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Administration. He also hosted the canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the white house where the pair talked about trade among other topics. But once again this white house did not spend its business day on offense, advancing its agenda, played defense instead. On a story played out by a team from nbc news says, quote, President Trump wanted a ten fold increase this past summer with a meeting according to three officials in the room. The president of course labeled the report fake news. Are you discussing Nuclear Options . No, i never discussed it. That was just fake news by nbc, which gives a lot of fake news. No, i never discussed. I think somebody said i wanted ten times the Nuclear Weapons we have right thou. Right now we have so many Nuclear Weapons. I want them in perfect condition, perfect shape. Thats the only thing ive ever discussed. I want modernization and total rehabilitation. Its got to be in tiptop shape. Again, todays story is about the u. S. Nuclear arsenal, easily the most fearful single power of the presidency. Its a topic candidate trump talked about a fair amount in the years before taking office. Do you have oo priority . Because i want to go to senator rubio after that. I think nuclear, just the power and devastation is very important to me. Look, nuclear should be the off the table. When you said that, the whole world, the japanese, theyre hearing a guy running for president of the United States talk of using Nuclear Weapons. No one wants to hear that from a president. Then why do we make them . Can you tell the middle east were not using Nuclear Weapons . I would never say that. I would never take any cards off the table. What about europe . Would you use it in europe . No. Then just say it. Look, i am not taking cards off the table. I dont want to rule out anything. I will be the last to use Nuclear Weapons. Its a horror to use Nuclear Weapons. I am not be a happy trigger like some people might be. I think once the Nuclear Alternative happens, its over. At the same time we have to be prepared. I cant take anything off the table. A sampling thereof what we have heard on camera from him. In august on this network joe scar borough reported. Several months ago a Foreign Policy expert on an International Level went to advise donald trump, and three times he asked about the use of Nuclear Weapons. Three times he asked at one point if we had them, why cant we use them . Thats one of the reasons he has he just doesnt have Foreign Policy experts around him. Trump asked three times. Three times an an hour long briefing why cant be use Nuclear Weapons. And it was that summer meeting when the president reportedly made that remark about our Nuclear Weapons, which brings us to where we are in present day relationship with the president and lets not forget secretary of state rex tillerson. The report goes onto say the july 20 meeting was described as a lengthy and sometimes intense review of worldwide operations. It was soon after the meeting broke up that officials who remained behind heard tillerson say trump is a moron. I think i have a little bit different attitude on north korea than other people might have. And i listen to everybody, but ultimately my attitude is the one that matters, isnt it . Thats the way it works. Thats the way the system is. Our lead off panel tonight. Carol lee, Nbc News National Political reporter came to us from the wall street journal and was one of our bylines on the report of the president and our Nuclear Arsenal. One of several stories she has broken lately. Jeremy bash, former chief of staff and animist Nbc National Security analyst. And jonathan lemere, White House Reporter for the associated press. Also animist nbc political analyst. Welcome to all of you. Carol, id like to begin with you. We heard denials to your story carefully worded denials as your story was carefully worded. Set it up with exactly what youre reporting and what the denials were. Sure. What our reporting showed, and to be clear we talked to three people who were in this july 20th meeting, ask it was not a very large meeting. It was at the pentagon in a secure room known as the tank. And essentially the point of the meeting was to walk the president around the world and say heres the military assets we have in this area, heres the number of troops here. And as part of that whole presentation, they did a presentation on the Nuclear Arsenal. And they showed the president a slide with a chart that looked at the u. S. Arsenal from the 1950s to current and the russian arsenal from the 1950s to current. And the president looked at the chart, according to these three people in the room, and saw the point at which it was highest and said why dont we have that, why not that many . Lets get those, and i dont want this other, you know, 4,000. And so essentially saying i want to have a Nuclear Arsenal thats almost ten times as large as it is now. And one of the interesting things about that is the people in the room didnt take him literally, and they basically said, look, here are all the reasons why thats not feasible. We are bound by treaties. This would be a major budgetary restraints that would be incredibly kbensive. And also its just not necessary. Weaponerry has changed so much since the u. S. Arsenal was at its peak, and theres a whole bunch of conventional weapons. The u. S. President s comments was one of several in this meeting that took his advisers a little offguard a little bit. Jeremy bash, i have a few questions for you. Whats preventing us from adding to our arsenal . Whats the chain of command, in other words who gets to launch . And what scares you about the reporting of carroll lee and her colleagues . This shows a fundamental misunderstanding by our commander in chief on the role of our arsenal and whats in it. We have far more Nuclear Weapons than we have war plans for. In every region of the world our regional leaders develop war plans and they say how many weapons do we need, how many nukes do we need. It will cause proliferation and make the use of Nuclear Weapons that much more likely. The reason im so concerned is because in our system only the president can order a nuclear strike. And once he gives that word, his word are taken literally, his order cannot be countermanded by anybody. Anybody up and down the chain, five stars, three stars so on. No. The president says go, we go. After that sobering note, you were out on this story a couple weeks back. You too reported on this meeting at the socalled tank in this pentagon. Specifically the way they drew donald trump in, remind our viewers why were trumps businesses around the world invoked at this meeting . July 20th has become in ret row spect a pivotal for this administration. The president in weeks prior to that meeting had questioned the need for a robust american presence around the world. And in particular they were discussing on what to do in afghanistan. So secretary tillerson, defense secretary mattis, other top officials, other senior white house aides gathered in this windowless room in the pentagon known as the tank and mattis in particular took the lead in delivering this saying mr. President this is why we need embassies here, this is why we need forces here, this is why we need this base here. And to put it into context the way the president best grasps this information, a lot of maps were used, diagrams explaining in particular why this was was needed for americans, in particular one business most of all, the trump organization, to say this is why americans around the world, their businesses are safeguarded by this presence out there. And explained to him why this mattered. Now, the result of this meeting did lead to a rare win for secretary tillerson, which was pushing maintaining the force in afghanistan, the president weeks later did agree to that, even slightly increased the amount of force were going to have there. But the under current was not just afghanistan. It was sort of explained to the president why all this matters. Jeremy, youre a veteran of the tank. I assume after the years at the pentagon and i assume the room speaks of some seriousness upon entering. Yeah, thats the room where the chairman, the vicechairman and joint chiefs of staff meet regulary as a group, with the secretary of defense. And one of the paintings in the room is of course of president lincoln bringing our country together after the civil war. Its a very sobering room. Its concerning to hear that the senior National Security leaders of our country would have to explain to the president , the president s only financial bottom line. Carol, to your piece, lets start with the president on twitter, with all the nak news coming out of nbc and the networks, at what point is it okay to challenge their license . Bad for country. Licenses must be challenged and if appropriate revoked, not fair to public for the record. Nbc news doesnt operate on a license, but local nbc news stations broadcast with licenses. Then our friend former campaign strategist, steve smidest wrote this on twitter tonight, the attack by trump on the First Amendment today is likely the most unamerican sentiment ever uttered by a president of the United States. Cant think of another. Not to be out down, there is always historian michael begs loss back on the board on twitter reminding us about Richard Nixon floating the idea to challenge the Washington Post owned stations, their licenses. Weve been here before. Carol, first of all congrats on breaking the First Amendment. Im wondering how it feels to have this much pressure and talk exerted and talk surrounding the story you filed. Well, look, we feel like this is a very important story, its a very serious topic. And i have to say, you know, none of this surprises me. Yes, the president escalated, you know, his attack on what he calls fake news. But, you know, i fully expected him to respond this way. This is how the president responds to any news report he doesnt like. Its just and, you know, it keeps ratcheting up. When you look at the story, you cant the importance of this, particularly at this moment when the United States is in a, you know, the highest tensions that theyve seen with north korea and the president s about to throw the u. S. Nuclear deal with iran into uncertainty, this is window into how this president thinks about the most serious issues that any president faces. And so its not fake. And we expensively reported this. And we spoke with a number of people, and including three of whom were in the room, and each of them had the same thing to say about how the president conducted himself in that meeting. Ill take your window metaphor and raise you. Jeremy bash, this is all a window into the world. They can also hear, jeremy, loose talk about Nuclear Weapons, the only nation ever to use them in anger and kill hundreds of thousands of people. I think the president s position on expanding our Nuclear Arsenal on talking about only military options with north korea, brian i would rather have one First Amendment than 30,000 Nuclear Weapons. That one First Amendment protects far more than any Nuclear Weapon could. And remembering the chain of command, this is also being watched by people with stars and birds on their uniform, people with stripes and people with barmizech and people all down the line who are charged with keeping these weapons tiptop shape ready to go, as they say in south korea, ready to fight tonight. Of course, this talk comes at a time when the nation is facing a number of Foreign Policy crises. You mentioned north korea. The decision on iran looms. This is president still relatively untested on Foreign Policy. This is president when first dealt with his international cries over the summer used phrases like fire and fury. He made personal insults of what he felt was north koreas aggression. He took it personally. He wanted to latch back. There were people very concerned about perhaps the stability of the Leadership Structure in the United States, about the president s willingness to use this or at least express an interest in growing dramatically our arsenal when most military experts around him say theres no need. Our thanks. Thank you all being part of our lead off panel. Coming up the president speaks about the divide and Republican Party in this new interview tonight. Plus a new poll finds over half the nation says the president is unfit to serve. In other words, its just another wednesday night as the 11th hour rolls along. In fact were just getting started. I just saved thousands on my loan at lendingtree. Com. In less than a minute, i found out how much home i can afford. I like how you shop for loans the same way you shop for flights online. I didnt realize at lendingtree you can save money on almost any sort of loan. I consolidated my Credit Card Debt with a personal loan. 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That was the backdrop, a hanger full of supporters prior to the president s speech and that it aired afterwards. President trump tonight with a kind of backhanded compliment there for democrats. Again, he sat down to be interviewed with shawn henty in pennsylvania. Todays interview comes on a heels of a the New York Times revealing fresh frustrations inside the west wing. Some stemming with inside relationships with those outside his senior staff. Quote, chief of staff jun kelly and increasingly unwilling to be managed even just a little. The person close to the white house said the two men had engaged in shouting matches in recent days. The president has started to call people more on the weekends from the cellphone, didnt used to do the person said. Noting that trump often calls hannity after the fox news host nightly show. Tonight of course trump was hannitys guest. He took time to tout his tax play, talk about the progress of the border wall, and downplay the possibility of russian collusion during the campaign. Russia was an excuse used by the democrats when they lost the election. They said, why did you lose the election . They said, it was russia. It wasnt russia, it was a bad candidate. And then they say ah, it was trump that colluded with rusha. This was an excuse by the democrats and people got carried away. With us to talk about all of it phil rucker, anita cume ar, and sam stein now politics editor for the daily beast and animist nbc political analyst. Mr. Rucker, id like to start with you. First of all, you hear there the language of a threat of an existential challenge to his own election. We hear it often and in those words. Second, we also hear words that are serious that grab you and get your attention like unraveling and unstable. We havent heard this since nixons sullen days, his days of depression in the white house. Phil, this is serious language. It really is. And i can tell you im hearing it from people inside the white house and outside. Theres a lot of concern about this president s foul moods. Hes generally been unhappen in this office for many months. Hes concerned. Hes had frustrations, moments of tension with chief of staff john kelly. Although i should note theres no inldication that kelly is going to either be fired or quit imindependently, thats for sure. And youre right its a historic moment here, and we should take this seriously. Anita, a question i always try to ask you. How did the trump agenda move ahead today . Well, the president was out there trying to get back to tax reform. That was what that vet you talked about pennsylvania was. He tried to use that to talk about other issues. I heard very familiar things in that interview. Things he wanted to get out, and he had a very friendly audience there cheering him on with Shawn Hannity as well. So how did it move forward . Theyre trying to move forward on tax reform. But this is after the last week of dealing with criticism how he handled puerto rico and the hurricane. And then his tweet storm about senator bob corker on sunday. He got off topic, and hes trying to get back on. And thats just not the way things are going to get done. Sam, how far is this from normal and quite. Where is congress these days . And correct me if im wrong but i think the corker thing really opened things up. Extraordinary. And i thought this interview with Shawn Hannity, what was interesting about the interview was looking after the interview when hannity started talking to his audience members. I saw that. And i they all love trump and all hate the republican congress. And theres a real break part of it much facilitated by trump. When we talk about the inability of trump to move his party, its this skisism where he doesnt quite realize he needs them to do tax reform, he needs them to do health care. The harder your job is going to be. But then you have this collusion at the polls in 2018, 2020. Hes talking about the effect of a splinter team, the folks that have may have r after their name. But its going to be a different branch, a nationalist bannonite branch. If you run a primary challenger against basically everyone that they will vote for the trump agenda. Its possible bob corker did not say these things until after he wasnt running for reelection. But there are going to be some republicans who i guess say you know what, im not dealing with this. Im going to go out on a limb and if it costs me my seat, so be it. Thatll be interesting to see. Speaking of the president s mood and temperament because it is germane of the news you and i talk about on this broadcast. You talk about the iran deal in which the president threw a fit. Tell our viewers about it. Hes throwing a fit on this iran deal because weve had these quarterly deadlines. Every three months the administration has to certify whether iran is complying with this nuclear agreement. And hes been convinced the first two times in april and again in june to move forward, to certify irans part of the deal. Hes been convinced of that by tillerson, and others and he sort of lost it the last time around. And that was an indication to a lot of people in his cabinet that the president wanted a different solution. So they came together to figure out this way for him to be able to decertify the iran deal, which hes expected to do later this week while still punting it to congress to basically buy some time and keep some structure of the deal in place. And thats the compromised theyve settled on. Anita, some of these things in Foreign Policy have timers on them, they have reminders like an iphone. Theyre cyclical. These are things that compel involvement. Right. Definitely. And the iran deal is the first thing on his list that he has to determine in i guess the next few days here. Also the white house has announced that trump is going on an extraordinary trip. Hes going to five countries in just about three weeks to asia. That will be very key. Hes going to south korea and china. And north korea is looming very large. Theres so many things on his plate right now, domestic and Foreign Policy. Some things just cant wait. Our friend is going on that trip. Kicking the iran deal in congress, is that a start of what exactly could go wrong . Actually, i dont think so because a key member in congress, vocal grittic of the iran deal came out today and said we need to enforce it and keep it, which i thought was an inimportant tell. What i dont understand why the administration wants this. Were already in a standoff with north korea. Do you really want to throw a Nuclear Standoff in the middle east, especially when your own administration is saying iran is in compliance with this deal. Its sort of like were in a little bit of a crazy land here where youre going to say theyre not but the people say they are. Im not sure what the end game is here. All i know is the top people around donald trump is going to do it but in the minimum way possible. Thank you all for coming on with us tonight. And coming up a bold new prediction on how the Trump Presidency may end from someone close enough to trump to have an educated opinion about this. That and more when the 11th hour continues. For his daughter. Even being the back half of a unicorn. Fortunately, the front half washed his shirt with gain. Ah. The irresistible scent of gain flings laundry detergent. From godaddy in fact, 68 of people who have built their. Website using gocentral, did it in under an hour, and you can too. Build a better website in under an hour. With gocentral from godaddy. Welcome back. Thanks for being with us. Vanity fair is out with an article on this presidency. Its called i hate everyone in the white house, trump seethes as advisers fear the president is unraveling. Steve bannon told trump the risk to his presidency wasnt impeachment but the 25th amendment, the provision of which a majority of the cabinet can vote to remove the president. When bannon mentioned the 25th amendment, trump said whats that. According to a source bannon told people he thinks trump, quote, the president has only a 30 chance of making to full term. Joining us tonight michael steele, former chairman of the Republican Party. Both are msnbc analysts. Michael, what do you make of that . If a heart surgeon said im going to open you up, 30 chance were going to be talking on the other end. Would you take that chance . Probably not. With bannon you never know. I think what bannon was getting on that not so much the president was somehow in peril, but sort of reemphasizing to him why the mission was so important and to make it very clear hes got enemies on all sides, even inside his own cabinet. And the fact of the matter is they want to hunker down now. Bannon has declared war on the Republican Party. Nationally hes going after imcumbent elected officials. Now even talking about governors and state legislators. And so this is big problem, and i think that is just sort of a one off. I dont think that bannon is sitting there thinking that the president wont make it through the rest of his term. I think hes just emphasizing the importance to the president of just how difficult those around him have been for him. Well navigated, mr. Chairman. Youve heard the phrase, both of you gentleman, ripped from the headlines, this is the headline of eugenes column. Trump has more than three years left in his term, what are we going to do . Okay, mr. Pulletser prizewinning communist, what are we going to do tonight . I have listen to your show. It has been frightening. Lets look at the vanity fair piece, which i read and i was trying to imagine the content. I assume steve bannon was saying the 25th amendment is going to happen because you are unfit that your president is out to get you, that your Vice President and cabinet may decide they may want to get you, that theyre your potential enemies too, that is pretty insane thing for the president s chief strategist to be telling him. And i dont think that happens in a normal white house. But this is not a normal white house, so what are we to do . My solution is that Congress Steps up and does what the constitution says it should do. We have checks and balances in our system. Congress can investigate. Congress can provide oversight, the white house mainly has the power of the purse. The senate has the power to advice and consent. And Congress Needs to step up. And frankly constrain this out of control president. Both eugene and michael are going to stay with usch were going to fit a break in and continue our conversation on the other side. And coming up a long time friend of the president tells the Washington Post he is shocked and stunned by some of what the president says, but to what end . Again, our conversation continues right after this. Welcome back. This is what we mentioned just before the break. Long time ally and friend of the president tom berric weighed in today telling the Washington Post, quote, he thinks he has to be loyal to his base. I keep on saying but who is your base . You dont have a natural base. You your base now is america. Show them who you really are. In my opinion, hes better than this. A new poll out today shows the president s Approval Rating at 38 . And according to this poll most people, 55 do not think donald trump is fit to serve as president. Back with us two very smart men on this topic, eugene robinson, michael steelee. Mr. Chairman, i cant believe i just said those words. Most people do not think the president is fit to serve. Yes, a stunning revelation for the administration and to the president for sure. I feel like theres sort of hanging out to a bubble that really blinds the administration and the president to what people are starting to pick up. Yes, youve got this solid group of people in this very narrow corner of the gop thats behind you no matter what. But as you noted his friend telling him youre bigger than that, and the urld with is bigger than that. And you now have to speak to a significantly more Important Group of americans. And thats all of us. And i think the president is having a hard time squaring that, and it shows on a day in and day out basis. He still thinks he has to be and dedo a reality tv president as opposed to just beelg president. Eugene, weve all talked about the people around the president who say the best way to reach him is through the media, the media you know he sees and reads. The tom berric interview was so interesting in that respect. Do you think its a way in . Do you think hes doing a favor for people who are trying to prevail here . You know i have no way of knowing what sort of conversations he might have had with people who wanted him to get a certain message to the president. But i think thats certainly a reasonable theory of how this came to be. And i think he certainly whether on his own behalf or on behalf of others was trying to get a message to the president. I read that story as a way of speaking to the president at length about his problems. You know, every president in my lifetime has at least attempted to speak and govern and embrace beyond his base. Some have been more successful, some have been less successful. But everybody has attempted to do it except donald trump. And i think you see the results. The intense on these sort of antitrump camp just goes up and up and up. Because he doesnt reach out to them at all or try to communicate with them at all. And his base shrinks. This is not a stable situation, a stable political situation. And mr. Chairman, last word if you can do it in 30 seconds. Sure. Do you take bannon lit ral and seriously when he talks about primary incomdants, that no one is safe thatheyre coming for you . I do because he already has. And hes done so successfully. The party better wake up and pay exactly attention to whats going on. On that note, gentleman, thank you. Another great conversation. Eugene robinson, and michael steele, thank you both. Coming up the talk that many people is too casual, too reckless, too dangerous about nuclear war with north korea. That and much more when we continue. As you may have heard President Trump today said perhaps he feels stronger and tougher on the subject of north korea than other people around him do. But a new ap norc poll shows most americans dont approve of his approach. Quote, the poll found 65 of americans think trumps comments have made the situation between the u. S. And north korea worse. Only 8 think hes making the situation better. With us tonight to talk about this, jeremy bash, a civilian veteran of the pentagon has been kind enough to stick around and join us for a second round tonight. Also joined by retired u. S. Army veteran jack jacobs. Jack teachers future Second Lieutenants at west point how to avoid the mistakes of the past. What concerns you about all this about loose talks of Nuclear Weapons and north korea. Im more complacent about north korea than most people. Why . I think its unlikely that kim jongun is going to do anything silly because his whole purpose in life is to remain in power. And launching an attack on the United States is dysfunctional to achieving that objective. And what about the home team . Thats different altogether, which is why its important to have people around the president who try to instruct him on the right thing to do. Having said that, the president at the end of the day can do whatever he wants, and that is concerning. Jeremy said you can lunge, tackle, say stop, dont do that, can try to make a phone call down the chain but you cant stop the command. You further said they drill on this three times every cycle. Its possible in the korean context we could be looking at a variety of conventional situations. Its important to note, though, brian, in war breaks out on the peninsula, its not just between north and south korea. Under our war plans and agreements with south korea, the commanding general of u. S. Forces korea takes command of all republic of korea forces and we fight as one military against the north. I think the thing to be most concerned about with north korea is a mistake. I dont think anybodys going to try to do something outrageous on purpose, but a mistake will definitely cause a lot of trouble. How should americans, peaceful americans, taxpayers, think about our Nuclear Arsenal, since there is so much talk about it and the president takes every opportunity to say we should have the nicest, the greatest, the most modernized. The largest number of warheads. We have a million, billion warheads. We have plenty. I think what you can say is we need modernization. That takes money and time. But having lots more nukes is not going to make us safer. Its likely to make us less safe. Its also on a hair trigger, which means is can be deployed very rapidly. Many people have said it may not be necessary to have as many weapons on a hair trigger and i think given the current context, that deserves a relook. Do you regard the opponent here as an already Nuclear North Korea . I think you must assume that it is. And theres not much chance we have of changing that because the independent variable here is china. I dont think chinas going to have a positive effect on the outcome. I think it just a matter of time before north korea has a deliverable Nuclear Weapon, but that doesnt necessarily mean that theyre going to use it. Remember that kim jong uns principal function is to stay in power and launching an attack on the United States and one of its allies isdysfunctional to the achievement of that. Why is it the on nation on earth to have set off Nuclear Weapons in anger, they have flown through two of our bombay doors and no other nation gets to kind of be the arbiter of who else gets to have them on the planet . Well, look, this is a nonproliferation regime that was set up. Were down to our benefit. Were down to a nuclear power. But we want to make sure iran does not go nuclear, that north korea does not expand its Nuclear Weapons stockpile. So i think our interests in the world are for nonproliferation and limit the availability and use of Nuclear Weapons. There was a great danger that north korea will then export even more of its technology to act as we do not now have Nuclear Weapons and who will do us who dont have our interests at heart, thats a real danger. And god forbid shots are ever exchanged. Isnt there an equal chance that the kind of fighting that could take place between south and north, again perish the thought, is the kind you served in, kinetic warfare of the classic variety . Much more deadly because youre talking about enormous number of soldiers on both sides. We have the capability of unleashing an enormous amount of conventional capability on the north koreans, so do the south koreans and the chinese. It could be a mess. The president has taken away the power of diplomacy. He said im not interested in that, only one thing will work. Gentlemen, wed like to have you both back. We feel the need to keep talking about issues like that. Thank you both. Coming up, an update on americans who need attention in two very different places. Hi, im the internet you know whats difficult . Armless bowling. You got this, jimmy you know whats easy . Building your website with godaddy. Pick a domain name. Choose a design. You can build a website in under an hour. Now thats a strike get your domain today and get a free trial of gocentral. Build a better website in under an hour. I love you. Last thing before we go here tonight is a gentle reminder to remember our fellow americans in Northern California and in puerto rico, victims of two very different and violent displays of nature. Its now been 21 days from Hurricane Maria made landfall in puerto rico. The government announced today the death toll has risen to 48. The guardian quotes fema as saying the government and its partners are only providing 200,000 meals a day to meet the needs of over 2 Million People who need food. They also report femas contract with world central kitchen, which provides 20,000 meals a day in puerto rico expired on tuesday. It will, quote, take several weeks for a new contract to emerge. The Washington Post reports over 80 of Puerto Ricans are still in the dark without power. Take this one example, a caguas, home to 100,000 people. This frame shows it visit at night, the next frame after maria hit and the final frame shows it this week as some lights have reappeared incrementally, most of them apt to be from generators. Meanwhile, firefighters in california continue to battle wildfire that in some cases can move faster than they can run. Its hot and dirty and urgent and relentless work and some of these firefighters among the bravest of all First Responders have been working 40 hours straight. And in that region where big fires are given names, the largest one called the tubbs fire is just 3 contained and on the run. Another, the atlas fire, also 3 contained. 560 people are so far unaccounted for, in part because when the fires approached them at night, some families just got out, got in the car and drove off. 110 evacuees have been found safe. Look at what is left of neighbors and lives. Please keep them in your thoughts. That is our broadcast for tonight. Thank you so very much for being here with us. Good night from nbc news headquarters here in new york. More evacuations and a rising death toll in california. Gusty winds continue to spread. Wildfires already among the worst in the states history. President trump renews attack on the press. Exclusive reporting by nbc news that he once said he wanted to return the Nuclear Arsenal to height at cold car. Trump interview, weighs in on strategy for north korea as the rogue nation minister quotes truck has lit the wick of war

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