean this is a guy whos a professional Law Enforcement and intelligence officer. This is why who has dedicated the last two decades of his life to public service. And through no fault of his own, hes been dragged through this partisan mud. And i think it just got to the point where its just not worth it anymore, and he had the opportunity to leave. Rather than accept a reg aligzilation to another role, and he took it, because thats who Andrew Mccabe is. I and i think it was an act of principle on his part. Whats it been like for you to watch the partisan stuff surrounding this . The notion that it may be a liberal cesspool of people wanting to bring down donald trump. Where the notion at the white house was you could wear any shirt you want as long as its white or blue . Its an alternate universe thats upside down. And every day you alternate between frustration and outrage. To see a Great Organization staffed by many, many outstanding americans, men and women both, who have to be dragged through this process simply for doing their jobs, for conducting investigations. Not just this one but around the country. Around the world. Around the world for that matter, and then have to be subject to these kinds of insults. Because this is more than just an attack on Andrew Mccabe or jim comey or even peat strauk. This is about attacking the people who make up the fbi because everyone of them represents the fbi. I want to ask your control room to get what comey said on twitter up on the screen. And while we do that, matt, talk to me about the pressure mccabe was feeling. The pressure hes been under. Special agent Andrew Mccabe stood tall over the last eight months when small people were all trying to teardown the institution we depend on. I wish andrew well and also wish continued strength for the fbi. America needs you. So the former director appealing right there to the rank and file. Matt, talk about the pressure on Andrew Mccabe. Anybody with a twitter account could see what the pressure was on Andrew Mccabe from the president s own tweets. Hes basically been taunting him for some time. Now, there is an Inspector General investigation going on in the Justice Department thats reviewing comeys handling of the clinton investigation, mccabe whether he should have recused himself because his wife was running for state senate as a democrat and took some money from clinton connected democrats. And look, all thats going to come out. And i think the feeling in the fbi today from people i talked to and my colleague adam goldman talked to was just a sense of whether you like Andrew Mccabe or you dont like Andrew Mccabe, the president whenever he starts mucking around in bureau affairs, it gets dicy. Now, the problem here is chris ray is a new fbi director. And a new fbi director would be expected to pick his own deputy and chief of staff and his own council. But it makes it difficult to do that when the president goes in and seems to call all the shots. Yeah, this is the kind of organic natural turnover that would have happened, but now its all cloaked in this. Jennifer, weve been talking about the pressure put on mccabe. Lets talk about the pressure writ large being applied on the department of justice . Right, so the president was traveling to davos when he was able to focus on the news that had just broken, about this letter from a top doj official to the white house saying it would be reckless to do so. The president s frustration had boiled over. Hed had a long week of frustration with the department of justice. Ive been told he has a bit of a preoccupation with the department of justice and its inner workings and has been very critical of what they do. At the beginning of the week he was critical of department of justice officials for failing to fiend these emails that, you know, could have shown some sort of bias. And he called in Jeff Sessions and ray into the white house on monday to talk to them about finding these text messages. Later in the week on tuesday sessions was back in the west wing. On wednesday kelly sat down again with Justice Department officials about various things. Things came out during these conversations in which both trump and chief of staff john kelly said, listen, youve got to live up to expectations. Youve got to really work here. You need to be great or youre going to go down in history as being some of the worst at your jobs in history. So really laid down the line of what they expect of them and how they want them to be handling their jobs. So it was a long week of frustrations. And then when this letter from the doj was sent saying dont release the memo,iest just told that the president and other white house officials were just thinking is this Justice Department trying to undercut us again . What is their motivation here . Are they trying to hide something . Are they trying to protect someone . Trump on air force one setoff a kind of chain of events where various people from the white house were calling their counter parts from the department of justice saying whats happening here, and dont overreach and keep in mind that you are really not a part of this decision to release this memo. Frank, i have 15 whole seconds for a last word. And that is for all the fbi agents tonight who are working a 4 to 12, serving a warrant or worse, do you have any memories of the rank and file Holding Together and keeping their heads down and doing their jobs . Absolutely none. There are total pros. It really is its a good thing theyre out dispersed around the 56 fields and offices around the world because thats where they should be. And well weather this. Weve weathered other crises before. This one is a little different and intense. But the country is in good hands. The fbi is a great institution. It has the interests, the best interests of this country at heart. And every one of them will live up to their oath and defend and protect. I keep saying wait until the country need them in a big way and this conversation will change dramatically. Thank you all very much. More on that partisan vote tonight from house intel when we continue, as we approach our first break. Well get reaction from California Democratic congressman Eric Swalwell of house intel. Plus the russian shadow hanging over the state of the Union Address, trumps first as president. Were just Getting Started on a monday night. Were back with more on this breaking news tonight involving both the House Intelligence Committees vote to release a controversial memo disparaging the fbi. With us to talk about what happened today california democrat, current member of house intel congressman Eric Swalwell. Congressman, you said earlier this afternoon on this network that this memo should never see the light of day. And i want to ask a question that sounds flat but not intended to be. Whats the worse that could happen . Good evening, brian. The worse that could happen is it would falsely poison the well of Public Opinion of the rule of law, of the independence that we are supposed to have at the fbi. You know, people ask me, you know, whats the big deal about this . In first world democracies you dont attack the police when theyre investigating you, and you dont use them to attack your enemies. And this is falsely attacking the fbi to protect the president. Its a line that we just cannot cross, and im still hopeful that we dont go there, but i think were as close as wave ever been. I know youre not able to speak to the contents of the memo. Its the point of the argument. But if youre able to even if it calls for speculation, whats at work here . Why is this being pushed out . Whats it toward . Ive read both memos, the republican one that will go to the public as early as tomorrow and the democratic one that theyve prevented the public from seeing. What this does is it really seriously discredits bob mueller and his investigation by putting out facts just not supported by the evidence. Its a brainwashing of the public, brian. And again what it risks is that it also has a collateral effect of the rest of the line, fbi agents who you referenced during the night, they have to go to courts tomorrow and put warrants and affidavits forward on Money Laundering cases, corruption cases. And if their credibility is undermined by this, thats going to affect their ability to do their job. Another question i asked in the first discussion, what it it turns out we really need the fbi . God forbid a thousand times if the president is briefed on a domestic terrorist plot in this country, and it works to his advantage, some reform hes trying to get, something laez trying to get through, does he need to stop and say, no, this time were serious . This is really an fbi product . And you cant have it both ways. You cant say that, you know, career officials like Andrew Mccabe and others are corrupt but those who work for them are not when it serves your purposes. And brian, i also want to go back to our memo and say the one they prevented the public from seeing is a tenpage painstaking rebuttal that relied upon actual facts, highly sensitive facts that not only rebut what the republicans will be putting forward to the public but will open the door to new evidence that i think will give even greater credibility to the work being done at the fbi. And so if the republicans truly cared about transparency, they would release the counter memo that correct the record and puts all of this rightfully into focus. Eric swalwell, congressman after a long day we appreciate you staying up with us. And after a break Chris Matthews is here. Well talk about the news tonight and preview the state of the union. Olay regenerist shatters the competition. Hydrating skin better than prestige creams costing over 100, 200, and even 400. For skin that looks younger than it should. Fact check this ad in good housekeeping. Olay regenerist. Ageless. So, howell. Going . We had a vacation early in our marriage that kinda put us in a hole. Go someplace exotic . Yeah, bermuda. A hospital in bermuda. A hospital in bermuda. What . What happened . I got a little overconfident on a moped. Even with insurance, we had to dip into our 401 k so it set us back a little bit. Sometimes you dont have a choice. But it doesnt mean you cant get back on track. Great. Yeah, great. Id like to go back to bermuda. I hear its nice. Yeah, id like to see it. No judgment. Just guidance. Td ameritrade. Its not every day that our friend Chris Matthews is with us here in new york. So we naturally asked him to stop by and react to todays news and predict to some of tomorrow emphasis you would know him as a host of hardball. But also the author of the bestseller Bobby Kennedy arb a raging spirit. Which is actually where im going to begin tan jen tale. Joe kennedy, the third, as my late mother would say a face like the map of ireland. Hes going to give a democratic response. Look at him. He looks like he could be a british royal, too. But they want somebody from the future. They want somebody from the strong future. They want somebody from the past. They want to go back to their roots and they want to talk about hope in the future. I talked to joe crowley, one of the leaders today. By the way, this is serious candidate. Maybe not in his own words, but there are people out there pushing him for 2020. The guy who pushed barack obama to give his speech in 2004 are pushing him. So this is serendipity he was picked by the leadership. But ill tell you, everybody likes him. In fact, ive met two politicians in my life who called me by my first name. Its very rare in politics to say just call me joe. I think it works with him. Hes giving a speech, by the way, for working people. Fall River Technical School thats where hes going to give his speech tomorrow responding to trump. You said something on your broadcast tonight that got our attention. You called the sum total of todays developments, where we stand a slow motion saturday night massacre. Why . Because hes purging one person after another. Trump is giving away his motive, which is really i think obstruction. He got rid of comey because comey was doing the russia investigation. And today he pushed out North Carolina mccabe and clearly going after rosenstein now. He want to cleary get rid of anyone involved with the prosecution. To me its prima facie. He may not have the knowledge to realize sometimes its the career Civil Servants are replaced by career Civil Servants and lawyers by lawyers and prosecution by prosecution. At the same time he makes it personal. He wants to decapitate, i suppose, the deep state. Hes going for both. Youre a speechwriter. I am guessing that if i gave you the assignment to write tomorrows state of the union, you might pull an allnighter, but you would emerge if he stays to prompter, it would be a terrific speech as delivered. The way i look at it if he does tax bill, the economy, wall street, infrastructure, jobs and stays to that, he could deliver you know how beautiful movie stars always play the sort of tough part like the monster of the movie . I think trump will play against type tomorrow night. I think he will play a very solid jerry ford day to day government servant and everybody will be impressed by that tomorrow night. And oh, it was so wonderful how he stuck to the teleprompter and he didnt go off script. Thats the bar for tomorrow. And well be sitting over here and talk about it. And i hope were not taken with that, because i think thats an embarrassment for our society. That a man can read a prompter and seen as a statesman. It will be his way of sticking it to his critics, like i can be a gentlemen if i want to be a gentleman. Do you agree with the following statement. No president has entered the house with his presidency in as much peril . Ones the economy. Nobodys been this lucky, successful, deregulating like mad, with the tax cut to give more stimulus to it, and the second is his show that goes on every day. And hell be tweeting out in the morning, right after this speech no matter how it well goes over hell be tweeting. 65 roughly of the country doesnt like this show. And the third ring is the is russian probe, which is going relentlessly forward. And were seeing obstruction. Whether the house of representatives, paul ryan, move on it, who knows . I think its coming before us. He does like the show, i think someone said tonight that could drop this house memo while hes delivering the state of the union. Hes good at that. And the American People are asking not to be reupped. Always a pleasure when you by. Chris matthews will be a big part of our state of the Union Coverage tomorrow night. Fans of hardball may be overwhelmed by the news there will be two broadcasts tomorrow night. The first at 7 00 p. M. Eastern, the second at midnight. I never know when youre kidding. Chris will book in here on msnbc. I think of hollywood glitter. You can stick around for a few minutes. Well see you tomorrow night, my friend. Coming up, the background and backdrop for tomorrow nights speech. Why we have never been here before. In fact its not even close, when the 11th hour continues. As i mentioned in the last segment no president has entered the House Chamber to give his first state of the uniondries as president with his presidency in this much peril. Numerous reports say lawyers are actively negotiating back and forth what form trumps interview with prosecutors might take. Trump will also be addressing a body that has multiple active investigations under way into russian interference in this past election and possible obstruction of justice. Our friends at the Washington Post put it this way. It will be an incongrus picture the American Public sees tuesday night, performing one of the most traditional of president ial rituals, an hour or so during which uninterrupted and unfiltered he can claim ownership for his accomplishments and set an agenda for the year ahead. We are fortunate tonight to be joined by three of our favorites. Robert acosta, moderator of Washington Week on pbs and an msnbc political contributor. And John Heilemann back with us. Greetings to you all. Kim, is it possible, would it seem in character if portions of tomorrow nights speech had a bipartisan reach, a bipartisan goal, a lofty reach across the aisle kind of whos with me spirit . Yeah, that will fall into that sort of traditional state of the union that youre talking about. And that is what the white house is saying the president wanted to do tomorrow to strike a conciliatory tone and talk about bipartisanship and unity moving forward as he, of course, touts his own record and pitches other agenda items like infrastructure. But its going to be really hard to do at a time given everything that is so unusual about this presidency and nontraditional. You have a host of lawmakers protesting, boycotting the event altogether based on the comments the president s made. You now have this House Intelligence Committee cer fufal over this memo, the government could possibly shutdown in ten days if they dont come to a resolution. And you have all this sitting on top of the state of the union. Even if the president reads from the teleprompter like chris was talking about, it doesnt give that same sense of, hey, were turning a corner here. Robert costa, take a look backwards one year. How consuming has the subject of all things russia been . It has been all consuming on capitol hill to a large extent. But its not the reason exactly for this legislative stall. Youre going to see this year a real lack of Movement Based on my report on some of these key issues like infrastructure, moving foreord on any kind of economic program, an immigration deal thats comprehensive. There are political fault linemizech and the russia investigation hangs over all of these divisions as a cloud, and that sharpens the partisanship. I mean we saw that just today. John, on the Winston Churchhill scale of we will fight them on the beaches, where is the bar set for this president s delivery of said speech tomorrow night . I dont know. I really think theres so much now in the either this notion, to your point looking back a year ago and trumps incredibly divisive early days, and he gives his speech and people apply the normal metrics to it. And now weve now had a year in which there was no relation of that speech to how trump governed, how he behaved, the russia probe and so much else that has occurred. I think people are now pretty wised up to the question of whether we should be judging the president by sort of the normal metrics. So i think people are going to be looking at through the window youre looking at it, brian, which is say this is an extraordinary thing. Even when nixon gave his state of the union and he was under investigation for watergate. This is in some ways more encompassing than watergate. Its a Domestic Abuse of power investigation and also the greatest policy scandal of our times. Kim, to pick up on your very last point, because the air is so charged and everything is so fraught his people, im sure, are hoping to get the speech on the prompter as delivered. They get into trouble the president gets into trouble when he employs kind of sentence helpers, greater than ever before, a couple of believemes, and then fills the space between lined on the prompter. Thats rutorically where hes gotten into trouble. Hes less likely to do those little quirks when hes in a more controlled environment like the House Chamber will be tomorrow night. Its not like when hes at a rally and feeding off the energy of the room and he goes off script. And thats where we see more of that. Im sure the script writers will avoid putting words in there like little, like to finish off that sentence little rocket man. I think for the most part we have seen this president give controlled speeches and manage to read a teleprompter for a period of time. Its a longer speech were seeing, for example, his address in davos. So theres always a potential that we will adlib a bit, especially if theres some negative reaction coming from lawmakers tomorrow night. Theres a possibility for that. But i think for the most part this is going to be one of those controlled teleprompter addresses. Hey, robert, before i sneak a break in a question about policy and this memo. Your understanding of this argument is mi6 going to read this thing, are people going to publicly debate this memo in the streets or people going to view this as a shiny object . I spoke a couple of hours ago with adam schiff, and he said Christopher Ray, the fbi director, advised him earlier today to not move forward tory leasing this memo. He urged people on the House Intelligence Committee to follow that plan. That didnt happen, of course. They decided to release this memo to the public in the coming days. And now you see people in the Intelligence Community and Law Enforcement community they wonder if this intelligence is so susceptible to being released to the public, it could raise questions in those different orbits. New reporting tonight on the russia front and new reporting the New York Times about the first ladys role tomorrow night. That right after this. The state of the Union Address is still most of a day away and they are already dealing their first crisis. That would be the state of the uniom, the misspelling was discovered with enough time to get them reprinted. This one on the house of representatives. Its their chamber after all. It was announced today the first lady will be in attendance tomorrow night. All eyes have been on her of late since the reports first surfaced at her husband had an affair with a porn star. She pulled out of the davos trip. He then went to the Holocaust Museum in washington alone before flying to florida unannounced via air force jet. So tomorrow night will be his first major public appearance since the porn star story first came to light. The New York Times reporting it like this tonight. Quote, the reports of a pauf blindsided the first lady. She has kept a low profile since. The the uncertainty over mr. Trumps appearance was in contrast to her willingness to show up and support mr. Trump in the past. Our guests remain with us. Robert costa, Kimberley Atkins, John Heilemann. Kimmerly, this is uncomfortable, but it is the state of the trump marriage and thus is news. You know, the state of the union is probably one of the most high profile events for the first ladies. They are there and usually get the biggest applause of anyone in attendance and theyre usually there with a special guest, whether its a member of the military or someone involved in one of causes that they work for. So it is an important event for her. We have seen her take her role as first lady very seriously. So im not surprised that she is going to be there. But, yes, look, as reporters we are talking about things like the fact there was a pay off before the election. As a first lady i cant imagine how difficult it is to deal with Something Like that at all, let alone in the public glare. So im inclined to het ler choose for herself and her son how she handles that privately. We have heard what we heard from this president on videotape. We have seen video of his hand batted away in an ambiguous. What has the white house had to say about it. Well, i always decline to speculate on any marriage because these are intensely private things. I will say having covered the first lady when she was on the campaign trail in 2015 and 2016, this is woman who is very private. All conversations she used to have with reporters were usually about her parents or her son or maybe something she was doing on the campaign trail. Very little else. This is not someone who would come as natural to the position of first liddy in terms of an outsized public role. So its somewhat not surprising for people who know her inside of the white house to see that a year in shes not perhaps based on all of this reporting, loving the position. Even though they hesitate to say much more because she relishes her privacy. And John Heilemann because of see many other shiny objects that didnt make it on the air tonight, the Trump Administration has decided not to punish anybody for now under new sanctions retaliating for russias election meddling. Its a surprising move from the state department. What do you make of it . Well, lets just review for the sake of history here. Russia intervened in the election in 2016. As a result of that the United States Congress Passed sanctions against russia over the objections of the Trump Administration. As part of those sanctions the Trump Administration was now supposed to slap penalties on people or companies that were doing business with the Russian Defense or intelligence agencies. There are people who have been doing that kind of business, and now the administration is declining to do what is supposed to do under that law that it objected to being passed in the first place. This will for anyone who thinks that donald trump or his administration are in bed with vladimir putin, are too soft on russia, this will be another exhibit in a long list of exhibits that will point to this and say we passed that law, you were supposed to implement it, you are now giving them a pass. Thats the subject we will end tonights broadcast or at least this conversation on. With our thanks to robert costa, Kimberley Atkins and John Heilemann. Another break is ahead for us. And coming up, the drive to keep going despite setbacks it is part of this day in history. Well explain. Jimmys gotten used to his whole room smelling like sweaty odors. Yup, hes gone noseblind. He thinks it smells fine, but his mom smells this. Luckily theres febreze fabric refresher for all the things you cant wash. It finds odors trapped in fabrics and washes them away as it dries. And try pluggable febreze to continuously eliminate odors for up to 45 days of freshness. Pluggable febreze and fabric refresher. Two more ways to breathe happy. Last thing before we go here tonight is about space. This past weekend upon hearing of a grim anniversary americans of a certain age might have remembered the tragedy tat almost derailed our mission to the moon. 51 years ago astronauts Grissom White and chafy were going through their february launch while a spark ignited their capsule and set on the pad. And in an instant three of our best and brightest were gone. As tragic as it was we did not let it stop us on our way to the moon. Yard was the 32nd anniversary of the shuttle challenger explosion. A searing day for those of us alive to see it on television. Because watching that explosion we knew we were watching seven people die. Among them were kristen mccallf. We watched as her parents witnessed the florida launch and seemed to understand that what nasa meant in the moment when Mission Control described it as obviously a major malfunction. Mistakes were made on the challenger mission, and importantly we did not let it stop our exploration of space. And now there are reports that a draft budget calls for stopping the u. S. Funding for the International Space station by the year 2025. Mistakes were made on the challenger mission, and importantly we did not let it stop our exploration of space. And now there are reports that a draft budget calls for stopping the u. S. Funding for the International Space station by the year 2025. That might be a slightly unsettling thought to the six brave humans who at this very moment going over 200 miles up, streaking around the earth at 17,000 miles an hour. They are, when you think about it, the only citizens of earth who are not living here on earth. And some believe the International Space station emphasis on international could go on. Even if the u. S. Pulls out. In other words, those who feel Space Exploration is essential cannot let it stop them. That is our broadcast for tonight. Ill see you back here from this very studio tomorrowing evening, 8 00 p. M. Eastern time is when it all gets under way. Our full live coverage of the state of the Union Address. Until then, good night from nbc headquarters in new york. This morning, a battle on capitol hill over a controversial classified memo written by house savers. It was voted to release the document despite concerns. Plus, fbi director antd rdr mccabe is stepping down. And we are counting down to tonights state of the Union Address. It will be a first fort President Trump who says hell be dressing bipartisanship in his remarkses

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